07x07 - Aliens and Insects

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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07x07 - Aliens and Insects

Post by bunniefuu »

Legends of antmen,

-They have antennae,
they have elongated sculls

Beetles buried with
Egyptian mummies...

The scarab
was critical for the resurrection.

and swarms of
locusts targeting humans.

It's almost as if the locusts
themselves were programmed.

In cultures
throughout the world, insects

have been worshipped, feared,
and even thought of as gods.

But might these strange
creatures that have inhabited

Earth for hundreds of millions
of years provide a link

to extraterrestrial beings?

The idea that insect aliens are
coming here to this planet, interacting

with humans, may well
be based on something real.

Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?
Did ancient aliens really help

to shape our history?
And if so is there a connection

between aliens and insects?

The Nile Delta, Egypt.
A small, centimeters-wide trail

is cut in the desert floor by
the rolling cocoon

of a dung beetle.
This strange-looking two-inch

long insect, also called a
scarab, uses the dung as both a

source of nourishment and a
place for storing its eggs.

It will roll the ball in a
straight line despite all

obstacles, and is the only
insect on Earth known to

navigate by following the light
of the Milky Way galaxy.

Biologists just made this
discovery in 2013...

but 5,000 years ago,
with presumably no knowledge of

its unique connection
to the stars, the ancient

Egyptians held the scarab
as a sacred symbol,

representing a link to the gods.

that a great civilization

could pay so much attention
to a little bug, but

it appears constantly throughout
Egyptian temples and hieroglyphics.

It's a very frequent image.

At the Temple of
Karnak, overlooking the Sacred

Lake where the pharaohs
received their coronation,

a giant scarab beetle stands
watch, representing the Egyptian

god Khepri.

The Egyptians saw the
Sun moving across the sky

during the day.

Also, around the desert sands, you'd
see beetles moving balls of dung.

And so the Egyptians thought
that the force that moved the

Sun across the sky was a giant
scarab beetle god, Khepri.

They believe
that the Sun was what

is known as the eye of Ra,
which was Ra's chariot or his

flying machine.

And the thing that moved it,
they believed, was the scarab-

headed god, Khepri, and the
scarab represented Khepri,

the pilot, if you like,
of Ra's Sun ship or barge.

He was basically a pilot
to the gods.

But could there be
another explanation for why the

Egyptians regarded Khepri
as a pilot?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that the representation

of Khepri as a scarab and
sometimes as a human with

a scarab head... may have been
inspired by actual contact the

Egyptians had with an
otherworldly being.

One has to
wonder whether or not these

beings actually existed,
because the ancient Egyptians

were incredibly proud in carving their
history into countless of walls.

And according to the ancient
astronaut theory, we all came

about through a deliberate
mutation of our genes.

And so it is entirely possible,
in my opinion, that some of

those creatures that we see
depicted in reliefs and in

carvings might have actually
exted in the past.

Is it possible the
ancient Egyptians could have

encountered alien beings that
had an insect-like appearance?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes...

and as further evidence,
point to the fact that the

Egyptians' obsession with the
scarab also extended to their

funerary rituals.

The Valley of the Kings, Egypt.
November, 1922.

Archaeologist Howard Carter
discovers the tomb

of King Tutankhamen.
Among the treasure trove of

artifacts found inside is the
young pharaoh's breastplate,

which features a scarab
as the centerpiece.

The scarab is made of a yellow
silica glass stone procured from

the Sahara, originally formed 28
million years ago when the sand

was superheated
by a comet strike.

But why would the ancient
Egyptians place a scarab...

and one sculpted from material
produced by a cosmic event... at

the center of their pharaoh's
funerary breastplate?

Curiously, scarabs always played
an integral role in the

Egyptians' mummification
process, often included during

the wrapping of the body.

In between
those wrappings, the Egyptians

put a number of charms, which
served not just a preservation

function, but a
magical function.

There was a
heart scarab, which was

placed on the body.

We also find other scarabs,
sometimes knitted into the linen

of the deceased.

The scarab was thought to be
critical for the resurrection,

because of its power and
necessity for it to be present

when the Sun rose
in the morning.

BARA: The idea was, is that
the soul or even the

body of the person that had
departed was carried by scarab

beetles along the path to the
next life, to the next dimension.

It's almost as if the scarab
beetle was some kind of device,

not an insect, but a device
that actually allows travel

from one place to another.

Where did
the Egyptians get the idea

of resurrection and this
idea that we could be reborn

as star beings?

