09x12 - The Alien Agenda

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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09x12 - The Alien Agenda

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Strange symbols
found on opposite sides of the Earth.

mandala is doing in remote

desert of Peru is very

NARRATOR: Binary code
appearing in crop formations.

ANDREW COLLINS: Can we see it
as a reply?

Indeed, it was.

NARRATOR: And geographical
alignments that defy explanation.

settlements that are 5,000 years

old, how are they all lined up?

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
throughout the world there are

messages concealed within ancient
texts, symbols and structures?

And if so, might they have been
left for us to uncover by

extraterrestrial beings?

These messages were left to us a

long, long time ago so that we
could remember who we are.

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help
to shape our history?

And if so, might we find the
proof in alien messages?

NARRATOR: Arecibo Observatory.
Puerto Rico.

November 16, 1974.

Early pioneers of SETI the
Search for Extraterrestrial

Intelligence aim the world's

largest radio telescope at a
cluster of stars 25,000

light-years away to send a
transmission out into the cosmos.

The coded signal consists of
binary digits zeros and ones

that form a message designed to

notify other potentially advanced
beings of our existence.

SETH SHOSTAK: This message
into space, it was encoded in

what's called binary code,

cause it's the simplest around.

Listen, we're trying to send a
message to the aliens, and

because you don't know anything
about them, you have to make

this as obvious as possible.

Now, here's the message over
here that was actually sent in

1974, and it starts off with
teaching the ABC's to the aliens.

Well, not ABC's, the 1-2-3's.

Because right up here are the numbers
from one to ten, but in binary.

And anybody who has
thought about binary should be

able to figure that out,
including the aliens.

Right underneath that is... this
funny thing here has the numbers

one, six, seven and so forth.

Those are the atomic numbers of
the elements that make up our

bodies hydrogen, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus.

NARRATOR: The coded message also
contained information about our DNA...

the figure of a human...
a graphic of the solar system...

and a graphic of a radio

For decades, SETI scientists
wondered if their cosmic message

would ever be received, or answered.

Then, nearly 27 years later,
there appeared to be a response.

Hampshire, England.
August 2001.

Next to the Chilbolton Radio Observatory,
two crop formations appeared in a field.

Both are unlike any other ever

WILLIAM HENRY: They were both
pixilated, meaning that when

you're on the ground, you
couldn't perceive what the

crop circle was, but once from
the air you could readily

identify the pattern.

COLLINS: One of the crop
formations that appeared at

Chilbolton in 2001 was a face,
but the other one was far, far

more interesting, because it

greatly resembled the message

that had been sent in 1974.

There were very, very subtle
differences between the two.

They looked identical, but when
you actually looked at them, the

differences gave a key that

seemed to be, uh, almost like

an answer.

HUGH NEWMAN: One of them was
the fact that the human being

that we sent out, when it came
back, it had what appeared to

look like some kind of grey alien
with a large head and a small body.

It also had a different system

of planets, which is suggesting
it's a different solar system.

And it also had a different DNA
sequence as well.

And so just these three things
really caught my attention,

because either it was a
brilliant hoax or it was

actually a message that came
back and was a response to that

original SETI message way back
in the 1970s.

COLLINS: And all of these
suggested to the crop circle

community, and the media, that
we really had received a reply

to the Arecibo message of 1974.

Can we see it as a reply?

Yes, indeed, it was.

But actually who created it, and their
exact purpose, will remain a mystery.

NARRATOR: Some think the
reply may have been to tell us

that we're on the right track,

communicating in the universal
language of the cosmos binary code.

A German mathematician,
Gottfried Leibniz, is credited

with defining binary code in the
17th century.

In turn, Leibniz is said to have
credited his inspiration to the

5,000-year-old Chinese text of
I Ching, an ancient oracle code

used to communicate divine

I Ching is a kind of cryptic

oracular inscription that you're
supposed to decipher, and it was

heavily used in divination in
early China.

The numerical symbols, or
values, are actually tied to a

semi-mythical figure by the name
of Fu Xi...

who is perhaps the earliest
legendary ruler of China.

TSOUKALOS: The history, or
origin, of the I Ching is very

interesting because it is said
that this knowledge was imparted

on Fu Xi by an otherworldly

NARRATOR: According to ancient
Chinese myth, Fu Xi lived around 3000 B.C.

