17x03 - Coup de Grace - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x03 - Coup de Grace - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks, this will do.

Thank you.

Let her through, please, guys.

Will Bennetto be free today? OK, let her through, please.


Thank Christ.

You OK? Yeah.

I thought you'd bottled it.

Where have you been? King's Hospital.

A su1c1de and two distraught children.

OK, let me rewind that.

Thanks for this, Nikki, it really is appreciated.



Right OK.

We're on.

The usher will come and get you when you're up, OK? All rise.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Is he all right? He's OK.

Mr Bennetto is an ex-soldier who has spent the past five years and four months in prison for the brutal m*rder of two h*m* teenage men - one of whom, Daniel Harris, was his lover.

Mr Bennetto was initially arrested and questioned in connection with the m*rder of Mr Harris but released on bail without charge.

Some two days later, Michael Freeman was m*rder*d.

His body was found within yards of where Daniel Harris had been k*lled.

Both men were dispatched with a single shot to the forehead and cut repeatedly with a knife.

M'lady and lords, I submit on behalf of the appellant that, though both killings exhibit similar modus operandi and may well have been perpetrated by the same person, the conviction of Mr Bennetto on both counts is unsafe.

What? At the original trial, the Crown believed that they'd stopped a potential serial k*ller, but new evidence will show that Mr Bennetto could not have been involved in these brutal acts.

He was convicted in a case that has many of the ingredients of a miscarriage of justice.



Thought it might wind you up some more.

You OK? It's not exactly my idea of fun, contradicting the original pathologist's findings, especially when he'll be sitting in court.

Good for business though.

Really big up the Lyell.

A little birdie tells me that's what Thomas is praying for, anyway.

Your picture in the papers.

Me? Why? Pathology eye-candy.

He said that?! Not in so many words.

He didn't say that.

Well, it's what he's thinking.

Dr Desai, is Mr Bennetto suffering from a mental illness? Yes, he has bi-polar affective disorder, exacerbated by symptoms of PTSD.

And would he have been suffering from those conditions when he was originally arrested? Yes.

He would have found it extremely difficult to cope with confinement.

Might his mental state have contributed to him confessing to a crime he hadn't in fact committed? Yes.

In your opinion, can Mr Bennetto's confession be relied upon? My Lady? I'll allow it.

I think if a psychiatrist such as myself had assessed him then there might have been a different outcome.

So, once again - can the confession be relied upon or not? No.

Everybody good? Thinking of taking up smoking, but otherwise fantastic.

Well, that's 1-0 to us - the psych went down very well.

Just Nikki now then, hmm? No pressure(!) What's your evidence? Ah, the timings - when Michael Freeman was k*lled and dumped.

There was a witness who said she saw Bennetto there around 7:30.

If the timings don't work, he'll walk.

He's an innocent man.

You know that, do you? I do.

And she knows it too.

Dr Alexander Now, the findings of the pathologist of the original trial - Dr Bell What exactly do you take issue with? Dr Bell's report was extremely thorough, but it omitted to mention something that was in his contemporaneous notes.

Er, which is? That he found diatoms on Mr Freeman's face.

And diatoms are? Microscopically small single-celled algae that live in both salt water and fresh water The body was found lying on its back.

It was positioned between two fallen trees which would have prevented it from rolling.

The river is tidal there, so, logically, it follows that the body would have been abandoned at a time when the tide was high enough for the water-borne diatoms to have been deposited.

So, you're saying, are you, that, at some point, the body was immersed in water? Yes.

High tide was at 5:27 that day and, according to tidal records, it achieved the depth of water required to fully cover the body.

So the body must have been abandoned well before 5:27 - high tide.


Now, Mr Bennetto's movements can be accounted for until 5:00pm on that day, when he was over four miles away from the marshland, which makes it almost impossible for him to have had the time to commit the m*rder.

Would that be your conclusion, Dr Alexander? Yes.

