16x02 - Change - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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16x02 - Change - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

This place is my life.

Don't sell us out! Mr Swartzman's interested in the brand.

Have you seen my offer? Forensics? The fixer's name is John Briggs.

Yes, already on the web.

You need to sign the agreement right away.

He's put his daughter in charge.

His daughter? There's a photo of a girl coming into the hotel lobby.

Apparently, she was going to visit him.

They told me that the Lyell Centre needed to change or die.

Harry must have known that, probably why he left.

She contacted your father.

Deanna, it's your mother.

You'll get found out.

This company belongs to me! He's a nasty, mean little man, lurking behind a family brand.

Did he like her? Very much.

She had fun with him? Yeah.

Did they laugh? Yeah.

I used to laugh with my father.

How long did you work for him? Ten years.

You loved him.

He could do unspeakable things and still be loved.

A talent.

The network's saying that her phone is on somewhere in that area.

It's been in the same spot since That's got to help with time of death.

It's accurate to 100 metres.

The technology's amazing.

I've given this a great deal of thought.

I know I'm not going to be here for ever, but But now that Harry's gone Leo, no eulogies.

No, no, no.

I'm just I'm just saying I like to think that I'm more effective investigating in the cutting room, doing the science, rather than sitting in my office, administrating.

And when I look ahead, I have to think about how the Lyell Centre can be competitive.

So I've been thinking how we might amalgamate forensic pathology with other forensic sciences.

We're changing?! Yep.

I've made a decision.

I thought I was going to interview the shortlist.

You have.

I've asked Jack to be our Senior Forensic Scientist.

Congratulations! Thank you.

Thank you, Professor Dalton.

You don't have to call me "Professor".

Oh! What is it? DNA results for Deanna Collier.

She's NOT Geraldine's daughter.

She deceived John Briggs for five months.

And presumably was intending to continue with the charade.

We ran the DNA through the database.

She's been cautioned twice, once for theft.

She lifted the wallet of a man who hired her as an escort.

Once for lewd behaviour.

She looked so sweet.

We can't rule out her involvement in his death.


She was conning John Briggs.

How did she know that Geraldine had a child? How did she know the baby had been given away? Wasn't it a dark family secret? Not any more.

Who would have known? Phone number.

The police want to speak to you.

I can sit in or you can get outside counsel.

I'm losing my appetite for buying the company.

It's a business deal.

There's too much noise around this now.

I have to ask myself, "Do I really need it"? I have delivered this to you.

There are no more obstacles.

Phillip Briggs wants to get this done.

There are problems with the union.

That's going to be sorted.

The price is still too high.

Name recognition for "Briggs" has never been higher.

Do you tell the truth about anything, Michael? Only when it doesn't matter.

How much are you going to earn from this? Fees.

Trade your fees for equity.

You need something to live for, Michael.

CAT scan shows a transverse fracture to her right leg.

She could have broken her leg if she'd jumped from a bridge.

This injury's consistent with an RTA.

How does she end up in the Thames? We checked the logs for call-outs in Bermondsey that night.

There are no reported RTAs.

Not with a pedestrian.

Did the accident k*ll her? I'll have a preliminary report on cause of death by the end of today.

Briggs? Allergen still unknown.

Nobody here believes this is a coincidence, do they? A printout of every entry into John Briggs' hotel room while he was there.

I'll need the fingerprints of every member of housekeeping that's been in the room.

WE'LL need them.

Can we get DNA as well? I mean, you know, can we afford it? Detective? Send me an invoice.

When's her post-mortem? I just don't think it's a good idea.

In here.

OK, I'll talk to him.

Gus? Yeah.

I want you to wait outside.

Why? Bad neighbourhood.

I'm worried about the car.

She can't sleep.

I've asked the doctor to bring her some pills.


My mother, just before she died, told me I was put on this earth to endure pain.

That must be God's purpose for me.

She has no other explanation.

I have two bodies to bury now.

Wasn't she wise! I need to speak to you about Deanna.

There's nothing more you can take from me now.

She's not your daughter.

What? The DNA is conclusive.

No mistake.

I'm so sorry.

I know how much this must hurt you.

How can you possibly know what I feel or what I don't feel?! I lost a daughter.

And now I've lost her twice! Whatever you tell me, she is still lost! Miss Briggs I'm sorry to have to do this.