He and his sister were the sole
survivors of a great flood, and

together they repopulated the Earth.

COLLINS: And it was said that
one day he was on the Yellow

River, um, and a water dragon
appeared to him, and that on

the back of this water dragon was
revealed to him the eight trigrams.

NARRATOR: These eight trigrams
are the foundation of the I Ching.

They are made up of a series of
broken and unbroken lines, a

distinct binary code.

CHILDRESS: Fu Xi was given
the information of the I Ching,

what was essentially a binary

It's basically proven that this
kind of mathematical binary code

is what is going to drive all
computers in the future.

And this is something that
extraterrestrials on other

planets and other galaxies must
also be using.

TSOUKALOS: Some have surmised
that the idea for the binary

code was gleaned from the
I Ching.

It's a very curious thing.

Especially the idea that the
basics of the I Ching was

imparted by another type of

NARRATOR: Could the I Ching
have been an attempt by

extraterrestrials to set up a
common communication language

with mankind?

Might this also support the
notion that the crop circles in

Chilbolton are an actual alien
response to the signal that SETI

sent out into the cosmos in

And have extraterrestrials been
leaving messages here on Earth

for us to discover for thousands
of years, as ancient astronaut

theorists contend?

Perhaps further clues can be
found by examining other

mysterious symbols that have
been discovered carved into

rock all over the world.

NARRATOR: Washington, D.C.,
May 2014.

NASA researchers, in conjunction
with SETI scientists, publish a

manual enlisting archaeologists
and anthropologists in the

search for evidence of
extraterrestrial communication.

The 330-page document,
entitled "Archaeology,

Anthropology and
Interstellar Communication,"

details means and methods,
beyond binary code and radio

signals, that scientists should
consider as potential

communication from

Singled out in the document are
rock art and carvings, including

the Neolithic petroglyphs of
Northumberland, England.

Although the document does not
directly attribute the art to

extraterrestrials, it does
propose the possibility that it

could be tied to otherworldly

CHILDRESS: There are
petroglyphs and other rock art

that are actually quite similar
all over the Earth.

We have to wonder if there's not
some parallel that's going on.

TSOUKALOS: I think that we
have to start looking at these

symbols and ask, how did it
originate and from where?

NARRATOR: Roswell, New

September 4, 2004.

(bird screeching)

While tracking deer in the
desert, just 11 miles from the

famous Roswell crash site,
Robert Ridge came across an

object sticking out of the
sand a small,

triangular-shaped rock that is
completely uniform in color and

has a circular design on top of
it that isn't etched into the

rock, but actually protrudes
from it.

ROBERT RIDGE: Thought it was really
cool when I first picked it up.

Um, then got it to the truck,

brushed it off, and then I was,
like, you know, in awe.

You know, I was, like, pinching

What is this?

I thought it was very unique and
very special right off the

get-go, and I still do.

NARRATOR: The Roswell Rock,
as it has come to be known,

measures roughly one-and-a-half
inches thick by two inches wide.

Meticulously etched out of the
face of the triangular stone are

circles, and crescents.

Robert Ridge is convinced that
this symbol is meant to convey a

message, and after studying the
rock, he discovered an uncanny

correlation between the symbols
and the magnetism of the stone.

RIDGE: We found the rock has
magnetic properties.

A friend of mine kept hounding
me about it, and he finally

brought a magnet of his own, and
said, "Here, do this."

So, we did, and we found out

that it has, uh...

It's pretty cool.

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NARRATOR: But with all the
strange qualities that the

Roswell Rock possesses,
what researchers find most

fascinating is that the design
protruding from its surface has

also been found in England,
nearly 5,000 miles away.

DAVID WILCOCK: The pattern of
the sun and moon inside the

circle that we see on the rock
is precisely the same as what we

see in a crop circle formation
dating to 1996 in southern England.

NARRATOR: The crop circle
appeared eight years before

Robert Ridge discovered the
Roswell Rock, a fact that has

led some to suggest the rock is
simply a manmade copy.

RIDGE: One of my best friends
said it looks like a hippie

made it and threw it out in the

So I wanted to examine it.

We did a 3-D CAT scan of the
rock, and that's how we found

out it hasn't been painted.

