07x06 - Running on Empty 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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07x06 - Running on Empty 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Oi! Malcolm Linden? Open the door to the back.

What? Open the bloody door! All right, lose it.

Check the doors...

Stay there.

All clear, guv.

I'd like to do the initial examination.

Not a chance.

You found the body.

I trawled the missing persons list round the time you reckon he died.

Nothing doing.

You're kidding? No.

-one missed him? Doesn't look like it.

What about hospitals? Data protection.

Wouldn't say anything.

Is that it? Well What? I rang a friend who works at the hospital
- and told her about the broken leg and the heart attack Because we had a time frame, it didn't take too long.

Just want to show you something.

Sir! That's the one! If only all our informants were as accurate.


I'm going to ask you one simple question.

That's him! That is definitely him! What's his name? Dominic Goodwin.

You star! We are working on a case connected with this.

The Alice Delaney case.

What's to say it's connected? She was his agent.

She died, so he k*lled himself? No, he didn't k*ll himself.

Blood still in the upper lips.

No bulging eyes, no broken blood vessels, the rope mark round his neck postmortem, as opposed to ante.

I thought Leo was coming.

Still tied up with Dominic Goodwin.

Who? His John Doe
- he has a name now.

Thank goodness for that.

What do we have? It appears to be I'd rather the Doctor made his own deductions, thank you.

If you look up there, you'll see from the model that will be knocked through there to form a bar area.

The layout will be different to the one that's shown here.

What's this? Mr Linden.

Are you Malcolm Linden? Yes, I am.

Detective Superintendent Nicholson.

I'm arresting you in connection with the death of Alice Delaney.

Whoa! What are you talking about? HE READS HIM HIS RIGHTS I'm really very sorry.

What's happening? Believe me, I've no idea what this is about.

Don't touch me! OK.

We can get him down now.

What do you think? Any sign that there's a connection between this and the Alice Delaney case? I'll wait till the autopsy.

I'd like you to start the PM today.

Depends on the coroner.

Alice Delaney didn't k*ll herself and I don't think Carlton Johns did either.

These deaths are connected.

There is another factor.

Which is? Didn't Leo give you my message? No.

About the DNA from the toothbrush? What message? Philip Delaney was the father of Alice's baby.


Could explain why he lied about not seeing her for six months.

Yeah, he sexually assaulted her.

I'm so sorry.

It's OK, Mum.

It's OK.

I don't understand.

I mean I mean How did he? We're not sure yet.

We need to do an autopsy.

No, I don't want that.

I don't want that for my boy.

Do you have to? He's not a piece of meat.

Yes, we do.

I'm sorry.

Who found him? A pathologist.

Professor Sam Ryan.

What the hell was he doing there? She.

They'd met earlier.

Oh, yeah? They met in the park running.

In the park? Yeah.

He didn't bother to turn up to his race, but he had time to go to the park.

Kim, don't.

Don't what? I'm not stupid.

Please! She was female.

He didn't need an excuse.

Shut up! Just shut up! It's true.

Ask him.

Carlton was a good husband.


As long as I didn't ask any questions.

How can you say that? This can't be happening.

I'm sorry.

But how? How did he die? We're not sure as yet.

I can't believe this.

How's Kimberly taking it? He was everything to her.

I expect it came as a shock to her.

And his mum And Derek.

Carlton was their life.

Their livelihood.

I've got to ring them.

Tina, before you do that, I need to take away Alice's computer.

What for? I thought you'd checked all that? This is the second unexplained death
- it may help us.

Is this it? You'll be wasting your time.

It crashed, about a week ago.

She had to reinstall everything.

We'll have a look all the same.

Sir, the pathologist on the Alice Delaney case
- Sam Ryan
- She's blabbing on about the cases being connected.

You don't think so? Alice Delaney was his agent, aside from that Stick with it.

It's good to put a black officer up front when it's a black case.

Ah, Professor Ryan.

Two minutes.

You're here about the deaths being connected? I They're not.

Malcolm Linden's in custody for the m*rder.

What? We had a tip

Found her lighter in his office.

He's claiming not to know anything about it.

How do you know he isn't involved in Carlton Johns' death? He has an alibi.

A meeting with his investment bankers.

This tip
-off Do you want to take over? Is that it? I just wondered.


That's convenient.

Got a result.

What about the fact Alice was r*ped? Which is your assumption.

Philip Delaney was the father of her child.

How do you know? I managed to obtain a sample of his DNA.

Without his permission? I needed to know.

So you stole his DNA? What got into you? Now you can obtain it legally.

