12x05 - Terror 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x05 - Terror 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's move it now, boys and girls, come on! You wind up.

Where the hell are they? SPEAKS TURKISH SPEAKS TURKISH SPEAKS TURKISH No milk today, thank you.

Somebody get rid of the milkman now! All set, Ma'am.

Bismi llahir ramanir rahim Alham dulilahi rabbil alamin .


Ar Rahmanir rahim Come on, woman, don't bottle it now.



alaihim ghairil .


wa lad dallin Ameen.

Attack, attack, attack.


Walk of shame is it, love? I wish.


Keep the change.

Right, Ma'am.


Doctor Alexander? Yeah.

DI Okoroafor.

The SIO.

Did you manage to? Yeah, best I could do I'm afraid.

Oh, thanks.

We're not quite ready for you.

The Chemical Inspection Unit are giving the building the once over.

What exactly happened here? The worst thing possible.

One of the biggest anti
-t*rror1st raids the day before I am due to go on holiday.

All leave cancelled? My kids are going to k*ll me.

There's a picture of me on the fridge; 'Missing, do you know this woman?' DI Tranfield, Counter Terrorism.

Doctor Alexander, Home Office pathologist.


Some members of the press and a news crew have just arrived.

What, that's my job is it? What have we got? Three dead, including an officer from the Armed Response Unit.

Nice earrings.


I was.



At a wedding, I know.

So would you mind taking a sample from a suspect for me? THEY SPEAK TURKISH OK.

There she is.


Would you open your mouth, please.

THEY SPEAK TURKISH She wants to know what you are going to do with her.

I need a sample of your DNA.

I'll also be swabbing for expl*sives and g*n residue.

THEY SPEAK TURKISH She wants to know why they came.

Er, my job is just to collect and analyse the evidence from the scene.

HE SPEAKS TURKISH How old are you? Her brother Melik is in hospital with g*n shot wounds.

He's the one we need to talk to.

Hepimizin elleri havadaydi.

I'm sorry, I don't understand you.

Help me.


Ow! You're hurting me ow Off, stop it.

Dr Alexander, we should get you up to the house as soon as possible.

She said, "We all had our hands in the air.

" You all right? Yes.

I think so.

We were wondering where you were.


Good to see you.

I told you we'd get the bastards.

Have you been running? At a wedding.

I'm beginning to hate them.

"And what about you Nikki?" That was Commander Alice Mondo.

She's a Gold Commander on this; she gave the final order.

She was also at the Uxbridge bombings.

They think this cell might have been planning a similar operation.

We don't want to go through that again.

The chemical inspection bods have finished so we have some time now before the security services rip it to pieces.

Is it safe? As far as I know.

Don't breath too deeply.

Through there.

This is where Police Sergeant Nathan Wright was shot.



And in here is where the main action happened.

Morning all! Morning, guv.


They must have thought he was about to set off a b*mb; break the spinal cord to stop the motor response.

It's a 3D laser scanner.

Helps us build up a complete picture of what happened.

I thought there was a rucksack here.

On the video the Chemical Inspection Unit were It's undergoing a controlled expl*si*n.

They certainly made sure of this one.

SHE SCREAMS Over here, is where Melik Burak was shot.

From what I understand, he has injuries both to the chest and to the rear shoulder.

He was shot in the back? I believe so.

Was he running away? Wouldn't you be if you were him? Was he armed? A Glock has been recovered.

Is he still alive? He's been taken to St Matthew's hospital, in a critical but stable condition.

The young girl's room? Look at this.

A condom wrapper.

My intelligence from the States indicated this cell had enough expl*sives to blow up half of North London.

Have you found any? No, not yet.

But we need to.

And quick.

All the agencies are working together on this.

All leave cancelled.

For the next 24 hours we will try for a complete news blackout.

In that time I need to gather as much information as I can.

24 hours? I hope you will find other cells awaiting orders from this cell.

If we can get to them before this news breaks We'll get an interim report to you by tomorrow morning.


ALL: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

'He restoreth my soul' You stay with me.

