25x05 - History - Part Five

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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25x05 - History - Part Five

Post by bunniefuu »

May find upsetting, some strong
language and some violent scenes.

When we won the contract,
we gained a data gold mine...

The independence of Unitas
Health is being recognised.

...and the powerful enemies
that go with that.

Oscar Harris.
Number 10 special adviser.

You come highly recommended
by Sam Ryan.

This is my stepson David
and his wife Fiona.

It was Fiona's research
that fixed Jomo's heart.


I'd say we need to get
our accounts in alignment.

What are you worried about?

I think they're
blood samples that were being

to plant as evidence.

But no—one would have
taken it. Would they?

Some of your questioning
goes way beyond your remit,

never mind expertise.

The Home Office's golden boy
right now is obviously

the chap behind Vigil,
Ethan Daley.

But what would Jomo think?

I can be very persuasive,
Oscar, if needs be.

Good enough to run
through Vigil Network?

Should get some candidates. Sure.

Vigil finds a link
you didn't know was there.

DNA was recovered

from a cartridge
left by the assassin.

That DNA belongs to Tom Faulkner.

Who is Tom Faulkner to you?

Apart from your ex—husband?

What is this? Where did you get it?

The PM wants to press pause

on the health passporting

How long for, exactly?

Well, not until Faulkner's
in custody...

...at the earliest.
On your knees! Get down!

In Paris he was assigned
to covert operations.

On what planet does he leave
this much evidence behind?

I just have a few questions.
I'm a reporter.

Oliver Me eh an.

I really think the Lyell
might want to comment on this.

No. Sorry.

Allegations of DNA manipulation

in the case of the Health
Secretary's assassination.

Goodnight. Goodnight.

You've reached Sam Ryan.

Please leave a message
after the beep.

BEEP Sam. It's Nikki again.

I need to talk to you about
the blood samples I showed you.

Can you call me back?

Are you OK? Yeah.

Work's a good distraction,
isn't it?


You made it back, then. Yeah.

Oh... OK.

Sorry about your dad. Thank you.

DC Sharon Griffiths.
You're the forensic team?

Yes. We're from the Lyell.

He's over here.

No sign of
forced entry to his flat,

so looks like a jumper.

Name's Oliver Me eh an.
We'll have more

on his background soon.

Oh. Back in a sec.

He came to the Lyell.
After you left for Ireland.

He's a journalist.

He was asking about allegations

of DNA manipulation

in the Health Secretary's

Found a phone or a laptop yet?

Nothing. Place is clean.

Good. That means
we can rule out foul play?

No, it's REALLY clean.

I'm barely getting
any prints at all.

Nikki, there's some kind
of barb or spike

on his lapel.

Oh, yeah.

Wow, there's quite a few,
actually. Mm.

Here we go.

What is it? Looks like blood.

Diluted blood.

with hand washing, maybe.


Anything useful?

Found blood in the bathroom.

No prints or shoe prints
on the balcony

he's supposed
to have jumped from.



What are you thinking?

Just things I wish I'd said
to Dad. You know.

Ethan Daley's here. Thank you.

I thought Professor Ryan
might be joining us.

I'm eager to meet her.

Sam has been held up
this morning,

but I can speak
for the both of us.

We know there are concerns
in Cabinet

over your suitability

to continue handling the health
passport programme at Unitas.

When is the contract
set to be reviewed?

Six months from now?

My experience in data processing

can make those concerns go away.

But at what cost to us?

You must understand that

independence is a cornerstone
of everything we do here.

The public will never give up
their private health data

unless they trust us
to use it responsibly.

We have the exact same
philosophy at Vigil Network.

HE LAUGHS But, with respect,

your network is eradicating
privacy altogether.

Facial mapping, mobile phone
activity, financial records...

You are monitoring every corner

of people's private lives

without even declaring it
half the time.

HE LAUGHS Your health
passport tracks people 24/7.

But we are helping to save lives.

The passport programme
will transform public health.

And Vigil Network has
transformed law enforcement.

Is a life saved
by a police officer

less valuable
than one saved by a doctor?

You're losing your investors.

You need me.

I admire your principles, Jomo,

but you're ignoring
the political reality

in front of you.

With my backing,

we can take the health passport
programme global.

I already have footing
in the Asian markets.

You and your wife

would remain
at the head of the company.

Your son, too.

You're asking us to take
quite a leap of faith —.

Jeopardise everything
that we have built here.


