12x01 - Safe 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x01 - Safe 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Your offside rear light is out.

Oh, is it? I'll have to get it mended as soon as possible.

Driver's licence?
- Sure.

There you go.

- Have you been drinking, Professor Dalton? Hi, how are you, nice to see you again.

Well done, Leo.

Thank you.

Congratulations, it's a very deserved award.

Oh, that's kind of you, thank you.

- Have another before lunch, eh?
-Oh, yeah.

Please blow into this for me.

It was at lunch.

It was hours ago.

Yes, sir.

Into the tube, Professor.

Having considered the defendant's record and his long standing contribution to the community, there will be no suspension of his licence but we order that Professor Dalton receives nine points and he is ordered to complete Everyone get in line, my strikers, post to post.

Limber up, get ready to limber up.

The two complainers, get to running go, get to running now.

You can do me a head count of all the under elevens and let me know when Levi gets here.

Yeah? Leo Dalton.

Community Service.

Oh, yeah.

Let's go.

You're the drunk guy.


Don't want you coming with me.

- Girlfriend? You got a hook
-up with Shana!? Get out of here, man! You don't tell me what to do.

I do what I want.

Streatham crew.

Go, yeah.

Don't run.

Cross the common away from me, yeah.


- Hi.

- It's a young girl.

It's an accident.

I thought we might want to move the body quickly.



Thank you.

Dead when I got to her.

I attempted to revive her but her injuries were catastrophic.

The Health and Safety Officers might want to talk to you.

Do you mind hanging around?
- Sure.

You moved the body?
- Of course.

I tried to revive her.

She fell against the barrier.

I don't know how you can fall out of one of these things.

Who goes to a fun fair by themselves? Are you Health and Safety?
- No.

Home Office pathologist.

- Even more grown up.

Oh, I am very grown up.

Do you want to show me where you found her? She obviously fell from the ride while it was in operation.

What's the victim's name? Och, we don't know yet.

But I think we're about to find out.

She was lying side on.

Bleeding from wounds to her lower back.

She must have hit something on the way out.


- Her head was at this end, facing out.

Do you want to go for a drink after this? You could see that her neck was broken.

- Facial injuries? Abrasions.

Nothing more.

- So, she was lying side on when you found her? You turned her over? Yeah.

Very carefully, with a brace and a spinal board.

I wasn't getting a pulse but you know, you have to try.

-looking girl.

We have our equipment checked regularly.

We would never put a customer in danger.

the ride? No.

If they don't tamper with their restraints they cannot fall! OK.

This could ruin us.

We're a family business.

- Could you look after Mr Marigold for me? In all the years, nobody's been hurt.

We could just have a coffee if it's less threatening.

Can you hang on, just for a moment? The blood spatter seems to follow the movement of the ride.

So it was possible that Shana was bleeding.

Her name is Shana? Yeah, Shana Block.

Age? She was bleeding while she was still on the ride? No.

Please, please, somebody help me! Yo, Errol.

They got Shana.

Streatham crew got her.

What we gonna do about it? I don't roll with you no more.

I'd let you back.

Streatham disrespect us, man, coming into our property.

For Shana.

Slap 'em down for Shana.

You don't care 'bout her.

She in my crew.

She ain't in your crew, not after what you did to her.

She wanted to be part of the crew.

She did what she had to do.

We gotta pay Streatham back.

Maybe you do the honours, yeah? You walk away, you disrespect me, Errol.

She thinks we might have a m*rder.

Oh, you can go ahead and go, mate.

I'm sorry for keeping you hanging round so long.

No worries.

Do we have the paramedics details? In case I need to get a hold of him?
- Yeah.

You OK, Mr Marigold? McBride! I think he's having a heart attack.

Can you breath? Leo? Do you know where Leo is? Not in his office? Oh, yes, his office, let me check it again for the second time.


Still not here.

He's been disappearing a lot lately.

- Maybe he's in a hotel room with his lover.

- Which one? Which hotel or which lover?
- Never mind.

