13x07 - Shadows 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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13x07 - Shadows 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Listen to that.


So was I.

It was awful.

Draft 27.

If you met your 19
-old self now, do you think they'd shake you politely by the hand or punch you unexpectedly in the face? In my case, probably both.

Come on.

We've got six hours and counting.

Does it matter? Does it matter if we get this paper into the New England Journal of Medicine? It matters to me.

What's wrong with you? Oh, nothing really.

I found an old photo the other day.

It fell out of a book.

Young people on a beach, drinking, having fun.

It took me a minute to realise one of them was me.

What were you wearing? Nothing! Come on.

Let's go and get a proper coffee.


It's gone.

You've got to leave it.

You can't do this.

It's crazy Please There goes nothing.

It was good, very good.

Well worth it.

Breakfast? Definitely.

Which one of you two is least knackered? Bollocks.

Don't worry, you don't have to go far.

It's just on the other side of the Percival building.

I've had seven cups of coffee, so you are my designated thermometer holder.

Oh, no! You are.

Come on, this is someone on campus.

He missed the radial and ulnar arteries.

Got the brachial though.

He knew what he was doing.

He was a scientist.

Second year bio

Andy Saich.


God, are you really? Look, I can get my boss if you'd like, but he But once he realised it was su1c1de he quickly lost interest, I'm sure.

So what was the name of this unhappy biochemist? Jason Renfrew.


It is a su1c1de then? There are no obvious defence injuries.

Looks like he tried to cut his wrist.

When that didn't work, he went straight for the artery in his arm.

He probably bled to death infive minutes.

Well, he came prepared.

Anything else we know? He had a sweet tooth.

His pockets were full of them.

Diabetes? That does double the risk of depression, apparently.

Does it? Yeah, particularly in young men.

If he was, it'll be in his records.

So, just the su1c1de then.


Dean says there's two a year.

This is the first.

There is obvious exsanguination, apparently as a result of injuries to the inner arm and wrist.

However, the cuts to the wrist appear to be superficial
- they haven't severed the ulnar or radial arteries and there is some evidence of hesitation wounds.

So the majority of the blood loss appears to have come from the brachial artery, which has been severed with a single cut from a sharp, thin blade consistent with the craft knife that was found at the scene.

What's that? It's sugar.

He had sugar sachets in his pockets.

Makes sense, I suppose.

Why? He wasn't diabetic, was he? We checked.

No, but it's free.

Students like free shit.

What's that? Magnifying glass, please, Charlie.

Are those track marks? It's a rash.

Either viral or an allergic reaction.

Probably just anthrax.

Anthrax? Well, he was a biochemist, wasn't he? Swab, please.

First time? No, I've seen a few.

Iraq? Afghanistan? Amersham.

My dad's an undertaker.

Your colleague said Jason knew what he was doing? Not many people would know the brachial artery bleeds faster than the wrists.

He knew that, but couldn't find his radial artery? Perhaps he couldn't see for the tears.

Anything in his room? A note? No.

But he was depressed all right.

We found these in his wash bag.

Fluvoxamine "Yeah, just take three capsules a day, Jason.

"You'll be right as rain.

" I thought you had the morning off? Janet fed up with you watching Jeremy Kyle on her sofa? Hi, Nikki.


I asked Leo to come in this morning.

It's about Jason, the boy who k*lled himself last night.

The Dean wanted to know whether we'd found anything.

Jason had made allegations against some other students.

He was being bullied.

He felt it was racially motivated
- some white and Asian students.

Professor Dalton is a senior member of university staff.

I want everyone to know we took this very seriously.

Did we? There's some damage to the liver.

Could be the same stuff that gave him the rash.

Charlie, get this off to the lab
- histology, full toxicology.

Same with the blood work.

What are we looking for? Toxic substances.

Household solvents.

Anything a student might sniff.

That's free? Yeah, that's free! My dad said you shouldn't be too solemn around them.

Hmmm? Suicides.

He said it's where they wanted to be.

So what was it? You didn't like the smell of formaldehyde in the morning? Yeah, my old man's still sulking.

I tried to explain
- I just didn't want to be around death all the time.

I know.

He told me it's a very honourable job.

Not to mention recession proof.

So I picked another one.

Which? Honourable, or recession
-proof? I'll let you know.

It's weird.

It smells like home.

What's this? It's not a Pot Noodle.

It's a data thing.

