15x09 - Fear 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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15x09 - Fear 1

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm a pathologist.

I've devoted my life to the science of cause and effect.

I examine what is left behind when life is extinct.

I determine cause of death, because there is always a cause, a reason.

Life is absolute, we will all die.

And there will always be a reason.

So people come to us.

They ask us the questions they've always asked.

They come to science because they believe that, in knowledge, there is some comfort, that if we know how, we'll understand why.

'This is Dr Kimber.

' Dr Kimber, thank you for talking to me.

I'm calling about a case that was on your roster this morning.

Eve Gilston, 15.

I looked for it on the system, but it doesn't appear to have come up yet.

'Who did you say you are?' Sorry.

Professor Dalton, Lyell Centre.

'Yes, Eve Gilston.

'Teenager, previously of good health, no trauma, 'no signs of toxins or sepsis.

'Heart? 210 grams.

'No obvious cardiomyopathy.

'I'm waiting to hear which cardiac pathologist is going to take it on.

'Send her to me.

I'll take it.

' There's no obvious cell disarray, no signs of hypertrophy.

Did you talk to him? Mm

I mean REALLY talk to him? Yes, I talked to him.

You didn't talk to him, did you? He's a grown man, for heaven's sake.

So are you! And men just don't talk to each other about that kind of stuff.

What, you mean the trivial stuff that women talk about? HE LAUGHS I thought he was taking some time off anyway.

Talk to him.

no dr*gs, no alcohol, died alone in her bed, grandmother dropped dead at 30, no other known history of heart disease.

Heavy heart? Normal heart weight.

So, a sudden arrhythmic death.

"Don't know why.

" Long QT Syndrome? Ah, so you do pay attention occasionally.

Slices of heart and frozen spleen.

No, no.


What? You're about to make a food joke.

Heart curry or spleen fricassee or something.

It's not funny.

I was, in fact, trying to point out that you're looking for arrhythmic indicators, cardiomyopathy or something exotic in her DNA strings.

Doesn't bother you, then? that's as many kids as die of cancer every year.

At least their family get a cause of death.

With sudden arrhythmia, we can't even tell their mums and dads what k*lled them.

Yeah, there are no unexplained deaths, just lazy pathologists.

Talking of which, you are meant to be on holiday.

I'm going.

So I see.

Isn't this a BMW ad? It's Chopin.

Chopin drives a BMW? Wow.

Did Nikki send you in to speak to me? Cos if she did, you're not making a very good job of it.

I'm not going on holiday to find myself or lose myself, I'm going to Essex, for God's sake! No wonder she's worried about you! What's she worried about? You're extremely old, for a start, and you have recently split up with your girlfriend.

And you're listening to funeral music.

Are you going to see Sean? Hm.

Why else would I be going on holiday to Essex? Great! Well, for God's sake talk to him.

Get her off my back.

Sean? Sean? Sean! "In the cold, coldest of nights "The fire I light to warm my bones "I've had enough of the dreadful cold "Till from the flames appears Salome "I stand before her amazed as she dances "She demands the head of John the Baptist.

" You know who that is? Oscar Wilde? Blake? Go on, then.

Pete Doherty.

Ah! I treated him once, you know.

Not very successfully, of course.

D'you want a drink? Oh! What's that? That's the girl you asked me about.


Not much in there, I'm afraid.

They may never know how she died.

Her heart just stopped.


That's what they said on the news, yeah, yeah.

It's like my father's old line, isn't it? "What did he die of, missus?" "He died of a thirst, so he did.

" You're drunk, Sean! Good old drunk Sean.

So get drunk with me Leo, come on! No, Leo's not in the mood.

I'm tired.

You promised me dinner! Rabbit stew! The rabbits have still got their fur on! I knew there was something I forgot, mate, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Sorry, Leo.

I have got a case of very good red in the boot.

It's just like I told you, Leo.

