08x06 - Nowhere Fast 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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08x06 - Nowhere Fast 2

Post by bunniefuu »


Which service do you require? 'Hello? 'Hello? 'Hello? Emergency.

Which service?' Yeah, the boss is well pleased.

Although he still thinks that DNA stands for ''Do Not Amend''! You'll have his job by Christmas.

And you'll be coming with me, mate! I've examined the euros.

They've got Hugo Slattey's fingerprints on them.

He handled them, and counted them.

Really? Nice one.

You were right, then.

Makes you wonder about his dealings abroad.

I want to concentrate on how this guy was drugged.

Bookies pay out in pounds and pence, not this funny money.

What, so it's not worth following up? Slattey's a victim, not a suspect.

I want to find out how the ketamine got into Gay Chettle.

So what have we got? Flask.

Can you find out what was in it? Yeah, I think so.

'Leave a message after the tone' Louise, it's Leo Dalton.

We've got new information about the crash which I think you should know.

'Could you give me a ring as soon as you get in? Call me on my mobile, 'which is 07700 900321.

'OK, thanks.

Bye' He hasn't been in the water THAT long.

I always get the pretty ones.

He's lost his guts.

Could that be rats? They've had a go at the face too.

The hands are missing.

Don't think THAT was rats.

Contents of the coffee flask
- Not just coffee.

There's alcohol.

Looks like brandy.

Anything else? Yeah.

This peak here is ketamine.

So that's how it got into him.

Must have had some coffee to keep awake.

The brandy wouldn't affect him much, but the ketamine would knock him out pretty quickly.

Someone must have spiked him before he got on the helicopter.


They were at the same hotel after the races
- it could have been any of them.

Well done.

So, who had the ketamine? What about the motive? I can understand why the HORSE was doped, but Don't worry about that.

Once we find out who it is, we'll find a motive.


Aged 30 to 40.

Face has been severely d*sfigured.

Damage has been inflicted with a sharp instrument, after death.

The hands have been crudely cut off, along with the face
- probably to prevent identification.

Done in a hurry? I should say so.

Depersonalise him as quick as poss, but no time to do a proper job.

There's a large incision in the abdominal cavity and, for the most part, the intestines have been removed.

Unlike the mutilation, this was done with surgical skill.

Dr Dyden? I wanted to tell you myself.

Dr Bhandari's just told me I'm up for a transplant on the NHS.

I can't believe it.

That's wonderful news.

You're not angry? You've done so much for us.



I just wanted to check that we can get our money back.

I mean, we haven't used a kidney or taken up any hospital time.

I'll, um, I'll ring you later.

Stephen never said exactly how much the advance was.

I'll call you later, I promise.

Please can I come in and talk about this now? Not now.

I'm so sorry, but I don't deal with the money side of things.

I never have.

The abdominal incision appears to have been made with a small, sharp blade, and it looks as if the intestines were cut out using the same instrument.

Same type as was used on his hands and face? No, I don't think so.

So, more than one attacker? Could be.


Very high levels of diamorphine in the blood.

Heroin? That's what k*lled him.

A massive overdose concentrated in the gut.

This man was smuggling dr*gs in his stomach.

He was a mule.

He was bringing it in and he got unlucky.

Maybe a condom split.

Somebody wanted what was inside him.

You know what I'm going to ask you.

Leo, we need an ID.

Well, that tends to be tricky without a face or hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah All right.

All right! What are the odds on Bush and Kery? I'm not talking about an Irish horse, you prat
- I'm talking about the election! Interesting.

I think we might be able to do something about that.

I'm really getting somewhere with this.

Nikki They weren't locals.

How do you know that? The carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the bones are consistent with a marine diet.

In the Brecon Beacons? So they were from the coast.

What, traders? Well, they weren't from any of the valley settlements that we know about.

They were high up, so I think they must have been traveling.

The whole family? Going somewhere for a purpose? Somewhere urgent, maybe.

Most of these breakages are post
-mortem, unrelated to the cause of death.

See, they've got quite distinctive puncture marks round them.

