16x10 - Greater Love: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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16x10 - Greater Love: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

This was m*rder.

I want the Taliban
bastards that k*lled him.

- I'm going to do the postmortem.
- It's bloody Afghanistan.

I'm Sean Nugent. You've come
to take the soldier home?

- What's going on?
- It might be a b*mb.

That you're close to being dead.

Jesus, Nikki.
What are we doing here?

That's Dan Lambert's

They made him dig his own grave.

He was ex*cuted.

- What's your name?
- Karim.

You're English.
Why are you here?

The big guy put his arm
round Amin's neck and...

- He k*lled himself.
- How he do that?

His hands were bound.

We don't know anything about Nugent.
I don't trust them.

I need to understand it.
I need to talk to somebody.



"Greater Love"
Part 2

I've got some Naproxen
for the swelling.

He needs it.

- Is he going to be OK?
- What's he doing here?

- Come to finish the job?
- Nikki, stop.

Whoever beat him did it
outside the gate, it wasn't us.

Why would we?

We should go.

It looks nastier than it is.

He may have a couple of cracked
ribs, but that's the worst of it.

He told you, didn't he?
About the prisoner?

They've k*lled once.
And they could have k*lled Leo.

We need to put a stop to this.

I'm sorry.

I know you came to see Leo.
I didn't mean to ambush you.

- But we need to confront this...
- We?

Well, you're in charge here.

You employ Nugent and his men.

I might be in charge here, but
without them that doesn't mean much.

- There is nothing without security.
- A man was m*rder*d here yesterday.

And you want it known.

And when it is known,
what will be understood?

That a bunch of former soldiers
from occupying forces

conspired to k*ll a young Afghan
in cold blood?

The project becomes
the enemy of the people.

Another colonial attempt
to win them over with bribes.

We need their trust.

Look at his body.

The crushed larynx,
his face purple with blood.

I've seen dead bodies before.

People die in
Afghanistan all the time.

Why is this one different?
Because you saw it?

We are a week away

from a clean water
supply for the whole town.

2,000 people.
And when they see that it works,

this whole valley will want it.

You can't build a society
without justice.

You're right.
We do need justice here.

But we need water more.

Why am I not angry like you?

He's a good man, a brave man.

It's a rare combination.

He's not equipped
for a fight like this.

Look at Sean Nugent and see
what this country does to a man.

He's important to you.

He's the closest thing to a father
I've ever had.

What is it with you?

I'm talking to you!

No, you're not,
you're shouting at me.

You're angry, scared and
you want to blame it on me.

Because you're
meant to protect us!

You might want to remember that
before throwing accusations around!

- So who att*cked Professor Dalton?
- Afghanistan can be dangerous place.

You might've seen
it on the news.

Yesterday, a prisoner
was k*lled here, on tis compund.

And last night, Leo was att*cked
outside these gates.

So it's not just Afghanistan
that's dangerous, it's you lot.

I'm sorry you feel that way, ma'am.

I thought you cared
about this place.

I thought I was "here
for the money".

No, it's not the money with you.

I think you just like the fight.

Well, that'll make two of us, then.
Won't it?

What are you looking for?

Whatever it is,
doesn't look like you've found it.

You're not the only one.

I've got my blowflies


my beetles.

I've even got
some millipedes and isopods.

Nearly enough for a
travelling flea circus.

No, no, no.
No fleas.

You pathologists,
you think you understand this stuff?

Colonization of the human body
after death

is like the colonization
of a country.

Within minutes of sensing the
vulnerability of the body politic,

the advance troops come by air,

dropping their payload of eggs
at the weakest points.

From there,
they venture deeper inland,

setting up settlements
at the most favourable locations

where food is most plentiful
and accessible.

Until it is picked dry
of natural resources.

That metaphor is so tortured,

I might call in
Human Rights Watch.

Not human rights,
it's the insects from Dan's grave.

And they're not all here.

There's no empty
eggs or puparia,

no evidence of ants
or other insects

that feed on the eggs and larvae

during fresh and early blood
stage of decomposition.

So, what?

You're saying that he was k*lled
somewhere else before he was buried?

kept there for quite some time.

- What about his bloody fingerprints?
- I don't know.

The insect colonisation works
differently in arid conditions.

It was May when he died,
it was pretty hot, pretty dry,

and at this altitude?

Maybe I've got this wrong,

maybe there's some sort of
mummification that occurs.

