08x07 - Body 21 Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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08x07 - Body 21 Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



(GROANS AND SOBS) Sarah! ROARING FIRE AND SHATTERING GLASS Sarah Rosa ran into the carriage without a thought for her own safety.

ROARING FIRE AND SCREAMS Sarah I could feel the heat.

It sucked the breath out of my body.

I can't see! (SCREAMS) SIZZLING FLESH I can't see! I can't see Follow my voice.

Walk, follow the sound of my voice.

There was a soldier, Sergeant Bradley.

He led Rosa away from the carriage.

She put Sarah onto the ground.

Sarah was still alive then.

I could see her breathing hear her screaming.

But I couldn't reach her.

By the time they got Sarah to the hospital she was dead.

I'm sorry.

We need to know who did this.

We need to know who was responsible.

You do know that we can't involve ourselves with the crash investigation? It's not in the jurisdiction of the coroner.

For three months now the police have known who was responsible.

They just don't have the evidence.

Nobody's been charged.

If we're to pursue a civil action, we'll need fresh evidence.

In your letter you mentioned the unidentified body, body 21.

Yes, no
-one's come forward to claim him.

The police have done their best.

How do you die in such a high
-profile disaster and no
-one miss you? Like you, the unidentified man was on the train.

He'd been somewhere, he was going somewhere.

Someone must miss him.

They just haven't connected him to the train crash.

Maybe we can help make that connection.

You, the survivors' group, could ask us independently to give a name to body 21.

That would, by necessity, involve investigating the train crash.


It shouldn't prevent them from asking.

So you'll help us? Yes.

As Dr Cunningham has explained, we can't investigate the crash itself.

We all know who did it.

We'll do our best to help identify body 21.


Good morning.

OK, close your left eye for me, Rosa.

Can you see my fingers? Is there any focus? Close your right eye.

Can you see my fingers? Any focus? OK.

This is going to be a bit bright.

Try not to touch your face, Rosa.

You're doing well.


(MOANS) You don't have to watch or stay after it's begun.

When Professor Dalton phoned us we did ask the rest of the survivors group if they wanted to come, but We all survived the crash, but most didn't want to be reminded of what it was really like.

And you do? I think we should confront what we're most scared of, otherwise we'll never stop being scared of it.

Diana? I don't really want to, but I think I should.

After all, we are the reason body 21 is having a second post

PRINTER WHIRRS (DISTANT VOICE) You'll need to write your name (DISTANT VOICE) Can you sign there, please? QUIET CONVERSATIONS Professor Dalton? Yes.

Major Mark Wiltshire.

I've arranged for you to meet Sergeant Bradley at the railway crossing if that's all right with you.

Perfect, thank you.

Will you and I have an opportunity to talk? What about? Well Sir! I know nothing about this unnamed man, that's what you've come about, isn't it? I understand that you were the first on the scene.

After Sergeant Bradley, yes.

I've worked in several w*r zones.

When it comes to innocent civilians, people you know, it's a very different matter.

You knew someone on the train? Rosa, yes.

Rosa Christie.

She works as a receptionist in the health centre.

I've missed her these last three months.


Morning, Dr Cunningham.

This is DI Freeman.

I think I know everybody.

When we are faced with a body in this condition, there are certain principles that need to be established.

Now, a sample was taken of body 21 's DNA at the first post
-mortem, which showed that he was a Caucasian male.

I'm going to start.

(GASPS) Are you OK? Were they all that bad? The only way I could identify Jenny and the two boys was from her wedding ring, Kevin's teeth brace and the remains of Michael's Spiderman watch.

QUIET TRAFFIC AND BIRDSONG The army's come under a lot of suspicion.

Well, I think that's to be expected.

A Land Rover owned by a senior officer on the local army base was the cause of 21 deaths.

How do you think the Land Rover got there? I'm sure you've read the statement I made to the police.

At the time of the accident I was in the officers' mess.

I have several witnesses.

How my Land Rover got to be on the crossing is a matter for conjecture.

