03x12 - Aliens and Deadly Cults

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x12 - Aliens and Deadly Cults

Post by bunniefuu »

Mass suicides

Human sacrifices...

Unholy rituals...

They had ripped vertebrae
from his backbone

to make a necklace.

And his body parts were
put in a cauldron.

Throughout history,

people have claimed to have
otherworldly knowledge--

and have led followers to commit
horrific acts of v*olence.

Are they con men?
Are they insane?

Or might the voices in
their heads really be

of an extraterrestrial origin?

Applewhite made the claim
that he was chosen

to reveal the truth as known
to these alien beings.

They believed that
those gods wanted

them to commit these acts.

We have to ask ourselves,
are they doing

this simply for their
own amusement?

Or, are they possibly leading
us in a direction, to attain

something that they want?

Millions of people around
the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And might they be behind
mankind's deadliest cults?

San Diego,
California. March 26th, 1997.

In a multi-million dollar mansion
in the gated community

of Rancho Santa Fe, police make

a bizarre and horrifying discovery.

There were 39 bodies found.

All of them dressed identically,

all with the same Nike tennis shoes,

all covered in purple shrouds,
all with the same haircut.

All indications are that
this was a mass su1c1de.

39 neatly arranged corpses

The final act of devotion
to a charismatic leader

named Marshall Applewhite

and the su1c1de cult he created
known as Heaven's Gate.

We do know one thing,

we don't care to clean
to the life of this body.

Applewhite believed that
on that particular night

a UFO would appear and the members of
Heaven's Gate committed mass su1c1de

immediately their souls would
be beamed up to the UFO.

We're ready to leave this place.

Marshall Applewhite...

Charles Manson...

Adolfo Constanzo...

Shoko Asahara.

Today, cult leaders are often
written off as con men,

hucksters, or criminally insane.

But in the ancient world, entire
empires were also ruled by men

who claimed to have direct
links to a higher power.

The Roman emperor Caligula
who is perhaps the most

infamous, ruthless and sadistic
ruler of ancient Rome,

he would even remove the
heads of statues of gods

and then place his own head there.

It was a concept that the
Romans had inherited

from the Greeks and the Egyptians.

The whole kingship of the
egyptian rested on the belief

that there had been a divine king called
Osiris, who had come from the sky

Ruling Egypt with his
sister wife lsis,

and from her was born
a male child called Horus.

Every pharaoh believe themselves
to be the reincarnation of Horus.

They truly believe this.

The pharaoh clearly
was really invoking,

and convoking the message
of the gods to his people

It was that authority
that built the pyramids;

that built the temple
complex at Luxor,

because the people believed
they were serving a god.

But were the ancient
kings, pharaohs, and

religious leaders merely
deceiving their subjects by

claiming to have a
connection to the gods?

Or might they have had actual
contact with divine or,

as some would describe,
"otherworldly" beings?

When we look at those
ancient systems of belief

where the ruler,
the emperor, the king

was not just the divine
representative of the gods,

but was a god himself.

We can see obvious parallels
with modern day cults.

Gods and aliens may at
the end be the same,

it's simply using different names.

Is this a spaceman from another
planet or is this a god?

And it's simply our terminology.

While in the hospital
recovering from a heart

attack in the early 1970s,
Marshall Applewhite professed to

have a vision that he and his
nurse, Bonnie Nettles, were the

so-called, "two witnesses" as
described in the New Testament

Book of Revelation.

After further visions,
Applewhite's story evolved--

he told his followers that he and

Nettles were actually aliens
inhabiting human bodies.

Applewhite made the claim that
he was the exclusive means

by which a power from outer space
would communicate with the world,

that he had been chosen
to reveal the truth

as known to these
superior alien beings.

Part of our test
of faith is our hating this

world-- even our flesh body
enough to be willing to leave it

without any proof other than
what we have come to know.

Whether the visions
Marshall Applewhite had were

real or imagined, one thing is

certain-- he believed
in them completely.

He clearly believed
his own teachings and

in fact, castrated himself

surgically because that was
part of the teaching.

They believed that highly
evolved beings would have no

sexual characteristics.

Someone who is a con man
is not going to do this.

If Applewhite really
was contacted by

extraterrestrials, were they
the same beings that ancient

astronaut theorists say visited
earth thousands of years ago?

But if so why would they
ultimately betray and deceive him?

Some believe the answer can be
found in the creation story as

told by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia,
the world's oldest known civilization.

