12x07 - Judgement 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x07 - Judgement 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Piss off!
- Sorry.



Thank you.

They've found him.

Harry Cunningham.

HE GROANS Sorry to ruin your Friday night.

For pathologists, this is fun.

Better put your crampons on.

DI Michael McKenzie, CID.

Harry Cunningham.

We found the dead man's driving licence on him.

Yitshok Yarden Rabutkin.

Part of a small Hasidic sect from Poland.

How do you know that? Well, each group has its own particular dress.

I know the community, liaison work, community officer.

He's a bit off his patch, isn't he? What's someone like him doing in a place like this? I was hoping you could tell me.

Can you turn him over, please? FLIES BUZZ Heavy bruising around the eyes.

Purging where gas has built up, causing body fluid to exit through the mouth.

The foxes have had a good nibble at his hands.

Whatever he was doing here, he's been here a while.

Any idea how long? These little fellows are usually quite reliable.

Has he been reported missing? No, we're still trying to trace the tip that brought us here.

What do you think the chances are that this was an accident? A fall from the bridge? It's possible.

That's the rabbi.

He's going to want to take the body today.

Today? No chance.

Well, can I tell him when? When we're finished.

Edie? Edie? How many people were in the bedroom when she disappeared? Just the four of us.

What about the other guests at your party? You don't remember anything about them? Come on, Mr Land.

Your flat, your party.

I'm not asking because I want to boost my friends list on Facebook.

Somebody died.

They were just friends of friends, mostly.

Professor Dalton? This is Margo Harris, the dead girl's sister, and Jake Burnett, Edie's boyfriend.

I've asked them to give you a basic account of what happened.


SHE VOMITS Don't worry.

It's perfectly normal.

You OK? So, were you two out on the terrace with Edie? No.

We were all together inside.

She said she didn't feel very well and went to get some air.

The rest of us just went back to the party.

Any idea what time was? It was about three in the morning.

OK, that's all, for now.


So, they didn't panic and dump their gear when they heard you were coming? Apparently, anyone at this party who took dr*gs or had access to them left long ago.

And nobody has a clue who they were.

All they'll tell me is that the girls were having one last fling before they went back to Oz.

Marking the end of a gap year.

Travelling has got a lot more glamorous than it was in my day.

Core liver temperature
- That's cold.

SPEAKS IN HEBREW Whatever you do, don't mention su1c1de, even if you think it's a possibility.

I held him as a baby.

I'm sorry.

Do you know when I'll be able to take him back? That depends on how the procedure goes and what we find out.

Can I at least take his clothes, his possessions? I'm afraid you can't take anything until we're finished.

There must be something you can do? Don't just cut him up, not until you know for sure that something suspicious happened.

I can't know that for sure unless I do the postmortem.

What about all your technology, all your machines? The idea of the postmortem is that I examine his injuries, really.

What if his family refuse? We don't need their permission, Rabbi.

So that's it? Forget how he lived, forget what he believed.

He's yours now and you'll do whatever you please with him! My nephew was a beautiful boy, Harry.

But he was a schlimazel
- accident prone.

And all I'm asking is, please don't desecrate his body till you've proved it wasn't that.

How about a dry postmortem? Put him through the CT scanner, external examination, but no incisions.

He was found in a culvert two miles from home.

I don't know why we're even discussing it.

It's our job to deal with people from different communities and be sensitive to their values.

It's also our job to find out exactly how he died and whether anyone else was involved.

Look, the family aren't point blank refusing a postmortem.

They're just asking if there's a more moderate initial procedure to establish if there's something I Doesn't sound unreasonable.

Why have one rule for one community and another for everyone else? The Hasids ARE different.

It'd be the first in this country.

Be a shame if someone else got that accoladeand wrote the article.

You really think I'm so vain I'd fall for that? No, no, but, er, I think you know a good challenge when you see one.

All right.

Tell the rabbi that if it really matters that much to him, I'll give it a go.

Once we get the body back, we'll receive visitors.

Until then, everyone will have to wait.

DI McKenzie this is my colleague, Doctor Alexander.

