05x05 - The Einstein Factor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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05x05 - The Einstein Factor

Post by bunniefuu »

He is considered the most brilliant
mind of the 20th century.

His brain was wired in a different way

than normal human beings.

With radical theories that
redefined the forces of nature.

We thought we had a
pretty good understanding

of how the universe worked. Einstein
showed that we were just wrong.

But was Albert Einstein's
genius somehow otherworldly?

Any time that there is an individual with

extraordinary gifts, is it
possible that they're a little

bit more than human?

And could that genius unlock
the secrets of the universe?

It's Einstein's theory
which allows for the real

possibility of time travel.

Millions of people around the world

believe we have been visited in the past

by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, might evidence of
alien contact help to unlock the

mystery behind the genius
of Albert Einstein?

# Ancient Aliens 5x05 #
The Einstein Factor
Original Air Date on January 18, 2013

Principe Island, 140 miles off
the west coast of Africa,

May 29th, 1919.

During a rare total solar eclipse,
astrophysicist Arthur Eddington

photographs the deflection of star
light around the darkened sun,

to try and prove Albert
Einstein's much disputed

Theory of General Relativity.

The theory of General Relativity says

light will bend in a gravitational field.

So when the eclipse blocks out the sun,

the stars close to the
sun can now be seen.

And if the light bends, they'll be
in a slightly different position.

Einstein was exactly right.

The light bent just as much as
he predicted it would bend.

Newspapers around the world
had headlines saying,

Einstein's theory was vindicated,

and in fact, space and time were a
lot stranger than we had imagined.

In his lifetime, Albert
Einstein was a worldwide

celebrity whose name
personified the word "genius."

His groundbreaking discoveries redefined

Isaac Newton's laws of physics and

created a completely new understanding
of how the universe works.

Before Einstein, physicists
viewed space and time

as simple, unchanging, static
ideas that objects existed in

and that events took place in.

According to Einstein, the
existence of matter and energy

in space can change its shape,
it can warp time, it can distort it.

And his theory of relativity
totally upended everything

we thought about these most
fundamental of physical concepts.

Before his Theory of Relativity,

our understanding of space
was equivalent to a time

when we believed the Earth
was flat, essentially.

Einstein's Theory of
Relativity expanded our

understanding of the
universe on that level.

Albert Einstein was a genius.

And his genius was looking
at this stuff and just thinking

about it from a completely
different angle.

And that's what really allowed
him to make huge progress in

areas that other people hadn't
been able to make up to that point.

But what was the origin of Einstein's

revolutionary scientific breakthroughs?

Was it a product of his innate gifts?

Or might it have come...

from somewhere else?

Albert Einstein was born on
March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany.

As a child, he displayed an
unusual interest in the less

tangible forces of the world.

His father, when he was ill
one time, showed him a compass.

And Einstein, as a child, was so amazed.

Here there was this invisible
force that caused the compass

needle to point, and that
sparked his imagination.

What is that?

How does that happen?

So, this is sort of the
beginning of things that made

him realize that what we saw in the world

had sort of a mysterious connection.

This curiosity led young
Einstein to a physics

degree from the Swiss National
Polytechnic in Zurich.

But following his graduation,

the aspiring physicist
struggled to find work.

He wasn't able to get
immediately a job that he

wanted, which is teaching physics.

So he took a job that was through a
friend of his at a patent office.

The patent office helped him

sharpen his mind by
examining these patents.

And eventually, it also gave
him the time that he needed

to think about these things
that puzzled him.

It was during this time
that something remarkable

happened to Albert Einstein...

something which suggests that

Einstein was communicating with
a realm outside our galaxy,

a realm that some ancient
astronaut theorists believe may

be designed by extraterrestrials.

Albert Einstein was very
adept in putting himself

into altered states of
consciousness through what he

called his thought experiments,
which were a kind of

three-dimensional metaphorical reverie.

It was the kind of thing of
putting himself into a place

that most of us won't go,
and exploring that space...

so that he could receive very,
very novel and new ideas.

Thought experiments
enable you to visually or

geometrically approach a problem

that maybe mathematically
might be difficult.

For example, Einstein liked to
think about what it would be

like, from a first-person
perspective, sitting on a

beam of light moving through space.

What would he see from that perspective?

He had all sorts of different visual
ways of thinking about physics.

In 1905, after immersing himself in these

thought experiments, Einstein
authored four papers that would

redefine mankind's perception of
the universe in multiple ways.