So you brought your body back from the fun fair?
- Yeah.

I saw it on the news.

It was a young girl.


About to They should shut these fun fairs down.

Paul, have you seen Professor Dalton? Let's go.

Good, good energy, good energy.

Dizzy, look sharp man, look sharp, hurry up.


Gis some water.

- Er, no, sorry, it's for the boys over there.

Oi! On your toes, keep the energy up.

Let's go.

All right, nice, nice, nice ball handling, let's go, keep it up.

Eh, Ben stop slacking off, man.

You turn that down now right now.

You gonna be deaf.

Why you listening to that? It's good.

Is your mother a whore? No! You want to be a drug dealing pimp when you grow up? Wicked! Yeah? Get out of here.

You're not on this team.

What? You heard me.


Is your mama a whore? No! You want to be a drug dealing pimp when you grow up? No.

They ain't got nothin', except your money because you're a fool for buying in the first place.

I jacked it.

At least that's something.

Go get warmed up.

That's good.

That's good.

Leo the lion.

You leave that there.

We gonna need another set of cones, You take your time, Mr Lion.

Hey, listen.

I'm here to help you.

Don't try to make me look Look what? Small.

Small? Trying to get them to laugh at me.

I know it makes you look important.

Important? I'm fighting a losing battle with most of this lot.

Drink and dr*gs.

That's where a lot of them are gonna end up.

I know that.

They don't.

They don't know.

And who do they send me to help out? A drunk whitey.

That's good.


Where you going? I own your ass for another Where you think you're going? To get the cones.

Good! Hey, back to work.

Levi, hurry up.

Let's go.

Dizzy, play with the team, man.

These are ready for you.


Fractures at C1 and C2.

Well done today, boys.

Hey, you did good, all right.

Black man gets pulled for drink driving, gets banned for 200 years, gift wrapped, sent directly to prison.

And you get community service.

How does that work, eh? Somebody gonna sign me.

Yeah? And when they do I gonna get a big black Bentley and I let you ride in it.

For sure.

In the back.

They for you, little man.

I seen you.

You good.

Oh, thanks.


We help each other, yeah? Levi! Bring the ball in! Cool, yeah? Easy, yeah? Just there.

Penetrating incised wound.

Nine centimetres.

Probably penetrated the kidney.


Hey, look what Keenan gave me.



You get detention? Yeah, the dinner lady saw me talking to Keenan.

Mr Lion? Pick up the litter, please? Errol.


You all right, brother? Yeah.


You going to school? Errol? You got to go to school, man.

They don't want me at school.

Listen, if I can help you, you know, with anything.

Come on.

I'll walk you back.


All right.

See ya later, yeah? See you later.

Hey, look what Keenan gave me, man.

What you talking to him for? What? Don't talk to him.

What is your problem? You in his crew.


Ain't in nobody's crew.

I'm in my own crew.

Leave him be.

I can talk to who I want.

He's my mate.

Since when? When you were in Feltham.

Well, I ain't inside now.

He still my mate.

You dropped some paper.

What d'you say? I said you dropped some paper.

And? I just thought you might like to pick it up.

There you go, Mr Lion.

All good, yeah? Come on, let's go, man.

Small abrasions at the posterior fourchette.

Fingertip bruising on the inner thighs.

r*ped? Yo, Errol? I've got something for you from Keenan, man.

Errol! Don't move, don't move, just don't move.

Don't move.

You all right? Need an ambulance, Craven Park.

Got to get you home, brother.

We've got to go home, brother, got to go home.

Don't move! His leg's bleeding! Do you know the man who did it? Oh, shit! He's not going to die, is he? Hey, Errol! Move back so he can get some air.

Move out of the way, AJ.

I can't get it to stop bleeding.

Look, I need this.

Hey! They've cut his femoral artery.

I have to stop the bleeding.

Errol, who did this, man? I need a knife.

Has anyone got a knife? Thank you.

Tell me who did it, I swear, tell me who did it, Errol, man! You didn't find Leo, did you? I'll tell Mum, yeah? Is he going to be all right?
- Yeah.

