06x09 - Aliens and Forbidden Islands

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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06x09 - Aliens and Forbidden Islands

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Man Narrating ]
Megalithic structures...

in the middle of the ocean.

Legends state that the stones
were actually flown...

from one part of the island
to another.

[ Narrator]
Terrifying creatures.

There are stories about giants
k*lling people and taking over things.

[ Narrator]
And mysterious events on the open sea.

How can an island just disappear?

[ Narrator]
Are the stories of lost civilizations...

and unreachable paradises...

simply the product
of imaginative seafarers?

Or could there be remote locations
all over the world...

that are secret bases
for extraterrestrials?

There have been sightings on the
Isle of Man going back centuries...

of what are described
as fiery wheels in the sky.

[ Man ]
They're in the middle of the ocean.

There's just nothing
that's supposed to be there...

and yet... there's activity
being reported there.

[ Narrator]
Millions of people around the world...

believe we have been visited
in the past by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens
really help to shape our history?

And if so...

might we find proof by exploring
the world's forbidden islands?

[ Narrator] March 1963.

Seventy-five miles
off the coast of Puerto Rico.

While training
in antisubmarine maneuvers...

the United States Navy's fleet-

led by the U.S.S. Wasp
aircraft carrier-

detects an unknown sonar target
moving in the nearby waters.

For four days, the fleet tracked
the unknown object...

recording its speed
at more than 150 knots...

or 170 miles per hour.

There is nothing
in any naval inventory...

anywhere in the world that can approach
anything remotely that speed.

Not then, not now.

the object descended to a depth...

of something like 27,000 feet.

Again, another impossibility.

The pressures down there
are vastly too much.

They would crush any vessel
that went down that deep.

That time,
the technology that we had...

the best that we could do underwater...

was about 45 knots
at a maximum depth of about 3,000 feet.

For the last hundred, 200 years...

there have been
many, many accounts of objects...

that have been seen underwater.

But exactly what they are,
we still do not know.

There's been a tremendous surge
of U.F.O. sightings in Puerto Rico...

since the early 1990s.

And for many
of the Puerto Rican witnesses...

they're absolutely convinced
that there's some sort...

of massive, futuristic installation
deep below Puerto Rico...

under the ocean bed.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that aliens
have bases here on Earth...

hidden deep underwater...

and off the coasts of islands?

Could this explain...

why so many islands
around the world...

have stories
of unexplained sightings of objects...

both overhead...

and beneath the sea?

Isolated islands
would be a perfect location...

for, say, extraterrestrial beings
to make their base of operations.

Radar could spot any kind of craft
in orbit very quickly.

However, if you had your base
underwater, near an island...

a lot more difficult
to be discovered.

Islands are essentially mountains
that are mostly underwater.

What they are, in essence,
is energetic upwellings...

of the energy of the Earth...

pushing higher
and higher and higher.

Logically, these types of locations...

would be very attractive
to visitors from another world...

especially visitors that would
be looking for an ideal place...

to set up a base or a landing spot...

or simply a place where they could
draw some of the Earth's energy.

[ Narrator]
The Aleutian Islands.

Just off the Alaskan coast...

this chain of more
than 100 small islands...

extends west for 1, 100 miles...

separating the Bering Sea
from the Pacific Ocean.

Here, in the summer of 1945...

14 crew members of the United States Army
transport Delarof...

reported seeing what they believed...

to be a large U.F.O. emerge from
the waters near the island of Adak.

It's reported that a round object
that appeared dark...

um, against the setting sun
at the time...

actually rose up vertically
into the air...

and then circled the boat
two or possibly three times...

and was visible for about seven
or eight minutes before it vanished.

Something that comes out
of the water...

circles around
and then takes off like that-

uh, that's well beyond anything
we're supposed to have.

And they're in the middle
of the ocean.

That's the important thing
to remember here.

There's just nothing, nothing
that's supposed to be there...

and yet there's activity
being reported there.