Where's the ambulance! .


for his name's sake.

'Where's the bloody ambulance!' Stay with me man.

You stay with me, big man.

'Thou annointest my head with oil, My cup runneth over' Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Nathan! Have you told Emily yet? I'll go round straight after we've finished writing our statements.

I'll come with you.

We believe his name was Jamie Rosencranz.

A Turkish national residing in Germany.

Nine entry wounds.

Not smaller than nine millimetres.

The tattooing from the firearm residue I would estimate that the distance he was shot was between er two metres and point blank range.

He certainly had a few drinks last night.

He and Melik Burak went to the Seesaw Night Club.

They left at two with a woman then at 2:26 stopped off for a kebab.

Looks like she had sex.

Possibly last night.

She clearly didn't use that condom then.

Do we have a name for her? They both called her Laura.

That's all we know at the moment.

Why would there be a puncture wound in the outer aspect of the thigh? Travel jab? Steroids? You saw the puncture wound in her arm? Hmm.

Look at this.

Signs of early granulomata.

Small white specks in the lungs of Jamie Rosencranz.

In the past we've found traces of chapati flour inhaled by a bomber.

Used as an expl*sive? Yeah.

b*llet wound to the chest.

And a second wound to the left armpit.

Please don't She said they had their hands up.

Who? The young girl.

Well, she would say that, wouldn't she? Would she? To protect her brother.


We've found something.

Talcum powder? Mmm hmm.

That's it? That's all you could find? Both Isra and Melik have traces of g*n residue but that's expected given the proximity of the weapons involved.

There were traces of peroxide in Isra Burak's hair.

Nothing on either body.

Why the talcum powder? Heroin is often cut with talcum powder.

He took heroin? They both did.

Explaining the needle mark in her leg? It's an unusual place to inject heroin.

Rosencranz was a serious drug dealer with connections in Europe.

Not a known t*rror1st? dr*gs provide a major source of funding for Al

The rucksack in the room.

What rucksack? You said it underwent a controlled expl*si*n.

No expl*sives but there was evidence of heroin and other Class A dr*gs.

They must have thought it was a dr*gs bust.

t*rrorists have used morphine and other class A dr*gs; for courage to carry out what they were planning.

As far as I can see, there is nothing to indicate these two were t*rrorists.

I'm sorry but We need to identify this woman.

What she was or what she was doing in that house.

Chances are she knew something and passed it on.

Her DNA should come up with a name.

The CCTV cameras should give us some images.

Excuse me, I have an operation to run.

Do you know why the Armed Response Unit opened fire? No.

They must have had a reason.

Indeed, but I don't have time to find out.

Harsh though that may sound.

I ain't done nothing.

Leave me alone, I ain't done nothing.

I said shut up.

Armed police, on the floor! Get down on the floor now.

Do it! Get in.

I ain't done nothing wrong, what you doing? Elbiselerimin hepsini cikartmam mi lazim? My mother? Father? I speak.

Hasbi Allah wa ni mul wakil.

Hasbi Allah wa ni mul wakil.

Benim avukatim.

She has asked for a lawyer.

How long have you been living with your brother? Benim avukatim.

No lawyer! You understand? I can have you here for 28 days if I want.

In isolation if need be.

Avukat yok.

Anliyormusun? Seni burda yirmi sekiz g*n tutabilirim istersem.

Gerekirse seni karantinaya alirim.

You answer questions and it won't be so hard.

Sorulara cevap verirsen senin icin zor olmaz.

Six weeks.


Now I want you to write the names of everyone your brother knew, when they came round to the house, when he went out to meet them.

Where they met.

And if you ever heard him talking to them on the phone.

What are you doing? HE SPEAKS TURKISH When I was a kid I hid copies of Playboy and Mayfair under my bed.

Looks like your brother had a taste for something a little more Astagfir Allah.

He didn't share his collection of child pornography then? Not my brother's.


Your brother's.

Buna inanmiyorum.

She says she doesn't believe.

Maybe you'll believe the beheading of western prisoners.