What for? Philip didn't k*ll Alice.

She died on either Saturday or Sunday.

Philip flew to a wedding Friday, didn't get back till Monday.

He lied about seeing her.

It doesn't mean he r*ped her.

If he did, what am I supposed to say to the CPS? So he gets away with it? This is not Toy Town.

I am not Mr Plod.

You are not Tessie Bear.

Here most people get away with it.

You've just got away with nicking someone's DNA.

How is she? The doctor's given her a sedative.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't help myself.

Carlton was on the crest of a wave.

Could have had anything he wanted.

But that doesn't excuse his treating you badly.


It's my fault.

I let him get away with so much.

Hey, you can't blame yourself.

No, it's true.

I should have been stronger.

PHONE RINGS Yeah? Kimberly.

Yeah, it's me.

I've been arrested.

Arrested? What for? Alice Delaney's m*rder.

Someone's stitched me up.

Get hold of my solicitor, and get down here.

To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure? I hate loose ends.

I just heard they arrested somebody for Alice's m*rder.

You lied about when you saw your wife.

Did I? You saw her about two months ago.

You r*ped her.

I can't prove anything, but I know you did it.

Get out.

You and Alice didn't have children, did you? What's that got to do with you? You know she was pregnant? Yeah.

Yes, ironic, isn't it? All those years then along comes Carlton, and she gets pregnant just like that.

You haven't worked this out.

What? Why I took your toothbrush.

Wanted my DNA.

You were the father of Alice's child.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

When you r*ped her, you made her pregnant.


You're lying.

She was a little girl, by the way.

Found in your office? Someone put it there.

Who? You're the detective.

You find out.

Johns was married to your sister? Yeah.

But was having a relationship with Alice Delaney? Yeah.

How did you find out? Derek told me.

Did he say why he told you? He didn't have to.

He had a thing about Kimberly.

Think he was hoping I'd do something about it.

Did you? I did nothing.

Ah, yeah.

You have a history.

So have the Pyramids.

Three counts of GBH.

I'm a different person.

Two of those were att*cks on men who you thought were disrespecting your sister.

That was then.

Where were you last weekend? Here and there.

More precise.

Friday, heavy club night.

Saturday? At home.

Doing what? Slept for most of the day.

You slept all day? More or less.

Anybody with you? No.

What about Sunday? With a friend.

Sleeping with a friend? I haven't got time for this.

I'm a businessman Mr Linden has smacked the table and moved away.

Would you return to your seat, Mr Linden, so we can continue? If you'd be so kind.

You got his key? Yeah.

It's the search warrant I'm lacking.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking? DOOR CLICKS Leo.

It's OK.

It's all right.

Calm down.

Calm down! Just calm down! Put the knife down.

Just do as I say and put the knife down.

Do we have a fix yet on Alice Delaney's time of death? Er, not yet, no.

Linden has no alibi for Saturday.

If Alice was k*lled in the day, it ups the possibility he's our man.

Don't you have a witness saying she saw Alice at seven in the evening? She could have got it wrong or she could be lying.

How long are we off finding out? Today, maybe tomorrow.

Well, as soon as you can, please.

Is this your daughter? My sister.


And just the two of you here? Who else is there? No

Not your mum? She left.

Right, um, do you want some tea? No.


We're fine, really.


We wanted to know about a Dominic Goodwin.

Did he ever live here? Why? Because His body was discovered a few days ago.

He's dead? We found a key to this flat in his possessions.

Really? Yeah.

So, did you know him? He was our dad.

So when did you last see him? UmI'm not sure.

Months, years ago? He went for a walk and didn't come back.

And you didn't report him missing? No.

Um Look, thanks very much.

We're OK.

We're fine.

Thanks for letting us know.

I'm off now.


Sorry, I couldn't come any sooner.

Did you tell Malcolm? About Alice.

Why? I don't know.

He kept on about Carlton and what a great guy he was, and how lucky I was, and I dunno, I just told him.

What happened to your leg? It broke.

Couldn't they have fixed it for you in hospital? Why not? He said I shouldn't go.

Your dad? Why would he say that? Did he hurt you? Is that what happened? You can tell me.

And Vicky? Did he hurt Vicky, too? No.

No, never.

And nobody did anything? Not school, not social services? We were too scared.

So you've been living here by yourself for six months? Yeah.

What about money? What do you do? II go out begging.

Vicky comes with me sometimes.

We get more when she's with me.

Has Vicky been seen by a doctor? She can't see a doctor.