[ Narrator] U.F.O. sightings
around the Aleutian Islands...

continue to this day.

But why?

Is it perhaps
more than mere coincidence...

that the native people
known as the Aleuts...

believe this is the exact spot...

where their ancestors
first descended from the skies?

[ Man ] The Aleuts believe
they descended from a creature...

that had come from the sky.

A dog, actually, had fallen
to the island of Umnak...

and had had two pups with paws.

But the children that came from
those two were perfect humans.

So by way of this descent
from the heavens...

and by way of animal form...

we get the Aleutian people.

[ Man ] I find it intriguing
that the Aleuts' origin story...

has something to do with them
having arrived from the sky...

essentially saying
that they have been seeded.

So the fact that, to this day,
that area of the world...

is considered a hot spot for U.F.O.'s
is not coincidence.

[ BARA ] There have been rumors that there
is an underground alien or U.F.O. base...

in the Aleutian Islands.

The question is:
Could a base really exist there?

And the answer is yeah.

There's plenty of places-
knolls, atolls, volcanoes-

where, if hollowed out, they would pretty
much make ideal bases for U.F.O.'s...

to use to come and go
as they please...

and to investigate that area.

[ Narrator]
Could there really be a connection...

between the high number
of U.F.O. sightings...

and the Aleuts ' origin story?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes...

and as evidence,
they point to the fact...

that similar legends exist
on other remote islands-

islands that have also
had reports of U.F.O.'s.

5, 000 miles to the east
of the Aleutian Islands...

nestled in the Irish Sea...

lies the Isle of Man.

According to legend,
the Isle of Man was founded...

by a mystical race of Celts...

the Tuatha Dé Danann...

who possessed magical powers.

Banished from heaven for their sorcery
and advanced knowledge...

they descended on Ireland
in a cloud of mist.

It's said that at the end of their time,
they just sort of vanished.

Left behind their ghosts, quite literally.

And these are remembered
in the folklore of the Isle of Man...

as the Little People.

[ Narrator]
The so-called Little People...

are believed by the locals...

to be able to put humans
under a magical spell-

[ Voices Whispering ]

a spell in which all awareness
of space and time is lost.

Kidnapping human beings...

is one of the chief activities
of the Little People.

And the whole point of these stories...

is that the humans tend to come back
from the other realm...

often finding that hundreds of years
have passed.

And this sounds really, really similar
to what people experience sometimes...

during alien abduction events...

where a ship will show up...

the very small aliens will come out.

They'll find themselves paralyzed.
They'll have missing-time experiences.

And there's reason to believe
that the Little People may have, in fact...

been extraterrestrials...

the same grays,
as we describe them...

that perform the same types of magical
enchantment on people they abduct today.

[ Narrator]
Could the legends of the Little People...

and the ancestral Tuatha Dé Danann...

actually be describing
otherworldly beings...

that came to Earth in the distant past?

And if so, might these legends
be connected...

to modern-day U.F.O. sightings
over the Isle of Man?

Locals claim
that these U.F.O. sightings...

had been reported for centuries.

And for ancient astronaut theorists...

the most compelling sighting of all...

is a 2, 500-year-old report
of a fiery wheel with three spokes...

descending from the heavens.

[ Henry]
According to legend on the Isle of Man...

some fishermen were washed ashore
during a terrible storm.

Suddenly, this three-spoked craft
came out of the clouds, terrifying them.

[ BARA ] There have been sightings
on the Isle of Man going back centuries...

of what are described as wheels
or fiery wheels in the sky.

Now, these descriptions
are almost identical to the description...

of the wheel of Ezekiel in the Bible.

[ Narrator]
According to Ezekiel, chapter one...

the prophet saw a flying object...

described as four wheels
within a wheel...

an account that ancient astronaut theorists
say is not of an angel...

but of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Biblical scholars have very much struggled
with the description of Ezekiel's wheel...

seeing wheels within wheels...

the idea that a cherub was standing
next to each wheel.