There are some questions I need to ask you.

Phillip we are the kind of people who act, right? Who do.

We're masters of our own fate, aren't we? Nothing to be scared of.

Of course not.

I mean, this has been my life too, my whole life.

It's not right what's happened.


You take what belongs to you, Phillip.

Don't let yourself be held hostage.

You had dinner with Deanna on the night she died at Il Pagliaccio in Knightsbridge? That's right.

Just the two of you? Er yes.

We wanted to get to know each other.

I didn't know anything about her, did I? What sort of mood was Deanna in when she left you? Loving.

Did you argue? No! No.

We kissed each other good night and then we promised to see each other the next day.

Then we went our separate ways.

What's this about? Sorry to have to ask.

You're sorry? Did anyone see you "go your separate ways"? I don't know! How would I know? Is there someone who can verify what time you got home? No.

You think that I? Is this some kind of a joke? And you came back here? Yes.

To this house? It's a nice house.

You landed on your feet.

I don't think that's All that resentment towards your father.

Did you shed a tear when you heard he was dead? That's enough! Was there somebody else staying in the house when you arrived home? No.

It was raining that night, why didn't you offer her a ride home? She didn't want one! You'd just been reunited, It's raining out She said she had an Oyster Card.

Of course.

You were the last person to see her alive.

Please! You don't have to answer any more questions.

You think that I k*lled her?! I k*lled my mother with disappointment.

She told me I was someone she didn't know.

I was 16 and pregnant.

That couldn't happen to their child.

I was r*ped.

Phillip r*ped me.

I wanted an abortion and my father wouldn't allow it.

He waited until the baby was born, then then just when I was able to love it, he took her away from me.

I wanted to see my girl grow up.

They took that away from me.

I wanted to have a life.

I wanted to fall in love.

They took everything from me! Were you the last person to see her alive? No! You can't! I was not the last person to see her alive! You sure? Yes! Who was? The person who k*lled her! Don't try and tell me what is appropriate during an interview! She'd just told us she'd been r*ped by her uncle.

It might have been what she told us, or it may have been a confession note.

She was in pain.

You went too far.

It wasn't necessary.

She's a possible suspect! Well, now she knows she's a possible suspect, doesn't she? Annette Kelly used her credit card to book Briggs' hotel room.

She knew about Geraldine's baby.

She was the one Deanna said first contacted her.

Three good reasons to suspect Annette Kelly.

And she doesn't realise she's a suspect, does she? Because the light is shining on someone else! How'd it go? This is ridiculous.

My name is down, security should have been informed.

I'm not lost.

Do I look lost? No.

I know what I look like and it isn't lost.

If you want to see lost look in the mirror.

Can I help you? I hope so.

He doesn't seem capable of it.

I'm trying to find the lab.

The lab? The lab.

I'm sorry, am I not enunciating? The lab.

Who are you? Clarissa Mullery.

That means nothing.

Perhaps it means something to the person in charge.

Well, I am the person in charge.

Do you have an appointment? Could you escort Miss Mullery from the building, please.

You're Leo Dalton.

Jack always talks about you.

He's a shocking judge of character.

How do you know Jack Hodgson? I work with him.

And what do you do? I make him look clever.

Sorry I'm late.

Did I forget to mention Clarissa? I don't always succeed.


All right, Dave, how you doing? You What are you playing at? Stealing union funds? You've let your members down, Kenny.

That's a lie.

You know that's a lie.

It's all over the internet.

It gets repeated.

Soon it becomes true cos you can't stop it.

They've all seen it.

Yeah, someone sent it to their email addresses.

It went viral.

Some of the lads want to start talking to another union.

To see if they might look after them.

That's not going to happen! We need stability.

After all that's happened.

We need a union we can work with.

Sometimes a rumour's as bad as the truth.

Now, I'm sure I can help you stop this spreading any further.

Do you want my help? Hey! Stop! Whose shit is this? Sorry It belongs to The last guy who was lucky enough to sit here? Yeah, him.

What would you like me to do with it? Should I just chuck it? No.

No, I'll look after it.


Why were you at the hotel the night your brother died? There was supposed to be a meeting.

With? Mr Schwartzman.

I thought he was having dinner with your brother? He wanted the meeting after the dinner.

I assumed they'd reached a decision and wanted to make me Chief Executive.

