12x03 - Death's Door 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x03 - Death's Door 1

Post by bunniefuu »

I was waiting to go to the institute dinner with you and I found myself in a surgical supply store.

It's breathable and waterproof.

It's a totally new fibre.

On tests it exceeds the new American Medical Association standard for biological protection.

Does it? It's non

Oh, that's handy, is that why it's yellow? It isn't yellow.

It's pumpkin.

It goes with anything.

And that's where you got that? Yeah.

Oh, ye gods! You should've worn it to the dinner.

It would have camouflaged the spill from Nikki's pina colada.

It was a tiny splash.

It wasn't the size, it was the location.

Anyway, it's given me the idea for my lecture.

Wait a minute, you are proposing to deliver a lecture to a room full of students wearing that? Yeah.

Excellent! Hi, everybody.

Excuse me.


Er, Nigel, can you put that in a t
-shape, thanks.

All right, everybody, gather round, short ones at the front, tall ones at the back.

Dead ones on the slab.

I'm Doctor Cunningham, I'm going to be your pathologist for the day.

The theme, the title of my lecture today, "Shop till you drop," occurred to me rather fortuitously actually, while I was, well, shopping, obviously.

You might not think that shopping has anything to do with pathology, but you'd be wrong.

Every new year, I and my colleagues deal with dozens of bodies of people who have been flattened in the January sales.

No What am I talking about shopping for? This man went abroad for a transplant.

He shopped on the global medical market for a new kidney.

Are you all right, you didn't know him, did you? Anybody feels queasy, please don't throw up on the technicians, it depresses them.

Either sit over there or even better go outside and get some fresh air.

OK, everybody ready, we'll begin.

DJ: 'Good morning, it's just coming up to 8 o'clock, if you're not up yet, then shame on you.

'Get out of bed, it's a beautiful day.

'It won't last long, the forecast for tonight is rain, rain and yes, you guessed it, more rain.

'All across the capital.

So don't say you weren't warned.

'We have an exclusive interview with the hottest new band in town.

'And no wonder' DOORBELL RINGS You OK? I'm waiting for Professor Dalton.

He shouldn't be long.

We've met.

Have we? I was at your lecture.

"Shop Till You Drop".

Oh, were you? You haven't come to complain or anything, have you? Oh, no.

Here's the man.


Holly Park? Farr.



Do sit down.

A well
-defined impact impression to the left chest.

And brush abrasions to both hips.

-old boy, RTA.

Leo's talking to a student.

Student? Yeah, young student.

Have you got a moment? Harry Cunningham, Nikki Alexander.

This is Holly Farr from Guy's.

We've agreed take her on an elective.

She was so inspired by your lecture, "Shop Till You Drop," that she decided to become a pathologist.

So I thought you could be her mentor.


Seems you already are.

OK? Thank you.

Hello, again.



We need to take casts and photographs of this to match it to a vehicle.

So the wedge
-shaped fragments just sitting left to right, yeah? In the upright position? Yeah.


Nigel, can you finish up, please? OK, was that interesting? Medical school says pathology is a lot about death.

But it's entirely about life.

How? It's the one time you feel, I don't know, you have access to the whole life in front of you.

It's not just symptoms.


Perhaps you don't like to admit to having a sense of power.

No, perhaps we don't.

Not failed healers at all.


You need to learn how to write reports.

Oh, you will let me know when you're paged, won't you? Well, suppose it's the middle of the night? I'll leave my phone on.

I'll send you the number.



She's with me.


You haven't got any ID, so stay close.

The SOCO's will give a suit.

They'll have cleared a path up to the body so you stick on it, OK.

Oh, by the way, a SOCO is a I know what a SOCO is.

I'm going to sign in.

They're here now.

Thank you.

You can assist me but don't touch anything without asking, all right? Good evening.



Crime Scene Manager.

This was called in by a driver who saw what he thought was a dummy by the road.

They always think it's a dummy.

Why? Because the victim is naked.