The ancient Mesopotamians stories
talked about how the ancient E.T.s

really wanted to keep control
over the human race.

In Sumerian mythology,
the god Enki created humans

as a sl*ve race-- but his

superiors forbade him from
giving them knowledge

of their true origins,
for fear of revolt.

That was actually the
express intent of these

extraterrestrials to actually
create that kind of ignorance.

It's actually talked about in
some of the old creation stories

and that was really what
the Biblical Adam and Eve

story talked about as well,
when Adam and Eve wanted to

partake of the fruit, which was
a symbol for knowledge,

but the gods said, "No, you cannot
have access to that knowledge."

According to the ancient
Sumerian texts,

Enki defies his
superiors and hands

down this forbidden knowledge to

a secret society known as the
Brotherhood of the Snake.

The Brotherhood of the Snake
was originally an organization

by a benevolent alien who
wanted to bring this knowledge

but the other aliens objected,
defeated him and in fact,

turned the Brotherhood around until
it became a sinister force in history.

So, now the Brotherhood of the Snake
is used to undermine the human race.

According to ancient legend,

the gods infiltrated the
Brotherhood of the Snake

and the knowledge of their
true origin was distorted

and humans would follow
false gods and masters.

According to the legend, the
original Brotherhood of the Snake

spread out into many diverse cults.

And those cults in various incarnations
are still fighting one another today.

So maybe the truth is we're
worshiping the same people

more and more just
in a different way.

And we're understanding better
that they're not necessarily gods.

They're just advanced creatures,
kind of like us, that are coming here

and visiting us for a long time.

extraterrestrials really have

posed as false gods in order to
keep humans under their control?

And if so, could they have
appeared to Marshall Applewhite

and manipulated him and his followers

into committing a
horrific ritual su1c1de?

Ancient astronaut theorists believe
the answer is a chilling yes.

And for further evidence, they
point to a series of shallow graves

and a Mexican drug lord believed
to have supernatural powers.

Matamoros, Mexico.

Police investigating the
mysterious disappearance of an

American college student
make a shocking discovery.

On property belonging to drug
lord Adolfo Constanzo, they find

12 bodies buried in a row.

Some have been shot...

others hacked to death with a machete.

And one of the graves contains
the mutilated body of the

missing student, 21-year-old
Mark Kilroy.

They had ripped vertebrae
from his backbone

to make a necklace. And his body
parts were put in a cauldron.

Constanzo followers believed fervently

in his claims of supernatural power.

And it was that power that was
the glue that held the cult together.

And enabled him to m*rder
as many as 23 or more people.

But what could have inspired
such brutal and senseless murders?

Was it madness?


Or was Constanzo guided, as he
professed to his followers, by

otherworldly beings?

Adolfo Constanzo practiced
what is known as

Palo sorcery, which is a type of
sorcery derived from African religions.

He was a worker of
witchcraft who was trusted

by drug traffickers to protect them.

He became their miracle worker,
and to work his miracles, he

created a cauldron in which he
would have dismembered parts of

human bodies, of brain, all of
this to create incantations or

spells to protect his sponsors.

He claimed that he could protect
them from the police, he could

protect them from b*ll*ts,
and they believed in him.

This culminated in him
kidnapping and murdering and

mutilating different victims.

According to scholars, Palo Mayombe

incorporates traditions and
gods from numerous West African

religions, but Constanzo
claimed a direct connection to

Kadiempembe, more commonly known
by the Yoruban name, Eshu.

Eshu, he's got this very
elongated head, he's got

the very large eyes.

He looks a lot, in the

sculptures of him, like
an extraterrestrial.

He doesn't look very different from
the modern day greys and ET's

that we see so commonly.

Was Adolfo Constanzo really in touch
with an extraterrestrial being?

If so, what does that say about the
good or evil motors of alien visitors?

Eshu was the trickster
god, he could speak all the languages

he can change form, he can confuse,
he likes to destroy things,

he also likes to create opportunities.
So he can sneak up on you

in any number of ways, he
can be completely devious.

He's the master of lies,
a god who might tell you the truth

three times in a row, though in
the full time, he's gonna lie and

and that is the lie that's gonna trick you up.

And he's been setting his
court of feeding you truth

giving you hell only to
set you up for a foul

maybe for comic effect or maybe
for much more serious effect.

Eshu is also represented
in Haitian Voodoo as

Papa Legba, a god that has been
linked to another notorious

mass m*rder*r.

Papa Legba is Eshu.

This is the Voodoo name
for the same energy.