Included in that year was a paper which

essentially proved that atoms were
real entities that really existed.

That was a very controversial
idea at the time.

In that year, he published a paper

on what's called the photoelectric effect.

Everybody believed that light was a wave.

Einstein said, no.

Light really acts like a particle,

and it comes in little discreet packets.

These particles of light
eventually led Einstein to

the notion of the stimulated
emissions, so we have lasers.

We use lasers for everything from
eye surgery to cutting metal.

One of his papers
included the equation E=mc2.

It said, you could create mass,

you could destroy mass, and it
gave us an idea of how mass

might come into existence
in the first place.

Einstein showed that
mass can be converted into

useful kinetic energy.
And so, this is the basis of the

energy we get out of nuclear
fission and nuclear fusion.

And another paper he
published that year became the

beginning of his Theory of Relativity.

This was an amazing array of

things to do for a scientist
in an entire career.

The fact that Einstein did it all in
one year is virtually miraculous.

To get a sense of how
dramatic those papers were,

imagine if someone came up to
you and said, everything that

you know about space and time
and matter and energy is wrong.

And then, they would give you
all the math and all the

explanation of why everything
that you know is totally wrong.

It's often referred to as the
Annus Mirabilis papers, which

basically means, the miracle
year or wonderful year.

What was the source
behind Einstein's incredible

insight about the laws of physics?

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists contend,

that Einstein's ability to enter
altered states of consciousness

connected him to an
extraterrestrial world?

One that allowed him to access
information about the inner

workings of the universe?

Einstein said that when
he first developed the

concept of relativity, it was like
a storm going off in his head.

And this would show that he had

a different kind of a brain
and his brain was wired

in a different way than
normal human beings.

Albert Einstein was known to spend

hours on end sitting in a chair,
formulating an idea or a

thought to its inception.

Now, was he tapping into some type
of advanced field of knowledge?

It's very possible Einstein used this
type of technology to a certain level.

When we look at history
and when we look at

the people themselves who are the
giants on whose shoulders we stand,

what they are saying is
that this information wasn't

theirs but that something beyond
them, something which was

larger, something which was
divine allowed them to receive

this information and give it to the world.

All the knowledge of the
universe exists in the cosmos.

And maybe Einstein was able
to access that knowledge,

that he was more in tune with
this what I would even refer to

as a metaphysical world.

That he had this direct access.

He didn't know how he did this,
but his being knew it, his essence.

That through his being, he was able
to unlock the secret of the universe.

Did Albert Einstein's use of thought

experiments grant him access
to an extraterrestrial realm,

as some ancient astronaut
theorists believe?

Perhaps the answer lies not in
other worlds, but locked away

within the pieces of
Albert Einstein's brain.

Princeton, New Jersey.

April 18, 1955.

World-renowned physicist Albert
Einstein dies from a ruptured

aneurysm in his heart.

Hours later, Princeton Hospital
pathologist Thomas Harvey

carefully removes the
famed scientist's brain.

When Albert Einstein died,
there was an autopsy

performed on him in 1955
at Princeton University.

And the man who performed the
autopsy removed Einstein's brain.

And he actually took Einstein's
brain out of his head and he put

it in a cookie jar filled with
formaldehyde, and he held onto it.

So there was an urban legend
that went around that said that

somebody had Einstein's brain,
which was actually true.

What everyone didn't
realize is that the key thing

that defined Einstein, which was
his brain, was being driven

around in the backseat of
a car of this physician.

It was a very weird story.

His motivation was not just
simply the ghoulish thing of

having this, you know, great
trophy, but it was to try to see

if he could understand it.

And he began to give slices
of it to neurobiologists and

neurophysiologists to see if
they could understand what it

was about Einstein that was different.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Present day.

45 miles south from the hospital
where Albert Einstein's brain

was removed, and hidden away
behind the walls of this museum

resides what's left of arguably the
greatest mind in human history.

Here at the Mutter Museum,
we have mummified

human remains, skeletons
of mutated bodies.

But our most important artifact
is right here: Einstein's brain.

We have a wide range
of artifacts, but they are

all in the medical spectrum.

Einstein's brain, it's an
amazing representation of not

only a medical specimen, but
one that represents one of the

greatest minds in the world.

In 2011, the Mutter Museum
received 46 slides of

Einstein's brain from
Dr. Lucy Rorke-Adams,

who acquired them from an
employee of Thomas Harvey.

I've been extraordinarily fortunate to

have been the caretaker of these
slides for over 40 years.