Well, nearly naked.

The driver was in an artic so he had a higher angle of vision than a car or SUV driver.

What's "nearly naked" mean? A silk robe, dressing
-gown got bunched up round her middle.

What trace evidence do you want? We want swabbing of all the exposed skin for DNA contact, fibres, particles, sexual contact.

There's more support on its way.

Bravo one over Go ahead, please.


She's had her throat cut.

But there's not enough blood around here.

So it was done somewhere else? Exactly.

The SIO's here.

Detective Superintendent Barker.

Doctor Harry Cunningham.

This is Holly Farr.

We're about to swab.

Swab away.

We will.

Prof Mander.

She's attached to the Home Office.

What can I do for you? I'm, er, interested in roadside bodies.

Have you got a provisional cause of death yet? Her throat's been cut.

There is a deeply incised wound to the throat.

She was found undressed? Like this? Yes.

We are about to turn her over.


Did someone cut the face off? Looks like it.

It's not like anything I've seen before.

But I'd like to stay with it.

Come with the police to the PM.

We're done.

OK? Yeah, OK.

I can make us some coffee.


I could really use some coffee.

Black, white? Decaf? Black please.

Extra caff.

I've never been squeamish.

Not once in my life ever.

How many m*rder victims have you seen in your life ever? True.

You share this place, do you? No.

My father bought it for me.

On condition I went to medical school.

Is he a doctor? He has a mobile phone company.

Way up in the frozen north.

Lapland? Blackburn.


4,000 holes.

That's the place.

So what does your wife think about your work? I'm not married.

Your girlfriend then.

What makes you think that I have only got one girlfriend? The Met have been on the phone every half hour.

Twice, actually.

I told them you needed your beauty sleep.


Where's our student? There.




They want a PM ASAP.

Some worry about possible connections.

There was a geographical profiler out last night.

She wants to come to the PM.

Do we have the phone number of the SIO? I expect that's him now.


Leo Dawson.


Detective Superintendent Barker.

Doc Alexander.

Janet Mander.


Prof Mander, actually.

I'm an anthropologist attached to the Home Office.

Well, I don't think there's a rash of these across the country.

She was found 500 yards from the M4 slip way.

We're flagging up anything that could be linked through the motorway network.

We've got no missing person report, no DNA match.

Doc Cunningham warned there may be a problem with the teeth.

We'll come to that.

Are we all ready? Within reason.

She questions my taste.

A clean incision which has severed the trachea and carotid arteries.

There will have been blood loss precipitating collapse of blood pressure and hypovolaemic shock.

It is a left right cut, suggesting a right
-handed assailant attacking her from behind.

The face.

Yes, skilfully done.

There's no slashing to the bone.

The tricky part is here, under the jaw, and around the eye sockets.

Have you done it? Is it something that you do? We sometimes have to do something similar, yeah.

How long would it take? A few minutes.

If you've had years of practice.

Puncture woundshealed.

-popping around the marks.

The toxicology screen will show whether drug use is current or historic.

I saw more evidence of self injection when I was looking for sexual as*ault at the scene.

Look, sinus tracks around the groin.

What's the problem with the teeth? We may not get odontology.

They're not her teeth? Prolonged use of opiates is associated with poor nutrition, gum disease, self

All these can lead to loss of teeth.

And this lady had a full set of implants.

It could be cosmetic, but in this case but I'm pretty sure it's connected with long
-standing drug use.

That's why we won't get a dental record.

Someone did the implants.

You could put the images out there and see if anyone identifies their work.

Slow and random.

We need to know who this is.

Janet says if this connected to her other cases, then the k*ller has bigged up the v*olence.

I think I know what Professor Mander is looking for.

I did a PM about four years ago on a girl who was found by a London motorway.

She'd been r*ped.


And there are what, five others found across the country? Yes.

In 12 years.

I don't remember any of them being found nearly naked though.


And it seems that there was no sexual as*ault in this case either.

All right, OK.

Until we know who this is we don't know what we're dealing with.

