07x03 - The Star Children

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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07x03 - The Star Children

Post by bunniefuu »

(girl laughing) NARRATOR: They
have super-human intelligence...

NICK REDFERN: They are vastly more
intelligent than the average person.

NARRATOR:... knowledge of
other worlds...

to access information that

there's no way he
could know about.

NARRATOR: and possess
mysterious powers.

DAVID WILCOCK: There was one girl who
could wave her hands and spontaneously

flower buds popped open right
in front of everyone's eyes.

NARRATOR: On every continent,

there are incredible stories of
children so advanced that some

believe they come
from the stars.

star children, in a way, are

some new race, perhaps, that's
living amongst us right now.

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?
Did ancient aliens really help

to shape our history?
And if so, might there be a

connection between

and star children?

NARRATOR: Throughout the
world, there are children who

possess astonishing abilities.
In 2002, Sho Yano graduated

summa cum laude from Loyola
University Chicago at the age of 12.

Six years later, he received a PhD
in molecular genetics and cell biology.

In 2006, six-year-old Ainan
Celeste Cawley of Singapore...

who spoke his first words at two
weeks old... gave a science

lecture about acid
and alkaloids.

And in 2013, Adam Kirby became
the youngest member of British

Mensa at just two years old,
scoring 141 on an IQ test and

reading books by the
age of ten months.

gifted children often know

things that they shouldn't know.
They often surprise us with the

things they're able to
understand at very young ages.

And they're able to bring
together disparate pieces of

information from history,
scientific discovery and their

own experiences and
heightened intuitive sense.

NARRATOR: Throughout human
history, there have been

children who stand out for their
advanced knowledge and

incredible abilities.
But are these uniquely talented

and intelligent children simply
the product of good genetics?

Or could there be another
explanation for why some

children display abilities
far beyond their years?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe there are children born

here on Earth who have a
connection to beings from beyond

our world.
They call them "star children."

WILCOCK: When we see these
star children, these children

who are gifted with
extraordinary human function,

born seeming to know things
already, show that there is some

sort of interaction going on
with a nonphysical intelligence.

is that children are being born

with a higher level of

These kids, many people believe,
are being born in order to help

usher in a true new age... a time
of peace, a time of greater

consciousness and greater
prosperity for the planet.

commonly termed the "star"

"children" has always been with
the American Indian people

throughout the ages.
And, uh, these are special

children. They're the ones that
can heal with their hands.

CHILDRESS: These star children are
said to have lots of special qualities.

Their psychic abilities are
quite enhanced.

So these star children, in a
way, are some new race that's

living amongst us right now.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that some of the

world's most gifted
children really have

an otherworldly connection,
a connection that endows them

with special gifts and the power
to transform society?

Today, there is evidence that a
higher number of unusually

gifted children are being
born than ever before.

WILCOCK: There is genetic
evidence to prove that humans

are evolving at a
rapid rate of speed.

For example, an anthropologist
from the University of Wisconsin

named Professor John Hawks
studied human DNA, and what he

found was that in the past 5,000
years alone, human DNA has

evolved by seven percent in its
overall genetic structure.

That is a staggering amount.
Every decade we're getting

smarter and smarter and smarter.

NARRATOR: But those who have
studied the star children phenomenon

say that these unusually
gifted children display more

than just superior intelligence.

RICHARD BOYLAN: Star kids are
advanced in several departments.

These kids are much brighter
than the old schoolchild

of a previous generation.

They are very sensitive.
They are compassionate.

They have a mission sense.

They're using, uh, special gifts
they have as advanced star kids.

For example, in the area of
telepathy... they can pick up on

things that somebody else is
thinking or sensing.

PATTILLO: Parents of star
children know that their

children are different.
Maybe their child is psychic and

talking about seeing things that
other people can't see...

or hearing things other people
can't hear, or knowing things

that other people don't know.
Some of the star children have

very high energy.
They can go long periods without

sleeping, without eating. It's
just not your normal, typical child.