Given the slightly unorthodox nature of what we're doing, I have asked her to help us out.




Do you keep a mortuary pet in here? You could say that.

Give them a chance to grow, you can calculate their life cycle and get a good idea of time of death.

Since we're not doing a full postmortem, they'll be even more important.

Sadly, the only shops selling kosher cat food are in Israel and the US, so I've had to break their diet.

Don't worry, I won't tell the rabbi.


That's what he died of
- a massive brain haemorrhage.

Caused by the drop? He's got a fracture to the right cheek, fracture to the left cheek, fracture to the right temple.

That'd indicate something more like crushing.

Excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Just making medical history
- I didn't spot you(!) He also has got fractures to the lower ribs.

Looks like the 7th, 8th, 9th.

Sounds like a kicking.

Nikki, what do you think these are? Hmm, scratches from the vegetation? Rodent bites? Bit too even.

If you think it was a kicking, how come there's not more bruising? That depends on how soon before death the injuries occurred.

Bruising takes some time to form on the surface of the body, and when blood flow stops, the process is interrupted.

So those caused just before death from this .


Turn the lights off.

Jesus Christ.

Someone really wanted to hurt this boy.

Nikki, can you hold this, please? Lights.

What is it? I'd say it was from the boot of whoever did that.


Thank you, Harry.

What you did means a lot.





an awful lot to us.

It was nothing.

No, no, it was something believe me.

You'll have to mind the boxes.

I have a large family and we're short on space so I was building an extension.

Unfortunately, my neighbour reported me for exceeding the plans.

Everyone, this is Doctor Harry Cunningham.


And Detective Michael McKenzie.

They're here to help with what's happened to Yitshok.

This is my wife Miriam.

Welcome to our home.

How do you do? .


Oh, sorry.

Don't worry, don't worry.

These are my younger sons
- Shlomi, Moshe, Yossele.

Oh, and my daughters
- Suri, Devora and Leah.

She's always in trouble.

Do you have children? Sadly not.

Girlfriend? Wife? I amstill looking.

At your age? You'd better get on with it, Harry.

Because a life without family, it's not really a life at all.

Ah, This is my oldest, Binyomin.

Coming home from his studies, as always.

He's struggling because he knows in a minute, I'm going to try and tuck this back.

Tati? Noach? When will we get Yitshok's body back? As soon as we can.

We're in limbo, Harry.

Rabbi, we need to speak to Esther.

I was hoping maybe you could take us round.

Take you round? I'll take you upstairs to her room.

Where else would she be at a time like this? Eat.

Would you give me a moment? Sure.

(Was his wife wearing a wig?) Oh, yeah, yeah.

All married women wear them.

As I'm sure the rabbi explained, Dr Cunningham has been examining Yitshok's injuries.

Yes, er, we're not quite ready to return the body yet, I'm afraid, but, er, I'll do as soon as I can.

And we now know how he died.

Esther, we're pretty certain that Yitshok was m*rder*d.

Why? Do you think it was a hate crime? Well, it's obviously a possibility.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you about when you last saw Yitshok, and what he was doing.

The last time I saw Yitshok was last Saturday, when he left the house.

Last Saturday night.

The Saturday before last? Nine days ago? Yitshok had said he was intending to visit a rebbe in Manchester.

Esther thought he'd found a lift at the yeshiva and gone without telling her.

I came to the rabbi when he still wasn't back by the Tuesday.

Then we started asking around I was about to contact you when you called to say you'd found him.

And it would be normal for Yitshok to go to Manchester and get a lift without telling you? Of course.

Learning comes first.

Then everything else.

What time was it, when he left on Saturday? Around seven o'clock, in the evening.

And did he say where he was going? He said he was going to the beis medrash, like he always did.

To the study house.

To learn Torah.

How's Margo doing? Fragile.

Her mother's on her way, but her and Jake are taking it badly.

It's hardly the ideal gap
-year experience, is it? As for the rest of them at the party, I hope you won't need me to track them down.

I've got vague descriptions of Well, I won't need them to confirm cause of death.