It's very clear that he's describing
some type of device.

[ TSOUKALOS ] Ezekiel describes
wheels within a wheel...

and eyes of different animals...

and they're all gleaming
like bronze and metal.

So what is really described here?

It reads much more like an encounter...

with some type
of an extraterrestrial craft...

that was misinterpreted
as some type of a divine event.

[ Man ] So you have to think, really,
that Isle of Man...

was some kind of island
that was chosen by the extraterrestrials.

This was one of their bases.

They would land their U.F.O.'s there.

And in fact, legends
about U.F.O.'s and extraterrestrials...

continue on the island
even to this day.

[ Narrator] Could these islands
actually contain alien base camps...

as ancient astronaut theorists contend?

And might these powerful locations
reveal important knowledge for mankind?

Perhaps clues can be found...

in another mysterious
Pacific Island chain...

9, 200 miles to the southeast...

an area rumored to be inhabited...

by giants.

[ Narrator] The Solomon Islands.

800 miles east of Papua New Guinea...

this group of nearly 1, 000 isles...

covers 11, 000 square miles.

Though first discovered in 1568
by Spanish explorers...

many people identify this area
with World w*r II...

due to the fierce fighting that occurred...

between the Japanese and Americans...

on the largest island here...


In a campaign
that lasted over six months...

a total of 41 warships were sunk...

and over 30, 000 men died
either in battle or from disease.

The Americans and Japanese-

they left behind
a lot of the remnants of the w*r.

Ships that were sunk, for instance.

And then on land...

you have leftovers of tanks
and a lot of ammunitions as well.

There was a place close to where
I went to school called Hell's Point...

and it's full of live ammunitions.

[ Narrator] But Guadalcanal
is also infamous for something else-

the countless local legends...

of giants.

There are mysterious legends
all over the Solomons, actually.

A lot of the stories from Guadalcanal
tend to talk about giants-

the relationship
between people and giants.

Giants are often portrayed
in different ways.

they are benevolent giants.

They help people.
They look after people.

But there are stories about giants
k*lling people and taking over things.

So giant is a major character...

in a lot of the Guadalcanal stories.

There are legends and stories
that go way back...

that suggest that giants actually
still live on the Solomon Islands.

Some say they're kind of hairy beast,
Sasquatch-like kind of beings.

Others say they're more humanoid.

Some say they even relate and kind of mate
with the human population.

According to local legends...

those giants were able to travel
the entire length of the island...

without seeing the light of day...

by utilizing subterranean tunnels.

People talk about it-
that giants actually do exist.

They existed in the past.

Today, with all kinds
of developments taking place...

they shifted further into the mountains.

They really do exist.

It's not just a mythology
to scare children.

[ Narrator]
According to one report in 1998...

workers during
a gold-mining operation...

witnessed what they believe
is proof of the existence...

of the giants of Guadalcanal...

when one of their bulldozers
broke down.

The workers say they removed
the 10-ton blade from the machine...

to make overnight repairs.

And when they returned
to the dig site the next morning...

they were shocked
by what they found.

The blade itself had been moved
quite a distance...

and they found footprints
of giants in the mud.

So they could only assume...

that these famous giants
of the Solomon Islands...

had been there
and moved the bulldozer blade.

[ Narrator] Could Guadalcanal
really be home to giants?

If so, what are they
and where did they come from?

In the book
Solomon Islands Mysteries...

author Marius Boirayon,
a retired helicopter engineer...

who lived on the Solomon Islands
for many years interviewing locals...

unveils a groundbreaking theory.

The Australian author Boirayon

that incidents of the giants that he
had been told about by the natives...

were related to U.F.O. activity.

And from what he could put together...

there was some kind of U.F.O. base...

deep in the mountains
of central Guadalcanal...

and it involved these giants.

And at the same time, there was some kind
of underwater U.F.O. base there as well.