Thank you.

These diatoms In your expert opinion, they would have had to come directly from the river, is that correct? Yes.

And that's only possible if the body was submerged? Yes.

Are you aware of the wind speed and direction on that evening? Not without looking them up, no.

Well, they're in Dr Bell's notes.

"At 24 knots, blowing from a north-easterly direction.

" Which would blow towards or away from the body? Towards it.

So, wind blown over water at 24 knots - that would create spray, would it not? Possibly.

Spray blown directly towards the body.

Under those circumstances, would it not be possible for diatoms to be deposited on Mr Freeman's face? Dr Alexander? It's possible.

Thank you.

You may step down.

I'm sorry.

That's not going to do it.

I can only do what I can do.

Want a lift? Front or back? Do you want to get papped or no? Actually, I'll catch you up.

Or even better, can you wait for me? I got to the body at 6:30 the next morning and measured the core temperature.

The ambient temperature averaged You can work out how long the body had been lying there from those figures, can you? Yes.

Some 11 hours, which gives a time of death at around 7:30pm, when the tide was waning.

Why didn't you point up the diatoms in your original report? Because, as you said, it was and is my opinion that they'd been deposited by river spray.

No further questions.

Er, no questions at this stage, but permission, please, to recall Dr Alexander.

To what end? We've already heard her evidence.

Let's find out, shall we? It seems that timing is crucial to this appeal - whether or not the body was abandoned before or after high tide.

Up to two hours after death, a condition known as livor mortis sets in.

Livor mortis is? After death, gravity causes the blood to settle in the lowest possible parts of the body, creating the purple-pink colouring to the skin.

The pale patches are where the body has been in contact with the ground or another object.

The pressure prevents the blood from settling there.

And this is Mr Freeman's body during the postmortem, is it? Yes.

And this is the same body in situ, as it was found at the crime scene.

Now, it's clear that the left knee is in contact with the tree, so we'd expect to see a pale patch surrounded by the purple-pink colouring on the victim's knee from the contact pressure, butthere isn't one.

So? So, when the body was abandoned, it must have been lying in a different position to the one shown in the crime scene photo - that is, without the left knee pressing against the tree.

The two-hour livor mortis phase had passed in this position, leaving no pale mark on the knee.

The tide then came in the body floated in the water, and, when the tide receded, it settled back down, but in a different position, with the left knee now pressed against the tree.

So, to be absolutely clear - the absence of a pale patch in the livor mortis colouring on the knee proves? That the body had moved position after the two-hour livor mortis phase had passed, most likely due to tidal action.

This strongly suggests that Mr Freeman was k*lled and abandoned there prior to high tide at 5:27pm.

Sorry to have missed the main event.

At least I'm here for the denouement.

Good to see you again.


So, how did it go? We'll see.

Either way, drinks on me.

Must be an occasion.

Yeah, well, you have made a massive profit out of me, so I might as well throw in a few drinks.

And you haven't made a profit? No.

HE CHUCKLES Legal Aid - when it eventually trickles through.

Still, a round of drinks, eh? Not like you, Greg.

Put it down to nerves.

Yeah, got a lot riding on this one.

Mr Walker? Here we go.

After some careful deliberation, we have reached a decision in this matter.

As the Crown has called on no evidence to contradict the new evidence presented on behalf of the appellant, the judgement of the court is this - that the conviction is unsafe, and therefore will be quashed.

There will be no retrial.

Mr Bennetto will be released immediately.

SHOUTS FROM COURTROOM: Bloody k*ller! It's a joke! It's a joke! He's a k*ller! He can't be freed! Thank you, Nikki.

How do you feel now your brother's free? Did you believe he'd walk today? The victim's family still believe he's guilty.

Any words? Morning.

If I could, I'd curtsey.

Uh, you're wanted in Thomas's office.

Ah, morning.

Er, you know Richard Parkwood, I believe, from the Home Office.


