11x04 - Suffer the Children: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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11x04 - Suffer the Children: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

- Mum...
- Please, you found out the truth.

The body is that of a black male child

Heart, liver, lungs have been removed.
Identity unknown.

Sangoma sometimes use animal organs in Muti, the potions

This is a child in London

Well, in South Africa there is many as a
thousand cases of human sacrifice a year for muti.

We have crosses on the child's back which
suggests Christianity more than a black magic.

What if this was an exorcism
but one step too far?

There is no abuse here. No
violent rituals. Not in my church.

Why did you insist that I intend this case?

But you see her, don't you?
It troubles you.


You better be in bed and
not on that phone of yours again.

Chantelle! I know you are not...



Chantelle? Chantelle!



Part 2

Yeah, OK. I'll call you back. Leo.

Chantelle Okonjo. 14.

Mother's a nurse. Came back from her
shift and found her daughter missing.

What connects her
to our two dead boys?

Mother said her daughter
was having nightmares,

told her the same people that
k*lled the two boys would k*ll her.

She didn't take much notice and
then the daughter disappears.

I told her to leave all
that evil business alone.

Why does she not listen?

My baby, where's my baby?

Church people. What church?

London Fields Methodist.

I asked.

Different age, different sex. Methodists.
I'm not sure this is connected.

What about the
fetish in the bedroom?

I've seen these things
in a sangoma's shop.

She's a teenager with a
conservative mother.

It's just as likely there's a
secret boyfriend in the background.

- And what if you're wrong?
- I may be wrong.

Until we're certain, we treat this
as related no matter what I think.

Look at them.


Get in the car.

Leo, get in the car,
leave this to us.

Let us do our job, please.

A young girl I know has one of these.
You might know her
- Chantelle Okonjo?

These are for woman's problems.

Very popular.
I do not ask my customers' names.

Pretty girl. About 14. She might
have mentioned nightmares.

If she was in here,
I do not know her.

Somebody smashed my windscreen a
few nights ago and left a message,

dead cat with a nail through
its skull. What was it you said?

Curiosity k*lled the cat.

You think it was me? Was it?

I listen to spirits.

I have remedies for sickness here,

sometimes maybe here.

Or maybe you think because I am a
Black man I am a vandal?

And because I'm a white man,
I'm a r*cist?

I did not do this.

But whoever it was,
you should take them more seriously.


Nikki Alexander, Pathologist.

- DI Brand.
- Nice place, I could do with a good tiler.

He doesn't come cheap.
Right, Vincent Fricks.

Television producer. Lived alone. No sign of
forced entry, so he may have known his attacker.

- Officers were called when
a neighbour heard shouting.
- Thanks.


Watch the head wound.

Someone has tried to garrotte him.

But he got his hands up.
Bag them please.

Dear, oh, dear.

TV producers, eh?

Lungs were full of water.

Lots of froth in the airways.

He was still alive when
his head was pushed under.

So drowning was the
ultimate cause of death.

What's that?

A hair, and a bit of tissue.

He may have
bitten the assailant

so we may have some
DNA evidence after all.

The ligature mark
cuts right through to the bone.

Put this in the middle of
the plinth and...

Professor Dalton.

You can't seem to get
enough of my congregation.

Perhaps you're
thinking of joining it.

Too much the sceptic, I'm afraid.
New premises?

We are lucky to have such a
well-connected benefactor. Dr Falase.

Ah, a fellow doctor.

Indeed. A fellow doctor.

A client of hers from
Mumbai was selling.

What was once a warehouse of beauty goods from India
will now house a beautiful religion from Africa.

Unfortunately, even repainting doesn't
get rid of the powders and curry stains.

Still, it will add some
spice to my sermons, no?

Do they need more? God never
has enough spice, Professor.

A young girl has disappeared.

It might be connected to
the deaths of the two boys.

So I have heard. I pray she's safe.

The police are looking for patterns.


The police target our
churches, our shops, our culture,

as if the only patterns they
seek must have a black face.

Is it any surprise that young
people are lashing out?

Nobody is being targeted, I assure you.

No? They were around
to see me once again.

A dead cat, I believe?

It seems
you've made some enemies, Professor.

Perhaps you should ask your
sangoma friend about this.