And who alerted you? Sergeant Bradley? We didn't need to be alerted, we could hear it.

We were on the crash site within ten minutes.

Ah, Sergeant Bradley.

Professor Dalton's come to ask some questions concerning the unnamed body found after the train crash.

Yes, sir.

The survivors have a lot of unanswered questions, Major.

And I'm sure you'll do your best to answer them, professor.

Sergeant Bradley.


Also discovered, a fragment of metal wire embedded in the upper ribs.

We're not quite sure what it is yet.

So far we've drawn a blank.

There was a deep scar in the back of the neck.

Quite old.

Photo, please.

Makes you realise how lucky Rosa and I were.

You were the only two to survive from the front carriage.

That's right.

I was sitting in the front With Jenny and the boys.

Then I went to the buffet trolley at the back of the train, to get myself a beer.

I was out walking and I stopped .


about here.

And that was the first time you saw that the Land Rover was on the line? I saw it earlier as I was coming along here.

I assumed that the car was on the other side of the track, the town side, waiting for the train to pass.

The headlights were shining right at me and I couldn't see that it was actually on the line.

In your statement to the police you said that you saw someone by the Land Rover.

Someone was leaning into the driver's side.

The car wasn't firing, sounded like it was flooded and the person standing up pointed down the line.

But did you see anyone get out? I looked, saw the train, and when I looked back at the Land Rover two people were running off.

And you couldn't identify them? No, like I said The headlights, yes.

But they definitely got out? It's what I would have done.

You're thinking that the unnamed person might have been in the Land Rover, then? Well, according to the first autopsy, body 21 sustained serious injuries, worse than any other victim.

Is that right? Now, is that because of what happened to the carriage or is it possible that he was in the Land Rover, running along the track before he got hi by the train? Well, after those two ran off I didn't see anyone else.

But you were here.


You didn't try and push the Land Rover off the line? (SIGHS) There wasn't any time.

I ran down there as fast as I could, the gate was shut as it is now, and the train must have been travelling at 40, 50 miles an hour.



he sustained many other serious injuries.

Broken ribs, fractures to both arms, and a number of injuries to the back of the skull.

Do you recognise how he died? I've been saying to the survivors' group that he was probably dead before the fire got him.

I would say these were almost certainly fatal.

We might check to see how these injuries compare with the other victims.

Why do that? It might give us some idea of where he was sitting at the time of the crash.

Well, why is that important? You, Diana and Rosa Christie were all in the front carriage.

It's possible you may have seen body 21 on your journey.

If we can determine where he was sitting it might trigger a crucial memory.

Was he wearing glasses, did he have a beard, did anyone hear him talking? I look at the photos of the others who've died and I can't see them.

I think about being on the train but they're not there.

Why is that? I know it's the shock, I know that bit of my brain is closed down, but it's not my fault.

-one's blaming you.

I keep going through everything that happened that day.

You know? I made Sarah run for the train so we wouldn't miss it.

But it's not my fault I didn't put the Land Rover on the line.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

I didn't k*ll my daughter.

GRAVEL CRUNCHES UNDERFOOT When the train hit the Land Rover I called emergency services, then rang the base to make sure they were coming.

I came across a woman on the ground.

Diana Baker.

I could smell the diesel coming out of the fuel tanks and I knew it was about to go off.

And then whoosh.

SCREAMS I was amazed to see that woman come out of the flames.

Rosa Christie.

Some people think it was me.

That it was me that took Major Wiltshire's Land Rover.

That it was me that drove it onto the line.

But it wasn't me.

I don't know who it was but it wasn't me.

And before you ask, no, I didn't see Major Wiltshire that night.

How can you be so sure, if you were blinded by the headlights? He wouldn't be running away.

He's not that sort of man.

Rosa? (SIGHS) I don't know how you could bear to look at me.

PLASTIC CRACKLES Rosa, when I first saw you after the crash, the burns to your hands, your face, your body there was no way that I thought you'd live, let alone be able to come home again.