Yeah, it's a Micro SD card.

From a phone.

He swallowed it? Mm

What was on it? It's gone off to forensics.

They'll let us have the data as soon as they can.

If its survived the stomach acids.

Where do they live? Hemel Hempstead.

I can be there and back in a couple of hours.

Make sure the filth don't freak out the entire campus, will you? Red Jen! Part of you is still out there on the barricades, isn't it? Leo How many times have you done this? What do you say to them? You don't have to say very much.

Some stranger at the door, "I'm sorry, Mrs Renfrew, but" They catch on pretty quick.

Christ! You don't have to do this, you know.

The Family Liaison Officers can deal with it.

His mother came in to talk to me about the bullying.

I promised her I'd look out for him.



'Hey, stranger.

Is that what you call a lie
-in? 'You'd gone before I could open both eyes!' Yeah.

The dean wantedto see me.

University stuff.

'Are you OK?' Yeah.

'You're freaked, aren't you?' Was that the idea? 'The idea was to talk to you about it this morning.

'How do you feel? Are you happy? 'Unhappy?' HE SIGHS I don't know.

I didn't look at it.

'What?!' You put it in the bin.

SHE SIGHS 'Dear God, Leo.

You really didn't look, did you? 'Do you want to know?' What's going on? Apparently some kid offed himself.

Which Tombliboo went night
-night? Don't know.

Does it matter? Mate, choose life.

Why die a saddo.

Get what I mean? Think she fancies you, big boy! You can tell all that from the way she checked out your junk? So this was on a memory card from his phone? Yeah.

Some of these image files have been corrupted.

Anyone know who she is? No.

All taken on campus though.

It doesn't look like they were taken with a phone.

No, you're right.

They've just been stored on here.

What are those numbers? Just file names? Could be.

Who are they? That's Matthew Frisk.

He's a second

Isn't he one of the students Jason accused? All taken from the same place.

Well, they were definitely taken from up here.

How many people have access to this roof? Nobody's allowed up here.

Looks like a couple of people didn't get that e

Were you born a policeman, Mr Saich? I need to make an announcement to arrange counselling.

Students will need to be told.

Now, the top 5%, I'm sure they'll work it out.

God, you need a degree in geography just to find your way around this place.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Perfectly straightforward.

We're in the main lobby, moving from B Wing into Annexe E, the West Wing is to the east, so the building on your right would be? The East Wing? The Spencer Library.

Right Right.

Grey 35.


What is it? Physics has no morality.

There is no moral component to the physical world.

We agree, yes? And yet "I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

" Oppenheimer saw a clear moral dimension to his work.

How could he not? "The physicists have known sin, and this a knowledge they cannot lose," he said.

Evil does exist.

Ask any Nagasaki grandmother.

That, too, is scientific fact.

You can all piss off to Starbucks now.

I see you've dropped the story about you and Oppenheimer having brunch at Los Alamos? It could have happened.

At least science was sexy back then.

Look at them now.

Geeks and freaks.

I thought I should let you know, as head of faculty Not good news then? No, the student they found at Grier House was one of yours.

Jason Renfrew.

Renfrew? Second year biochemist.


A geek, not a freak.

It's a shame.

Not a star student, but he'd started to show some spark this year.

Well, I thought you should know.

The Dean's been to see his parents.


Sorry to interrupt.

Jason Renfrew's from Hemel Hempstead, not Peckham.

It's probably a replica, a toy.

With a box of live amm*nit*on, Dr Mears? No, it's definitely a nine

He was probably just trying to impress his friends.

The students in the pictures? We know Jason Renfrew wasn't the most popular kid on campus.

So you're saying that one of our second year undergrads was planning to sh**t dead several of his classmates? Wouldn't be the first time.

This isn't America.

school in Dunblane? Michael Ryan k*lled 16 at Hungerford.

In our borough, there's a firearms incident every eight hours.

So where do we take it from here? Above my pay grade, I'm afraid.

I've put a call in to my DI.

He's getting back to me but he's in Operations, in Southall.

Tell you one thing, be a hassle when they do get here.

They'll want to look under every bean bag and bong pipe you've got.

Jesus! Still could have been worse.

At least he changed his mind before the body bags started piling up.

Have you spoken to the students that Jason took pictures of? Er, not yet.

Events seem to have overtaken me.

Any ideas, Professor? There is some kind of a pattern.