NARRATOR: According
to Nikki Pattillo,

her daughter Maddy has
told her that her home is in the

sky, and has displayed numerous
astonishing abilities...

like telekinesis and psychic visions.
But could ten-year-old Maddy

Pattillo really have
superhuman abilities?

If so, where did they come from?
And is it possible that star

children have been with us for
thousands of years?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
evidence that star children may

have existed on Earth in the
distant past can be found in a

story that dates back
over 2,000 years.

Greece, the 6th century BC.

Mnesarchus, the father of
philosopher and mathematician

Pythagoras, was traveling home
from work one day when he came

upon an abandoned infant staring
at the sun... and he was

surviving solely on the
dew from a nearby tree.

named this baby Astraios,

which literally means
"star child" in Greek.

And here is an early example
of a magical child.

He adopted it.
He raised it with Pythagoras and

his two brothers.
So it was part of their family.

NARRATOR: According to the
Greek myth, as recorded by

Antonius Diogenes, Mnesarchus
gave the child to Pythagoras to

be his servant and apprentice.
Although Pythagoras is

considered one of history's
greatest mathematical minds,

some ancient astronaut theorists
believe he may have received

advanced knowledge from
the boy, Astraios.

WILLIAM HENRY: It's believed
that Astraios was actually sent

to Earth in order to instruct
Pythagoras, whose mystic

concepts became foundational
to the ancient world.

CHILDRESS: So, here we have a
curious story of someone named

Star Child, who had these
special powers, uh, whose birth

is really a mystery. And so this
child, Astraios, was perhaps

one of the early extraterrestrial
children sent to planet Earth.

NARRATOR: Could this peculiar

child have actually instructed
one of the greatest minds of the

ancient world?
And considering the Greeks

described powerful beings who
came down from the sky, is it

possible, as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest, that Astraios

was the offspring of the gods...
part human and part divine?

ancient cultures, among them the

ancient Greeks and the Egyptians
and many others, describe how

some children were born from
humans and the so-called gods.

Star children are what some
consider a new breed of people.

NARRATOR: Is the story of
Astraios really an early account

of a star child?
And if the star children have

existed here on Earth throughout
our history, what is the source

of their superior intelligence
and unexplainable abilities?

BRET OLDHAM: Science tells us
that in addition to the

two-strand double-helix DNA,
there's an additional ten

etheric strands of DNA that is
dormant in humans, and has been

since recorded history.
It's highly possible that alien

crtors have designed us this
way and certain individuals are

chosen throughout time to awaken
these dormant strands in order

to help mankind advance.

NARRATOR: Are star
children really tapping

into something
inherent in our DNA?

According to geneticist David
Reich of the Harvard Medical

School, there is, in fact,
something mysterious inside us

that has yet to be identified.
In his study published in the

fall of 2013, Reich examined the
genome of Neanderthals and

another group of ancient
hominids known as Denisovans,

both of which interbred
with humans.

He discovered that their DNA,
dating back more than 400,000

years, contains an
unknown ancestor.

TSOUKALOS: Now, this is
incredibly exciting to me,

because I've always maintained
that what some geneticists

currently refer to as "junk DNA"
might not be junk after all.

And this study
proves this in part.

DNA is a code.
And just because its code hasn't

been cracked yet doesn't
mean it's actually junk.

And to speculate even further,
what if this unknown species was

not of earthly origin, and every
human being already is part alien?

NARRATOR: Is it really possible that
extraterrestrial beings modified

mankind's DNA in the distant past,
as ancient astronaut theorists contend?

And if so, might certain
exceptional people... like star

children... have found a way to
channel their alien origins?

Perhaps additional clues lie in
the Mexican desert, where a

discovery was made of a
mysterious skull.

NARRATOR: Copper Canyon,

In 1930, while exploring a mine tunnel,
a teenage girl unearths two skulls.

One of them is oddly misshaped.

Radiocarbon dating tests reveal
the skull is roughly 900 years old.