But you weren't? Well, there was no meeting.

So you went home? No.

I went to the bar to look for some hookers.

Yeah, I went home.

Did you know Deanna Collier? Not really.

My brother said she was the product of a one night stand he had, some woman he rented for the evening.

You didn't know your niece had a child? No.

But it's hardly surprising, I mean she was a slut! Couldn't keep her legs together.

His little princess was shagging anything that moved.

Including you? Don't be ridiculous.

Where did you get that idea from? So you work in the family business, she's pregnant for nine months, has a child, and you didn't know? Wasn't something my brother was going to broadcast.

Who might have known? It was a secret.

He wanted it to disappear.

That's what happened.

Deanna Collier wasn't Geraldine's daughter.

Well, who was she? How could she have known that Geraldine's daughter existed? Nothing? Nothing.

I was sure the phone would point us in the right direction.

They said it was there.

The computer can see it transmitting.

That's what they said.

Technology's shit! Port of London Authority? Time of next low water in Bermondsey? The combination of injuries make it difficult, but cause of death did ultimately reveal itself.

Now this injury is consistent with her being hit by a car.

Indentation of tissue, the large contusion and the transverse fracture are at a height of 708 to 712mm, which is consistent with the upper bumper reference line of an SUV.

Bumper height should narrow the possible SUV models.


Now, the tissues had signs of oil and tar.

Which suggests that on impact, rather than being thrown up into the air, she was dragged down under the car and pulled across the tarmac.

There were a number of other fractures.

Whether they were caused by the car or not or Or what? Well, they might have occurred while she was in the river.

I initially thought that she'd drowned, but then the content of her lungs doesn't support that.

But she was dead by the time she reached the river.

So the body was dumped there? I also found rat faeces in her hair and I extracted debris that was blocking her tracheae and oesophagus.

What kind of debris? It was solidified fat human excrement, paper.

She drowned in human excrement?! In the Thames?! The Thames is pretty clean.


Her air pipe was obstructed.

So she's hit by a car, asphyxiated and we find her in the Thames?! Well, how does that work? I think I can keep Schwartzman interested, but we have to move quickly.

Phillip needs to be put in charge of the company.

So, can you please just find a legal way to do it? Can you get that done? You told me she was his granddaughter! Well, that's what John told me.

He came to me, he didn't know what to do.

He didn't know how it'd play in the papers.

I mean, a rich man gives his daughter's baby up for adoption.

Briggs is a family brand.

Well, you introduced Schwartzman to John.

You brought Deanna to John.

You knew he was looking for Geraldine's baby.

Yes, he confided in me and I was helping him.

I'm going to the police.

What is it, Annette? Calm down! How's your husband? How's the kid? We all live in glass houses, Annette.

That's what modern technology has done for us.

The route of the River Neckinger's tributary takes a dog leg as it moves towards the Thames.

What is it? Hmm.

What are you doing tonight? You're not? Oh, no! Cos No, no, no.

God no! Then, what did you have in mind? I think Ricky Hatton's hand speed let him down.

He could take Mayweather's best shot but that's all he was doing.

You are dangerous.

Thank you.

How do you know about boxing? Post-mortems.

Now, that is sexy.

Boxer's brains are smaller.

Their grey matter is thinner.

Do you get hit in the head a lot? I try not to.

Based on the evidence I saw That was a one-off.

Have you ever seen the brain of a person with dementia pugilistica? I can't say I have and it's not on my list.

The brain strikes the inside wall of the skull, causing damage to the blood vessels, nerves and brain tissue.

Thanks for letting me know.

And bleeding is one of the most common causes of Let it go.

I know that YOU think that you're probably very Well, I don't know what with your fighting.

Nikki, let it go.

You're not going to change me.

It's just an ignorant thing to do.

You know doctors have a bad habit of trying to tell everyone else how to live.

Perhaps we know better.

Or perhaps you're just up yourself.

Oh, now you're winning my heart.

Yeah, that was my plan.

Why do you do it? Release.

How much of a release can it be to get beaten up all the time? Not all the time.

Come on.

Look at your face.

It does two things.

One, it takes away my guilt.

Try the church.

And two, it reminds me to have some bottle.

Why are you laughing? Well, you definitely don't seem short on that.

It's a work in progress.