I'm offering to save it.

Multiple injuries
consistent with a fall

from a considerable height.

With bilateral compound
fractures of the lower limbs.

Swelling of
the right lateral malleolus.

Protrusion of the fibula
on the right leg.

And the tibia on the left.

There are also ragged fresh
lacerations to the elbows...

...and anterior aspect
of both knees.

It looks like he landed
feet first

and then fell forwards.

There's a circular recent
mauve bruise on the skin

overlying the frontal bone.

And a smaller,
equally fresh—looking bruise

under the point of his chin.

What's up?

He has a mid line fracture
of the mandible

and bilateral fractures
of both condyles.

What does that mean?

It used to be called
a guardsman's fracture.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, soldiers who fainted
on duty would fall

and hit the ground chin first.

Unlikely to be consistent
with the sort of fall

that Me eh an had, though.

This could have been caused by

a hard punch on the chin.

So...|'ll be in touch.

Give my regards
to Professor Ryan.

Of course.

There you go.

I see we found you
before the paparazzi this time.

Should spare us
another tabloid saga.

You crashed the party
halfway through.

You are an extension
of my reputation, Lewis.

You realise that, don't you?

Not this speech again.

I've worked so hard to give you
everything you ever wanted.

And now
you're undermining it all.

You're breaking
your mom's heart.

No wonder
she's thinking of leaving us.

David. How nice of you
to check in.

Are you free later today?

I've got something
I want to share with you.

What is it?

There's a coup injury on the
anterior aspect of the brain,

a haemorrhage
on the frontal lobe.

Any contrecoup?

No. Nothing on
the opposite occipital lobe.

When a moving head
hits the ground,

the brain bounces
back and forth after impact,

picking up injuries on both sides.

If a moving object
hits a stationary head,

then any injury to the brain
is limited to the side

the impact occurred.

So this injury

was caused by a moving object
hitting Meehan's head,

not his head hitting the ground.

So, cause of death?
Cause of death

likely to be multiple injuries
from blunt—force trauma

due to impact,

but it's possible that he was
att*cked before the fall.

Do you think someone
pushed him over the balcony?

To stage a su1c1de?

It's a possible scenario,

and it would be consistent
with the injuries, yeah.

Yeah, there were two
blood samples

recovered from the bathroom tap.

One is a match to Me eh an.

The other's a partial,
incomplete DNA profile.

Did you run it through
the database?

It's too degraded.

It's been mixed with
disinfectant, unfortunately.

So you're thinking
the second DNA profile

belongs to
our potential attacker?

Yeah. Me eh an could have drawn
blood from his attacker

before sustaining
the head injury.

Whoever was in that flat
did a good job

cleaning up afterwards.

Luckily, they didn't do
as good a job washing their hands.

The spines found
on Meehan's jacket

are from a cholla cactus.

They are barbed,

so they catch on skin
and clothing pretty easily.

I didn't see a cactus
in Meehan's flat.

Yeah, there wasn't one. And I
can't seem to find traces of it

on any of his other clothing,
so I'm thinking

if there was someone else
in the flat

they could have
transferred it over

to Me eh an
during an altercation.

Hm. If someone was there,

they could have taken
his laptop and his phone.

Maybe he was working on a story
that they didn't want

getting out?

The coverage around
Meehan's flat isn't great,

but Vigil Network
ran a facial scan

on every CCTV camera
in the city.

It'll take me a while to work
through, but we should be

able to identify everyone he
spoke to the day that he died.

Oliver Me eh an visited the Lyell.

He was asking questions
about the investigation

into the Health Secretary's

Right. Well, that kicks
things up a notch.


Can you play that one again?

So that's Oliver Me eh an.

And look who's following him.

It's Sam Ryan.

You know, I had started to wonder...

...if this day would ever come.

Er, you're building
your own scientific empire,

and now you'll have an heir
to the throne.

Cheers. HE LAUGHS.


Hey, hey, hey!

Time to step up now, son.

David tells me

you have a big meeting
with Ethan Daley tomorrow.

Uh... I met with him today,

You... You moved the meeting
with Daley?

Is that a problem?

Why didn't you tell me?
I was meant to be there.

My PA must have forgotten
to put you in the loop.

We're talking about
the future of the company here,

a company I'll be running one day.

One day.

Not today.

I'm still in charge —
For the time being.

Excuse me.

You know, I will never
understand how my son and I

both got so lucky
with the women that we married.