We shall go walking in the morning, fish for our lunch and maybe play a little tennis if we feel like it, and then we'll chat up a few footballers' wives in a very nice little bistro I've discovered in Theydon Bois called L'Atmosphere, which, believe me, does everything it can to live down to that name.

It's good to see you, Leo.

It's good to see you.

? In the c
-cold, coldest of nights ? The fire I light to warm my bones ? I've had enough of the dreadful cold ? And from the flames appears Salome ? I stand before her ? Amazed as she dances ? And demands the head of John the Baptist on a plate ? In the morn ? Shaken and disturbed ? Under soft white fur ? Hey! Hey, wait! Are you OK? Are you lost? Are you looking for someone? You want to buy the place? You know, when I saw you standing there, I had the strangest feeling.

I thought you were an angel.

Are you? I used to be.

I'm sorry.

What? Wait! So where have they all gone, all these affluent Essex addicts and eating disorders? Well, you know, addiction's not what is used to be.

And neither is affluence.

And what about her, Eve Gilston? Was she a rich bulimic or NHS meth fiend? Well, Eve Gilston was a patient for six months, pro bono, and then she didn't show up for a session and then I saw her picture in the paper a few days later unexplained death
- and I thought that you, Professor Dalton, MBE, might be able to explain it, but then again, you were probably out there auditioning new girlfriends.

I always liked Janet.

No, you didn't.

No, I didn't.

That's right.

So, that's it, then? Nothing? Nothing in her heart, nothing in her medical records, no mention of dizzy spells, fainting Did you see anything like that? No.

Were you prescribing to her? No.

But she came here looking for you? Yeah.

I mean, she told me that she grew up around here, you know? These woods.

What were you treating her for? It might be relevant! Anorexia can put immense stress on the heart.


I thought she was sent here for me, you know? What do you mean, sent here for you? She was bright, articulate, impossibly idealistic.

She reminded me why I wanted to do the job, you know? It was a very bad time for me.

She made it better.

She made me want to live.

I'm dying Leo.

You've been following me for 20 minutes now.

You're beginning to get on me nerves.

I've been wondering about you.

Are you a good psychiatrist? What, you think you're going to find that out by following me through the woods? If it's a good psychiatrist you're after, I can always recommend one.

I'm strictly average.

Me, too.

They sent my little brother to a psychiatrist.

Why? Is he mad? No.

He's blind.

Well there you go, that's the National Health Service for you.

Next time, you should send him to an ophthalmologist.

You've been reading that thing for an hour, Leo, and there's still no silver lining.

My oncologist found one.

"Dr Delaney," he said, "at least you'll know now what you're going to die of.

" Sean.

It says here your last appointment was three weeks ago.

I mean, what part of "the cancer has spread to the liver" don't you understand, Leo? They are offering you surgery.

It's not palliative, this could What, buy me another five months? If they're prepared to operate, there's a chance! You know, Eve once asked me, did I believe in life after death, and I gave her the straight Ballymurphy response.

I told her I wasn't entirely sure that there was life before it.

You said that Eve made you want to live.

Do you still feel that? Look you helped me.

Saved my life.

Let me do something for you.

Call your oncologist, go back into treatment and I will find out exactly why Eve died.

What do you mean? There are no unexplained deaths, just lazy pathologists.

All right? All right? Behaving? Do you have a light? No, sorry, I don't smoke.

Didn't ask you if you smoked.

There's a lighter in your car, right? Yep, I suppose so.

Nice car! How much is one of these? So, why do healthy teenagers die? I presume you've got a theory.

Sorry? Detective Brooks? Who were you expecting, Rastamouse? So, Long QT Syndrome? Yeah, it affects electrocardiac function.

And it's completely random? You're walking along Ba
-boom, ba
-boom, ba
-boom, splat! Walking time b*mb.

Well And you can see it by examining her heart? No, you can't see it in a postmortem.

You can scan for it.

So you'll scan her? No, it won't show up postmortem.

You can see it in the electrical impulses in a living person, and then only sometimes.