What are you scared of? It's a long story about an old job.

It's time.

Her body was found here, wasn't it? Yep.

And we know that she wasn't thrown into the river alive, because her lungs would have been filled with water, so What is it? The combined sewer overflow.

The outlet of the Neckinger's tributary.

One of London's underground rivers.

When it rains too heavily it takes the sewage overflow.

Rat faeces in her hair! Asphyxiated by sewage.

It was raining hard.

The water rises.

Deanna's body is pushed into the combined sewer.

The water pushed her along.

Smashes her body against the chain ropes and metal bars in the outflow pipe until it reaches the Thames.

So her body was found here.

But she died in In there.

This is where they were picking up her mobile signal from.



And another here.

You'd need a key to open these.

You're not going to Well, I'm not going No, there is no chance! Was that a rat? Yeah, huge one.

Leads to a manhole.

Here you go.

Did you hear that?! What? What do we do if it floods? Run.


I'm serious.

Jack? Huh? Oh, it's the River Neckinger.

It must be just above us.

All the sewage converges here.

If there's too much water, it rises to the overflow.

Shut up! I'm wrong.

Shit! I'm wrong.

What are you wrong about? If she's just been m*rder*d her body won't float.

It doesn't work! How could I be so stupid! Dead bodies don't float! If it won't float, it can't rise to the overflow.

I've got a signal.

Turn your light off.

She was k*lled and the m*rder*r threw her gear into the sewer.

But where was she k*lled? Here.

She died in here.

It takes 48 to 72 hours for a body to decompose enough to trap gases so it'll float.

How did her body rise to the overflow? When she's hit by the car her leg was broken, she was knocked unconscious, yes? Yes.

But when she regains consciousness, she's in the tunnel in the dark, in terrible pain.

She has trouble breathing, so she uses her inhaler.

She hears the water rushing, sees the tunnel filling, but there is no escape.

The water's filling fast, so she tries to stay afloat.

But as she rises in the chamber, she desperately gasps for air.

She takes in a mouthful of scum floating to the top, human detritus, and her airways are blocked.

The water buffets her, smashing her skull, breaking her bones and then disposes of her in the Thames.

There is no water in her lungs because her oesophagus and trachea are obstructed.

The steroids in the inhaler allow her to fill her lungs to capacity.

Gases trapped in the lungs making them buoyant.

She's dead.

She floats.

Who is it, pet? Morning.

It's for me.

Can you look after her? Yes, of course.

We can do this here or at the police station, if you'd prefer.

Come in.

The last time you saw Mr Briggs? The business dinner.

I went straight home after.

Deanna Collier said that you contacted her.

After his 60th birthday Five years ago, Mr Briggs started looking for his granddaughter.

He felt remorse.

And five months ago, out of the blue, he received a letter from Deanna.

He asked me to look into it.

What made you think she was his granddaughter? It wasn't my judgment to make.

Briggs was satisfied? Obviously.

So before you got the letter from Deanna, how many people knew a granddaughter existed? Well, it was a very private matter.

You, Briggs, anyone else? Geraldine, obviously.

Michael Trenter.

Who is? Mr Briggs' media advisor.

How long had Mr Briggs been thinking about selling the company? He didn't want to, he was being forced into it.

The bank had put him under pressure.

They didn't want to loan.

How long ago was that? Four or five months.


I think we're done for now.

Thank you.

Is that your husband? Yes.

Lovely little girl.


Just one more thing.

What kind of car do you drive? A Lexus.

SUV? Yes.

Why does anyone drive an SUV in the city? It makes you feel safe.

We're going to need to take it away.

Have a look at it.

I received it this morning.

Look at it.

They're threatening to send these to the newspapers.

They want money.

You've seen it, Annette? Who would want to destroy my father's reputation? Your father? It's hardly about you, is it? It's not about your father, it's about the company.

You have to do what's right for the company.

Doesn't she, Annette? Yes.

And what do you think she should do? As her solicitor, representing her best interests? I think you should try to make a deal with Schwartzman today.

Before the value drops any further.

What? Why does Deanna Collier have Michael Trenter's number in her address book? "Having dinner with mum.

" Smiley face.

"If silence is golden, where's the gold? Meet?" Michael Trenter? May I speak to Detective Gold, please? Hi, I'm looking for a Mr Michael Trenter.