And according to a dentist who
examined the upper jaw,

the mysterious relic came from a
child no more than five years old.

Mainstream scientists insist the
deformation of what is now known

as the Starchild skull is due
to a genetic disorder...

most likely hydrocephalus... a
condition in which an abnormal

amount of fluid causes
the skull to enlarge.

But paranormal researcher and
caretaker of the skull, Lloyd

Pye, says he has ruled out this
possibility, based on the

skull's unique shape.

PYE: It wasn't hydrocephalic,
because it's clear that if

you're hydrocephalic you
blow up like a balloon.

You don't blow up with a defined
shape and with a crease down the

middle. You definitely
don't grow up

with a crease down the middle
between two of your suture lines.

NARRATOR: But many researchers are not
only baffled by the volume of the skull,

which measures more than ten
percent larger than that of an

average adult, but also a number
of other characteristics they

say are distinctly not human.

WILCOCK: The Starchild skull has half
the thickness of ordinary human bone,

but it's also twice as dense as ordinary
human bone, with a consistency

more similar to dental enamel.
It has bizarre, thick strands in it,

almost like there's some extra
powerful weave inside the bone.

It also has this bizarre
reddish residue

that appears to be similar
to bone marrow but very

different from
what we normally see.

MIKE BARA: There are no sinus
cavities, for instance.

There are many attachments
inside the skull for tendons

that human beings don't have...
and it appears to be some sort

of hybridization.
It's part human, but also part

something else.

NARRATOR: When the Starchild
skull is subjected to forensic

reconstruction, the face that is
produced appears eerily similar

to descriptions of gray aliens.

PYE: It has all the physical attributes
that are typically described

by people who have encounters, or
allege that they have encounters

with gray aliens.
It has very unusual eyes.

It has expanded parietals.
It has a crease down the middle.

It has a very, very
narrow lower face.

Plus, it has that monster
brain in that head.

NARRATOR: Lloyd Pye launched
what he calls the Starchild

Project, working with
independent researchers to

determine exactly who... or
what... this unusual skull

belonged to.
According to him, DNA tests

carried out by Trace Genetics in
2003 revealed shocking results.

While scientists uncovered
mitochondrial DNA... or DNA

inherited solely from the
mother... they were unable to

detect nuclear DNA... or DNA from
both the mother and father.

PYE: When we tried to recover
the Starchild's nuclear DNA,

in six attempts, no recovery.
So at that time, what that

obviously indicated was if the
Starchild's mitochondrial DNA

was recoverable, that meant it
had a human mother, and if its

nuclear DNA was not recoverable,
then there was something wrong

with the father's DNA.
'Cause if the father had been

human, you would have had as
easy a recovery of it as you did

of the human mother.
So we knew right then, in 2003,

something was very wrong
with, at least, dad.

And so we formed the assumption,
based on the evidence, that it

was a human-alien hybrid with a
human mother and an alien father.

NARRATOR: But more advanced

DNA testing in 2011 revealed
something even more shocking:

the DNA, not only of the father
but also the mother, did not

appear to be human after all.

PYE: Once we began to
recover longer stretches of the

mitochondrial DNA, we found out
that they didn't really fit at all.

And so now the genetic evidence
indicates that it didn't have a

human mother.
It's just purely alien.

The reasons mainstream science
resists any kind of information

that is in support of UFOs and
aliens is simply because it's

going to change everything about
a certain aspect of their

bailiwick, of their purview.

NARRATOR: Although Lloyd Pye
passed away in December of 2013,

his research team hopes to one
day recover the entire genome of

the Starchild skull, ultimately
revealing the truth about what

they and other researchers maintain
is an otherworldly species.

deeper into this skull and

looking at the genetics, it's
very possible that if we can

analyze the full spectrum of the
genome we might find our first

proof of extraterrestrial

WILCOCK: One of the things we
have to seriously consider is

the possibility that human life
on Earth did not originate on

Earth, that we might be the
surviving remnant of settlers

who came here long ago.
When we find brain sizes that

are twice as big as a normal
human brain, we are left with

compelling evidence that the
extraterrestrials that we think

we're looking for might be a lot
closer to us than we ever would

have dared to imagine before.