These bruise
-like blotches on the knees and on the elbows
- textbook signs of hypothermia.

I checked the temperatures for that night.

With wind
-chill, it got down to less than two degrees.

Oh, Jesus! You could have warned me! Sorry.

So, to not wake up in that cold, she'd have to be on something pretty strong.

Test for everything.

She also has got bruising to her ankles .


and to her wrists here .


and a cut along here.

Some kind of as*ault? She definitely had sex .


within the last 24 hours.

So, at the party? But there's no bruising to the thigh and pelvis.

What bothers me is, it was a busy party.

Someone must have stepped out onto the terrace between three and five.

So why did no
-one give her a shake, check that she was OK? Maybe they did.

Fractures to the 4th, 5th and 6th ribs.

All within the anterior line.

Meaning? Somebody tried to save her life.

And what about the day before? Can you tell me what ground temperatures you've got recorded for the area then? Victorian red brindle.

The brick dust found under Yitshok's skin.

Came to prominence at the beginning of the 19th century.

OK, thank you.

Had the advantage of being cheap but as good
-looking as its pricier rival, the Victorian red buffer.

What a fascinating little brick.

As indeed are you.

Perhaps you'd prefer it if I retrained as a paramedic? Perhaps you'd prefer it if I retrained as one of your adoring 25
-olds? Little bit late for that, isn't it? What's this? While you were out, I managed to get a print off one of the bruises on Yitshok's face.


What's that in the middle? Presumably it's the brand of the boot.

It might be Eastern European, but we haven't traced it yet.

But you're sure about this place? Yeah, the school they knocked down was built from this red brindle, I called the council and cross
-checked ongoing planning applications.

This is the only place on both lists.

Any idea what they're building here? A block of flats and a Jewish cultural centre, apparently.

Hey! What the hell are you doing? This is private property! You in charge here? Sort of.

We're investigating possible links between this building site and the death of a local man.

It's Sunday, there's nobody here.

I'm just looking for a list of your employees.

I assume everybody who works here is fully registered? Yeah.


Maybe you could get me that list.

Is this your office? It's locked.

I can't get you in without my boss's permission.

I think you can.

Didn't you hear? There's nobody here, nobody for you to speak to.

There is someone here.

I saw them looking out.

- police! Police.

Nobody move! I want to see passports and work documents.

- dokumenty z pracy, OK? Hey, hey, hey! You stay where you are.

I haven't finished with you yet.



Come on, lads! Excuse me.

Come on, son, quick as you can.

Haven't got all day, come on.

Come on, lads! Michael? Who put this flag up here? I want to know who put this rag up here? Now, I'm asking a lot of questions getting very few answers I want to know who put this flag up here.

Do you speak English? Oi! Hey! Shit.

Argh! Bastard! BANGING ON DOOR Can I come in, Jake? Jesus Christ.

It's my flatmate's.

Jake, I'm looking into the possibility that your girlfriend collapsed at the party and someone tried to save her life.

You don't remember anything like that? No.

So, when Edie went out onto the terrace, she was OK? She wasn't about to pass out.

What had she taken? I'm not here to make a drug arrest.

She'd been drinking.

And I think she'd taken ecstasy.

Maybe some ketamine.

Anything else? Maybe some spliffs, some jellies.

A line or two.

And that wasn't enough to knock her out? She wasn't exactly a novice.

Did you have sex with her that night? No.

Are you serious? So, before she went out onto the terrace, she was with you? And when was the next time you saw her? In all that time, you didn't think to check she was OK? Why should I? She's a grown girl, isn't she? What? We haven't done anything wrong, OK? Just you remember that.

Gamma hydroxybutyrate, GHB.

Taken recreationally, apparently, it gives a warm, fuzzy high.

It's also a favourite date
-r*pe drug.

But I thought that broke down too fast in the body to be tested for? Well, it does, but she had raised levels of lactate so I went back and tested the swabs I took found the scene, found GHB.


It works on the respiratory system.

On top of everything else she took, it probably knocked her into a coma.