You're going to be
a wonderful mother.

You think so? Mm.

I just wish
Sam could have been here.

Where is she?

Oh, she's completely absorbed
in her work, as usual.

You both have that in common.

I... I have to get going.

Oh? OK.


Thanks, Jomo.

Take ca re.

If Sam was meeting Me eh an,

was it about the same charges
he brought to us?

But why would Sam
discuss those allegations

with a journalist? If the idea
of fake DNA got out,

it would completely undermine
the field of forensic science.

Sam would know that
better than anyone. Yeah.

So maybe
she wanted to k*ll the story.


I'm at Sam Ryan's
registered address.

It's an apartment on the river.

I'm not sure what's happened, but
I think you'd better get here now.

There's a lot of blood,
but no sign of a body.

Huh. They said
they were bringing in

some hot—shot detective.

The Greater London Commissioner
has requested our involvement

in Sam Ryan's disappearance
and Meehan's m*rder.

We know they were caught
potentially meeting on CCTV.

Our investigation

into the Health Secretary's
assassination was winding down

with Faulkner's arrest,

but if Me eh an was asking around
about fake DNA before he died,

that obviously raises
some questions.

Thank you, DS Chalal.

DC Griffiths, can I have a word?

Just in case you've
forgotten who's in charge. Right.

There's no ridge detail
on the bloody fingerprint here.

Whoever left it
likely had a glove on.

Let's cross—reference
everything with the samples

recovered from Meehan's flat. Yeah.

These small drip bloodstains
become more frequent

as we move into the flat.

Chances are the victim
was injured in the doorway,

staggered back
into the dining room.

Signs of a violent struggle
in here.

We've got a shoe print.

Looks like... size nine or ten.
Too big for Sam,

but could belong
to the assailant.

No other shoe prints.

So she could have been carried
from here

toward the balcony maybe.

See? There's another
bloody hand print here.

You're going to want to put
divers in the water.

It's possible she was thrown
from the balcony.

DS Chalal.

I can manage things here.

You go and inform Jomo Mashaba.

That his wife's missing,
presumed dead?

Great, thanks.

What is going on here, Jack?

Jomo Mashaba?

We're here regarding your wife.

When was the last time
you spoke to Sam?

Er, yesterday morning. I'm...

I'm not sure what time, exactly.

You didn't think to call her
when she didn't come home?

Of course, but it's not uncommon

for her to stay in the city
when she's working late.

That's why she kept the flat.

So, just to be clear, you
haven't heard from your wife

in over 24 hours but you didn't
think to report her missing?

Unitas is under
a lot of scrutiny at the moment.

I imagine Sam disappearing

probably won't help
on that front.

We've been haemorrhaging political
support since the launch.

We can't afford another scandal.

Do you ever stay at the flat?


Not recently.

Would you be willing
to give us a DNA sample,

just so we can eliminate you
from our inquiries?

Of course.

It'll just take a second.


Everything all right?

What's the matter?

I know...

I promised...

I wouldn't ask you this.

But I need you
to do something for me.

It's about the phone call
I got earlier.

We looked at the CCTV footage
of Sam and Me eh an.

There's nothing conclusive.

Well, we discussed
the possibility

that they might have met to
talk about Meehan's allegations

that Tom's DNA was faked.

Do you have any evidence
to go with this theory?

No. Then drop it.

I spoke with Meehan's colleagues.

Whatever he was working on
he was keeping under wraps,

but he did mention
to one of them

that he was looking
into Unitas Health.

Where are we with retracing
Sam's movements

after she met with Me eh an?

We've pulled everything
from Vigil Network.

This is all they've got
from the last week.

That's not much.

It's almost like she's been trying
to stay off the grid.

She made a few phone calls,

bank transactions, paid
for dinner with Oscar Harris.

No, I've spoken to Harris.
The meeting

has no relevance
to our investigation.

What was it about?

Oh, I'm sorry,
have I missed something here?

I'll handle the investigation.

You handle the forensics.
That's... how it usually works.

Jack, can you come with me
to Unitas HQ?

I need to search Sam's office.

Someone must know
what Sam's been up to.

The heart patch is seeded
with cardiomyocytes

derived from induced
pluripotent stem cells,

or iPSCs.

Each engineered iPSC
contains a genetic bar code,

so we can monitor any mutations
as the healing process begins.

The bar code essentially
helps us identify which cells

have come from the patch
and which haven't.

Absolutely. Especially
the stuff on mutations.