And I regard them as a
scientific treasure.

The best way to describe his
brain was that it looked like

the brain of a young person.

At age 76, he has beautiful
preservation of the neurons and

no degenerative disease of any kind.

How is it possible that at
the advanced age of 76,

Albert Einstein possessed the
neurons of a healthy young man?

Why was his brain unique
to that of other humans?

Even more curious is the fact
that Einstein's parietal lobe...

the part of the brain believed
to be involved in the

manipulation of objects and the
processing of numbers...

was 15% wider than the average human.

These are actual images taken in 1955

of Albert Einstein's brain.

One thing to point out here is
you can see the red line is

relatively expanded
compared to normal brains,

marking the expansion
of the parietal lobe.

The parietal lobe of Albert
Einstein is truly anomalous.

It's unique.

It's intriguing to think that
this might have something to do

with his unique ability to put himself
into these very abstract scenarios.

He was known for thinking,
what would it be like if I was

traveling at the speed of light?

That's a hard place to put your mind in.

The parietal lobe might be involved
in these types of abstract thoughts.

So the fact that we see kind
of an anomalous anatomy in the

parietal lobe of Einstein,
it's intriguing.

In the 1980s at UC Berkeley,
Dr. Marian Diamond

discovered another amazing feature
about Einstein's brain structure.

Diamond found that it contained
over 70% more glial cells than

the average human brain.

The brain is not just the
communication between neurons,

but the communication
between neurons and glia.

Glia are crucial for the very
basic carrying of information.

We could hypothesize that a
brain with a larger number of

glia per neuron could have advantageous
effects on brain performance...

enhanced cognitive abilities.

Probably 99.9% of the brains
across mankind are identical.

But certain brains stand out.

And in the case of Einstein,
this was a genius who seems to

have had some kind of
hardware that was different.

What could be the reason
for the extraordinary

genetic makeup of Albert
Einstein's gray matter?

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

that his advanced brain allowed
him to receive and decipher

messages from an otherworldly
realm upon entering

a trance-like state?

Could this explain how he was
able to envision his four

groundbreaking papers that
transformed man's understanding

of the universe in under a year's time?

How could one person in one year

create and write such important papers?

And his own colleagues had no
idea what he was talking about.

The way Einstein thought was completely
different than people before him.

How do we account for Einstein's
large brain capabilities?

Is it something in human
evolution that's just causing

him to evolve faster?

Or was he potentially given some
type of leg up genetically?

Maybe some type of
extraterrestrial gene that we

still haven't yet identified.

Are there individuals
out there that may have DNA

sequences that we're not
familiar with, that are unknown,

that are non-terrestrial, that have
never been discovered before?

Anytime that there is an individual
with extraordinary gifts,

is it possible that they're
a little bit more than human?

Could Einstein's
extraordinary brain anatomy

explain his remarkable genius?

Or could it be that his use of
thought experiments and his

unique brain structure allowed
him to receive and decipher

information from an otherworldly source?

Perhaps answers can be found by
examining the incredible minds

behind other geniuses
throughout human history.

Stockholm, Sweden, 1921.

The Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences awards Albert Einstein

with the Nobel Prize in Science
for his groundbreaking

contributions to theoretical physics.

What separated Einstein
from his contemporaries?

How did the 42-year-old
physicist achieve such a

seemingly perfect blueprint
of the universe.

We see that across time
and space we have pockets

of people who have received
tremendous amounts of

information which really have
propelled civilization along.

Obviously, the question, then,
is do they have special brains,

or is this just something which
happens by concentrating on the

right thing to access this information.

Is it possible that Albert
Einstein's practice of

thought experiments allowed his
genetically advanced brain

to receive messages from
a metaphysical realm,

as ancient astronaut theorists believe?

If so, could there be evidence
of other geniuses across human

history whose greatest
achievements materialized

through altered states of consciousness?

Athens, Greece.

Outside the Hellenic Military Academy
sits a statue of a w*r hero...

and the founding father of
Western philosophy...


Socrates' contemporaries
described the philosopher as

being strange in many ways,
including spending hours each

day consumed by his own thoughts.

One of the most stunning
examples of Socrates'

daydreaming actually happens
while on campaign as a soldier

at the siege of Potidaea.

Socrates was caught in the grip
of a thought or an idea,

and he remained fixed and
thinking silently for an hour,

for another hour, for another hour.

He displayed an extraordinary
endurance that his peers may

have found odd and
suspicious and puzzling.