This hasn't been stuck to the
top of the rock.

It's not an appliqué.

It's part of the rock.

It doesn't have a magnet inside.

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists also contend that if

someone had made the rock as a
hoax, it's unlikely they would

have left it half-buried in the middle of
the desert where it may never be found.

But what has truly convinced
Robert, and many others, that

the rock is not a manmade
fabrication is a comparison

that was done under a microscope

between the Roswell Rock and a
sandblasted replica.

RIDGE: We started looking at
it under magnification.

It blew me away.

And I was like, wow!
What is this?

It's proven to be everything I
thought it was so far.

In my opinion.

NARRATOR: One of the first
researchers to investigate the

connection between the Roswell
Rock and the crop circle in

England was investigative
journalist Linda Moulton Howe.

She is convinced that within the
design is a message.

dealing with advanced

intelligences and you assume
that throughout the universe,

all solar systems, all galaxies,

there have to be some, we'll
call them baselines.

Moons, suns and skies would be
the common denominator.

Something is trying to teach us
humans about astronomy.

The moon and the sun and the
tracking of the symbols, this is

reflecting past, present and

And that comes back to, what is
on that rock?

Well, some people would say that
that is a date.

But why?

Could there be a message encoded

in the design on the Roswell
Rock that reveals some

significant turning point that
lies ahead for mankind?

WILCOCK: It could be that the
extraterrestrials responsible for

making crop circles which is...
I-I believe that's what's

happening actually generated

this rock, created this near the

Roswell crash so as to get us

asking the right questions.

A little bread crumb here and a

little bread crumb there, and

we're being brought closer and

closer to the truth.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the design that appears on

the Roswell Rock and in the
crop formation in England is

actually an attempt by extraterrestrials
to communicate with humankind?

Might this message be trying to

tell us something about our

future, and possibly even

reveal the date on which these

alien visitors plan to return?

Perhaps further clues can be

found by examining the geometry

of one of the world's most

mysterious sites.


The Ica region of Peru.

High in this arid desert,
there is a series of precise

geoglyphic formations that have
mystified people since their

modern discovery in the 1920s.

They are called the Nazca Lines.

These geoglyphs appear in many
shapes and sizes.

Some are figures of animals.

Others are plants.

And a few even appear to be depicting
humans or human-like beings.

And all of them were made on a
scale to be seen from above.

TSOUKALOS: The only true
way with which you can

appreciate the entire
scope is from the sky.

And so the stories behind them

as well, to this day, are
maintained very clearly.

It's not meant to be seen from
the ground, only by the gods,

and the gods dwell up in the

NARRATOR: But for some
ancient astronaut theorists,

even more fascinating is what
lies 100 miles to the north on

the Cajamarquilla plain.

Here, thousands of holes of
varying dimensions and depths

have been dug into a mountain
range in a pattern that runs

north and south for almost two

This mysterious formation has
baffled archeologists for

decades, and like the Nazca
Lines, the holes can only be

appreciated in their entirety
from high above the ground.

TSOUKALOS: In the mountains
of Peru, we have what's commonly

referred to as the Band of

It is one of the coolest places
in relation to the ancient

astronaut theory, because who in
their right mind would go ahead

and dig all these holes?

For what?

ROBERT SCHOCH: They're an incredible
mystery, a very long-lived mystery.

Some people think it looks like
some kind of machine was running

over the territory.

Some people think it was some kind
of systematic mining operation.

Some people say it was just
pothunters, you know, looting,

looking for burials.

None of the explanations make
good sense.

NARRATOR: While the Band of
Holes continues to defy

explanation, some ancient
astronaut theorists believe it

may represent a type of message.

A message that can also be found
at another site 6,000 miles away.

The northwest coast of France.

Here, just south of Brittany, lie
the legendary Carnac stones.

An arrangement of over 3,000
megalithic rocks that stretch

for more than two miles across
the countryside.

NEWMAN: The megaliths of Carnac
in Brittany are just amazing.

Some of them stand about 30 or
40 feet tall.

There are multiple avenues of
stones going right over hills.

And no one's really worked out
exactly what their purpose is.

NARRATOR: Like the
Band of Holes in Peru,

the Carnac stones continue
to defy explanation.

But ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that the clue to

understanding both mysterious
sites might be found by

comparing them side by side.