I never thought...

Fiona. Hi. I'm Dr Nikki
Alexander. We met in Liverpool.

Of course. From the...
Thomas Lyell Centre.

That's right.

I don't lecture
to many pathologists.

I'm on the investigation team
looking into Sam's disappearance.

Oh. Yes. Of course.

Jomo called David last night.
It... still hasn't sunk in.

I'm sorry.

Jomo mentioned in Liverpool
that he'd had a heart attack

due to severe
dilated cardiomyopathy,

which was healed
by an untried procedure.

Was it your heart patch
that saved his life?

Well, it wasn't my intention

to use my father—in—law
as the guinea pig,

but when Jomo failed to find
a suitable heart donor

my husband insisted we try it.

You see, there's no risk
of rejection

compared to a donated organ.

And you're currently in
the final phase of clinical trials?

Since Jomo's surgery
was a success,

we were able to move
into a new lab.

It helped us speed up
the trials.

We should be offering our treatments
publicly within the year.

That's amazing.

Listen, I don't mean
to hold you up, but...

...before Sam went missing,

I spoke to her about
a blood sample I'd been testing.

I wondered if she'd mentioned
anything to you about it.

No. I'm sorry.
She never mentioned anything.

No sign of a phone or a laptop.

Apparently, Sam had access
to a company car, though.

I'll go chase up the details. OK.

She could be halfway
down the Thames,

and you're rummaging
through her stuff?

Divers are looking for her.

Just need to search her office,
see if she left anything

that'll help us find out
what happened.

You know, er...

...your dad...he might...
He might need you

over the next few days.
I'm not sure about that.

He was answering emails
from his hospital bed

five hours after being shot. Yeah.

Still, he might not be
in the right frame of mind

to run this place, you know.

Wouldn't matter.

Jack, I've got something.

Nikki. I just ran a Vigil Network
search on Sam's company car.

ANPR has the vehicle arriving
at Dunst an ton Prison last week.

Did some digging.

Guess who got her access?

Thanks for seeing me
at such short notice.

How can I help?

I'd like to visit Tom Faulkner
in Dunst an ton Prison.

Tom Faulkner is on remand

for the assassination
of the Health Secretary.

Visitors are restricted.

But you got Sam Ryan
permission to see him.

Knowing what she and Tom
spoke about could help us

find out what's happened to her.

The police have already
questioned Faulkner

about Sam's visit.
He's refusing to talk.

He might talk to me.

It's done.

Fi, I am so sorry.

It has to be the last time.

I'm telling you —.

It will be. I promise.

Can you promise that?

We have to stick together now.

It's the only thing that matters.

You, me...

...and our child.


Hello. Jomo? It's Ethan Daley.

I saw Sam's case was registered
at Vigil Network yesterday.

I want you to know we'll be
providing every resource we have.

Well, thank you.

Look, I'm afraid that
any further discussion

of the merger between
Unitas and Vigil Network

will have to wait.

Of course. Family comes first.

If you need anything...

Well... Thank you.

What the hell?

W—What's going on?

Stop the car. Stop the car!

Mr Daley... Where's my wife?

Oh, my God, is that my wife?
Is that Helen?!

We've arrested your son, Mr Daley.

Dad... Dad!

Lewis? What did you do?

What did you do? What did you do?!



I wondered if I'd see you again.

I had to get government
permission to be here.

I hear Sam came to see you.

That's why you're here.

You know she's the reason
I'm in prison?

She shopped me to the police.

Why did she visit you?

She said she wanted me locked up
so she was free to operate.

Said she wanted to help.

I didn't believe a word of it,

but at the same time
I didn't have anything to lose,

so I put her in touch
with a journalist I'd contacted

before I was arrested.
Oliver Me eh an.

I hadn't heard from you.

I needed to get
my story out somehow.

Meehan's a good journalist.

Anyway, I gave him everything I had.

The dirty money at Unitas.

The Health Secretary's

My DNA being faked.

Going public is the only way
I stand a chance of getting out.

Oliver Meehan's dead, Tom.

And Sam's missing.

We think she might
have been att*cked

and then thrown off
the balcony at her apartment.

The diving unit's
still searching the river.

You shouldn't be here.

Whoever went after Sam and
Me eh an might come for you next.

I want to prove your innocence.

I've been testing vials
of your blood for weeks.

I found a vial of blood
in a drawer in Sam's office

not long before I was arrested.

Do you think she framed me?

