08x05 - Nowhere Fast 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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08x05 - Nowhere Fast 1

Post by bunniefuu »

This programme contains scenes which some viewers may find disturbing.

My God, there's Gay! Lovely chopper, Gay.

Hey, Gay! Get him on camera.

Flash bastard! Here comes Gay, arriving for the big day.

Living it large, my friend.

LAUGHTER AND HAPPY CHATTER To old friends and Mr Operator.

Mr Operator! Mr Operator'll win! And Godfather, your opinion? Quietly confident.

Save some for me! Don't you dare! Here's Dad, late as usual.

Here you go.

Get that down you.

Cheers! Straight for the wine.

He's traveled well.


He's Conor McBride.

Conor McBride? Yeah, absolutely Check the weight there.

Good luck, mate.

We're right behind you.

COMMENTATOR: 'And after the fourth race, 'the accumulator now stands at 1,470 pounds SPECTATORS SHOUT ENCOURAGEMENT PA: 'Mr Operator, trained by Pat Gerson and ridden by Conor McBride.

'Owned by Doctor and the Medics' 'The starting prices for the seven o'clock race.


' Come on! He's favourite by a mile.

It's your money, Rakesh.



Six to four favourite' I feel lucky.

Come on, Harry! Bring it round! Come on! HORSES WHINNY Here's to you and me.

God, it's gonna be a great one.

There he is! I can see him! COMMENTATOR: 'And, yes, they're off! 'They're away! First is Pongo on the outside 'with the blue and yellow diamonds, closely followed by.


' Come on! Come on! Mr Operator, come on! '.


In the lead, Woodland Girl.

As they come to the first turn, Mr Operator is pressing for the lead.


' He looks great, doesn't he? Mmm.



The first two.

'That's Mr Operator in maroon alongside Pongo.


' ALL: Come on! COME ON! '.


Dunwich Boy, is now beginning to show '.


pushing Mr Operator to third.


' Go, go, go! '.


Dunwich Boy.


' What the hell's wrong with him? '.


in third.


' '.


Then comes The Brief.

Back marker at 66 to 1 is Woodland Girl.


' He's running like a pig.

'Mr Operator seems to be losing ground.

'The field are pulling away.


' McBride! Come on, Mr Operator! Oh, my God! 'And Woodland Girl behind.


' 'Oh, dear! Conor McBride has fallen on Mr Operator.

'Goodness me, he still hasn't got to his feet.

'I hope this isn't serious.

'The medical team will be.


' Professor Dalton.

The neck isn't broken.

The horse ran terrible.

Right out of character.

Jockey was stone dead when they got to him.

Just the weight of the horse falling on him.

Autopsy straight away.

How's the horse? His leg's shattered.

There's nothing you can do? I'm sorry, there's no option.

OKyou'd better do it.

What's taking so long? It's bad.

They've abandoned the meeting, that only means one thing.

Oh, God I don't like to ask The horse was insured, wasn't it? Oh, great(!) That's just great(!) What did he say? He's I was just checking the horse was insured.

Don't bother.

Don't be a prat.

What?! It's not the right moment.

Oh, don't take the moral high ground, please! Come on.

Why are you bitching? Have you noticed anything, Kes? None of us actually like each other any more.

Listen, darling, let's go and grab a snack, eh? What's happened to McBride? I'm Gay Chettle, one of the owners in the syndicate.

I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the announcement.

Oh, my God! He's dead, isn't he? Radio PLAYS POP MUSIC Who the hell are you? Sorry.

They're mine.

I'm Nikki.

I'm a forensic anthropologist.

You're brushing your teeth in a mortuary.

I know.

Ladies' loo's flooded.

Mortuary as in evidence contamination thereof.

I sort of know that.

Cases depend on it.

And what's all this?! This is the pathology department, not the Natural history Museum(!) Are you Leo? Professor Leo Dalton, head of this department.

I know.

You can't just wander in here and start camping out.

Not normally, obviously.

What?! You're right, of course, you don't just invade a mortuary.

OK, look the archaeology department doesn't have the software for facial reconstruction.

You have.

When I brought these back from the Brecon Beacons dig It's a very unusual late Iron Age burial.

My colleagues think it's ritual sacrifice, but I don't.

That's what's so interesting Well, how interesting you find these bones isn't the point.

I just wanted to get on with it.

To know what these people looked like.