Detective Const Cook.

I'm sorry, but Mr Trenter's at a lunch meeting at the moment.

Apparently, Trenter's not available.

Well, make an appointment with him.

My resignation.

I want our conversation to be private.

Of course.

This morning must have been horrible for you.

I'd be grateful if you could leave me with a little dignity.

I had my dignity stolen when I was of taking yours.

It wasn't me in the photograph with your father.

Why didn't you say something? Because it could have been.

I see.

But you can't fight them.

They make up stories.

If they can't find a newspaper, they put it on the internet.

They ruin reputations - doesn't matter to them.

Sell the company.

Take the money and go and live your life.

My life will never be what I expected it to be.

Let Phillip take over.

Let them get on with it.

That would be in your interest, wouldn't it? It's me today, it'll be you tomorrow.

He gave the responsibility to me.

I wondered why he would do that.

He wanted me to know that he believed me.

Finally, he believed me.

I'm not going to sell the company.

I don't accept it.

I don't care what you put in your mouth.

I've two days.

Don't tell me what I should be scared of, tell me what I can do.

Jack, here's a list of the SUVs with bumper heights that are matches.

Thanks, Clarissa.

I've done a breakdown of swipe card entries.


Both cards were issued to Annette Kelly.

Second one is not on the evidence inventory.

I'll get this over to the detectives.


That's impressive! Have you met? No.

Nikki, Clarissa.

Clarissa, Nikki.


Is she the one you said is a genius? I didn't actually say that.

Yes, you did.

OK, you didn't.


It's nice to meet you, Nikki.

I don't know what you're worried about.

From the way you described her, she is a genius.

Can I have a quick word? You played that brilliantly! It's the double bluff that sells it! But the information I gave you is all true.

Yeah, that was good too.

Not sure I understand the point unless it has to do with sex.

It better not be to do with sex.

Not where you eat, Jack.

I have a mortgage.

I just want our life here to work.

Why wouldn't it? You can rub people up the wrong way.

What about you?! Thank you for meeting with me.

Oh, don't thank me yet.

Annette should be joining us.

Yeah, well, traffic is bad.

She She tells me I should work with you.

Well, I'm a good listener.

I don't trust many people.

We've got a lot in common.

Professor? Leo.

Just call me Leo.


Clarissa Mm-hm.

You didn't actually say that I wouldn't get to interview her.

She's my technician.

I need her.

There's a problem here with the "my" and the "I".

God, yeah, you're right - there's "i" in team.

And I didn't expect I told you I would only come if I could bring my technician.

If she goes, I go.

Oh! Cos we're a team.

Without an "i".

I like her.

Yeah? Wait till you get to know her.

Jack Hodgson.

Thank you.

Annette Kelly is missing.


It's her husband.

We'd usually give it 48 hours before we treat it as suspicious but Det Sgt Gold think's we should view it as a possible crime scene straightaway, in light of prior events.


What'd you find? In the bottom drawer of Annette Kelly's desk.

Residue of talcum powder.

It doesn't belong to Annette Kelly.

Have a look in the side pocket at the back.

Hotel swipe card.


The whip marks Somebody likes punishment.

And you're different? Ouch.

It's been cut.

On the side.

We can swab it for DNA.

Clarissa will look for fibres.

Latex! The allergen.

Yeah And I found this Was it some sort of extortion plot? Maybe he got a kick out of it.

Maybe you look at too much porn.

And I thought my secret was safe.

That's not real.

What do you mean? Briggs's neck, look at it.

His face is smooth from the lifts, but his neck shows every one of his 65 years.

Was Annette on the CCTV? Wasn't looking for her.

Do you have the hard drive? Original and the copy.

Well, look again.


Woody! Come on, Woody.

Come on, sweetheart! What have you got there, eh? Woody, woody, drop! Drop! Looks like it was done postmortem.

No coagulation visible.

Is it meant to look like su1c1de? Female.

Annette Kelly.

Let's see what comes back with the DNA results.

A large splinter in the hand.

Dark substance on the wood.


It's not been cut.

Teeth marks? Why's she leaving the hotel? She doesn't have the bag with her.

Go to real time.

Just a sec, mate.


Yeah, I may have something but I can't talk now.

Later one, yeah.

She went back up.

When she comes back in she finds him dead.

He's wearing the gear.