So what are you doing here? I could take the body, see if there are any causes that Dr Kimber might have overlooked.

I could have the family tested, ECGs, DNA.

Tony and Beth.

What do you know about them? He drinks, she pays for it.

His family had land.

A farm or something, Epping way.

Tony screwed it up, the bank repossessed a few years back
- hey, presto! The little house on the prairie.

Tony's not altogether unknown to us.

Nothing more than the odd D&D.

And her brother? I understand she has a brother.

And what? He could drop dead too? That's cheerful! So the night that Eve died, she arrived home at about 8.

30? She left school at 4.


And in between? That's four and a half hours! You don't know? What, you think that's suspicious? Not necessarily.

She died alone in her bed, Professor.

There was no sign of as*ault, no proof she was sexually active.

Eve was a good girl.


Are you saying this is a crime now? I'm just saying Just cos her phone's missing? Cos that would be my job, wouldn't it? A dead girl with a missing phone.

Unless, of course, you've found her phone implanted somewhere in her.

You didn't, did you? Find it implanted in her? I don't know anything about her phone.

Really? So what are you doing here? Eve was lying in her bed.

There was no sign of struggle or forced entry.

So no
-one came in? That's what I said! She was wearing her pyjamas, not a mark on her.

And you were called at7.

30? Yeah.

I tried to wake her.

She normally wakes me before she goes to school, I thought she'd overslept.

Tried to resuscitate her, but There were already signs of rigor.

Dr Kimber said somewhere between midnight and four.

Estate's CCTV has her walking home alone.

And when she came back that night, she seemed herself? Not anxious or excited? Tired.

She said she was tired, she went straight to bed.

You're a Catholic.

Yes, it's a great comfort to me.

I haven't been to church in 30 years, my wife the same.

Wouldn't even let us marry in church.

God skipped a generation in this family.

"Malum abstractio quaedam non est.

" Hm.

Is this where Eve went that night, to her church? No service Thursday evening.

Fr Jacobs was saying mass at an old people's home in Chingford.

You're not police, why does it matter? I believe that your mother died when she was young.

I'm confused.

If he's so against this, why did he agree to talk to me in the first place? I didn't.

She did.

You're Professor Dalton? Yes.

I brought some Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Sudden arrhythmic death is caused by a syndrome known as Long QT, you can see it in the heartbeat You can see your heartbeat? This is a normal heartbeat.

In a Long QT sufferer, it looks different.

You see, the interval between the Q
-wave and the T
-wave is prolonged.

In other words, the heart takes longer to complete its cycle.

The rhythm is broken and that can lead to cardiac arrest.

So this thing was always inside Eve? Is it in us? Is it in my son? There's no guarantee that it's in any of you.

I'd like to run some tests.

John! Where have you been this time? Huh.

We've got a visitor.

He's going to find out what happened to Eve.

Hello, John.

My name's Leo, it's good to meet you.

So, you can look at my sister and say why she died? It's possible.

No, it isn't.

Why didn't you tell me? It's like sonar, isn't it? How bats get around, and dolphins.

You've met him? Who? Batboy? No.

Eve told me about him.

Didn't I mention he was blind? So what, measles can leave you blind? Yeah, it can cause corneal blindness.

Vitamin A deficiency.

It's common in developing countries.

Yeah, and Essex, of course.

And the phone? Or are you telling me you didn't know about it? I'm sure it was mentioned in some of the newspapers.

Oh, Brouilly! Bien sur.

Is this what they're crashing down their necks in Putney? Come on, Sean.

You set me up.

The detective thought I was a bloody amateur! Why did Eve come to see you? Now, look, I didn't ask for this, Leo.

This was your idea.

You said you'd look into the case and I promised not to die.

You thought her death was suspicious, but you didn't tell me! Why not! Are you messing with me? Oh, no, Professor Leo Lang Dalton, MBE, is not to be messed with.

Jesus, Dalton
- screw top? Is there a crime here or not? So, this is it, is it? This is where I spill? Nope.