They say you saved his life.

Why didn't you tell me you was a doctor? I didn't think it would make any difference.

Do you know who did it? I don't know.

They're saying a crew from Streatham, rival g*ng.

Did they tell the police? You don't get it do you, Dr Lion? They don't trust the police and they're too scared to tell anyone.

- They don't want to get shanked.

- No, I mean why did they s*ab him? That's always the big question, innit? Turf w*r, initiation.

They're like dogs, yeah? Always pissing on their turf.

There'll be a reason.

The one that they'll talk about, that makes them feel like they know somethin'.

Won't be the big reason.

- Errol must know.

Errol won't say nothing.

He'll find a way to settle it himself.

That's how it is.

They sent him to Youth Offenders' Prison at 14.

All he learned is how to get by.

Think he's going to trust the Old Bill? You and me, we can't change that, not once they're in it.

Maybe you can? Maybe you're living on the moon.

Maybe that's the reason you turn up every day.

I'll see you tomorrow Dr Lion, yeah? Yeah.


I need my knife back.

Um I think the police took it.

Leo? I won't be a second.

Can you stop by the lab when you're done? Nikki wants to see you.

Just finished the Shana Block PM.

Oh, yeah.

No problem.

Where have you been? A meeting.

I try to shower before my meetings.

Thanks for the tip.

She was definitely stabbed.

Tear of the skin.

That's the best I can do with the serration pattern of the knife.

Width of incision, 2.


Penetration depth 9cm.

Kidney was punctured.

Could she have died from the wound? I don't think so.

She would have bled, and she could possibly have passed out.

Thanks for waiting.

But I think that she died from the impact.

You're sure? Fairly confident.

She fractured her atlas.

And the bone tore her vertebral artery.


There's some things that we picked up in the postmortem, some things I'd like to keep away from her mother.

We don't withhold information.

What is it you'd like to cover up? She's not trying to cover up anything.

She was pregnant and I think she was r*ped, brutally r*ped.

You can only speculate she was r*ped.

She has fading bruises on the inner thighs, fine healing tears on the perianal skin, a complete transection in the posterior part of the hymen, diagnostic of blunt trauma.

And on internal examination, she has the beginnings of a small vesico
-vaginal fistula.

You can see a small area of tissue necrosis.

Pretty unusual as a complication in sexual as*ault in this country, but it is seen in women violently r*ped in w*r zones like Darfur and Somalia.

We can't prove the intention of the sexual contact, just that it was forceful penetration.




I get it.

r*pe and m*rder? Have we got a time frame on the r*pe? Nothing very accurate.

It would have take weeks for the tissue necrosis and the bruising is fading so Couple, three weeks? Possibly.

If we recovered a knife? I can tell you if it wasn't the w*apon, but not definitively if it was.

We'd need DNA to prove a match.

You lot are expert arse coverers.

We can only tell you what we find.

Well, I've got to go.

Another stabbing this afternoon.

The lad was lucky.

There happened to be a doctor in the park.

Saved his life.

The incidents might be related, who knows? But I can only tell you what I find.

brutally r*ped and she was pregnant.

Do we really need to burden her mother with those details? Grim.


Let's tell no
-one, make sure she never gets justice.

The r*pe and pregnancy have nothing to do with how she died.

Not directly.

Her mother doesn't need to hear that.

I just don't believe in keeping secrets.

Do you Leo? Just wanted to make sure you're OK.

Rest up.

Thanks, man.

Listen, you need something, you got to tell me.

You understand? What you doing coming here, AJ? You gave up on me.

I look like somebody who gives up? You just make sure you don't give up on yourself or your little brother.

Yeah? Levi, look after him.

You were at the scene? Don't tell me.


You have no idea who did this to you, Errol? Levi? Didn't see nothing.

You in a g*ng, Errol? You a member of the Battersea Power Crew? You were in Feltham? Somebody settling a score with you? OK.

Thanks for your help.

I'll be in touch if I have any other questions.