The latex causes the anaphylaxis.

She knew what the papers would say.

Briggs's room, late at night.

Not good, people will talk.

She panics.

She wants to leave, but she's afraid.

She cuts him out of the outfit and tries to clean up.

Wipes the flat surfaces, the telephone jack Why does she walk out in the first place? He asked her to do something she doesn't want to do? The whip.

Why didn't she call the police though? She was afraid they might leak it to the press.

Have they found the rest of the body? Your man Cook leaks stories to the press.

You're telling me that just like that? Like it's a fact.

Seemed the best way.

I heard him on the phone.

Can you prove it? Good on the accusations.

Not so much on the proof.

As it's breaking the law, I thought I'd give you a heads-up.

Let me give you a heads up - don't touch this.

People are sensitive about it.

If you can't prove it, keep your mouth shut.

And even if you can.

Because we all have to work together.


I'll call the Royal Veterinary College to get them to confirm.

It was creosote.

Surface of the skin has traces of Bacillus thuringiensis.

A pesticide.

These marks They aren't teeth.

They're some sort of rash, aren't they? What kind of insects is Bacillus thuringiensis meant to control? Jack wanted me to find out about poisonous caterpillars.

I didn't know caterpillars could be poisonous, did you? Yep.

Oak Processionary Moth They're not indigenous to Britain.

Did you know that? Yes.

Came from Northern France.

Did you know we've had an infestation recently? Yes.

You did? I just read it.

Where are the locations of the infestations in London? You don't know? Hi.

OK, there are three sections of the park which are closed.

This section is closest to the residential street where the arm was found.


The Oak Processionary Moth caterpillar.


NIKKI! JACK! Over here.

I tried to reach her this morning.

To tell her we were returning her car.

Blow to the head.

Creosote? DNA? Prints.

DNA? Prints? Anything you need, you can have.

That'll catch every car, bicycle, person that comes in here.

Think it actually works? Hair? Hmm.

Well, she certainly didn't k*ll herself.

Single blow, blunt trauma injury, side of the head, cerebral bleeding She'd have died pretty quickly.

And there were two creosote-covered wood splinters.

But the k*ller was trying to make it look like su1c1de? Not very successfully.

Why, if you were a stranger, would you try to make it look like a su1c1de? If it's a random as*ault? No, you do that if you know her.

DNA is back on the arm.

We've got the rest of the victim, now.


The arm belongs to Annette Kelly.

We know.

She's also your unknown DNA - Briggs's hotel room, the carpet Mr Barber and I are going to look at ways to try and cut costs.

I think we might be past the point where we can be looking at ways to cut costs.

Mr Hornsby, let us try and work our way out of this.

We can't loan you any more money, Miss Briggs.

You have no experience in running a business.

Come on! Can't the bank show a little good will? I've had this conversation for months with your father.

Didn't know there was a meeting this morning.

You didn't know cos your weren't invited.

Don't you think we should wait for Annette? I'm sorry.

This is not an option I can consider unless we have a concrete plan.

Mr Trenter, could you leave? Yeah, there's a meeting going on.

I think I've got a concrete plan.

Look, I'm not going to pretend that I know how to do anything, but Mr Barber is willing to work with us.

We'll hire the people we need and if you could just show us some support I'm sorry to interrupt.

Geraldine Briggs, I am arresting you on the suspicion of the m*rder of Annette Kelly.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say, may give in evidence.

Your arrest is necessary for the prompt and effective investigation of the of fence.

I'm in charge now.

The clock runs out tomorrow.

I'll be contacting Mr Schwartzman to close the deal.

Of course.

He's done due diligence, it's only a matter of a signature.

Well, that's your business, not mine.

Yes, it is.

Of course it is.


We'll get him signing immediately, and put the whole thing to bed.

CCTV places Geraldine at the park with Annette.

She admits she was there.

Geraldine leave, she drives away, Annette doesn't.

Geraldine was the last person to be seen with Deanna Collier.

So we're working from an operating theory, that Geraldine discovers Deanna is an imposter hoping to get money.

And Annette? She thinks Annette is having an affair with Briggs in order to extort money, probably k*lled him, and the photograph is part of it.

A partner in her own extortion plot? The photograph's a fraud.

It's been Photoshopped.

Are you sure? Light moves in straight lines in all the universe, except this photo.

