03x15 - Aliens, Gods and Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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03x15 - Aliens, Gods and Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

Super human strength.

Super natural powers.

And the awesome ability to fly.

Throughout history...

mankind has told incredible tales

of Gods and super heroes.

But do we yearn to possess these extraordinary powers

for another, more profound reason.

Implanted within our DNA

is this desire to become godlike

to fly in the air or swim through the ocean or
especially to ascent into the stars.

Humans were created according to the image of God

so we are part of them.

If the so-called Gods had incredible powers

we have them in a stew.

Could ancient stories of godlike kings and heroes

really have other worldly origins.

Many of these sacred powers, given to kings of the past

we know today were more
than likely technology

that ancient men was given
from the actual Gods

which we know were probably extraterrestrials.

Millions of people around the world believe

we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true...

Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history.

And does it help to explain our continuing fascination
with stories of Gods and heroes.

Greece, the Island of Crete.

On the Lassithi Plateau over half a mile above sea level
lies the Dikteon Cave

This sprawling complex of caverns,
stretches nearly 1,5 square miles...

and archaeological finds
have shown a human

presence dating as far
back as 6000 years ago.

Historians believe, the first inhabitants
of the area actually lived inside the cave.

And according to legend...

its many chambers, were once home to an otherworldly being

Zeus, the Greek God of thunder.

In Greek mythology, Zeus is the son of Cronos

The king of the first generation
of Gods, known as the Titans.

Zeus's father Cronos is not particularly
exited about giving birth to a child...

because he has heard a prophecy, that one of his children
is going to overthrow him.

Though, as soon has his children were
born he just swallows them all down.

Now his mother, Rhea who is
Cronos's wife is disturbed about this...

so what she does she substituted a
rock that she has wrapped up in

swaddling cloth and gives it to
Cronos, which he swallows down.

And what she does is hide Zeus away in a cave,
so he grows up there.

In theogony the 8th century B.C. poet Hesiod

describes the cave Zeus was hidden
in as lying in these berry mountains

and specifically near the city of Lyktos,
the location of the Dikteon Cave.

But the similarities between this cave

and the cave of Zeus described in Greek mythology

go much further.

The ancients say, that one day
they are talking about mythology

it is about unrecorded events of their past.

According to the Greek myths...

child Zeus was nourished on a mixture of honey and milk
at the udder of the goat.

Now around 1900 A.D. a chamber in the Dikteon Cave

was identified by locals as the birth place of Zeus.

And when archaeologists went in there...

they discovered an altar which remains
of numerous religious offerings.

Amongst them honey and goat milk.

These remains date back 4000 years

the exact period in which the
ancient Greek stories took place.

The question is, is this once again a coincidence...

that modern excavations
find remains in this cave

that match up with what's
written in Greek mythology?

Also found in the Dikteon Cave

were numerous artefacts dating back to what
would have been the time of Zeus's childhood.

According to the Greek stories...

among them was a fragmentary inscription burying a hymn.

A hymn dedicated specifically to Zeus.

Could the Dikteon Cave...

really be the cave described in theogony?

And if actual location from Greek mythology,
really do exist...

could legendary characters and events...

also be based on historical fact.

We think of mythology of something which has been invented.

But really when we look at the ancient Greeks

they believe that the w*r of the Titans physically happened.

This was a w*r, which was fought in heavens by the Deities.

In Greek mythology...

the w*r of the Titans is a celestial battle...

waged by Zeus and his siblings known as the Olympians...

against their father Cronos and the Titans.

The Olympians were the victors in this battle...

were the Gods worshipped by the ancient Greeks.

But according to ancient astronaut theorists

these human like beings may have
been something other than divine.

And this mythical w*r may have
been an actual historical event.

To support this claim, they point to the
existence of similar myths and stories

told by different cultures throughout the world.

When it comes to warring parties of Gods,
Greece is not a standalone issue.

We have the same thing in Ragnar?k.