We often think that
a genius is eccentric, but I

think some of their eccentricity
comes from the fact that they

really are in touch with other realities.

In the case of Socrates, he said
that he was able to access a demon.

Now, a demon for Socrates
is not some evil creature.

But the ancient Greeks had this
subcategory of gods who really

were talking to human beings,
explaining the mysteries of life to us,

explaining why we were here.

Is Socrates' so-called demon

evidence that the founder of Western

philosophy was mentally unstable?

Or could Socrates' demon be
proof that he was in contact

with an extraterrestrial
intelligence that was sending

him messages from a distant
realm in the cosmos.

I think it's too easy
just to say that, yeah,

Socrates was nuts or that he was
schizophrenic or that he was

hearing voices.

The demon is some kind of
messenger, some kind of bridge

between him and the realm
of the metaphysical

that he is trying to attain.

Did Socrates' practice of deep meditation

connect him to an
extraterrestrial intelligence,

as some ancient astronaut
theorists contend?

If so, could there be other
geniuses with similar claims

that they received information
from a higher realm

while in a trance-like state?

In the case of Leonardo da Vinci, in his

writings he describes laying
down on a bed in his room and

taking a candle and placing the
candle at the foot of the bed.

And he would lie down on the bed
and look at the flickering of

the flame on the ceiling, and it
would put him into a very, very

deep state in which he would be able to
imagine and come up with new ideas.

Puccini said that his great opera Madame

Butterfly was from God...
that he wrote it down, but it came

directly from a divine source.

William Blake, whose entire
opus, his writing and painting,

was based on repeated angelic visitations.

Brahms said that his music came
from something beyond himself.

We don't know if they're, in
fact, receiving communication

from some divine or powerful
source beyond their own skin,

or if they may be in touch with
their own unconscious or deeper

wisdom that they're not
customarily hearing from.

In the 1900s, Serbian-born
inventor Nikola Tesla

pioneered modern electrical engineering

and was the driving force behind
today's wireless technology.

In his writings, Tesla describes
his method of approaching

a complex engineering problem.

Nikola Tesla was someone
who wrote extensively

about using very, very
powerful visualizations.

In fact, he said that he was
able to visualize a motor and

then actually run research and
development, R&D, on the motor

in his mind, so that he could
tell where there might be,

for example, mistakes or flaws.

And he would be able to do
almost all of that in his mind.

in this altered states of consciousness.

Nikola Tesla, he's a person who believes

in the existence of
extraterrestrial beings.

He is a person who really believes that

he can communicate with other galaxies.

Perhaps the greatest piece of evidence

that Tesla believed
he was in communication

with otherworldly beings
can be found in a letter he sent

to the American Red Cross
in December of 1900.

In the letter, he writes,
"We have a message from another

world, unknown and remote.

It reads:

One... two... three."

Tesla was a genius
with certain eccentricities.

Everything he did was in threes.

And it is interesting, I think,
because this is a level of symbolism.

When we realize that so many of
our ancestors, whenever they are

talking about communication with
the divine, and how the divine

downloaded this information to
them, we see this rich layer of

symbolism there as well.

Why was Tesla so obsessed
with the number three?

Could this be a clue that Tesla
was using his own internal form

of wireless communication to
connect with cosmic advisors,

as ancient astronaut theorists believe?

And could this also explain the
remarkable genius of India's

Srinivasa Ramanujan?

Although Ramanujan was an
unexceptional student,

he is widely considered the
greatest mathematician in history.

And according to his journals,
Ramanujan believed he was being

guided subconsciously by an
otherworldly being,

the Hindu god Namagiri.

Namagiri was the family
deity of Ramanujan.

And basically, everything the family
did was linked with this deity.

Much of his creative work
was actually done by going

to bed with an intention to be visited
by a Hindu deity that he worshiped.

And when he would fall asleep,

he would become lucid in the dream time.

And he would receive enormous
amounts of information.

In one particular dream, he
talks about seeing a very large

red wall and a hand that came
out and wrote equation after

equation after equation after equation.

He memorized the equations, and
when he woke up, he actually

then went to work verifying the proofs.

The vast majority of all of his
equations were new and important

and utterly groundbreaking.

All of the science that we need to

eventually be able to create
portals, star gate travel,

teleportation...it all needs
a mathematical foundation.

And the closest that we have
right now is the Ramanujan

equations that we've been
able to decipher so far.

It is an irrefutable fact that

mathematics is the
language of the universe.