There are two strings of numbers with a pair of letters in between.

Three of the letter pairs recur.




And one, two, three, four of the second string of numbers are the same.


This lad, Matthew Frisk, he lives in the same building as Jason Renfrew.

Grier House.

Room 405.



Lennox "LX".

Stevens House.


So it's room number and residence building.

What about the last number? 201.

This one looks different.


Seminar Room 4C.

That's where Jason was meant to be today.

In class.

They're all class and lecture room numbers.

All these students would have been in these classrooms today.

At the same time.

When? 1pm.

Can you imagine? He was planning some sort of revenge? I don't know what they think.

But, well, he obviously had a grudge.

He took those pictures, and at least one of them was of somebody he had a problem with.

I wonder what changed his mind.

The homicidal mind and the suicidal mind are not so dissimilar.

He was on Fluvoxamine.

Wasn't one of the Columbine K*llers taking that for depression? Hmm, they obviously omitted to mention homicidal episodes as a side

Well, you knew him, Dr Jacobs.

What was he like? He was gentle, quiet.

You see? Or passive and repressed, depending on which end of the telescope you're looking through.

The anti
-depressants prescribed don't always work, but they're hardly the problem.

Is it true, about Jason? Is what true? I heard he died.

Was he a friend of yours? Not exactly, "Miss".

Was he a friend of yours? Matthew Frisk, isn't it? I think the police might want to talk to you.

Jason k*lled himself, didn't he? He was very thin

He took a joke the wrong way.

It wasn't personal.

I'm sure that'll be a great comfort to his family.

What are you getting so outraged about? You didn't know him.

We did.

He was one of the students that Jason took pictures of.

Nasty little wart.

He'll probably make Home Secretary.

God, it's so complicated.

How do you know which g*ng you're meant to belong to? At one level, it's quite simple
- the ethno
-racial links, the cultural reference points, the shared low
-level addiction to hydroponic herbals.

As for the rest, I think it's largely pheromonal.

They just sniff each other's armpits.


Hang on, Charlie Nikki, Jason had a rash on his body, his inner arm, redness in his cornea.

Tox don't know what they're looking for.

Could it be something from his lab work? This was sort of halfway up his forearm.

Could be above the glove line? Jason wrote a paper this term on the effects of commonly occurring pollutants on natural fibres.

He got the idea from a dry
-cleaners he temped at.

Right, dry
-cleaners, dry
-cleaners use, umHydrocarbons.


Buccal nitrate Buccal nitrate.

That would explain the reddening of the cornea and it would be consistent with the rash.

Did you get that, Charlie? Buccal nitrate.

And remember
- fresh swabs, bloods, yes.

Thank you.

Sniffing that stuff clearly sent him over the edge.

Better sue the dry
-cleaners, better sue everybody.

Would it help if I get the name of the place he worked at? Harry? Harry, what is it? MUFFLED SCREAMS Hey! Harry, what are you doing? Get back in.

Harry? What's going on? Are you locking me in? Shut up! Shh, all of you, shh! g*nshots RING OUT It's a car That's not a car.

Jesus Christ.

Let us out! Keep away from the door! Come on.

Come on.

Shhh! Shh! Shh! sh**ting CONTINUES Is that Don't be stupid.

It's nothing.

Let us out of here.

That's g*nf*re.


What's going on? There was a g*n was found on the campus this morning.

Now shut up! Let me in! Please, let me in! Let me in! Are you OK? Harry SHE SOBS You have to be quiet.


What's up? Er, I'm trying to call my section.

But there's something up with the network.

I'm sure it's their end.

Um, I'm going to round up these students so that when my lot get here we can interview them.

Er, Seminar Room 4C.

Where's that? West wing of the Percival Building.

Take corridor F to staircase 3, and you're in the science block.

From there, it's further down in corridor G.

Ignore her.

You know where we came out? Exit six? Go straight through, turn right at the canteen.


What? You were confusing him.

No wonder you and I never worked out, Leo.

HE CHUCKLES What are they doing? PHONE RINGS What the hell? Dean's Office.

Hello? Open the door.

Shhh! Shhh! Quiet! Quiet! We have to be quiet.


Listen to him.

How, how high is the drop off that roof? It's about 20 foot.


OK, you by the window, get away from it and don't try to open it, all right? No! No! I'm not staying here! You stay here! You will be safer here.

We are safer here.


We are going to get in that corner and that corner.