The Band of Holes runs for
approximately two miles.

So do the Carnac stones.

The width of the Band
of Holes measures eight

holes across, occasionally
deviating by one or two holes.

This too is the case with
the Carnac stones.

And when viewed from high above, the
layout of the two sites is eerily similar.

appear, in my mind,

that there's some
connection that's between

Carnac, France and Peru, and a
special code put there for us to

find at-at a future time when we
could understand these codes.

NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut
theorists have even gone

so far as to suggest that the
Band of Holes may have once

held some sort of standing
totems, similar to what is

believed to have existed at

And that those totems may have
disappeared because they were

disappeared because they were
made of wood.

WILCOCK: There are a series
of post-holes that were found

all around Stonehenge, in which you
can stick sticks in the holes.

But they degraded over time and
it gradually crumbled away, and

perhaps the same thing happened in the
Nazca Plain in Peru with these holes.

NARRATOR: Could there really
be a connection between the

Carnac stones in France and
the Band of Holes in Peru, as

ancient astronaut theorists

And if so, is it meant to convey
a message?

WILCOCK: If you look at the stones at
Carnac, you see curious alignments.

And these alignments actually
duplicate the Pythagorean triangle.

But this appears to have
happened as much as 3,000 years

before Pythagoras allegedly
invented the Pythagorean triangle.

What you're seeing is remarkable
mathematical symbolism and

encoding messages that seem to
suggest somebody wanted us to

know it was built with technology
far in excess of what we have now.

thousands of years in the past,

the extraterrestrials who visited
our planet left a proof behind.

They knew that in the far future the
humans will see these stone patterns.

They will realize that this is
high geometry.

And sooner or later, the
questions comes up, have we

maybe been visited by beings
from outer space?

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
these two ancient sites are both

conveying a message left behind
by extraterrestrials?

And was it their intention that it would
one day be deciphered by mankind?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes, and claim that further

evidence can be found with
another alien message, one that

is encoded in the Bible.

NARRATOR: London, England. 1971.

After years of studying ancient

philosophical teachings relating
to the Egyptian mystery schools,

author John Michell unearths
evidence of an ancient code.

A numerical and geometric code
seemingly embedded not only in

the sacred structures of ancient
Egypt, but also in the Hebrew

world, and in the plans for the
heavenly city of New Jerusalem.

McGOWAN: John Michell was a
scholar, he was a mystic, he was

a genius and a very, very
prolific author.

He had an incredible understanding
of Earth geometry and geography.

But what John Michell is most famous
for is the New Jerusalem diagram.

NARRATOR: By carefully
examining the physical

description of New Jerusalem in Revelation
21, Michell uncovered a sacred design.

At the core of Michell's diagram
is the squaring of the circle,

and the division of the circle into
equal sectors a Zodiac wheel.

And the positioning of 12 gates
to the heavenly city three on

each side of the square, representing
the 12 tribes of Israel.

CHILDRESS: This is also a
geometric figure, and John

Michell claimed that this would
be, uh, how the New Jerusalem

was to be built in the future.

And that all this was encoded in
Revelations in a mathematical

geometric way.

NARRATOR: In his book The
Dimensions of Paradise, Michell

proposed that this sacred geometry
represented the order of the universe.

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that this exact same

geometrical concept can be found halfway
around the world in Nazca, Peru.

Here in the desert, among the
many plant and animal glyphs,

is a geometric design that
looks much different from

the rest of the Nazca lines.

It is called the Sun-Star and

CHILDRESS: The Nazca Sun-Star
glyph is one of the most

interesting glyphs to be seen
at Nazca.

And, in fact, because it's in a
remote area, the Palpa Valley,

it's not actually seen by many

But it is by far, uh, the
strangest and most

mathematically precise of all of
the-the diagrams at Nazca.

NARRATOR: The Sun-Star and
Cross glyph is a precisely

formed star polygon made of two
squares surrounding a perfect

circle, all sharing the same
center and diameter.

Inside the grid are wheels within
wheels and squares within squares.

The design mirrors not only New
Jerusalem's sacred geometry, but

also offers up yet another

look at it, it's very

obviously what is
called a "mandala."

Or a "yantra" in ancient India
or Tibet.