In Norwegian mythology,
we have this idea that

the Gods fought amongst
themselves as well.

We also have stories from Sumerian,
Babylonian, Hetite accounts

where it says that there was a fought between Gods.

We see the same story of Titans being
overthrown by a new set of Gods.

In the Sumerian epics
of the Annunaki coming

here as the original
culture in ancient Iraq.

So these similarities tell of a warring race of beings that

squabbled amongst themselves about the
rights of various areas on the Earth.

What can explain the similarities
of these ancient w*r stories

that emerged from all over the world.

Could they all be describing the same historical events.

And if there is a historical basis
for the legends and stories...

what does that suggest about the
incredible powers and weaponry...

supposedly possessed by the Gods.

It is very possible that the Clash of
the Titans known from the Greek times

is actually speaking of a much earlier epoch

of extraterrestrials having a titan battle.

The ancient Greek Gods had helmets that made them invisible.

They had breastplates that made them
impervious to their enemies weapons.

They had tridents that shock thunderbolts.

They had winged sandals that gave them the power of flight.

These are all profound
examples of an ancient

alien technology that the
Greek Gods possessed.

If mythical Gods and monsters really did exist...

were they as ancient astronaut theorists believe...

extraterrestrial beings.

And could this help to explain...

the enormous and enduring popularity

of Gods, Titans and other so-called Super Heroes

in today's popular culture.

There is so many different places where
the characters of Super Heroes come from.

But naturally so much of it is drawn from mythology

and from literature, because those
are such strong bodies of work

and so familiar and they become the
archetypes for all types of heroes.

The stories exist partly because
we want to dream of such powers.

We want to imagine what might be
possible if we had unlimited dominance.

We watch endless amounts of television

and movies, which says that amongst us are a group of people

who are more than just human...super humans.

And that somehow these people are born that way

or that something happens to them, which triggers this.

But basically the underlying subconscious message

is that we are capable of becoming Gods.

Implanted within our DNA

is this desire to become godlike.

Be it to fly in the air, or swim through the ocean,
or run super fast or...

especially to ascent into the stars.

Why are human beings so drawn to stories

about beings with superior abilities and technologies.

Are they looking for something larger

and more powerful outside of themselves...

or perhaps within.

In Greek mythology the titan Prometheus

is often credited with creating human beings

out of basic materials found on earth.

Prometheus was playing with mud and
made little figurines out of it.

Athena was fascinated with this and breath life into them.

The cynical read is to
say, what he wants is

somebody to worship him
like people worship Zeus.

He created that into his image
and he gave us all these skills.

Culture and technology and medicines

makes us what it means to be a human being.

Zeus realized that he couldn't uncreate these human beings.

But what he could do is limit them
in their capabilities and restrict

them in their capacity and prevent
them from becoming godlike.

It is as if the extraterrestrials

wanted to keep us from having all
the same technology that they had.

In another version of the story

Prometheus is said to have stolen a
spark from Zeus's lightening bolt.

In order to give humans the gift of fire.

When we are talking about 'A God' who gives fire to men

We realize that this is not 'The God'
as in the supreme being 'The One'.

But clearly somebody else an ancient alien.

We pursued throughout history...

to master the powers of the Gods.

But the question is...where did all those ideas originate?

And the answer is very simple...

due to extraterrestrial contact
in our remote past.

Could humans really be the creation of alien beings

with extraordinary powers.

Do we have a subconscious desire...

to reconnect with the so-called Gods of our past.

By becoming more like them, through
advancements in technology.

And could this explain the origins...

of ancient tales of Gods and Heroes...

who have thought to possess extraordinary powers.

Perhaps the answer can be found
near the Greek valley of Phocis.

And by examining the legend of the oracle at Delphi

Lydia, 716 B.C.

Gyges a shepard in the service of King Candaules...

becomes the unlikely successor to the throne...

of this ancient kingdom in modern day Turkey.