Or how about car bombings in Kabul? Very tasty.

And there's some really juicy footage of the Uxbridge bombing.

No, no.

Not Melik.


Please, Detective Inspector.

You know why he has these images? To dehumanise himself.

Onun bilgisayarindakileri biliyorson.

Onun insanlitan cikmasini istemezcin.

So he can carry out atrocities like this.

Eh? Professor Dalton spent days and days and days sticking back together these bits of body parts.

She is just a child.

I know! I know your brother is planning another Uxbridge! You can help me stop this, Isra.

You understand? You can help me stop that I have less than 12 hours.

You help me.

I help you.

You understand? Please.


Bana isimlerini ver.


My brother.

Is he awake? Just back from theatre.

Did they remove the b*ll*ts? He needed a repair to his large intestine and liver.

Both b*ll*ts are still lodged.

I need information from him.

I need it now.

Is there any way we can wake him up? Not unless you want to k*ll him.

Two young people went out to a club, got drunk, had a kebab, came home, took some dr*gs, had sex, fell asleep and then Are you going to another wedding? Why did two apparently innocent people end up with I thought I'd talk to the boys from the Armed Response Unit.

Looking like that? Men with g*ns.

Well, we've only just finished our statements.

Could I get a sneaky preview, do you think? Ah, well it should really go through the Federation.

But as this is an unprecedented case, I'm sure I can get you a copy.


It looks as if the two people in the sitting room were not, in fact, t*rrorists.

Why am I not surprised to hear that? So what were you told? Well we got a call late last night saying a t*rror1st cell had been located and needed to be taken out.

No time for a proper recce or any covert surveillance.

You went in cold? As an iceberg.

Is that why you lost a man? Nathan Wright.

The first in the Unit's history.

I still can't work out how it happened.

I'm ready when you are, Sir.

This is Rhys Allen.

Nikki Alexander, Home Office pathologist, hi, nice to meet you.

Come to point the finger already, have you? No, I.


Come on, Rhys.

She's How come when things go belly up we are automatically the suspects? I'm not Nathan died so people like you can sleep safe.

It's been a while since I slept at all.

We'll tell that to his widow, I'm sure she'll be very sympathetic.

Unidentified shot from landing area.

Mmm? That was the reason the officers gave for firing their MP5's into Jamie Rosencranz and the Jane Doe.

Well, they were told by the security services that they were likely to find expl*sives and be shot at.

What do you expect? But no
-one seems to know who fired it.

I thought it was Melik.

He shot Nathan Wright.

With a Glock, didn't they say? That's what I thought, but there's nothing seems to be said in the statements.

And the statements are so sanitised.

How many times was Melik shot? Twice.

Front and back.

Well, that's two accounted for.

What have you lost? I've got I thought the house was stripped from top to bottom.

They'll have to search again.

There are two b*ll*ts unaccounted for.

A soft
-nosed b*llet from an MP5.

And a hard
-nosed b*llet, I presume from the Glock.

I hope they haven't got lost in the post or something.

I hope you're not suggesting some kind of skulduggery, Doctor Alexander.

Skulduggery? Detective Inspector, please, show me at least some level of respect, a level of intelligence.

I know and you know that you have had my offices under surveillance for at least a year.

My phones, my computer, my clients have been followed and harassed, but I pay no heed because I too want to wage w*r on terror, so I do not mind these inconveniences.

Indeed, I am comforted by them.

To know you are there, watching, listening.

I digress.

Yes, Inspector, this is my mobile number on Melik Burak's phone.

After all, I am his solicitor.

And as his solicitor I expect you to tell the truth.

The truth, Detective Inspector? The truth is you raided 42 Randal Road believing there were expl*sives inside and there were none.

KNOCK AT DOOR I said no interruptions.

Are you sure? Yeah.

That's her.

She's not on the DNA database nor is there a fingerprint match.


Perhaps someone will recognise her from the CCTV footage.

That's the other bad news.

You said, did I want the good news or bad news.

I meant the bad news or even worse news.

