03x10 - Aliens and Evil Places

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x10 - Aliens and Evil Places

Post by bunniefuu »

The Valley of Death...
su1c1de Forest...

the Mountain of the Dead...

For thousands of years, there
have been places on Earth

believed to be cursed and evil.

And those who chose to ignore
the warnings are said to have

mysteriously disappeared--
or died horrible deaths.

The locals
are very reluctant to speak

about what's going on.

They don't want people to go there.

There is an
area some people believe

possesses some form
of negative energy.

Almost as if there's a curse.

But what is it
about these various sites

throughout the world

that makes them so perilous that only

a brave few have ever been
there, and fewer still have

lived to tell the tale of
what they've seen?

This is a
warning to people,

don't go to the place where these
extraterrestrials come and

inhabit 'cause they will destroy you.

Millions of people
around the world believe

we have been visited in the past
by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And are they responsible for

creating some of the
world's most evil places?

Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.

Here, 60 miles southwest of
Tokyo, at the base of Mount

Fuji, lies the Aokigahara Forest.

Each year nearly 100 Japanese
citizens come to these

lush woods not to hike or
explore, but to commit su1c1de.

Just about
anywhere you are in the middle

of Japan you always see Mount Fuji,
it's always in the distance.

So even when you're
approaching near the region

when you're getting there
by train or by car

has this kind of ominous

Then when you finally enter
the forest at the base of the

mountain, it's super silent.

It's really quiet.
It's so spooky.

Known to locals as
"The su1c1de Forest,"

officials have long ago posted signs

warning those who enter to
turn back and seek help.

There's a car that's been
abandoned for a few months.

I'm assuming the owner of
the car went in from here

and never came out.

I guess they went into the
forest with troubled thoughts.

The Japanese have a very
close-knit relationship with nature.

I think a lot of people go
in and they're undecided.

And they have the ribbons so that
they can find their way back.

There's something about it
that's so like appealing and

visually it's such a strong
thing, but then you always know

that at the end of that
there's somebody's bag

or there's somebody's tent,
or there's somebody

who spent a lot of time trying
to figure out what to do

with their lives.

They do an annual sweep and
they usually find between

70, 150 bodies.
They find a lot of bodies.

And the number has been
increasing over the years.

Geologist and environmental researcher

Azusa Hayano has been studying

this phenomenon
for the past 20 years.

Locals don't
come here to commit su1c1de.

As children, they're told
not to come near here.

They're told it's a scary forest.

Yes, we did find a skeleton today.

I think it's about a year or two old.

It makes me feel sorry for them,
seeing how humans decompose.

I think it's impossible to die
heroically by committing su1c1de.

The overwhelming majority
of suicides are by hanging.

Some people who decide to
k*ll themselves come here fast

and hang a rope from a tree
then commit su1c1de quickly.

This is a farewell note written
on May 18 about a year before.

His name is also written here.

He wrote "I came here, because
there is nothing except bad

things in my life until now.

Please do not search for me.

"12:45 p.m."

He came in the afternoon.

Leaving a name is
a little bit creepy.

But the dead body should be

around here if the su1c1de
was only last year.

We actually spent two days
there walking through the forest,

and we did find everything
from places where

people had obviously attempted

to commit su1c1de or had thought
about committing su1c1de.

We accidentally found this,
but it's not a prank.

They nailed this character upside down

as a symbol of contempt for society.

No, it's more like a curse.

The curse is nailed in.

I think this person was
tortured by society.

There is no
question that according to tradition

that there are places that
over time, have become evil

but there's some type of
mystique going on there

that is not good nature,
but rather evil.

According to local
legends, people wishing to end

their lives have been drawn to
Aokigahara Forest for hundreds,

if not thousands, of years.

But why?

What is it about this particular
region of Japan that could

account for this strange,
morbid behavior?

Mount Fuji is so neat for a reason.

It's the Holy mountain
of the goddess Fuji

who once came to the Ainu,
the original inhabitants of Japan.

She visited them and
brought knowledge

So, it's a place of deep reverence.

Mount Fuji in
Japan is called world navel

It's one of the many
places on planet Earth

where according to legend,
the earth meets the sky.

And where the earth meets the sky
it's known as the heaven's gate.