I don't care what you look like, Rosa.

I just thank God that you're alive.

Your face .


your eyes, they've been through so much.

They just need time to adjust.

And they will.

So will you.

So will you.

Dr Alexander will work on the facial reconstruction of body 21 and it should be ready in a day or two.

Can't the teeth help to identify him? They can help confirm a name.

But no matches were found on the records provided.

And does the same apply to DNA? We've checked it against the DNA database and no match was found.

All this time and money being spent on a dead body Look, we all agreed this was the best way to proceed.

We'd better get back.

Rosa's coming out of hospital today.

Yes, we're having a special survivors' group get
-together tomorrow.

Why don't you all come? Well, yeah.

Yes, I'll mention it to Professor Dalton.

Tell him it's an opportunity to see what it's really like.

William We've been in touch with other survivors' groups.

They've been together years and years and they're still campaigning.

Still wading through public inquiries, still fighting for compensation.

Waiting for answers to the simplest of bloody questions who did it, and why? Right.

Thank you.

It's you he's after, not me.

Is that what he said? He's more interested in who caused the crash than some unknown person.

What did you tell him? What I saw.

(SIGHS) I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention anything to Kate.

And I'd appreciate it if you could deal with this.

What's this? A written notice to leave the army.

Can I ask why you want to leave the army? It's something I've been thinking about for a few months now.

I thought Mum was coming over.

Diana and Joe said they'd be back in time to pick Luke and Alice up from school.

(SIGHS) I don't know if I want to meet anyone, not today.

The survivors' group's been amazing.

I know, I just Best wishes, Major Mark Wiltshire? He's from work.

He just signed it along with everyone else.

He's responsible for you looking like this.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean I know what you meant.

He's responsible
- I don't know what I look like.

SCANNER BEEPS RAPIDLY My mother has this story that when I was younger I used to dig up the cat .


which was dead, obviously.

They thought I wanted to see if it had gone to heaven or not, but I was more interested in how far it had decomposed.

They took me to see a psychiatrist.

And what did they say? That I would either be a brilliant doctor or a very nasty serial k*ller.


So when will you become a doctor? What do you think this is? Something he fell on as the train derailed? Yeah, but what is it? Well, we know he was pretty thrown about.

Part of the seating could have embedded itself in his chest.

Hmm Poor bloke.

He really went through it, didn't he? SLOW CLANK AND WHIRR OF HEAVY MACHINERY How did it go? Fine.

No surprises.

Any idea what this is? It was embedded in his chest.

Could it be something from a laptop? He was working away, train crashes, laptop disintegrates? I shall add it to the list.

It might help if we could stage some kind of reconstruction.

What, the crash itself? No, before the crash.

Where people were sitting, see if we can jog the survivors' memories.

We need to be careful.

Well, if we're going to identify body 21 they are the only people who can help, so I know that, it's just today, they didn't find it easy, all those memories coming back.


This won't be easy either.

(LAUGHS) These are real, live people, Harry.

They're not bodies on a slab.

He's spent too much time in the cutting room.

Yeah, looking at evidence, not wasting time on tea and sympathy.

Sorry, I find this whole survivors' group thing quite odd, frankly.

We have 21 survivors.

Each has their own experience, their own set of questions.

Believe me, they hold the key to this entire inquiry.

Fine, let's get on with it.

Oh, any idea where the Land Rover is being stored? Same warehouse as the train, I think.

See if you can work out a connection between the Land Rover and body 21.

WHIRRING MACHINERY Did you know that Sergeant Bradley was Major Wiltshire's brother
-law? No.

Well, that explains why the survivors' group is so suspicious.

Major Wiltshire has witnesses saying he was in the officers' mess at the time of the crash.

Officers are very good at closing ranks.

Is that what you think's happened? Sergeant Bradley was less than Did he see anyone? No.

He was blinded by the headlights.

Did he run towards the Land Rover and try and move it? No.

The train was travelling too fast.

Maybe it was.

