06x07 - Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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06x07 - Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Powerful

that he should have absolute

control over everything.
NARRATOR: ...ruling by

divine right.
JONATHAN YOUNG: Tracing royal

lineage back to a god implies
great wisdom, almost celestial

NARRATOR: Centuries old

dynasties amassing enormous

family is one of the most

successful organizations in the

NARRATOR: And legendary
leaders wielding powerful

weapons of mass destruction.

being told is that this was
extraterrestrial technology.

NARRATOR: Did the power and
authority of the world's great

kings come from mortal deeds?
Or was it granted from

otherworldly sources?

saw themselves as direct
descendents of gods,

and those gods, apparently,
were extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?
Did ancient aliens really help

to shape our history?
And if so, might they have

guided us through our
emperors, kings and pharaohs?

Westminster Abbey, London.
June 2, 1953.

27 year old Elizabeth Alexandra
Mary is crowned Queen Elizabeth

II of England.
She has inherited the British

throne following the death of
her father, King George VI.

During the coronation ceremony,
the young monarch swears to

uphold the laws of God and is
anointed with sacred oil.

It is an initiation ritual that
has remained unchanged for more

than a thousand years.

DAVID WILCOCK: There's a very
interesting connection between

the Bible and the British

So when you've actually examined
the oath that the family would

swear to, it describes the Bible
as the "Oracles of God."

It is said in the Divine Right
of Kings that God chose and

appointed these rulers.

NARRATOR: Throughout human
history, powerful monarchs have

created laws, fought wars and
explored vast regions of the

They have also used the wealth

of their lands to wield
enormous power, and all while

claiming that they have received
their authority from an even

higher, otherworldly origin.

something we see a lot in
highly stratified societies,

this belief that the royalty
actually was a different sort of

person than the common man.

And that therefore this somehow
justified their position at the

top of the hierarchy.
And this is usually done

religiously, to say that, in a
sense, the kings or the rulers

or the pharaohs or whoever, were
to some degree, divine.

COLLINS: There's no question
that those in control believed

that they had the connection
with the divine, they had the

connection with the gods,
they had the connection

with the other world.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
ancient rulers were, in fact,

connected to divine or, some
would say, extraterrestrial

And if so, how?

And what was their purpose?
According to ancient astronaut

theorists, part of the answer
can be found by looking into the

extraordinary origins of the
Egyptian pharaohs.

Abu Simbel, Egypt.
Here on the western bank of Lake

Nasser, are two massive rock

Carved out of the mountainside,
they were built during the reign

of Pharaoh Ramses II in the
13th century BC.

also known as Ramses The Great,

was probably the greatest of the
builders of the ancient Egyptian


He did this, basically, to
impress upon everybody just how

great he was.
COLLINS: What he created

was a series of absolutely
gigantic statues of himself,

and certain gods which formed
the entrance into a rock cut

series of inner temples,
shrines, and ruins.

forever here.

When one comes here, you almost
feel him around.

He leaves this great temple
here, so that he could

constantly communicate with his
cosmic afterworld and his

earthly domain.

NARRATOR: Within the main
temple of Abu Simbel are statues

of Ramses depicted, not just
as a mortal king and warrior,

but as the Egyptian god of the
afterlife, Osiris.

According to the Pyramid Texts,
ancient Egyptian religious

writings that date back to the
24th century BC, Osiris was

the offspring of the Earth god
Geb, and the sky goddess, Nut,

and often portrayed as
green skinned.

He was considered to be a wise
and beloved ruler who married

his sister !sis, and was
m*rder*d by his brother Set.

BAUVAL: Osiris and Set were
in conflict.

The story goes that Set, being
jealous of his more successful

brother, kills him and cuts his
body into 14 pieces.

!sis, in despair, collects the
bodies and performs the first

magical ritual of resurrection.

YOUNG: !sis, the wife and
sister, finds a way to revive

Osiris briefly and
conceive a son.

The son is a god; the god Horus.