This is just a safe place, that's all.

And nobody sees what happens here? No
-one? Why don't you just tell me what you want to talk about? How are things at home? Fine.

My dad's a hedge fund manager, my mum's a movie star and, er my little brother's just been signed up by Justin Bieber's agent.


So you're just here to gloat, is it? I'm not here to talk about my family.

It's me that's the problem.

And you know, there are exceptions to this this confidentiality.

Say, when a patient is in danger, particularly if the patient is young, naive.

Yeah, well, Eve's in no danger now.

You don't want to incriminate yourself.

No, I mean Incriminate meself! Why would anyone want to incriminate themselves? Your conscience is clear? I didn't say that.

I was treating her, Leo, now she's dead.

Of course that's going to be on me conscience.

I'm not invoking some general rule of confidentiality here, you know? I mean, Eve made me promise not to tell anybody what passed between us, not her parents, not anybody.

That's the only basis on which she talked.

She was a 15
-old girl, Sean.

What, you think I was screwing her? Were you? What, is that what you do to your patients? Screw top.

Eve what are you doing? It's not dark, but it's loud.

Close your eyes and click with your tongue.

Something there
- ah! We can hear much better than we can see.

We can hear round corners.

And we can hear behind us.

Yeah, it's changed.

Your hands have gone, yeah.

When I was little, I used to try and spend the whole day with my eyes closed.

But it's not the same if you can open them again, is it? Two days.

Two nights in a tomb.

Two days, stone
-cold dead.

We're not talking about John any more, Eve, are we? Why don't you believe? I'd trust you much more if you believed.

Can you imagine it? Jesus thought his father had abandoned him.

He thought he was dead and then Wow! Come on, Eve.

Your session started five minutes ago.

I can't, silly.

I'm dead.

Professor Dalton has further requested an X
-ray of Eve Gilston against the same presumption of Long QT Syndrome.

What are you looking for? Anything.

Scoliosis, clinodactyly, syndactyly, anything that might possibly indicate Long QT.

What, Andersen
-Tawil? Timothy's? Mm

That's pretty rare, isn't it? It would be like Like you actually finishing one of your sentences? Drives him nuts, doesn't it? The idea someone could die and he wouldn't be able to explain why.

Nothing? Was there anything from the DNA? Nothing.

No visible cranial or mandible deformities suggesting variant Long QT.


Yeah, I see it.

The carpal bones are separated.

The scapholunate ligament's been ruptured.

Not recent, though.

So, we've got something.

Old sports injury or childhood fall, maybe.

I suppose so.

If she fell on both hands.



Lisfranc joint injury.

I can still see the displacement between the metatarsals and the tarsus.

They're entirely symmetrical.

Hands and feet.

If she was pinned down restrained Mr Gilston.

Er, your son, John What about him? He was meant to come in with you.

We need to test him as well.

He didn't want to come.

He doesn't like doctors.


Nothing recent.

No discolouration or bruising.


They're very short.

So are yours.

I'm not 15.

And you don't live in Essex.

Looks like they were done in a hurry.


By someone else, perhaps? What is it? I think it's paper.

So, what now? What happens in these instances? We keep testing them.

-month intervals, then 12 months, but if it never shows up and we don't discover any new indicators for this syndrome, we won't know.


Not until one of them drops dead.

Perhaps you should stick to dealing with the dead, Professor.

The stakes are nice and low.

There'll always be stuff we don't know.

Why are you so afraid of that? Where is she? My daughter! I went down to the morgue, I wanted to see her.

Where is she? Mr Gilston, I'm so sorry.

You should have been informed.

I did say that I wanted to have Eve examined again.

You already took her heart.

Wasn't that enough? I mean, that's what k*lled her, wasn't it? I'm trying to find out what happened to her.

Oh, you want to know what happened to her? I'll show you.

Beth told you, didn't she? Told you, "Tony drinks.

"That's why he lost his business, lost the house.