What a mandala, yantra glyph is

doing in remote desert of Peru
is very interesting.

TSOUKALOS: It's a very sacred

It's this idea of being connected
with the realm of the gods.

And then we have to once again
ask ourselves, well, what was

the realm of the gods?

It's very interesting to note
that, seen from the sky, it is

very similar, not identical but
very similar to, for example,

the layout of the temples at

NARRATOR: The Buddhist
temple of Borobudur lies over

11,000 miles west of Nazca in
Indonesia, and is laid out with

a series of precise circles within
a platform of perfect squares.

TSOUKALOS: One has to wonder
if somehow all these sites are

the ancient astronaut theory
excels in, that people in our

ancient past were not isolated.

They had contact with each

In the end, there is an
extraterrestrial connection.

COLLINS: Is this something that
was taught by the ancients from

one culture to the rest and
they incorporated these divine

cities, these New Jerusalems?

Or is this something that may
have been given to us by some

divine intelligence?

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the New Jerusalem design, the

Sun-Star and Cross of Nazca, the
Temple of Borobudur, and other

geometric structures around the
world are encoded with similar

mathematic and geometric

And if so, are they part of an
alien message that is meant not

only to inform us of our
celestial origins, but to guide

us towards a reconnection?

Perhaps a key to understanding
the relevance of this sacred

code can be found by examining
the astrological alignments of

mysterious sites
throughout the world.

NARRATOR: Isolated in
the Pacific Ocean, more

than 2,000 miles off
the coast of Chile,

lies one of the most mysterious
places on Earth Easter Island.

This tiny landmass is home to
nearly 900 monolithic stone

statues carved out of volcanic

2,564 miles to the
East, isolated 7,000

feet above sea level,
are the ruins of a

mysterious lost city of the
Inca, called Macchu Pichu.

And 10,742 miles away, on the
opposite side of the world,

lies Mohenjo-daro, a site where
ancient astronaut theorists

believe a nuclear expl*si*n may
have occurred in the distant past.

Curiously, as discovered by
researcher Jim Alison, these three

sites fall in a straight line
around the center of the Earth.

And with just a minor margin of
error, it also runs through a

number of other mysterious
ancient sites.

McGOWAN: We have the
Giza plateau,

we have Nazca, we have
Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

All of these extraordinarily
important, powerful, sacred

places were all built in a
straight line.

Now, this cannot be an

This cannot be a coincidence.

NARRATOR: The line also
encompasses the ancient Sumerian

city of Ur; the ruins of Petra,

Jordan; and Persepolis, the
capital city of ancient Persia.

TSOUKALOS: There are all
these different sites that seem

to line up, even if it's a
minute degree of deviation, it's

never a massive distance from
that line.

NARRATOR: How is it that
so many important ancient

sites across the globe
all follow this line?

What could possibly
explain this coincidence?

TSOUKALOS: This is bizarre
because only a people capable of

flight, or at least being able

to look at maps, would be able
to do such a thing.

Could it be because some of
those points were in fact

places where our ancestors made
contact with extraterrestrials?

McGOWAN: There has to be
something important in the

location and the geography, in
the geometry that indicated to

our ancestors that this is
sacred ground, that this is a

powerful place to put these
sacred sites.

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists say evidence of

extraterrestrial intervention
can also be found by looking at

how early humans aligned their most
important sites with the stars.

At the Giza Plateau in Egypt,
the layout of the three Great

Pyramids aligns perfectly
with the belt stars of the

constellation Orion.

is made up of two bright stars

and a third dimmer star, which
is offset a bit to the left.

It's exactly what you see on the
ground two large pyramids in

alignment with a third pyramid

It looks like they wanted to build
stars on the ground, if you like.

NARRATOR: Also aligned with
these stars are the ancient city

of Teotihuacán in Central

the Hopi villages in the
American Southwest...

and the Thornborough Henges, a
Neolithic landscape complex in

Northern England.

Could it be merely coincidence
that so many ancient cultures

throughout the world, that
presumably had no contact with

each other, all built their most important
sites by using celestial alignments?

WILCOCK: Look, this is not
something that can be explained

away as a coincidence.

It's time for us to responsibly
take a look at what we're really

seeing and understand that there
is a worldwide, intelligent,

highly mathematically precise
plan behind these designs.