It seems as if they were
given this idea by Khepri.

Could the inclusion
of scarab-shaped objects in the

mummification process have been
inspired by an actual encounter

with the scarab god Khepri?
To some ancient astronaut

theorists, it's not just the
presence of scarabs that

suggests the Egyptians made a
connection between insects and

the afterlife...
they say the mummification

process also mimics
insect metamorphosis itself.

The similarities
between mummification and the

cocooning process that a
caterpillar goes through before

it becomes a moth are really
quite incredible.

I think what the
Egyptians were trying to do

is actually cocoon the human
being so that when he emerged

into the next life at the next
level up, he would be

transformed into something
greater, more powerful, and

epically more beautiful.

This does mimic,
in nature, what we would

see with a pupa or a chrysalis,
in which the caterpillar

actually creates a hard
outer shell around itself,

and the material of the
caterpillar's body actually

turns into a broth before
it reconstitutes into what

ultimately emerges
as a butterfly.

While most people
associate metamorphosis with a

caterpillar transforming into
a butterfly...

beetles, like the scarab,
undergo a complete

metamorphosis as well.
The hatched larva inside the

ball of dung emerges fully
developed and capable of flight.

To the ancient Egyptians, it
seemed the sacred scarab had

miraculously regenerated inside
its cocoon.

The actual scarab
beetle in ancient Egyptian was

called something that means
"he that comes from nowhere."

Which is basically what
the name Khepri means.

"He comes from nowhere. He
can make himself exist."

Much like the
scarab emerging from its cocoon,

the Egyptians believed a
mummified body could rise from

its sarcophagus as a transformed
being, and live once again.

Part of the soul
was inexorably attached to the

body, so in order for that part
of the soul to live on in the

afterlife, the body had to be
preserved as closely as possible

to the way that it had existed
in life.

The idea of the
Egyptian soul is so alien

from our own that it's-it's
difficult to put parallels on.

For example, the Egyptians
concept of the soul had five

parts... the Ba and the
Ka are two in particular.

And part of their mythology was
that the Ba must return to the

body, enter the body, so that the
body can rise and live again.

It's possible
that the mummification

process was some kind of
replication of this process that

the extraterrestrials
went through.

And even the possibility that
the mummies themselves were

going into some kind of larval
stage and suspended animation

where they would emerge
eventually into some kind of new

body like the
extraterrestrials did.

While the scarab
dominates Egyptian symbolism,

another beetle common to this
part of the world, the buprestid

beetle, has a direct tie to the
Egyptians most important god...Osiris.

Buprestid beetles,

when bothered by a predator,
actually tuck their legs up

and lie perfectly still.
And the way they hold their

limbs is very similar to the way
Osiris would be represented in

some tomb paintings.
Well, it turns out the buprestid

beetle is found in the tamarisk
wood, and that is the wood that

comes from a tree that was part
of the Osiris legend.

Actually becomes the Djed

And when, uh, !sis split this
pillar, she found Osiris inside,

and this beautiful beetle
inside, and so it's quite

possible that this beetle may
have a relationship to the

mummification process.

But does the
Ancient Egyptian worship of

a beetle really suggest an
encounter with insect-like

Could they be mimicking

misunderstood technology?
Or might there be

another explanation?
Perhaps further clues can be

found in the numerous ancient
stories of Ant People.

University, England. 2013.

Using a high-speed camera with
intense magnification,

scientists from the department
of zoology record the movement

of a plant-hopping insect called

Examining the footage, they make
a shocking discovery.

The movement of the Issus is
powered by mechanical gears.

It is the world's first evidence
of mechanical gearing in a

biological structure.
This natural cog mechanism

allows the Issus to make
powerful jumps, with the gear

teeth on the opposing hind-legs
locking together like those in

the gearbox of a car, ensuring
almost complete synchronicity of

leg movement.
But how did a biological entity

develop mechanisms that appear

Insects are
essentially evolution's

Tinkertoy set.

Insects were the first animal
group to evolve the ability to

fly on their own power.

Insects have an exoskeleton,
which is almost like a living armor.

In terms of sheer numbers,

insects are by far the
most dominant life-form on

Earth, and with over one million
different species, they also

remain the most mysterious.

Insects appeared on the
Earth over 400 million years

before humans appeared
on the Earth.

They were incredibly successful,
well before the age of the

dinosaurs, and a long
time before humans.

About half of
the living creatures on the

planet belong to the
group of insects.

They've really found ways
to inhabit just about every

ecological niche in nature.