I did.

And now you ask me.

I cannot think that anyone in my congregation
would do such a thing. They are decent people.

Like my friend Dr Falase,
although perhaps not all quite so...

Connected? Generous.


Vincent Frick's hand.

It's gauged.


I had a closer look at Chambers'
ligature mark.

that also is gauged.

They are the same. You were right,
it was a musical instrument string.

Perhaps The Stranglers did it.

And I'll bet Frick's
was a Catholic old boy.

DI James, please.

Body of Christ.

- Body of Christ.
- Amen.

The body of Christ. Amen.

- Body of Christ.
- Amen.

Body of Christ.

By the same person, you say?

It's likely.

This is so hard to understand.

Is there anything you can
tell us about these two men?

Austin Chambers was
one of our trustees.

Fricks I only vaguely remember.

Both he and Austin were Old Boys,
about 25, 30 years ago.

I couldn't even say if they know
each another now.

Someone knew both
of them. Perhaps Father Reid.

I don't see where this is heading.

You don't remember seeing
Mr Fricks here at the school

either with Mr Chambers
or with Father Reid?

Of course not.

But you see that the school is
the connection between them.

Miss Alexander, if I
had any knowledge...

What about at your school
Anniversary party?

Father Reid wasn't on the guest list. If
he was here with Marie, I was unaware of it.

Was Mr Fricks?

There were so many people -
a concert, drinks, speeches.

One of our Year 12 may have made
a video of the evening.

Perhaps that'll help, I'll fetch it.

Professor Dalton.
Sorry to keep you waiting.

- Is this a bad moment?
- No, not at all.

I had some procedures to complete.

I leave for Harare tomorrow
but I have a few moments.

I heard you lecture once
on renal artery anastomosis.

I hope I didn't put you to sleep.

- Your practice is doing well.
- Mmm.

Much of my work's
outside of the UK now.

I'm involved in setting up clinics in
several countries in Africa,

in India.

But you're not here about my work.

No, I'm interested in finding out more
about the Church of Spiritual Resurrection.

Hmm. What you're really
interested in is the church pastor.

He's lucky to have your support.

And it seems strange to you that I should
be involved in a Church such as his.

A little.

Funmi Lambo and I were
children in Lagos.

When he came here to start his
church, I offered to help.

Don't forget, some of the traditions
he taps into are mine as well.

I assure you, Professor,

in his own way Funmi Lambo
is a man of God.

Now, you may not
understand his faith

or his Church

but you won't find evil there.

Nice to meet you.

OK. Hold on. Here.

Chambers and Fricks.

That's Father Reid
and Marie Williams.

She runs a half-way house for
young people with drug problems.


And here again...

Oh, no.

Do you know him?

Matt, the police want to ask you
a few questions.

Go into my office.
It's more private.

- Sounds good, is it yours?
- Yeah...


Possession, cannabis.

Possession, cocaine.

Two years for that, Matthew.

I don't do that any more.

No? And you don't sell to
your friends, either...

Tell me about Austin Chambers.

Don't know him.

How about Vincent Fricks?


That's funny, because
you were seen

talking to them both at the school
celebrations a few weeks ago.

There was a lot of people there.
I didn't know all their names, did I.

So you were never at
Chambers' house, at Fricks' flat?

I just told you.
They're not people I know.

How about Father Reid?

I don't suppose you knew him either?

The jumper. My mother's... friend.

Not one of yours?

Not really.

Dr Alexander is waiting
outside for you.

This is all because of her, innit?

Is it?

Now, this, Matthew,

this is interesting.

This is a DNA profile taken from
semen found in Chambers flat.

And this one is a profile
that we took from you, Matthew.

Perfect match.

- I didn't...
- Sorry, what's that?

I didn't want my mother to know...

What? That you're gay, or
that you k*lled him?

- I didn't k*ll Chambers. - You
supplied the dr*gs though. - No.

It... He.
He got them from his mate Fricks.

Chambers was alive when I left there.

And I only met Fricks at that party.

That's all. I didn't k*ll them.
I didn't...

Matthew Williams,

I am charging you with the murders
of Austin Chambers and Vincent Fricks.

Matthew? Matthew.

- Marie...
- My son didn't k*ll those men.

