14x09 - The Prodigal: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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14x09 - The Prodigal: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

are you receiving, Echo Four? Over.

Can you hear me, Echo Four?


Urgent assistance,

Dutch embassy.

'Urgent assistance required, possible
multiple sh**t at the Dutch embassy.'

Received. One, possibly two
gunmen still inside the building.

Back up are on their way. We are going
to be the first to arrive at the scene.

Can I get an ETA on CO19 please?
'Silver Command ETA 20 minutes.'



'Oscar Charlie Four are you listening,
over?' Any more contact from Whitehead?

'Negative. ETA?' ETA is two minutes.

'Proceed with caution.
Hostile may be still on site.

'Repeat, proceed with caution.

'CO19 ETA five minutes.
Repeat, CO19 five minutes. Over.'

There is a body! Man down!

Man down! Stop!

Man down!
Cover me! Ryan!


Have we got permission
to go in, ma'am?

Officer down,
I'm not waiting, let's go!

Drop your weapons!
Drop your weapons!

DPG, drop your weapons now!

On the floor.
Weapons down! Drop your weapons now!

On the floor! Drop your weapons!

This is the Dutch embassy. Please,
Ambassador. You have no authority here.

One of my officers has been
shot dead.

You heard me. You will leave
immediately or we will sh**t you.


That was quick.
You still not sleeping well?

Not at night.

But I'm OK.

Are you? Yep.

What's the time?

12.30, we are not late, come on.

Shall we have some
lunch after the meeting? Yeah.

Don't forget the champagne.
Oh, yeah.

Morning. Hi.


Leo Dalton, MBE.

Thank you very much.
How did you know about it?

Janet told me.

I'm not certain that I'm
going to accept it yet.

Why not? It's wonderful news.
Closet republican or something?

No, I just feel like they
are using it to pay me off.

What for?

Same reason I've called you in here on this lovely
Sunday morning. Have you read the budget forecast?

Yes, but I thought we had more
students than we knew what to do with.

In pathology, yes, but the university...
And we bring in research grants.

The government are imposing cuts across
the whole sector. Sadly we're not immune.

How much do we need?
I've got 30 quid.

No, this is serious.

Are you suggesting we come up with
our own cuts and savings?. Uh-huh.

MOBILE RINGS Just as it was
getting interesting. Sorry.

I did suggest that he takes
more time off, post Hungary.

I think it's not working that's driving
him mad. He says he's OK. I don't know how.

I'm still affected by
what happened in Hungary.

We're going out for
something to eat later.

Maybe we should talk about it now.

We've got to go.
A sh**ting at the Dutch embassy.

'DS Mansfield, Gold Command
designates you as Silver Command.

'Over.' Understood.
At the scene now.

We should have held our ground.

You shouldn't have gone in there. One
of my officers is lying dead outside.

The building could have been wired.
Another is inside, seriously injured.

Did you manage to get hold of him?
He's still not responding.

It was the
ambassador you spoke to?

Yes, I met Mr van Buren when
he first arrived four weeks ago.

I assigned the officers
to look after him.

Two men holding the g*ns with him?

Yeah, Dutch security officers.
They identified themselves?

Yes. 'Incident Control
to Silver Command, over.'

Go ahead. 'Sterile zone
established and cordoned. Over.'


And that's your officer? Yes, that's
Ryan Barlow. White is still inside.

Why did they ask you to leave?

I don't know,
but he had every right to.

All nearby buildings clear, sir.

And CO19? On their way. Let me know
the second they arrive. Yes, sir.

What are you going to do?

Well, the Dutch government have been informed and
are making every effort to contact the ambassador.

I'm not criticising you,
Chief Inspector,

in your position I hope I'd have
been as brave and as reckless.

Who knows what is going on in there.

You did what you had to do.

Just when you thought it couldn't
get worse. Secret bloody Service.

Sergeant Whitehead,
are you receiving?

Come on, Craig, talk to me.

Control, anything from
inside the building?