They have compound eyes, which,
in some cases, they can see into

the, uh, ranges that humans
cannot, like ultraviolent.

They have a very
sophisticated sensory system

that makes them different from
what we can perceive.

For example, insects taste,
smell, and feel with the hairs

on their body.
When they land on you, they're

smelling you, they're tasting
you, they're feeling you.

There are upwards of a million
species of insects evolved

so far. So, we may
think of ourselves as

being special, but in reality,
insects are the most successful

animal group that's ever evolve

In the more than
400 million years that insects

are believed to have existed, no
bug has thrived more than the ant.

Ants are among the

most successful animal groups
that we see on the face

of the Earth. One out of
every four individual

animals on the face of the Earth
is an ant.

Ants are incredible insects.
And they're highly evolved.

In size and
appearance, ants and humans

could not be more different.
But interestingly, in many ways,

these tiny bugs are more like us
than any other creature in the

animal kingdom.

Ants have a social

system where they have a
division of labor.

You have a reproductive queen.
You have males that will mate

with the queen. You have
sub-reproductives that

can leave the colony and start
new colonies.

Then you've got a
series of workers.

And then there specialized
workers that are soldiers, that

can actually protect the colony
if they're under attack.

So, they're rather, uh, intriguing
with regard to their behavior.

But how is it that

the behavior of ants mirrors
that of humans in so many ways?

Is it simply coincidence?
Or could ants and humans be more

closely related than we think?

Ancient Greece.
In both Homer's Iliad and

Ovid's Metamorphoses, there is a
group of warriors known as the

Myrmidon, who are born of
mysterious origins.

According to the Ovid, King
Aeacus of Aegina pleads with the

god Zeus to repopulate his
plague-ravaged country.

That night, he dreams that ants
fall from the branch of a tree

and turn into men.
He awakes the next morning to

find his dream has come true.

The story of the Myrmidons
is that they were ants

made into warriors.

They were said to have fought
with Achilles at Troy and they

were very effective.

The descriptions of the
ant people are very, very

accurate in terms of the
behavior of the insect...

the ant itself.

They were very loyal, they
moved together as one,

almost at a hive mentality.

The Myrmidons were

thought to be the first to
develop ships, and to sail under

their own power.
This ability to be organized

like an army, comes from ants
marching in a nice linear

fashion. The ea about
being the first

to sail comes from the ant's
ability to raft.

Ants will get on the surface
tension of water and lock legs,

other ants will climb on top,
and this little mound of ants

will float around on the surface
of water.

In the case of the Myrmidons,
these were fierce warriors.

They were well-trained,
they were organized...

just like ants.

These descriptions
are so vivid and so accurate

in terms of the ants'
behavior that what Zeus seems to

have done is actually some sort
of genetic crossbreeding

between humans and insects
in order to create this army

of ant people.
You're dealing with an extremely

advanced technology that really,
really understands how to use

genetic manipulation to create
new species.

Is it possible that
the Myrmidons depicted in the

ancient Greek stories were
actually some type of ant-and-

human hybrid, manufactured by an
alien being?

Ancient astronaut theorists
claim further evidence that ants

may have a connection to
extraterrestrials can be found

in stories throughout numerous

In the Muslim holy book, the
Quran, there is a story of ants

speaking like humans.
In parts of Africa, ants are

considered to be the messengers
of the gods.

And Native American tribes, like
the Hopi and Zuni, tell stories

of the Ant People who emerge
from beneath the Earth.

The ant
people is a very interesting

subject when it comes to looking
at the Hopi belief system.

Ant people, number one,
are caretakers of the Earth.

Unlike the Myrmidons
of Greek mythology,

the Ant People of the Native
American stories don't just

behave like ants, they
resemble them as well.

They have spindly
arms, they have antennae.

They have elongated skulls.

These are clearly a merging
of the human and the insect.

They are not simply a
fable or a parable.

If one explores the
question of insectoid alien life...

then my question is why not?

Because if life is pervasive
throughout the entire universe

then that life comes in all
shape, size, and color.

So, the idea that insectoid
aliens might exist is very

possible to me.

However, I think the idea came
from our ancestors witnessing

physical features that made them
look like ants or could be best

described as ants.

If we look at the
face of an ant, we look

at the head of an ant, we see
large, buggy eyes widely

spaced on the face,
and a large head.

So this could be an illustration
of people seeing beings like

what we now call the Greys, and
associating it with something

that's familiar to them.