I'm sorry, but we found Matthew's
DNA at Austin Chambers' flat.

You know, Matthew may not have liked
Father Reid but he didn't k*ll him.

Or anyone else.

I thought you were
meant to be helping us!

It's Calabar!


That plant residue we've been trying
to identify in the boy's stomach?

- You said you were waiting to hear back from Kew.
- I still am.

But I, er, analysed on one of the
beans on this staff. It's a match.


Yeah. It's found in West Africa.
In powdered form,

the beans can cause paralysis.

Nikki said the ingredients would
identify who gave it to him.

These don't keep away evil spirits
away - they ARE the evil spirit.

We should let Rush know.

- That's him.
- What?

That was him.

She's from the church.

Police! Police! Stay where you are.

Get on the floor,
on the floor, move!


You, check that out.

- You are a dead man.
- Let go of me!

Please listen. What are you doing?
Let me go.

Seal off the house first.

Every bit of dirt gets
analysed by forensics.

You cannot just let them go!

That bean that you found came from
a shipment of West African junk

imported by a company in Brixton. There are half
a dozen other shops that sell the same thing.

Why not ask them about it?

We've pushed this as far as we can.
The teenager was her own daughter.

The other two children?
Grace Esan really is their aunt.

These two have done nothing illegal.

We're at a dead end.

Two children are dead.

One more is missing.

I know!

Every waking minute.

We'll watch them but
that is all we can do.

That's great.

No, no, it's not great.

I've got the GLC,

the African Association, African Churches of
Great Britain, the Committee for Racial Equality,

embassies, you name it, breathing down my neck
because you insist on pushing down blind alleys.

So that's that what you
think we've been doing?

You've made it personal, Leo.

This case is not about your own loss.

You've let it cloud your judgment.



Yes, sir.

Community leaders have asked
for a meeting this evening.

It would be helpful
if you were both there.


Time and time
again it is always the same.

Yes, yes...

Exactly, just like he says.

It's racism.


That's what it is.


The police target us. Always.

Stop us on every street corner. Every day. They
dragged my son off the street, searched him.

He wasn't doing anything. But he's black,
so he must have been doing something.

Please, everyone will get
their turn...

They came in to my church, asking
questions, demanding to know this and that.

In a church!

And now they say they are
going to close it down

unless we tell them
what they want to know.

The Metropolitan police is not simply
targeting your community, and we are

Move it!

We are not closing any churches.

One at a time, please!

We know what you're looking at.
Black churches and Black faces.



Don't you look in the mirror?

Call it what you like, it's racism.

No, no, no, no, no.
This is not what it's about...

It's... It's not what it about!

My name is Leo. I'm not a police officer,
all right. I'm a home office pathologist.

- My job... My...
- More lies everyone, more lies. More lies.

I'm telling the truth.

If these had been white children, they
wouldn't have been targeting white churches.

That' true!

That's not true, that is not true.

A girl is missing and
two children are dead,

not because of their colour,
but because they were children.

And truth is that

It could be any of ours. It could have been
your child. It could have been your child.

My child!

They were k*lled because that's
what they were - innocent children!

And somebody out there knows their
names, and knows where they came from,

what made them laugh, what made them
cry, what made them feel afraid.

Those two boys came here and they
probably thought that they were safe.

And they weren't and that is something
that will haunt each one of us

until we find out who did this
and how it was allowed to happen.

So please, please,

do not fight us, help us.

OK, help us.

Hi. They buzzed me in.

Peace offering.

I'll get some glasses.


Look, I wanted to apologize for
earlier today. I was out of line.

My judgment on this case
has not been clouded... by anything.

- Leo...
- They should have been protected. They had names, lives.

They should have been safe.

I understand what this is about.

Do you?

Do you really?

I'm just trying to say,


.. when Theresa
and Cassie were k*lled...

.. I knew you wouldn't
want me at the funeral.

I wanted to say, sorry, something.

What's passed is passed.

- Is it?...
- Yes.

You were here in London,

immersed in your work...

- Theresa was confused.
- I really, I don't need to hear any of this.

We made a mistake.

And don't tell me it that
didn't matter. It mattered...

.. but we overcame it.

I was going to say it was wrong.

We were friends.

And yes,

it mattered.

