12x09 - The Lost Child 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x09 - The Lost Child 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Michael! Michael, wait for me! Aagh! Please! Aagh! Don't leave me! Michael! Don't leave me! Michael! Michael! Michael! Is the building going to flood again, Noel? Not on my watch.

You are the Special One.

Ah, if you only knew how special.

Oh, Headmaster.

I was just on my way to see you We'll have to walk and talk, Roger.

I'm on a mission.

- a Governor in school on a Wednesday morning.

A pat on the back or a P45? Come on, Noel! It's league
-table day.

So have we dragged this relegation perennial out of the Vauxhall Conference yet? That's why I get the big bucks
- results that look good on PowerPoint.

We're third in the borough.

That triggers my bonus, doesn't it, Rog? You'd do well to be nervous.

If I don't get funding for the IT block, I might head for more hallowed turf.

I fancy those city academies Jason! Find out what Shagger Nolan's doing and tell him to stop it.

Yes, sir.

It's backed up to the playground.

I told you the drainage wasn't fit for purpose, it needs replacing.

I'll apply to Children in Need.

Now out the way, before we're knee deep in this crap.

Do you want any help? No, I'll get it.

It's called getting your hands dirty, Jackie.

You should try it sometime.

There we go.

Oh! Get them out of here now! Quiet, isn't it? They must be in shock.

Paedos, was it? I beg your pardon? Paedos k*lled the Year Seven? That's what they say.

I don't know what you mean.

You're not Feds, are you? If you're a doctor, I've got some bad news.

You're a bit late.

You're right.

Deeply traumatised.

Nice place to put him.

A headmaster with a taste for theatrics.

The headmaster moved the body? There goes the crime scene.

He could hardly leave him in the playground.

Any ID on him? Michael Edwards, 12 years old.

Moved here with his mother from Sri Lanka a few years ago.

Ends up in a drainage ditch.

Welcome to Britain.

Any witnesses? Last seen leaving school yesterday afternoon at 4.

Did he drown or was he helped? It would be good to know what sort of hysteria I'll be dealing with.

I've got two of my own at this school.

He's beautiful, isn't he? Can you just keep some distance, please? Hey, you're contaminating evidence! Hey! That's not evidence! Who let this guy through? He's my son! You need to come with me, Mr Edwards.

I'm going to take him home.

We need to find out what happened to your son.

He's dead.

That's what happened! I'm so sorry, Danny.

I found him.

I'm sorry.

Come with me, come on.

We'll go and sit down somewhere, come on.

Don't let them take him, Noel.

I know.

Not my beautiful boy.

It's OK, it's OK, it's OK.

Mr Hopkins.

You don't remember me, do you? Nicola Alexander.

Nikki, wasn't it? With two Ks and a heart above the "I"? I remember everyone.

Think how upset you'd be if I didn't.

No reason why you would remember.

I was 15.

You only taught me for a year.

Ah, but what a year.

Ripped untimely from your pony
-club private school in South Africa.

Your mother died, didn't she, landing you in the boggiest of bog
-standard comps.

Big year for me too.

My first divorce.

Not that I can blame you for that, Doctor Alexander This must be very hard for you.

Why? He wasn't my child.

It's not the first.

A girl committed su1c1de my first year as a teacher.

Then there's always the leukaemia Children are easily broken.

You were good at seeing the ones who needed putting back together.

Ah, Nikki.

Do you still play with your nails? I'm beginning to think you are Superman, Headmaster.

Just trying to help.


You're everywhere.

Calming nerves, helping the search My two are crazy about him.

They think he's Bono.

I've been following up Daniel Edwards' story.

His story? Mr Edwards said Michael was at a boy, Jeremy's house last night.

But Jeremy's family say he wasn't there.

Your register shows 27 children absent today.

14 phoned in, we've located a further ten.

That leaves three we haven't tracked down.

This isn't Hogwarts, Mrs Gallagher.

I had ten of the little wizards round for a birthday party.

You think there might be other children involved? Some sort of bullying? This is probably just a tragic and statistically predictable accident.

But right now I don't know where he entered the water, who was with him, and why he was wearing only his Primark undies.

The body is that of a consistent with the stated age.

He has been identified to us by DCI Gallagher as Michael Edwards.

The body's weight is 48kg.

Height, 165 centimetres.