BAUVAL: Horus grows up
and avenges his father,

defeats Set, and becomes the
first Horus king of the land of

Egypt, the cosmic land of Egypt,
the land of the gods.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
Ramses II was, as he claimed,

an actual physical descendant
of Osiris?

And if the legends are to be
believed, does this lineage

suggest that Ramses was, in
fact, an extraterrestrial

hybrid part human, part
so called god?

ROBERT SCHOCH: As pharaoh,
Ramses considered himself the

embodiment of Horus...

...essentially, the sun god on
Earth during his lifetime, and

then once he passed on to the
afterlife, he became essentially

one with the gods, forming his
rightful place in the

everlasting pantheons of the

YOUNG: The myth of Osiris
was extremely important

in the credibility of the rulers
of Egypt.

Every pharaoh saw himself as a
reincarnation of Horus, the god

of the daylight, the god of
life, and the personification

of Osiris, the god of
the unseen and the

underworld, the afterlife.

consequently, the reason in
ancient Egypt that the pharaoh

had the right to tell you
exactly what to do and you had

to obey him was because he was a
direct descendant of a god, in

fact, a demigod himself.
NARRATOR: Was Ramses II's

otherworldly connection the
reason he became one of the most

powerful pharaohs in ancient

And what does this say about
Egypt's other legendary rulers?

Could they have been,
as their legends claim,

actual descendants of
extraterrestrial beings?

According to researchers,
additional evidence can be found

in the design and construction
of the Abu Simbel temples.

BAUVAL: We're in the
Osirian hall.

Amazing how they carved this out
of the living rock, slowly

cutting, slowly fashioning,
and they produced this.

It's extraordinary.
NARRATOR: The temple at Abu

Simbel was built with
astonishing precision.

Twice a year, light from the
morning sun traveled down the

entire expanse of the temple
cave to the very back wall,

illuminating the statue of
Ramses seated amongst the gods.

COLLINS: Ramses saw himself
as a living god, and

because of this, he felt that
he should have this absolute

control over everything,
that he himself could even get

the sun to shine in this way,
as if the sun itself was

working on behalf of him.
NARRATOR: But how and why

did Ramses design and build such
a sophisticated structure more

than 3,000 years ago?
Was it designed to channel some

cosmic or otherworldly power?
YOUNG: The world of the

spirit and the world of
matter seem divided at times.

But a great leader, like Ramses
II, understands that the

mysteries need to be concrete.
There's a need for building,

and in these monuments and
palaces and other structures

that Ramses built,
there will be depictions of

himself as a god, or in the
company of gods, showing a

divine connection to his rule
and to the people.

stories in which Ramses himself

claims that he was in direct
contact with the guardians of

the sky.

Now, who were these guardians of
the sky?

Were they just fantasy or did
they really exist?

CHILDRESS: Ramses II and
all the Egyptian pharaohs, I

mean, they saw themselves as
direct descendants of gods,

and their genetic material and
their blood was the same blood

that was coming from the gods...
and those gods, apparently,

were extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Is it possible,
as ancient astronaut theorists

suggest, that the legends and
stories of Osiris, along with

the architectural wonders like
the temples of Abu Simbel,

provide evidence that the
pharaohs of ancient Egypt had,

in fact, otherworldly origins?
And if so, might similar

legends of divine rulers
throughout the world reveal

extraterrestrial connections?
Perhaps the answers can be found

by examining the celestial
origins of some of Asia's

greatest emperors.

NARRATOR: Xinzheng, China.
It was here that Huangdi, a

mythical ancient leader known as
the Yellow Emperor, is believed

to have reigned throughout
the 27th century B.C.

Viewed by many as the father of
Chinese culture, the Yellow

Emperor has been credited with
creating traditional Chinese

medicine such as acupuncture,
and introducing advancements

like wooden houses, the bow and
arrow, bronze coins, and a

written language.
JUDY HO: The Yellow Emperor

is, according to most Chinese,
a legendary figure.