'No traffic from inside
the building, ma'am.'

Sergeant Whitehead,
are you receiving?

And reports are coming in of a
sh**ting at the Dutch embassy.

Eyewitness accounts report the body of a police
officer lying outside the embassy building.

Police have sealed off the area.
More news on that as we get it.

What's going on? Doctor Cunningham
has arrived to see you, ma'am.

Thank you.

Doctor Cunningham?
Yes, this is Doctor Alexander.

The situation hasn't been contained yet.
Are the gunmen still in the building?

Possibly, we don't know yet.
How many dead?

I counted at least two.

Including one of your officers?
Barlow was shot outside the embassy.

Sergeant Whitehead, is still inside,
we think. Medical condition unknown.

And the ambassador's
daughter has also been shot.

Could you get down, please?

Is it t*rrorists?
Again, we don't know.

SO15 are here.

What do you think it is? I don't know. This guy
has been very vocal in favour of the Afghan w*r.

Who is it? The Dutch
ambassador, Pieter van Buren.

Isn't he the one
whose son went missing?

Yeah, ages ago. 1996, that was.

Sorry, you said
you know there are two people dead.

So you have been in there?
Yes, we were asked to leave.

By the gunmen?
By the Dutch ambassador.

What? Why? It's the Dutch embassy so it's in effect
Dutch soil. We can only go in with permission.

'CO19 imminent arrival, ma'am.'
Could you wait there, please?

It's the Dutch.
They are meant to be our friends.

What's happening now?

Who are they?
You don't want to know. MI5?

Never mind about that.
Any news from inside?

He is still not responding.

Eagle One, any movement or activity?

'Eagle One in position,
building in clear view.

'No activity, repeat, no activity.

The way I see it, we have no choice.

Charlie Oscar 19 Bronze, this is
Superintendent Mansfield, Silver Commander.

Are you in position?

'Yes, sir. Charlie Oscar 19 unit standing by and in
position. Armed entry has been authorised by Gold.

'Ready to commence
on your instruction.'

Right, we're going in.

Armed entry has been authorised

but we have two, possibly more,
seriously injured inside the building.

Confirm transmissions
are recorded and timed.

Stand by for my signal only.

'Confirmed. Transmissions are being
recorded, log in progress, over.'

All right.

On my mark.

Three... two...

Sir, front door's opening. Hold!

Weapons hold. Repeat, weapons hold.

IC1 male carrying injured
female is exiting embassy. Over.


What's he doing?

I am Pieter van Buren,
the Dutch ambassador.

Please, I need help.

Hold! Hold! The gunman may
still be in the building.

On my signal only.

My daughter. Please!


Silver Command, Charlie Oscar 19.

Commence entry and clearance
of the building now. Go! Go!

Can we go in, sir?
Not until they have made safe.

What's going on?
What about Sergeant Whitehead?

My daughter, please help!

Reception area clear. Over.

OK, let's go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Do we go in?

They said it's clear.

Detective Superintendent Mansfield.

My daughter needs help.
I was upstairs.

I heard the sh**ting and I came
down and my security was missing.

Why did you ask the
DPG to leave the building, sir?

My whole family was under attack,
he told me to get rid of them.

Mansfield, sir, permission to
enter the embassy? Are you OK?

Yeah, my daughter needs help.
Was it just one gunman?

Yeah. I didn't see his face. I was
upstairs and I heard a sh**ting...

Do you know where he is now?

He left through the back, I think.
Can you remember anything about him?

Yeah! He tried to k*ll me, he shot my
daughter and he shot my sister in law dead!

Did you hear his voice,
where he may have come from? No.

Did he do that to your face? Jack?

Where is Jack? Where's Jack? Jack...

Jesus! Where is Jack? You're not
allowed inside the building, sir.

I am the ambassador, this is my embassy.
We are here to ensure your safety, sir.

My son... I mean, my grandson is
missing. We need to find him now.

Silver to Bronze, a boy may
be still inside the building.

How old is he? He's eight.
What was he wearing?