The cameras weren't working.

I thought DI Tranfield said They've looked through them but there's nothing.

Can you take a photo of her face? It'll take patching up.

And for you to go on holiday.

Have you still got my running shoes? Yeah, sorry to interrupt.

There is another way to use her DNA profile.

We could look to see if she has any siblings.

And what if she hasn't got any siblings? Then it gets even more interesting.

DOORBELL RINGS Police Sergeant Nathan Wright.

Aged 35.

Height, one metre, 80.

Weight, 79 kilos.

g*nsh*t entry wound to the right side of the neck .


measuring 0.

9 centimetres.

And an exit wound to the right lower abdominal region .


ten centimetres from the midline.

Entry wound, five centimetres below the knee.

Can you turn him over, please? An exit wound and what appears to be another entry wound some two centimetres apart.

How could he have been shot in the back? He was wearing armour plating.

That explains it.

The b*llet, having entered his neck, must have sliced through his body, then exited here, hit the armour plating and re
-entered here.

The b*llet then travelled through and exited near the liver.

Can I have the torch? No tattooing.

No swelling.

It indicates the distance from where he was shot, the more there is the closer the g*n.

Did you k*ll him? The man who shot Nathan? Nathan was shot and k*lled whilst doing his duty.

The man who shot him, is he dead? No.

No, he's not.

He used to wind me up saying one day I'd come home in a wooden box and I hated him saying that cos I knew it was true.

Rhys tried to save his life.

Was it quick? PHONE RINGS Sorry.


I need to, er, I need to get this.

King speaking.

No, no, no that's something I said Yes, it was handed over to their department just last week.

What're we going to do? I don't know.

I don't know.

I used to think about him not being here and Sssh.

I used to wish him dead sometimes just so me and you Listen.

We have to be really careful now.

This is Nathan Wright as he came up the stairs.

The b*llet entered his neck at an angle of 43 degrees.

Has that b*llet been found yet? Not as far as I know, no.

It sliced through the oesophagus, trachea missed the ribs and exited here.

It then hit the armour plating he was wearing and re
-entered his back here.

Went through his diaphragm, into his liver and exited out of the right side, there.

Well, we know he was shot from the top of the stairs.


But who by? The lack of tattooing on Nathan Wright's neck indicates he was shot from more than two metres away.

We know Melik was by the bathroom.

That's more than two metres.


It is but We saw the evidence.

I didn't think this was under dispute.

But look at the angles.

To sh**t Nathan Wright from had to lean over the banisters.

Which puts him about half a metre away.


I'm sorry Given his position, confirmed by the Armed Response Unit, Melik could not have shot Nathan Wright.

It doesn't make sense with the tattooing.

So if Melik didn't do it, who did? Not a bloody copper.

That's all we need.

Tranfield will do his nut.

He's already got the IPCC itching to take a look.

One thing you've forgotten, Nikki.

The b*llet.


That's what I need to find out.

What do you mean? Well, Melik's Glock is loaded with hard
-nosed b*ll*ts which travel through a body and out the other side.

The Armed Response Unit has soft
-nosed b*ll*ts that open up on impact, and slow down to cause maximum damage.

You don't think a soft
-nosed b*llet could have done that? Go go go! Get down! DOOR OPENS RADIO: 'The security forces have averted a major t*rror1st threat to the capital.

'Commander Mondo, there are rumours that both dead suspects had nothing to do with terrorism.

'I don't deal in rumours, I deal in facts.

'So both of them were armed? 'As far as I'm aware, both had traces of expl*sives on them.

' Soft nose, loaded.

Safety on.

Lovely, thank you.


PHONE RINGS According to your good friend, Gold Commander Alice Mondo, both Jamie Rosencranz and the Jane Doe had traces of expl*sives on their clothing.

Well, who the hell told her that? You did, apparently.

Did you change the block for me? New block.

So this is a collective statement? That's right.