NARRATOR: Might this extraordinary skull
have been that of an alien child that

lived here on Earth
hundreds of years ago?

And, if so, is this an ancestor
of the star children that some

believe are among us today?
Perhaps further clues can be

found by examining cultures who
believe certain children are

born with a direct link to the

NARRATOR: Currently, there
are 562 Native American tribes

in the United States.
Many of them... like the Navajo,

Hopi, and Zuni... have stories of
otherworldly beings visiting

Earth. Often referred
to as "Star"

"Beings," these alien visitors
are said to come down from the

sky to teach mankind, and,
in some cases, they are even

said to mate with human women,
resulting in the birth of star children.

BRIAN BURKHART: Stories of star children
are quite common in Native culture.

There can be quite a variety of
forms of that sort of thing as well.

But, typically, there's a star and
a human being that joined together,

and the child is born
from that union.

MIKE BARA: They were then cared for
and raised by the Indian tribes

until the age of six, when the Star
Beings would return and retrieve the star

children and leave the entire
tribe staring up into the night

sky wondering what had happened
to them and where they'd gone.

LOGAN HAWKES: That's quite an
interesting story in itself, to

give birth to a star child
and-and then have it taken from you.

There's also the story of some
star children had been left behind

to become interwoven
into the tribe.

A lot of them, later in life,

become elders even at a very
young age, and that's because

they're believed to carry the ability
or the knowledge to heal the Earth.

NARRATOR: According to the
Hopi people, a tribe of more

than 18,000 living on a
reservation in northeastern

Arizona, it is the star children
who will ultimately repair what

they call the Koyaanisqatsi,
meaning a life of corruption and

turmoil, or life out of balance.

HAWKES: The Hopi believe
the Earth is out of canter.

It's not balanced any longer.

And it's these star children,
that live among the Hopi, that

advise even the elders on how to
put the Earth back into balance again.

BOYLAN: The star kids' job as
they grow up is going to be not

only to inherit the Earth, as
the phrase goes, but to reform

the Earth, to remake
human society.

NARRATOR: In the Hopi legend,
it is said that the star

children will prepare humankind
for the arrival of what they

call the Blue Star and the
Kachina, or Star Being, who

will arrive with it.
(thunder rumbling, crashing)

(man wailing)

GARY DAVID: There's a lot of
debate what the Blue Star is.

But when the Blue Star comes...
it will crash to the Earth.

This dwelling place in the sky
will crash to the Earth.

And the Blue Star Kachina will
take off his mask in the village

plaza, and that will be the end
of the fourth world.

NARRATOR: Many Hopi refer to
the Blue Star as a "house in the"

"sky," leading some ancient
astronaut theorists to suggest

that this prophecy is a
reference to the impending

arrival of extraterrestrial life.

TSOUKALOS: Some Hopi refer to
the Blue Star as a "house in the"

"sky" or a dwelling in the
firmament that one day will

descend from the stars
amidst a fiery crash.

Now, what does this mean?
To me, what is described here

might be the eventual arrival
of extraterrestrial craft.

The day they will return will
change mankind's history

forever, because then the truth
will be revealed to the masses,

in one instant, for
everyone to see.

NARRATOR: But if the star
children of Hopi mythology

really were advanced
otherworldly beings, might

there be some still living
among us in the present day?

And, if so, might we find other
ancient cultures with similar

legends of unusual children
possessing extraordinary powers?

Tibet, just northeast
of the Himalayas.

This plateau is the world's
highest and largest, spanning

more than 450,000 square miles.
Known as the Roof of the World,

it is here that the Buddhist
spiritual leader called the

Dalai Lama began his rule
more than 600 years ago.

In 1937, the 14th Dalai
Lama was recognized.