[ Narrator]
Eyewitness accounts of U.F.O.'s...

have been documented
on the Solomon Islands for years...

and mysteriously, details reveal...

that the U.F.O.'s seem to rise
out of the surrounding ocean...

where warships sank
in World w*r II...

and vanish into a remote mountain lake
on the island.

People often talk about
seeing light not only in the sky...

but in the ocean as well.

That you see lights in the ocean...

and then you see lights flying past,
uh, overhead as well.

And sometimes
crashing into the ocean...

like a plane crashing.

[ BARA ] There have been sightings
of flying saucers...

appearing over the wreckage...

flying into and out of mountains
and volcanoes in the area.

So, the whole area
is really pretty interesting.

There have been reports
that objects, strange lights...

actually rise up
out of the waters into the air...

and move about for a period of time
and then disappear.

And often this is either witnessed
from the beach...

or is experienced at close hand
by fishermen.

And it is said that sometimes
these objects come so close...

that the fishermen can actually
feel the heat as they pass.

There was a lot of local people
who had said...

"Yes, for many years we've seen
these types of things happening."

There are numerous accounts
of abductions-

people who disappear after coming
into contact with these U.F.O.'s...

never to be seen again.

[ Narrator]
Could there be a connection...

between the legends of the giants
of Guadalcanal...

and the numerous U.F.O. sightings...

that have been reported here
over the years?

And might this be evidence
that Guadalcanal...

really is the site
of an underwater alien base?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answers can be found...

by examining stories
of other strange creatures...

said to inhabit the island.

Creatures like the Adaro.

[ Young ] The Adaro
are frightening-looking creatures-

half fish, half man.

They were said to have come from the sun
by way of rainbows.

They could be dangerous. They could
sh**t poisonous flying fish at you.

So the notion of some creature...

that was of danger and mythological
qualities coming from far away...

seems alive and well
in the Solomon Islands.

Chua-Chua is the story that a lot of people
on Guadalcanal know about.

That these are actually human beings...

but at certain time,
they take different forms.

These are energies
that can shape-shift into any form.

These are not just stories for
entertainment or for scaring the children.

These fears are great.

[ CHILDRESS ] You have to wonder if these
famous giants of the Solomon Islands...

and these weird beings...

were, in fact, extraterrestrials...

that were there to protect
these secret bases.

[ Narrator] Is it possible
that the stories of giants...

sea monsters and other strange beings
on Guadalcanal...

are really accounts
of extraterrestrials...

who appear
as frightening creatures...

in order to scare off anyone who might
discover their secret alien bases?

[ Dolan ] The Solomon Islands
is right on what we call the Ring of Fire.

A lot of volcanic activity.
A lot of tectonic and Geo activity.

So there's a lot of energy there.

One theory would simply be that
if these other beings, whatever they are...

wanted access to a good source
of energy...

that might be a very good place to go.

[ Narrator] Could the stories
from the Aleutian Islands...

the Isle of Man
and the Solomon Islands...

be evidence that there are alien bases
located beneath our seas?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes...

and point to an island
on the other side of the world...

that has archaeologists mystified
even to this day.

[ Narrator]
The island of Pohnpei.

More than 2, 500 miles
southwest of Hawaii...

completely isolated
in the Pacific Ocean...

this Micronesian landmass
is home to just 34, 000 people...

mainly farmers and fishermen.

But there is one area of the island
that is completely uninhabited-

the lost city of Nan Madol.

The native islanders believe
this ancient site is cursed.

And it is also home...

to some of the most mysterious
archaeological ruins in the world.

Built on a coral reef just off
the eastern coast of Pohnpei...

and sprawling more than 200 acres...

Nan Madol consists
of 92 smaller man-made islands...

connected by canals.

According to historians,
this ancient city...

often called
the Venice of the Pacific...

was the capital
of the Saudeleur dynasty...

that ruled from about 500 to 1628 A.D.

[ Woman ] This ancient city
housed the Saudeleurs...

the kings of the time.

So it has their houses.

It has feasting areas.

It has tombs.