He was wearing a tie,
for my birthday.

His blue jacket.
Here, I have a picture of him.

'Injured officer, ground floor, requires
urgent medical assistance. Over.'

Please, sir? Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Come on, let's go, go, go, go!

Man down! Medic!


it's me, you're going to be OK.

Can we get a medic over here?!

I heard the sh**ting,

I drew my w*apon and...
It's all right.

He's lost a lot of blood, but I
don't think it's hit an artery.

Where's your w*apon now, Craig?
It was in my hand.

It's not here. Where's Ryan?

No, no!

The ambassador? He's OK, he's OK.


She's outside, she's with the
medics now. 'Second floor clear.

'Body in dining room, over.'

Just try and relax, try and relax.

Stay calm, that's it.

Shot twice.
Are you the pathologist? Yes.

When can you start the postmortems?

Well, obviously this is a
major international incident.

A police officer has been shot dead.

We need as much information
as possible.

As soon as you can get
a body back to the Lyell Centre.

Could you start with
Constable Barlow? OK. Thank you.

I do not need this.

Silver to Bronze,
any news of the boy?

Seal the room for forensics.

I have four in the stalls at ?70.
'For the four?' No, that's each.

'Are you kidding me?'
Well, I can do...

'What's the cheapest you've got?'

The cheapest we've got
are ?17.50 plus the, er...

'Hello, you still there?'

Yeah, no, I'm still here.
'Are they the gods?'

I might be able to find
you something cheaper...

Cheaper seats...

'Hello?' On the matinee.
'Are you still there? Hello?'

And more on the extraordinary events
unfolding live at the Dutch embassy in London.

It's reported armed police
have stormed the building.

There are also unconfirmed
reports of three people shot dead,

but no indication yet if
that includes the gunman.

Just hurry up, can't you
see she is in pain? Jesus.



Papa... Papa...

Any news, Detective? Of the boy?

No, I'm sorry. We've searched the
building, the immediate vicinity.

We're conducting a door to door and I've asked
for every bit of CCTV within a three-mile radius.

I can't believe this is happening.

First your son, now your grandson.
Do you think there is a connection?


15 years ago Jacob was in the
wrong place at the wrong time

and was certainly taken
by some madman, but Jack...

Jack was taken by someone who was looking for this
man, who less than four hours ago was alive and well.


Ambassador, what was he doing there?

I said what was he doing there?

I invited him.

It's my 50th birthday. From what I understand,
Diederick shouldn't have been in the country,

let alone enjoying a
birthday lunch with you.

Now you no longer have to
worry about him. He's dead.

And not for the first time.

I understand that three and half years ago
you read the eulogy at your brother's funeral.

You are clearly way out of your depth,
Detective Superintendent Mansfield.

May I suggest you stick to what you should be doing,
finding my grandson and the k*ller of half my family.

Preferably in that order.
I will happily do that, sir,

but first I need to know what the hell
your brother was doing at the embassy.

I'll call Leo, shall I? Isn't he
still here? No, he went home, I think.

We can manage.
We've got two more bodies coming.

We're not going to do them all
tonight so he can join tomorrow.

So much for our quiet lunch together.

I know.

I'm fine,
I'm just getting on with it.

We'll keep the fact that your brother
was alive and enjoying a birthday

lunch strictly between ourselves. Is
that what you have been told to say?

You want me to find your grandson?
The man who shot your daughter?

Then you'll cut out this
bollocks and start to co-operate.

How can I be of assistance?
Were they coming for your brother?

The gunmen? No. It would
help with the investigation.

Nobody knew he was there. The people pulling
your strings might have known, but I doubt it.

How did he get into the country?

The diplomatic channel.
The route of all evil.

How can you possibly keep this a

Won't your colleagues soon find out
he was here? His fingerprints, his DNA?

They've been
erased from the system.

But how will you keep it from
all those forensic people?

The killings happened at the embassy,
on Dutch soil. Yes, I know, I was there.