Yeah, and maybe if he admitted that he got to the Land Rover he'd have to tell us who he saw there.

Maybe the survivors are right.

The police do know who caused this crash, they just don't have the evidence.

Maybe the army is covering something up.

And this helps identify body 21 how, exactly? NEWSPAPER THWACKS ON TABLE Why didn't you tell me? They're looking to identify one of the victims.

It's got nothing to do with the crash.

It's going to start up all over again, I know it is.

This is why I didn't tell you.

What are you going to do? Destroy every newspaper on the base? The survivors' group has asked a team of pathologists Oh, come on.

It's the reason you didn't get your promotion.

No it's not.

They went for the younger man.

It can't have helped.

Mark .


I don't want to be a time
-expired major's wife.

Has Paul spoken to you? What about? I think maybe you should go around and talk to him.

Why? Because he's about to do something very stupid and I think you're the only person who can stop him.

But I didn't say anything, OK? It's not how I pictured him.

Sorry to disappoint you.

No, no, you're an expert.

I just saw him as being a bit friendlier.

It's because he's got no eye definition or hair.

Hopefully we can get one of the survivors to remember something and then we can make him Look a bit more human.

So I called Morris Garden, the ticket inspector.

He said he'd pop over this morning.


Let's hope he remembers something.

It's fascinating, isn't it? What? How you can be on a train with all these people around you and the world's going on as it should, and then all of a sudden you're nothing.

Not even a name.

A body.

A number.

SLOW, ETHEREAL CHORAL MUSIC The train hit the Land Rover side
-on at 50 miles an hour.

That's 240 tonnes at 50 miles an hour.

This is what's left of it.

And the Land Rover was thrown up into the air and rolled down the embankment.

As the train derails, it also tumbles down the embankment, yeah? The report said that two explosions followed.


The first was the fuel from the Land Rover, but that's not what did the real damage.

The second was the diesel t*nk from the train itself.

If that hadn't have ruptured we probably would have had a lot of injuries but far fewer fatalities.

And as it is, the only survivors from the first carriage are Rosa and Diana.

All the others are from the other carriages, is that right? That's right.

I understand Professor Dalton believes body 21 might have been in the Land Rover at the time it was hit.

Well, you know what they say.

You put three pathologists in a room and you get four different opinions.

ETHEREAL CHORAL MUSIC It's colder in here.


Gould M.


William's family.

It's where they found the bodies at the crash site.

We know they were sitting there and Diana and Sarah were there .


but as the train hit the Land Rover and rolled down the embankment the bodies were found up there.

And that must be the other boy, K.


The youngest lad, he must have got thrown further down.

Our job is to work out where everyone was sitting before the crash.

God, I'm amazed anyone got out of here alive.


I I can't come to the door at the moment.

If you just leave them there my husband will be back in a minute.

Can you not just take them? If you're not decent I won't look.

Sorry, I should have can you? Sorry, my hands Put them here? Yep.

No problem.

PLASTIC WRAPPING RATTLES Can you sign your name? I'm sorry, I can't.

No problem.

DOOR CREAKS Rosa? I got some flowers.

What's wrong? Did he say something to you? No.

(SIGHS) No, he just looked at me, and .


I can't cry.

I know, that's why we have to wash your eyes.

No, I know that! I just want to be normal.

(SIGHS) DOOR CLOSES They're nice.

Who are they from? Why's he sending you flowers? They're from everyone at work.

Aren't they lovely? Is that all you can say? I think I would have remembered him.

In your statement to DI Freeman you said you threw a man off the train for not having a valid ticket.

That's right.

Was he in this carriage? No, he was at the back of the train tying to hide in the last seat.

He was asking people for money, then when I asked him to get off he offered me his silver necklace, his music player, all sorts of stuff.

He got mouthy when everyone just ignored him.

Did you have to use force? No, I don't like throwing people off.

I like to give them every chance.

Hello? Have you looked at the Land Rover yet? We were just about to.

Well, Nikki and I can do it if you want to stay here.