You didn't happen to know Shana Block, did you? No.

I don't know her.

Oh shit! Shit.

Where you want to go? I don't care.

Just get there quick.

Hold back.

How's the leg? You know I had to.

Respect, man, for the others so they know what is what.

Yeah? I heard the cops come to see you.

Levi told me.

Told you said nothing to 'em.

Respect for that.

Those Streatham bastards sent me this.

Not in our yard.

Not to one of our crew.

You know what's got to happen, yeah? I forgive you, yeah? I forgive you.

We put it behind us.

She's gone.

What happened between us goes with her.

Come back to us.

Levi? Go help the doctor before he hurts his self.

You a doctor for dead people? Something like that, yeah.

Don't make no sense, does it? If they're dead they don't need a doctor no more.

Well, I try to figure out how and why people have died.

But what use is that if they're dead? Maybe we can stop someone else from dying.


You stop people from dyin' by helping them when they is alive, don't you? I think you been drinking to say things like that.

Keenan ain't going to like this.

Them coming here on our patch.

I mean, who do they think they are? Who are they? Brixton Crew.

The Brotherhood.

Somali Muslims.

They are serious guys.

Sharia law and all that.

Nobody that's got a brain that works messes with them.

get back to work, lets go! Come on, let's go, come on yellow's, let's go, let's go, boys, take a shot, there you go.

Go for it, go for it.

Go on, go on.

Well done.


Good job.

Let me see? What's that, man? Why you laughing at that thing! Are you stupid? Hey, hey, hey.

Easy guys, easy.

Hey, hey, stop, stop.

Break it up, what you doing? Charlie B.

I don't want you here today.

You go on where ever you go to.


What's wrong with you? What's wrong? Why is he laughing for? Look, shut up.

Why you tell me to shut up! Shut up! You don't even know what's happening! Calm down.

Let's see it again.

They want people to see who did it.

Bigging themselves up.

Somebody help me! Were you the doctor? In the park? Saved the boy's life when he was stabbed? Yeah.

Wait, wait, somebody help me! Somebody please help me! Please.

Somebody please help me! Please.


Errol Harris.

He knew Shana.

I thought he didn't say anything.

The way he and his brother reacted when I mentioned her name.

That's not Errol Harris.

I want to speak to him.

He's involved in her death, he has to be.

Why would he k*ll her? Maybe someone in his crew did.

Why? She was r*ped.

She threatened to talk.

They shut her up.

They're trying to hide something, so they s*ab her, and then put it up on the internet for everyone to see? And then paint her portrait on the side of a building? Errol? Do you know him? He can't say nothing.

He just can't.

That's what it is.

How are you, little brother? I'm good.

I need a little help.

Yeah? Oi! Desensitised.

That's what's happening.

Rap music, videos, YouTube, games.

They think knives, g*ns and dr*gs are normal.

There was this rapper.

American, that made all that money.

He's talking about sh**ting and k*lling and knifing and pimps and whores and scoring dr*gs.

They all want to be like him.

I heard somebody ask him if he thinks he's a good role model.

He laughed.

He said, "I ain't no role model.

"Fathers are the role models.

" But he knows that most of these kids ain't got no father.

He knows that shit.

He don't care.

There are some good ones that deserve better.

let go as well.

I thought I lost Errol a couple of months ago when he went away to Feltham but maybe there's hope there.

You really got to look for that hope.

Got to dig for it.

It's his brother, Levi, I'm fighting for.

Hey, Mr AJ? Did you hear what happened? Must have shot him five times.

Dead? Yeah! Wicked.

He's with me.

Witness statements? We've got six eye witnesses.

Description of the sh**t? Black man in a dark hood.

What, that's it? Seal and search the sports hall.

Get the CCTV.

The Trident team will want to look at it.

Does anyone know the victim? Itchie Richie.

He was part of the programme a couple of years ago.

Lasted about a week.

Evil bastard.

Had to cut him loose.

Something not right with him.

His real name's Richard Ojama.

The boy who k*lled Shana Block.