But the story of how this modest servant

rose from a shepard to a king...

is so fantastic, that many scholars and historians

have dismissed it as mere myth.

Gyges is out in the field and
there is a terrible earthquake.

He sees a cave open...

goes into that cave and sees a gold ring.

He just kind of walks into this like of chamber,
which is like a tomb where he sees a...

a dead body, that's got some jewellery on it.

Grabs this ring of it, because he is a poor man.

He puts the ring on and discovers that
it gives him the power to be invisible.

Here he has the kind of power a God would have...

- And does he use it well?

- Well actually, it is a little
questionable of how he uses it.

- He comes up with a plan.
- The next time he goes to visit the King...

he brings that ring with him.

Turns himself invisible...

seduces the Queen...

kills the King...

takes over the palace.

What we have here, is really a multi-layered legend.

We have but only the story...

of the fact that somebody in the past had...

the cloak of invisibility, but
actually that he did not invent this.

But this was a legacy from a race...

who had buried that dead and that alongside these dead

were artefacts, which were technological.

What kind of a magical amulet or
technology are we talking about here?

Was this the ring of the Gods, that was
described by the ancient Sumerians as the...

ring of cosmic soveranty.

According to legend...

a bloody civil w*r erupted, following
the death of King Candaules.

It ended, when Gyges obtained
approval for overthrowing the throne

from the Oracle of Delphi.

A mysterious priestess, who's eerily correct prophesies...

were said to come directly from the Greek God Apollo.

The oracle at Delphi...

whether it's a prophet or a soothsayer...

had a direct relationship to the extraterrestrial being.

The extraterrestrial being
communicated through the priest...

who would then interpret that into a language...

that listeners could understand.

But was it really a God who endorsed Gyges reign.

Or was Apollo, the son of Zeus, an extraterrestrial...

as ancient astronaut theorists content.

Was it...perhaps the same extraterrestrial...

who let Gyges to find the ring, that enabled
him to seize power in the first place.

And if so, could this be an example...

of aliens endowing a human with godlike powers.

To carry out some earthly agenda.

When I read stories, like Gyges of Lydia...

who has found this ring, which gave him
the capability of becoming invisible.

Then there are 2 things that I think of.

1. Is it just fantasy?

Or...do we have another reference here...

that describes misunderstood technology.

Because today, researchers at Duke University...

are trying to develop an invisibility cloak.

Duke University engineering professor David R.Smith

is the director of the centre for metamaterial
and integrated plasmatics.

For the past decade...

Smith and his team have been working to create metamaterials

or artificial materials that are not found in nature.

Just of a piece of glass, can control the way light bends.

Smith has set out to proof...

that certain man made materials can actually be constructed

to render objects invisible.

This is actually an example of a metamaterial.

This is a bunch of pieces of circuit board

all cut out and assembled together.

And on the circuit boards are little
pieces of copper that are tied in circuits

and each circuit has a certain
response to electromagnetic radiation.

And the combination of these patterns plus the shape

gives us something that we can call an invisibility cloak.

The idea behind the cloak is that it
renders something inside of it invisible

and is self invisible as well.

At present the device only make objects disappear

at microwave frequencies.

But Dr. Smith believes...

that soon this technology, will also
be able to make objects invisible

to even the human eye.

Just in the last year or two...

they have actually been experiments,
showing certain hide of

the cloaking ideas transitioning
to the visible spectrum.

Red, green, blue...
those experiments are actually being done now.

We will have invisibility cloaks at
some point, that we can wear as humans

I definitely think we are
gonna get there, because

science and speculative
science go hand in hand.

Science creates a base point...

speculative science pushes it farther into the future.

And that's how technology advances.

An actual cloak of invisibility...

Those still in development...researchers in Japan...

have designed an optical camouflage system

that makes special reflective material seemingly disappear.

Including the person wearing it.