It is a place where human beings
pass from Earth to the heavens,

and a place where otherworldly
entities, extraterrestrials,

pass from the heavens to Earth.

People go to Mount Fuji for
the express purpose of

committing su1c1de to release
themselves from this life to

pass through the axis mundi--
the world navel-- into the next

life, into a higher plane.

And that would explain the high
level of suicides at Mount Fuji.

Like the Bermuda Triangle
off the coast of North America,

Aokigahara Forest is also
said to contain high levels

of electromagnetic energy.

If so, might numerous recent
sightings of UFOs near Mount

Fuji be an indication that some
sort of dimensional time-space

portal might exist here--

as ancient astronaut
theorists believe?

In many
areas where dimensional portals

may exist, we see
magnetic anomalies.

In various places around the
world, in ancient sacred places

they always show certain
types of magnetic anomalies.

either negative or positive.

What we have
are mountains where somehow

the energy seems to
be of such a nature

that it transforms
human consciousness

and makes it really impossible
for us to live there

These are power places
where weird things happen.

And the suicides are not
necessarily related to the fact

that ancient aliens are
potentially there in the past or

that modern UFO phenomena are
happening there in the present.

But it goes to show that these
are powerful places where weird

things happen and where things
out of the ordinary happen in

the past and are happening today.

Could there really
be a portal or star gate

through which the souls of the

deceased can journey
to a new dimension?

And might this explain why
people seeking death have been

drawn to this forest for so many years?

Some researchers and ancient
astronaut theorists

believe such an outrageous
idea is entirely possible.

But further evidence also
suggests that some humans are

not so willing to give up
their lives without a fight.

And that their journey to an

alien dimension may not be a
positive one, after all.

February, 1959

A group of nine mountaineers
embark on a winter trek

into Russia's Ural Mountains.

a mountain
called Otorten, which in the

local Mansi language means,
"Do not go there."

Among them were
3 experienced engineers

the rest were students.
They were all young,

I think the oldest was
like 37 years old.

They had conducted other
hard treks to the area.

They were all experienced,
strong-willed, determined people.

On their fourth
night out, bad weather forces

the hikers to camp atop an area
called Kholate Syakhal, which in

Mansi translates to
"The Mountain of the Dead."

It was a very inhospitable,
very strange,

very, very hard place to be.

Snow, cold, freezing winds, and
very few living things around.

They decided that they would

spend the night of February
1st in an open area

not too far away from the
top of the mountain.

They didn't want to go back
to the forest, one and a half

kilometers, because it would

take them too much time, and
they would lose the day.

Ten days later, when
the nine adventurers fail

to show up at their destination,

military rescue teams search the area.

They find the hikers' camp abandoned

and a tent that is badly damaged.

The investigators determine that
the tent has been cut and ripped

open from the inside...

and the hikers appeared to have

fled the area in only
socks or bare feet.

This tent had been
cut out with knives from the interior

It was absolutely obvious that

neither animals nor people had
approached the tent to break in,

meaning that nothing from this
Earth had approached them.

Something was pushing
them to run away

without taking any
clothing with them,

without taking any supplies.

They were behaving like they
were in a daze, confused.

The investigators followed
the trail to the edge of the forest.

But what they eventually find...

is beyond belief.

All nine hikers died.

They were discovered by Soviet troops,

in various stages of what can only
be described as being mutilated

Their bodies were burned.

Some suffered radiation poisoning.

In one case, a hiker's
tongue was missing.

They had prematurely aged.

Their skin was orange, their
hair had turned gray.

What could've explained this?

Three of them had
injuries that could be sustained

when somebody is hit by a
speeding car, except the

injuries were inside.

Their ribs were crushed,
like eggshells.

Some of them entered their hearts,

but there was no effect on their skin.

It was like a force was
directed at all of them.

An unknown
force had hit the hikers,

and it was very selective in
hitting only the hikers,

leaving untouched the snow, the
trees and everything else around.

The official explanation was
that the nine died from hypothermia.

But the chief investigator refused
to sign off on the report,

and instead resigned
from the inquiry.

When the investigation
was taking place

by the local officials, one of
the people in charge was removed

quite quickly from the very
investigation because he was

very thorough.

And local officials didn't
want this to come out.

The authorities

did their best to cover
the whole thing up.