This case is about two dead boys.

And maybe a dead girl, maybe not.

That's all.

I should go.

All our victims are old
boys from Copingwood.

So I
went through the tox reports again.

This is Matthew's DNA
from Chambers' sheets,

which clearly links Matthew to
Chambers, the night he died.

But this is the DNA from the tissue
sample we found in Fricks' mouth.


Clearly they aren't the same.


So assuming the person that
Fricks bit was his k*ller then...

The k*ller isn't Matthew.


- And there's something else.
- There's more?

We knew that Father Reid's GP was
prescribing him diazepam for anxiety.

Nothing unexpected.

We also knew that Chambers'
tox report found levels of

the drug in his blood, well,
we found these in Fricks' flat.

So Diazepam is the link?

Not only Diazepam.

One very busy doctor.

Hilary Dawson.

Leo wants us in the team room.

Sorry. Won't be a sec.

Right, let's get down to it.

There's something missing, something we
could have picked up, but we haven't so...

Chantelle Okonjo.

Still missing, we can't be
certain that she's tied up in this.

Child A, body found tangled
in bush in the River Lea.

Child B, skeleton found a mile north
in the Tottenham Marshes.

They were six and eight
years old respectively.

Child A, internal organs removed,

heart liver and lungs, as well as

lips, eyes and genitals - he also
had his hands and feet cut off.

Child B, likewise, had hands and
feet severed. Now what else?

The mineral content of Child A's bones
suggested that he was born in the southern Congo.

Child B's bones pointed to an
area of eastern Rwanda.

Right. So we have Congo and Rwanda.

They're both largely w*r zones.

Which is why it's been impossible to
trace families from those countries, so...

or count on the authorities for help.

What else?

Their disfigurement and stomach contents
of child A suggest a ritual k*lling.

But that could be anywhere.

The Kindoki Church enclave is often associated
with the Congo, where we know he grew up.

But the Calabar bean
is common in Nigeria.

If these boys came from
families in w*r zones,

they may have left those
areas as refugees.

Which might explain the maize.

There were traces of maize in Child A's
intestine. But it was yellow maize, not white.

Yellow maize mostly
originates in North America.

So if it were food aid...

And he was in a refugee camp...

Many refugees from the Congo
and Rwanda ended up in Zimbabwe.

Mugabe's been trying
to get rid of them.

We also know that child
A was HIV positive.

Which slightly could mean
match of the continent.

But He'd had two blood tests, one of which
was likely to have been done at his home,

which would mean somewhere where he would
find a clinic or health care available

so Zimbabwe might figure again if
he had been in a refugee camp there.


There's also the henna.

That can be found throughout Africa.

Or India, for that matter.

So he grows up in Africa,

eats corn on the cob in the States

and visits a body artist in
Delhi before landing here.


I'll take the flag.

But if we're wrong?

From now on we leave
Lambo and his church alone, right?

What are you doing?
What is the meaning of this?

Why are you doing this to our church?

I have a warrant to
search the premises.

This is harassment!

You know I have nothing to hide.

Professor Dalton, why do you do this?

I don't want any other
children to be k*lled.

I want the people who k*lled these
children to get caught as well, Professor.

I have told you no lies... Never.


What's through there?
Stairs to the cellars.

Benga, you have the key?

Do you have the key?!


Samson, bring the key!

No one had known.

Watch your step, Leo.

What is this?

No, Samson!

- Ahhhh...
- Leo!

Get him out of here!

Does Dawson know we're coming?

Ah, no, no, it's a surprise.


Dr Alexander.

OK, Doctor Dawson
that's fine for now.


Came home from his surgery, went out
to feed the fish, someone wraps

a wire round his throat, pushes him
under the water of his fish pond.

There was the neighbours here who calls...

- And he doesn't have any idea who did this?
- Apparently not.

We'll get a statement from you
once you've seen a doctor.

Sorry! Sorry, you were at Copingwood too?

- Yes.
- You knew Austin Chambers, Vincent Fricks and Father Reid?

They're all dead and you were supposed
to be next. What's the connection?

We know you've been giving
prescriptive dr*gs to your friends.

At the very least you'll be struck off.


Who is the younger boy,
the fourth boy?

Mr Collins?