It would be in keeping, therefore, if
the Dutch employed their own pathologist.

Well, why would we do that?

To keep the identity of
your brother a secret.

So what are you planning to do?
I have been given a name of someone.

Are you breaking the law,
Detective Superintendent?

As you say, Ambassador,
this is way above my pay scale,

but I've been tasked with this
job and I fully intend to do it.

Katharine, it's OK. How could you
have let this happen again? Calm down.

This is Katharine, my ex-wife.
Klara's mother.

Detective Mansfield.

Have you found Jack? Not yet. Shouldn't
you be out there looking for him?

They're doing the best they can.

That's what they said 15 years ago,
"We're doing the best we can."

It's not good enough.

Where's Zak? Did you call him in?

Yes. Did you clear it with Leo?

No, but then neither did the gunman.


Sorry, I only got your
message at half time.

OK, thanks, Zak.

The body of Constable Ryan Barlow.

White male, age 30, height?

One metre 82. And weight? 78 kilos.

Do you want to wait in the office?

No, thank you. Can you get
some pictures of this, Zak?

Give me a sec, I'll get
the camera ready.

I was somewhat of a surprise choice for this
job leading the Diplomatic Protection Group.

It's taken my team over a
year to start trusting me.

Ryan wasn't meant to
be working this weekend.

He was about buy a new
house with his wife and I

persuaded him, said he
could do with the overtime.

There is what appears to be
an entry wound approximately

seven centimetres below and two centimetres
anterior to the external auditory meatus.

The wound is round and neat,
there are no soot stains.

There are no burn
marks around the wound.

There is no pink colouring and
there is no powder tattooing, all

of which suggests he was shot from a
distance of at least one metre away.

I guess, probably, that the b*llet transected
the carotid artery, causing massive haemorrhaging.

I'm afraid you have to stop
the postmortem immediately.

What? Why?

The Dutch have
appointed another pathologist.

The coroner has appointed me.
It's no longer in her jurisdiction.

Why would they do that?

I need to speak with
you, Chief Inspector.

How can the Dutch appoint
another pathologist?

Well, if this was the British
embassy in just about any other

country in the world, I suppose
they would probably prefer to choose.

Zak, what are you doing here?

I called him in.

I thought I made it absolutely clear
that we were trying to cut costs?

You should have called me.

OK, please take it out of my wages.

Harry, that is not the point.
We have to show...

We have to be able to do the job.

Yes. Which is why the majority of the
work is being started tomorrow.

Shall I go home?

No. Yes.

We'll see you first thing tomorrow.

Thanks for coming in, Zak.
It's all right.

Do we know
who the Dutch have appointed?

I'll see if I can find out.

Whitehead's been implicated. What?!

Whitehead's been implicated.
What are you talking about?!

The casing found beside Barlow's
body came from a 9mm.

That doesn't prove anything.
What b*ll*ts do the DPG use?

Just because the casing...
Where is Sergeant Whitehead's g*n?

He must have dropped it when
he was shot by the gunman.

What was he doing inside the building when
he had strict orders to remain outside?

I don't know.

I don't believe for one instant that Sergeant
Whitehead is responsible for any of what happened

this morning but he was there, his g*n is
missing and his colleague was shot with a 9mm.

So how does this play?

The DPG investigating its own?

Are you saying you want to
remove me from this investigation?

Of course not.

What about the third body?

A bodyguard. A bodyguard?

We're awaiting confirmation. The ambassador
never mentioned hiring a personal bodyguard.

Just concentrate on finding the boy.
Yeah. You know the family?


Who do you think is responsible?

I only know what you know.

A lone gunman walks into the Dutch
embassy in broad daylight,

kills three people,
wounds another two

and kidnaps an eight year-old boy.

Now, the Diplomatic Protection Group are
going to be facing some pretty tough questions.

You better have some
very good answers.

Yes, sir.

I know we've been told not to
continue with the postmortem

but I need to find out what type of
b*llet k*lled Ryan. Why?