The skin has a dark complexion consistent with southeast Asian origin.

The body is intact and appears to be well

Aagh! There's a froth cone in the airway.

He was alive when he entered the water.

So he did drown.

Was he helped on the way? There's no obvious bruising to the head or the upper torso to suggest he was held underwater.

It could've been an accident? His feet are badly cut.

Look at the distribution and depth of the laceration.

He was running barefoot? The lacerations are deep.

It must've been painful.

He was running away from someone.

There is further bruising.

Where? Upper thighs.

And the genital and a**l area.

The injuries appear to be recent.

He was abused? You're sure? I'll have to do an internal examination, but There are still three unaccounted for.

Two of them are from Year Seven.

That's the same year as the dead boy.

It's Wednesday.

Healthy Eating Day in the cafeteria tends to see a spike in absenteeism.

Do you think we should send them home? They'd be better off with their parents.

Have you met their parents? KNOCK AT DOOR Oh Sorry, Noel.

One of the girls saw Michael leaving school yesterday with another boy.

They were heading towards Colne Woods.

There's another boy missing.

Liam Neill.

12 years old.

He was with Michael.

I want a three
-mile perimeter grid around the school.

We're going to need POLSA teams.

- 30 officers door to door So these boys were abducted? Or they agreed to meet someone.

They're waiting at the missing boy's house.

I want Dr Alexander to come with you and Dr Cunningham to go the Edwards' house.

You think we'll find bodies under the floorboards? There's time for a m*rder investigation.

There's a boy out there.

We can help you find him.

We've just started looking at Michael's body.

It can tell us things.

It could've been in the river all night.

You won't find much evidence.

It's a mine of information.

Food and drink in the stomach, air in the lungs, dust, pollen, trace elements in the major organs.

Sure you want to do it? I can finish up.


If we rule out what came from the houses and the boys, we might find evidence of where they were, who with
- might lead you to the lost boy.

Michael's the only witness you've got.

No signs of older abuse? No scarring
- what do you know about the family? Danny Edwards works for a children's charity.

Met the mother while working in Sri Lanka.

He brought her and the boy back here in 2002.


So 20% are strangers.

I don't know what's worse.

I tell my kids, "Never talk to strangersor people you know.

" Liam lives with his uncle, Francis Neill.

Neighbours say they haven't seen Francis in days.

He's away on a job, they think.

He works building sites.

He just leaves him on his own? A 12
-old boy? I've spoken to the boy's parents.

They said there were no plans for Michael to stay over.

He's a good boy, he's not a liar.

But he told you he was staying at Jeremy Holt's house.

Did you not check? I lost the number.

Michael knows to call if there's a problem.

Landlord lives upstairs.

Says they moved in last July.

They keep to themselves, apparently.

The house that time forgot.

Dr Alexander? Not married then.

Plenty of samples for you, though.

You could grow a whole biosphere off that floor.

Hell of a place to bring up a child.

Where's the boy's room? This is the only bedroom.

And neither the boy nor Francis Neill are listed at this address.

It could be a false name.

The computer's missing.

Check the bins.

The rest of the boy's clothes have been removed.

No sign of the boy.

No sign of the uncle.

You think Francis Neill abducted the boys? He uses Liam to lure Michael Edwards.

Michael gets away, but dies trying to get across the river.

Francis Neill takes Liam and his stuff, clears out.

They could be anywhere by now.

Michael had been drinking.

He's got alcohol in his stomach.

A lot of it.

I don't think he got it here.

The parents are teetotal.

It's the devil's sweat, apparently.

They've got separate bedrooms.

They say it keeps the magic alive.

Hang on a moment.

The stepfather's on Fluvoxamine.

Separate bedrooms? I'd be depressed.

It can also be used to suppress libido.

And other impure urges.

What's that? I'll have to call you back.

It's Fluvoxamine, it's a psychoactive drug.

Do you know why your husband was taking this? Not even aspirin.

We're trying to find out who hurt your son He was never HIS son.

You understand, don't you? I'm simply asking you if you know who this exercise book belongs to? You know who.

The bloody name's on the front.

It was in the boot of your car.

I gave him a lift home.

When? Once, twice
- I don't know.

He was always the last at school, his uncle was always late to collect him.

I felt sorry for him.

Can you tell me what he's like? So does your uncle take you to church, Liam? He was strange.