" What do you want to show me, Anthony? What do you want? I wanted to bury my daughter.

Now you've taken her, that's not going to be very easy for me, is it? What are we doing here, Anthony? Look at them.

They'd eat the eyes out of your head.

On the farm, we knew what to do with vermin.

Some days What do you see out there? All these people, living together, up and down, like battery hens.

You'd think with all these people around Eve had no

It was always, "Poor John, poor little blind Johnny".

Nobody paid any attention to her.

She had God.

I hoped that maybe that was enough for her.

Eve died of loneliness.

Her heart froze I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to tell me.

Have you been listening to a word I said? My colleagues found injuries on Eve.

What injuries? Old ones.

A separation in the bones of her hands and feet.

I thought you'd understand.

Explain it to me! I'll try and understand.


No, you're all looking at me, all pointing at me.

Any other place, they'd honour my grief, but here, I'm not a grieving dad! You think I did something to her.

You think I hurt her.

That's That's the filth in your head! Can you open the door, please? Anthony! What the hell are you doing? For Christ's sake, stop! I never touched her.

I never hurt her.

Help me, please, I don't know what to do.


'Not just yet, Nikki, I need to keep an eye on him.

'Make sure he keeps his appointments.

' Florence Daltongale.

Some holiday! Why have you taken this case, Leo? I promised Sean.

What did you promise him? That I'd find a cause of death.

I promised Anthony, the father, too.

Jesus, Leo.

'What?' Isn't that what we do? Did you ask her father about the carpal and Lisfranc injuries? 'You should see where they live.

' My God, I'd drink.

And the son Er 'No, I don't think I don't think Anthony hurt her.

'He's a mess, but '.


I might be able to help.

' You're a good man, Leo.

'Why did you and Janet break up?' 'I don't understand it.

' You know, there's a television in my room that is actually chained to the wall.



People he was treating' You both liked each other.

You both loved each other.

What does it take? What do you mean? 'What would make you happy?' Well the amount of times that I've thought I've figured that out 'Answers.

' Answers would make me happy.

But you keep finding new questions.

'Let me get this straight.

'This is currently on the radio' ? In the c
-cold ? Coldest of nights ? The fire I light to warm my bones ? I've had enough of the dreadful cold ? From the flames appears salome ? ? In the c
-cold ? Malum abstractio quaedam non est Malum abstractio quaedam non est Satan Malignum Angelum qui Deo opponitur.


"Malum abstractio quaedam non est.

" "In this petition, evil is not an abstraction, "but refers to a person, Satan, the Evil One, the angel who opp" Are you looking for something? 'He's so sure about stuff.

'The whole world's inside his head.

' 'Maybe if you can't see, you can cut out all that other crap.

' 'It must have been difficult for you growing up, Eve.

' Your brother John seems to be the complete focus of the house, for you and your parents.

That's why I'm here.

Because I was neglected.

Is it? I love my little brother more than I love anyone.

I pray for him every day.

What do you pray for? What do you think? He didn't choose to be blind.

It's not his fault.

It's nobody's fault, Eve.

Is that right? How liberal and politically correct you are.

Sometimes it is someone's fault.

And sometimes there's someone to blame.

Who? Your parents? Something your mother did when she was pregnant? Who's to blame, Eve? My mum? Of course it's not her fault.

Her and Dad would do anything for John.

He wasn't born blind.

He had blindness thrust upon him.

Who blinded John, Eve? I want to go now.

'I hate that flat.

'Walls made of cardboard and chewing gum.

'The stuff I have to hear.

'The guy next to us, he brings prostitutes home.

' They scream and moan.

Does that make you feel uncomfortable? Yeah.

I can't sleep.

You think I'm some sort of prude? I know about sex.

Just cos I don't do it.

Do you think you ought to be doing it? It's all they talk about at school.

People inside people, it's weird.

That's not God's plan for us.

So what's God's plan? Are you making fun of me? No, no, no.