Is it possible that
the Ant People that appear in

both Greek and Native American
mythology were really

Grey aliens?
Or might they even be

human-insect hybrids engineered
by otherworldly beings?

Perhaps the answer can be found
in the accounts of those who

claim to have been victims
of alien abductions.

The Kalahari
Desert, South Africa.

The indigenous people of this
area, called the San,

represent one of the oldest
existing populations on Earth,

with a culture that dates back
approximately 80,000 years.

According to the origin story of
this ancient society, the first

humans were created not by
traditional gods but by insects.

According to the
San people, the origin

of humans lies with
the praying mantis.

There once was a bee who was
asked by a praying mantis to

carry him across a raging river.
And the bee did so.

He carried the praying mantis
across the river and deposited

him on a leaf.
But before leaving, the

exhausted bee left an egg inside
the praying mantis and that egg

is the source of all human

But where did the
San people get the idea that

humans were created by a praying

Curiously, the San tradition
also holds that a praying mantis

gave early humans the gifts
of language and fire.

And one of their most
important gods, Cagn,

the creator of the world, often
took the form of a mantis.

The San people
of South Africa had a

fascinating theology.

Their god was known as Cagn,
and Cagn was a trickster god.

He could shape-shift and appear
in a number of different forms...

but was very fond of appearing
as a praying mantis.

Cagn had a lot struggles
on the planet Earth.

There were many wars that were
fought, and eventually he left

the Earth by means of
going up into the sky.

interesting thing about Cagn

is that it's said that
he created the Moon.

And the San people do their planting
because of phases of the Moon.

So you've got to wonder: is this
praying mantis extraterrestrial

god just some mythical figure,
or is he really a representation

of some kind of real praying
mantis insectoid alien that's

come to Earth?

Could the
prominence of the praying mantis

in San mythology suggest that
their ancestors actually

encountered such beings in the
distant past?

Although most anthropologists
regard these stories as fables,

some ancient astronaut theorists
find it curious that the praying

mantis is also a recurring image
in reports of alien abduction.

Covina, California.

In this small farming town on
the outskirts of Los Angeles,

17-year-old Linda Porter awakens
to find herself aboard

a strange craft.

From what she is able to recall
later, under hypnosis, a small

creature that appeared to be a
Grey alien led her towards a

light-filled room where she
encountered another type of

being... one much taller and
with the features of

a praying mantis.

Very stand-alone,
very odd case.

The fact that this occurred in
1963 is very intriguing, because

it's before the abduction
phenomenon became popularized.

There have
depictions throughout various

abduction scenarios that include
the Grey aliens and this

larger, tall insectesoid being,
very praying mantis-like.

Linda Porter claims
that throughout her teens and

20s, she experienced numerous
other encounters with

these alien beings...
but it wasn't until

the age of 45 that she
finally reached out to

investigative journalist Linda
Moulton Howe to tell her story.

I received a letter, carefully

written, from Linda Porter.

This led up to her sending
me a whole lot of drawings.

These drawings
appear in Linda Moulton Howe's

book Glimpses of
Other Realities.

One of the drawings
was of a praying mantis

about eight feet tall in a
room that was very odd,

had a cylindrical object
and sparkles of light.

There have been
quite a number of different

types of aliens seen, allegedly,
by contactees.

But the ones that are really
peculiar, and very rare, are

these very scary, skinny, large,
basically intelligent insects

People have
drawn parallels between the

aliens that are reported onboard
UFOs and insects, particularly bees.

The Greys, for instance, could
be equated in some way to the

drone or the worker bee.
The so-called praying mantis

type could be seen, perhaps,
as the queen bee, larger than

the others, more intelligent.
They're taller than a person...

eight or even nine feet tall.
And the Grey aliens may handle

the person who's being abducted,
but in the background, there's

this praying mantis type that
seems toe calling the sh*ts.

According to
Porter, she is part of a larger

experiment... one in which these
aliens appear concerned with her soul.

She said whatever we

humans are, we have an animus,
a soul, that is mysterious to

them, and they are trying to
find out where does the soul,

spirit, go at the moment of
death, and that the non-humans

were studying the recycling of
the souls in and out of containers

She talked about
being shown three cylinders.

Contained in each cylinder was a
human being in kind of like a

state of suspended animation.

Numerous alleged
alien abduction victims have

reported seeing these
cocoon-like containers, but if

these accounts are real, might
there be another explanation

behind this technology?
Could it be, as some ancient

astronaut theorists contend,
that aliens are performing

genetic experimentation?