Like they were chewed.


Do you think you could do me a favour before you leave us? Sure.

Rather impressed with your facial reconstruction skills.

Your faceless man.

Stephen, it's me again.

Please, you have to call me back when you get this message.

I don't know what to do.

OK, bye.

How's the helicopter crash? Chris is doing background checks on the syndicate.

Have you been practising? Tying to make me redundant.

She's better at it than you.


What do you think? Rather ordinary.

Rather ordinary?! I haven't moved from this chair.

I haven't even had a sandwich.

I meant his face
- it could be anybody.

It certainly isn't anybody else.

That's him to the life.

You'll see.

So, who is he? Rakesh.

I've just been grilled by DCI Hollander.

Did you tell him about me signing off Gay's pilot licence? What COULD I say? I'd have covered for you.

Now I'm going to be struck off.

I didn't volunteer it.

Hollander wanted to know who Gay's GP was.

I don't lie to the officer in charge of a m*rder investigation.

Believe me, it didn't do either of us any good keeping it quiet.

I was supposed to be on that helicopter.

Kes wasn't.

But he so wanted to fly, you know.

You're very fond of him.

He's a good kid despite me drifting in and out of his life.

Kate and I, we'd just split up and, er That face is familiar.

It looks like a patient of mine.

What? Hi.

You didn't ring back so, er I'm just going out.

I need to talk.

It's serious.


So, erI know I've said it before, but I'm so sorry.

I just didn't know how to tell you about Dad.

I didn't want you to hear about it like that.

Please forgive me.

How are you feeling? OK.

Well, as an expert in these things, I can tell you, you had an bump on the head and that caused a lot of swelling.

It's only when the inflammation goes that we can that THEY can scan for any brain damage.

And guess what.

There wasn't any.

Well, I could have told them that.

Sobasically you can get out and play some footie.

Mum Dad's dead.

I really don't feel like playing football.

Are you all right? I was just thinking about that conversation we had.


I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to upset you.

If I had a little brother, maybe I'd feel the same way.

It's worse than you could even imagine, Leo.

What is? The money in the helicopter.

Hugo Slattey's fingerprints were on every note.

I don't know why.

Any idea why he might have been carrying so much? I just can't think.

Only, he'd just got back from Turkey that morning and you do business with a transplant clinic in Turkey, so I don't do business with those people.

I'm really sorry, you're going to have to go.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you in.

I'm just not feeling well.

Can you go, please? DOORBELL RINGS Mrs Barnes? Have you heard something? Has he turned up? Can I come in? Leo! We've identified your heroin mule.

Rakesh Bhandari just recognised him from Nikki's reconstruction.

Well done, Nikki.

Oh, Leo He was one of Rakesh's patients, as is his wife, and she has kidney disease.

Rakesh referred her to a specialist who is Louise Dyden.

We were going to have a baby.

Stephen Barnes was flying to Turkey, according to his wife.

Apparently they'd been put in touch with an agency out there to provide a new kidney for her.

We've checked his bank accounts and it looks like he wasn't telling his wife they couldn't afford it.

So when he got there, they offered him another way of paying for it.

''Smuggle dr*gs for us, and your wife gets a kidney.

'' When did he get back? We've got him on the return flight CCTV shows him behaving erratically on the concourse.

He drops his bag, but he doesn't go back for it.

And then he took the cab to London.

To Harley Street.

I think this floor's just been cleaned.

Smells like it.

Well, that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Right, let's have a look.

There's more blood over here.

Probably performed the surgery right here.

There's no sign of arterial spray, which means he was almost certainly dead before they cut him open.

But only minutes after death.

Is it a hand? Can we get fingerprints? No.

See how smooth the stain is? Gloves, probably surgical.

What have we got here? Look at the straight line.

Whatever they wrapped him up in must have had a series of regular holes in it.

A shower curtain, perhaps? There's a massive amount of blood everywhere.

Can we take samples from there and there? Right away, sir.

And we'll do a DNA match for Stephen Barnes first.

And get some photos of the straight edge with the holes.