Thus...bringing us closer to a achieving
a fully functional invisibility cloak.

Like the one described in the story of Gyges.

Could this mean that other, seemingly
far fetched devices of fantasy...

like flying carpets...

and magic wands...

are also based on science.

And if so, might they have been used in the ancient past.

Perhaps in the hands of extraterrestrial visitors.

Just because we are working on these technologies today

does not mean that we are the first.

Because we find multiple references...

in ancient texts that describe

devices with which you were able to go invisible.

So much of the story telling, deals
with the fact that what we deem

to be magic, can really be science at a different time.

If legendary tales, like the story of
King Gyges, could be proven to be real...

what does it suggest of other
fantastic stories of Gods and Titans.

Hissarlik, Turkey

Within this archaeological site, lie the ruins of Troy.

A place once thought by mainstream
scientists to be no more than myth.

Until Heinrich Schliemann unearth its remains in 1871.

Here in the 12th century B.C.

the ancient Greek city was the centre of the trojan w*r.

A Greek battle described in Homer's Iliad.

According to the epic poem, the Goddess Athena...

gives King Diomedes the power
of divine vision during the w*r

so that he could see like the gods.

Athena comes down and she wants
to help the Greeks, so she

finds Diomedes and she says I
am gonna help you out here.

So what I am gonna do, is strip away
this mist that is over your eyes.

And you as a human being, you don't really
know what is going on. You just see battle.

But once I strip away this mist, you are gonna
be able to see what is really going on.

In addition to a battle going on, there are Gods fighting.

King Diomedes sees that Ares, the God of w*r,
is fighting alongside his enemy Hector.

And he was not to use this site to attack the Gods

but that is exactly what he uses it for.

The side aspect of this, is this;

Is the question...did the Gods really have this.

Were they super human, like we want to become.

But did they have technology which enabled
them to do these kind of things.

Diomedes and the Gods power of super eye sight

may seem like pure fantasy, but enhanced vision

is also becoming a reality...

thanks to advancement in spectrometer technology.

Spectrometers are devices used to measure properties of life

over a wider range of the electromagnetic
spectrum, that is visible with the human eye.

And today, just as we are developing cloaking devices

we are also developing technology
to see through those devices.

Technology is driven by societies needs...

more than anything else.

But myths have a way of inspiring us and...

they represent a part of the imagination, which we need

to even invision the next generation of technologies.

If I dream, I could go to another galaxy.

I will sooner or later go to another galaxy.

We are the offsprings of the Gods and
all these things are in our brains.

We think we are very powerful.
In practice we are not...

but we have technology to develop the power,
because we are the sons of the Gods.

Might technology be our way, of reconnecting with the Gods.

Or did the so-called Gods deliberately
deny us their super powers...

as a way of motivating our imaginations
and technological achievements.

Perhaps further evidence can be found in the heavens.

At a Mexican ceremony, that commemorates
real life close encounters...

with aliens visitors.

Veracruz, Mexico

Five men in ceremonial dress ascent a 100ft. pole.

Once at the top, one of the men performs a sacred dance

or playing a flute and drum a top of a platform.

The other four men, launch themselves off.

It is a ritual known La Danza de los Voladores...

or The Dance of the Flyers.

The ritual has the leader stand on the top
of the pole on a tiny little platform

and the four flyers wrap up cable
around that pole and then...

branched out and fly around in a pyramid
shape in perfect synchronize order

is a stunning and daring thing to do.

And they are representing the bird...

they are representing the four cardinal directions...

they are representing the elements.

Heavily symbolic and mythic is a powerful ritual.

The Totonac people who practice this ceremony today

claim that it is a dance that is invented 500 years ago.

As a plea to the Gods to end a severe drought.

But could this ancient ritual...

have different, perhaps otherworldly origins.

What we have here with the Voladores...

Is 100% living mythology.

Something that describes...

and illustrates in front of our living eye.

The descent of the Gods...from a log time ago.