CHILDRESS: The idea that even
ancient buildings' alignments

are encoded with information and
that where they sit on the

planet is also part of an
intricate code is a

fascinating idea, and one that we're
just beginning to understand.

NARRATOR: Could it be that
the curious location and

alignments of ancient sacred
sites were actually meant to

serve as a form of

And might the purpose have been
to leave behind a hidden message

for future generations to discover?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes, and suggest that

otherworldly messages can be
found not only hidden throughout

the globe, but even within the
human body.

NARRATOR: The University
of Cambridge, England.

March 1953.

American biologist James Watson

and English physicist Francis
Crick discover the

three-dimensional double-helix
shape of DNA.

This scientific breakthrough is
a giant leap forward in

unraveling the mystery of
mankind's origins.

But our genetic code proves to
be so complex that Francis Crick

proposes it did not develop by
chance, and also that it is not

of this Earth.

CHILDRESS: Sir Francis Crick
said that the human genome

is-is not something that could
have occurred randomly, and that

therefore, we were somehow
programmed specifically by

extraterrestrials, it would seem,
many thousands of years ago.

HENRY: The message is, is that
our DNA didn't come from Earth.

In fact, their research suggests
that our DNA is billions of

years old, and that we were in
fact seeded from the stars.

WILCOCK: The DNA molecule
itself is the equivalent of the

entire Encyclopedia Britannica
being dropped out of a

helicopter, chopped up into
individual words and then as the

words fall out of the helicopter
like confetti, that they all

arrange into the correct order
that they were in.

That's the madness that is
required to even speculate that

DNA could have evolved randomly
on Earth.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
DNA is an intelligently designed code?

And if so, might there be even
more information imbedded

within our genetic makeup than
scientists have yet to find?

information molecule, I think

DNA is much more attractive
than radio signals and so on.

It lives longer, it has the
ability to self-replicate, and

it has an astronomically tiny
error rate.

And so these three properties
make DNA a unique storage device.

So, if you want to store a
secret or a stamp of the maker,

DNA would be your choice.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that there are messages

actually imprinted right
in our genetic makeup?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes, and contend that part of

that message may be contained
within the universal

structure of DNA, which consists
of a series of three molecule

combinations known as codons
or triplets.

They say that it is much
more than coincidence that

three is also the number of
stars in Orion's belt...

the number of pyramids on the Giza Plateau
that line up with those stars...

and the basic geometry behind
the pyramid shape itself.

WILCOCK: We have a very
fascinating connection to data

points saying the same thing.

Number three is where you
begin building geometry.

The DNA molecule has an
underlying geometry to it.

Geometry is intrinsic to the
design of the universe, and that

the number three builds the
triangle, the triangle being

the building block of all other

Maybe we'll learn some very
interesting things once we can

correctly decipher the message.

NARRATOR: Are there alien
messages all around us, hidden

within elaborate designs,
embedded in geographical

alignments, carved in rock,

etched into the landscape,
and even encoded in our DNA?

And if so, might there be some
significance to the fact that we

are just now beginning to
discover these messages?

Book of Daniel, there's a chapter

that tells Daniel to seal up the
prophecies of the Hebrew scriptures.

And it will be opened again in
the days when human beings are

running to and fro and knowledge
will increase.

Well, we could argue that we're
living in those days that Daniel

was writing about.

McGOWAN: So much of what we
know about ancient culture,

ancient architecture, ancient
technology is encoded.

There are codes in literature.

We see in the New Jerusalem
diagram that there is encoding,

again in geometry, in the

These codes were left to us a
long, long time ago so that we

could find our way, so that we
could remember who we are.

CHILDRESS: Is it some kind of
message for us from the past

that we're to decode when we
have reached a higher state of

civilization and knowledge that
we can figure all this out?

It would seem that we are only
just now reaching a point of

knowledge and technology that we
can understand these codes

and find the hidden meaning
that's there.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the answers to mankind's

greatest questions
where did we come from,

why are we here,
and where are we headed

are actually all around us,
hidden in alien messages,

waiting to be deciphered?

Perhaps the key to decoding it
all lies in an ancient script,

our own DNA, or something we
have yet to discover.

And once we crack the code, we
will find that the answers to

these questions are far more
profound than we ever imagined.
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