So, I've told you my problem,
you tell me yours.

Apart from the fact
you beat up our boss last night.

Too soon?

Wasn't there mention of an injury
Dan Lambert suffered as a teenager?

The fracture described here is
normally treated with surgical pins.

But there's no mention of
any pins in his records.

- Of course not.
- What you mean?

You'd never be taken into the
infantry with a pinned ankle.

So he covered it up?

I'm not seeing anything.
It's not complete,

but if I could even
find a fragment of a pin,

it might have a serial number on it.

X-ray machine's broken
from the attack.

Hang on.

What's that,
a military-grade magnet?

Way better than that.

They use this to find bombs with
even the tiniest metal content.

Give it to me.

Nothing there.

Maybe it's the other ankle.

But the b*llet went through.
It's a conical exit wound.

Two b*ll*ts.

One goes through...

..and one gets lodged.

Looks like a 556.

- Standard NATO issue.

Dan Lambert was shot with a
b*llet from a British SA80.

He's on his own!
He's a civilian...

I was just coming to talk to you.

Feeling any better?

What are they shouting about?

Did you see who did it?

It was dark.

Had my face in somebody's boot.

- What are you doing out of bed?
- I'm fine.

Dr. Joya came to mop your brow.
You weren't at your most sparkling.

We've all been so worried about you.

Well, nearly all of us.

So we think it was them, do we?

What did you want to talk to me

A British b*llet?

The Taliban have used
captured British weapons.

The British army have also
been known to use British weapons.

Well, now, you are saying that
there is a strong possibility

Daniel Lambert
was k*lled elsewhere,

and his body
transferred to the grave?

Possibly up to a couple
of weeks after he died.

He was k*lled by his own men.

Possibly by accident.

They didn't know what to do.

they buried his body at the water
plant and hoped nobody would find it.

500 metres from a
Taliban compound?

Yeah. That was the plan.
Blame it on the Taliban.

Write his serial
number on the wall.

The Army incident report

says that Dan Lambert att*cked
a Taliban machine g*n single-handed.

The last sighting of him was within
five metres of the Taliban position.

- They found his blood there.
- And left him there?

They were pinned down.
By the time when the reinforcements arrived,

he was gone.

There's something
not right here.

We need to speak to somebody
who was actually there.

It might be worth you going
to the orchard, Jack.

I thought they'd no water here?

There's everything here.
If you know who to pay off.

Sorry if I'm
bothering you at home,

but I got a message from
my colleagues in Saleh.

What's the news?
I've been waiting to hear something.

Sorry, I've very little information.

It's just that your signature
is on the report

about the incident that
led to Daniel's capture.

I was the senior NCO.

Professor Dalton knows all that.

They found a b*llet.

They believe it's the
one that k*lled your brither.

The b*llet is a high-velocity round,

- 5.56 millimetres and...
- What?

You understand why I'm here now.

You think this was blowing blue.
Friendly fire?

Nothing in the report suggests that.

But there's nothing really
in this report.

I was on a separate patrol
in the town.

A squad from C Company

was on a routine

in the orange groves to
the east of Qal'ah-ye Ser.

Dan was with them.

So Dan's squad were approaching
from round the abutment here

and moved into the orange grove.

- I just need to understand this.
- Why?

This is where it all started.

I heard on the radio that
they had contact with the enemy -

I got straight on to the NCO.

It sounded like they'd
stumbled on a...

Taliban active-service unit.

They were saying 20, 30 insurgents.

Our boys were
only squad strength

and mainly rookies.

I told the NCO to pull back.

He said he hadn't heard.
He took them on, he wanted to be the hero.

He was that type - guts and glory,

coming home with a gong on his chest
or his bits in a body bag.

So they first saw the enemy...


- This NCO, can I talk to him?
- Sure. If you can find him.

He went into private security,

he was in Iraq last I heard.

That's him.

Sean Nugent.

Looks like the insurgents were
using the grove to bury weapons.

Why are all these
names redacted?

Standard procedure for civilian
publication at the time.

If Dan was k*lled here,

by accidental crossfire...

The Taliban use all
sorts of NATO weapons,

anything they can get.

His body could have remained hidden
until they moved it two weeks later.

So this guy, Nugent,

it was his fault your
brother got captured?

That's the way it seemed to me.

So here I might find the initial stages

in the chain of insect infestation
from the corpse.

It's over here, I think.