One of the vials of blood
went missing

after she came to see me
at the Lyell.

She must have taken it.

I won't give up on you, Tom.

Be careful, Nikki.

Whoever these people are,
they're dangerous.

Hey. Can you let me in?



I think I left my pass on the desk.

Have they changed the code?
I don't think so.

I thought you'd gone home.
I thought YOU'D gone home.

I went by your house,
but I remembered you live here

most of the time.

Hmm, it's not here.

What are you reading?

A research paper
published by Fiona Mashaba.

A light page—turner, is it?

I went to watch her lecture about
her stem—cell research this morning.

Ah. The applications are so vast
I still can't get my head round it.

She takes skin cells
from the patient

and reverts them into induced
pluripotent stem cells,

which she then converts
into heart cells.

Which contains the patient's DNA.


Hmm. So, theoretically,
this technique could be used

to create any type of cell —
Skin, sperm, white blood cells.

And I think that
the technology is capable

of fabricating forensic DNA samples.


How do we find out?

Each manufactured stem cell
is given a genetic bar code.

So, if that's how Tom's blood
was fabricated,

I should be able to find
a bar code in the samples we have.

How long will it take?

I have no idea.

OK. Have you eaten?

Hmm? Have you eaten?

No. No time to eat. You'll burn out.

And this can wait till tomorrow.

My treat. Hmm?

Now you mention it, I'm starving.


Morning. Yo.

Fancy a coffee? Read my mind.



My pass.

Where did this come from?



Tyler! Tyler, take
your ear thingies out.


Did you take this? No.

Come on.


What do you mean,
it's all gone?

Vials of blood. Faulkner's DNA.

Skin and blood results
from Clemence's fingernails.

All the physical files related
to the case. The backups, too.

What about the original
genetic sequencing I took

from Tom's blood samples? No.


You said someone stole
your key card. When? And where?

I don't know.

But whoever stole it left it here to
show they can get to us.

I've dusted it for prints, but...

Wow, well done. Eh?
Thank God you're on the case.

I should have tested
the samples last night.

Whoever did this obviously
knew you were onto them.

Well, that's a career—defining
case they just f*cked up!

Vigil Network isn't picking anything
up in the surrounding area.

No sign of an intruder.

I wouldn't be
surprised if they destroyed

the evidence against Faulkner

She's his ex—bloody—wife.

I told Fiona that Sam was helping me
test a blood sample from the Lyell.

Now all the samples
of Tom's blood are gone.

Do you think she had
something to do with this?

I've got a match
on the partial profile

recovered from the blood
in Meehan's bathroom.

Jomo Mashaba.


Look, um...

I know things have been very
difficult lately, but, um, you know,

now Fiona's pregnant,

can't we just try harder
to get along?

What is it?


I'm at Sam Ryan
and Jomo Mashaba's house.

Tom said he found a vial
of blood in Sam's office.

I'll start in there. Fine.

I'll make a start in the bedroom.

Find anything?


Can you tell me
why we found a phone call

to Oliver Me eh an
in your phone records?

That was weeks ago.

He was harassing
the family of my former

personal assistant, Rosa Hernandez.

Kept asking all sorts
of questions about her death

when they were trying to grieve.

We believe Me eh an may have
been working on a story

concerning allegations
Tom Faulkner was framed

for the attempt on your life.

Framed? That's absurd.

You wouldn't have wanted Me eh an
clearing Faulkner's name, would you?

Well, he shot me, so... Point is...

...how far would you go to make sure
Faulkner stays locked up?

Is that recent?

This? It's just from cooking.

Your DNA matches
a partial blood sample

discovered in Oliver Meehan's flat.

Can you tell us where you were
the night Oliver Me eh an died?

The night your wife went missing?

No comment.

Nikki? This just came for you.

Oh, thanks.

Jack? Mm—hm?

Is that what I think it is?

Tom Faulkner's blood sample?

This has to be from Sam.

Wait, so, first you think
she stole the vial.

Now you're saying she's returned it?

This was posted yesterday.

What does that mean?

She's still alive?

I didn't know what I was looking for
last time I analyzed these samples.

But Fiona's papers outline
exactly where

to find the genetic bar code
in each cell.

OK. And did you find it?

What's happened?

Is it Sam?

I found a genetic bar code
in a blood sample

allegedly belonging to Tom Faulkner.

A bar code that could only have been
created by your technology.

Did you have anything to do

with the fabricating of
evidence against Tom Faulkner?