It was practically
forbidden to mention it.

At the end the bodies were
buried in zinc coffins, I believe

so no one would see.

But there was enough of the
investigation, enough people

had seen what had been going on

and were amazed at
what they found,

including the coloration of the
corpses when they were found,

and other things,
that news broke out.

And this is one of the most

mysterious m*rder cases
in the former Soviet Union.

I am convinced it was a m*rder.

But they were not k*lled by
anything we know.

They were k*lled by an
unknown force.

Years later, members
of the search party spoke out.

According to their testimony,
at the time of the incident,

strange orange spheres or orbs
were seen floating in the sky.

These observations
are from local people who saw

some unidentified flying

objects during the night
of the hikers' deaths.

I think there is a clear connection.

The orbs themselves
could have been a life form,

the orbs themselves could have
been extraterrestrial probes.

Based on my
research of different parts of

Russia in history, fiery spheres
have been ever present,

including desolate areas like this.

Locals know they exist.

It's like a part of life.

They don't put too much attention
to them, and they hope

and pray that the fiery spheres
don't bother them, because

throughout the ages, most of
the encounters were peaceful


But once in a while, like here,
something goes very bad.

But what could have
compelled nine experienced

mountaineers to flee their
camp and run for their lives?

And what strange forces could
have caused such v*olence

and death?

Could the hikers have been
att*cked by something

extraterrestrial, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

During my research and
my 30 plus years of investigating

UFO sightings, in particular, I've
only come across several cases

in which aliens have actually
att*cked people like wild animals.

And some of these creatures had
claws and teeth, and they would

jump on people and scratch 'em,
and create claw marks in them.

But most of the time these
encounters, the aliens or the

creatures just want to
get away from humans.

There's no interaction whatsoever.

It could've
been inadvertent.

The orbs, in probing the area
where the human beings were,

created collateral damage.

Maybe they didn't mean
to harm human beings.

Maybe it wasn't an attack as
much as the power of these orbs,

the energy was so intense that
human beings were prematurely

aged, irradiated, and suffered all
kinds of lethal biological symptoms.

It's not a
coincidence that UFOs were

reported by these hikers in the
Ural Mountains in the Place of

the Dead, "Do not go there,"
or so on 'cause I believe that

many UFO sightings come in
here from a parallel reality,

and they come through portals.

And this area may be a hot portal.

According to
ancient Mansi legend, the

Mountain of the Dead, where the
nine hikers' mutilated bodies

were found, was named after a
similar incident in which nine

Mansi men were also found dead
while seeking salvation from a

flood during ancient times.

But is it really possible that
the Mansi-- and the doomed

expedition-- were att*cked and
k*lled by otherworldly forces?

Perhaps further evidence can
be found deep underground...

not in the Russian wilderness,

but half a hemisphere away
on an Australian mountaintop.

The continent of Australia.

16 miles south of Cooktown near
the northeastern coastline

sits one of the world's most
mysterious and menacing geologic

features-- Black Mountain.

Standing nearly 1,400 feet
high, the mountain consists of

enormous black granite boulders piled
precariously one on top of the other.

Called, "Kalkajaka" or "Mountain
of Death" by the local

Aborigines, Black Mountain--
with its numerous dark

passageways and caverns-- is
considered a cursed and evil place.

What the
old people told us when

me and my brother Sam were growing
up not to go into the mountains.

We wanted to go and have a
look into the mountains

to see if there was a cave where
you could walk in but they said no

if you do go in,
you won't come back.

Black Mountain
is the most fearful place

in the north Queensland
area of Australia

The local residents fear to go
there, because many people have

disappeared, as if the Earth

or the mountain itself
swallowed them up.

The first
documented disappearance

involving European settlers
occurred in 1877, when a rancher

searching for a lost bull

near the mountain
was reported missing.

Since then, there have been
numerous stories of people,

horses and even herds of cattle
disappearing into the labyrinth

of rocks-- never to be seen again.

Local police and trackers

looking for the missing have
also vanished.

And pilots flying over the mountain
have reported strange occurrences.

flying over the Black

Mountains have commented that
there is unusual turbulence.

Of course they have
magnetic problems,

they have navigational problems.