The motive of the Gods descending from the
sky is one of the most ancient stories.

If you go back to the old testament,
you have the story of the sons of Gods

descending from the sky and
they see the daughters

of men and they create
a race of giants.

In the book of Genesis, Jacob sees a ladder

ascending into the heavens.

With angels ascending and descending upon this ladder.

Jesus and the book of John describes the heavens opening

and being descending upon the son of men.

According to ancient astronaut theorists...

the boleadores ritual is a reenactment of a close encounter

with aliens visitors in the distant past.

They believe, extraterrestrials...

descended upon the flat mountain
tops of the Palpa region in Peru...

around 500 A.D.

Dropping from their aircraft and gliding
down to earth in spiralling circles.

The Voladores ritual...

was very technological as in...

you know, these beings descending from the sky in a circle

signifying a rival of the Gods.

Where does that flying or descending Gods motive originate?

Our ancestors saw something...

because why would you hurl yourself

from a 100ft. pole out of nothing...to imitate a bird?

Birds are not that important.
Something very significant happened.

Could an alien encounter really be the
inspiration for the Voladores ritual.

And could the Totonac people, who created the ceremony

really have been trying to mimic
the ancient Gods power of flight.

As further evidence, that early humans

may have encountered alien visitors
equipped with the power of flight.

Ancient astronaut theorists...

point to various artefacts and
statues depicting ancient Gods.

One of such an example is the Mayan God; Ah Muzencab...

also known as the flying beegod.

Another is the most prominent God
of early Mesoamerican culture;

*** Quetzalcoatl

Mesoamericans believed in the
plumed serpent or Quetzalcoatl,

which came from the sky bringing wisdom,

powered the wind...

and also influenced everything that
happened in the daily life of the Mayans.

In fact they looked to the sky for all
their answers, from everything as simplest

when to plant corn to when to go to w*r.

They believed all answers in
the universe came from the

sky and trying to relate
that to their daily lives.

The ancient record are loaded with fantastic
examples of the Gods flying around.

These are the ancient aliens

and humans are being shown the
ultimate capability of these Gods.

In my eyes...

because we are the sons of the Gods,
we are the offsprings of the Gods...

whatever humans can dream...

whatever humans think...

was once reality in the past...

or will be reality in the future.

July 31st, 2003.

The English Channel.

Felix Baumgartner...

becomes the 1st person to cross this 22
mile wide body of water in freefall...

using a specially made fibre wing.

But the Austrian daredevil...

is just one of many who have used
wingsuits to simulate fly...

by means of a freefall.

A wingsuit is basically a jumpsuit

that you put on under your rig

and it's designed to actually make
you fly when you exit the plane.

The material inflates underneath
your arms, in between your legs

and creates basically an airfoil

that you glide on through the air.

It is an amazing feeling, because you
are actually the pilot and the plane.

It is total freedom.

You feel as though you're flying.

Though you are falling...

you are using the air to manoeuvre your body.

And the wingsuit helps you cover a
lot of ground as you're descending.

Some people have been exceeding 2 to 1 glide ratio.

For example 3 to 1 would mean...

for every foot you descent, you
are travelling 3 feet forward.

We got these flying guys, that have these wings attached

to their backs and they hurl themselves out of planes.

And some even have rocket engines attached to them.

And so they essentially themselves become airplanes.

Now imagine showing that, to
someone from a hundred years ago.

That person would be in complete
'Ohh' of what they are witnessing

not understanding that there is
technology involved with this.

Just using our own body, we can not fly.

We have no wings, but of course we have the fantasy

and we have the technology to develop

wings that we can fly.

The pursuit of flight...

has been one of the most sought-after quests

in all of mankind's history.

Why?...Because with flight

you could reach conceivably the realm of the Gods.

From the ancient Greek myth of Icarus.

Fashioning wings of feathers and wax.