Excuse me, can I take that, please? Thanks.

Are the original evidence samples here? On that table.

I think we need to get some seats in here and set them out as they were before the crash.

Yep, good idea.

What time's this party? What party? The survivors' group are having some sort of get
-together to celebrate Rosa coming out of hospital.

You didn't mention it.

I didn't think you'd want to go.

I think we should.

Really? PHONE RINGS MESSAGE ALERT Hi, leave a message for Suzie or Paul Bradley after the tone.


READY TONE For God's sake, Paul.

When are you going to change that message? More to the point, why didn't you tell me you were being questioned about the train crash? You know I've been worried about it.

Pick up the phone.

(SIGHS) I know you're there.

Paul? ECHOES OF QUIET ACTIVITY I'm always amazed at how much stuff we have in our cars.

A whole messy history.

When my daughter was younger, the amount of crap I used to find What's in this one? Uh stuff we found at the scene, in the carriage, that's not been claimed or accounted for.

Did you check the DNA? We didn't get a full profile.

Hmm that's probably because of the heat from the fire.

Can I take all these back and have a look through them? Yeah, please do.

INVESTIGATION MUSIC Did you see this? The Land Rover number plates? Another 21.

This whole case is full of them.

Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices all these numbers.

I thought I was going weird.

Well, the number plate's the same as the body's morgue number.

So what? Well, the crash happened on the 21 st .


and 21 died and 21 survived.

So take away the next number you think of and I think it's fascinating.

And 21 can be divided by seven and three, which coincidentally are the first two numbers of the train carriage.

DOOR KNOCKER TAPS What did this Professor Dalton say to you? He just asked some questions.

Did he ask about Mark? I told him I didn't see Mark in the Land Rover.

I didn't see Are you moving quarters? No, I'm leaving the army.

What? It's time to move on.

You've been in the army since you were 1 7.


RUNNING WATER So what are you going to do? I haven't decided yet.

So why leave? (FIRMLY) It's what I want to do.

What I should have done a long time ago.

A man on a bike is knocked down by a taxi and k*lled.

Exactly a year later his brother, riding the same bike, is knocked over by the same taxi which is being driven by the same driver who, unbelievably, is carrying the same passenger.

Sounds like a dangerous road, a bad taxi driver and a now very nervous passenger.


President John F Kennedy Oh, not another JFK conspiracy.

When was the last time you had sex in the back of your car? I'm not sure I've ever had sex in the back of my car.

You're not sure? I think you'd know.

These semen samples were found in the back of Major Wiltshire's Land Rover? Yeah, was it cross
-checked for DNA? Wiltshire refused to give us a sample.

On what grounds? On the grounds that he was under no obligation to do so.

Did you ask him about the semen stains? He suggested the stains were left there by the person who stole it.

Who says it was stolen? There's no evidence.

For a start, the Land Rover was facing the army base when it was hit by the train.

What did the thieves do, steal it, have a quick shag then head back to the army base until the next time? Major Wiltshire has witnesses.

Sworn statements.

From fellow officers.

Why are you so determined it was him? How would you steal this thing? Hot
-wire it, I suppose.

Can we have permission to cut this lot open? What are you hoping to find? I've been to the base.

It's almost impossible to get into, let alone steal a bloody great army Land Rover.

I don't believe this.

Is this about Suzie? Paul she left you over a year ago.

You're not getting back together again, are you? No.

So have you told Dad you're leaving the army? Or were you going to let me do your dirty work for you, which is what usually happens? Do you want any of this stuff? No.

Suzie's computer.

Steven need a new one for university? Why are you doing this? I'll get rid of it, then.

Is that what you're tying to do, just get rid of everything? I don't need it.

I've never known you to run away from anything in your life.

There's a good deal you don't know about me, Katie.


How good of you to spare the time.

It's good to be here.

Are Dr Cunningham and Dr Alexander not coming? They should be here later on, yes.



I, um Oh, lovely.

Thank you.

We'd better get going.