You won't be seen.

The lights are off.

The door is locked, they will think that no
-one is here.

They? How many? I don't know.

OK, never mind, just go.

I didn't see.

Shh, shh.

Very quietly.

My phone's got no signal.

Give me a phone that works quick, quick, come on.


(This is Dr Nicola Alexander, I'm at LSSE.


I'm in room What is it? (Seminar room 4C.

) (.


seminar room 4C) (Percival Building.

) (.


in the Percival Building.

(We have a major incident here, we've heard g*nf*re, (and we think that at least one person has been shot, (believed critical.

There are one, two, three) There's 12.

(12, 12 students, one member of staff and my colleague with me.

) Nikki (No, no injuries.

) BANGING (I can't talk any more.

) 'Stay calm, caller.

Don't hang up.

Are you able to leave this line open?' MOBILE RINGS Shut up.

DC Saich.


What happened? Shhhh! 'Please pick up.

Dr Alexander?' (Do you think he's coming back?) (I don't know.

) (Do you think he knows we're here?) (I don't know.

But he's seen the key.

) g*nsh*t, SCREAMING He knows now! Stanley, help me get the desk against the door.

Nikki, open the window, get everybody out.

What?! It doesn't matter, he knows we're here.

We've got to get out.

Come on.

Shit! Get down! Get down! g*nshots, SCREAMING g*nshots CONTINUE WOMAN SCREAMS TWO g*nshots ANOTHER SHOT IN DISTANCE Harry.

Harry! Is anybody hurt? GASPING AND SOBBING I think he's gone.

Nikki, can you open the window? Everybody get out onto the roof.

He's gone, just calmly.

If you can just be calm.

It's OK.


Stanley, come on.

Come on, Stanley.


Stanley! Stanley, come on! Oh, shit! Stanley? Stanley? Harry! Harry! (Oh, God) My dad was an undertaker, too, Jason.

He hated suicides, especially the youngsters.

It was with my uncle Derek See, he couldn't stand waste, me dad.

Electricity, money .


food, life.

Haven't you got nice hands.

ALARM SOUNDS Have the alarms gone faulty again? Probably.

Got to clear out all the same.

Just got to put something back in the fridge.

Probably only be a couple of minutes.

Can't it wait? Suppose it can.

This is what Jason was planning? Not alone.

'Dr Alexander, Dr Alexander?' (Yes, this is Dr Alexander.

Listen, we have two fatalities that I am aware of, (but I think that there must be more.

(We have evacuated 12 students onto the roof outside the Percival block.

(We need paramedic assistance immediately
- as many crew as you can get.

) 'Can you get safely from where you are? We need to secure the building.

' (What about the paramedics?) 'They're on their way.

'You have to get out now.

' (They won't allow any paramedics in until they are sure there's no danger.

) (What?) 'Dr Alexander? Do you understand?' (Hang on.

What?) (We're the only medics in the building.

) (We should go out there.

Should we?) (They won't let anyone else in for hours.

) (Oh, God.

) SIRENS BLARE 'This is the Police Information Room at Lambeth.

Dr Mears, 'you're in control of the University Emergency Response plan.

'Is your location at a safe distance from the incident?' This block is separate from the Percival Building.

We've seen at least three casualties, in corridors A, D and F.

None are moving.

Campus Security, are you seeing this too? Camera six.

It's a young adult male.

Approximately 5ft 10.

He appears to be carrying a handgun.

He's wearing a backpack, a hood and travelling .


west along .


corridor H.

'A CO19 unit is expected in zero five.

' 'Inform DC Saich, who is on site, 'that the tactical commander is on her way.

'She will liaise with him and all police and university response teams on arrival.

' 'This is Campus Security, we need to get them out of there.

The main doors are still locked.

' Exit six.

It's unlocked, it seems to be safe, the students are leaving that way.

We need to get people to exit six, I have the tannoy control.


'Repeat no.

No alarms and no tannoy announcements.

'We could be sending them into the area of danger.

' So they're on their own? 'Repeat previous.

No alarms.

'No announcements.

Is that clear?' Clear.


Another casualty in .


Corridor G.

Oh, God.

'Dr Mears?' I believe the casualty in corridor G is police officer DC Saich.

'Stand by, Dr Mears.

' Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

What are you two doing in there? Get out! 'I'm sorry.

There is no network' WHIMPERING, GASPING The b*llet's gone straight through.