Now living in exile in India,
following the Chinese takeover

of Tibet in 1959, Tenzin Gyatso
is believed to be the

reincarnation of a
Buddhist deity.

these Dalai Lamas are then, uh,

the bodhisattva incarnated
beings and, uh, then Dalai Lama

is obviously the incarnated
being of the previous Dalai

Lama. So, in a
sense, they all are

the, you know, incarnations of
the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

NARRATOR: Upon his death, the
outgoing Dalai Lama will

transfer his essence into the
form of a Buddha until the time

at which his spirit can
reincarnate into its new chosen

A committee of high lamas or
priests is tasked with searching

for the young boy who will be
the next leader.

The choosing of the Dalai Lama

is a long and arduous process.
The thirteenth Dalai Lama,

before his death, pointed
towards the East, and so, when

he died, the expectation was
that the thirteenth would be

reincarnated in the
eastern part of Tibet.

Now, the first thing that they
do is they go to Lhamo La-tso, a

lake that is sacred to Palden
Lhamo, a protector deity of the

Dalai Lama's line.
And the viceroy, then Reting,

went and had a vision, and saw a
house close to a monastery with

a turquoise roof in the east.
And, so, they began to send out

explorations of that.

selection party...

they will go and look for the signs
of the previous Dalai Lama.

And if this particular child

exhibits certain of those
qualities, and then he will be

presented also with many of the
personal belongings that the

Dalai Lama had, along
with other newer objects.

And if he's a true reincarnation
of that particular Dalai Lama,

then he will identify those
objects that belong to the

previous Dalai Lama.

SHORE-GOSS: And this is seen
as a test of the Dalai Lama...

that the Dalai Lama
would have some access

to past memories and familiarities
of a previous incarnation.

DAVID WILCOCK: There is some
sort of interaction going on

with a non-physical

They are essentially downloading
information they didn't seem

to have in and amongst themselves.
One explanation for this is the

possibility that there is a soul
aspect that is from the gods,

from extraterrestrials, that is
somehow coupling with people on Earth.

NARRATOR: This idea of a reincarnated
child carrying knowledge from beyond

our world mirrors the modern
day star child concept.

PATTILLO: These souls are
coming from all areas of the

galaxy. Some of them
are souls that have

reincarnated here on
Earth many, many times.

Other souls come
from other places.

CHILDRESS: So you have to
wonder if the Dalai Lama himself

isn't some early star child
who's here on Earth to help the

Tibetan people, especially, and
all of mankind.

NARRATOR: Could the Dalai
Lama really have a connection to

otherworldly beings?
And might he, like the Blue

Star Kachina of the Hopi
stories, be here to help shape

the future of mankind?
While most stories of star

children describe them as being
here to aid humanity, could

there be some that have a
more sinister mission?

NARRATOR: Abilene, Texas.
180 miles east of Dallas.

Late one night, in 1996,
journalist Brian Bethel was

waiting in his parked car just
outside a movie theater when two

young boys walked up and
asked for a ride home.

nervous, initially, at the

approach of these children,
and he wasn't sure why.

He estimated their ages to be
somewhere between ten and 14

years old. They began
to speak to him in a

very strange manner.

REDFERN: And they came up with
this unlikely story of needing money

to go the local cinema.
Could he give them a ride back

home? And they seemed
very malevolent,

very evil. There was
something deeply

unsettling about them.

WEATHERLY: Finally, the children
made eye contact with Bethel,

at which point he realized
their eyes were solid black.

Not just the pupil, but the
entire eye, solid black.

This sort of pushed
Bethel over the edge.

He put the car in reverse, he
pulled away from these kids as

quickly as he could.
And when he glanced back, there

was nothing there.

NARRATOR: Bethel documented his
account on the Internet, and soon,

others were posting similar encounters
with the so-called black-eyed kids.

REDFERN: Since publicity has
been given to the phenomenon,

other people have come forward
who talked about sightings and

encounters in the '40s and the
'50s, so we're not really sure

when it all actually began.