So if Ramanujan's formulae do,
in fact, check out, who knows

what the potential is
of those conclusions?

It could be life-altering.

It could revolutionary.

Is it only a coincidence that many of the

greatest minds in human history
claim to have received

information from an otherworldly source?

Or could it be possible that
Socrates, Nikola Tesla,

Srinivasa Ramanujan, as well as
other geniuses in human history,

were using altered states of consciousness

to access an alien realm,

a realm that some
ancient astronaut theorists

believe contains the entire
knowledge of the universe?

If so, where might this
realm of knowledge exist?

Perhaps answers can be found in
Asia, within the pages of an

ancient Hindu text.

Angkor, Cambodia.

Here in the northwestern jungle
stands the largest Hindu temple

in the world...

Angkor Wat.

Built in the 12th Century, the
temple's design is meant to

represent Mount Meru, a mythical
mountain that exists in the

cosmos that the Hindu believed
was the center of the

metaphysical universe.

Numerous stone carvings adorn
the walls of the temple,

depicting scenes from the
Hindu epic the Mahabharata.

Within the pages of this ancient
text of Hindu mythology,

there is a description of a
non-physical plane of existence

in the universe called the Akashic Record.

Akasha is actually a Sanskrit word.

And the Akashic Record is a term
that basically, the idea behind

it is that all of the
information in the universe is

preexisting, and an individual can
actually tap into that information.

Our ancestors began to
look more into this,

and the Akashic Records came about.

Basically, the notion is this.

That somehow all the
information, not just from

mankind, but everywhere in the
universe, is somehow accessible.

Some cultures actually say that
this information really is a

gift of the gods, that they left
this somehow behind for us to

use at our own will.

And we are able to download this
information from this other realm,

this hall of records,
whatever you want to call it.

An interesting thing to correlate with the

Akashic Record might be
from Star Wars, the Force.

Some type of cosmic energy
that's omnipresent, and we have

the ability to tap into this.

This is something very new in
our own sciences... trying to

discover and understand
this field of knowledge.

Is it possible that
Albert Einstein's method of

meditation, which he called
his Thought Experiments,

was actually connecting him
to the Akashic Record?

Could the Akashic Record be the
source of inspiration behind the

world's geniuses?

If so, how could such a metaphysical
plane of knowledge exist?

Perhaps the answer can be found in one
of Albert Einstein's many theories.

In 1935, Albert Einstein
published a paper describing

quantum entanglement.

It theorized that if a particle
is split into two parts,

both remain linked to one another,
even when separated over vast distances.

Experiments showed that
two particles separated I

space and time demonstrated
a connectivity.

If you changed the spin of one
particle, the other particle

would actually change its spin, as well.

In other words,
if something happens to one,

the other responds in the same
or an equal and opposite manner.

And this occurs instantaneously.

So it's a form of
instantaneous communication.

It's what Einstein referred to as
spooky communication at a distance.

What we have to remind
ourselves is that we are

made of stardust.

Our whole body consists of
material that has been here

since before the beginning of time.

And these particles that we
consist of...each and every

particle contain the
knowledge of the universe.

It's not only real, but
it can explain to us so much

weirdness in this world, which
we still don't understand and

call paranormal.

And this would include the idea
of telepathy and remote viewing.

Remote viewing is the
practice of using deep

concentration to visualize
locations or objects beyond

sight and sound.

Starting in the 1970s,
the United States initiated

a program called Project Star
Gate to train individuals

to access a higher realm of knowledge.

Using controlled scientific
settings, remote viewers

attempted to sense unknown
targets and then record their

impressions on paper.

The U.S. government
have funded remote viewing

programs, as did the Soviets,
as have various other

governments around the world.

Remote viewing exercises have
taken place for people to try

and observe that which
is on the moon, on Mars.

And these are proper scientific
programs, with accuracy.

The U.S. Military
remote viewing program has

scientific protocols for how to do this.

There are really specific
techniques where an individual

can put out a question or a
query, and if they are in that

altered state of consciousness,
they will receive information.

If you read the biographies of famous
geniuses and things like that,

each one of them has their own
description for how to do this.

Why would the government spend

millions of dollars on all these
advanced studies in areas like remote

viewing unless there is some
type of valid need to experiment

with these types of technology?

If we think about the fact that
we're all pretty much made of

the same elements in the
universe, is there maybe some

atomic level of energy that
allows us to communicate and tap

into knowledge that we're
now starting to rediscover?