I didn't like him.

What do you want? Are you sure you need a hair sample? We need to know if this hair belongs to Liam or his abductor.

Gallagher thinks Liam's uncle may have taken the boys.

Christ! How did his teachers not know he was living like this? Well, if the uncle's a suspect, we need to differentiate between his DNA and the boy's.

Is there anything that might have skin cells on it? Hang on.

Nikki? Yeah, I'm still here.

What is it? It's make

Well, is there a woman living there? No woman lives here.

Where's his mother? How did this happen? No place for a child this, is it? I'm sorry, you're not supposed to be in here.

This is a crime scene.

I told them I'd never seen no boy here.

I'd have noticed.

Found something interesting? You really shouldn't be in here.

Have you got kids? Precious, aren't they? Children.

I've got three.

Course they're all grown up now.

But you never forget your childhood, do you? Is my system set up yet? It's set up over there, ma'am.

I need you to keep this scene clean.

OK? Will do.

We ran the fingerprints from the flat.

There's a match.

The uncle? Francis Neill? Francis Neill is an alias.

The prints are in the name Edward Stokes.

Sexual offences.

Children? I don't know yet.

They're sending the file now.

Do you think this could be some sort of ring? What? Michael's father? There's nothing on him here.

I want to contact Sri Lanka.

Ah! Edward Stokes.

Convicted of child sex offences, 1982.

the uncle was in his twenties.


That's not the uncle.

Like football, do you? I saw you looking at it.

I put that up.

Greatest team ever.

Clever little girl, aren't you? What you doing? What's going on?! Edward Stokes, I'm arresting you on suspicion of abduction Get off! .


and unlawful sexual as*ault! Let go of me! Where is Liam? This is harassment.

I paid my debt years ago.

Are you OK? Did he hit you? No.

The boy forgave me.

You were meant to stay away from children.

I told you.

I never seen no boy here.

Tear this place apart.

And make a start on that garden.

Are you all right? I think you'd better look at these.

That's Liam, isn't it? This landlord and the uncle.

If they're even related.

We should be able to tell from the DNA.

How have they been getting away with this? Liam has no school records before September.

No medical records.

Certainly not under that name.

It's as if he doesn't exist.

Officially, he doesn't.

It wouldn't be the first time.

Often they're trafficked children.

It's shockingly easy for a child to be taken out of the system.

A changed name, no records.

They simply vanish.

They're used as domestic slaves, playthings.

They may never show up.

No child, no crime.


It's not unusual methodology for a paedophile to use one child to groom another.

Francis Neill will be panicking by now.

Cut off from the validation of his associates.

He'll be tempted to cover his tracks, destroy the evidence? At the risk of stating the bloody obvious The boy's dead.

Right? Your best hope for life is that he's being held by what we call a "sadistic paedophile".

That's the hope? They get off on the distress of the victim and the family.

Believe me, you'd prefer your child to be dead.

Look at him.

The grand inquisitor.

He's an expert.

He's worked with the Child Exploitation Agency.

He could be helpful.

They see abuse everywhere.

Once that word enters the front door, rational thought leaves by the window.

I've seen it.

You still think there's an innocent explanation? Who said anything about innocence? Not all 12
-olds are as innocent as you were, Nikki.

KNOCK AT DOOR Mr Hopkins, this is DCI Powell.


I remember.


Mr Powell came to warn our Year Nines that their 14
-old chat
-buddy might be a middle
-aged warehouse manager from Billericay.

We've been monitoring this school district since last year.

Monitoring what? Internet traffic.

Chat room grooming.

Illegal images.

A lot of activity recently.

There's nothing virtual about what happened here.

I pulled the boy out of the drainage ditch myself.

Nothing happens online that doesn't happen in the real world, Mr Hopkins.

I'd like to interview his classmates, his teachers, head of year.

Are you asking? If you are, I'd say they've been through enough today.

But you're not asking, are you? Liam doesn't really say much.

He just sits at the back.

Hangs out with the other losers.

I don't think Liam had many friends.

He said he'd lived in Bristol.

I don't think he has much money.

His shoes are cheap.

-stall Nikes.

I don't know what I can say to help you.

He wasn't exceptional.

You don't give those ones much attention.

Not like the brainy ones or the crazy ones.

He was quiet, must've been.

To be honest, I had to check the register to make sure he was one of mine.