What can you do about the face? You mean, can we rebuild it? Faces take time.

They are a last resort.

What's involved? How fast? How fast? How fast, Nikki? How fast can you decapitate a fresh corpse, de
-flesh a head and build a new face? Not as a last resort mind, but as a quick fix.

Then, when we get the head, what do we do, we've got nothing to match it to? There's no DNA, there's no missing persons.

There's a missing person, only she's right here in front of us.

Until we get the face we're stood still.

He removed this face for a reason.

I want to know what that reason was.

So how do you, um, you know? De
-flesh the head? You can scrape it, You can boil it.

You can use insects or maggots.

I don't need to know the details.

Cut the damaged flesh away, and remove the brain, of course, and put the skull in a solution at 60 degrees Celsius in a fume cabinet.

Why don't we take a cast of the face and just rebuild from a positive mould? There you go, a solution.

The solution is washing powder.

Really? Enzyme action.

I keep the brand a secret.

I don't think the manufacturers would thank me.

We can do something with that robe thing she was almost wearing, but it'll take bloody months.

We need that face, Doc.

Yes, Guv.

Guv? Doc.

Horrible man.

And I sensed romance.

I hadn't fully appreciated how well this has been done.

You think they've done it before? Hm.

Not even a nick.

There would have been a hell of a lot of blood around, if she'd only just been k*lled.

I want to make sure this is properly recorded.

Don't worry, Doc.

Leave it to me.

Nikki likes to do all that kind of work by herself.

Is that something you can do? What that? No way.

You could learn.

Takes years.

I fancy it.

Don't think it is one of yours, then? Me neither.

Bit of a wild goose chase, I'm afraid.

Not at all.

I'm interested in phatic meanings.

Oh, well, so am I.

Do you have to run, or? Er, no.


Thanks, Hugo.

Sorry, we don't do trays.

So what is "phatic meaning"? How do you spell it? I thought you said you were interested in phatic meanings.

I wouldn't ask if I wasn't.

But you've never heard the word.



I must try and work it into a conversation.

You already have.

As in with someone I can impress with my learnedness rather than someone to whom I display my ignorance.

A phatic meaning has a social meaning rather than a literal one.

"How do you do?" has a phatic meaning rather than a literal one.

Ah! Sharing drinks like coffee has a phatic meaning.


I did not know the groin had a sinus.

Opens up all possibilities for conversational confusion.

Yeah well, actually, it doesn't.

Harry was referring to an epithelial
-lined passageway created by recurrent injections and inflammation.

Thank you for clearing that up.

My pleasure.

So you're interested in the phatic meaning of what we're dealing with today.


As a means to an end, which is obviously finding the person behind this.

And you really don't think it's connected to any of your other cases? No.

I think this is a one
-off, thank God.

I was thinking about ritual but it doesn't really fit with ritual.

I think the face was removed for a very particular reason.

When you said you were an anthropologist, I thought Bone specialist? No.

Anthropology of crime.

It's a field I have largely to myself.

Sounds interesting.

DJ: 'They just don't make them like that any more, Supergrass and a massive number two hit in July '95.

'Police investigating the discovery of an unidentified woman's body near the M4 motorway 'close to London, say a post
-mortem has been carried out.

'They deny there is any reason to connect the discovery to the investigation 'into the deaths of three prostitutes in north
-east England, also discovered near motorways.

'So, onto August '95, who remembers this, from Suggs?' When I wake up early in the morning I lift my head I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream I stay in bed Morning.


Have you had any sleep? Tox screen.

Peak one, methadone, peak two, cocaine, peak three, morphine.

Peak four, monoacetyl morphine, peak five, quinine.

Royal flush.

So is this a new world record, then? Easily.

I held the previous one too, probably.

That is fantastic.

We know the hair colour, we know the eye colour.

It's Fran Price.

Oh, my God! It's Fran Price.

Who's Fran Price? Oh, Holly, apparently Fran Price.