To modern daredevils like Felix Baumgartner...

human beings have been fascinated with

and often frustrated by their desire to fly.

But have birds really served as mankind's inspiration.

Or something else...something extraterrestrial.

And if ancient visitors could fly

What other powers might they have possessed.

And what abilities might early men have had...and lost.

Perhaps the answer can be found.

Not in the sky's, but deep beneath the sea.

Cape Sounion, Greece.

Purged on the headland surrounded on three sides by the sea.

Lies the ruins of the temple of Poseidon, built in 440 B.C.

The second son of the titan king Cronos...

Poseidon was worshipped throughout Greece

almost as much as his younger brother Zeus.

Poseidon was the God of the sea.

He was also the God of earthquakes and strangely...horses.

When Poseidon was in a good mood, he
created new lands out of the sea.

He gave calm waters for good voyages.

When he was in a bad mood, he
destroyed ships and brought storms.

Poseidon does rule over the kingdom of the sea.

It is envisioned as a kind of a place where people live.

When he comes out of that place...

yes, he rides the spectacular
kind of like water chariot

that is driven by dolphins and he
holds on to a really big trident.

In Greek mythology, Cronos eats all of his children

except for Zeus, who eventually rescues his siblings

including Poseidon from the belly of his father.

A potion is prepared, that makes
him heat up all the other...

siblings, Zeus's nieces become the Gods of Olympus.

But ancient astronaut theorists...

believe this Greek myth is actually a
metaphor for an extraterrestrial event.

They believe the notion of Gods being
vomited up from the belly of their father.

Actually describes mutinies aliens
being expelled from the mothership.

*** swallowed up into a living creature,
will not be able to survive for three days.

It will die from suffocation and will beginning to decay.

What we have here, is not a creature but something else.

It could have been an object, which was clearly
of a man made or extraterrestrial origin.

And mutiny took place.

Some of the extraterrestrials...

they had sex with wonderful earthly females/women.

They were not allowed to do this.
So one of these extraterrestrials...

who were not allowed to go back with the
mothership, had the name of Poseidon.

Poseidon felt in love, with a beautiful human girl.

And he made her pregnant.

Poseidon is married...right,
he has got a child.

Who has got some grandchildren...right.

There is this whole cast
of sea nymphs as well,

all of them presumably
like live in this place.

Poseidon has the power of the deep.

The unseen place, if you look out of the sea, you see...

surface and you are aware that there is
a whole world below that, suggesting...

powers beyond that, which meet the eye.

Among the mythical creatures, associated with Poseidon...

are the Telchines.
A race of advanced fish children.

The human like beings could live both in and out of water.

They're are masters of technology

and seem to match up with the fish Gods of ancient Sumeria.

Who worked for Enki, the great God of
alchemy and technology and smithcraft.

The Telchines are also kind of
in the shadowy territory of...

God, human...monster things.

They are just these kind of figures, who are not Gods
but were like human beings.

There is one story about the Roman version of Zeus; Jupiter.

Trying to destroy them.

Now, we don't know if whether they
are actually all destroyed but...

it's possibly because of their relationship to the magic.

In Greek legend, the Telchines were also metallurgists.

They were said to have created Poseidon's magical trident.

And to have cast the first bronze
statues of the Gods of Olympus.

And according to some historians, the Telchines
may not have been creatures of myth.

But were beings, who actually existed.

There were people called Telchines.
We do actually have evidence of these beings.

They were actually ancient rigs...

who had specific tasks and traits...

like metallurgy, like smithing and so on.

And so you could see how it is,
that a being like Telchines...

that these things could in fact not
just be these mythological beings...

but like actual people.

So the way that we look at the ancient Greeks and Romans...

would have been the way they
would have looked at the

stories that are being
told about the about ***.

We have got the stories of the Telchines.

And they were able to survive underwater.

For unlimited amounts of time.

Now how is such a thing possible...

unless you have access to some type of technology.