I'm sorry.

I convinced myself that if you'd been here you'd have let me use the software.

Professor Hegarty said, ''Oh, Leo's easy

He won't mind.

He'' I'm not doing very well, am I? No.

Don't you understand that feeling? It's OBSESSIVE.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

You find something, you want the answers PDQ.

You justhave to have them.

Sorry again.

Come on, Godfather, a word for Kescam? Go away, Kes.

Large brandy in the flask, please.

Are you an alcoholic? You've still got the lens cap on.

Pack it in, Kes.

Well, he seems OK.

-hoo! Over here, Gay! Why don't we go out and eat? The three of us? Pretend we're a family? It's your turn to have him.

I need some free time.

Look, Kate, I'm really tying here.

I missed your birthday, didn't I? What would you like? Name it, it's yours.

Well, um, I'd like you and Mum to get back together.

OK So you wouldn't like the trainers I bought you? Done your jockey? On his way in.

Nothing for us.

But the racing people are having a minor meltdown.

Did the result stand? Yes, but they're not happy.

Dead cert favourite has fallen over for no reason.

Have you been practicing facial reconstruction? You're getting better at it than me.

Not mine.

Hi, guys.

Where did you learn how to do this? I worked in forensic pathology in Johannesburg for six months.

We had a lot of unidentified bodies.

You've even impressed, Harry! Have I fallen into a black hole or something, I? Sorry, this is Nikki.

I intend to have her thrown out at some point but I've been BUSY.

Nikki Alexander, Forensic Anthropologist.

It's a ram raid.

I only want you for your software.

I've had her checked her out and she is who she says she is.

I should hope so.

I've often wondered.

Do you want to see the rest of my Iron Age family? The reconstructions are coming together rather well.

This is the woman.


Brought your own bones.

Leo said I can't keep them in the morgue so he told me I could leave them there.

Oh? Not actually on my deskbut LAUGHTER Really? How are you getting to London? I don't know.

I'm staying here.


In my own room.

Cuts and abrasions to the hands consistent with tying to hang onto the reins.

Compound fracture to the clavicle indicates that his shoulder broke his fall before the horse fell on him.

That's what k*lled him.

He has what we call a flail chest.


Almost every rib's broken, puncturing lungs and other organs.

Cause of death? Massive internal bleeding and shock.

Paramedics would have to be turbocharged to reach him on time.

Or lucky.

Playing to the galley? I've got toxicology.

Not exactly drunk and disorderly but half a skinful at least.

Apparently he was a promising lad who hadn't come on.

Bit desperate.

PHONE RINGS Maybe he had a few beforehand, not thinking he was getting a ride.

Hello? We're on our way.


Perhaps you'd better check.

Can I have your check? Over.

That's where we need to search.

Helicopter's stable? How many bodies? One in the cockpit and one over there.

I'll show you.

Anything been moved? Get on to the Met office again.

I didn't get you out of bed, did I? Chris! Hadn't actually got that far.

Didn't expect to see you again Quite so soon.

I asked for you.

Who's your mate? That's Leo Dalton.

My boss.

Ah, DCI Hollander.

I understand congratulations are in order.

I'll take this one.


Any idea what happened here? Celebrations.

Cabin's like my boozer at chucking
-out time.

I saw this guy yesterday.

He was at the races.

He said they were a syndicate which owned a horse.

Poor sod.

He's got a broken neck.

Didn't stand a chance.

Neither of them did.

Somebody was pissed, cos I can still smell it.

Look at this.

Winnings? In euros? It was some rich bastard's payday.

This explains the smell of whisky.

Well, there you go.

The seal's still intact.

Duty free.

You lads We just tell you what the evidence tells us.

Course you do.

What's this? Coffee.

If we get you a kidney, I'm sure you will be well enough to have a baby.

You'll need a bit more prenatal care, but .


OK? She's got such courage, you know.

I'm sure she's going to win through.

It would be fantastic if it could happen.

It will! Right, so are we going to go for this? try stopping me! Good.

I mean, I know I can't make promises, but I don't see any reason why this shouldn't work out.


And the sooner the better.

OK? Air Traffic Control gave us the two named on the flightboth doctors.

Gay Chettle leased the aircraft, and Rakesh Bhandari.

Which one's this one? Well the pilot's Chettle, so this one! He's got to be Rakesh Bhandari.

