08x02 - A Time to Heal 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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08x02 - A Time to Heal 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Thought you might've been up to the hospital to see how your mother's doing.

Yeah, cos we're so close(!) She's your mother.

She was nearly k*lled outside your house.

I didn't see what happened.

She was picking things up off the street.

What was she picking up off the street, Joe? I didn't see.

What was she picking up?! Look, I threw her bag into the street.

Maybe that's what she was picking up, I don't know.

She comes here to help you Yeah, right(!) ..

and you toss her bag into the street?! We were having a row.

You're an idiot, an idiot! Is she gonna be OK? OUTER DOOR SLAMS MACHINE BLEEPS MAN: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name '..

Just you don't forget me.

' You remembered my name ..

Who trespass against us How she doing? Fractured skull, but she's gonna be OK.

D'you think it was deliberate? After what happened to us, you think it was coincidence(?) Excuse me I phoned up.

Katy Quinn.

The stuff in the paper about the little finger.

I thought they might be my brothers.

Liam was ten and John Anthony was nine .


when our children's home closed down.

We got split up.

I never saw them again.

What's this got to do with the finger? John Anthony was frightened.

At night, I'd hear him.

"Will you hold my hand, Liam? I'm scared of the dark.

" Liam wouldn't do it.

Boys didn't hold hands.

And then I'd hear John Anthony.

"Will you hold my wee finger, then?" That's how they'd go to sleep.

I see.

I was supposed to look after them.

I said to you if I found anything I appreciate you bringing it in.

Just don't think I'm ready to open it.

It's probably nothing you don't know already.

What's it like having your father back? It's I don't know Peaceful.

I'm pleased for you.

PA: .


Remind passengers to keep all personal belongings and hand luggage with you at all times Sorry.


What are you doing here? Well, I'll go back, if you like.

No, I'm glad you've come.

So fractured skull! Hairline.

No traumatic injury to the brain.

Which is nice.

Yeah, I might need it.

You think it was an accident? It was pretty fast.

Walter said itit happened outside Joe's flat.

That's not why I came over here.

I didn't say it was.

You didn't tell me that you had a son.

I came to find the badge.

He's your son.

You're entitled to visit him.

Walter, would you listen to me? Look, she might be in there for days! It's an opportunity to get the investigation back on our turf.

George, Sam Ryan's a good friend.

I'm hardly gonna take advantage of her accident.

The matter's closed.

Excuse me Can I have a discharge form, please? I'll get one.

That's my father.

Oh! That's George Nevin.

I didn't know they were at Arnmore together.

He didn't say he knew my father.

MOBILE RINGS Hello? Hi, Leo.

I've got the DNA results from the brothers.

The material from underneath the fingernails shows two different types of DNA.

Two b*ll*ts, two weapons, and now two different sets of DNA.

Oh has Nevin mentioned that he actually worked with Sam's father? No, I thought as much.

Well, any news? The bodies are confirmed as Liam and John Anthony Quinn.

Is that it? For now.

And what aboutthe results of the fingernail clippings? Still waiting.

Were you at Arnmore at the same time as Sam's father? No, he was much older than me.

That's nice.


Cath thought the office needed brightening up.

How's your nut? Oh, it's OK.

Good hard Ulster skull on you, eh? Did you get a visit from Joe? No.

He seemed very upset.

Oh We want to look at the custody records, see if the brothers were interrogated here.

I have them ready for you.

1973 and 1974.

You seem pretty convinced that Liam Quinn was holding an RUC badge.

Aren't you? Well, yeah, I think it's a possibility but let's not lose the shape of this! I'm about to lock up.

That's a bit sharp, isn't it? Yeah, er, squash match.

I'll only be a few minutes.

"20th of April 1974.

"Liam Quinn and John Anthony Quinn arrested in connection with"? The Gilmour Street bombing.

Four police officers were k*lled in that.

The bombers knew it was a police bar.

The brothers were released on the 23rd of April, mid
-day Sam.

Hmm? William Ryan.

Your father was the custody sergeant.

April the 23rd.

? He was k*lled by a b*mb in his car the next morning.

Who were the investigating officers? We'll have to check.

This can't just be coincidence.