You think he could
have something to do

with covering up Daniel's death?

Nugent was hard on everyone,
but he had a thing for Dan -

I thought he was showing the
others there was no favouritism

with my little brother.
But now...

- What are you saying?
- Dan never complained, but...

Nugent never let up.

I'm saying...
what if it wasn't an accident?

Come on.

I think I found the hole.

You blame Sean Nugent for
your brother's capture.

He deliberately
ignored my order.

Why didn't you
do something about it?

Why isn't it in the report?

You really think
I didn't do anything about it?

It didn't reflect well on the unit.

We sorted it out our way.

Nugent was returned to base.
He did six months behind a desk,

then took retirement.

You all right?
Too much sun?

I didn't k*ll that Taliban,
you know.

Hadn't occurred to me that you did.

Can you be sure about the
rest of your security detail?

- About Darek?
- They're my men. My responsibility.

If they did it,
it might as well have been me.

You don't sound
so sure about them.

I think they were responsible
for the attack on Leo.


- Why?
- You know why.

- He accused them of m*rder.
- They've k*lled Taliban before.

You honestly think that's
the same thing?!

- k*lling in battle has honour.
- The result's the same.

I'm sorry, Sean.
It was a stupid thing to say.

- I am losing.
- What?

- What are you losing?
- They need someone to follow.

And I'm losing control.

There's a message from the office
in Kabul.

This isn't for me.

I'm sorry this has
happened to you.

You don't deserve it.

Have you thought about
what you're going to do after?

Once this is up and running?

This project can be a template
for other parts of the country,

for other conflict regions.

It's been my dream for so long,
I can't imagine life afterwards.

You'll have earned it -
your life afterwards.

You are important
to a lot of people, Leo.

You mean Nikki?

We've been through a lot together.

She was flattering me though.

That girl doesn't
need a father figure.

You heard what she said about you?
I thought you were asleep.

I heard what you said too.

And you're wrong. I'm not that brave
and I'm not that good.

But I can fight for
someone I believe in.

I heard what they did
to your friend.

They just did what
you wanted to do.

- Didn't they?
- You think it's personal.

It isn't.

What happened?

How did you become like this?

I used to be a bad man.


I was stupid to think you and I
could have a proper conversation.

My family don't understand either.

Listen, I think you're probably
a good person.

You want the same things I want.

- I very much doubt that.
- No, you do.

Most of you do.

You want a society based on respect.

You want peace,
you want meaning.

But you have no idea
how to achieve it.

I was the same.

That's how it works.

You can't stop it
because you're part of it.

You're just shopping around -

a better school, a better bank,

a better government.
You never chose it,

this munkar,

the ways of thinking
that stop you thinking.

Inside, you must know

the only way to change
it is to start again,

but it's too late.

- Always too late.
- Start again?

You mean destroy everything?

I know why I'm here.

Why are you here?
Where are the teams of pathologists

looking for the K*llers
of young Muslims?

I've seen the victims.

I've seen a whole wedding party
blown away by remote control -

"legitimate targets".

What about the Muslims the Taliban kills?

Or doesn't it count
when Muslims k*ll Muslims?

Apostasy is more dangerous
than ignorance.

I am a fundamentalist.

I believe in fundamental truth.

And so do you.

He shouldn't on his own.
He should be washed.

- I washed him.
- He should be washed by men.

Prayers said.

"Oh, God, he is Thy servant,

"the son of Thy servant
and Thy handmaid."

"You have led him to Islam,
You have taken his spirit

"and know him in secret
and in the open."

He should be buried by now.
Buried in the earth.

Do British soldiers
sh**t British soldiers?


It's possible.

The heat of battle, confusion,
crossfire, the accidental stuff -

it happens, it must.

And then there's the non-accidental.


More American soldiers
committed su1c1de in Afghanistan

last year than were
k*lled by insurgents.

Did you know that?

And grudges,

there's bound to
be a few of those.

The pressure's high,
it leads to stress.

In the civilian world,
you might shout at a colleague,

you might give someone a slap.
But if you've got a loaded w*apon...

Daniel Lambert didn't sh**t himself
in the back of the head, did he?

British soldiers
don't sh**t British soldiers.

That's not what happens.

Insurgents k*ll soldiers.
Bombs k*ll soldiers.

Afghan prisoners?
Who kills them?

"Partial suspension" -

that's what he wrote
in his postmortem.