'No, I wouldn't want to hear that stuff any more than you do.

'No, no.

'So, what's a good sound?' 'Normal stuff.

'The wind in the trees, the rain on the roof sometimes.

'At my old house, 'my mum had a porch where she grew flowers.

'You could hear the rain tapping off it.

' It was my granny's house.

My dad was born there.

I was born there.

John, too.

-one lives there now.

Not really.

How stupid is that? The bank takes the house away from us and that's what happens.

I used to go there sometimes.

What was it you were looking for? I thought maybe I could figure out what went wrong.

With me.

Inside me.

Congratulations, Professor Dalton.

I hope you had a good eyeful.

Shame on you.

You asked me to find out about Eve.

But when I try, you hide behind this cloak of confidentiality, like some kind of modern
-day Wizard of Oz! I need to know about Eve! I'm her doctor now.

So now you have the privilege.


Do you think it's her family? Her father, yeah? Well, you met him.

Yes, I have.

And how old were those wounds? Judging by the developmental stages, I'd say six or seven years.

You did first
-year anatomy.

Did I? Oh, yeah, that's right, I did, yeah.

I remember you slicing and dissecting old Smirnoff Salmon there, yeah.

I forgot about these cameras.

Did she sign a release? Am I still in there? Oh, no, you're in there, yeah.

You're in there somewhere.

I mean, I generally don't take notes any more, particularly where children are concerned.

They always feel they're being judged, or I'm not listening.

I always knew you were listening.

I always thought it was strange that you agreed to treat me.

Seeing as how we were good friends.

It's not normal.

Leo Your wife and daughter had just died.

What was I going to do, send you away? Come on.

Look, if you have something you want to ask me, just ask it.

You think she was r*ped.

Don't you? "Something went wrong inside me"? I think something happened to her in the house.

The house she lived in before her father lost it all.

You seemed to be getting somewhere with her.

Let me show you this.

I don't want anything.

Stop fussing, I'm not thirsty.

So, Eve this evil inside you.

Where is it, exactly? In your head, in your tummy? I know what you think.

What do I think? The house, Eve? Where in the house is the evil? It's in my bedroom.

Sorry? It's in my bedroom.

I see.

No, you don't.

It's not what you think.


It's not just me.

It's happened to lots of people because it's real.

What do you mean? Do you believe in possession? What do you mean by? Possession! The taking over of a soul by an evil force.

I believe that possession is a word that people use to explain inexplicable phenomena.

I mean, psychological forces are very strong.

They're unseen, they're very frightening.

And they're as real as any manifestation of evil.

And I am not belittling anything you say.

Do you believe in God? It doesn't matter what I Yes, it does! Do you believe in God? Do you believe in sin? I believe that you believe it.

If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in sin, so you can't believe in the Devil.

Evil is not an abstraction, but refers to a person.

The angel who opposes God! I've seen him! I know him.

All right, Eve, all right.

No, no, you're not listening! A manifestation of evil, it controls me.

It entered me in that room when I was a girl and it won't go.

It won't go.

Eve Eve.

Eve, just let me try and understand, all right? You don't believe me.

I'm tired.

Can I Can I lie down, please, Sean? Please? All right.

Come on.

'That was her last session.

' She didn't show up the next week.

A few days later, I found out she was dead.

She believed she was possessed? Well, you saw her.

The change in her.

Something was doing that to her
- think it could have k*lled her? What, a demon?! Yeah, why not? At least her belief in it.

You said it yourself, psychological state can affect cardiac All right, I know.


I know! I just keep thinking that I failed her.

I keep hearing those words at night, that Latin.

"Malum abstractio quaedam non est.

" It's written on a piece of paper in her bedroom.

I thought I was helping her.

But whatever it was inside her, I mean, demon, trauma, call it whatever you like it was too strong for me, Leo.

It was too strong.



That paper under Eve Gilston's nails, it's wallpaper.

Wallpaper? Anything else? 'No.

No trace of any other DNA.