He's a cultural hero as well as
a ruler, but at the same

time, he's also believed to be,
actually, the founder

of Chinese civilization.

In fact, just about everything
that you would think as the

basic elements of civilization
is somehow associated with the

Yellow Emperor.

NARRATOR: According to some
researchers, the Yellow Emperor,

like other ancient rulers,
possessed otherworldly power,

and they believe the proof can
be found by looking at the

celestial origins of this
mysterious leader.

Like the Egyptians, the ancient
Chinese believed their emperors

received their powers and
abilities from the heavens.

HO: The Chinese emperor is
actually called "son of heaven."

What that means is that the
emperor earns his right to rule

people because he received a
certain guidance from heaven to

Heaven is always sending down

these messages telling the
emperor when is the best time to

harvest, when is the best time
to sow seeds, when to actually

wage a w*r.
So, um, it's very important for

the emperor, then, to read the

TSOUKALOS: According to
ancient Chinese legends, the

Yellow Emperor was floating
through space.

He saw that the people of
Earth were sad and poor,

but he saw potential.
So in order to help the people,

he descended from the sky...

...and taught those people
different scientific


YOUNG: The Yellow Emperor
comes down to bring

comfort, order and
leadership to his people.

So there's a direct connection
between the divine realms and

the beginnings of our
personality, our identity,

our nation.

NARRATOR: According to
legend, after ruling for 100

years, the Yellow Emperor
made preparations to

leave his earthly kingdom.
TSOUKALOS: After Huangdi's

work was done on planet
Earth, he returned to the stars,

and he did this by doing
something very specific.

He installed a cauldron,
and the moment he installed

that thing, according to the
ancient legends, the heavens


YOUNG: A yellow dragon comes
down from the heavens, and he

rides the dragon out into the
stars and becomes stars himself.

NARRATOR: Mysterious

Flying dragons?
Could these fantastic notions

really have played a part in the
fate of China's Yellow Emperor?

Or is there another, perhaps
more plausible, explanation?

TSOUKALOS: Are we really
just talking about folklore

Or did something actually happen

in real life?
And of course, the answer is

that something was witnessed by
our ancestors that they could

best describe with the
vocabulary that was available to

them at the time.

JASON MARTELL: When we look
at the story of the Yellow

Emperor ascending into heaven,
this to me sounds like the

description of some type of UFO

It's very possible that the
Yellow Emperor was actually

traveling on a UFO.

NARRATOR: Is it possible the
Yellow Emperor was, in fact, an

extraterrestrial being
one that traveled to and from

Earth by means of a spacecraft?
If so, might there be similar

descriptions of close encounters
found in the historical accounts

of other, perhaps even more
mysterious, Far Eastern


660 BC.

Emperor Jimmu becomes the first
ruler of the island nation's

imperial family.
According to legend, the ancient

Japanese also believed Jimmu was
the direct descendent of the sun

goddess Amaterasu.

people worshipped a deity named

Amaterasu who was believed to
shine like the sun.

She sent her descendants to
Earth in order to bring order

out of chaos.
Japan's first emperor, Jimmu,

directly connected himself as a
descendant of Amaterasu,

therefore setting up his
lineage in connection to this


PHILLIPS: He was the man
who united the island of Japan's

various warring factions into,
into one country.

And all emperors since Jimmu
have all claimed descent from

the sun goddess.
And the reason why the

Japanese flag has this
rising sun is that it

represents the descent from
the sun goddess.

NARRATOR: According to
legend, the sun goddess,

Amaterasu, gave three gifts
to Jimmu:

a mirror...
a jewel...

and a sword.
Known as the Imperial Regalia

of Japan, it is believed that,
with these divine artifacts,

Jimmu was able to control his

PHILLIPS: Apart from the
emperor and a few elite priests,

no one is ever allowed to see

So where they are, nobody knows,
but it is said that in three

separate shrines in Japan, which
are also tourist attractions,

somewhere deep inside them, the
priesthood keeps these secret

crown jewels that no one is ever
allowed to see.