So there's a whole number of areas...

that each of these islets supported.

[ Narrator]
Most archaeologists agree...

that construction
of these artificial islands...

began sometime in the 13th century.

Each has been formed
with columnar basalt...

a black rock that forms...

when basaltic lava from a volcano
cools in the form of columns.

There are a number
of columnar basalt outflows...

across Pohnpei itself.

And we know of several
of these outcrops...

that were used to mine the basalt.

They were then transported
to the area of Nan Madol...

and then placed
to create these small islets.

[ Narrator] But how did the native people
living here 800 years ago...

manage to build 92 islets
out of giant basalt columns?

Researchers estimate
that each stone log used...

to construct
the megalithic structures...

weighs between five to 50 tons.

Stacked to form walls
as high as 25 feet tall...

and 17 feet thick...

archaeologists believe
that it was an undertaking...

that most likely would have required...

all 25, 000 island inhabitants
to complete.

Around the ruins of Nan Madol
are many canals...

which researchers
and archaeologists say...

were the routes taken by boats
to move these basalt columns...

across and around the island
to construct the huge megalithic site.

[ Narrator]
Mainstream scholars insist...

native people built Nan Madol...

using ropes, rollers and rafts.

But attempts to prove this theory
have failed.

[ Beardsley ] So if you add up
all of the stone logs...

you have a weight of 750,000
or so metric tons.

That's a lot.

If you were to move
maybe 2,000 tons a year...

you might be able to get it built...

over about three centuries.

We're talking about
a major, massive effort here.

The kind of effort that you would see in
the construction of the pyramids in Egypt.

[ Narrator] But could there
be another explanation...

for how these ancient people
were able to move such massive rocks...

miles across the island
and into place in the ocean...

without the help
of modern machinery?

According to local legends...

the ancient builders used a much more
profound method of construction-

an advanced anti-gravitational

that ancient astronaut theorists

may explain many of the world's
mysterious megalithic sites.

Some legends state that the stones
were actually flown...

from one part of the island to another...

or levitated some way...

to get them up to such high areas
of the main construction.

[ Man ] This is very reminiscent
of what researchers call...

auditive levitation...

which was a technique
of raising heavy stones...

by matching the sound frequency
of matter...

rendering it weightless...

and moving it into place.

The people themselves...

who still, to this day,
live there in Pohnpei...

say that this place
was not built by us.

It's been here before we arrived.

And they, themselves, say
that basalt blocks were moved...

as if by ghost hand.

That is why the natives call Nan Madol
also the City of Ghosts.

[ Narrator] Although no written records
on the island's history exist...

its spoken myths and legends
have survived through generations.

According to the natives...

Nan Madol has been plagued
by a curse for centuries...

and anyone who explores the ruins
will perish.

The local islanders believe that
the city of Nan Madol is cursed.

And they say they see lights moving
throughout the city at night.

And they believe that
if they spend the night there, they'll die.

[ Narrator] When the Europeans
came to colonize Micronesia...

in the early 20th century...

they were advised of Nan Madol
and its alleged spell.

In April of 1907...

the German governor, Victor Berg,
disregarded these warnings...

and not only explored the island ruins...

but even opened a tomb
of the ancient rulers.

Locals say Governor Berg was haunted
by strange sounds that night...

and the next morning
mysteriously died.

[ Henry] The local legend said that if
you messed with this site in any way...

it was cursed, and in fact, there would be
a terrible price to pay for it.

And it appears that Victor Berg lost
his life because of this curse.

[ Narrator]
Official records indicate...

the governor died April 30, 1907...

due to sunstroke and heat exhaustion
while surveying the ruins.

But the natives maintain
that his untimely death...

was a result of the curse...

and proof that otherworldly powers...

guard the mystical island city.

Might the local legends of supernatural
forces at work on the islands...

actually be true?

And if so, just who or what...

is haunting
these mysterious islands?