Which explains why she didn't feel the cold.

So, Danny, Jake and Margo go back to the party when Edie says she's going out for air.

Someone approaches her on the terrace, doses her and assaults her? Unless she took it herself and then went out.

PHONE RINGS Jenny Bright.

Danny Land, the man who owns the flat.

He was tried two years ago in Melbourne.

For sexual as*ault.

Ow! Harry, there's more bacteria in a human bite than a human rectum.

Oh, really, I didn't have time to find out, sadly.

Your nails could do with a clean.

Yeah, er, I'm sorry about that.

It's just that I've been chasing a n*zi Pole across some scrubland.

Why didn't you let McKenzie chase him? Because he'd shoved McKenzie out of the way.

Oh, my God, look at this.

What is it? It's from McKenzie.

It's what they found on the SIM card.

Is this why you were running away? Aleksy? I knew what you'd think.

You saw the banner, you see that.

You think I want to k*ll Jews.

recognise anybody you know? It was a joke, our revenge for the way we are treated on site.

I met your gangmaster.

He didn't seem very Jewish to me.

He's nobody.

But his bosses and all the money is from Israel, and they treat us like shit.

So you thought you'd beat one of them to death? I didn't k*ll anybody! Not you personally, is that what you mean? He shouted at us.

We were playing around, having fun.

I'm struggling to see his amusement.

That's because you're not a qualified engineer, working for £5 an hour, while the yeshiva boys read Torah and get benefits.

That's your excuse, is it? No, that's my life.

"You dumb Pole, come here, lift these bricks, shut up, sleep on the floor.

" I come here to find good work.

Instead, I open my mouth while these people piss in it and smile like it's delicious.

arrested for r*cist chanting at the Germany World Cup.

suspicion of a r*cist attack.

setting up a neo
-fascist website.

I was never charged.

You are a member of one of the most r*cist, anti
-Semitic football firms on this planet.

You have been wreaking havoc on these people for years, so spare me the victimised immigrant crap! I follow a football team! The same one as my dad.

But I'm not a n*zi, and I have nothing to do with this! Yitshok Rabutkin had 260 different boot marks on his body.

He had 13 broken bones, a fractured skull the size of the Thames estuary and the dirt we found on his face came from your building site.

As I said, a lot people don't like the Jews.

You just tell me when this fight took place.

I can't remember.

The SIM is dated.

Then why ask? Because I want to hear you admit that it took place last Saturday night, the same night Yitzhak Rabutkin was k*lled.

That didn't happen last Saturday night.

The SIM is dated early hours, after midnight.

Not Saturday night! The footage was dark and it said Saturday.

I didn't think to check.

Now I've got 12 hours to charge him or let him go.

This is a larva five days after being laid.

These are the larvae we picked off Yitshok.

They look the same but Are you saying he was only dead for five days before we found the body? No,, that's what I thought.

But I checked the temperatures.

A cold snap affected their development.

When did he die? In the early hours of the Saturday morning.

Which matches the timing of the attack filmed on the phone.

It doesn't match the time Esther said he left.

According to her, he didn't leave until Saturday evening.

So, unless I get a confirmed time of death, I'm not going to be able to prove anything? Sorry.

There is always a margin of error with maggots and larvae.

How big? About ten hours.

If you want an exact time of death, I can get you one but I have got to cut him open.



You think the rabbi's strict, you should try talking to that lot.

They study at the new Yeshiva.


HUM OF VOICES HUM OF VOICES Actually, er, just, just wait here a second.

Come in.

You're the one, aren't you? You're the pathologist who wanted to dice Yitshok up to tell us all what happened? Er Do you know what a mensch is, Mr Pathologist? Er It's agood person, isn't it? Yitshok was the only mensch here.

Do whatever you need to find out the truth.

Harry? Yeah? The rabbi wants us to explain to Esther what we're going to do.

Hey! I have been here for hours! I didn't k*ll anybody! I didn't do anything.



He's asking me why the funny
-looking men are back.

We're here to help.

Suri, get some plates for our guests.