Our patients were being ripped off.

Blackmailed into smuggling dr*gs, and Hugo took a percentage at every stage.

That's not how it was supposed to be.

I had a g*n to my head.

Stephen's face and hands
- I didn't do that.

I tried to save him.

I know.

Thanks, Leo, for all your help.

Leo! Well done, mate.

I didn't notice the transplant angle.

But whatever you've got to do to put them away, right? There's nothing ''right'' about any of it.

You don't like me very much, do you? Does it show? I'll stick with Harry, he's on my wavelength.

Harry's nothing like you.

Really? I'd give it a year
- he'll be your boss.


Is Leo upset about something? He gets quite, er Don't worry about it.

Matt Gibb's our man.

He owes almost quarter of a million quid to four very big bookmakers no wonder he's desperate.

Had a bet on the race where the horse died? No.

That's what's bothering me.

They'll be too smart for that.


Go on.

He won't risk being found betting against his own horse if the result is remotely suspicious.

Yeah, but if he found a failsafe bet and offered to nobble his own horse, they might offer to write off his debt.

I think it's time to pay a visit to the plastic surgeon.



I heard about Louise.

That can't have been pleasant.

It wasn't.

Got to put a time limit on that one.

I'm getting quite used to her.

Apart from having no sense of when to shut up.

She shouldn't really be speaking at all, or even be here.

She was very useful on that betting scam.

I have to admit, she is excellent at facial reconstruction.

I'm not denying she's clever.

You implied we would be democratic about things like appointments.


We need another pathologist.

Why not put her on a three
-month trial? After a democratic consultation with you, the answer is no.

'Tery Hallam was convicted for the brutal shotgun m*rder of his ex
-girlfriend's parents, 'after an investigation by Detective Chief Inspector Chris Hollander.

'The trial turned on forensic evidence uncovered by Dr Harry Cunningham.

'Alleging that evidence to be unsafe, Hallam has applied to the High Court for licence to appeal' The residue was there.

I'm sure it was, but if goes to appeal, you might get called in again.

I did gamble and I caused myself a lot of problems.

I'm an addict.

I go to a meeting three times a week, and I haven't fallen off the wagon for quite some time.

Do you know what ketamine is? Sure.

The stable lads say that you visited the horse on the morning of the race.



And so did Gay and so did Kate and Louise and so did Hugo.

Even Rakesh gave the horse a pat, and he thought it was all bollocks.

You know that somebody tried to bribe a jockey into holding Mr Operator back.

That somebody isn't me.

Most people's faces would have dropped when I told them that.

I'm a plastic surgeon.

I've had mine lifted.

Don't be clever with me.

So where did you get ketamine? .


Oh, come on, the horse was doped on ketamine, and you're a doctor.

I've never had any use for it, and I've never ordered it.


Do you know what that is? It's a warrant to search this place.

And here's another one for your smart little apartment.

Looks like he'll gamble on anything, this one.

Schemes for winning roulette, blackjack, pretty much every sport, as well as horse racing.

But nothing on any race featuring Mr Operator.

No ketamine here.

There's got to be a link somewhere.

It was probably in liquid form.

We should really be looking for traces, for splash marks.

Good one.

Bag up the clothes he was wearing on race day, then.

If we can prove he handled the drug, we've got him in the frame for m*rder as well as doping the horse.

The boy too? Kes Slattey's his godson.

So he's a psycho.

They exist.

Like our friend Hallam? What do you think about his appeal? Don't you worry about Hallam.

Just concentrate on this.

HE STARTS TAPE 'November 9th, 9pm.

Notes on Tery Hallam.

'm*rder suspect.

Examined in police custody at 21 :30.

'DI Hollander in attendance.

Clothing removed for further testing.

'No significant traces found# How much longer is this going to take? Take this away, will you? I think these are the clothes he wore at the races.

You best be sure.

Take the lot.

Make sure they haven't been dy

You can't take everything! And the clothes he's wearing.

What? Get them off.

'Hallam case, tape 14.

January 24th.