I might as well have shot him myself.

What are you talking about? I showed Errol Harris this picture of Ojama.

He says he doesn't know him and then goes and sh**t him.

You don't know that's what happened.

You THINK you told Errol? Errol knew already who k*lled her.

So why didn't he tell me? He doesn't trust you.

Why should he? He tells you, he's a snitch.

Oh, so he doesn't grass him up.

He just sh**t him? No.

Shana Blocks from Streatham, but she's in Errol's crew.

A Battersea crew.

It's the wrong postcode.

Streatham crew k*ll her, s*ab him, and now he's getting even.


Right, OK.

You prove to me he's not guilty.

I thought it was the other way around.

Where is he?! You can't come through.

You were supposed to protect him! Richard.

No! You were supposed to protect him! You are supposed to keep our children safe! SHE WAILS It's got all the signs of g*ng retaliation.

You really think Shana Block was a member of a g*ng? I don't know.

The girls are useful.

They carry for the boys.

dr*gs, weapons.

You want a female officer to search them in case they make allegations, so they're odds
-on not to get stopped.

I mean, some of them are scary dangerous.

Well, they have to be hard.

The story is that they have to go through a g*ng r*pe, you know, for their initiation, to prove they can be trusted.

That makes me want to join.

How 'bout you? g*ng r*pe? Like Shana? Leo? I've been trying to call you.

Do you know your mobile's off? Yes, sorry.

Dr Lion? Who got shot? Um Dr Lion? He dead, Dr Lion? Leo.

Leo the lion.

Then they found out I was a doctor.

Therefore, Dr Lion.


Who's dead? Richie.

Itchy Richie? Yeah.

Why Itchy Richie? Used to touch himself.

A lot.

How do you know these kids? Here, you do this.

Can we have some sides on this, please? Now! A little bit of displacement there, Professor? So how'd you get so well known around here, Dr Lion? Community service.

Community service? Yeah.

You didn't think you served the community enough?
- I had to do it.

- You had to do it? DUI.

- Drunk driving?
- They gave me I have to get the name of his lawyer! Is that the tox report? Yeah.

You didn't think you could tell us? No.

To keep it a secret
- We don't have any secrets, do we? I just don't understand.

- He's our boss! It would undermine his authority, diminish his moral superiority, he wouldn't be able to think he was right all the time.

Something which, I guess, he's going to miss.

I understand a bit better.

Good God, Leo, it almost makes you human.

What does this say? He'd been drinking.

How old was he? Can you afford to be sanctimonious? Look, I was just over, it was a stupid mistake.

Most mistakes are stupid by their nature.

Mono aceytl morphine, cocaine, codeine.

Crack and smack.

- You should have told us! I was ashamed.

- So you should be.


I'm sorry for all of it.

- It was a very stupid thing to do.

Listen, can we just draw a line under this, please?
-Absolutely not.

How long till the postmortem? Just about to start.


We've recovered the casings and two of the b*ll*ts.

Not in good condition, expect the other two are still in his body.

Four sh*ts close range.

An assassination.

All those witnesses and none are talking.

You haven't got any suspects? We have A suspect.

Errol? Yeah.

I find that hard to believe.

Why? Er, I don't know.

He's just a kid.

- They're all kids.

I know you're having a bout of liberal conscience.

But he is our best suspect and it looks like he's done a runner.

Mother hasn't seen him since yesterday.

Doesn't look very innocent.

Shana Block was pregnant.

And who the father was might be relevant.

DNA the foetus? Yeah.

I think it's justified.

I'm here for the Richard Ojama postmortem? Jerome.


Starts in about 15 minutes.

There's a canteen down the hall.

Thank you.

The solicitor representing the mother.

I've dealt with him before.

Bit of a social activist.

Pain in the arse? Well, I couldn't possibly comment.

Not much doubt on the cause of death.

What does he think he'll see? The history of oppression? Maybe he's come to make sure that we're doing our job correctly.

I hope so, or you can bet there'll be a complaint to the Commission for Racial Equality.