They've heard loud noises,
cracking noises, expl*sive noises

They've heard like mournful, moaning
sounds. So this is a very strange area.

Some Ufologists
in Australia say that this is

the entrance to an underground
empire, inhabited by an

unearthly race of lizard
creatures and evil monsters.

The Aborigines don't call them

aliens, they call them
demons or spirits.

The Tales of the
Rainbow Serpent are among the

most important of the
Aboriginal lore in Australia.

It can be a punisher of
those who are out of line.

It sometimes swallows people.

It can bring chaos and destruction.

So it's a very awesome force.

The Rainbow
Serpent is a creator for us.

And it was told by our people
that the Rainbow Serpent

created everything for us.

It's a giver of life for us.

And this boulder rock here,
Kalkajaka, is very important

because the Rainbow Serpent
lives in the mountains here.

The Rainbow Serpent-- I
believe if you disturb her or

do something wrong that you're

not supposed to, I feel that's
when she turns against you.

To guard off any evil
forces from the mountain,

the Aboriginal people perform a

sacred warming and
smoking ceremony.

The warming and
smoking is for us to introduce

people on our country.

And it's also significant to
let the spirit know that we're

bringing somebody
to come and visit.

So the Rainbow Serpent that
lives here, he smells us and

he knows the tribal people from here.

We went there to
look for all the mysteries

connected to this area.

And because this was
a very abnormal place,

where people are disappearing,
we wanted to find an explanation.

So we entered this mountain and
there was a labyrinth of holes.

So we used rope in order
not to lose our way.

And when we came into the middle
of the mountain, we could go up,

or down, or to the sides, but
each time our path was blocked

with sand and rocks, and
we could not continue.

It's difficult to say if there
are any chambers or vaults with

any monsters, or a gateway
into a different time.

Although mainstream
scientists believe the strange

disappearances at Black Mountain
are most likely due to the

area's unique and dangerous
terrain, ancient astronaut

theorists have another, more
otherworldly, explanation.

The moment I hear
about giant snakes and serpents

my mind immediately goes to all the
other cultures around the world

that talk about similar imagery.

In the Hindu world, for example,
we have the stories about flying

serpents, just like we have the
similar stories in South America

with Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl,
this winged serpent flying

around in the sky which also
were described as having been

enormous in size.

So the Rainbow Serpent at Black

Mountain, was that really
a biological entity?

Or was it some type of an
extraterrestrial flying machine,

a machine that when people came
too close to it they fell ill or

died because of the
fumes or radioactivity?

Might the
Australian Rainbow Serpent

really have been some sort of
an ancient alien spacecraft--

guarding Black Mountain
from intruders?

If so, what might it
have been protecting?

In 1872, an expedition led by
William Hann discovered gold in

the nearby Palmer River.

Within 20 years, 55 tons
of gold had been removed.

Gold was
important to every society,

throughout centuries until today.

Gold does not rust.

Gold cannot be disturbed,
except you melt it, etcetera.

Gold is very, very important.

Gold shines wonderful.

In antiquity, the
extraterrestrials, the gods,

they asked humans for gold.

Humans had to produce in gold mines,
gold and make offerings to the gods.

Is it possible that
Black Mountain is not a natural

geologic formation, but was
constructed to hide debris from

an ancient mining operation?

This could have been a
place where thousands of years

ago, ancient aliens might've landed.

And the radiation deep inside
the Earth is so intense, that

people are dying from
radiation poisoning.

And that might well explain why the
Black Mountain, in the outback in Australia

is considered an evil place.

I really believe that
it should be really left alone.

Because they are real.

They do exist.

And I feel that it
should be left alone.

If extraterrestrial
visitors really did leave behind

high concentrations of alien
contaminants at Black

Mountain, wouldn't there
be other, presumably more

conclusive, examples?
Perhaps there are.

And one of them is believed to
be located deep inside Siberia,

in an area known as
"The Valley of Death."

Yakutia, Russia

This vast region in
north-central Siberia is one of

the most remote and least
explored in the world.

Here, deep within the dense
forests and thick marshlands

along the Vilyuy River
is an area many refer to

as "The Valley of Death".

The Valley of Death
in Siberia is a place where

local people will not venture.

Because they say no
one comes out alive.

The locals are very reluctant
to speak about what's going on,

and they don't want
people to go there.