Papa Legba can speak all
languages, even the languages of

animals, so he channels his
energy through dogs, and

actually is somewhat fond of
that particular species, so

he'll more often take that
animal form than others.

The terrible serial m*rder*r, the
Son of Sam, David Berkowitz,

said he got his orders from dogs.

One could speculate Papa Legba
is speaking through the dog to

the sinister end.

Could the homicidal
acts of men like Adolfo

Constanzo and David Berkowitz
have really been inspired by

some unearthly entity?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, such an audacious

idea is possible, and for
evidence, they point to a number

of ancient legends and beliefs
throughout the world.

If you look across mankind's
wonderful variety of these beliefs

there are some odd type of
god figures which occur

in culture after culture after culture

they're completely resilient to change
its infortune of empires in history

One of the most powerful of these gods,
which occurs in several cultures

across vast of different periods in
history, is the trickster figure.

Trickster gods seem
strange to Christians

because they appear
to be demonic.

But typically, in traditional
religions, the gods are amoral.

And they have good and bad
qualities, and they can do

mischief as well as good.

And among their number is
Loki among the Norse gods.

Loki was a shape-shifter.

He could be a fish, often a salmon,
or a falcon so he could go fly.

He could make himself in any

shape he liked, usually for mischief.

Among the Native Americans,
there was the coyote, a great trickster.

In the Anasazi, there was Kokopelli.

Among the Aztecs and the Mesoamericans,
there was Tezcatlipoca.

Even the Christian
idea of Satan is a trickster god.

We have to ask are they doing this

simply for their own amusement?

Or are they possibly leading
us in a direction to attain

something that they want?

It makes sense that a lot
of the gods that we consider

"trickster gods" really
weren't gods at all.

They were extraterrestrials
that set themselves up as gods.

It's perfectly logical that
if you come to a place like

the Earth, which is not nearly
as advanced, of course you'd

set yourself up as a god,
or a king, or both.

If we look across the
whole range of new religions

and new cults which have claimed
contact with various alien

beings, quite often we see a
real trickster element at work.

One of my favorite examples of
what I would consider to be a

trickster god form, in a very
modern UFO framework, would be

Spectra, which was claimed to be
an alien intelligence circling

the Earth in the early '70s,

which was in contact with Uri
Geller and various other people.

Beginning in 1971,
renowned psychic Uri Geller,

along with Andrija Puharich--
a respected scientist

and parapsychologist-- claimed
to be receiving mysterious

telepathic messages.

The messages, they said, came
from a computer intelligence

orbiting the Earth that
called itself "Spectra."

It would help them see
amazing psychic phenomena.

It would make very accurate

predictions, which would
seem to come true.

And it was gathering around it
a number of people that really

believed that Spectra was a very
special alien intelligence.

Of course, it then did what
many trickster gods seem to do.

It told them a big lie.

It told them the world
was going to end.

And a lot of people said,
"Well, it's telling us

the world is going to end.
It must be going to end."

And of course it didn't.

Spectra have been a hoax?

Or might it have been a
so-called "trickster god"--

purposely sending false messages?

And might some similar
extraterrestrial force or entity

have been behind the actions of

Adolfo Constanzo and others like him?

Quite often in a
lot of UFO contactee cults, a

lot of information starts off
being very, very sensible,

appearing to check out, appearing
to have a lot of validity.

But it gets stranger and weirder
and predictions are made and

things are promised, which are

going to happen, which don't happen.

We see it throughout the 21st century.

Just as the new form of gods has
quite often become alien or

inter-dimensional or
extraterrestrial, those gods

are still going to behave
as trickster gods.

Just because they're aliens
doesn't mean there's not a

trickster element among them.

When on May 6th,
1989, Adolfo Constanzo was

cornered by the police, he

ordered one of his
disciples to sh**t him.

He was estimated to have m*rder*d
anywhere from 20 to 40 people.

But what if a similar deadly
cult is allowed to go unchecked

for hundreds of years?

Such a nightmarish possibility
did, in fact, happen.

And its victims numbered-- not

in the dozens or hundreds--
but in the millions.

Bangalore, India

In the private collection of
artist Jo Nambiar is a brass

medallion made to honor the
18th century Italian sculptor

Antonio Canova.

The medallion bears the bust of
the artist on one side, with his

famous work The Three
Graces on the other.

It is unique, not only because
of the medallion's artistic

value, but because it is
connected to literally hundreds

of murders committed all by one
man, known only as "Behram."