They've put Briggs's head on someone else's body, likewise Mrs Kelly.

It's true.

No, I've just told you, it's not true.

But the DNA in the hotel room What's your point? They were having a sexual relationship! Why is that important? They're dead.

You're bent.

What?! Jack! You've already sold it.

Enough! Enough.

We need to visit the Kelly home.

Routine search.

We need more evidence if we're going to hold Geraldine Briggs.

CCTV places her in the car park? Yeah.

Not the scene of the m*rder.


Well, IF she k*lled Annette, she will possibly have been exposed to Oak Processionary Moth larvae.

She could have the red marks on her arms, her legs And those marks would place her at the scene.

So look for them.

Can we do that right away? Of course.

They paid you over the odds for a sex scandal.

Shut up! And now you're worried you may have sold the newspaper a lie.

Are you OK? Yeah, good.


Do you want to make a complaint? I do! No.

We all have to work together.

You don't do yourself any favours.

I need to work on that.

Gold's saying you provoked him.

She's always going to close ranks.

Do you close ranks? Leo's doing that right now.

The Professor I admire the most - having to make excuses for me.

Get over the hero worship.

Can I see you arms, please? Why should anyone believe me? OK, you can put your clothes on.

Your father believed you.

I believe you.

Are you trying to intimidate me? No.

Just wondering how hard it is to become a detective.

Can't be that hard.

Shut up.

Silence is golden.

Deanna's text message Does Michael Trenter have an SUV? I thought you got paid to keep that shite out the papers? Now it's actually studied in advertising courses! What time did Mr Schwartzman say he'd be here? He's not coming.

About 5 o'clock.


He's going to let the ship sink, then buy it for salvage.

Where is he, Michael? He'll wait till the very last minute, pull out, and let the company go under.

Be quiet! Schwartzman's not interested in you.

Or me, or Hornsby.

He'll buy it for 30p in the pound, turn it into a non-union shop.


I said shut up.

A thousand people out of work.

And people will say he's clever.

I said shut it! Politicians will want to be his friend.

Have a drink with him.

He'll set up an academy and sleep with an actress.


He'll be in Tony Blair's address book now.

And give money to some spin doctor's charity for alcoholic depressives.

Mr Schwartzman has withdrawn his interest.

He won't be coming today.

Bunch of mugs.

Youse are all a bunch of mugs.

So am I.

You'll need to put yourself into administration immediately.

He's having bodywork done.

Det Sgt Gold.

Is this Michael Trenter's car? This is it.

I thought you knew everything, Michael.

Everything about everyone.

Do we want to sell the company, Phillip? Let's just stay focused on that.

I've spoken to the administrator.

They're desperate.

We think we can do a deal at 30 pence on the pound.

Because of you, Michael.

Thank you.

Don't mention it.

What is it? Deanna Collier.





Oak Processionary Moth.

Det Gold in particular praised your work.

I don't know why.

It's a mystery.

And it is very gracious of you to invite Det Cook to do the follow up on Deanna with you.


Two words I don't normally hear.

I imagine he'll like the sewer.

Thank you.

Thank you both for giving me the chance.

Hello, Professor.


Hello, Dr Alexander.


The information you wanted.

I've confirmed it.

Oh, thank you! No worries.

It's a beautiful day today, isn't it? Very upbeat! Change is good! Change is good.

I ran your DNA against the database and that's when I discovered something.

That's Joanna.

By the window.

The couple that adopted her, sent her back.

Turned out she wasn't perfect.

No one's perfect.

Oh, man! You OK? Yeah.


I'm going to film a bit of this.

That's where we found the phone.

Further along there.

Oh, my God.

Huh? What you doing, man? I'm going to kick your ass.

You think she could have died later? Why do you say that? Fewer blowfly larvae on the blonde victim.

I know you're strong, but now it's all about the fight.

You just have to do whatever it takes.

Chrissy Reed.

Worked for CID up in Yorkshire.

Must have found a way of flushing her down the M1.

Shona did not smother him! Time for work.

What's the matter, Jack? Can't even look at me? Baby-k*lling bitch! There are three vials of TTX unaccounted for? Do you know what this is? What it can do? Shut up! k*ll me You, Jack, you're all the same.

Playing on the edge of law enforcement like kids in a bloody sand-pit.
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