No pressure.

Can I help you?
-Just waiting.

Need someone to sign for a body?
- No, no.

I'm waiting for someone.

Who are you waiting for?
- Me.

I'll just, er I'll be right there.




It is.


Leo, I haven't managed to tell Harry yet.

- I'm happy to be in the dark on this.



Have I got competition? Yeah.

From Mr Marigold.

Health and Safety aren't going to close his funfair down.

I bet he's good in bed as well.

Seems really unfair.

She's a colleague.

This is an inappropriate conversation.

Totally agree.

Why are you talking about it? excellent condition so DI Wallace is delighted.

We are just taking a little break.

- It's a little problem with the solicitor.

What? He fainted.

Can I get you a glass of water?
- No, I'm OK.

Thank you.

First postmortem?
- Yes.

We're about to open the skull.

With a saw.

Are you sure you want to stay? Levi?
- No, Mum.

It's Errol.

Police were here to speak to you.

You're not in trouble again? Errol? I asked you a question.

No, Mum.

It's all OK.

Police were here and you say it's OK? I've sorted it.

It's OK now.

Is Levi home? No.

He didn't come in for his tea.

Where is he? I thought you were lookin' after him, Errol.

Is he playing in the park? It's too dark to be playing in the park.

Errol? Errol? Hey, you come cotch with us, Levi? Come.

You part of the family now, Levi, ain't you? Did good.


Proud of you.

Big respect.

You ain't never going to worry about nothing again, little brother.

Nobody going to hurt you.

We look after you.

SAW WHIRRS HE COUGHS Choke on a roach! Everything book? Safe.


Brixton walking through our park like they own it, blood.

They think they hard.

Teach the Somalis a lesson, yeah? You like that, little man? We goin' jackin' tonight.

In Brixton.

Let them know they don't mess with us, yeah? Yeah.

You roll with us? Come on.


Fix up.


Levi, take this.

Go, go.

Oi, policeman! Suck your mother! Come! Come here! In pursuit.

Repeat, in pursuit.

Nikki? Look at this.

What am I looking at?
- Frontal cortex.

Foetal alcohol syndrome?
- You're good.

Itchy Richie.



You wouldn't expect to see it in someone his age.

Look at the palm of his hand.

Simian crease.

The kid was a victim before he was born.

Where you been? Out.

Get off me, man.

Hey, what you doing? Errol, man, hey what you doing? Fool.

You fool.

What, you a part of Keenan's crew now, yeah?
- Make no difference.

They playing you.

Get you to carry their tools so they don't get done.

You been smoking? You been smoking with them.

You're not gonna run with them.

I'm not going to let you.

MIMICS: I'm not going to let you.

I'm not gonna let you.

I swear I'm not gonna let you.

You're my brother.

I'm not going to let you, yeah.


Police have been here twice looking for Errol.

- He didn't sh**t Itchy Richie.

I know that.

God, I hope he didn't sh**t him.

Hey, don't mess with them.

Some shit went down in Brixton last night and they're looking for trouble.

You don't drive, man.

I've done it before.

I don't think so, man.

Errol? Run down to the shop and get me some cigarettes will ya, darlin'? There's money in my bag.

MAN: Clean or dirty? Dirty.


sh**t it through the bag and you never have to touch it, yeah? Yeah.

So where they want to do this? In Brixton.

In Brixton, yeah?
- Brixton.

Right in the middle of Somalia.


Levi? Brixton, at the arches round the back of the station, OK? You meet me there.

Get the browns first then we give 'em the gear.

All this.


You delivering gear? For Keenan? Give it me.

Keenan, the one that had me shanked.

He's gonna respect me, yeah.

Give it me! Now! Get off me, Errol, get off me, get off me.

Where? Where? The arches.

Go home.

Go home now.

Move him, man! Show him Shit! Somali's set us up.

You're in Keenan's g*ng yeah? Uh

How much heavier can you get up here? Take it.

Let go! Let go! No, no, no, no! No, no, no!
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