When we talk about "Behram"
what we're talking about

is a mass m*rder*r. He was directly
responsible or a made participant

in more than 900 murders.

That's a staggering number, and
what appalls us and intrigues us

even more was, he saw this as
an act of religious devotion.

Behram dispatched with
all his victims by means of

strangulation, using a long
strip of silk he wore wrapped

around his waist called a ruhmal.

The ruhmal had the Canova
Medallion sewn into it to add

weight to one end, so when
thrown, it would easily wind

around the intended victim's neck.

But this method of m*rder
was not unique to Behram.

It was also practiced by a
network of organized K*llers,

who by the 19th century
numbered in the thousands.

They were known as the "Thuggee",
and by even the most

modest estimates, they are
history's deadliest cult.

Nearly two million deaths
have been attributed to this cult.

found in mass graves throughout India.

They were really a band of thieves.

They made their money by
attacking people and robbing

them on the roadways of India.

Today, we call people often "thugs",
who are robbers, or violent criminals.

And this word comes
from Thuggees of India.

The Thuggee are believed
to date back to the

1300s, and although many have
claimed they were no more than

bandits, the Thuggee also
claimed they m*rder*d their

victims for a very specific
purpose-- to offer blood to the

Hindu goddess, Kali.

Murders were being

done in the name of
Kali by the Thuggee.

There was a definite cult
aspect to these murders.

They weren't just about robbery.

This was a devotional act.

Kali is the Black
Goddess, she has sunken eyes

fangs, and she has a
very long lolling tongue

She wears a garland
of human skulls.

And she also holds a severed heads
and she holds a machete in one hand

She's the most powerful
goddess there is,

because she is totally
unstoppable, when she's angry

The Thuggee cult were
wanting to offer blood to Kali

because they didn't wanna
spill even one drop of blood

they would strange
their victims so that Kali

would be able to have all
of the victim's blood.

Curiously, although
Kali is a Hindu god, the Thuggee

also included Muslims and Sikhs.

The Thuggees came from
a very diverse background.

So, we see these people,
following Kali, who may

transcend religion, and they
believe that Kali is a goddess

that comes from the stars.

This may represent an extraterrestrial.

Could the Thuggee
really have been influenced by

an otherworldly visitor-- one

who had been mistaken for
a god for centuries?

And, if so why would an alien

being have a thirst
for human blood?

When you look at the
history of ancient cults and

their worship of these
human-like extraterrestrial gods

you find atrocities, human sacrifice
in the name of those gods

They believed that those gods
wanted them to commit these acts

to commit the sacrifices.

Mount Llullaillaco.
Argentina, 1999.

At the top of this 2,200 ft. high
volcano, archeologist Johan

Reinhard discovers the frozen
remains of three human mummies--

one boy and two girls--
all under the age of 16.

Dating back approximately 500
years, they were also surrounded

by a number of gold statues, silver,
ornate textiles and pottery.

The children had been drugged
and left to die on top of the

mountain as sacrifices
to the Inca gods.

The lncas would make
human sacrifice after a major

earth event, like a volcano or
maybe an earthquake, and the

sacrifice would always be a child
between the age of six and

14 years old-- an unblemished
child, a perfect child.

Slaughtering their own
people, it was the ultimate sacrifice

to k*ll someone in order to
possibly get the gods to return

and that truce how intense those
encounters were thousands of years ago.

For the Aztecs, human
sacrifice was so important

that they believed it to be necessary
for the survival of the entire universe.

The Aztecs sacrificed because
they thought the gods needed blood

to maintain the universe.
And without human blood,

the universe would die.

At the consecration of one
temple, they allegedly

sacrificed 20,000 people, in
which the persons were taken up

to the top of these
pyramid-like structures.

They were cut open, the heart
ripped out, held up, and then

the bodies rolled down the steps.

But we have accounts that

there were actually
volunteers for this.

When we think of these
gods that the ancients

talked about, or the modern
cults talk about, are we to

assume that these aliens are
wanting us to conduct blood


Or could that just be our
interpretation of what they want?

Do alien visitors really
desire the blood of

humans in order to exert power
and gain control over the earth?

There are those who believe the
answer is yes, and that there

may be a greater, even
more insidious agenda.

And the clues can be found by
examining cults that don't just

call for the death of others,

but require the faithful to
sacrifice themselves.

North Africa,
the 4th Century A.D.

Throughout the region, small
bands of religious fanatics

wielding clubs have been
attacking random travelers on

the road, while
shouting praise to God.