Why not? They'd find out.

I don't follow.

They'd find out we're on our own.

They'd take her away from me.

You both need to go to hospital and get checked out.


She needs looking after properly.

I look after her properly.

I look after her better than he did.

Don't I, Vicky? Tell 'em.

We need to call Social Services.

No! I'll do anything.

There's got to be an alternative.

Do you want to look after her? I'm all she's got.

You need to get out.

I knew you'd take her.

You're all the same.

Both of you.

Go to school.

Make friends.

I should have stuck you when I had the chance.

I don't know if I did the right thing.

What was the alternative? Anything was better than seeing this girl being ripped from her sister's arms.

If you'd done nothing and the girl died, how would you feel then? Sometimes you can't win.

You just have to live with it.

And just walk away? If you have to.

That's not exactly your track record, is it? No.

I don't always deal with things either.

So what do you do? I run.

Does that work? When I can't sleep.

When I do I have weird dreams.

What about? A child.

A child I'm not going to have.

Is that something you? When I had a choice, it wasn't important, didn't matter.

But I let it go I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Which one of us do you think Harry will take after? Me, of course.


Yeah, I feel sorry for him.

Carlton Johns, He is in exceptional physical condition.

There is a single ligature mark around the neck suggesting this injury was caused postmortem, rather than antemortem.

Are you sure about that? The bruising indicates as much.

And here, on both knees, there are carpet burns.

He could have been dragged across while he was unconscious.

Could he have been in a fight? There's no other bruising or sign of physical attack.

There are a number of what appear to be injection marks on both thighs.

Could be a self
-administered drug.

Such as? He was an athlete.

They could've been pain
-k*lling injections.

The marks are quite fresh.

Toxicology should help.

Could they be a contributive factor to his death? It depends what he was injected with.

Could we turn him over, please? Ah, this is interesting.

There is a puncture mark in the back, between the shoulder blades.

Not the most likely place for an injection.

But that is what it appears to be.

He was found with his shirt on.

I think it's worthwhile checking that out for damage.

There is a small residue of blood and a hole in the shirt.

Could Mr Johns have administered the injection himself? I would say the injection could not have been administered by Mr Johns.

So it's possible he was att*cked from behind? Every possibility.



Let's open him up.

Still believe the deaths are unrelated? A massive heart attack is almost certainly the cause of death.

But this is coupled with various other cardiac problems.

The left ventricle of the heart is greatly enlarged.

In a world
-class sprinter? Is this some sort of hereditary problem? If only.

You take the enlarged heart, signs of cardiovascular disease, coupled with pronounced testicular atrophy Yes, OK.

And the verdict is? Steroid abuse.

Almost certainly.

Carlton Johns was using performance
-enhancing dr*gs.

Dr Cunningham, do you think the use of steroids brought on the heart attack? No, I'd say the heart attack was caused by something else.

Like what? Given he had an injection in his back, could have been an overdose.

Toxicology will tell us.


Fairly certain it wasn't su1c1de.

No, they're definitely in there Carlton Johns, the latest news I knew it wasn't su1c1de.

Carlton wouldn't.

He was too strong.

D'you think someone else was involved? Why are you looking at me? You knew about him and Alice.

You think I k*lled him because he was having a bit on the side? What do you take me for?! Calm down.

Say one word to the press about my boy, you'll regret it.

I won't have to.

It'll come out.

How Carlton Johns flittered it all away on coke and women.

Stop this! He didn't do dr*gs.

Derek, tell me he didn't do dr*gs.

He was on steroids.

Steroids? Carlton didn't take steroids.

Oh, please, Diane! You're his trainer.

Didn't you know? He came and asked me for them once, but that's all.

You're lying, both of you.

Carlton would never have taken dr*gs.

He wouldn't have risked his career.

These are black blowfly maggots, exactly a half an inch in length about to enter the second instar larva.

Average temperature Friday to Monday nine degrees Celsius.

Developmental time of black blowfly larva at 15 degrees is one fourth of an inch per week How you getting on? Alice Delaney died approximately midday Saturday.

Are you sure? Absolutely.

It came as a major shock to everyone at the agency.

I'm sure.

If you'd like us to help with the funeral No.

We'll be fine.

There are various financial arrangements we need to discuss.

Can't we leave those till after the funeral? Of course.

There's only a couple of things involving you directly, the rest I'll speak to Kimberly about.

Kimberly? She being Carlton's next of kin.

I was his manager.

Perhaps this is something for you and her to discuss.

What's going on? We were always part of Carlton's team.