Sergeant Whitehead is
now a potential suspect.

For carrying out the sh**t? Yeah.

Casing found near to Ryan's body
came from a 9mm b*llet.

Almost certainly from
Whitehead's Glock.

That doesn't mean he was
the one that fired it. True.

He had bruising on his hands and his face
and he looked like he had been in a fight.

The ambassador had a swollen face
and his nose had been bleeding.

The third body looked like he'd been
in a fight.

The ambassador's personal
bodyguard apparently.

So what the hell was going on?

I don't know.

One 9mm hard-nosed b*llet.

Sound like one of yours?

Yeah, thank you.

Yes. Craig is still in surgery, I'm
afraid, ma'am, for a few hours yet.

Can you let me know as soon
as he comes out of surgery?

Of course, ma'am, will do.

I need to talk to him. Of course.


Do you know where Mansfield is?
He's in the garden, ma'am. Thanks.

Keep me informed.

Yes, sir.


Any news of the boy?

Nothing yet, sir.

Door-to-door is still ongoing.

What about the embassy CCTV?

About to have a look.


So this is how the gunman escaped?

Looks like it.

What would you do if you were Jack?
Man bursts in, starts sh**ting?

I'd run but I wouldn't go out the
front in case there were more gunman.

I'd come this way.
Was he being chased?

Possibly. He could have grabbed him,
forced him over. Sir!

James Sabiston. I know that name. You should do,
we taught him. He passed with honours. Why is...

Did you continue with the postmortem?
No, not exactly.

We had very clear instructions
from the coroner to stop.

Chief Inspector Woods asked us...
I took a unilateral decision.

I know what you did.
What I want to know is why?

It was a b*llet, Leo. I was about to extract
it anyway before you asked us to stop.

You both know the scrutiny we're
under, the university are looking

for any excuse. Come on, Leo,
they don't want to close us down.

We are the jewel in the crown.

That's exactly what they're wanting to do. I
heard they were putting the jewel up for sale.

James. Professor Dalton.
You know... Dr Cunningham.

James, this is Doctor Alexander. I hear you
were taught by these two? Yes. And passed?

I worked hard.

Is this the first body?

Yes. Constable Ryan Barlow.
It's smaller than I remember.

The police want a preliminary report as soon
as possible. They'll get it when it's ready.

And, er... just to say, it would be
better for me if you left me to it.

You're more than welcome to observe
but I'd rather you did it from in here.

As you may remember, I prefer
to work without distraction.

Same place to get changed?
I'll show you.

Not entirely your choice,
if I remember correctly.

Number ten is all yours. Oh... how did you know
about the possible privatisation of the department?

I thought it was common knowledge.

No. It's just an idea,

one of many that the
university are considering.

I'm sure you'll be fine.

No-one can seriously think about ending an
institution as revered as the Lyell Centre.

I hope you're right.

If you need anything you know where
to find me.

You think he dropped
it as he jumped down?

Possibly. We'll get it checked out, see
if it was the g*n that k*lled Ryan Barlow.

What's happening?

I don't believe it.

What? They turned the
cameras off, didn't they?

Looks like it, sir.


They turned the bloody cameras off.

How can one lone gunman manage that?

That is a good question.

How long is it since you left us?

I'm surprised you're still here.

I was just thinking the same thing.
At the university.

You were never that good a teacher.

And how you manage to pass with
Honours, I shall never know.

But watching you work has stayed
with me ever since.

I don't have your flair or
your passion, that's not who I am,

but every time I work,

I aspire to be as good as you.

Is it the research,
is that why you're here?

It can't be the money.

Can't it?

I must be earning,
three, four times what you do.

I'm not boasting, I'm just curious, that's all.
It's not even as if it's your own department.

I can't see Professor Dalton
moving on, can you?


I know you're there. I saw you.

You're home early,
you're not sick, are you?

Because I want my rent
one way or another.

I will be back.

And we go live now to the press conference where
Ambassador Pieter van Buren is to give a statement.