Their hope is to be met with
retaliation and ultimately be k*lled.

These precursors to modern
su1c1de cults are called

Circumcellions, and their
followers purposely seek death

so that they may ascend and
join Jesus in the heavens.

The Circumcellions, interestingly
didn't k*ll themselves

they tried to provoke other people into
k*lling them so they were obnoxious.

They would wield
the travelers on the road

and bludgeon them with a stick
hoping to solicit a violent response

because they believed if they died,
they would achieve martyrdom.

And they tried so hard to be
k*lled, that when it didn't work

they'd bend together and
throw themselves off cliff

so they'd commit
mass su1c1de anyway.

Christian su1c1de sects like the
Circumcellions became so widespread,

that they drove the church to
declare su1c1de a sin in 364 A.D.

But what was it that inspired so many
early Christians to m*rder themselves.

In the 2nd Century A.D., more than
200 years before the Circumcellions

another group was born called the
Gnostics, who are still around today.

Gnostic believes that
the world we live in wasn't made by God.

It was made by lesser beings.

The "Archons" are celestial
beings, God made them,

but they got out of God's
control and they made Earth.

This whole world isn't
what it seems to be.

And if you have this knowledge,
then you can get into a higher world.

The Archons were entities,
they came to earth to divert

the human species
to their own ends

Imagine a group of extraterrestrials
that fed on human misery

they are here to this very day,
with every w*r, every famine

every plague, every human
mishap, those were the Archons.

Could it be that some
subconscious connection

to an extraterrestrial
past made groups like

the Gnostics and the
Circumcellions believe in

the existence of a world
better than their own.

In Geneva, Switzerland, in 1984, two
men Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret

formed a secret society called
the Order of the Solar Temple.

They preached that nirvana
could be found on a planet

circling the star Sirius

Luc Jouret was a kind of a
holistic healer that incorporated

bits and pieces
of different religions

Primarily Christianity,
the order of the Templars,

claims about extraterrestrials, into
what became his religious construct

While Jouret was
the figure head of the group

it was Di Mambro's young daughter,
who they called a cosmic child,

that was to lead
them to the new world.

Joseph Di Mambro managed
to convince his followers

that his daughter, Emmanuelle,
was actually a divine being

And his communication through
her allowed him to know

that their future on a planet
around Sirius was absolutely set

all they had to do in the end
was believe so strongly that

they were actually willing
to give up their lives.

Jouret and Di Mambro preached
that the apocalypse was near,

and to reach this new planet,
they needed to commit su1c1de and

have their souls
purified through fire.

All their bodies were arranged
in a network of chalets

in France and Switzerland.

And then there were timed

expl*sives that set
these chalets on fire.

The bodies were
essentially cremated.

After the last wave
of suicides in 1997,

the death toll increased to 74 people.

But authorities were even more
shocked when, that same year,

another fanatical group also
committed mass su1c1de for a

similar purpose-- Heaven's Gate.

When the suicides occurred
of Heaven's Gate, it

was initially believed that this
was just one more installment of

the Solar Temple.

It wasn't until later that
reports established that this

was another cult entirely.

In the late 1980s, at the
same time Heaven's Gate

and the Order of the Solar
Temple were gaining followers,

yet another cult was formed in
Uganda called the Movement for

the Restoration of the
Ten Commandments of God.

Their leader, Joseph Kibwetere,
claimed he was in direct

communication with the Virgin

Mary through electronics in his home.

The way that the Virgin
Mary was talking through

telephones, through the
television, bears eerie

similarities with the way a lot
of extraterrestrial-based cults

claim to actually be getting
communications from UFOs.

Kibwetere predicted

the world would end on
December 31st, 1999.

But when the date passed without
incident, he decided to bring

about the end of the world himself.

He poisoned them.

He threw their bodies down wells.

Finally, more than 500 were

locked within a wooden church
building that was set on fire.

In the end, more than 750
bodies were recovered.

It was probably the most horrific
cult tragedy in modern history.

Three separate cults...

all committing mass su1c1de or
m*rder within a five-year period.

Over 1,000 dead.

And all three cults believed
they had received messages from

otherworldly beings.

Messages that convinced them
that their deaths would

transport them into a
better life in the heavens.


Or might these cult members
really have been the recipients

of some sort of bizarre
extraterrestrial communication?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe that such an incredible

notion is possible.

And that the the evidence may be
found inside the human brain.

Tokyo, Japan.
March 20th, 1995.