DI Rachel Klein, DS Adam Kemp.

Doctor Nikki Alexander.


To what do we owe the pleasure? Given the press interest the Home Office think it's expedient for the Lyell and the police to work together on the case here on out.

Work together as in? Well, since you so successfully dismantled Dr Bell's evidence, perhaps you can help us find the real k*ller.

What you torturing yourself for? Right, he's out, it's done, it's over.

Yeah? All right, mate, you sleep OK? Could I sit next to you two? Yeah, sit down.

Eat up, you two.

Shouldn't you two be at school? I'll drop them off when Jill goes to work.

They wanted to stay to see you.

You working, are you, Mark? I got an interview at the end of the week.

Oh, nice bread, innit? Yeah, Jill made it.

She's clever, your mam.

She knows what's right.

She's the best.

Queen bee's knees.

Oh, Davey.

Bennetto did four years in the Royal Engineers, followed in his father's footsteps.

Tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He was medically discharged, psychological trauma - PTSD.

Is that how he got caught up in the murders? Fitted the profile? No.

Christ, no.

He was sleeping with the first victim, Daniel Harris.

And he had a motive.

Which was? Well, that it was all hush-hush What, his orientation? Yeah, and the boyfriend wanted to make it all public but Bennetto's father was a a h*m*, so that's the last thing he wanted - outing.

Plus, if I remember, weren't his prints all over a knife? Mm-hmm.

And the g*n? Was never found.

This case has been hanging over you for ages, huh? Well, not as much as it has for the victims' families.

OK, we have potential new suspects in the case.

One of these guys is banged up PHONE BEEPS .


for similar offences, the others are still walking the streets.

Details can be found in these files - DNA, fingerprints, the works.

Happy? As long as you're prepared to pay for it.

Sorry, my office Something rather more pressing, if you'll excuse me.

I'll see you out.

You are OK with this? As far as I'm concerned, a guilty man was released yesterday.

I'm not looking for anybody else.

So why come here? Erm, playing the game, same as you.

Well, truth isn't the currency here.

It's about how good the legal team is, what folk can be made to believe.

Well, a lot of people stand to gain from a case like this.

Nice flowers.

See ya in a bit.

See ya.

See ya later, boss.

See ya later.

You forgot your bag, missus.



Greg Walker for Peter Masham, please? Thanks very much for coming.

Excuse me! Security! Security! David? Oi! What are you doing? Get off! Did you write this? Yeah, I was part of the team.

So, when you going to leave it alone? This is a really stupid.

You just got out of prison.

You've been writing your lies about me for years.

Does Greg Walker know you're here? You come after me and mine again, and I promise ya, I'll come after you and yours.

ELEVATOR VOICE: Doors opening.

Come on.

Come here.

Er, thanks for not calling the police.

Well, he's no good to me banged up.

How are we going to sell newspapers? Always a sting in the tail, huh? Dad.

Hello, Charlie.

So much for keeping a low profile, huh? What are you doing here? I need a favour.

What? PHONE RINGS Where are you? What you drinking? Why? Cos I think we should have a bottle of bubbles, don't you? Hello.


I'm sorry I'm late, I had a client who would not shut up.

Anyway Thanks.



So, you hungry? It's on me.

Uh No, no.

No arguments.

If you've been doing this on Legal Aid, then you must be on your uppers.

Champagne taste on lemonade money.

Well, you've got to celebrate, haven't you? Anyway, it's, erm it's not proper champagne, so All mouth and no trousers.

Why did you pursue it? Bennetto? I talked to the man and I believed him.

And? Well, from what I know about you, there has to be more to it than that.

What does that mean? OK, no, you're right, you deserve the truth, after all the work you've done.

I I found Jesus.

Got you.

SHE LAUGHS No, you know The honest truth? He was an innocent man and I was his solicitor, and he was sent down.

And that is not good for the soul.