I want a full tox screen and histology on this.

The same with all the blood samples.

Liam's your type isn't he, Eddie? A boy, the right age as well.

Where do you take them? Where do you do your little photo sh**t? Is it some sort of lock
-up? What photos? He looks mature for his age, doesn't he? Looks legal.

Nice work.

Good lighting.

You took these pictures, you sick bastard! You know I'm in the clear yesterday.

I know you've checked.

I was with my sister in Watford.

We're going to need a DNA sample.


I know all about that.

What, from your other friends on the sex register? So, Eddie, why don't you talk me through theses pictures, hmm? Powell had those pictures checked against Childbase, there are thousands more of him online.

So it was Liam? This has been going on for at least two years.

No crime in looking, is there, Eddie? I don't know how he does it.

some hairy DS in there to beat the shit out of the bastard.

Would it help? It would help me.

Nobody gets punished for this, do they, Eddie? So what's wrong with looking at these sort of pictures? Nothing to say? Nothing from Stokes? No.

They've been taking the whole building apart.

There's no sign Michael was ever there.

They must have been held elsewhere.

All they've got to go on is what we can find on the body.

Those pictures, Harry.

Liam's still out there.

Until he comes through those doors, we have to focus on finding him.

What can he be like? Even if we do find him.

He's lost, isn't he? Hi.

Genetically modifying your tomato plants again? Glabra Ulmus.

In my day, you could not do a medical degree without Latin.

In your day, the patients spoke it.

Wych Elm.

Not much around since Dutch Elm Disease in the '80s.

I found traces of leaf mulch in the water from Michael's nasal passages, and it might indicate where he entered the water.

Three areas on the River Colne, here, here and here.

They're all upstream from the school.

There's also phytoplankton in the pulmonary air sacs.

Cocconeis mainly collect in areas of still freshwater, which suggests that the body passed through a kind of a bend in the river.

Which one? East Mill.

I think the body passed through here and I think that Michael entered the water, or may have done, there.

The abrasions to his legs and feet suggest he'd been running for quite some time.

Given his age and the freezing temperature, I would suggest that we have an area of two miles.

It's just a guess.

It's a start.

Oh, something else.

There's damage to the liver.

I've sent off a sample for analysis, but it appears to be some kind of a toxic substance.

Did it contribute to his death? It's minimal.

No remote signs of hepatic disease.

Nothing from the boys' houses to explain it.

Was he exposed to it in Sri Lanka? I don't know about their environmental controls.

Probably not different from ours in the '60s, when that school was built.

Polonium in the science labs? It could be anything.

Rat poison, dodgy insulation in the older buildings.

I'm going down there, why don't I take a look? She has a crush on the headmaster.

It's to do with authority figures.

I know him.

You know him? He was my science teacher.

He's probably the reason I'm here now.

I don't think anything's poisoning these kids, apart from the toxins they jack up on behind the toilet block.

How did he slip under the radar like this? I used to know all of you.

Now I couldn't have picked Liam Neill out from a crowd.

You have got a thousand children.

Are you trying to make me feel better, Dr Alexander? I'm saying you can't be everywhere.

You can't control what happens to them.

I see this stuff every day, the things people do to each other.

And what does that do to you? Oh, I see.

You're assuming because I'm a pathologist, I must be morbid, cynical? No.

I just think it's a good job for a cynic.

The live ones can let you down, right? The pathologist who can't cope with the living? Spare me the cliches.

She really let you down, didn't she, your mum? Dying like that.

And your father, well You knew he was a fraud before anyone.

I dealt with it.


By running away from school, as I recall.


I'm used to this.

People don't really like us lot around.

It suggests they've failed.

Look at you know.

Ten hours a day in a Home Office morgue.

No children, no husband.

What are you now? Early thirties? Are you still running away, Nikki? You don't really like adults much, do you, Mr Hopkins? Adults are fixed.

They're not gonna change.


I never really learned to speak their language.

You did.

MOBILE RINGS Liam won't be yours until he's on the slab.

Whilst he's out there, he is still my boy.

Your boy? Dr Alexander? What do you think? 22cm.

Size is a match.

We'll take a cast.

There's another print.

A child's trainers.

A different size to Michael's.

Liam? It's only a partial print.

That's because somebody's made an attempt to cover it up.