' Did she seem malnourished to you? 'Eating disorder?' Not especially.

Listen, check her teeth enamel, will you? 'I just wonder if' I can't.

The coroner's released her.

What? And you didn't object? 'Released her to who
- the police, her parents?' Her priest, Fr Jacobs, on behalf of her family.

'They want to bury her.

' Great.

Leo, look, we have been over every inch of her.

'We have taken all the samples.

'I know the back of her hand better than I know the back of my hand.

' Just let them bury her.

Dig her up later if you need to, but for now just let them have their daughter.


OK, thanks, Harry.

Sean, come on.

Have to get to the hospital.


I'll walk you in.

No, piss off! They'll think you're my boyfriend.

I'd be going out with someone much younger than you, more ripped.

Marla always said you were gay.

I shagged Marla.

Exactly! Listen, if anything goes wrong, look after those tapes Nothing is going to go wrong.

I'll see you soon.


We're good friends, Leo.

At least, you're a good friend to me.

DS Brooks, Leo Dalton.


The Gilstons, they live down near Epping Forest? Do you have an address? I just need to go through this pre
-op check.

'# Till from the flames appears Salome '# I stand before her, amazed '# As she dances and demands '# The head of John the Baptist on a plate '# In the co
-old' ? Cold stormy night ? The fire I light to warm my bones ? Where are we going? Where do you think we're going? But this is Tony Gilston's house.

The farmland was sold off, the house is used as some sort of residential clinic.

It's being redeveloped, apparently.

I tried calling, but there's no answer.

'My mum had a porch where she grew flowers.

' 'You could hear the rain tapping off it.

' Dear God! 'It was my granny's house.

'My dad was born there.

'I was born there.

John, too.

-one lives there now.

'Not really.

'I used to go there sometimes.

' W
-What the hell's going on? Where is he? Oh, I don't think he knew.

She said that she was brought up in the area, but What else did she tell him? For Christ's sakes! Professor Dalton, you know Why are you angry? You've been playing me from the start.

You present yourself as a disinterested party, expert pathologist, meanwhile you've been withholding key information from the investigation.

Sean Delaney initially alerted me to the case.

A former patient of his had died and he wanted to ensure that the death was investigated as thoroughly as possible.

Or he wanted to make sure the man investigating it was his friend.

And you went along with it.

So if it's not suspicious, why are we here? Why did you want to come back? They left here five years ago.

Delaney thought that maybe something bad had happened to her here, in this house.

Something? Her bedroom.

I am the Alpha and the Omega.

The first and the last.

The beginning and the end.

Happy are those who will have washed their robes clean so that they will have the right to feed on the Tree of Life and can come through the gates into the city.

Definitely on this side.

Maybe upstairs.

Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the unchaste, the murderers, the idol worshippers, and all who love and practise deceit.

John! It's hers.

Nurse, pass me a swab.

Eve Wallpaper.

'No! 'No! 'No!' No
-o! John! Doctor, he's crashing.

'You do not command me.

' 'Who are you?' 'Who am I?' 'Who are you?' 'We are legion!' No! Leave me alone! No! Stop! Stop! No! 'Where are we, John? It's too dark.

I can't see anything.

' 'It's secret.

If you come down here, they won't find you.

It's safe.

' No! Get away! Get away from me! Go away! Leave me alone! There's something about this house, and there is something about this family, and it's got nothing to do with Long QT Syndrome! Help, please! You don't get it, do you? If an as*ault occurred here, and Eve went home and died, that's not as*ault any more.

Someone k*lled her, that's m*rder.

She walked in through that door, she told me what was wrong with her.

Why didn't I take her seriously? What, and perform an exorcism?! Yeah! It's what she wanted! I've seen people under great stress do things you wouldn't believe.

And I've seen them after they've been liberated from that stress.

I want to be able to explain that.

I want you to be able to explain it.

What has this got to do with what we do? It's not like I'm making a case for warlocks or witchcraft.

You could have fooled me.
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