It's an area of such
quote unquote evil

that the people who live there,
the Yakut tribe

describe it as a place that is almost inhabitable.

In 1854, geographer
and natural scientist Richard

Karl Maak was appointed by the
Russian Geographical Society to

lead a scientific expedition into
the dreaded Vilyuy River basin.

In his journal, Maak wrote of
several large and mysterious

metallic objects that the local

hunters referred to as "cauldrons."

pictures illustrate what people claimed

"cauldrons" had looked like.

The first picture shows a
cauldron upside down with an

open entrance where even a man
on his reindeer can enter it.

The second one shows another
cauldron with some side supports.

The existence of
the metal structures was

confirmed on three separate
occasions between 1933 and 1947

by Mikhail Koretsky of
Vladivostok who had traveled to

the Valley of Death to pan for gold.

He claimed to have seen seven
dome-shaped cauldrons, each

measuring 20 to 30 feet
in diameter, with odd and

unnatural vegetation
growing around them.

Some of the people
later reported loss of

hair, strange sickness affecting
them, strange condition of the

skin that would never go away.

But what could
explain such a toxic reaction?

And where might the dangerous
cauldrons have come from?

In search of answers, UFO
researcher Ivan Mackerle

and a team of scientists
traveled to the Valley

of Death to try and locate
the strange metal objects.

I didn't know if it
was just a legend or if it

was real, so I wanted first
of all to find this place and

investigate it to make
up my own opinion.

Using a motor-assisted parachute to

search the expansive valley, the
researchers eventually spotted

an odd circular pattern
in a marshland.

When the team explored on foot,
they found the ground under the

strange marsh area to be very unusual.

It sounded metallic
and hollow, so we thought that

we found the sunken cauldrons.

Then we found another place like it...
and even a third that had

higher magnetic variations.

All seemed like evidence of
caldrons sunken into the earth.

But before they
could explore the site any

further, members of the
exploration suddenly began to

complain of strange, even
bizarre, symptoms similar to

those described in local legends.

I felt very dizzy
all of a sudden, lost my

balance, threw up and had a fever.

And I didn't know why.

I could not walk.
I was losing sight.

I could not drink or swallow,
and the pupils in my eyes were

dilating fast.

So I thought maybe
I got some poisoning.

When I came home, I had a
thorough checkup and the doctors

couldn't find any
reason for my illness.

Have the explorers
actually found the location of

the metal cauldrons?

And what was the cause of

Mackerle's strange and
sudden symptoms?

Could it have been from some

sort of radiation deep
beneath the ground?

According to local Yakutian
legends, the metal cauldrons

were part of a powerful w*apon

left behind after a great battle
between extraterrestrial beings.

According to old
legends, there was an epic

battle between the forest demons

named Niurgun Bootur and Tong Duurai.

During the battle, fireballs
were sh**ting up from the Earth.

There was a horrible sound, and
all the forest area was destroyed,

trees were upside down
and rocks smashed.

And when
everything cleared out,

the locals found a vertical
structure that stayed there

for a while, until it
sunk into the permafrost.

The Valley of Death is said
to contain strange objects

embedded in the permafrost that
are activated through the ages,

through the centuries, and
basically sh**t out fiery

objects that intercept incoming

objects that are out to
harm the planet.

The local people
there say it is some kind of alien

underground installation, that
comes active and will sh**t

comets or meteors or areal craft
that are in the area

And, in fact, this may
have been what caused the

Tunguska expl*si*n.

Approximately a
century ago, relatively nearby

the Valley of Death, we had a
very enigmatic event happening,

the so-called Tunguska expl*si*n.

An expl*si*n of such extraordinary
mass and such extraordinary impact

that it wiped out almost
an entire area of Siberia

It was some type of
an expl*si*n that happened in

midair above the ground at Tunguska.

So, is it possible the w*apon
was deployed, maybe?

The only way that such a
thing is in fact possible,

is if extraterrestrials
had their hands in it.

Our ancestors could never have
built a defense system like that.

So if such a defense system
really existed, then it would

have had to have been 100%

extraterrestrial in origin.

This is such an
extraordinary story, that really

we have to wonder whether it
could potentially be real.