So Liam nearly got away? Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! Professor Dalton was spot on.

Liam's here somewhere.

Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam! This is Liam Neill.

Liam is 12 years old.

He was last seen wearing a Raynton Secondary School uniform.

He's been missing now for 24 hours.

He's a cool customer.

He'll have been told not to show any emotion.

Some abductors get a kick out of that stuff.

How long until he's charged? Come on The tearful boyfriend, the distraught stepfather, the concerned neighbour
- the next day in handcuffs.

You know they get them to do these appeals to see how they react.

Make them think they are in the clear.

What do you think he's done? Go on.

Well I was just joking, Nikki.

Not very funny.

What about the stepfather? He's going out with the search teams to help look for Liam, so he must be guilty too.

Who do you think it was? You can normally smell a rat at 50 paces.

Can I? What's your point? I'm not making a point.

I'm saying you're good at your job.

It's a compliment.



570 980.

Nikki?! Thank you.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

You did very well on the television.

We were watching you.

I've been talking to the students and teachers.

They've been very helpful.

Very articulate.

Clearly, all I've heard about your school's true.


There is one piece of information I'd like to discuss with you.

One of the Year Seven boys, Jeremy Holt.

He was friendly with And Liam Neill.

Jeremy referred to an incident involving himself and Liam.

He thought we already knew about it.

He thought that's why we wanted to speak to him.

I vaguely recall.

It was in the changing rooms.

It was nothing.

Oh, it didn't sound like nothing to me.

Did you consider reporting it? Reporting it? Are you joking? What are you? The Stasi? If I reported every bit of sexual experimentation between my pupils Did you discuss it with them? Did you know that Liam told Jeremy that what they were doing in the changing room was exactly what his uncle and grandfather did to him? I didn't know that, no.


We're assuming that the "grandfather" was this man, Stokes.

A convicted sex offender.

Do you recognise him? No.

According to the school records, Liam's Uncle Francis came to see you last summer to arrange a place for his nephew.

If you say so.

Weren't you suspicious? He had no previous school records.

No medical history.

We tend to get a lot of last
-minute applicants.

This school serves a very mixed community, migrant workers, asylum seekers Records, if they can be found, sometimes take a year to show up.

I'm not going to exclude a child just because I don't have his Year Six report.

It seems no
-one else at the school met Francis Neill.

Can you describe him? I barely remember meeting him.

He was, erm He was shortish.

Dark hair, I think.

Not blonde? Or tall, for that matter? He might have been.

I don't remember.


You need to remember.

You need to start thinking.

It seems that, apart from the fake granddaddy, Stokes, you're our only link to Francis Neill.

What are you saying? Do you want to tell me about Adam Garner? Not really, no.

It was 15 years ago.

He said we had a relationship.

He was a fantasist.

The whole thing was dropped.

He was 14 years old.

You must have known this would come up.

Listen, Mr Powell.

There is a boy out there missing.

Yes, and you found the other boy.

Maybe you know where this one is.


He's not in there.

That's funny.

I've got the preliminary DNA report.

The hair you found in Michael's mouth, it could match Francis or Liam.

We won't know which until we get the full DNA.

So they are related? Looks that way.

Can I get you some food? I'm sure Harry's got a microwave Madras on his shelf.

I can't make any sense of this.

The liver toxin? I found something that seemed to correspond.

I was reading about a leak in Alaska.


It's a chemical compound developed for industrial R&D.

Sometimes under different trade names.

How would he come into contact with that? I don't know.

It has limited industrial applications, but it's so carcinogenic, it's restricted.

Tetracynadine? You're sure? I'm not sure about any of this.

I'm still waiting for the lab to get back.

I asked them to prioritise it.

Well, it is ten o'clock at night I know what time it is! Liam! I thought you went home? Did you know a Canadian study found that paedophiles are three times more likely to be left
-handed? Also they have a lack of connective white matter, leading to an inability to differentiate between appropriate and, er, inappropriate sexual thoughts.

But they still have a choice whether to act on it, don't they? Do you think I'm cynical? I think it's a miracle you're not more cynical.

He found me, you know.

I ran away from school.

When my mother died, my dad sent me to a comprehensive in Guildford.

I wasn't very happy.

I caught a train to London.

What were you gonna do? I don't know.

I hadn't thought that far.

There was this older guy on the train.

He seemed nice enough.