Straight after the operation we came back here, we sit round the table If you don't mind me saying that sounds like What? A conspiracy? Well, I wasn't going to use that word Look if we had 12 uncorroborated separate statements, you know and I know, by the time it got to a court, a barrister, not to mention the press, would rip through the slightest discrepancy.

So this has all been agreed amongst you? It's to stop the blame beginning and ending with us.

I do understand but When you were collating the statements, was there any sort of discrepancy, as you call it? I've got an idea.

OK, proceed through the door.

Torch on.

Three rooms.

Clear them.

Aim at the body mass! What are you doing? Your orders were to clear the three rooms! I'm trying! Speed up, you need to be quicker! Aim for the target! OK, OK.

You just shot two of your own back up.

Did I? I'm sorry.

Who was standing by the door? Describe them.

Er, I don't know, it was a bit of a blur.

White? Black? Male? Female? A woman? Why? She had long hair.

There she is.


Man in headscarf.

That's why the unit sit round a table and make their statements together.

Clarifying the details.

It's not the, er, conspiracy people think.

With all this stuff, I don't know how anyone can clarify anything.

At least you didn't sh**t the woman holding the baby.


Though it wasn't a baby, it was a b*mb.


Can I ask you about the position of Melik Burak? Your officers state that he was by the bathroom.

And the forensic evidence seems to support that, but could you have been mistaken about his original position? If he had been anywhere else, somebody would have seen him.

Instead of being in his bedroom, as anticipated, Mr Burak was in the bathroom.

And he was carrying a g*n? It's the reason Rhys Allen shot him and why I later disarmed him.

According to your statements, no
-one actually saw Melik sh**t Nathan.

This unit has some of the best marksmen in the world.

If any one of them had seen Mr Burak aiming his g*n He would have been dead before he pulled the trigger.


I may have got this all wrong, I was so tired when I was doing it The angle from which Nathan was shot, I calculated, it's just not possible Mr Burak Couldn't he have leaned over the banister and shot him? That was my original thought, but as I'm sure all of you know, there would have been tattooing to Nathan's neck.

I must admit I don't understand it.

So you're saying it was one of us that shot him, is that it? No, no.

I just If it wasn't Melik, then But it was him.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything.

I just want to know, as I'm sure you do, who it was who shot your colleague.

We've told you who it was.

I'm sorry to interrupt, Inspector.

No, no, your colleague was just suggesting one of us was responsible for Nathan's death.

That's not That's exactly what you were And she may well be right.

I've done some tests at the firing range and at a distance not exceeding three metres, it is possible it was a soft
-nosed b*llet fired from one of your MP5s.

I can't believe you're doing this to us.

We're not doing anything, the evidence The evidence Who was standing at the top of the stairs? Superintendant Stickley? Dr Alexander.

This bloody thing just ate my money.

It's Mr Stickley, but you can call me anything you like, most people do.

That's what I like to see, subtle coercion resulting in complete surrender.

Dr Alexander? I'm not sure that your conclusions are correct.

You don't think that Nathan Wright was k*lled by his one of his own colleagues? On the contrary.

I think that Nathan Wright was shot not by one of his colleagues, but by two of them.

You think it was m*rder? More like a public assassination.

What's Mondo doing here? She and Professor Dalton were at university together.

Is that right? And do they have a funny handshake to go with it? It's all carbolic from here on in, you know.

You see, your findings have changed the course of this entire investigation.

From a national triumph to a complete and utter balls

Everyone from the Prime Minister down is frantically busy washing their hands of it.

Technically, it wasn't a lie.

On both suspects, there was evidence of expl*sives.

That was g*n residue from the Armed Response Unit's MP5s.

Well, they also told me that there were expl*sives and weapons at the house at Randal Road.

That's why I gave the order to go.

But you didn't check the evidence.

I'm surprised at you, Alice.

We go on trust, you know that.

They provided the information, which you didn't see, but it's your neck that's on the line.

That's like me standing up in court taking responsibility for a PM that I didn't perform.



This is Mr Stickley.

Professor Leo Dalton.



Investigating the m*rder of Nathan Wright.

m*rder, is it, now? If we're to believe the initial report, then yes, it is.