Anyway, right now, in Lincoln's Inn, the name on everyone's lips is Greg Walker.


That is fantastic for the profile and, you know, will pay off in the end, so Klein came to the Lyell today.

Yeah, so I heard.

I don't know if she likes Bennetto being innocent.



She was up for Superintendent.

You know, nice desk job to see her through till retirement, until Bennetto was released.

They promote her now, the papers are going to be full of "cop responsible for cock-up gets leg-up".

And they can't risk that so, hence, she's thisyou know, this raging bull, cow, man-woman.



Hi Text me the address, will you? Work? Male, late teens, early twenties.

Well, fancy seeing you here.

Got an ID for the victim? Nah.

Waiting for you to do the dirty work.

Yes, ma'am.

m*rder*d here or just dumped? The latter's more likely.

Same place as Daniel Harris and Michael Freeman.

No ID on him except this Possible fracture to the tibia, and an injury to the back of the head too, which I'll access in postmortem.

Remind you of anything? SHOWER RUNS Rigor's not set in, so time of death not more than two hours ago.

Extensive contusions to the face, bruising to the chin A beating, maybe? .


and to the upper and lower torso.

Fracture to the tibia.

Slash wounds to the arms, shoulders and chest.

What could be traces of semen on the lower back and upper thigh.

We'll try and obtain a DNA profile.

Several small scars, too, over the posterior iliac crest - bone marrow biopsy or harvest? And a b*llet entry wound.

The stellate pattern suggesting that the w*apon was discharged whilst in contact with the head.

Exit wound upper back.

Same MO as Daniel Harris and Michael Freeman? We've got a name through the Oyster card.

Byron Lee.

Did I wake you up? Oh, no.

I wasn't asleep either.

You all right? Yeah, sound.

In here? Yeah.

They give you your stuff? Yeah.

Do you still get flashbacks? And don't just say "yeah" to shut me up.

Daniel mainly.

Eh? I see Daniel.


No, it's all right.

It's nice.

I should've told Dad about him.

Owned up to it all.

Oh, I didn't tell you, did I? I kept Dad's flat.

Why? Well, cos I thought if you ever got out you might want somewhere to be.

This all his stuff? Yeah.

Furniture's still all in there, though.

I mean with no pressure.

You might never want to set foot in there again, but if you do, it's yours.

Can I say no? Is it all right? Nobody's telling you what you can and cannot do anymore, babe.

It's up to you.

Was a total plank, anyway, wasn't he? If ever proof was needed, yeah.

Couldn't even wait to die until I got out.

He knew, though.

Did he bollocks.

I wrote to him every week, he never replied.

Don't bullshit me, Jill.

If I can't trust you, I can't trust nobody.

OK, so he disowned you.

Thought you was a poof and guilty.


Well, I am, aren't I? What? A poof? Mum? Mum? Shh.

I fart and he wakes up.

Come here, darling.

Didn't want to miss out, did he? Knew there was something going on.

Lucky boy.

Come on, you.

Back to bed.


The two semen samples from Byron Lee's body.

Definitely two different donors.

Have a look.

This one's healthy This one Nothing, azoospermic.

How quickly do you think we can get the DNA results back on these samples? End of the day.

Bennetto's on the DNA database, so if one of them's him, we'll know soon enough.

That's a yes, Byron Lee's been staying here.

Not paying for it, I hope.


Where's his stuff? Through here.

Is that it? Can I take a lookif I use protection? Be my guest.

What time was he last in here? About three o'clock yesterday afternoon.

What is this? Ah.

You missed this, Jack.

You're losing your touch.

No, I haven't done a proper search yet Ooh, touchy.


Where would he have got that from, then? My guess, the streets.


He was a rent boy, according to the other residents.


Polite, in't he? There's something else you should see, boss.

Guaranteed to brighten up your day.

The tyre tracks at the scene - what did you get? They use them on vans, old transits, that kind of thing.