I'm sorry.

Look, any problems, just speak to our lawyers.

I'd like to see a copy of my son's contract with the agency.

It was pretty standard, as far as I'm aware.

I'd still like to know where I stand! Mum, don't do this to yourself, please.

Carlton Carlton's gone.

Nothing's going to bring him back.

The time of death has been worked out to midday on Saturday.


Is Harry sure? We're confident that's correct.

Tina Allen, her colleague, says she spoke to Alice at seven that night and she was very much alive.

Could she have got the time wrong? I'm never sure with witnesses.

They do have this tendency to lie.

I'll check her out.

You look at your facts and figures again.

If you're right, of course, this puts Malcolm Linden right in the frame, but But what? Well, we went through Alice's computer.

Last week, Carlton signed a new contract with the agency.

They were going to take over his personal management.

Do you watch athletics? Now and then.

Did you ever see my son race? On the telly, yeah.

Wasn't he magnificent? He was.

He was going to be world champion.

It was on the cards.

We were like a family business.

My other son trained him, ever since he started.

They were special together.

And now, nothing.

There's nothing for us.

The results are based on larvae that develop at consistent rates.

That are effected by temperature? Harry's factored that in.


Let me go over this again.



Yes? Mrs Johns and her son are here.


I'll catch up with you later.

Professor Ryan? Please take a seat.

Harry, I'd like you to stay.

Doctor Cunningham here is the pathologist who carried out the postmortem on your son.


It was necessary.

Not when it just breeds lies.

I'm sorry if you thought the autopsy was unsatisfactory in any way.

You were the last person to see my son alive.

That's right.

Mum, you don't have to put yourself through this.

I'd met him a couple of times in the park.

He advised me on my running, that's all.

How did you know he was at Alice's? I just assumed that's where he'd go.

I felt very concerned for him.

Concerned enough to lie? I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Lie about what? My son did not take steroids.

He wouldn't do that.

The signs were very clear.

He wouldn't cheat.

Mum, it's about competing on a level playing field.

That's not how he was brought up! When you tell me that my boy was taking dr*gs, I don't know that person.

Do you understand? Mrs Johns, we don't know exactly how your son died.

All I want to know is that whoever destroyed my life, my family, destroyed everything I worked for, will be locked away forever.

We'll do everything we can to help, I promise you.

It was about seven.

I already told you that.

Are you sure? Positive.

I always watch the football results.

They finish about five.

Then I had a bath, cos I was going out that evening.

I'd just got the bath when Alice rang.

I had to dry my hair, get dressed, so by the time I got to the office, it would have been about seven.

And she was alive? Do you know where she'd been that afternoon? Does that matter now? Yes.

She'd been at her flat.

By herself? As far as I know.

Doing a few lines of coke? I don't know about that.

Then for some reason she decided to come in to work, and she called you to come and talk about some contracts? Yes.

Which contracts? I can't remember.

Carlton's NEW contract? I didn't know he had a new contract.

Oh, yeah.

The agency was taking over as his personal manager.

I didn't know that.

Harry? Those larvae.

Did you take them all from the same place? Yeah.

The nose.


Do you mind if we take samples from another area and compare them? What, nobody trusts me now? I don't get it.

These larvae are from her ear and yet they're Different from the nose samples? About 12 hours different.

So she could have died at midday or midnight on Saturday.

That's a big discrepancy.

The same species, subject to the same temperature for the same time.

They should have the same rate of growth.

So why are they different? So now we have this 12
-hour discrepancy? Yes.

The police were about to charge someone with m*rder partly on the basis of these findings.

Second set of samples came from the ears? Yeah.

Why did you take the first sample from the nose? They were the most developed, which means the flies that laid their eggs there arrived first, closer to the time of death
- within minutes.

The autopsy revealed she was a cocaine user? .





Could the drug have acted as an accelerant? .


It's very possible.

It's a form of steroid.

Have you still got the samples from the mouth? (Yeah.

) Well, you run a test on those as a control.

If the cocaine HAS speeded things up, there should be no discrepancy between the mouth and the ears.

The larva samples from the ears and mouth They match, so Alice died 229 hours ago.

What's that? Saturday night.


Not Saturday lunch time.


It's a bit late.

YOU hadn't thought of the effect the coke could have had until now.

I wasn't the one playing entomologist.



I'm sorry.

We'd have looked foolish if this had gone to court.

I'm more worried about an innocent man being convicted.

Is that to deflect me from your mistake? No.

The next time you want to prove a point, make sure you know what you're doing.