- And the broken larynx?
- "Indicative, but not conclusive."

Things are how they look.

The Taliban k*lled Dan Lambert.

- And the prisoner hanged himself.
- It could've been an accident.

- You were trying to intimidate him...
- No, no. NO!

That is not how it happened.
That is not what happens.

Write it down.
"The prisoner hanged himself."

"Dan Lambert was k*lled
by the Taliban."

- Write it!
- But that's just stupid.

Will you do it now?!

There's been another m*rder?

It's a sinister case.

We have reason to
believe this fowl

has links to Al-Qaeda
in the Arabian Peninsula.

I need to find out whether
Lambert was k*lled here

or moved here later.

I want to know how decomposition
is accelerated in these conditions.

Does it matter?

It could tell us
everything we need to know -

how he died, who k*lled him
and where.

Dan Lambert might have been
k*lled by a British b*llet.

You people like making enemies.

Hang on.
I said "might have been".

I'm just trying to
find out if it's true.

I'm sorry to be blunt here,
but who gives a shit?

Well, stand back a minute.

You're filming a dead chicken

to see what insects
feed on its corpse

while engineers and labourers
stand around doing nothing

and locals are
denied clean water?

- Yeah. I get it.
- I want to believe

you're trying to bring
British justice to this place,

but it's laughable.

And it's dangerous,

truly dangerous, for everyone.

People who att*cked Professor
Dalton, that was a warning.

The sort of warning
you take seriously.

If you care about him,
get him out of here.

Before it's too late.


Are you OK?
What's happened?

I couldn't do what
Nugent wanted me to.

It's all here.

Karim's statement about
the m*rder of Amin Naib.

I don't think
I've missed anything out.

Have you heard from Jack?

He's working on clarifying
place of death.

- Read it, Leo.
- Because that's

what we came here
to do, isn't it?

To formally identify Dan Lambert

and to offer up evidence that might
lead to the conviction of his K*llers.

So this is how it happens.

- I always wondered.
- How "what" happens?!

- It's different here.
- I don't believe

- I'm hearing this.
- Do you believe in the death penalty?

We serve justice.

And is justice served if
Sean and Darek are ex*cuted?

"State-sanctioned m*rder",
is that what you call it?

You think they'll
get a fair trial?

What, so you cover it up

because you don't trust
the elected authorities?

No wonder they hate us.

We cannot get involved in this.

We're in it up to our necks.

If we cover it up...

How many times have we seen this?
People covering up crimes

because they believe
it's for the greater good?

Look around you.
There is no justice here.

We're not 5,000 miles from London.
We're 500 years away.

- So why come here?
- Because like you,

I had some idiotic notion
that there was no difference,

- that justice was an absolute.
- It is, if you make it so.

It isn't.
We don't live in the real world.

This is the real world.

I'm starting to wonder
if anything we do

in our little English mortuary
means anything at all.

Don't you understand?
I agree with you.

If justice isn't universal, then,
it's irrelevant. And so are we.

I know that should make me angry
and make me want it more, but...

I'm tired.

And I've met someone here

and that somehow means...

more to me and is more
real to me than all of this.

And it's about real things.

Water and...

Let the dead lie.


Allahu Akbar.

I told her what happened here.

Why do you need
to hear it again?

- What is it?
- Your accent. You. It's ludicrous.

What are you doing here?

England, the West,
was so bad, was it?

This is better?
This means something?

It will.

When you leave and
we return to the Way.

- What way is that?
- I don't want to talk to this guy.

Look, I believe you and
everything you told my colleague.

I believe your friend was m*rder*d.

But you're not going
to do anything abouted.

Tell me what you want me to do.

OK, let me make
some assumptions.

You want some justice,

punishment for the
death of your friend.

Well, leaving aside
that you came here

to k*ll anyone you could find,

if I report this
death as m*rder,

the suspects, the
men that you name,

will be taken into the
custody of the Afghan police,

- as will you.
- I'm not afraid.

Well, you might be right,
they might simply release you,

for a fee or a favour.

Or they might k*ll you.

- Like I said...
- Yeah, you're not afraid.

If you're dead there's
nothing to be afraid of.

But if they release you,

- what then?
- I'll rejoin my brothers.

And come back and k*ll again.

How has justice been served?

You are using our
belief in fairness

as a weakness and you
are taking her for a fool.

This isn't about me.
Why don't we talk normally?