'Examination of Tery Hallam's shirt.

'Analysis reveals microscopic traces of g*nsh*t residue on sleeve and cum.

'Indicates that the wearer of the shirt fired a small arm since it was washed.

'Report sent to DI Chris Hollander' What happened there? I took a hockey ball to the ribs last week.

Kate Slattey.

Yeah? She patched me up.

Oh, Nikki, can you do me a favour? Hm? Can you pop out first thing in the morning and buy me a hockey stick and a ball? There's a sports shop in Broad Street opens early.



You found my traces yet? Nothing resembling ketamine.

You sure about the clothing? Yeah.

ButI'm working on other leads.


See you.

You should be in the Olympics, Matt.

Don't worry, we'll fish it out.


Got my hockey stick? The finest.


very good.


Little experiment.

Do you want to help? You're completely mad.

And that is my desk.

OK, I've got it.

Still need a direct hit.

OK, next one.

Ready? Ready.


About there.


Clear? Yep.

Right, THIS time! Oh, score! I'll set the next one.

I'm done.

These purple patches let me down.

Ready? Yeah.


Ah, miss! I still need a direct hit.

I'm knackered, you have a go.

No, no.

Go on.

Yes! I was good at this at school.

Wait a sec.


On the ribs.

Score! Violent hit! Right on the button! Right on the button.

Right on the money! We managed to get Matt Gibb's computer and access the hard disk.

He had all the right calculations but nothing on the actual bet.

Now he's clammed up.

Not for much longer.

This is Dr Harry Cunningham.

Can you take your top off, please, Mr Gibb? I checked with your hockey team.

It seems you did take a bad ball last weekin the first half, but you managed to finish the game I'm tough.



with two cracked ribs.

And the bandage, please.

I did an experiment.

I found that a hockey ball has a very particular signature when it's transformed into pressure waves.

We can work out what shape the bruise would be after an impact with, say, the thorax.

Now, a hockey ball bruise would Look like that.

It's very simple.

Perhaps likethat one there.

However, this one looks very different.

I wonder what caused this one.

Where's my lucky charm? This isn't exactly scientific, but, er Not so lucky, eh? Morning.


What? Er What exact? I won't ask.

Oh, Harry seems to be really going for it.

Harry? .



everything all right? I don't know whether you picked up on it, but this boy had tuberculous arthritis.

I didn't.

You can see the septic arthropathy.

He'd have had trouble walking.

I don't suppose it was uncommon.

Well, we think it was.

There's only one clear case of TB from any of the Iron Age finds.

Really? Getting into it? Extension till the end of the week.

I was desperate.

These bookies
- from the Far East, you know
- were after me.

I worked out that, because Mr Operator was an odds
-on favourite, I could run numbers that would guarantee a return.

You called the bookies and offered to nobble the horse? They jumped at it, said they'd scrap my debt.

The plan was to bribe Mick Parnaby to lose.

With what? You're skint.

You can't even afford your bus fare home.

Hugo fronted it.

He wanted to be in on it too.

He liked money.

Anyway, Mick Parnaby wasn't having any of it.

What happened to the bribe money? I imagine Hugo took it with him in the helicopter.

Was it in sterling? No, euros.

Mick Parnaby's Irish.

So what happened next? Hugo said he had a Plan B.

The ketamine? Hugo had the stuff, said it was our insurance.

So we went into the stall and Hugo shoved it up the horse's arse with a plastic bottle.

But the horse kicked me.

There's no justice, eh? I never even touched the stuff.

You were wrong about those euros.

Was I? Nothing to do with any dodgy transplant scams.

Hugo took them to bribe the jockey.

Makes sense.

Hey, Harry Are you sure about Chris Hollander? What do you mean? I've been looking at the Hallam case.

g*nsh*t residue on the shirt convicted him.

You found the evidence, yeah? That's right.

The traces were microscopic? I only found it when we did the full chemical analysis.

And who requested the chemical analysis? Chris Hollander.

Are you suggesting he planted the evidence? It was rather convenient for the case that evidence was found.