One million plus pages in 0.

13 seconds and that's just in English.

I think I recognise her.

This is incredible.

What is all this? Leonid Polyak.

Leonid what? He was a Russian gangster.

She helped put him away with her show.

He's got to be a suspect.

We've got to get all of this to Barker.

Slow down a second.

Well done for identifying her, if it is her, but the police will find out all this by themselves.


You are here to learn pathology.

The guv'nor's on his way back.

Fran Price.

Presented a crime show.

Leonid Polyak.

Do you remember? Uh

It was a cheesy show.

They used CCTV.

Everyone said they were setting stuff up.

It was mainly kids.

Then they caught this big
-time gangster knifing someone outside a club.

That was Leonid Polyak.

Well done.

The police will be really interested in this.

I was just saying that the police can find out this kind of thing for themselves and we probably shouldn't burden Superintendent Barker with it.

I would.

In your lecture you said forensic pathology was where medicine connected with justice.


You talked about how closely you worked with police.

How sometimes you felt you were as much a branch of detection as medicine.

Did I? It was a figure of speech.

Probably just showing off actually.

I was just showing you something I downloaded off the internet, I've got to go and What? She should focus on forensics, not this kind ofand you could back me up.

That's rarely any fun.

Are you identifying with her or something? Or is this some kind of girl thing? I wonder who put the "men" in "mentor".

Perhaps who put the U in pain in the neck.

Fran Price? According to Holly, yes.

A reconstruction is guidance only, of course.

We need DNA, dental records.

Yeah, we've started all that.

Anyway, someone is on his way.

Who? Someone who knew her.

Well, we told him no, what's not to understand? It's a derisory offer, I don't want to talk to him.

You talk to him.

Mr Pargeter? Yeah.

Derek Pargeter.

This way, Derek.

Christ Almighty.

MOBILE RINGS I'll call you back.

Could you turn that off in here, please? I don't turn this off for anybody.

So what? You want me to identify her? We'll do that with DNA.

We need to go to her address.

She didn't have an address.

She lived in hotels.

Where did you find her? When did you last see her? Four days ago.

Discussing her come
-back, in a hotel.

Does the press know about this? No.

OK, I'll handle the press.

I'm sorry, Derek.

As her agent, I insist I handle the press.

not a press launch.

I've just told you.

The press on this is my business.

You had a mobile phone number for her? Pay as you go.

I know
- she told me.

She changed it every week.

What was she frightened of? Like all celebs.

Everything and everyone.

On your feet! Outside now! Wait, tell him to wait, yeah.

Oi, this door doesn't work.

You people know how this door works? I don't think I know what you do in this outfit.

Apart from provide the cultural framework.

I'm on an elective.

Elective? What's that, then? I'm a final year medical student.

You're a student? Is that a problem? It seems not.


This is going to be huge.

Media, I mean.

Doesn't concern us.

We're in the middle of it.

In what way? You know what I mean.

We're in the middle of a lot of things
- look at this.

Am I or am I not entitled to know what has happened to her? I feel like I knew her.

She was on TV for years.

I can't believe you didn't see it.

I don't watch much television.

She was so famous, though.

Put it out of your mind.

How do I do that? Just you try.

Look, here's some reports for you to review.

Listen, don't patronise me.

I'm the one who identified her.

I'm sorry.

I'm here to learn, to be involved.

I'm involving you.

I took you out on call.

I know, but now it's like back off.

No, it's just that, in our job, being involved is a relative term.

That is all I'm saying.


" Christ, Nikki didn't like that, did she? What? Leo.


Oh, really? OK.

Derek is having difficulties with all this.

That's understandable.

I've referred him to you for questions.


Someone cut her throat? Correct.

What else? We're not discussing other injuries.

r*ped? We're not discussing other injuries.

Was she clean? We're not discussing any details like that.

She told me she was clean.

I got her a new contract.

She'd been out of the business.


I made deals on the basis that she was clean.

I got her a book deal.

There were producers interested.