NARRATOR: But what unique
powers might these three divine

gifts have possessed?
Might they have been not

merely symbols of power, but
examples of highly advanced

extraterrestrial technology?
TSOUKALOS: According to

legend, this mirror was quite

in this mirror he could see what

happened at every minute around
all the islands in the Pacific


At every minute!
So what is this mirror,

some technical device?
TSOUKALOS: So what is it

that we're looking at here?
Well, if you look at it from a

perspective of misunderstood
technology, then next time you

look at your computer monitor
and you're looking at a YouTube

clip from, let's say, the Iguazu
Falls, then you are looking at a

magic mirror that shows you
everything in the world.

CHILDRESS: You have to
wonder here, whether these

objects had more power than just
an ordinary thing.

And perhaps they were actually
highly technical objects, given

to him by extraterrestrials, by
the gods, to help him as the

first emperor.

NARRATOR: Might Jimmu's
mirror really have been a

technological device, given to
the emperor in an effort to help

him rule his people?
Does it suggest the emperor was

actually an alien being?
Or was he a human messenger

employed by the gods to impose
order and propagate the notion

that otherworldly visitors were
to be regarded by humans as

Perhaps the proof can be found

by examining the legends of
other ancient kings and rulers

rulers who some believe had
even more powerful and deadly

extraterrestrial technology.

NARRATOR: November 13, 2012.
Every fall, Hindus throughout

the world celebrate in a
festival of lights called


WILCOCK: Diwali is a
five day festival of lights,

which is as important to the
Hindus as Christmas is to


The Hindus celebrate this
festival with great reverence.

NARRATOR: The festival
commemorates King Rama, one of

the most popular figures of

But just who was King Rama?
And why is this ancient leader

so revered, even to this day?

PHILLIPS: Hindus believe
that Rama was a real physically

historical king who lived
7,000 years ago.

Now, Rama was supposed to bring
writing and enlightenment

and philosophy and all sorts of
various other engineering skills

to humanity.
WILCOCK: In Hindu mythology,

Rama is described as the
embodiment of truth and

goodness, and it is said that
he was a reincarnation of the

blue skinned god Vishnu.
NARRATOR: According to the

Hindu texts, Rama's rise to
power began after a battle he

waged with a ten headed demon
king named Ravana who had

kidnapped his wife.

in search of his wife who was

kidnapped by Ravana.

There's a long battle between
Ravana and Rama and his army.

NARRATOR: Rama used an
incredibly sophisticated device

called the Brahmastra to k*ll
the demon king and rescue his


Known to cause severe damage,
it was a w*apon for

which there was no defense.
SHIMKHADA: Brahmastra is

the most deadliest w*apon ever
conceived or ever produced in

Hinduism, and Brahmastra,
obviously, as the name suggest,

it was created
by god Brahma himself.

COLLINS: It was a w*apon
that was so powerful that when

it was used, it would absolutely
annihilate the enemy


...and would also make the whole
environment around where the

w*apon was used completely

What this sounds like is
something that we would create

It actually sounds like the

effects of a nuclear b*mb.

NARRATOR: Might the
Brahmastra, as described in

ancient Indian texts, really
have existed?

And if so, where did
it come from?

Might it have been something
like a nuclear w*apon one

created by the gods and used by
Rama, thousands of years ago?

COPPENS: In the case of the
ancient Indian epics, what we're

being told is that this was
technology of the gods, that

this was extraterrestrial
technology which was somehow

used or at least could be used
on planet Earth and which could

result in the complete
destruction or annihilation of

the human species.

NARRATOR: Did King Rama
possess a deadly, perhaps

nuclear, power?

If so, do the stories of the
Brahmastra help to prove that

Rama and other ancient rulers
like him descended from

extraterrestrial beings?

Sanchi, India.
Here, 400 miles south of New

Delhi, lies the Great Stupa,
a dome shaped Buddhist shrine.