You are very kind but no thank you.


We don't want to bother you any more than, um Sorry, does, does Esther keep one of these meal plans? She does, yes.

Where is she? She won't eat.

She's upstairs.

You remember Detective McKenzie and Doctor Cunningham? Hello again, Esther.

Why are they back? The police have a suspect for your husband's death but, um, there are some questions we can't answer unless we do a full postmortem.

You said it wasn't necessary.

I hoped it wasn't necessary.

Unfortunately there are some issues.

Like? If we're going to have any chance of charging our suspect, we need to know when Yitshok died.

What if I say no? What if I don't want you to do it? Explain to them that I don't want them to go ahead with this.

Esther, it's not that simple.

No, I don't want it.

OK? We are in luck.

There's still something in the stomach.

I've worked out what these indentations are.

Ante or perimortem Perimortem? Very close to time of death.


Do you think he was held down? Could be.

Can you get anything off that? I might be able to get DNA, skin cells or something from the attacker.

That's good news.

Esther's lying.

What do you mean? The woman's lying.

According to this, she cooked soup and dumplings for Shabbos supper.

We'll have to get it tested but to me that looks dumpling

So how long after eating this did he die? Two, three hours, maximum.

So, Danny, you're not denying that you slept with Edie that night? No.

Why should I? Maybe because her boyfriend was there? So, you're asking me to believe that Edie had consensual sex with you at the same party Jake was at? Why not? Same again the other side.

What time did you have sex? Maybe around one in the morning? And then, you, Edie, Margo and Jake just hung out together, in the same room? Uh

What sort of state was Edie in when you slept with her? Fine.

She was a bit high, but she was fine.

Danny, did you give her GHB? Why would I need to give her GHB? You don't work for a living, do you? Your father's companies.

What are you trying to say? I'm suggesting that your take on things might not be everyone else's.

Melbourne University, 2004? The court accepted that that was consensual sex.

That was consensual and Edie was consensual? Edie was consensual.

How do you know? How do I know? Because I paid for it.

I don't know what you've heard about Edie, but between me and her it was a straightforward deal.

I offered her money and she accepted it.

What are you saying? We've done the postmortem and we now have evidence that Yitshok died on Friday night or the early hours of Saturday morning but not on Saturday night.

That's impossible.

Esther? It was the Sabbath.

And Yitshok called.

He said they weren't coming here for Shabbat supper because the baby wasn't well.

Rabbi, we know that Yitshok had supper at home on Friday night, but, er, forgive me, the digestive evidence proves that it was his last meal.


So what happened after dinner that Friday? When did he go out? Esther, the police have phone footage of the fight in which Yitshok was probably k*lled, taken on Friday night.

That's not possible.

You said you were doing this postmortem to help us! We were.

Then why do you accuse my niece of lying? Because we know she is.

Do you believe that? Yes.

You wanted this all along.

Rabbi? You pretended to understand us so you can talk your way into our home.

The man who m*rder*d her husband is going to walk unless she tells the truth! I have told you the truth! We were both in.

And he didn't leave for the bes medresh until the next day, Saturday! Now, if there's nothing else, I'd like to get my husband's body back, so I can bury him and mourn him.

I could have told you this.

I could have told you that if you tried to compromise, this is what would happen.

See you later, my friend.

DOOR LOCK BUZZES Harry? Harry, I've found something.

I thought I'd look for cells around those indentations, before they took the body.

These are skin cells from Yitshok.

Mmm hmm.

And these are a tiny number of corrupted cells that I found in the indentations of his hand but nowhere else.

Do you know what they are? No, but it must be something we can identify if we could find more of it to test.

We should swab his clothes and belongings, don't you think? Can you pass me some tweezers? THEY PRAY What are you doing here? We found this sewn into Yitshok's satchel.

Do you know what it is? It's a page of scripture and it seems to be some sort of a code.

Any idea what it means? No.

But I know somebody who might.

Oh, no you don't.

Hello, Chaim.


You never cease to disappoint, do you? I have a little job for you.

Mmm hmm? You forget.