Ancient astronaut theorists claim...

the strongest evidence that
an advanced race of extraterrestrials...

helped to build Nan Madol...

is not the megalithic rock structures...

but what may lie beneath them.

[ CHILDRESS ] Nan Madol is a huge city,
and most of it is above water.

But parts of it are underwater.

And the islanders say that there is
a second city there called Kanemweiso.

This is the city of the gods.
And it's in even deeper water.

You have to wonder if there isn't
some kind of underwater U.F.O. base...

even today.

[ Narrator]
If the local legends are true...

could Nan Madol really be the remnants
of an ancient alien base...

one that exists
not only above ground...

but also extends down into the sea?

And might this explain
why the natives of Pohnpei...

have left this part
of the island uninhabited...

for nearly 400 years?

There are those who believe
the answers can be found...

by examining islands
that have suddenly and mysteriously...


[ Narrator]
The Pacific Ocean. October 2012.

Scientists aboard a research ship
between Australia and New Caledonia...

set a course
for 19 degrees south latitude...

and 160 degrees east longitude...

the location of Sandy Island.

But when they arrive,
they make a shocking discovery.

The island is not there.

Digital scientific databases...

have shown Sandy Island
to be 15 miles long...

and three miles wide...

approximately the size of Manhattan.

Small islands sometimes disappear...

due to rising ocean levels.

But the researchers find no evidence
of a sunken landmass.

Just ocean waters 4, 600 feet deep.

Sandy Island
is an island of great mystery.

It literally disappeared.

According to early eyewitness accounts...

including those by Captain Cook
in the 1700s...

this island clearly existed.

And it makes you wonder,
how can an island just disappear?

Was it there to begin with?
Absolutely, it was.

There's eyewitness accounts of it.

[ Narrator]
Captain James Cook...

was the first to establish Sandy Island
on a map back in 1774.

And, in fact, the island still appeared
even on modern satellite maps...

up until 2013...

when it was finally removed
based on the findings...

of the University of Sydney.

But how could an island that has appeared
on maps for over 230 years...

suddenly disappear?

There are a number of accounts...

um, within folklore and legend...

of mythical islands.

For instance, the Antilles...

and others which appeared
on ancient maps...

and yet which don't exist today.

So, did they once exist?

Do they exist only at certain times?

We could be dealing
with a phenomena...

whereby these islands disappear
at certain times...

and then reappear.

is that something that's natural?

Is this something to do with geology?

Or is this something to do
with something more supernatural?

This is obviously a mystery
which remains to be solved.

[ Narrator] When the University of Sydney
findings were first revealed...

many scientists insisted...

that the researchers must have
been looking in the wrong place...

pointing to the fact that satellites had
recorded temperatures in this location...

consistent with the presence of land.

Scientists would later claim
that this anomaly...

was due to errors in the data sets.

But how could the temperature data,
the satellite images...

and numerous other maps
dating back to the 18th century...

all be in error?

It's possible that these islands
actually do exist...

but they're somehow being cloaked
by whoever might be using the islands.

For instance, extraterrestrial visitors
could very easily create...

a light-bending type of device...

which could make it appear
that an island that was once there...

is no longer there.

There are other stories of islands
that appear and disappear...

and that sometimes
there's a mist around them.

There are stories like this
around the Samoan Islands.

So you have to wonder
if extraterrestrials...

have some kind of super technology...

that allows them to cloak islands...

and make them appear
and disappear.

It boggles the mind
that such a technology would exist...

and yet it appears to be so.

[ Narrator]
Could extraterrestrials...

really be using
advanced cloaking technology...

to hide Sandy Island?

Some ancient astronaut theorists...

believe there may be
an even more incredible explanation...

behind the disappearance
of Sandy Island.

Things like Sandy Island,
that somehow was located...

and then when they went
to go look for it, is gone.

It's very possible
that these aren't islands...

but are some technological device
coming up to the surface...

or landing for a little while
and going away.

In ancient Greek mythology...

we have these stories of the Asteria...

of the falling stars
that would fall into the water...

but they wouldn't sink.