We were celebrating my 50th birthday.

I had gone upstairs for a
moment when I heard the sh**ting.

Two, three sh*ts.

Then two more sh*ts as I
was coming down the stairs.

I was very frightened.
They were coming for me, I knew that.

And I stopped.

I stopped.

My security officers were in
another part of the building.

Then I heard my daughter Klara

tell her son, Jack, to run.
Rennen, Jack, rennen, rennen.

Then police sirens

and someone was running away.

Another shot

then I heard my daughter screaming.

I came down the stairs and the gunman

shouted at me to get
rid of the police

and ran out of the back.

I should have gone after him..

Do you have any idea who may have
done this?

Over the years I have made
many friends and many enemies

but nothing deserves the k*lling of three people
and the taking of my eight-year-old grandson.

15 years ago, your own son
was kidnapped, here in London.

Do you think it was the same person?

No, I don't.

Can you confirm that
one of the dead is a police officer?

Yes. Constable Ryan Barlow of the Diplomatic
Protection Group lost his life in the course of duty,

trying to save the lives
of the van Buren family.

Can you confirm who shot him?

I can't comment on that.

What was one of your officers
doing inside the embassy?

Is Sergeant Craig Whitehead
under arrest?

Can I remind you that this press
conference is about the search for

an eight-year-old boy,
Jack van Buren.

Did you speak with
the officer's wife?

Jack van Buren was last
seen at around 12.30pm today.

We believe he was
taken against his will.

How did they know Sergeant Whitehead
is a suspect?

Someone leaked it.

The b*llet casing. The fact that
it was a Glock that fired it.

They're already looking
for someone to blame.

Who hit him?

The ambassador. Was it Whitehead?

The ambassador said he and his
bodyguard were arguing

and Sergeant Whitehead came into
the embassy to help resolve it.

The ambassador and his bodyguard
were hitting each other?

The bodyguard is now dead,

the ambassador said they had a disagreement
and that's all he's willing to say.

Why didn't you
mention the bodyguard?

His next-of-kin has yet to be
informed. Was he Dutch? Jan Zeeman.

Ex-Dutch secret service.

The van Buren family
seem to be cursed.

That's what the
Dutch press are saying.

First his son Jacob went
missing in 1996, then his

brother's son Henry was k*lled
in a accident on a lake in Italy.

He and his wife Katharine divorced.
His daughter Klara was in rehab aged 14.

Then his brother Diederick was k*lled in
Nigeria three years ago and now all this.

What about embassy CCTV?
Turned off. All of it.

You're joking? The ambassador
likes his privacy at the weekends.

He turned if off? Any other CCTV?

We're trawling through everything there is but
there's no camera in the park behind the embassy

so there's nothing of
the gunman escaping.

What about the road at the front?

There's a few possible suspects

What about the two
Dutch security officers?

What were they doing
while all this was going on?

They were in the canteen at the far
side of the building when it started.

By the time they got to the
ambassador, the gunman had gone.

Has the Glock been examined? Yes, one b*llet
was fired from it. So there was another g*n.

Yeah. Which we're assuming
the gunman escaped with.

The injury on Sergeant
Whitehead's leg was, erm...

I don't know what it was but
it wasn't from a 9mm.

He's in surgery now. Could you
come over to the hospital tomorrow?

They'll have removed the b*llet from his leg and
from Klara by then. I could really do with your help.

OK. Are you still here, Zak?

Yeah. I told the professor
I'd be doing today for free.

He'll have you doing
postmortems next.

Yeah, probably.

Chief inspector, some boxes have
arrived for you.

Thank you.

I know you are busy, but would
you mind taking a look at these?


Ah, crisps? Hi, darling.


Good luck to us.


These are the files
on Jacob van Buren

and some of the evidence accumulated
at the time of his disappearance.



a single mitten, hairbrush.

Some blood samples. Some of them were
identified and some of them weren't.

You think that Jacob and Jack's
disappearance is connected?

Two eight-year-old boys, same family, both
vanished - the facts alone connect them.