I'm a very poor student.


Let's try this another way.

Empty your pockets.

I said empty your pockets, Chaim.

All right.

Come on, arms out.

All right.

Any more? Good.

Now maybe you'd like to tell me what that page says? It's a passage from the scriptures.

And a code for interpreting it.

Which passage? You want me to call your parents and tell them I caught you with this? Do you know what it's like for me? Every time I see someone doing something I'm not allowed.

Everything I see
- going to a party, surfing the net.

They're a sin, something I'll get sent to the rabbi about.

Not just today but for the rest of my life.

OK, all right, spare me, please.

Just tell me what the passage is? It's the story of Jonathan and David.

Jonathan and David? It's the Book of Samuel.

Got any gum, Mr Pathologist? Chewing gum? It's pig fat
- totally osoor.

No, keep it.

Got it.

DOOR SLAMS "And when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was joined with the soul of David, and Jonathan "loved him as he did his own soul.

"Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.

" Is this the passage? What does it mean? You need me to spell it out? Chaim? Where I come from, it's not the sort of thing that you talk about.

What do you think happened? When we met the other day at the school, you said to me that you wanted me to do whatever I had to do to find out what happened to him.

I've told you everything you wanted to know.

If you're not going to charge me, I'd like to go home.

You could come to my place? What do you mean it's not so nice? Is that a promise? I'm going to have to call you back.


OK, bye.

Margo? I want to see my sister.

I'm not sure if that's a good idea? Do you want to come through? That policewoman came to find me at Jake's flat.

She asked me if my sister was a prost*tute.

Do you want to take a chair? Or if she could have been drugged and att*cked by Danny Land.

She's pursuing those lines of inquiry.

I want to see my sister's body.

I want to see why she said those things.

I can show you Edie's body, but I don't think it'll make you feel any better.

I admit we were skint.

I admit that's part of why we hung out with Danny.

Why did he think that you hung out with him? I don't know.

He just had this huge crush on Edie.

She had to hide it from Jake.

He kept buying her things and taking her out.

We had nothing, so she wasn't going to turn him down.

That doesn't make her a prost*tute.

It doesn't mean he would have treated her like that, does it? What do you think? All I know is, I thought we were having a good time.

Maybe I'd gone crazy, but everything we were doing just seemedfun.

Margo, what did you all do at that party? What happened before Edie went out to get some fresh air.


We were just chatting together.

You and Jake, Danny and Edie? What? How are you supposed to remember everything that happens? Just tell me what you do remember.

I remember Edie flirting with Danny.

I was talking to Jake, so I wasn't paying much attention.

I thought they'd gone to dance or do a line.

I didn't think anything of it
- it couldn't have been more than five minutes.

But you saw her after this before she went out to get some air? Yes! And she was fine.

She hadn't taken GHB.

She hadn't taken anything that could have knocked her out.

The odds are in a way, everybody's right.

To Danny, it was consensual because he thought his terms were clear.

To Margo, it was a harmless flirtation her sister was using, but to Jenny Bright, it was coercive because Edie's consent was not emotional.

What about Edie? Who knows.

It's possible it turned out to be other than she expected, but it's equally possible that she was fine and knew exactly what was involved.

Either way, I think you and Bright are wrong to fixate over her having slept with Danny.

Leo, spoons? Oh, right.

It may not be very nice sleeping with someone other than your boyfriend, but it's not illegal and it certainly isn't fatal.

She had bruises on her wrists and ankles.

Her boyfriend was in the same flat.

If she felt under some obligation to Danny, why did she have to do it there? Maybe she felt safer? Maybe she thought he wouldn't mind.

These girls are travelling.

They're free from the old
-fashioned morality you're trying to impose on them.

-fashioned morality"? You know what I mean.

Leo? How much longer are you going to keep carrying that sad little overnight bag around? Call me old fashioned but what was going on with those kids doesn't feel like consensual sex to me.

It feels like somebody was covering something up.

DISTANT SIRENS WAIL Esther, as far as you know, did Yitshok have another side to his life? What is it you are trying to ask? We found this sewn inside his bag.