It's time for the party.


Thank you.

Since the crash she's a different woman.

At least, that's what she tells me.

I must admit that when you first came to see me I assumed that you and Diana were married.

Her husband couldn't cope with it.

The loss of Sarah, the change in Diana.

We met here, at the survivors' group.

Her life was saved, and now she's determined not to waste it.

I think we'll start.

Shall we start, everyone? Professor.

A moment's silence for those who are no longer with us.


Who would like to begin? I feel I shouldn't really be here.

You understand that, Joe? You feel guilty for surviving.


In my head .


I play What If all the time.

If I'd been in the carriage when the train crashed would I have managed to get my family out before the engine exploded? I don't know why God chose me to live and my family to die.

I wish that you had sat in the front.

And then maybe my wife and my two boys would have sat where you sat, and that (WHISPERS) Come in.

Join us.

Alice, you've forgotten your jacket.

Don't need one.


Go and get it.

I don't need a jacket Look, one of my biggest fears was that I'd never be able to see you again.

You look so grown
-up, so pretty.

It's still me inside, you know.

You've just got to Look a bit harder.

Come on, what are we waiting for? We've got to help each other.

OK? Yeah.

Where's your jacket? She doesn't need one.

Can we pin this on the wall? There's still a few details to add in, I think.

I'd really like to show it to everyone, if that's OK.

Did Professor Dalton ask you about the carriage? What about the carriage? Well, we're tying to establish where everyone was sitting before the crash.

(LOUDLY) I don't give a toss what happened before the crash.

I know what happened, I went to get myself a beer.

That's what happened.

I should have been with Jenny and me two boys.

Every night I see them.

They're calling out and screaming for help.

And where am I? William Where am I? GLASS SHATTERS I'll get this cleared up.

What do you think I should do? Well, you must have some experience of this sort of thing.

Sometimes you just have to let people sort things out for themselves.

DOOR HINGE SQUEAKS Here she is the hero of the hour.

Rosa, this is the man who's been helping us with the investigation, Professor Dalton.


Excuse me.

Hi, there.


How are you feeling? OK.

I don't know whether you know this, but we're setting up the carriage to make it look like it did before the crash.

I was wondering whether you'd be willing to come along with Diana and William.

SPOOKY MEMORY SOUND See if it jogs the memory.



as you all know, we have a special surprise for Rosa.

(BREATHES) You're going to be given a citizen's award for bravery.


When? What did he say? He left a message.

Said he was coming home sometime this week.

I thought he had exams.

So did I.

Well, I'll call him.

It seems ages since we've seen him.

Something's not right.

Paul wanting to leave.

PEPPER GRINDER CRUNCHES CUTLERY CLINKS ON PLATES Do you think he had anything to do with the crash? No.

It's possible.

He could easily have taken your Land Rover.

The train crash was an accident.

If your brother was in any way responsible he'd have come forward by now.

Maybe he saw who it was.

Why would that make him leave the army? To protect them.


We didn't lose anyone.

Not like William or Diana.

How will my getting a Citizen's Bravery Award help William get his family back? Help Diana bring back Sarah? How will my getting a Citizen's Bravery Award help me wipe my own arse? (ECHOING) Go away, please, please just go away .


please just go away.

Please just go away (INAUDIBLE) (SIGHS) SWITCH CLICKS How are they? They're OK.

Luke's asleep, Alice is listening to a tape.

Do you think I upset them? No, they're fine.

I can't feel anything.




These wires have been damaged or pushed about as a result of the collision.

Not one of them's been cut so as to be hot

How'd they steal it, then? Bump start? Hold on.

I reckon the key's still in there.


As the train hit the Land Rover it pushed the steering column round.

And as it did so, it must have snapped the key in half.

Major Wiltshire said he believed the Land Rover had been stolen.

Either he's mistaken or he's lying.

What time are Rosa, Diana and William getting here? We've got about an hour.

I'll go check everything's ready.

Coming? William? You're early.

He's dead.

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