I've been told you're out to get a result on this, no matter what.

A public hanging, at the very least.

You see, folk are sick of armed officers running around sh**ting people, and not being held accountable.

That's the mission statement out of the way.

This is a w*r on terror, Edwin, and in any w*r, there are always unforeseen casualties.

Well, as my dear old dad used to say, the first casualty in any w*r is truth.

How exactly can we help you, Mr Stickley? I've read Dr Alexander's illuminating interim report.

And I was wondering
- when can I get my hands on the full
-fat version? Well, that That'll take at least a couple of days.

I've done most of it, I'm pretty sure I could complete it by tonight.

Even so though, it will go to the Coroner first.

A word of advice, if I may be so bold
- make sure you keep a copy, Professor.

You don't want to be misquoted, do you, now? We all need to watch our backs, Leo.

Oh, come on, Alice, I'm not a great believer in conspiracy theories.


But you might believe in experts being discredited in the press.

Names being taken off prestigious Home Office lists of forensic pathologists.

You were having dreams.

What time is it? You should have woke me up.

What happened, Rhys? Tell me the truth.

I won't tell anybody.

You had me fooled, all right.

Rhys? Rhys? What's that then? You and Emily.

What? HE CACKLES Let's move it now, boys and girls.

Nathan knew about us.

That night before he left, he said he knew about me and you and he was going to sort it out.

Why did you not tell me this before? What did he say, Rhys? What happened? Boom! You wind

Did you do it? I wouldn't blame you if you did How can you even think that of me? It's me or you, matey.

Did he try and sh**t at you? I know what he was like.

I've still got the bruises to prove it.

She can't have us both now, can she? You can't tell anyone about us, do you understand? Promise me.

I'm going to examine her teeth for their chemical make

And then hopefully identify a possible area of the world where those chemicals exist.

Put simply, we are what we eat and drink.

Or more exactly, we are where we eat and drink.

Our formative yearsare embedded in our teeth.

The analysis suggests that between the ages of six and nine she lived in Africa.

There's a high percentage of strontium, which excludes South and Eastern Africa.

You think she might be Nigerian? Thought you were from Peckham.


My father came to England from Nigeria in the early '60s.

Did you manage to analyse her bones? Er, yeah, for the last six to eight years she's lived in Britain.

Do you know where? South

London, possibly.

Erm, I'm thinking Clapham.

Streatham In fact you probably know that, er, that little estate, just off the! No! I do know that, er, she lived in the West Country in her late teens.

Perhaps that's where she went to college or university.


Who would have thought it! What's happened? The DNA research grant that we were about to receive has suddenly been withdrawn.

"Resources are being channelled elsewhere, a fuller explanation will be forthcoming.

" Do you think it has anything to do with this investigation? Does the Pope shit in the woods? Detective Inspector Tranfield.

We have just received news about the withdrawal of essential funds.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Your report
- I need you to delay sending it to the Coroner.

Why would I do that? We now have a positive ID on the unknown woman.

Oh, thanks for letting us know.

I'm having to deal with serious security threats to the capital on an hour
-hour basis.

Now, I appreciate how hard you're having to work but I think you'd rather be doing that than picking up bits of dead body.

All right, Adam, I'm sure we all appreciate the ongoing t*rror1st threat.

Are you concerned that our report will initiate a public inquiry? I don't want any details about this woman to leak out.

And with men like Stickley hanging round my neck, there's no guaranteeing anything.

How did you managed to identify her, if I may ask? American agencies were sent her details, they believe she's a key suspect with possible Al
-Qaeda connections.

It's in our best interests to keep her death under wraps.

Tranfield Why weren't you told about this? The holy w*r on terror
- it's like a juggernaut.

Well, I suggest we shut down the entire network.

What if I say no? What if I decide to send the report? Then that's your decision, Professor.

One you're going to have to live with.

According to your statement, you were in the sitting room.

That is correct, sir.

And you say that you heard a shot from upstairs on the landing No comment, sir.