Esther? You can't do this.

You can't ruin him like this.

He's already dead! Is this is what we think it is? Esther? He used to tell me that he would never do anything about it.

He said they were only feelings and that he would never act on them.

And this is why you lied to us about whether Yitshok was in with you all night? Esther? I was ashamed! But we have to find out what happened to him.

Nobody warned me! When we were matched, nobody warned me that he would have these feelings and that he would t*rture me with them! Did you know about this? I knew the boy had problems, yes, but from what little I saw, he was OK, he was in control.

You had a responsibility to tell the police anything significant about Yitshok.

That was private information.

Will you listen to me? You asked me to compromise my professional approach and I did.

I respected your wishes, and, yet, you accused me of tricking you when you knew there was a reason he might have been out that night.

You don't think he was out for that? You know where he was found! OK, all right, all right.

So, Esther what really happened was that Yitshok phoned the rabbi and told him that you weren't going round to his house for supper because of the baby.

Then he left you and went out.

Right? So where was he going? I didn't ask.

I never asked.

I knew he'd just lie.

I just prayed he wouldn't be discovered.

Chaim? Where have you been all night? At the bes medresh.

Are you lying to me? Have you been messing around with dr*gs? I was at the study house.

I've got a ferher with the rabbi in a week! Hello, Margo.

Mind telling me what you've been saying to the police? Nothing.

Why did I get a visit from a cop accusing me of raping your sister? I didn't tell them anything, Danny, I promise.

What was our deal? What was our deal?! That everyone would stick to the story.

And I advise you to keep your end of it.

DOOR LOCK BUZZES Harry? I just had a phone call from a very distressed Rabbi Marowski.

He wouldn't be distressed if he'd been more forthcoming.

You're dealing with a delicate community.

We can't help what we find, isn't that what you always say? Yes? I've extracted low copy DNA.

We can get a partial profile.


I finally worked out what those corrupted cells are.

What? I'll call McKenzie.

I persuaded her to get some sleep.

Did Yitshok really talk to you about this? He came to me about six months ago, to say that he was struggling.

So is there a chance they're right? That's why he was out and he was beaten for it? Of course they're not right! Yitshok had problems, but that doesn't mean he was out looking for sex! So, what was he doing, out on a Friday when he knew nobody would see? Is this true? You know how quickly this'll get out? Binyomin, please have some compassion in your heart.

Compassion? Because Yitshok couldn't control himself, we'll all be tarnished.

Your cousin has died.

Don't you know what people will think of us? I've had enough of carrying around other people's shame, dealing with other people's weakness! Jestesmy gotowy? Don't worry.

It'll be OK.

Chaim? Chaim? There's someone on the phone for you, from the Yeshiva.


Have you been getting calls? Yep.

The rabbi's been telling me it's years of community work blown out of the water.

We might not regain the community's trust.

I don't think he'll like what we're about to tell you.

Apparently, amongst some Hasidim, it's tradition to hold a dying person's hand at the moment that the soul leaves the body.

So? Did you track down the anonymous caller, the person who found him? Yeah, it was a prost*tute.

She took a client up there but, well, she's nothing to do with it.

I've identified something in the extraneous skin cells that we found near those indentations.

Remember? Mm

It's called Gaucher's Disease.

It's a lysosomal disorder.

It's particularly prevalent within the Ashkenazi Jewish community.

Heh! No way, no way.

We cannot base evidence on a so
-called Jewish Disease! I'm just stating a medical fact.

Someone may have stayed with Yitshok, and maybe, however warped, we have a k*ller who felt compelled to be observant.

No, no way.

No way! You realise that these people, Hasidic people, don't k*ll each other? I mean, the very, the very idea of m*rder is abhorrent to them.

I mean There has been one
- right, in the community since 1948.

So I was coming down the main road.

Just as I hit the bend It just came running out! I didn't see anything until I heard the bang on the van.

And there he was, there just lying in the road.

He's dead, isn't he?! Oh, God, I've k*lled him.

He didn't give me a chance!
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