An Israeli company is currently developing

a human artificial gill system

that allows humans to take oxygen

from surrounding water, without the need of oxygen tanks.

You potentially can remain underwater

for unlimited amounts of time.

All the technology, that we are discovering today

is in fact old new.
It has been around before.

Could the ancient Greek myths
really be based on actual events?

Were the Telchines early humans
enabled with god-like abilities?

And were these powers really misunderstood alien technology?

Perhaps the answers can be found.

Not in the past, but in the present.

As modern day advances in science and technology

give us perhaps our greatest evidence...

that 'We' are not alone.

The ability to fly...

to thrive underwater...

and to travel through space and explore the universe.

At one time, these were all
believed to be impossible notions.

Dismissed as mere science fiction...

or Myth.

But man-kind's continued advances in technology

have made the word impossible, almost obsolete.

In our modern world...

steroids can help generate herculean muscles.

Titanium joints can replace and even
improve upon our own natural ones.

And even prosthetic gills are being developed.

So human beings can breath underwater,
without the use of airtanks.

Today, government contractors like
Raytheon Sarcos and Lockheed Martin

develop exoskeleton machines for the U.S. military.

When warned, they can allow soldiers to walk...

run and lift hundreds of pounds, with virtually no effort.

What makes exoskeletons so cool,
is that it is an every man thing.

Anybody can put one on.
Anybody can be the hero

You can take a person with any sort of physical weaknesses

and make them greater than the person they're fighting.

Exoskeletons would be a prime example
of something coming out comic books...

into mainstream reality.

And in reality, exoskeletons are
becoming very popular with the military.

A soldier can wear the Raytheon exoskeleton
for example and lift 200 pounds.

While these modern day superman
may be limited in their mobility

the development of exoskeletons

represents an incredible evolution in
relationship between man and machine.

But did such incredible technology exist before.

Perhaps in man-kind's ancient past.

Now is it possible, that some type of exoskeleton technology

was used in the remote past, for
example on the Giza Plateau.

Imagine the operator of one of those exoskeleton machines...

coming out of that machine.

That person, has super powers.

Even though, the person doesn't have any powers at all.

The person is only operation sophisticated technology.

One could argue, that with all the advancements

we are making today in science and
in all the other academic fields.

We are becoming more god-like.

We are not becoming Gods.

We are not turning into real super heroes.

We are only becoming 'god-like'.

Because of our technology.

I think, we have a need to push our bodies and our minds

to the utmost limits.

And strive for super intelligence, super strength...

and other super powers.

The reason is, that people have long been fascinated with

what could be stronger than humanity itself.

And if it's not human...

then it must come from somewhere else,
either a God or an extraterrestrial.

But with all of the scientific achievements...

is man-kind perhaps, making themselves
more and more vulnerable, to what could be

terrible consequences.

There are many tales of ordinary mortals...

ascending to become rulers, to become Gods...

various positions of enormous power.

Often these characters then become corrupt...

and the stories tick around and are
retold over a long period of time

long after their sources have withered away.

To teach us that power corrupts.
To be careful what you wish for.

And to be very cautious if ever holding grief power...

because of its ability to harm.

Almost 50% of our stories are about technology
run amok on the dark side of technology.

Because when you talk about super powers, when
you talk about all this transformation...

everything comes at a price.

And you always have to weigh, whether that
price is worthy or necessary to make...

for the greater good and sometimes it's not.

Sometimes the price you pay is just too
great, when you lose your own self.

Are all of man-kind's scientific achievements

really examples of emerging technology.

Or is the yearning for super powers
and heroic feet's embedded...

in our collective DNA.

Are human beings finally catching up to the abilities

of beings who have been here before.

And were they Gods or as some believe...

alien ancestors, living thousands of years ago

possessing powers and abilities
thousands of years more advanced.

Perhaps only time and further advancements in technology...

will tell...

or perhaps it will all be revealed...

when 'They' return.
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