Linda Porter came away
from her two or three decades

of interaction with these
non-humans, including the at

first terrifying praying mantis,
that these are extraterrestrial

biological entities that have
taken a deep interest in the

evolution of life-forms here,
that they have manipulated DNA

in already evolving primates,
that they have created a whole

series of different models.

Might the numerous
accounts of mantis-like beings

reported by alleged alien
abduction victims, along with

the ancient San story of a
praying mantis god, be evidence

that an otherworldly race of
insectoids really does exist?

And, if so, could they be
conducting genetic experiments

with humans to make us more like

Ancient astronaut theorists say
further clues revealing the

connection between insects and
aliens can be found...

in the Holy Bible.

Pi-Ramesses, Egypt.
The 15th century BC.

Most archaeologists believe this
ancient city to be the site of

the ten plagues as described in
the Bible's Book of Exodus.

According to the scripture, God
brought these plagues upon Egypt

when the pharaoh refused to
release the Israelites from

Three of them involved insects.

The third was a plague of gnats,
which came up from the ground

and infested both man and

The fourth was flies that
att*cked only the Egyptians,

sparing the Israelites.
And the eighth was a plague of

Locusts are
grasshoppers that have had an

unusual change in their
biology and behavior.

They will start to move in the
same direction.

They will land, eat.
Other locusts flying over them

will land and eat and so on and
so on, wiping out all the

vegetation in a given area and
destroying all the crops that

people might have planted.
And for every one million

locusts, they can eat a ton of

But an even more
incredible story of locusts can

be found in the Bible's New
Testament Book of Revelation.

Rising from deep pits within the
Earth, these locusts form waves

of scorpion-tailed warhorses,
protected by iron breastplates.

And unlike the locusts from the
Book of Exodus, the target isn't

the locusts themselves
actually didn't eat any crops,

they didn't clear any fields.
They only att*cked people, and

they only ate up and
devoured and damaged people.

It's almost as if the locusts
themselves were programmed.

The locusts that
appear out of the smoke have

some type of ability to sting
people with a scorpion-like sting.

Now, locusts are known not to
have any type of way of harming

people, so these locusts
were special in origin.

These locusts only
sought out humans who did not

have the seal of God
on their foreheads.

And it makes you wonder if these
locusts are in fact some kind of

an advanced extraterrestrial
technology that was sent to seek

specific human beings.

Is it possible that
what is described in the Book of

Revelation is not the
plant-eating locust we have

today but some type of advanced
weaponry wielded by an

extraterrestrial being?

Now, if an extraterrestrial was
fighting a w*r, a w*apon that you could

use would be mechanical devices
that basically were like little

nanotechnology that would attack
certain very specific targets.

There are, in fact, such weapons
in use today.

DARPA headquarters,
Arlington, Virginia.

This is the military's visionary
toy shop, where the blueprints

for the weaponry of tomorrow are

Here stealth technology and GPS
were conceived.

Now, according to sources, a new
arms race is underway, one

focused not on the biggest
weapons but the smallest.

Insects are
one of the most amazingly

designed creatures that
exist on planet Earth.

I mean, they're extraordinary.

It's no surprise that the United
States military is interested in

insects. It's
absolutely logical.

Why not send a small
insect or a crawling beetle into

a w*r zone, into a place to
gather intelligence?

That's exactly what we see
happening now.

scientists have been

experimenting with
electronically modifying beetles

so they can actually manipulate
their flight.

Threading thin wires into the
base of the beetles' optic

lobes, they can control the
region of the brain at makes

the beetles start
and stop flying.

With another pair of wires in
the wing muscles, they can also

make the beetle veer to the
right to the left by remote

control. And scientists
working with

nanotechnology are not only
looking for ways to control

insects but to actually recreate

Thomas Vaneck at Physical
Sciences, Incorporated, is

currently developing flying
robots based on insects.

Instant Eye is
a very small aerial robot about

the size of a pie plate.
It's relatively simple and yet

Just about any insect you can imagine
is being studied by somebody.


All are said to be potential

models for the next generation
of biomimetic weapons... robots

that could one day be indistinguishable
from actual insects.

Right now, probably

the smallest insect-inspired
robot that we can make is about

the size of a hummingbird, from
the technologies that are

available to us today.
The driving force there is

energy storage, because we just
don't have a battery that stores

enough energy.
We're going to figure it out.

I can easily envision that
you're going to have a robot the

And if it landed on
the wall in some t*rror1st's

house, he probably
wouldn't know.

And we're able to fit so much
into such a small space now.