A suit, briefcase He said he knew a place where I could stay.

Here, let me take that.

I wasn't thinking straight.

I agreed to go with him.

I was 15, what did I know? And Hopkins found you? I was seen at Guildford station.

He must have caught the next train.

Did anything happen to you? I keep asking myself why I went with the guy.

I wasn't that naive.

I must have known what he wanted.

But I still went with him.

You'd just lost your mother.

You must have been very lonely.


I'm not sure it was just that.

I was angry at her for dying, with my dad for being a waste of space.

I wanted to punish everyone.

But Noel saved me.

He saved me from myself.

Where's Leo? He was exhausted.

I got him to go home for a shower and fresh clothes.


What about you? I slept.

What's that? It's, erm Noel Hopkins has not responded to reports in this morning's newspapers regarding his time as a teacher in Guildford.

Police will only say that their focus is finding the missing Liam Neill.

Search teams were today KNOCK AT DOOR Would you like some tea? You needn't to turn it off.

I saw it.

It's ridiculous they can say that stuff about him.

It's nonsense.

How do you know? I've have faith in him.

He took Michael on that chess
-team trip.

I was on that trip too.

I was there the whole time.

What are you saying? You don't know him.

Are you sure you do? That's me.

Is it? Oh, yes.

Nice hair.

Sort of Hayzi Fantazi meets Flock of Seagulls.

Did you know this Adam Garner? He was the year below.

We called him Moondog.

He was on another planet.

He said Noel Edmonds was his uncle.

That IS sick.

So there's nothing in it? I think it comes with the territory.

You work with kids long enough, there's mud slung at you.

It's a distraction.

There's a kid out there.

You really believe in this guy, don't you? He inspires loyalty.

Is there something wrong with that? I don't know.

I suppose it depends.

Do you think he needs your loyalty? "Last seen over 36 hours ago at Hillingdon, west London.

"School governors are refusing to comment on previous allegations "against the boy's head teacher, Noel Hopkins, "who took over failing Raynton Secondary in May" Jesus! Harry, are you online? I need you to check out a haulage company, O'Meara's.

That's less than five miles from the school.

Get onto Gallagher.

I'll meet you all there.

And bring chem suits.


Trade name for tetracynadine, the chemical found in Michael's body.

I was under no obligation to mention this on my application.

Were you really so naive or arrogant to think that this would not be relevant? You're talking about an unsubstantiated allegation that was investigated and found to be a complete fabrication.

This sick child tried to ruin my career once.

Am I expected to assist him in continuing his vendetta? It's a mess.

And there'll be an inquiry, you know that.

I think we should have full disclosure on this.


Perhaps can we arrange some sort of press conference.

Noel? Noel! A press conference.

What do you think? I think you're full of it.

I turned this shit heap around, despite you lot.

Everyone knows that.

Without me, this place is just Christians and lions.

MOBILE BUZZES I have rather a lot to do.

Hello? Who are you? I told you I've nothing to say about it.



Where are you? I can trust you, can't I, Noel? They've had a Class 6.

1 toxic substance licence since 1998.

This stuff is about as highly regulated as anthrax.

There are strict safety procedures.

That's what they said at Pirbright Animal Health Laboratory before they released foot and mouth.

Just wear an extra pair of underpants, Harry.

The Cunningham name depends upon it.

MOBILE RINGS Noel, are you all right? I'm trying to reach Gallagher.

Where is everyone? They've got a lead.

The toxicology report confirms the presence of tetracynadine in Michael's body.

They've located a local haulage company that transports it.

Noel? They're going to the wrong place.

He's not there.

How do you know? Francis Neill just called me.

He wants me to meet him in a lay
-by on the Woodhill Road.

I'm on my way there now.

Can you reach them? Where's Liam? I don't know.

He wouldn't tell me.

I'm worried, Nikki.

He said He said it was my fault.

Why would it be your fault? Where is everyone? We can't go in there till the cavalry arrive.

Nikki called.

They want us to hold off for a while.

Francis Neill has made contact.

He's agreed to meet Noel Hopkins.

Noel Hopkins? Why him? I don't know.

I'd hate to jump to conclusions But you're going to anyway? I wouldn't be the only one.

Liam OK? They don't know.

We're running out of time.

We need to find that boy.

What are you doing? Abusing my Home Office privileges.