Not just reality either.

Or celeb.

Back to what she made her name at.

What's this got to do with us? This is my reputation on the line.

And we thought you were upset.

All right, Doc, tell him.

She was covered in tracks.

She was using opiates by injection, yes.

I don't want that out there.

What other leads have you got? Maybe you're missing something here.

Such as? Me, police officer, you, tosser! Yeah, yeah.

"This has nothing to do with the press.

" Nothing has nothing to do with the press.

PHONE RINGS Pargeter What an arse.


OK, I'm on my way.

Piece of work.

Which one? Hi.



Are you OK with me? Sorry? With me coming in.

Just being here, because I I'm fine with you being here.


Do you think Harry's pissed off because I identified her? You said I did a good job You did fine.



I really like you.

I'm flattered.

I wanted to watch you do the face, but Harry said you like to work on your own.

Well, maybe next time.


Yeah, great, OK.

'Industry sources have expressed shock and sadness at the discovery 'at the body dumped by a roadside on the edge of London 'is former television presenter and journalist Frances Price.

to comment on speculation that she suffered special injuries 'but rumours are rife that she had been mutilated.

' This was posted to the prison addressed to Leonid Polyak.

It's nothing to do with me.

Frances Price's TV show helped lead to your conviction for m*rder.

It was self

Were you defending yourself when you contracted her k*lling? I know nothing of this terrible thing.

An act of murderous revenge wouldn't be out of place on your CV, would it? CV? Your history.

When you were in Russia.

Russia is a violent place.

I businessman.

Business is dangerous in Russia.

Someone is trying to frame me with this.

I had no problem with girl.

She write me letters.

I write back.

Letters? She's interested in my life in Russia.

Now listen, I agreed I'd show you how we work.


But there are things you have to remember.

The police are OK with it.

OK with what? With me being here.

They said, on the phone.

Who said? Detective Superintendent Barker.

Oh, good(!) SHOUTS This way! This way, luv! Hey! Don't do that again.

Do what? We avoid the press.


Let's get suited up.

There's someone up at that window there.

No footprints.

That's interesting.

Doc? The SOCOs will do blood spatter for you but I think she was on her back on the floor when they removed her face and that mark was made by her hair.

She was m*rder*d by people with no feet? These smears were probably made by feet.

But as for shoe prints, no, none.

Oh, they carried her away.

Talking of getting carried away.

What? Leave the expert opinions to me, OK? Sorry(!) So they put her in the car in the garage.

Holly! I think that's right.

Which means she must have let them into the garage.

Or they let themselves in after they k*lled her.

We are not here to speculate for you.

I will swab the floor check the body for signs of abrasions.

Feel free to leave me to it.

Thank you.

All done, doc? Yeah.

Coming? Mmm

She opened the door.

She knew him.

Not necessarily.

She just opened the door.

Death's door.


We might have found the car.

Do we get to see it? SOCO will deal with the car.

If you want to see the car we can take you.

We don't need to see the car at the moment.

So what do you think? Very odd lack of forensic information at that crime scene.

Well, what can you do? Test for a second blood type.

Why? It's routine.

In knife crime you often get the k*ller cutting themselves.

There was some blood on those pages from her book.

You read those pages? 'Course I did.

Didn't you? No.

It's a book, is it? Chapter one of a book.

Start of it.

More like an introduction.

How can you not be interested in who did this? When did I say that? "It's routine.

" It's amazing.


What's amazing? RADIO: 'Come on.

Fran Price was hardly the first' It's amazing.


What's amazing? It's on the radio.

Yes, it's on the radio.

It's on the radio and everyone wants to know what we know.

What do we know? Well, we don't seem to know anything.

-one knows that.

My thinking is the body was dumped on the way to the airport.

The blood had soaked through into the boot liner, which was black.

And then back onto the woman's case.

I thought rental cars were checked on return.

At busy periods they just get a quick look over.

Once they've seen the boot is empty they just push it on.