Keep the weight down, we can
give it wings, and the average

person would just try
to swat it away.

In the not-too-distant
future, you're going to

sit there, and go, "Wow,
what a" beautiful insect."

Maybe it's not an insect at all.

But if we can produce
insect drones today, is

it possible that the biblical
stories of locusts sent by God

are really accounts of alien
technology in the ancient past?

And could this be the reason why
insects are feared by humans,

even to this day?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe such an incredible

notion is possible, and for
proof, point to a mysterious

area in Nevada simply
known as Area 51.

Kingman, Arizona.
May, 1953.

At the height of the Cold w*r,
an unidentified object

reportedly crashed in the desert

What remained was allegedly sent
to America's most top-secret

Area 51.

But it wasn't until 45 years
later, in 1998, that a retired

military engineer named Bill
Uhouse came forward to make a

stunning claim.
The military didn't just have

the extraterrestrial technology.
They had an actual living alien.

Uhouse claimed
that he worked in a secret

laboratory, supposedly in the
Papoose Mountains of Area 51

in Nevada, and that since 1953,
the American government had an

insectoid alien that
was working with them.

His name was J-Rod.

J-Rod supposedly
assisted the military in

understanding and duplicating the
incredible power systems and

futuristic technology that was
combined and created for the

Kingman craft.

Shortly after
Bill Uhouse broke the story,

microbiologist Dan Burisch came
forward to confirm his claim.

But according to Dan Burisch, J-Rod
claimed that he was not an alien.

What he revealed was something
even more shocking.

This insectoid
alien J-Rod said that he had

actually come from our future,
and that, at some time in the

near future, to us, there is a
catastrophe on this planet...

and much of mankind is

and that mankind splits into
two different species.

And one of these species goes
and lives underground, and while

underground, they develop these
insectoid traits...

which is exactly what the Hopi
and Zuni and even Navajo legends

say... that, during the
transition period between

the third and the fourth
worlds, this above world

of today was not habitable, and
they had to go underground and

live for some time with what
they call the Ant People.

And you have to wonder if
perhaps J-Rod is actually an

insectoid human being from our
own future.

Could the accounts
of J-Rod confirm that the Hopi

stories of Ant People were more
than just mythology?

And if the so-called insectoids
really do exist, is it possible

that they are not aliens, but
humans from the future?

Aliens appear to be a
part of our human evolution

over thousands of years.

A lot of it has to do with
our reproductive systems.

Maybe they're actually trying to
create a new race, possibly that

will be able to withstand
atmospheric changes here on

Earth, or potentially lead us to a point
where we have to leave the planet.

But if humans are
someday forced underground by a

cataclysmic event, does it even
make scientific sense that we

would evolve to have
insect-like characteristics?

According to some scientists,
we are part insect already.

The work on the human
genome has indicated that

possibly up to half of our
DNA may be the result of


That's a fancy word for jumping genes...
genes that can jump from

one species to another.

Recently, it was shown that rhodnius...
this is the sucking

insect that spreads Chagas disease...
not only can spread

the trypanosome, the
disease-causing agent, from

organism to organism, it also
can spread its own genes

to those organisms.

Humans get Chagas disease.

So far, they have not tested
humans for this insect DNA.

Odds are, we do have some of these
insect genes in our system.

We know some of these transposon
probably came from diseases

caught when our ancestors
were bitten by insects.

Could the studies on
Horizontal Gene Transfer one

day prove that we really do have
insect DNA in our genetic makeup?

And if so, might it be not
by chance, but by some

extraterrestrial design?

Is it possible that
evolution is being guided by

some sort of greater galactic
or universal intelligence?

Could it be possible that, in
certain circumstances, insects

could be the dominant species
that ultimately becomes sentient

and develops hominid

The contactee reports
are consistent.

Some people are seeing beings
like this, communicating with

them intelligently, and
for benevolent purpose.

The whole idea of
mixing these life-forms together

is fascinating, making hybrids
of the two of them.

Throughout history, people have
honored and even worshipped

insects, built temples to them.
It's quite possible that there

is an insectoid type life on
other planets that actually have

intelligence that's beyond our

Is it possible that
there really is a connection

between insects and aliens?
Are they related to beings from

beyond our world, as some
ancient astronaut theorists

suggest? And if so,
might they have a

secret purpose we have yet to

Perhaps, one day, we'll find
that alien beings don't only

inhabit the furthest reaches of space.

But there are in fact
billions here on earth.

And most of them right under our feet.
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