Excuse me! Where is he? You said 11:30.

I'm sorry.

I don't know where he is.

I don't know what he wants from me.

Come on Look, I'm the goat tethered to the stake here! Don't worry, Mr Hopkins.

We've got half my team out there looking after you.

from the side of the carriageway.

Lone male driver.

Dave, anything on the licence plate? Shall we move in? Hold your positions.

If you really thought he was going to show, you'd have had the other half the team here as well Are you sure about this, Mr Dalton? Professor Dalton, actually.

You'll need to keep everybody inside while we do the spot

We weren't informed It wouldn't be much of a spot
-check if we gave you warning! No Berricane containers here today? No, they're all on the road.

Are you sure? Yeah.

Apart from the disused ones.

Where do you keep them? In the back compound.

Look, it's a secure area.

We follow all regulations.

They get used for 36 months, then they're sent to Sweden to be decommissioned.

How many are still here? Five or six.

Can you show us? It's highly toxic.

You're gonna need One of these? I'll get the keys.

Can we even be sure the call happened? It happened.

You're recording his calls? We're just monitoring his call logs.

Incoming call from a withheld mobile, two hours ago.

But we don't know what was said.

I don't believe this! I'm not sure I know anything about this guy any more.

You as well? I know him.

He's no monster.

I'll show you the mug
-sh*ts if you like.

You can play "pin the tail on the paedo.

" The only thing we really know is they always find a way to get close to children.

This is crazy! You can't be suspicious of someone just because they work with children.

That's a witch hunt.

It's unthinkable, isn't it? Well, start thinking the unthinkable and then you'll get somewhere close to what they're capable of.

Secure, this, is it?! It's kids.

The containers are all locked.

Maybe he saw us waiting for him.

The day's getting away from us.

I'm calling time on this.

Noel said he was coming.

Just a bit longer.

I think he's been having us on.

I'd like to know why Hopkins brought us out here.

Get a car from Borough to meet us at O'Meara's haulage yard.

Tell Professor Dalton we're on our way.


Wait! You go on.

We'd better watch what we say in front of her now.

What's going on? Where are they going? It's the wrong key.

It doesn't fit.

We don't We don't have much time.

Can you get someone to bring down another key? No, it's the right one, it's marked.

Must be stuck.

Leo! Are those air holes? I think somebody's changed the lock on this one.

Just get this thing open! I'm trying! Oi! This isn't a spot

What's this all this about? We think there might be a child held in here.

You mean that boy in the paper? Yes.

It's all right! I've got the master key.

Was it you? Sorry? I mean, very few people would remember.

Remember what? It was obvious he had problems.

You must remember what he was like.

I watch the 11
-olds walk in and the 16
-olds walk out.

They're bigger, they're smarter, more confident, but they've lost that thing, that innocence, that trust in the world, in their parents, in their teachers, in their friends, in all of us.

And he was so innocent.

I thought I could help him.

You mean Adam Garner? Why did you tell them?! Noel, I didn't say a word.

Maybe you thought I abandoned you, too.

Abandoned me? Noel, come on That's what he accused me of.

Adam said I turned my back on him.

He said he thought I loved him.

They're not gonna find Liam.

He's gone.

You don't know that.

Are you all right, Noel? I never abandoned you, did I? I'm just going to see what's going on.

What is it? You got here quick, Miss.

Just follow the tracks.

Dr Alexander, Home Office pathologist.

Can I help? I'm sorry, Liam.

Leo, I'm sorry No, it's not your fault.

It was my idea.

I was just so sure that he was in there.

It's not that.

They've found him.

No! What's going on? But he was with me.

He made up the meeting with Francis Neill to distract us.

That's how Neill got away.

That's how he was able to do this.

It is a mess, isn't it? Extensive trauma to the head, the arm's been severed.

Thorax and abdomen substantially intact.

That's not what I meant.

I know what you meant.

She's blaming herself, you know.

Says she was the one who convinced them that Hopkins was telling the truth.

Nikki, come on.

It can wait now.

You need to get some rest.

Nikki, come on.

Liam can wait now.

No, he can't.

Really, Nikki This isn't Liam! What? Do you know any This isn't Liam Neill.

This is the body of an adult male, mid
-20s at least.

This must be Francis Neill.

Liam's still out there somewhere.

He could still be alive.
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