Don't they check the spare wheel? Perhaps spare wheel theft from rental cars is at a low ebb.

The blood is Fran Price's.

Plus The welt on the lower torso and across the upper thigh matches the boot
-fastening mechanism of the vehicle.

Her house has an integral garage.

But this is a rental car, it's not her car.

She opens the door to her attacker, plus she allows him to park in her garage.

Yeah, OK, I'm on my way in a minute.

They've got the CCTV from Heathrow.

At least we've got a picture of it.

They traced the driver of the rental car.

He flew out to Moscow on a midday flight.

Name of Akimovich.

They'll have him on camera.


Open and shut? Well, not a very convincing escape plan.

You had some idea about this being a contract? Could be a Russian contract.

Of this man in prison? Hmm, Polyak.

He, er Where are you going?
- I'll call you.

He's like that, I'm afraid.

You had her k*lled because she was writing a book about you.

I don't understand.

Chapter one.

All about how you set up a network in Russia that connected business and crime, and you ended up in a Moscow prison.

I was never criminal.

I was businessman.

I made enemies.

Come, you show me this book.

You had no right to start until I was here.

You're late.

What have you put to my client? I invited him to assist me with my inquiry into the m*rder of Frances Price.

I think I have alibi.

Have you any evidence or is this just a fishing trip? I had nothing to do with death of this girl.

You knew where she lived.

This is secret? You go.

I want to talk with my solicitor.

Nothing in his cell search.

Nothing in there.

Nothing, nothing, nothing.

HE MOUTHS So you were on the street in the middle of London and you think you saw them? I wasn't on the street.

I was
- not for the first time
- waiting for you so we could go to the Institute dinner, so I was on the street then but I then went in there.

I saw two men talking Russian, or something that sounded like Russian, and they were looking at these.

So? When you come into the country, you can't carry one through an airport so you would have to buy a scalpel somewhere like this.

CONVERSATION IN RUSSIAN Suppose you were travelling as a doctor.

You think she was k*lled by a doctor? She would open her door to someone who looked like a doctor.

Then if the police stop you, you have a doctor's case.

What was it you were saying to your lovely young student? "Resist the temptation to play detective" was the theme.

I bet it was them.

It's pretty hard to believe.

And they were buying SOCO suits.

HE SPEAKS RUSSIAN That is what they were buying.

Suits and scalpels.

That's why there were no footprints near the body.

PHONE RINGS They used SOCO suits when they removed her face.

Hello? .


Leo asks are we coming back to work today or are we knocking off early for the weekend? Tell him we need to talk to the SIO.

We need to talk to the SIO.

Tell him Ow! Leo, we need CCTV footage from a store in Hudson Street where I saw two Russians.

Sorry, everyone.

There, that's me.

Yes, I think we get that.

And that's them, and they bought scalpels, and SOCO suits.

There is no forensic evidence because of the suits.

There is no clear shot of the guy in the hat but the one on the left was more obliging so we tried matching him up to the Moscow flight and guess what? Passport control point 6 at Heathrow Terminal One.


Or has a passport that says Akimovich.

Prof? He knows he's going to be recorded and photographed.

He knows he left the rental car.

He's laying a trail.

I would think so.

The other man could have been dropped off at the check
-in area.

What do the passenger lists show? The passenger lists won't show any more than this camera does.

If they travelled as if alone, then that's what they did.

But one of them took absolutely no trouble whatsoever to cover his tracks.

You think the other man is still here? Mmm hmm.

It's possible.

So there could be another target.

Leave the speculation to me, doc.

I thought you'd gone home.

What was going on in there? Nothing.

I'm not supposed to know? Non.

That's right.

It's OK.

I have to go.

All right.


Always the way.

Something's going on and they won't tell me what.

There might be a second suspect out there.

Second suspect or second target? Both? That's the kind of thing a girl likes to know about.

Where do you live? Stockwell.

On your own? On my own, yeah.

Stockwell's on my way.

You going to be my bodyguard? What? You don't think I'm qualified? I don't know anything about your qualifications.