Members of the doomsday cult
Aum Shinrikyo-- or the Supreme

Truth Sect-- place packages
filled with a deadly sarin nerve

agent on five different trains,
all racing into the heart of the

Tokyo underground.

Cult members puncture the
sarin-laced packages with

sharpened umbrella tips...

and their leader's apocalyptic
vision nearly comes true when

cries for help start to
echo throughout the subway.

This attack k*lled 13 people
and caused great injury to 50 more

and temporary blindness and temporary
effects to more than 1,000 people.

After an exhausted investigation,
it was determined

that the att*cks were carefully
and single-handed orchestrated

by Aum Shinrikyo's cult
leader Shoko Asahara.

He had visions about
the end of the world

and he decided that he would
put the script together

and he would heist something
out to the end of the world.

And he was a leader of a cult
that was responsible for perhaps

the most heinous t*rror1st
attack in Japanese history.

When Japanese officials
raided Aum Shinrikyo's

research and development
facility after the subway

attack, they found expl*sives,
a military helicopter,

weapons-grade strains of
anthrax and Ebola virus.

But the strangest item they

seized may also have
been the most deadly:

a mind control device.

Asahara convinced his
followers to wear a type of

helmet called a PSI helmet.

This stood for "Perfect
Salvation lnitiation."

This helmet supposedly would
actually connect electromagnetic

leads to his brain waves and
transmit information and thought

directly to his followers.

Is it possible that electrical
or magnetic impulses

can influence something that
simulates the feeling of

spiritual experience
in the human brain?

According to findings by
Canadian neuroscience researcher

and university professor Dr.

Michael Persinger, magnetic
fields can, in fact, affect the

brain's temporal lobe.

And he claims to have proven it
with experiments involving a

device he calls "The God Helmet".

Persinger's God Helmet
is one of the most

interesting new developments in

neuroscience and the
study of neuroscience.

By actually inducing fluctuating
magnetic fields in the human

brain, these fluctuating
magnetic fields have been shown

in many, many cases to give
people what can only be called

a religious experience.

Some have very shamanistic experiences.

Some have experiences which
absolutely mirror alien

abduction or alien contact.

It has left some people
very, very changed.

If the God Helmet
can induce spiritual or

otherworldy experiences, could
more advanced alien technology

have influenced mankind
in similar ways?

In 2005, geneticist Dr. Dean
Hamer published the results

of his experiments testing
whether or not human beings are

hardwired to believe in God.

After collecting DNA samples
and conducting a series of

psychological tests on 2,000
people, Hamer examined the

correlation between human
genes and spirituality.

We found one particular
gene that seemed to match up.

That gene is called VMAT2,

which stands for vesicular
mono amine transporter 2

but for handiness we
just call it the "God gene".

Some people have seized on Hamer's
very straight forward ideas about

an evolutionary benefit of being
capable of believing in gods

as saying this may be a sign of
alien genetic manipulation.

Might extraterrestrial beings,
really have exploited mankind's genetic

and biological inclination to believe
in the existence of a higher power.

If our DNA is made up of both
extraterrestrial and human genetics

then we have to wonder is it possible
that an extraterrestrial race

could influence us more because our
genetics are made up of them as well.

If extraterrestrials
have been influencing us

and our spirituality, and
into creating these cults,

it would seem that extraterrestrials
that have genetically manipulated us

have wanted us to have special
brains that would be receptive

to certain influences.

The fact that we accept
gods as mainstream and

think of aliens as just kind
of like a weird idea is just

because of where we are
at this point in time.

And, you know, a thousand years
from now it may be just the

opposite, and everyone will be
going like, "Of course, you

believe in aliens, but you don't

believe in that God stuff, do you?"

Might aliens have used
some sort of electrical or

biomagnetic technology to
compel cult leaders like

Marshall Applewhite, Shoko
Asahara, and their followers,

to perform horrific and otherwise
insane acts of m*rder,

t*rture and mass su1c1de?

Did these men and women-- as did
millions of others, going back

centuries-- merely come into

contact with a force
they didn't understand,

a force they misinterpreted?

Many modern day
cults that are led by, let's

say, madmen could possibly be
misinterpreting events that have

taken place throughout history,
whether it be things that relate

to the Bible or astronomical
things happening in the heavens.

But whether cult leaders
are misinterpreting

extraterrestrial messages or are
being directly guided by them,

might we someday discover that
the other worlds they preach

about actually exist?

And is their ultimate goal
to help us or to harm us?
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