I'm hoping you'll find something
that 15 years ago they couldn't.

Where was Jacob taken from, exactly?

Pieter's ex-wife, is English.

Her family home is in
Hampstead, next to the Heath.

The van Burens were
staying there during Euro 96.

And Katharine still lives there? She's still
hoping that Jacob will come back one day, I guess.

The search for eight-year-old Jack van Buren
continues after police say he was abducted

by the gunman who att*cked
the Dutch embassy earlier today.

The van Buren family
are no strangers to tragedy,

as Ambassador Pieter van Buren's
eight-year-old son Jacob

mysteriously disappeared
14 years ago.

With three people confirmed dead after
today's attack and seemingly no clues

to the identity or whereabouts of the gunman, hopes
of finding missing boy Jack van Buren are fading fast.

The Metropolitan Police have strongly denied the
accusation that one of their officers, DS Whitehead,

himself injured in the attack,
was in anyway responsible,

despite unconfirmed reports it
was his g*n used in the sh**t.

Police defended their
apparent lack of progress,

claiming they are still waiting
to interview key witnesses.


Come on.

We had an arrangement.

Right, I'm coming in.

Don't hide from me,
woman, you know what I want.

Hi, this is Mary.
Please leave a message.

Mary, it's me.

Where the hell are you, woman?

I've come for my rent.

I can't believe he's dead.

How is Olivia?

Ryan Barlow's wife.

Who hit you in the face?

There was a fight.

Klara came out and called me in.

Craig, I need your help.

- What?
- Please, quick, they're fighting.

Between the ambassador and his
bodyguard? Is that who it was?

You didn't know him?
They were shouting in Dutch.

I got between them
and one of them hit me.

You managed to break it up?
Sit down! Sit down!

Jesus! Everyone just calm down.

And that's when
Pieter van Buren went upstairs?

His nose was bleeding all over
his shirt. What did you do?

I went into the downstairs
to the cloakroom.

I'd been whacked in the ear
and my head was ringing,

so I washed my face.

That's when it kicked off.

I drew my w*apon
and came out of the cloakroom.

Did you see who it was?

I must have hit my head on something.

I think I heard another shot.

Urgent assistance. Dutch embassy.

Have you spoken to Mansfield?

You told him
what you've just told us?

How did the gunman get
into the embassy, Craig?

I don't know.

And the first shot that was fired, was
it from inside or outside the embassy?

I don't know. Come on, Craig, you're
a trained bloody member of the DPG.

My ear was ringing. How did the
gunman get past Ryan Barlow?

He shot him in the neck. He's dead.

Yes, and the b*llet that
k*lled him came from your w*apon.

All right, mate.

You think it was me?

You think I k*lled Ryan?

No. No, I don't, but...the evidence
is pointing in your direction.

The b*llet casing found at the scene suggests that
the g*n was fired on the approach to the embassy.

I was in the downstairs bathroom.
My ear. I washed my face and...

What's that? It's the b*llet
that was taken out of your leg.

They found the same b*llet in Klara's arm
and in the bookcase in the dining room.

What is it?

I've no idea. Doctor?

No. New one on me.

How's Lisa doing?

You've spoken to her?

I left her a message but not yet.


If you don't tell me,
I can't help you.

I went OTS.

You didn't tell
Mansfield this, I hope.

I'm stupid but I'm not that stupid.

Hi. Hi.

DC Razvi.

Professor Dalton. Yes.

Do you need to know anything about the
body, who found her, that sort of thing?

If it's pertinent to
the investigation, yes.

Let's just go and see
the body first, shall we?

It's just down here.

Thanks. The paramedics cut her down.

The man who found her
said she was hanging from here.

Any sign of a photographer yet?

No, sir. He's on his way.

OTS? Over The Side. Meaning? Meaning he was
shagging someone he was meant to be protecting.


He said Klara came out to get him.

Did you know about him?

Last week, his wife called me pretending
she'd forgotten which shifts he was working.