No. The bar code is proof
that your technique was used

to frame an innocent man for m*rder.

My... My work could save
millions of lives.

And it could destroy the field of
forensic science forever.

You know that's too big
a price to pay.

Did someone ask you to fabricate
the evidence against Tom?

You don't understand.

I did what was necessary to get
my research where it is today.

I think you should come
down to the station

for further questioning, OK?

And forensics will need access
to your apartment.


The blood at Meehan's was only
a partial, degraded profile.

Technically, Jomo might not
be the only match.

What if the sample
came from a blood relative?

David Mashaba.

Cactus. BOTH: Cholla cactus.

Dad... What did the police want?

They think that we had
something to do with the death

of a journalist.

Now, I know that I didn't,

so I need you to tell me
that we are not involved.


Oh, son.

What the hell have you done?

David Mashaba,
I'm arresting you in connection

with the m*rder of Oliver Me eh an.

You do not need to say anything,

but it may harm your defense if
you do not mention when questioned

something which you later
rely on in court.

Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.

Come along, sir.

I need to search David's office.

Everything I've done
with Unitas was for him.

How can I protect him now?

I'm not sure you can.

Just try and be there for him.

Oliver Me eh an contacted me
with questions

about the funding for
our health passport bid...

...suggesting that the money
had come from people

with ulterior motives.

He was a credible journalist, so...

...if the story came out, then...

...it would ruin the company.

There have been allegations
about dirty money

in Unitas for a while now.

Where did the money come from,

You have to understand.

I just wanted to help my wife
achieve her dream.

And show my dad I could
contribute to the business.

Did you know Me eh an
also talked to Sam?

I don't know what happened to Sam.

I swear.

That's why I wanted to handle the
whole Me eh an situation on my own.

That's why I went to his apartment,

to try and reason with him, to try
and bribe him, if necessary.

But he wouldn't listen.

We argued.

He hit me.

And I hit him back.

He just went straight down.

He was dead, just like that.

I never meant to k*ll him.

I thought if I threw his body
over the balcony, then

it might look like a su1c1de.

Me eh an wasn't dead when you threw
him over the balcony, David.

He died from the fall.

Tell us about the framing
of Tom Faulkner.

A few weeks before
the health passport launch,

David brought a skin scraping
to my laboratory.

He wanted me to engineer blood
and skin samples using iPSCs

and formulate the amino acids
found in sweat.

It was just a one—time request,

a chance to show off my technology
to our investors.

If I didn't do it, the... the funding
we'd secured for my research

would have been withdrawn.

I can't believe
you could have been so naive.

So, you fabricated the evidence
against Tom Faulkner?

We had no idea what
the samples would be used for.

We didn't even know
who Tom Faulkner was.

Oh, you... didn't think to ask whose
DNA sample you were making?

Or why? No.

You started to suspect
that the sample you created

had framed an innocent man, though.

And you still said nothing.

Jomo had been shot and... and
the Health Secretary was dead.

People were dying all around us.

If we'd have said anything, it would
have been me and Fiona next.

I don't think you're telling us
the whole truth, David.

The money you were taking must
have come from somewhere.

Whoever's been backing you
is still out there.

And you know who it is.

I'm not going to say anything more.

Not until I get guaranteed
protection for me and my wife.

What a balls—up.
This could see Faulkner walk.

Faulkner's innocent, Ronnie.

David Mashaba can tell us

who ordered the
Health Secretary's assassination.

Just go and sort out a safe house
for the pair of them, will you?

And transport them in the morning.

The police have briefed me
on everything.


You've proved that fabricated
DNA samples exist.

What will happen to Tom now?

Well, the charges against him
will be dropped

and he will be released
in due course.

So, why did you call me here?

Because what you have
uncovered could derail

the entire justice system.

If this information ever got out,
it would be a political catastrophe.

Are you asking me
to stay quiet about it?

Just until we have the full picture.

Do you have any idea
of how Sam fits into all this?

I think she took one of
Tom's fabricated blood vials

from the Lyell a few weeks ago.

It arrived in the post this morning

after all the other samples
had been stolen.

And you think Sam sent it?

Yeah. I do.

Then where is she?

There's... There's something
I want to tell you.

I think you'll want
to know this now.


Fiona didn't just do it once.


Ethan Daley's son was...

Watch out! HORN BLARES.


Silencium by John Harte.

♪ Testador silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silencium. ♪
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