Leo, all this came up in court.

The defence crawled all over Chris' investigation and they found no proof of anything dodgy.

Have you got any proof? No.

Instinct, experience.

Look, you don't like Hollander.

Fine, whatever.

But I am absolutely certain that Tery Hallam fired that g*n.

But are you absolutely certain that the evidence that you presented in court was safe? Justbe careful.


He's not that bad.

So are you sure there's nothing on his clothes at all? Certain.

We'll have to release him, then.


You've let me down, Harry.

It's just not there.

No, it IS there.

We just have to find it.

Why would Matt Gibb want to make that helicopter crash? Matt Gibb's lied through his teeth.

No jury will believe a word he says.

We just have to prove that he put that ketamine in the coffee flask.

Don't worry, we'll find a motive.

Just keep digging.

Matt, hi.


Is that it? Are they letting you go? Let's say I haven't been charged yet.

So you can just go? That's great.

Louise has been arrested.

We don't know why, but her solicitor says it's nothing to do with the crash.

Aren't we doing well(!) Yes, but you're free and you're not under any suspicion.

What makes you think that? Matt, we're here to help you.

I don't need help.



What about you? We've had our disagreements You said being a plastic surgeon is worse than being a pimp.

No more bitching We haven't even started! I didn't bring down that helicopter, but somebody did.

When I figure out why, I'll have the person.

Matt, please Your life is as big a mess as mine, Kate! Take a look at these shoes.

Whose are they? Matt Gibb's.

We didn't test the pair he wore on race day.

Because I couldn't identify them from the camcorder.

We got the CCTV from the track, and it's clearer.

Oh, by the way, Hallam's team have dropped the appeal.

Rumour has it, they're not gonna challenge the evidence.

Let the scrote rot in jail, I say.

What a charming man! Can I help? No.

Leo! I'm beginning to put together a narrative.

But there are still questions.


Pollen in the remains suggests that they died in winter.

-huh, go on.

But they were crossing a mountain.

You don't do that for fun in the Iron Age.

The winters were harsh.

Why take the risk? There must have been a reason.

Father, mother and the boy with TB.

Maybe they were looking for help? Medical treatment for the boy? But there were healers in the valley settlements.

So what happened to them? Can I take another look at this skull? Sure.


Yeah? I've got a problem.

I did the clothes they gave me.


And suddenly these shoes just appear from nowhere.

But you tested them before? No.

They hadn't been properly ID'd.

Hollander just dropped them on my desk.


And the result? Two perfect spots of ketamine.

I mean, unmissable.

Perfect evidence that our boy's in trouble.

You're right about him.

I'm sorry Probably right about the Hallam case.

What do I do? Well, you have to include it in your report.

What, even if I suspect it's not kosher? Yes! I'm not going to end up being the tame pathologist for some career
-happy DCI.

Well, if you challenge him, he'll eat you for breakfast.

So what do I do? You find the evidence that proves him wrong.

HE KNOCKS ON DOOR So did you find anything? Are you sure about all this? What? This isn't a very strong case against Matt Gibb, is it? Not for m*rder? It's a very simple one, Harry.

Can we put the m*rder w*apon in his hands? That does seem to be the question.

If we do that, it's a strong case.

So, the shoes? Yeah.

They're, er, positive ketamine, coffee, brandy.

Good lad.

Matthew Gibb, I am arresting you for the murders of Gay Chettle and Hugo Slattey and the attempted m*rder of Kes Slattey.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.



Lock him up.

Milk, no sugar.

Milk, two sugars.

Thanks, Kes.

They still won't release Hugo's body.

God knows how long it will be.

Can you speak to them? Why do you have to leave in such a hurry? I just want to take Kes away from everything that's happened.

What about Kes's school? He's doing well there, you can't uproot him.

No, HE wants to go.

There's no argument about this.

Can we really make a new start? What are you doing? What you said, watching Kes's video .


finding out what really happened.

This canine skull.

It's hard to tell but the sagital crest is marginally different.

It's not a dog, it's a wolf.