This incredible structure was
first commissioned in the third

century BC by Ashoka the
Great, an emperor who ruled

over most of India by 263 BC.
SHIMKHADA: Ashoka the Great

was intent in conquering
all of India.

So there was one place that he
had not been able to conquer,

and he finally mounts this

It is said that many thousands
of people were k*lled

soldiers from both sides.
When he went to the

battleground, he became very,
very moved by this horrendous

scene, and then he became a
changed man and he devoted all

of his time in propagating the
peaceful message of the Buddha.

NARRATOR: But according to
the second century Sanskrit text

called the Ashokavadana, there
is another, even more profound,

tale describing Ashoka's
transformation from brutal

tyrant to religious leader,
one that some believe provides

evidence of an otherworldly

WILCOCK: A wandering monk
was imprisoned by Ashoka.

He throws this man into a
cauldron and wants to boil him


At this point, the monk
levitates up into the air.

The eyewitness reports say that
the monk's body was half fire,

and half flowing water.
Ashoka was so amazed by what he

saw that he completely shut down
the t*rture prisons.

After Ashoka's conversion, he
gets so engaged in the Buddhist

tradition that he begins
building stupas,

most notably the one at Sanchi.
NARRATOR: Like other stupas

throughout Asia, Ashoka's great
monument has become one of the

most important places of
Buddhist pilgrimage.

HENRY: Pilgrims would make
a visit to the stupa in order

to receive blessings and
prayer energy.

Ashoka built stupas and other
structures throughout Asia that

were inscribed with his
teachings, and from this,

we get the idea that he was
trying to communicate through

stone throughout time and

NARRATOR: But just what was
Ashoka trying to communicate?

Is it possible, as some
researchers believe, that Ashoka

had experienced an
extraterrestrial encounter?

And if so, might stupas actually
represent something much more

technological and with origins
even more out of this world?

WILCOCK: When you look
at the structure of these

stupas, it certainly appears as
if there may be some reference

being made in their shape, to
actual extraterrestrial piloted

This may be related to the Hindu

legend of the vimana, which is
allegedly a noiseless, wingless

aircraft that flies through the

SHIMKHADA: Vimanas are
described in the Hindu epics,

and their mission is to
transport gods, primarily, and

the gods are the owners of these
vehicles because they are worthy

of traveling through space very

COPPENS: These people built,
in stone, objects which

they seem to have seen in the
sky, in flight, at some point,

no doubt, landed on the surface
of the Earth as well.

When these objects left, they
began to build them in stone so

that they would have reminders
that this was the instruments

in which the gods came to them.
NARRATOR: Might the Great

Stupa really have been built to
symbolize vimanas, the

mythological flying machines
described in ancient Hindu

And if so, might this provide

even more compelling proof
that powerful leaders like

Rama and Ashoka the Great were
in direct contact with

extraterrestrial beings?
Perhaps additional evidence can

be found by looking at the
extraordinary bloodline of one

of the most powerful and
enduring royal families

in human history.

NARRATOR: London, England.
June, 2012.

Queen Elizabeth II celebrates
her Diamond Jubilee,

commemorating 60 years on the
British throne.

The 87 year old monarch presides
over the United Kingdom and

15 commonwealth realms
with a combined population of

more than 134 million people.
Her grandsons, Prince William

and Prince Harry, are heirs to
the throne, in the line of

succession after their father,
Prince Charles.

But from where does the British
monarchy claim its authority?

And what are the origins of its
vast wealth and symbolic power?

MOSLEY: Queen Elizabeth II
has sat on the throne

since 1952.

And she has huge prestige
because the royal family in

this country is one of
the most successful

organizations, institutions in
the world.

PHILLIPS: One of the most
important things for any leader

is their bloodline to be

We want the best for our own
children, our own offspring,

as if it's some form of

The succession of power in
ancient civilizations depended

very much on bloodlines.