Are you sure? Any ID? That's the name on the flight.

That's who he is, Harry.


What are you doing? Did you keep Dad up late? Hugo, when you wake up, get Kes to give me a bell and tell me when he's heading back, OK? Who was in this seat? If that guy was in the back, empty I guess.

It's hardly rocket science.

Harry? There's another one.

Any sign of life? COME ON! Get a move on! Medic! We've got a live one! MEDICS! I'm Harry.


CHRIS! You're all right.

Steady Steady, steady.

Over you go.

Ready? try and keep his shoulders and head together.


Yeah OK Yeah Right.

Thank you.

Why wasn't he on the flight plan? I don't know.

I've spoken to the Jockey Club.

You're right, they owned the horse that fell.


They're not satisfied that the horse stumbled.

Are they connected? Well, let's wait till you've autopsied the pilot, eh? Maybe it's something much nastier.

Can we have these bodies bagged up?! Something to really get our teeth into, eh? Oi! Get off the car.

TV: '.


an inquiry into the cause of the crash.

' 'Police confirm that two men were on board and both were k*lled on impact.

' 'Reports suggest one victim was Dr Gay Chettle, an eminent neurosurgeon.


' What is it? '.


practicing at a leading London hospital.

' 'Doctor Chettle knew the area well leading to speculation about the cause of this tragedy' I can't believe this is happening.

Well, it has.

I mean, after yesterday Just Gay? On the news, two men.

Rakesh Get them off the trolleys and in the fridges, will you? We'll prep to do both.

Give us a break.

Have we traced next of kin? Working on it.

It's tough but it's better procedure.

Um, can I do anything? We haven't slept Well, I am Home office certified.

Scrub up.

It's your lucky day.

Which one's this? OK.

What shall I tell the people outside? What people outside? They're out here.

Hello, I'm very sorry for your loss.

I know it's difficult, but it would help us a lot if someone could formally identify the bodies.

Sorry, I don't think I can do this.

I know people expect doctors to find these things easier, but You, OK? Yeah.

Yeah, that's Gay Chettle.

It's Hugo.

It's not Rakesh.

Are you sure? Of course I'm bloody sure.

It's Hugo Slattey.

It's my ex

I am SO sorry.

There's obviously been a mistake.

Oh, my God, Kes.

He was with Hugo.

Where's Kes?! BEEP OF MONITORS RHYTHMIC HISS OF VENTILATOR items from Hugo Slattey's pockets.

Mobile phone.

Car keys OK, so it was a glorious night.

Experienced pilot very used to night flying.

No obvious evidence of any mechanical failure.

Why does he fly at full speed straight into the ground? A plane ticket.

It's to Turkey, return yesterday.

There was no communication saying anything was wrong and the radio was working.


In Gay Chettle's trousers.

Should he be flying if he's on medication? It depends what they are.

Any idea? We'll test them.

You OK, Matt? God, you're shaking.

What's the news? Um Gay and Hugo .


Kes? No hopefully.

Rakesh, we thought you were dead.

Your name was on the flight plan.

Oh, no He has various traumatic injuries.

What you'd expect.

External and internal consistent with the crash.

Anything suspicious? No.

Any sign of the tox reports? No.

What about Gay Chettle? Hold on Um, we can be pretty safe about cause of death, it's a broken neck.

Otherwise it's severe head and facial impact injuries like Slattey.

So, what else can he tell us? Liver's quite fatty.

He's a bit more than your social drinker.

The heart looks fine.

It's not enlarged.

No external signs.

I'd have HE MOUTHS: 'Get her to do this?' Nikki? Can you dissect this heart, please? Yeah.

Thank you.


So, what about the helicopter? Well, MIB said it was new and serviced two weeks ago.

Could be tiredness.

Just nodded off.

I don't know, is that likely? I don't know.

Something could've happened.

Passengers fighting.

The state of the cockpit doesn't help.

There's no room to swing a punch.

There was a lot of cash on board, enough to fall out over.

ID on the pills.


Harry? You should have a look at this.

Yeah, well spotted.

Leo, could be a conduction defect in the heart.

Type two block? Could well be, he might have had a bradycardia.

If he had a slow heart rate he might have complained to his GP.

Could that cause a heart attack? No.

But it might cause drowsiness, or a blackout.

He shouldn't have been flying with that condition.


Definitely not.