It's missed the thorax.

He's losing blood fast.

Get me something.

II was There'll be a med
-pack in the kitchen.

Are you OK here? He was on Jason's list.

Nikki? OK? I didn't know I didn't know I didn't knowget my mum, get my mum, please.

Ssh Campus security will issue maps.

Set up an investigation next to the evacuation point, Graham.


Where are the boys with toys? Here in zero five, Ma'am.

That's what you said zero five ago.

Dr Mears? University control? Yes.

This is Professor Dalton.

He's assisting me with the university response.

I'm Karen Somerville, Tactical Commander.

The Internal Emergency Plan seems to be working well.

Are your full response teams in place? Not yet.

To be honest, we were caught a bit on the hop Do you know how many are inside? We've got lists in the office of all who are supposed to be in the building.

But we've no idea how many are actually here
- especially the students.

No, no, that's normal.

It's 1.


Most of them are probably still in bed.

We're all set up for you, Ma'am.

It's OK to panic, Dr Mears.

Just as long as you do so according to procedure.

'He was here, he was here.

I don't know where he is.

Is he here?' 'It's OK, Michelle, you're doing great.

You just need to stay where you are.

' Chief Superintendent, two of my colleagues are still in the main building.

Harry Cunningham and Nikki Alexander.

We've lost contact.

We've tried getting it back but the network can't cope.


Yeah, I know, Chief Inspector.

I've three ARVs on scene.

Specialist Firearms Officers arriving in Zero five? I think we're contained within the Percival Building.

The main door appears to have been locked and chained from the inside prior to the incident.

But exit six remains open.

Yeah, we're on that.

Any further description? Dark clothing, hoodie, holdall.

We can see the handgun.

But I don't think that's a George Foreman grill in his bag.

You know what I'm asking.

SO15 don't think it's t*rror1st related.

An officer found a handgun in the locker of a student who committed su1c1de last night.

He had no known political affiliations.

No religious ties.

Does he look like he's wired? No obvious vest, but I don't like that bag.

I think I've got between five and ten fatalities.

So at least the same again in casualties.

Judging by the calls and aerial thermal sh*ts, I'm estimating 40 total inside.

SFOs are on scene, Karen.

Get them out of their Oakleys, and into their romper suits.

I want to know as soon as they're deployed.

Yes, boss.

g*nsh*t 'Michelle? Michelle?' 'Did you hear that, did you hear that? Where is he?' Let's make sure your boys keep their heads down and trigger fingers up their arses till I say otherwise.

Ambulance command standing by.

OK, guys, we've got people bleeding to death in there.

I want the subject's position identified, I want him isolated and the building made safe.

No paramedics are going in there until it is.

So let's not hang about.

OK? You can go back to your office, I'll send a liaison.

Let me know when the full University Response Team is operational.

You're not going to have time to worry, Dr Mears.

You're going to be very, very busy.

Wait! I've got a knife.

I'll cut you, I'll cut you! It's OK
- I'm not him, I just want to help you.

Let me in, all right? STAY AWAY! Stay away, stay away! I haven't got a g*n.

I'm as scared as you are.

I'm a doctor and I want that.

I just want that green box, that's all I want.

OK, that's all I want.

And I'm going to get it now.

It's OK.

That's all I want.



You come with me now.


Come on.


You're not safe here.


PHONE RINGS We need to follow up everyone on this list.

If you can't reach them, try and find out if they logged onto the system from inside this building today.


Commander Somerville.

Corridor L, camera We see him, Professor Dalton.

Thank you.

Karen Where's that? Where's he going? He's heading east.

Direction of corridor J.

'Nothing clear for us.

It seems he's heading towards the toilet block.

' Any CCTV? None in there.

I'm looking for Professor Forbes.

Are you OK? It's half term.

My dad's not in his office.

It's OK, it's me.

I just saw him go past.

Where? Out there.

Hi, I'm Harry.

Are you hurt like him? No.

We're all OK, we're OK.

Come over here.

He's not.

He's going to die.


Shh! (Shouldn't we) (I don't know.

I don't know.

) My officer is reporting some movement from up here.

'Has he exited the toilet block?' Something's happening, but we don't think he's exited the block.

Corridor J is the only access to the toilet block.

'We can go.

It's your call.

'Boss?' Easy, Shep.

What was that? You said he'd stopped.

No, it's OK.

There are doors at the top of that corridor.