You all right? Yeah, I just need some air.

What's going on, Walter? The Quinns.

They weren't the bombers.


We got somebody else for Gilmour Street.

Did any of my father's friends die in that? We all had friends who died.

What's wrong, Sam? He was the custody sergeant.

Yeah, so? Are you worried your father may have been involved in some way in the Quinn brothers' deaths? You tell me.

But you haven't got any evidence.

Is that why he was k*lled? Out of revenge? One m*rder leads to another, to another Ah, Sam! Listen.

You've been under a lot of pressure.

Just tell me what you know, Walter.


I have never seen any proof that connects your father with these or indeed with any other killings.

Hmm? OK? You been home yet? I came straight from the airport.

Duty before pleasure, eh? Actually, I was curious.

Oh, yeah? About what? About why you brought me back.

Sam Ryan's hit and run.

What about it? I want you to take it over.

All right.

What have you got on it? I've a fair idea who might be responsible.

Who? Now, George, I wouldn't want to pre
-empt your investigations.



Maybe your father did the right thing
- released the Quinns after three days, did it by the book.

But maybe the interrogating officers took matters into their own hands.

So why was he k*lled? I don't know.

It could be your father's death and the Quinns are completely unrelated.

I need to see my father's things.

Whatever was recovered from the wreckage.

Why? Don't question me.

Do you think there might be a badge missing from his tunic? I don't know what to think.


What about Walter? This is between you and me.

Walter's loyalty was to my father, not to the truth.

You think the truth is worth this? Always.

My father taught me that.

What's up? The badge is missing.

May have disintegrated in the blast.

Why would there've been three shirts? All police issue.

The blood spatters on these are different.

See the way the flecks taper upwards? the blood spray coming up at the assailant.

Maybe Maybe from the victims kneeling in front of them.

God! Did he carry spare shirts? I don't know.

Sam, where are you going? It was my father, Leo, it was my father! You don't have any hard evidence.

What was he doing with those shirts? I don't know.

He was concealing evidence! Or securing it.

You don't secure evidence by taking it home! You might if you don't know who to trust.

Stop excusing him! Why do this to yourself? I don't know.

I don't know what to believe! PHONE RINGS Hello? Joe.

How am I? Hi Leo Yeah, just landed.

I'll meet you and Sam at the hotel, OK? OK.


Everything I've done since his death has been leading me to thismoment.

My father's a m*rder*r.

Oh, Sam! It's just been one huge joke.

Wait until you know the facts! KNOCK AT DOOR How're you feeling? I could be better.

Well, I have something for you.

I've matched one of the two sets of DNA from the Quinns' fingernails.

All I brought was flowers! It's DCI Nevin.

How the hell do you know that? I nicked some of his saliva.

So who does the other DNA belong to? George Nevin? Surprised us, too.

Did he volunteer the sample? I don't think how we got it is the issue.

I'd better bring him in, then.

Got a problem here, George.

What kind of a problem? I'm going to have to arrest you.

What? What for? They've got some evidence against you.

What kind of evidence? DNA.

DNA? Where would they have gotten that from, George? They've stitched me up.

They've obtained it without your permission, so they can't do anything with it.

So keep it tight and you'll be fine.

How can you say that? Because you've done nothing wrong.

I want to help you, George.

We've got to do it this way because if I'm seen to favour you, it'll work against you.

Listen, I need to go home.


I need to talk to Valerie.

I'll come and get you in an hour.

One hour.

D'you remember the first thing you stole? Um Some football cards, when I was about eight.

D'you get them for yourself? No.

For someone else? Another boy in Glenbrook.

One of the homes.

You know, compulsive behaviour patterns are not uncommon among people who've been adopted.

That's really fascinating
- is it going to keep me out of prison? I doubt it.

So what's the point? It might lessen your sentence.

D'you reckon(?) Just tell her! Will you tell her what WILL keep me out of prison?! If you're willing to appear as a character witness.

D'you know what I mean? Prof Ryan up there.

Judge'll stand to attention.

I can't do it
- I don't know you.

The judge doesn't have to know that! I won't lie.

I'M NOT ASKING YOU TO LIE! I'm asking you to stretch the truth a wee bit.