You can't know
what it was like.

First Chambers.

Laughing, enjoying it.

The pain.

And he laughed, he...

Then Dawson.

They said if he didn't he was
a coward.

And then Fricks.

He was the nasty one.

I was only ten and,

and they...

And then I saw them all again,
at the anniversary celebrations.

Laughing still. All of them.

And Chambers, putting
his hand on Billy.

a beautiful voice, little Billy...

I knew what Chambers would do.

What they all would do to that boy.

What about Father Reid?

Father Reid?

Did he r*pe you too?

He watched.

He did nothing but he watched.

And then, years later,

he is there,

listening to the choir, my choir.

"I want to confess", he says.

I do not hear confession.

There is no contrition for what you
did, for what you allowed to happen.


There's no redemption, Father.

Only pain.

You knew.

All along you knew.

That Seth Collins would do this?
I hardly think so.

You knew about Father Reid.

Father Reid was a man with problems that he
struggled to overcome but never succeeded.

Collins told DI James that
Father Reid had wanted to confess.

But it wasn't absolution he wanted, was it?

He WAS going to go
to the authorities.

He'd written down everything he'd
done over the last 30 years.

All that time you knew
and you said nothing?

Have you ever heard of Crimen
Sollicitationis, Miss Alexander? No?

It was written in 1962.

What the Vatican call the worst
crimes - paedophilia, bestiality

were to be dealt with in secrecy,
under penalty of excommunication.

Don't you see?

Father Reid had no choice,

except, perhaps, to end his own life.

Of course he had a choice.

You had a choice too, Father.



Your office said you were here.

They need to drain the
wound and check the stitches.

- But everything's OK?
- As far as I know, yeah.

They said they won't want me coming back
more than necessary. I'm a terrible patient.

No doubt.

The Moyos have barely said a word.

We found a box of cash, we think
it's the money they made. A grand...

Chantelle Okonjo has been found.

She was in Brighton.
Ran off with her boyfriend.

You were right then.
At least on one point.


Not just the one.

What about Lambo?

We think he genuinely didn't know.

The Moyos didn't bring those boys
into this country on their own.

They have relatives in Zimbabwe -
Lambo is helping us to trace them.

We don't know who's behind them and we
have no idea of the boys' names are yet?

We'll still keep looking, they may
have been trafficked. Who knows?

We can't just leave it there.

Sometimes there aren't answers, Leo.

Chin up.

You did the best you could, Dad.

It wasn't enough, though, was it?

Will that boy be all right?

Kidney transplant,

pretty routine nowadays.

Yeah, it should be fine.

Passport please.

Thank you.

Next please.

Passport please.

My youngest son.

He's a good boy. Thank you.

Benga Moyo won't be
answering his phone, Doctor.

Or his father.

You think I knew what they would do?

The Moyos were supposed to take
care of these children

and send them back to their relatives in
Zimbabwe to be looked after.

But you did smuggle them in.

For their kidneys.

Do you have any idea how many British
children are waiting for new kidneys?

Their parents will do anything
so that their child might live.

The first child we found,
his kidneys were intact.

He was infected with HIV.

Those fools in the clinic in Harare.

Perhaps they made a
mistake or were paid off.

They think I don't check and
recheck my donors here in London?

So, you bring the children into the country,
remove their kidney, the Moyos take them back.

I pay for everything.

Everyone wins.

Everyone wins.

Yes. Everyone wins.

'And when I get my clinics built,
it will be even easier. '

Rich people from here can fly
to Zimbabwe, South Africa, Delhi...

There's a ready supply of
kidneys, no waiting lists.

Their children will grow up
strong and healthy.

Their names, doctor.

'Two boys. Who were they?'


'They never had names. I didn't ask.
I didn't want to know. '

I called them Umfana.


They're scum.

they're not people.
They're... no-one.

It's OK, Dad.

Is it?

You're still sad.

That doesn't stop.

I wanted to find their names.

I wanted to give them peace.

To find out all the answers.

You can let go, Dad.

I've seen you here before.



A tragedy. You must miss them.

Yes, I do.


Put this on the headstone.

What does it mean?

This is: "I was here.

"I remember. "

It says they are
always in your heart...

I, er...

wish you a long life.
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