He hasn't been charged yet, has he? Not that I know of.

Sam, it's human error.

It won't happen again.

I promise.

Superintendent Nicholson, please.

It's about Malcolm Linden.

Malcolm, don't! .


Where is that shit? No! You've got this wrong.

Derek wouldn't screw you.

No?! You don't know him.

He's been good to me.

Derek only looks after himself.

Like the rest of that family.

D'you know why the police had me in? Cos of what happened with me.

Because they found Alice Delaney's lighter in my office.

What? Derek is the only one who could've put it there.

Why? Wake up! The bubble was bursting.

Carlton Johns' gravy train was about to come off the tracks Carlton was doing well.

So long as Derek pumped him with steroids.

Where's the problem? Alice found out, made a fuss and fell off the roof.

Are you saying thatDerek? Why do you think I was arrested? Malcolmdon't.

Malcolm, please.

I've just lost my husband.

I don't want my brother banged up as well.

Look The house is mine now.



I'll have enough to put into the business.

We could be partners, as you wanted.

Are you serious about this? Course I am.

As soon as I get Derek and that old cow out the house, we're sorted.

Toxicology report on Carlton Johns.

Huge dose of steroids
- Clenbuterol.

Caused an instant heart attack.

Have you seen Derek? He's at the stadium meeting some officials.

About what? Oh, didn't say.

Something to do with Carlton.

It's a bit late for all that now.

What do you mean by that? You can ask him yourself when you're out house
-hunting this afternoon.

What's going on? I want you both out of my house.

YOUR house?! Like it or not
- yes! Carlton was MY husband.

I should have known you'd turn this family upside down.

Oh, blame your sons, not ME.

Listen to what you're saying It's the truth.

You have no right over Carlton.

You did nothing but take from my son.

He wasn't a son to you.

He was a commodity! You really have no idea how far this has gone, do you? Flowers cards He meant a lot to a lot of people.

And that's why I'm asking you for this stadium, for one night, free of charge.

Now, what we want to do is a meet in memory of Carlton Johns.

International athletics, big names And I can organise those.

It's like a sport aid .


and all the profits will be put into a fund to discover new talent.

And I'd be happy to train them.

Like I did Carlton.

Clenbuterol? Stay out of my son's affairs.

You've done enough.

Look, I could come back.

No, I'm sorry.


It's a banned substance.

An anabolic steroid substitute.

Carlton had been given a massive dose.

It's what gave him a heart attack.

Speak to Derek.



He should know about it.

Haven't you done enough damage? He bought Clenbuterol from Malcolm.

You sure about this? CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS I'll stay here.

I'd like you to come with me.

I don't know what he's capable of.

Shall we wait for the police? No.

I've created this.

I'll have to deal with it.

Derek? Derek? Have you seen this? Everybody loved him.


I just wanted us all to be happy.


That was never what you wanted.



You wanted Carlton to be happy.

I was never in the equation.

It was always about Carlton.

But, you know something? I learnt to accept it.

That's me
- always looking after everybody else.

I was a fool.

I know your brother was difficult, buthe had a gift.

It was hard for him to come to See, there you go again
- making excuses for him.

I don't want to hear any more excuses.

I made Carlton.

It was me.

Nobody else.

I trained him.

I kept him going even when he wanted to stop.

So, what happened? Stupid.

When she found out he was using steroids No, no.

Who? Alice, of course.



She blamed ME.

Did she really think that he could run that fast without them? She was terrified of losing her precious client.

So, what did you do? We argued on the roof.

She told me about this new contract.

She told me that Carlton was going to sack me.

-I didn't mean anything to happen.

You did that because y
-you were sacked?! Oh, no.

Not just ME.

YOU, too.

They wanted to get rid of YOU, too.

It's great, isn't it? You do all of that for them, and they don't want to know.

Not even a thank you.

Derek, why don't we go and talk to the police? Oh, no.





You have to realise .


I did it for you.

Not for me
- for you.

I wanted you to be happy, proud.

You weren't thinking straight.

Derek .


what did you do to Carlton? WellI
-I couldn't just stand by and let him do that .


not to my mum.


I don't They were gonna treat YOU the same way I'd been treated all my life.

Please You know what the stupid thing is I couldn't bear to watch YOU go through all of thateven though you'd done the same thing to me.

I just couldn't bear it.

YOU k*lled my Carlton! It's OK.

You It's OK, Mum.

Me and you, we'll be together now.

I just wanted to hear you say you love me Just once.

Mum? Mum? Please tell me..
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