Might you have any idea who fired that shot? No comment, sir.

And yet, upon hearing that shot, you emptied your MP5 into Jamie Rosencranz's head.

No comment, sir.

You were standing at the bottom of the stairs? That's correct, sir.

So what the hell were you sh**ting at if you didn't know who it was? I mean, were you just firing into the darkness, was that it? No comment, sir.

There was shouting, in a foreign language, and then there was a shot.

That's correct.

The shot which almost certainly k*lled your colleague, Nathan Wright.

As it says in my statement, I was making safe bedroom two.

the elite of the Armed Response Unit, walk into a house.

Three k*lled, one critically injured and not one of you
- not one of you
- saw who caused it.

Mmm? No comment, sir.

No comment, sir.

No comment, sir.


Where were you exactly? As it says in my statement, I was entering bedroom number one.

Can you show me, on the ground plan? So, to all intents and purposes, you were at the top of the stairs.

At one point or another everybody who went up the stairs was, at one time or another, at the top of the stairs.

-ha! But when the sh**ting started You ever gone into a house carrying a g*n, knowing you were likely to sh**t somebody? I like to do a timeline.

You know? Who did what, when they did it.

But The problem is, nobody can tell me who fired the first shot.

Which, er, is crucial according to Dr Alexander, because after the first shot, everybody went trigger happy.

Mmm? So, did you fire the first shot? No comment.

No comment.

What difference does it make? Well, if it was Mr Burak, then the officers in the sitting room were making a justifiable response to a legitimate t*rror1st threat.

Mmm? If, on the other hand it was you, settling some domestic dispute, then I didn't sh**t Nathan.

You're godfather to the little boy, aren't you? Little fella, what's his name? Alan.


Little Alan, yes.

You know, I wonder what little Alan will think when he's older and he discovers that the b*llet that k*lled his daddy came from your g*n.

That's not true! According to forensics.

Well, why don't you have me arrested, then? What for, m*rder? If you had the evidence, you would.

Oh, Dr Alexander has all the evidence we need.

She and her team are collating it as we speak.

Oh, I saw Emily.

Tell me Tell me, when did you two start, er? Hmm? Was it before the wedding? No? Afterwards.

Wetting the baby's head, were we? Can I ask you a question? It's about Nathan's g*n.

What about it? Did he fire it at all? Er, we're still working on the ballistics report.

Yeah, but you must know whether his g*n was fired or not.

As far as we know, your husband didn't fire his w*apon.

Do you need to sit down? I'm so sorry, Nathan.

I shouldn't have let you go.

Forgive me.

You don't think it was the t*rrorists that k*lled him, do you? You think it was one of the unit? I explained to Inspector King Did he tell you about the neck guard? Nathan hated wearing it, you know, with the respirator suit and everything, said it was like wearing a neck brace, you know, never big enough.

He was shot in the neck.

Yes So, who else knew he wasn't wearing the guard? You'd better come with me.

If you've got something to say, you can say it in front of everybody.

I'd rather do this in my office.

Police Sergeant Rhys Allen, I am officially informing you that until further notice, you are suspended from duty.

On what grounds, sir? On the grounds that you've been screwing Nathan's wife.

Leave it! Leave it! You really think I could k*ll Nathan?! No home to go to? The only time this woman took heroin in the last year was the night before she was k*lled.

Maybe she thought she'd give it a try.

Why? Why would a supposed Al
-Qaeda operative suddenly decide to inject herself with heroin, just hours before she was due to blow up Tower Bridge or whatever? It is complete bollocks.

A taste of paradise before the real thing? Didn't the 9/11 bombers go to a strip club in Daytona? The sex may not have been consensual.

I didn't know that.

You see? Tearing on the lining of the fourchette You think they got the wrong woman? Wrong house, wrong suspects, wrong bloody everything.

What do you want me to do with this report? We've already lost about a quarter of a million pounds of extra funding, what else can they do to us? Take it home, type it up and bloody well send it.

No! No, get off! Stop! Stop! Give it to me! No, please! No! unknown team tm
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