NARRATOR: Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists suggest,

that these strange beings are star
children with evil intentions?

REDFERN: What differentiates
the black-eyed children from the

star children is the fact that
the star children are very often

described as being friendly,
benevolent and positive.

The black-eyed children... devilish,
occult-driven and totally negative.

YOUNG: There's a contemporary
urban legend that there are

black-eyed children that will
show up at your door and ask for

a glass of water or bake some food or
ask to use the phone or something.

They are demonic.

They are trouble.
They are children, so they seem

innocent, but watch for the
black eyes.

That will give away
the trouble to come.

WEATHERLY: As the years have
unfolded, more and more people

have come forward with
their encounters.

It seems very clear at this
point that there's something

much more sinister going on than
just a simple urban legend.

Most people describe the
black-eyed children as being in

the age range of ten
to early teens.

They are described as
having very pale skin.

Not a blemish is ever
seen on the skin.

Their eyes are solid black.
Now this is the most startling

trait, obviously.
They tend to speak in a very

cold manner and repeat phrases
frequently, as if they've

memorized certain key
things to say and repeat.

GEORGE NOORY: And they say
things like, "We're hungry, we"

"want in," but with
this dead look.

And, I mean, again black eyes.
You're looking at these kids

with black eyes.
Close the door.

They will leave.
They won't, like, try to break

in or anything like that.
But they want in, and I think if

they get in, I think maybe
they're after your soul or

something like that.

REDFERN: Now, of course, if a
kid comes knocking on your door,

your first thought is, well,
you want to help him.

But that's the very last thing

that crosses the mind of the
black-eyed children witnesses.

They want to get as far away
from them as possible.

WEATHERLY: There have been
cases where security cameras

were present during the

Very mysteriously, the security cameras
experienced glitches in their tape.

In some ways, it makes
it all the more intriguing.

NARRATOR: There are many

theories about the black-eyed
children, but some ancient

astronaut theorists believe
their appearance and mannerisms

reveal an
extraterrestrial origin.

REDFERN: They have these
jet-black solid eyes, hence the name.

They look very, very creepy and weird.

NOORY: It's reported that the black-eyed
children, too, may be hybrids.

But they're a little more evil
than the normal star children

that we're accustomed to.

WEATHERLY: It's possible that,
for all of the light that is coming in

with these star children, there's also a
counterbalance, something dark

that is coming in
at the same time.

And it may be that these
black-eyed children represent

the negative side of the actual star
children that are coming into our world.

NARRATOR: Could the black-eyed kids
actually be extraterrestrials in a limbo

state between dimensions?
And might these childlike beings

be part of a much larger,
otherworldly agenda?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes... and point to the hungry

ghosts of Thailand as proof.
According to this legend, the

spirits of some children can
become trapped in-between the

worlds of life and death, and
every year, during the full moon

of the seventh lunar month of
the Chinese calendar, these

spirits are free
to roam the Earth.

WEATHERLY: The Hungry Ghost
Festival is designed to placate

these spirits. People
believe that because of

their desires, because of their
needs, they can make contact

with humans. Often these desires
translate into extreme desires for food.

MARTELL: The hungry ghosts
that come out of Thailand seem

to be descriptions of what
appear to be children, and their

insatiable appetite
can never be filled.

WEATHERLY: These hungry
ghosts are to be feared.

Some people in Asia believe that
the appearance of these

black-eyed children is a
manifestation of a hungry ghost

asking you to invite it inside
so that it can have food or

water or whatever
else that it desires.

NARRATOR: Are the hungry
ghosts of Thailand somehow

connected with the black-eyed
kids seen in America today?

And if so, is this further
evidence that there really are

star children among us?
Some ancient astronaut theorists

believe the answer might be
connected to the prophecies of

one of the world's most
legendary psychics.

NARRATOR: Edgar Cayce has
been called the most documented

psychic of the 20th century,
having given thousands of

psychic readings to seekers
while in an unconscious state.