Kes? Are you coming down? Rakesh is here.

We need to leave now if we're going to catch our flight.

Come on, come on What is it? Who would be stupid enough to slip ketamine to someone just before they flew a helicopter? Pretty stupid to slip it to anyone.

Hang on 'There's brandy in Gay's coffee' and in his stomach and Rakesh always carries a hip flask.

So the ketamine was in the hip flask? Why would Rakesh put it in Gay's drink? I don't think either of them knew anything about the ketamine.

What, so Gay puts Rakesh's brandy in his own coffee? Yeah.

Had a bad day, stressed, cold.

But Gay was never the intended victim.

Rakesh was.


Going somewhere? Kate's going abroad.

I'm taking them to the airport.

I haven't had the courage to tell her I'm not coming along.

What's brought you here? Ercan we talk inside? Yeah.

Kes! Hurry up! I don't want to go anywhere.

OK, then, stay here.

Who's going to feed you? I'm sure I can feed myself! HarryI wanted to call you and tell you how Kes was getting on.

But I was justso busy.

Kate, I know what happened.

What? Rakesh and you split up, had some kind of falling out before the race meeting.

Rakesh and I are fine The only thing I don't know is where you got the ketamine from.

I guess Hugo still had some in his bag and you found it.

You were angry with Rakesh, he'd been flirting with Louise, so you saw your chance took the flask out of his bag .


and laced it with ketamine.

If everything worked out, he wouldn't have much fun with Louise that night.

You thought no
-one else would drink out of his flask.

But Gay fancied a drop of brandy in his coffee.

Pleasedon't tell Kes.

I don't want him to ever know.

Kes is going to know.

It doesn't mean he won't forgive you one day.

There's no reason why Matt should go down for m*rder.

-I was just so scared.

I could never bring them back.

I don't know why I did it.

Hugo was such a useless husband and, er I ended up loving someone who endlessly promised and never delivered, who pretended pretended he was a stepfather and then pissed off when he felt like it to go and shag someone else.

Kate Hm? That's all it was.

Just like the rest of us, eh? Looking over our shoulders to see who was sexier, who was going higher and faster.

Until he fancies settling down and playing at being a husband.

How do you think that made Kes feel? All I gave you was loyalty, Rakesh.

If that's needy, then, well, God help us all.

Are we going now? No.

We're staying.

I need to talk to you All right, mate? All right.

You proved me wrong.

Better watch my back, eh? We'll get Kate Slattey for administering a toxic substance.

What will that mean? There was no intent to cause the crash so she'll probably get a suspended.

And Matt Gibb? We've still got him for fraud and manslaughter.

We've got a confession and ketamine on his shoes.

You're not going to run with that, are you? Why? Something wrong with your analysis? You know what I mean.

Do I? Don't forget I've got evidence that you covered for another doctor in a case of extreme professional misconduct.

Rakesh Bhandari? Nice working with you again, Harry.

A family father, mother, son and their dogs.

They're traders from the coast, selling their wares across the Brecon Beacons when their son's illness gets worse.

They want to get him to a settlement where they can get help.

Otherwise they'd do the sensible thing when the weather turns nasty and take shelter.

But they risk it and cross the mountain.

Snow comes, and they can't go on or go back.

The adults could.

Only seven miles.

But TB has crippled the child's bones.

He can't move easily.

They're all weak.

That's when the wolves come.

They fight.

The skulls of several wolves have been found smashed.

But in the end, they're overwhelmed.

The bodies partially decompose.

Wolves and other scavengers take body parts.

Some time later, when the pass is clear, the remaining bones are found, gathered up and they're buried together.

Man, woman, child, their dogs.

A cairn is erected.

It's a memorial.

Well, I found my story.

Now I'm going to get out of your way.

I just wanted to thank you both What do you want to spend your life doing? I don't know.

I haven't really thought about it.

Let's make it easier.

Would you be interested in working in this department as a pathologist Locum for the next six months? I thought you'd never ask.

Well done.

Thanks Congratulations.

Welcome aboard.
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