No! No? So why are you here? George Nevin's good people, so keep the cuffs in your pocket and show a bit of respect, OK? QUIETLY: Should he try anything, though, give him the full treatment.

What's happened? Is George in, Valerie? Should've been back an hour ago.

Something's happened, hasn't it? Has he contacted you? No.

Not gonna offer me a lift? I'm not going your way.

I understand you not wanting to lie in court, putting your job at risk and that.

This has nothing to do with my job.

Maybe you want me to go to prison.

Out of sight, out of mind.

What are you talking about? Maybe you think it's what I need.

Yeah, maybe I do.

Have you any idea what it's like in prison? Look, what is it with you? You lie, you steal from me, you almost get me k*lled, then you don't even have the decency to turn up and see how I am.

Just stay away from me.

I don't wanna see you again.

CAR DOOR SLAMS Did you think I didn't hear you? (Open your coat.

) There's no need for this, George.

(Go in.

Go in!) Keep your hands where I can see them.

I think you should put the g*n down.

How much did you pay that young lad to run over Sam Ryan, eh? Hmm? We needed control of the investigation.

I told you not to panic, George.

You're behaving as if you're guilty.

I am guilty! But they can't prove you pulled the trigger! Will you listen to me? The Quinn brothers were suspected of murdering four police officers.

You interrogated them, you did your job.

So it got a bit rough in those days
- they can't lock you up for that.

We were in hell, George.

Hell! Trying to save our bloody country.

We were wrong! And we'll be judged.

You'll have to give yourself up.

You can help me to get away.

That won't work.

What about Valerie? I mean, use your head, for God's sake! They can't prove a thing.

I'll see to it.

Huh! What happens when they get you? Oh, aye, I volunteered my DNA years ago.

It wasn't yours It wasn't yours.

Take it easy, George, take it easy.

Remember we searched the warehouse for this? Hmm? What is it? When I heard that those bastards had risen from the dead, my first thought was, "I bet one of those corpses has got George's badge.

" So I went there to look.

Andsure enough.

I did it for you, George.

I did it for you.

We can get through this one, too.

We'll get through it.

You saw your son today? How did it go? Great(!) He wants me to lie for him.

As a character witness.

Right I don't know him.

Are you sure that's what he wants? Yeah.

What he really wants? He's only interested in what he can get out of me.

Every time I see him, he makes me feel completely awful.

Why? Because you want a relationship with him? No, because he treats me like crap! There's never gonna be any "relationship".

We've nothing in common.

We're complete strangers.

You wouldn't let anybody else get to you like this.

I don't know why I contacted him.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Maybe you weren't thinking.

I'm not a parent.

I'm not a mother.

He's not my son.

- what, walk away? JOE! Joe, can you hear me?! '.


Gonna give you an injection.

Work with us' .


Who are you? I'm going in with him.

Could you remain in the waiting room? I'm going in with him Who are you? I'm his mother.



Who? His mothergoing in with him! .



Straight through.

Who are you? His mother! COUGHING AND RETCHING Ugh! You all right? Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm as right as rain.

You want a photograph or something? Have you nothing better to do today? You ever seen a dead body? I dunno, have you checked your pulse recently? I see them every day.

Yeah, that's your choice.

What did you think you were doing? I was doing what I always do.

You think self
-pity's a good enough reason for su1c1de? Is this supposed to be "tough love" or something? Don't flatter yourself.

How is he? Pain in the neck.


On the mend, then.

What's wrong? DCI Nevin has been found dead.

You don't have to come.

Harry's dealing with it.


What do you make of it? I don't think it was su1c1de.

He hasn't rested the muzzle under his chin to steady the aim.

There's too much powder.

So what've we got? Well, the entire cabin's been wiped, so we've got a forensically aware k*ller.

It's a job I've done a hundred times.

I just couldn't get the words out.

But this is different.

He was your friend.

Valerie staring ahead, knowing knowing that her husband must be dead.

I just couldn't say the words.

Well, nobody can be strong all the time.

Excuse me, has Joe Galvin been moved? No, he discharged himself about half and hour ago.

Right, thanks.

I didn't expect you to be out of hospital.

Full of surprises, me, eh? Listen .