She suspected it.

Is there any news?

No. We're doing all we can.

This is Dr Cunningham.
I remember you from the embassy.

How are you feeling? Like the world
has stopped. And Sergeant Whitehead?

He's going to be OK.

He mentioned the fight you had with your
bodyguard. Can I ask what it was about?

I told him no g*ns at the table since it was
a family lunch but he insisted. So we argued.

I lost my temper. I pushed him.
It is my fault.

Do I understand you are re-opening the
investigation into Jacob's kidnapping?

I've handed over the files from 1996
to Dr Alexander. I wish you wouldn't.

Not for me you understand,
but my ex-wife, Katharine.

She has lived in hope all these years
and now you are re-opening the case.

We think there might be a link.

There is no link.

The papers are filled with
this cursed family nonsense.

This is the 21st century,
not some Greek tragedy.

Klara's awake. Excuse me.

Any idea who she is? Not yet. I was waiting
for you to get here before I moved anything.

That might help.

Try blowing into them.

This your first time? I've seen a dead
body before, if that's what you mean.

You're doing fine.

What do you make of these?

Flowers. I don't
really know much about flowers.

Curious combination.

I wonder why she was holding this?

They look like the perfect family.

It's the van Burens,
the day Jacob went missing in '96.

They'd come over
to watch the football.

Holland play in orange.
Aha, yes, yes, they do.

Hampstead Heath.

It's an odd place to pick.

To commit su1c1de.
If it was su1c1de...

I don't want to pre-empt.

It does look like su1c1de.

So why didn't she leave a note?

Have you found my son? No, not yet.
And the man that took him?

Did you see him?

- It's not my fault.
- I know.

We were hiding but this time
it's not my fault.

No-one's blaming you.

Can you tell us what you did see?

We were in the dining room...

Then Klara, if you sit there
and Jack there please.

Waiting for lunch.

It was my father's birthday.
We had presents.

This looks lovely, very nice.
My father argued with his bodyguard.


Craig came in to break them up.

My father went upstairs to change his
shirt. And that's when it started.

Excuse me, sir.

And then a man came
into the dining room.


'He had a g*n.'

Can we help you?

I grabbed Jack
and we hid underneath the table.

Oh, my God!

He shot him again.

And Trudy started to run.

And he fired again.

I told him to run.

He went after her.

So Jack and I ran.

Then he shot Craig.

So I told Jack to run again.

Rennen Jack, rennen!

And Jack ran and ran.

I know who he was. The gunman.

It was Jacob.

Jacob? Your brother?

I knew he was still alive.

I mean, are you sure?

Why do you say that?

You are in shock.

She's been badly injured,
wouldn't you say?

How do you know it was your brother?
I saw his eyes staring at me.

And I knew it was him.


He had the g*n pointing at my heart.

And he said my name. Klara.

What did you mean when you said
that this time it wasn't your fault?

15 years ago...

we were playing hide and seek
in the garden.

Me and Jacob were playing
but I got bored.

I came back to the house
and went to my room

and that's when Jacob was taken.

But now, finally,

he's come back.

Vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien.

Jack was taken by someone
who we believe looks like this.

Find him, we find the boy.

We're planning to set up a practice
and we're looking for a third partner.

Are you offering me a job?

Sergeant Whitehead
and Klara van Buren.

You need to trust me.

I'd read about the rehab.

So you went in and shot the hell
out of the van Buren family?

Is that what they're saying?

You're not thinking
of leaving us, are you?

It's just that I've had
a request for a reference.

Apparently two samples
of blood were found.

Why sh**t him twice? Either
b*llet would have k*lled him.

This isn't your case.

And who was the
other place laid for?

Pieter van Buren, Trudy van
Buren, Klara, Jack, bodyguard?

Five people for lunch, six places laid.
Now was the other one for the k*ller?


What I also don't understand is that
Diederick's DNA is no longer on the system.

You're on very thin ice,
Chief Inspector.

If Harry leaves,
this department closes.
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