NARRATOR: Like other European
monarchies, the British royal

family has fiercely protected
the integrity of its bloodlines

for thousands of years, but why?
What exactly is so unique

or significant about royal

PHILLIPS: Various leaders of
ancient cultures went to

considerable lengths to make
sure that their own bloodline

continued as the, uh,
the ruling elite.

For example, the pharaohs
of Egypt married their own

sisters or mothers.
The famous Tutankhamen was

married to his own sister, and
previous to that he was married

to his own grandmother, so that
they could keep the blood within

the same family.

MOSLEY: So if you were of the
same blood as Cyrus, Ramses,

Alexander the II, Leonidas of
Sparta, you had some kind

of claim to recognition.
In the ancient world, it was

seen as extending to the right
to rule.

It gave legitimacy.
It gave continuity.

It gave certainty.
That is still recognized in some

respects now.
We have had, for instance,

father and son presidents of the
United States.

We've had a series of members of
the same family running India.

We have even had tyrannies in
North Korea, father son

It's extraordinary the extent to

which this still exists.
YOUNG: It is important for

people to feel their leaders
are extraordinary,

not common.

So much is focused on the

Have they descended from the

Have they descended from rulers
that were unusually exceptional?

COLLINS: And it was
something that they would

obviously pass on into the
successive generations, so that

if you had that blood, you also
had that power of connection

with the gods.

NARRATOR: According to some
researchers, the bloodline of

Queen Elizabeth II can be traced
all the way back to that of a

mythical deity named Woden.
YOUNG: If we look closely,

the current monarch, Queen
Elizabeth II, could trace

lineage to Woden through the
kings of Wessex.

Woden is supposedly
an ancient king.

He is obviously a variation on
the Norse god Odin

or the German Wotan,
but he is a mighty, powerful,

furious leader,
a semi god or a god

in his own right.
He is also a warrior leader,

so he is a very exciting,
ecstatic energy.

PHILLIPS: Now interestingly,
the legends associated with

this god, Woden, was that
usually, around midwinter,

the god Woden would lead a
great hunt across the skies.

All these horsemen would be seen
flying across the skies.

MARTELL: It's described
that when Woden would pass

overhead, that people would
witness seeing strong winds and

hearing thunderous claps of

(thunder booms)

PHILLIPS: And Woden, in some
legends, was said to have been

seen riding an
eight legged horse.

TSOUKALOS: In ancient
English legends, Woden was known

as the god of wind,
and whenever he appeared, he

flew across the sky in a fiery
eight legged horse.

Now, what does that mean?
Whatever it was they

encountered, that they witnessed
up in the sky could best be

described as an eight legged
horse because they didn't have

the vocabulary for spacecraft.

NARRATOR: But did, as
mainstream scholars suggest,

Queen Elizabeth's ancestors
simply claim a blood connection

to Woden, in an effort to
strengthen and legitimize their

Or is it possible that the

British monarch is an actual
flesh and blood descendant of

otherworldly beings?
YOUNG: Tracing royal lineage

back to a god implies great
wisdom, almost celestial power,

a connection to the divine,
truly making the gods on our


.CHILDRESS: Kings and queens
all over the world, particularly

in Europe, they are from a
special bloodline and they make

a big deal of that..

So you have to ask yourself,
what is it about their blood, as

opposed to other people's blood,
that's so special?

NARRATOR: Might ancient
royalty's possible

extraterrestrial origins explain
why monarchs have protected

their bloodlines for centuries?
Or might there be another even

more biological reason?

What if the proof could be
seen with the naked eye?

Not in ancient monuments
or deciphered texts,

but in our own DNA?

NARRATOR: The Mongol Empire
in the 13th century AD.

This massive kingdom, one that
stretched from the Caspian Sea

to the Sea of Japan, was
forged by the emperor

Genghis Khan.
Uniting the nomadic tribes of

Northeast Asia, historians
believe that by the time of his

death in 1227, Genghis Khan
ruled over as many as 100

million people.