Mr Gibb? sorry your friends died from injuries consistent with the crash.

But there will be further investigation.

Did, um, Gay's autopsy show anything untoward? I'm sorry, I sorry.

I'm Rakesh Bhandari.

I was his GP.

Oh, I see.

Can I have a word with you? Sure.

Let's try in here.

All right.

Did Gay Chettle ever complain of fatigue? No, he never mentioned any symptoms.

Had you examined him in the last year or so? Of course.

What's this about? Well, my autopsy showed that he had a type
-two blockage in his heart.

Thiscan induce a condition called bradycardia.

I know what the condition is.

Did it cause the accident? Doctor Bhandari, you signed him off for his pilot's license.

If you knew he suffered from bradycardia, that would be a very serious offence.

Gay never complained of symptoms.

I didn't detect a slow heart rate.

I'm a doctor.

Sometimes I make mistakes.

I mean, given that until a couple of hours ago you thought I was one of the victims You OK? Yes, I'm fine.

Do you want to? I suppose we can all make mistakes.

Mine can be a lot more costly.

I'm a kidney specialist.

I'm in partnership with Hugo.

Well, was.

Do you have business in Turkey? Only, we found a plane ticket.

Yes, he'd just been there.

We've got links with various hospitals abroad.

What kind of links? Transplants.

We try and save the ones the NHS can't.

Are donors easier to find there than they are here? Well, yes.

Well, they get paid.

Ah Right.

I save lives.

Well I don't imagine that you !improve the lives of your donors.

A man can survive well on one kidney.

He's happier if he knows he can feed his family.

The market decides, does it? So, what do we have?! Waiting lists getting shorter because patients are dying? Do you prefer that? Yes, I DO prefer it.

I grant you our system isn't pe_ect You'll want to contact me.

We shouldn't have to wait all day for the tox reports OK, right, so when will they be ready? Sorry, you're telling me she's gone home?! Do you see us going home? I don't even know Fascinating.


Thinking about another pathologist? No! Under no circumstances.

We've got him.

Gay Chettle hiked up the insurance on the horse ten days ago.

He knew something was wrong and wanted to cash in.

How's it connected to the crash? Maybe those doctors aren't as friendly as they make out.

The horse autopsy's tomorrow.

Who wants to join the vet set? Do you two draw lots or something? No, Harry'll do it.

Good lad! Don't faint, don't throw up and don't touch anything.


Did he have something wrong that justified an insurance fiddle? We charge extra for insurance.

If you can handle a horse, we'll get through it in half the time.


We know the cause of death.

A lethal injection administered by one of my colleagues.

Is that another injection? Looks like a swelling.

We'll have a closer look at that.

I'd like to give you what you want but it's not.

It's a cyst.

Probably benign.

Right, let's have a look at his rectum.

Pardon me.

Well, Istanbul, here we come.

You gonna be all right? Yeah, I'll be fine.

She's been really helpful.

I wish you didn't have to go.

I just want to be sure, you know.

There's a lot to organise.

I'm starting worrying about the baby now You're incredible.

Listen, you haven't had a transplant, let alone got pregnant! I've got to be personally involved in that part.

What do you think? Look, you just rest, take it easy and if you get tired you just go and see Louise, OK? Do you think I should have waited for a transplant on the NHS? Doctor Bhandari said I was really high No.

No, Jan.

It's a lottery.

Look, two days and I'll be back.

OK? There are a number of fractures to the left foreleg.

The results of the fall.

The leg bones are fragile.

It's the way they're bred.

Third metacarpal's the most common.



OK, so we know from the X
-ray that your career
-threatening condition is the beginning of osteochondrosis in the right leg, here.

Not an old horse either.

But that leg isn't broken.


It would only be a matter of time.

Chettle was fixing the insurance.

But that had nothing to do with the fall.

Not in this case.

There seems to be a lot of laceration round the jaw.

It must have crashed down flat on it's face.

You're right.

He didn't just stumble, did he? His legs went under him like a puppet with its strings cut.

That's unusual? Any fall in a flat race is unusual but this is very suspicious.

What would you look at in a human, Harry? Heart, brain and blood.


Mr Barnes? There's your tickets.

Someone'll wait up here for you when you get back.

Not you? No, don't worry.

There's a couple of Valium in there.

Enjoy Turkey.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, don't worry.

I expect you've got lots of patients.