They could, in fact,
travel from place to place.

Floating islands, so to speak.

So what if, in this particular case...

we have a similar story?

Is that really what is happening?

[ Narrator] Is it possible
that these phantom islands...

that appear and disappear...

are really elaborate alien outposts?

And could the extraterrestrials
that use them...

still be here on Earth...

waiting to be discovered?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes...

and suggest that further evidence
can be found...

by examining another island
that mysteriously disappeared-

an island that was said to be home...

to otherworldly beings.

[ Narrator]
The North Atlantic Ocean.

200 miles west of Ireland...

lie open waters expanding
as far as the eye can see.

But according to 14th-century
Mediterranean mapmakers...

this exact spot marks the location...

of an island known as Hy-Brasil.

For more than 600 years...

sailors across the world
have searched...

for this so-called phantom island...

believed to contain
an Eden-like paradise.

Lore has it that the island
couldn't be seen...

except once every seven years...

when it could be seen
but not reached.

[ Woman ] Hy-Brasil allegedly appeared
and disappeared behind the mists.

It could never definitively be found.

Although its putative location is marked
on some of these early maps.

[ Narrator]
Hy-Brasil was first mapped...

by the Italian-Majorcan cartographer
Angelino de Dalorto...

in 1325...

who described the island
as being "a strikingly round form."

Over a century later, in 1497...

Italian explorer John Cabot
also reported reaching Hy-Brasil.

And in 1674,
Captain John Nisbet of Ireland...

reportedly brought back
silver and gold from the island...

that he claimed to have received
from an old, mysterious man.

Strangely, he and his men also said...

that Hy-Brasil was inhabited
by what they called giant black rabbits.

Other explorers of the time
returned from the island...

with similarly bizarre stories...

and accounts
of beautiful, glowing people.

[ Young ]
Hy-Brasil is imagined in Irish lore...

to be the place
that the Irish gods came from.

On the island of Hy-Brasil,
the gods had a luxurious life.

They were able to develop
an advanced civilization.

[ Narrator] In 1684...

one of the first Irish historians,
Roderic O'Flaherty...

wrote about Hy-Brasil in his book...

A Chorographical Description
of West Or H-iar Connaught.

In it, he refers to the island
as enchanted...

and writes that it is "a land kept hidden
by the special ordinance of God."

Like a lot of other mythologies
such as Atlantis...

Hy-Brasil was thought
to be the source of civilization.

Especially in Ireland and England
and other areas such as that.

It's thought that Hy-Brasil
still exists under the sea...

and that periodically,
when the conditions are right...

it'll surface.

[ Narrator]
According to legend...

the mysterious land
was last seen in 1872...

by author T. J. Westropp and his crew...

who saw the island appear...

and then vanish.

[ Swartz ]
If Hy-Brasil is an actual land...

very possibly it could be
that at one time on planet Earth...

there was a superior technology...

a civilization that had progress...

that far surpassed
even our own today.

And these people
originated from the stars.

They are the people
that the human race descended from.

And locations such as Hy-Brasil
is this homeland of these creatures.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that
the mythical island of Hy-Brasil...

not only exists...

but is actually
a high-tech alien base?

And if so, might there be others...

located all over the world?

[ Henry] You find so many accounts
of beings coming and going...

from the stars at these locations.

You find mysterious disappearances.

You find other supernatural events
taking place at these islands.

And it makes you wonder
if they're, in fact, being used...

by advanced extraterrestrial races...

as portals, as gateways,
even as stopover places...

maybe even refueling stations,
in a way-

as places that are known
throughout the cosmos.

[ Narrator] Might aliens
have been visiting these remote...

relatively uninhabited locations...

for thousands of years...

using them as secret hideouts...

landing spots
or energetic refueling stations?

Could there be extraterrestrial bases
on hidden islands even now?

And when the truth behind
these forbidden islands is revealed...

will we finally come face-to-face
with our celestial ancestors?
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