I mean, you're not afraid, are you?

- Stop it, Leo.
- You say you're

proud of who you've become,

your journey, your decisions.

You don't seem afraid to die.

A martyr's death isn't death.

No, no, sorry.
I don't buy it.

You've learnt it.

You learned it well,
but it's not yours yet.

It never will be, but you'll k*ll
yourself trying to prove that it is.


Life's cheap here -

that's true?

Mothers still love their kids here.

Just like your poor
mother must love you.

My mother, blah, blah, blah...

You have to grow up like this,
believing that life is cheap here

to think that it doesn't
matter who you k*ll.

Only life isn't cheap,
it's just hopeless.

Mothers raise their children here
without any expectation.

There's no luxury of believing that
their children will lead safe lives.

But you didn't grow up like that.

Your mother believed
you wouldn't be taken from her,

that you'd survive,
that you'd be healthy

and would be helped to become
whatever you chose to be.

That your destiny wasn't going to be
a random death from disease or w*r.

That's the difference.

You grew up knowing
that kind of security.

- That kind of love.
- That isn't love, that's sl*very.

No, no, no. That is love.

I lost a child.

I don't believe that
any father or mother here

loves their child less
than I loved my daughter.

If you really love the people here,

understand what they need.

Hope for their children.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

- I think he does.
- You don't know me.

That's the whole
point. I do! I do!

You know what it's like
to live your life according to love

and still there's
no room for any love

in anything that you say!

Come on, Leo.



What's going on?

It's just a power cut.

Nugent! Darek!
Get us out!


Last jeep's heading
back to twon.

It's getting dark.
You better get on it.

It's all right.
What's all right?

- I'm staying here.
- It's not safe.

Like it's safe there?

There's security, right?

I'm not going to be on my own.

You're a target.
You make this place a target.

Anything could happen here.



What is going on?

Why are you just sitting there?

What am I missing?

It's no accident, no mistake,

no switch-over of the guards,
no power cut.

- They haven't forgotten you.
- They're trying to show us who's boss.

A night to think over our...

Well, why stop there?

Maybe they're hoping
you'll k*ll us.

That would solve
all the problems, wouldn't it?

- Nikki...
- Or they could

just chuck in
a grenade or a mortar.

I mean, the Taliban have
att*cked here before.

- What about Jack?
- He hasn't come back yet.

Well, why isn't he back?

It's late. It's been dark for over an hour.
He was on the mountain, wasn't he?

Anything could happen up there.

Cheeky bastard.

No wait, don't...

Where are you going? It's not safe!

Then, come with me.

- Are you OK?
- Leave him alone.

He doesn't want to talk to you.
He doesn't speak English.

Can you see it?


Something took bones
from the grave of the soldier.

It'll have taken them to its burrow.

Go on, then.

Just because Jack didn't find
the insect cycle in the orange grove

doesn't mean we've got this wrong.

They wouldn't have buried him there.

After the firefight, that area
would have been too dangerous.

They dumped him somewhere,

then, a couple of weeks later,

they buried him properly
up at the water plant.

The British soldier
that was captured.

- You found him?
- Yeah.

Just a young boy who came out here
to stop the k*lling.

We promised his brother
we'd take him back home.

Thing is, we're not
sure he was captured.


- What?
- What do you know about it?

- Nothing.
- Captured.

You said a British soldier
who was captured.

You've been out here six years.

I've been here.
I've been a lot of places.

But you know that
he was captured.

So what?
You hear stuff.

What do you hear?
Do you know if he was captured alive?

I don't know.
Probably, yeah.

Have we got this wrong?

The Taliban definitely captured him?

Yeah, in the firefight.

- He k*lled a brother.
- So they took him...

and they k*lled him.

Tortured him first, did they?

We haven't found his hands or feet.
We thought the animals took them.

Or is that
your brave friends' doing?

It's w*r.

He came here to k*ll,
he got himself k*lled.

Yeah, just a game.
He lost.

He shot a brother in the back.
That's what I heard.

So he had it coming?
No more than he deserved?

Kidnapped, tortured, m*rder*d -

- some justice.
- He wasn't tortured.

Not like you think, anyway.

They made him carry the body -

the fighter he k*lled -

all that night.

You were there.

And you did nothing to help him?

Did you speak to him?

Did they get you to interrogate him?

Did you ask him
questions while they beat him?

Help him?

I'm glad they caught him,

I'm glad they did
what they did to him.