There's loads of people ready to hand over stacks of cash for blind beggars' organs.

I didn't say that.

I'm teasing.

But if you've come to convert me, well Your colleague Hugo, what was he doing in Turkey? Why? We found 20,000 euros in the helicopter.

Could they have been his? Sorry, can I have the bill, please? Louise? I thought you'd invited me here for coffee.

I did, but I watched my little brother die.

Everybody else made promises and kept his spirits up and sang hymns.

But the one thing that would have saved him couldn't be had for love or money.

So, I'm doing something about it.

Who wants one for luck? I'll have it.

I think I'm going to need it.

Let'shave a look at the bloods.

The betting patterns'll certainly be worth examining.

It wasn't an accident? I'll say the beggar was sluggish.


Not a big dose, but enough to slow him down.

And it would be unpredictable, once the horse started galloping, anything could happen.

Of course, he wouldn't win.

Not in a million years.

How was it administered? Rectally, according to the swab.

Squeezy bottle? Anything.

Fool's way if you're desperate and haven't a syringe.

I hope whoever held him got a good kicking.

We found them all jumbled together.

A heap of bones under a rough cairn.

Hard to imagine that they were a family.

-Age nuclear family
- mother, father and son.

Plus six or seven dogs.

That's a lot for one family, isn't it? Hunters? Shepherds? But here's the strange thing the skeletons aren't complete.

There are some specific pieces missing.

Oh, I got the toxicology report for the pilot Gay Chettle.

And? Some alcohol, but only a couple of units.

He tested positive for a significant dose of ketamine.

That's insane.

Knocked out like the horse? We have to find out how the ketamine got into Gay's system.

Are you suggesting I missed a needle mark? I'm sure you were extremely thorough.

Just want to be able to rule it out.

Ketamine doesn't have to be injected, does it? No.

I hope he didn't get it the same way as the horse.


Users on the street buy it in powder form.

He was a doctor.

He wouldn't have had difficulty getting hold of it.

No sign of residue.

He wasn't snorting the stuff.

Ingested? It'd have to be.

You wouldn't fly on that for fun, would you? It's odourlessand tasteless.

Someone could have slipped it to him somehow.

I'm sorry about everything, Kes.

I'm sorry I've been such a lousy mum, always so busy thinking about myself.

I'm sorry me and Hugo didn't get back together.

I'm sorry I'm going to have to tell you such bad news.

I'm sorry! But please, please wake up, Kes.

Please What's that? Camcorder stuff Kes Slattey shot on race day.

Anything useful? No.

Just sad, really.

Chris is tying to find if any of them ordered any ketamine.

Harry? There's someone here to see you.

Did you want to see me? Did Gay's heart condition cause the crash? Why? OK.

He did complain of drowsiness a few times, and I thought it might have been bradycardia.

There's no medication.

It wasn't bad enough for a pacemaker.

Did you send him for an ECG? You know the pressure with friends.

I feel really, really crap about this, Harry.

I should report this.

You know that? I'd be struck off.

I know.

As it happens, we've concluded that the heart condition wasn't a contributory factor in the crash.

So, well, it's not relevant.

I won't report it.

Forget it.


All right, lads? Chris, got the tox report on Hugo Slattey.

Tested positive for cheesy wotsits.

Also cocaine.

very positive.

And alcohol.

Celebrating? I suppose we should be charitable and say he was upset at losing a horse and a rider.

Get back to Chettle and this drug.

Didn't you say he had a heart condition? More a nuisance than a threat.

But it might make the ketamine's effects worse, right? Possibly Who would have known about his heart? Let's find out who his GP was.

We know that, don't we? Rakesh Bhandari.

Another member of the syndicate.

You didn't mention this.

I didn't think it was relevant.

Did you talk to him? Yeah.

You interviewed a suspect without my knowledge? Hold on.

I didn't know he was a suspect.

He admitted that he knew Chettle had a slow heart rate.

You were gonna keep it quiet? What if it had been a copper letting his mate off a speeding ticket? Did you report him? He lost friends yesterday.

I didn't think it was fair, but I'll amend my report.

Dr Bhandari? DCI Hollander.

Come into my office.

Thanks for your time.

I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

Why was your name on the flight plan? I was going to fly, but then I decided to stay.

It was as simple as that.

My plans changed.

You realised you wouldn't pull this woman, so thought you'd go home? Yep.