Is it possible that remote
viewers were attempting

to replicate the meditative
techniques behind Albert

Einstein's thought experiments?

Can this explain how remote
viewers might possess the

capability to transcend
both sight and sound?

Could Einstein's thought
experiments be the inspiration

behind the incredible
breakthroughs of Socrates,

Nikola Tesla, and other
geniuses throughout history?

All these different geniuses, Ramanujan,

Tesla, Socrates, according to
their own diaries, always said

that they were in communication with
some type of otherworldly entities.

So, were all these people just
crazy, or is it possible that

the universe is far more
complex than we think?

Is it possible that mankind's
greatest minds had the

ability to access a realm
of knowledge left behind by

otherworldly beings?

Could this be evidence that the
Akashic Record actually exists,

just as the ancient Hindu believed?

And if a select few have the
power to tap into this alien

realm, does this mean that the
extraterrestrials who created it

can influence them as well?

Albert Einstein's incredible legacy,
which includes over 300 scientific

papers, continues to influence
the world over a half century

since his death.

And while Einstein redefined our
understanding of the universe,

perhaps his greatest
contribution to mankind

is still to come: time travel.

It's Einstein's special
theory of relativity,

speed of light, and the general
theory of relativity which

allows for the real
possibility of time travel.

Some scientists today
believe that Einstein's

theory of relativity creates the
possibility to travel through a

portal or wormhole called an
Einstein-Rosen bridge...

a space anomaly that may actually
be a gateway to parallel universes.

In the theory of general relativity, space

actually acts like something that you
can bend and warp and make holes in.

An Einstein-Rosen bridge is a
particular example of a wormhole,

and a wormhole is a structure
in space and time that

involves kind of tearing a hole in
space, stretching the material...

if you think of space being a material...

and reconnecting it somewhere else.

An Einstein-Rosen bridge
takes two points in space

and connects them so that if you travel
in one end, you come out the other,

even though those two points
appear in different universes.

It's essentially a teleporter,
something that allows you to get

between two distant
places instantaneously.

Could Einstein's
theoretical wormhole actually

serve as a portal to another
universe, perhaps opening a

gateway that will one day
establish contact between humans

and extraterrestrials?

When we take a look
at the idea that there are

wormholes and that these are
actually generally accepted by

some of the most brilliant
individuals on the planet,

what you begin to see is that all
of these pieces are in place to

suggest that there is
intelligent life elsewhere in

the universe and that there
is also the likelihood or

possibility that we have had
contact in the past or have

ongoing contact now or may have
contact in the future as well.

Was Albert Einstein's monumental work

actually a lifelong quest
to establish contact with


Did otherworldly beings provide
him with information about how

to transcend both space and time?

If so, why?

We find that the greatest
discoveries across time

and space don't come to hard
work or intensive labor,

but that really the genius somehow
is able to access a realm and

that that realm is able to
pretty much download that

information to them and makes them
remember forever onwards as geniuses.

In history you have certain
people whose genius

is just so incredible, it's like
they're able to see the future,

and they're not going to just
influence the world then and in

the future, but what they're
going to do is going to

dramatically change the world forever.

We tend to think of civilization
as this slow ebb of

information, that somehow
across the flow of time we have

progressed, but really
this is not the case.

We have made giant strides
forward because, at pockets in

time, there were certain geniuses living.

Are extraterrestrials accelerating

the cognitive abilities of a
select few to help further the

development of human
civilization, as some ancient

astronaut theorists believe?

Could this explain Albert Einstein's
extraordinary neural anatomy?

Is it only a coincidence that arguably the

greatest mind in the history
of the world had a higher

concentration of glial cells and
a wider parietal lobe than the

average human brain and was as
healthy as the brain of a young

man when he died?

That is extraordinary evidence.

If we were able to study
the brains of some of

these other geniuses...
Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla,

and perhaps now of someone
like Stephen Hawking...

I think we would find that their
brains, too, are significantly different

than a normal human's.

There seems to be something
within our DNA whereby

we go in one direction and we
seem to have a normal human

being, but also certain things
within our DNA are able to make

us a genius, and definitely
Einstein was one of them,

but what makes this switch work
is something which we have been

completely incapable of answering.

Were the greatest minds
in human history receiving

information from otherworldly beings?

Are geniuses the link between us and them?

Could Albert Einstein's thought
experiments be the key to unlock

the genius that exists in
each and every one of us?

If so, who will be the next Einstein?

Where will he or she come from?

And what new dimensions will
they reveal to mankind?
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