What did they do to him?

Well, you're a pathologist.
You found the body.

You tell me.
I wasn't there.

You were.
What did they do to Dan Lambert?


They didn't touch him.
Didn't have to.

They just closed the door.

Day after day,
just him and his sin,

the body of the man he k*lled.

He was a coward.

The man he k*lled
was running away.

Your soldier knew what he'd done.

He knew what he was.
He begged for it, for death.

His last words?
"Everything I am is already dead."

When they did it,
it was mercy to him.

It was you.

You shot him.
What were you, the young recruit?

They wanted to blood you,

get the English Taliban to
k*ll the English soldier?

Great sport.

Did they have to force you?
They never forced me to do anything.

Oh, that's rigth. Because you were the eager
zealot with something to prove.

And he represented
everything you hated,

the very thing
you needed to k*ll.

He did.

You k*lled him?
You k*lled Dan Lambert?

I'm not what you think I am.

Sean, why the hell were we locked...

- I'm sorry, Professor Dalton.
- What are you doing?

This wasn't my idea.

- Where are you taking them?
- This has gone on long enough.

Think what you are doing.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

I've contacted the Afghan
National Army in Qal'ah-ye Ser.

I'm handing the
prisoners to them.

- What will they do?
- They're bound by national law.

That is not what I asked.
I asked what will they do?

It's their country.
Their law. Their people.


Where are they taking
the prisoner's body?

You don't get it, do you?
This is all Afghan jurisdiction.

You have no place
here performing

postmortems on their citizens.

That's how you're going
to make it go away, is it?

24 hours to finish your work
on the death soldier.

- After that, you're out of here.
- Have you talked to Dr. Joya?

You think she wants you out
of here any less than I do?

It's your responsability.
They'll execute those two.

You know that thing?

They might just as
likely let them go.

It's nothing to do with us any more.
And that is as it should be.

Hang on!

If you're going to move him,
I need to change his dressing.

There is another way
out of this, you know.

Let me tell Nugent
that you're not an Afghan.

That you're a British citizen.

- We can take you back with us.
- And then what?

You tell the authorities
what you've done.

Just like you told me.

It's your only chance.

There's no justice
for me in England.

Not after what I've done.

There is some mercy.
There can be forgiveness

if you admit to
what you've done.

I have blood on my hands.

I don't want their forgiveness.

Let's get out of here!
Come on! Let's go!

That man is simply the instrument
of God's will.

And I submit to God's will.

We still have
the postmortem report on Amin.

There will still be our testament.

It won't be so easy
to make them disappear.

- Where the hell have you been?
- Dan Lambert's jawbone?

It fits.
It's his.

It fits, all right.

But it's not his.

Dan had his wisdom
teeth removed.

That's not Dan Lambert.

So who are you?

Shot in the back of the
head with a British b*llet?

The remains belong to
the Taliban insurgent

that Daniel Lambert
shot in the head.

He k*lled a Taliban,
that's in the army report.

But there's nothing about
sh**ting him in the back

of the head as he ran away?

Want to tell me
how you know this?

One of the prisoners spoke English.

And you didn't tell me?

We couldn't tell anyone.


He is English,
he came here to join the Taliban.

He was there
when Dan Lambert was captured.

They held Lambert in the
safe house that we found.

Locked him up for two weeks
with a dead body.

And the insect cycle - the initial
stages will be at the safe house.

You didn't trust me, did you?

It's not that we
didn't trust you.


I'll always be the
new boy, won't I?

So if the body that was
buried here is a Taliban,

where's Dan Lambert?

They wouldn't bury them together,
a believer and a non-believer.

The fingerprint.
We know Lambert was here.

- Did he dig the grave?
- He dug the grave.

Karim saw him.

He buried the body,
he buried the man he k*lled.

So why were his
dog tags in here?

- The uniform fragments?
- Daniel Lambert buried the body

and then they shot him.

Must've buried
him somewhere else.

I don't think so.

"Everything that I was...

"..is already dead."

- What you mean?
- Karim said they were

- Daniel's last words.
- I'm saying

that Dan Lambert joined them.

- Dan Lambert is Karim.
- Karim.

The prisoner? The one in the
compound? That's Dan Lambert?


Thank you.

Everything I was
is already dead.

The prisoner was Dan Lambert?

He was right here,
the dead soldier?

- That's not possible.
- He was turned.