If I can bolt them from this side, he won't be able to get out of there.

Would you lock this door after I've gone, OK? Don't worry.

I'll be quick.

MUFFLED CRY Get down, armed police! Don't move! Don't move! Subject down.

No remote.

Checking for wires.



Clear! Come with me.

He's alive! He's alive! He's alive! 'Sector Four is clear.

Two fatalities.

' 'I need paramedic assistance, corridor D.

' 'Negative.

Sector is not yet clear.

Just do the job.

' Why is that sector not yet cleared? Six minutes and counting.

Sort it out, Kant.

This is my building now.

Report sector two.

Sector two is clear.


Sector two is clear.

Got that, Karen.


Seven fatalities confirmed so far.

Have you got everything set up there? 'Access to the sports hall is clear.

We're ready for you.

' Professor Dalton.

Camera two.

It's Dr Alexander.

Dr Alexander? Yes.

Come with me, please.

I'm going in the ambulance with It's all taken care of.

The medical teams are on site.

You need to stay with us.

We need to speak to you.

Harry Cunningham, is he OK? Doctor, please? Come with me.

We'll find out.

He's still haemorrhaging.

Pulse 120, BP is 80

Doctor can you give me a hand, please? Yeah.

Have you got an ID on him? Does it matter? Not to me, no.

There are real casualties out there.

I don't know.

We were inside when it started.

I, I don't know where it started.

I, I saw him, but that was later Him? I suppose so.

He was wearing a hoodie.

Yeah, but he was alone? I don't know.

You think there could be more of them in there? Nikki.

Are you all right? Where's Harry? I don't know.

I shouldn't have let him leave.

Are you sure you're not hurt? Dr Alexander Leave me alone, please! Just piss off 'With subject, paramedics are attending to him.

' Can he be moved? I'll check.

We've got a KAD in attendance.

What's a KAD? Know
-it All Doctor.


At least we know that Harry's all right.

'From what we understand, 'the incident occurred around lunchtime here.

Initial reports are suggesting 'there are several casualties, and possibly some fatalities.

' My son's in there, I think.

I can't reach him.

We don't have any information at the moment.

We need to keep this route clear for emergency crews.

Well, please, can you just ask someone, is he safe? Sorry.

SOBBING, WHISPERING Keep moving towards the exits.

Don't stop.

You OK, Dr Alexander? How many have you got in here? Only two.

We have to leave the others until forensics have come in.

There's at least seven more.

This one made it as far as the ambulance.

I just don't understand why.

Who would want this? Did you know him, Nikki? I met him twice today.

The first time, he was a w*nk*r.

The second time, he asked for his mother.

Should I find someone to be with you? I should be helping Leo said that you're a witness.

You shouldn't really be in here.

I think the Lyell Centre's open
- it's within the perimeter.

If you want to go back there, I mean.



'Is that Dr Mears?' Who is this? 'I'm trying to find my son.

Scott Weston, he's a second year.

'He invited us down to lunch today.

' I'm sorry.

I really need to keep this line clear.

'I really need to know where my son is.

'You gave us your number.

Said if there was ever anything' I don't know your son, Mrs Weston.

I'm sorry.

I stood there at the Matriculation Day, I told them they could always call me.

In loco parentis, right? This is Kant.

We've got one subject down.

This sector clear.


' Is he going to make it? Single b*llet wound to the face.

He's lost a lot of blood.

Bastard coward.

Missed the important shot.


How are you doing?' Um I don't think I'm doing too well.

I, er, I think I need to be busy.

'You're not still here, are you?' 'Nikki You've given a statement, go home now.

Is there anyone I can call? 'I could call Janet.

She'll come and get you.

' What's the matter, only the boys allowed to help? 'The second I can get Harry out of there, I will.

'Look, we're all trying to' I know, I know.

I'm sorry.

Er, I, er, I think I'm going to have a shower and then I'll go home.

Call me as soon as you hear from the KAD.

Tell him if he wants to come over I'll make him his favourite Cup a Soup.

'And get some rest, yeah?' Yeah, OK.

SHE SOBS 'All remaining sectors cleared for immediate threat.

'Mr Kant, I want all CO19 officers to remain on site as we proceed, 'belt and braces.

It's going to be a long night, people.

' Received.

Can you hear me? I'm Dr Cunningham.

Can you hear me? You've got to stay awake.

You've got to stay awake.
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