If it is real, then we are
really confronted with evidence

that at some point in the past,
something was going on on this

planet which is really ancient
aliens in its most physical form

with ancient remains which
could still be seen there.

Might the so-called
"Valley of Death" really be the

site of an underground
radioactive defense system, as

ancient astronaut theorists believe?

And might this help to explain
the numerous accounts of

sickness and death arising
from that region of Siberia?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found deep underground, not in

the Russian wilderness, but

half a hemisphere away...
in the New Mexico desert.

The Valley of Death...

Black Mountain...

su1c1de Forest...

The Mountain of the Dead...

Just what could be responsible
for the strange and deadly

occurrences at these and other
so-called "evil places"?

There are some cursed
places in this planet,

that are very strange. When you go
there, things can happen to you.

Maybe it was always that way,
but there are just some

areas down there you
just don't feel right.

There's one specific case in
France where by a very powerful place

which is actually called perilous
because it is a perilous place to go

and it was said that this was a
place where God had been seen.

So what we have here is
something which happened for

generations, and really warned

off the next generation not to go there.

There is an area
that they talk about in Lebanon

called Baalbek.

It's reported to be a landing
site for extraterrestrials.

Some people also believe
it possesses some form of

negative energy.

Almost as if there's a curse.

You can feel it.

It looms over you if you're out there.

There are some areas on this
planet that seem to have an

increase in radioactivity.

What caused that?

What happened?

Was there an expl*si*n?

Was there something from outer space?

Was there some kind of a craft

that landed that creates radioactivity?

Who knows?

But these are areas that we
human beings ought not go.

There seem to be
certain areas around the world

where there has been some kind of nuclear
conflict or radiation weapons used

or that there are some kind of
dumping ground radioactive waves

You have places like
Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan, where

certain skeletons are radioactive,
you've got areas of south west Egypt

where there are sheets of glass

as if from some nuclear expl*si*n.

In ancient India, you
have wars between gigantic tribes

sometimes, the gods, the so-called
extraterrestrials interfere.

You can read definitely
in the Mahabharata that

gigantic armies are k*lled.

You have some atomic b*mb, or
something like atomic b*mb,

because it is described that the
sun went up shining brighter

than the normal sun.

It was a gigantic lightning.

Then they describe in a circle

of about 20 kilometer
everything was dead.

And the ones who survived had
all kind of new sickness

which were never seen before.

Like the teeth falling out.

Today we call these kind of
sickness radiation sickness.

In a number of
occasions, you will probably

find that an evil place is a
very dangerous place because

what is happening there might
be the remnants of some kind of

ancient technology which
was in operation there.

We know that, for example, in
the mountains of Libya, there

are actually places where uranium
was mined 8,000 years ago.

And in those places,
clearly it is an evil place.

It should be avoided at all costs.

Might radioactivity,
or some other

unknown type of energy left
behind by extraterrestrial

visitors, really be the cause
of Earth's existing "evil

places," as ancient astronaut
theorists believe?

Eddy County, New Mexico

The Waste lsolation Pilot Plant.

Here, since 1999, the United
States Department of Energy has

been storing radioactive and
nuclear waste inside a salt mine

more than 2,000 feet underground.

Computer projections estimate
that the walls and ceiling of

this "geologic lockbox" will
collapse and entomb the toxic

refuse in about 1,000 years.

There have been all sorts of

calculations over whether
it can stay there forever

this is the sort of rock strata,
it's quite safe

and it's geological thought and so forth

but over the kind of life span
of these substances

a half-life of uranium
is 4.5 billion years

and plutonium is 25,000 years.
So in 50,000 years still half of

the plutonium will be there.

And there's no way over that
period of time that this stuff

won't become a very, very serious
hazard for the human race.

But what if a
nuclear waste disposal site

becomes compromised hundreds
if not thousands of years from

now, and toxic radiation leaks
into the surrounding environment

causing serious illness
and even death?

Might future generations of
humans also consider these

deadly sites to be cursed
or evil as a result?

Are the Earth's so-called "evil
places" really evidence of

extraterrestrial activity
thousands of years ago?

Could they be a type of
intergalactic "no trespassing"

sign, intended to protect us,
to frighten us, or to keep us

from discovering the
truth about our origins?

Or, perhaps, prepare
us for our future?
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