PHILLIPS: Many people think
of the great empires of the

world, such as the Roman
Empire, the empire of Alexander

the Great, or the British
Empire, but the greatest in

landmass area the world has
ever seen was

the empire of Genghis Khan.

He and his immediate descendants
conquered all of China,

conquered most of what's now
Russia and half of Europe.

It was an astonishing empire
and built by people who had had

really no proper civilization
before that.

NARRATOR: Although generally
believed to be a brutal and

bloody conqueror, Genghis Khan
also brought communication,

technology, justice, and
prosperity to his people.

He attributed his success to
Tengri, the god of the eternal

blue sky.

HENRY: Genghis Khan was
known to disappear for days

and climb the most sacred
mountain of Asia in order to

commune with Tengri, who
imparted to him not only battle

plans but spiritual capability
that made him the amazing leader

that he was.

Genghis Khan believed Tengri to
be his sky father and claimed

that he had a direct genetic
connection with Tengri.

He even referred to himself as a
man from the sky.

MARTELL: Now if this is
actually the case, Genghis Khan

might have some type of
extraterrestrial component

to him.
We know that scientifically

today, one in 200 people can
actually be traced back to

Genghis Khan.

So if Genghis Khan does have any
extraterrestrial genetics to

him, it's possible that over 16
million people now share this

same gene.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
Genghis Kahn did, in fact, have

extraterrestrial ancestry as
he himself claimed?

And if so, might evidence of
that alien biology appear in

certain bloodlines, even today?

London, England.
January, 2013.

Researchers at the University
College London announce their

discovery of a unique DNA
sequence, one that suggests

that some people may, in fact,
be born to lead.

Comparing DNA samples taken from
sets of twins, both fraternal

and identical, scientists
were able to determine that as

much as 24% of leadership
behavior could be attributed

to genetics.

classical twin studies.

The identical twins are
genetically identical,

non identical twins are,
basically, like siblings.

The kids were asked whether, in
their job, they supervised

someone or they did not
supervise one.

This was the question that the
research team associated with

leadership quality, yes or no.
Minor changes in the genetic

composition were then correlated
with the incidence of having a

leadership or not having a
leadership based on the answer

to the question,
and it was demonstrated that

one particular genotype
associates with having a

leadership role.
HENRY: Before this, it was

assumed that leadership was
learned, but now we know

that leadership has a direct
genetic component to it,

and it can, in fact,
be inherited.

NARRATOR: But is it really
possible that the world's

legendary leaders might have
shared a common genetic trait?

A so called leadership gene?
And might this gene have been

not a product of genetic
evolution, but inherited by

mankind from some otherworldly

VON DANIKEN: A long, long
time ago, the gods from outer

space were on Earth,
and they definitely made a

genetical change with some of
our humans.

These humans obviously are
of a little higher level than

the rest of mankind.

CHILDRESS: Just like today,
we want to view our leaders as

being special, smarter than us,
more capable, and it's the same

thing in ancient times, too.

The rulers were special.
They somehow had God in their

They were descendants

of the gods.
They had special DNA.

PHILLIPS: One thing is
certain and that is if it wasn't

for these ancient peoples
believing that their kings and

emperors were divine, there is
very little to have held these

early civilizations together,
and believing that your leader

was somehow a god or descended
from a god, kept people

together, and so it's a part
of survival of the human race.

TSOUKALOS: Many of our
greatest rulers were guided or

influenced directly, according
to what they say, by celestial


Perhaps it is this influence
that gave some of these rulers

the capacity to change human

NARRATOR: Were there really
extraterrestrial influences

steering the emperors, kings and
pharaohs of the ancient world?

And if so, does this mean that
the blood of the so called gods

doesn't only flow throughout the
veins of today's monarchs, but

in the DNA of millions of people
living throughout the world?

The implications are both
astonishing and profound,

because it may not be that we
need to wait for Earth's alien

ancestors to return.
may be they are already here.
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