Just like you don't know anything about mine.



Battery OK now? Only me.

She's gone home.

And I thought I sensed romance.

There is romance.

But she's a student.

That's illegal.


You and Leo? Leo and Janet.



Predicting territorial patterns of offending.

And I'm interested in social space, representations of crime and especially v*olence in mass media which I've put you off now.

You preferred me when you thought I was a bone specialist.


No, not at all.


Here, try one of those, they are lovely.

Thank you.

You know, at first, I thought the the Price m*rder could have been an audition.

Someone's recruiting for a contract k*ller.

A random victim as a test.

You mean like someone famous.


Trouble is, no
-one knew where she lived.

That's not a bit far
-fetched? You'd be surprised.

Really? Well, don't let me k*ll off a decent theory.

I'm sure it's something you've done hundreds of times before.

True, but never on a first date.

Most of the time our workload is pretty heavy, so, er So you don't get out much? Well, not like this perhaps, no.

Just the occasional conference, and the odd dinner, but At least you don't have to keep your voice down when you talk about work.

So what about you? I expect you're out every night of the week.



It must be tough.

Thank you.


No, no, no, no I'll do that.

Come on.

Really, Leo.

You do the next one.


What? Say it.

My wife and child, daughter .


were k*lled in an car accident three years ago and I find it hard to disconnect with The fact that I spend my time with victims and broken people, with what happened to them, to us.

Does that? Of course.

Doctor's depressions.

Subconsciously you can come to believe you're a sort of lightning conductor for disease even though you know that's complete rubbish.

Death isn't a disease and you don't spread it.


I do know that, but Just as I don't spread violent crime.

RADIO: 'The top of the Premiership three points separate the top clubs 'but Man U have a game in hand so that could all change this afternoon.

'Meanwhile the Fran Price m*rder inquiry has hit the front pages again today 'with a report suggesting that police may have found forensic evidence that could identify the k*ller or K*llers.

'Police are staying tight
-lipped this morning and refusing to comment' Did you talk to the press? About what? About anything? I don't understand.

There are things in the newspapers that have come from our office.

Why would you think? You didn't photocopy any pictures or reports? I found a page on the photocopier after you'd left the office and now this morning I'm reading about so
-called breakthroughs in the case.

Now where did this stuff come from? Wait a minute.

What is this? You cannot talk to the press.

You cannot leak material that belongs to Her Majesty's Coroner.

Who says I've talked to the press? Ah! I wanted to know what she was writing about.

Polyak was in this prison in Moscow.

He bought his way out.

Where did the newspapers get this nonsense? Don't you give all the evidence to the police? I've watched you do it.

Why would it be me? You're thinking, "stupid little student kid".

Don't tell me what I'm thinking.

Is that what you thought when you let me join the team? I thought you might make a very good pathologist.

And now what? Now I am asking myself, "How do I show Holly that there are lines and that we stay inside them?!" You stay inside the lines, do you? Yes! Or is that just what you say to the young people? Are you going to throw me out? Is that what this is about? This is about seeing whether you understand what it takes to stay in.



STARTS ENGINE So, what's the story? Have you not read it? I don't look at newspapers at the weekend.

Maybe you shouldn't.

It's not just the PM report.

It claims the police have unspecified forensic evidence.

But we didn't find any extra DNA.


The SOCOs didn't find any fibres or prints.


You're saying Holly called some reporters and told them we had forensic evidence that we don't have? Why would she do that? I don't know.

Have you asked her? Denies it.

And? And now I feel stupid for having put so much trust in her.

She's an attractive girl.

She flattered you.


I don't need the flattery of my students, thanks.

Just because you've never dissected a flattery gland doesn't mean you haven't got one.

Leaving that aside, she would be throwing away her career.

How do you know she wants her career? You don't know how this lot have grown up.

They're all voyeurs now.

Is that the end of my appointment? Are you meeting someone unsuitable, no doubt? Might be.





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