They messed with his head.

# Onward, Christian soldiers...

Locked him up with
a corpse for weeks.

# Marching as to w*r

# With the cross of Jesus
Going on before...

And now he's in Nugent's truck.

- We need to get him back.
- Why?

He needs help.
It's not his fault.

Whatever they did to
him, he's traumatised,

he doesn't understand
what he's doing.

Maybe he understands
exactly what he's doing.

Maybe that's why he att*cked
us here in the first place -

- to k*ll Sean Nugent.
- What do you mean?

Sean Nugent was Lambert's commander.

Sean told me it was his fault
Dan Lambert got captured.

Don't move.

- What did you say?
- You heard me, Sean.

Who are you?




Put your lid on,
engage the enemy!

This is happening!

Moxy! Chivers!
We've got to get around this!

Follow my line!
Leave him!

It was all my fault, Dan.

I pushed you way too hard.

- You were right about me.
- No...

You useless little prick!

- Please don't tell my brother...
- We'll come back for him. Go!

Follow my line!



I never told Scott.

I never told your brother...


Come on, we have to go!

You'll cry for him?

I won't let them get you.

I k*lled Amin because he was
going to tell them who you were.

He cared about this place, you know.

Sean always said
he'd left a man behind -

I think Sean Nugent came back
to Saleh because of Dan Lambert.

We need to call this in,

we need to let them know Dan
Lambert is alive and out there.

Tomorrow there will be water here.

It's a good thing.

When you think about this place,

when people ask,
think about that.

Tell them people died
to bring water to the desert.

- Hi.
- He's looking perky.


Don't do that.
You're such a boy.

You're looking perky.

She did all this.
She's pretty special.

I've asked her to
come back with me.

To London.
Get away from all this.


- And what?
- Well, what did she say?


She's thinking about it.

Pretty amazing, isn't it?

- You've changed your tune.
- Dunno what you're talking about.

You were the one who was dragged
out here kicking and screaming.

We're wanted.




- You came back?
- I didn't k*ll him.

- Nugent.
- Well, somebody did.

My commander shot him.

He k*lled Amin as well,
so you wouldn't find out.

OK. We can tell them that.
You could tell them.

- You've come back.
- Go away.

- What?
- Go away.

Away from here.

What are you talking about?

It's not going to happen.
They won't let it.

It's already happening.
Look around. It's a miracle.


Are they going to attack?

They've planted bombs?

Ah, Jesus...

I need to warn people.

Listen Daniel,
you have done the right thing.

Can you show me...

Oh, Jesus.
He made me... He made me.

It's OK, Daniel.
Just... relax.

You need to tell me
where the trigger is.

Where is it?

- Where is the trigger?
- He decides when.

He presses the button.

He said I am the instrument
of God's will.

He's watching!


- Look at me.
- He can see us.

- There's only you and me.
- No.

This isn't right.

Get off me!
This is God's work!

This is God's work too!

Let me see.

Now do you understand?

- I have to do this.
- You're not a k*ller, Daniel.

You're not a coward.

Scott told me.
Your brother.

He loves you.
Even now, he still loves you!

That's why we're here -
to bring you home!

Scott sent us!

- That's God's will.
- There's nothing you can do.


- Come with me.
- No...

- Leo?
- Everything I love is here.

- Get everybody out of here! Now!
- Please!

- Move! Run!
- Leo?!

Nikki, no! Get back! Run!

I only ever k*lled one man.
The man I buried.

- I'm scared.
- You don't need to be.

Just keep walking,
Daniel, keep walk...

This is God's work.
Is this what love is?

- Leo!
- No! No!

Leo, no!

Leo Dalton taught me
about the dead...

..and the living.

The truth is,
Leo's interest in death

was for what it could teach him
about life.

And Leo understood life.

I don't know what I'll do
without him.

But the truth is,
we aren't without him.

For that's what
life after death means -

that you give so much of yourself
while you're here

to the people you know,
to the people you love,...

..to the people that need you,

whether you know them or not,

that you do not die,

you cannot die.

There is too much of us
that remains.

And Leo knew that too.

Leo told me something once,
quite recently...

I thought he made it up,

but like most of Leo's best lines,
it was borrowed.

Leo Dalton taught me
everything I know.

And he will keep on teaching me.

Because what Leo proved

was "our almost-instinct,...

.."almost true..."

Thank you.

"What will survive of us...

"is love."
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