I've been given a chance to stay out of prison.

Yeah? How does that one work? If you and your team go back to London and let the people here finish the job.

Now, look, I'm not asking you to lie Right.

And, if I go along with this, what? All your charges'll just disappear? No, they alter the date on the arrest sheet and it's thrown out of court.

I tell my colleagues we're leaving? It'll keep me out of prison! You want me to betray my principles?! Shall I point out a few things that happened to me in prison? I'm not doing it.

Do you want me to be beaten up? Of course not.

r*ped? Stop it.

You couldn't give a shit if I lived or died! You have used me from day one! You're right! I have! STOP IT NOW! When you said I only got in touch with you because of the court case you were right, but that was just that was like something for me to hide behindbecause I just I just generally felt so pathetic! Absolutely pathetic! But do you not understand? You're my mother, youyou are my mum.

I've spent the last 30 years praying, hoping, you're gonna come back again.

It's like the It's like the I don't know what there's a two
-old guy and he's in there.

And there's a wee five
-old guy in there beside him.

And there's this the nine
-old guy and he's I mean, he's really panicking.

He's really freaked out.

He doesn't know what Then, all of a sudden, he's a completely messed up fifteen
-old, right.

And then And now I'm, like, a thirty
-old man.

And all I ever wantedall I've ever wanted is for you to love me.

And I guess I can't expect somebody togive out something that they don't know they have.

Sam, we've been trying to phone you.

The plant in Walter's off What's happened? We're leaving.

What?! Ulster Forensics can take over.

We've found evidence that implicates Walter in Nevin's m*rder.

Pollen from the plant in his office.

Nevin could have carried it.

Has Walter threatened you? No.

Has he got something on your father? No.

I don't believe you're doing this.

We're going back tomorrow.

So, you've come to say goodbye, then? We're going tomorrow.

But I wanted to speak to you first.

Cath's having a lie down so maybe we can keep it quiet.

How dare you use my son against me! You've been doing it from the start.

You found my most vulnerable spot and you stuck the knife right in.

Sam, I was only trying to help you.

You told Joe you'd keep him out of prison if he got me to go home.

Is that right? You disgust me.

Your investigation led to the su1c1de of my closest colleague.

su1c1de? Why was pollen from the plant in your office found at the scene? Must've come off Nevin.

You k*lled him.

Where's your proof of that? I have no proof.

I've no proof you k*lled the Quinn brothers either.

What are you doing here, then? My father had that proof, didn't he? What? He had your shirt
- yours and Nevin's.

What are you talking about? He was going to turn you in.

You blew him up.

Sam .


would you leave my house, please? Did you? Did you do any of those things? What? The things she said to you Oh, Cath! You should've been appalled.

Why weren't you appalled, Walter? I'm tired.

I'm just tired of it all.

Very tired.

Is any of it true? Oh, my God! KNOCK ON DOOR You can make your arrangement.

Look, I don't want you to do this.

You're too late.

No, I'm going to phone Walter, tell him that you've changed your mind.

You'll go to prison.

Yeah, and then I'll come out again.

It's too late.

You're actually going now? Yeah.


And what about me? You got what you wanted.

No, I haven't.



to take unto himself the souls of our brothers John Anthony Quinn and Liam Quinn, dear departed.

We therefore commit their bodies to the ground.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain faith in the resurrection.

Katy, you know Harry.

This is Sam Ryan.

I don't know what to say.

It's all right.

Leo told me about your father.

Trying to get justice for my brothers.

He was just doing his job.

Thanks for everything you've done.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to tell you.

I've resigned from the department and the Home Office.

You've resigned?! Why? The reasons for doing my job have gone.

Sam, you've had a tough couple of weeks Yeah, just take a break.

Take a month off
- see how you feel then.

Please don't make this more difficult than it already is.

You're just going to walk away from the job? What are you going to do? I don't know, yet.

She'll come round.

Professor Ryan, would you tell the court your relationship to the defendant? I'm his mother but I've only just moved back here.

The point is I've only known my son for a few weeks.

We're getting to know each other slowly.

I gave him away as a baby.

Now I want him back.

Leo?! Uh
-huh? I never thought she'd do it.

It's you and me now, mate.
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