He was known for diagnosing
illnesses... and for revealing

information about the
past and future.

In July of 1932, Edgar Cayce
predicted that between the years

of 1998 and 2015, a new
humanity would emerge.

According to him, this highly
evolved group of humans...

referred to as the Fifth Root
Race... would be capable of great

powers that would benefit

HENRY: These children, he
said, would be super-advanced

humans with extrasensory

They'd be psychic.
They might have the ability of

telekinesis, the ability to move
objects with their minds.

And Cayce said that they would
actually be able to trace their

lineage back to the
ancient world.

BOYLAN: What Edgar Cayce was
getting in his future visioning

was a transformed society, and
that is the same kind of vision

that the Hopi ancestors have
handed down in their oral

tradition, that there will be a
transition from current corrupt

fourth world to a much better,
kind, just, peaceable,

environmentally sensitive,
made-over society.

NOORY: Edgar Cayce was
talking about star children,

manipulated genetically by ET's,
planted on this planet for some

future event.
I think Cayce saw it in his

trances, and it's happening now.

NARRATOR: Is it possible

Edgar Cayce foretold of the
coming of star children,

advanced beings that can be
traced back throughout ancient

And if the star children do

exist, how do we identify them?

NARRATOR: In 1982, the
Chinese government launched a

nationwide search for children
with extraordinary abilities.

Some of the talents they looked
for were psychic powers,

telekinesis and the ability to
manipulate time and space.

WILCOCK: There was one girl
who could wave her hands over a

bush that had buds of flowers on
it and spontaneously accelerate

time so that the flower buds
popped open right in front of

everyone's eyes.

YOUNG: Some could read
while blindfolded.

Some could move objects telepathically.
We don't know what became

of these children, because this was
some years ago now, but the fact

that the research was done and
something was identified seems

to bolster Cayce's prophecies.

BARA: The question then becomes,

where does this extra
human function come from?

Is it some part of our
extraterrestrial DNA that's been

activated by the process that
the Chinese put them through?

Could we actually see a new,
higher-functioning, more

advanced, superior human
being in our future?

NARRATOR: In total, the
Chinese identified more than

100,000 children who had what
researchers refer to as

Extra Human Function, or EHF.
Is it possible, as some ancient

astronaut theorists suggest,
that this is evidence that the

star children
phenomenon is real?

WEATHERLY: A lot of people
believe that these star children

that are coming into our world
actually vibrate at a higher

level of existence
than most humans do.

It's a higher level of
connectivity, a higher level of

sensitivity, that allows them to
connect into the collective

consciousness in a way that most
of us have forgotten how to do.

The potential of these
children is exciting,

and the possibilities are unlimited.

NARRATOR: There are those who

believe that human beings are
going through an evolutionary

leap and that some children are
being born today with special

abilities that future
generations will eventually all

possess. But could
they also have been

sent here with a profound plan,
perhaps one of extraterrestrial design.

MAHOOTY: I believe that the
star children, they have a

mission from different
parts of the universe.

But I believe that they're here
for a purpose, and I think one

of them is to correct what is
happening to the planet that

we're on, Mother Earth.

OLDHAM: The timing of all

these star seed children
suddenly appearing with all

these new attributes and gifts
would make sense if alien

creators would awaken these DNA
strands in order for these

star seed children to advance us
into this new era of enlightenment.

CHILDRESS: With these
star children, a new phase, an

advanced, more spiritual, more
knowledgeable type of humanity

is appearing all over Earth...
won't this be really the end

result of extraterrestrials
manipulating us and helping us

to grow and achieve the kind
of civilization that the

extraterrestrials have
planned for us all along?

NARRATOR: Are there really
alien children... numbering in

the tens of thousands... being
born here on Earth, as some

ancient astronaut ths suggest?

And if so, why are they here?
Is it to replace us?

Or is it to teach us about our
potential, and to guide us into

the future, one in which we will
all become... star children?
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