And then you changed your mind.

Kes got very excited about flying, so that meant Hugo had to stay with him.

There's only enough room for three, soI did the unselfish thing.

And Gay forgot to tell flight control? Kes will tell you about it when he comes round.

Did you know that the horse was doped with ketamine? I backed that horse.

I've still got the ticket.

How do you feel about the accident, knowing about Gay's health, being his GP? Must be another explanation.

Gay was OK to fly.

Rakesh Bhandari was desperate.

His whole career was on the line.

I didn't know he was going to be a suspect in a m*rder.

What would you have done? It was a borderline misdemeanour.

Move on.

You've just secured Chris Hollander's promotion to DCI.

He thinks you're the bee's knees.

What does he know?! How come nobody's followed up on Hugo Slattey? He's just back from Turkey with a bag stuffed with euros.

Someone try to bump him off? Somebody would really have to hate him to bump off his son too.

What's it like in a coma? Did you see angels? HE KNOCKS Hiya.

I thought you might want these back.


I'm just amazed he came round so quickly! Your name's Harry, isn't it? Yeah.

He saved your life.

I'm not sure that's true.

You're pretty indestructible by the look of it, Kes! Your mum and I have got a little conspiracy to keep the police away for a while, but they are going to want to ask you a lot of questions.

I don't remember much an_ay.

Have you asked Dad? I remember taking off.

That was good.

Do you remember Gay at the controls? Yeah.

He was mad! He was rapping away.


You get some sleep now.

He was He was snoring.

I shook him.

I tried to work the radio I didn't know what to do Do you want some water? I left my fleece at Dad's.

The na_ one.

Could you get it for me? OK.

DOOR SLAMS Oh, God, Kate! What are you doing here? What are YOU doing here? I came to get some clothes for Kes.

He's going to be OK.

Oh, I'm glad, Kate.

I'm really glad.

So how did you get into Hugo's flat, then? I used the keys that he keeps in the office.

I had to get hold of some patient details urgently.

My God! He only died two days ago.


You see, I could ask you why you've a key to his apartment.

I mean, you haven't been together for six years.

ErI forgot to give it back(?) Right.

I don't trust you.

You always want what other people have.

What?! You always want what other people have.

Yeah, and you've always been a lousy judge of character, Kate.

And whatever went wrong between you and Rakesh is no concern of mine.

And you're safe, because I don't want him.

DCI HOLLANDER: We've been through everything, and Rakesh Bhandari didn't order any ketamine.

As far as I can see, racing and gambling were just a hobby to him.

He's an amateur.

Betting is the key to this m*rder.

m*rder? I prefer the cock
-up version, but then I'm not a copper.

I'll bet you a pound.

If it is a betting scam, how do you make money just by stopping the favourite? You don't know which other horse will win.

Doesn't matter if it's the right race.

We know the favourite's not going to win, so we bet different amounts on all the other four horses.

The outsider's at 66
-1, but let's make it simpler and make it 60

So let's say we've decided to win Âf60.

We put a pound on Woodland Girl at 60

_ The Brief is at 12
-1 so we put five on him.

Pongo is at 6
-1, so we put 10 on that, and the last one gets in first, we We win Âf60.

That's right.

But if you add up the total amount of bets, it's 31.

Plus we get the stake back on whichever horse wins.

You're following.

So whichever horse wins, we have a guaranteed profit of at least Âf30.

Can't lose.

So why doesn't everyone do that? Well, remember we're not supposed to know that the favourite won't win.

And it only works on certain races.

The favourite has to be way ahead in the betting, and you can't have too many other horses
- the total bets exceed the profit.

There's your scam, Chris.

Where did you learn all that? I'm attracted to the wrong sort of blokes.

He was drugged.

They found ketamine in his blood.

Somebody wanted to k*ll either him or Hugo.

Why? Ketamine? It's just luck that Kes survived.

What a cock
-up! All this over a dead horse? And a dead jockey.

So that means Dad's dead too, doesn't it? Because if he was alive, you would have told me.

It's just like everything else.

You're all scared of the truth! BUZZER SOUNDS Hello? HEAVY BREATHING Hello? Oh, my God! Hang on, hang on, wait a second! Stephen Stephen! Can you hear me? Come on, let's get you inside.

Oh, careful That's it.

I've got you.

That's it Take care Oh! Stephen! That's it It's OK.

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