So, k*lled elsewhere, the body transported and dumped? Yep.


This is Columbia Road and that is where Byron Lee was living, two doors up, just at the shop.

Where's the camera? Across the road, outside a bookie's.

What are we supposed to be looking for? So, he was m*rder*d elsewhere, perhaps by someone who targeted and followed him, right? Yeah? Are we all in agreement with that? And look who's coming up the road.

David Bennetto.

So, all we have to do is wait for the DNA results and we've got him.

How long? End of the day.

We move now.

DOOR BANGING DOOR BURSTS OPEN Armed police! Stay where you are.

Do not move! Get down! Where is he? Upstairs.

At the back.


Armed police! Armed police! Stand down! Stand down! Get on the floor now.

On the floor! Hands behind your head.

So, here we are again.

Well, that didn't take long, did it? Eh? Six years on, and you've still got a baby face.

I can't say the same about you, though, can I? I bet they like you in prison.

So, what did you do yesterday, then, David? Go ahead.

I went out to the newspaper offices to see somebody.

This was Peter Masham, the Senior Crime Correspondent.

He will confirm that.

I picked David up from there at around 12:30.

And then what? He dropped me off and I walked.

Where? All over.

Erm, British Legion for a drink.

Saw my CPN.

How did you move the body? OK.

Don't answer that question.

We need some context here.

What body, moved from where, et cetera? Your sister's house is being searched, her car's been taken for forensic examination I never drove her car.

Oh, right, OK, so you've got access to another vehicle? Bennetto's clothes and a fresh DNA swab.

For Nikki's sake, let there be nothing.

"Wait until the mud settles and the water is clear" - Lao Tzu.

I think she means, don't panic.

Not yet, anyway.

There's an incinerator in your sister's back garden.

What were you burning in it? Oh, come on, not "no comment", we're not going to get anywhere like that.

Letters to my dad that he never answered.

Was that it? Clothes.

His old army uniform.

Do you know, if ever you want to play poker, just let me know, cos I'd skin you.

You can't lie for shit.

Yeah, the way you're looking at me, you want me to be guilty.

So, is that what you did with Daniel's clothes, is it? Incinerate them? David! Take it easy! Sit down! David, don't let her get to you.

Come on.

Sit down.

Are you OK? Ooh.

I hit a bit of a nerve, didn't I? Eh? Do you know this man? Nope.


You were recorded on CCTV yesterday afternoon outside his house.

Columbia Road.

This is the victim, is it? I'm not talking to you Humour me.

Where is Columbia Road? Near Old Street.

Did you take the tube from there? Yeah.

Right, well, there we are.

As I said, I picked David up from the newspaper offices and dropped him off.

Time? Erm, three o'clock, something like that, the top of Gosset Street, and he walked.

So, he would have had to go straight down Columbia Road, wouldn't he? You're going to have to let him go.

There's no g*n where Bennetto's been staying, nothing.

SOCOs have sent some kitchen knives for analysis but that's it.

Anything from your lot? Jack's just called through.

There's no evidence of g*nsh*t residue on either his hands or his clothes.

His sister's car is clean.

Access to a transit or similar? The incinerator? Clothing.

Nothing much of it left, just a few metal buttons from, like, a military uniform.


So bugger all from the Lyell.

PHONE RINGS Well, there's a surprise.

Meaning? Greg Walker's not the only one with a shitload riding on this, is he? These are scientific processes, we don't assume guilt or innocence.

Ah, good for you, love(!) Neither do I twist the facts to fit the story that I concocted in my own head.

Well, how come you're cacking yourself, then? Is it cos you're thinking the same as me? Byron Lee.

No prints on file, no DNA profile, no passport, birth certificate, previous convictions, driving licence.


This guy doesn't exist not under that name anyway.

So who is he, then? Er, we're done.

Get us a number for the Lyell Centre, will you? Ma'am.

Well, we'll soon have it.

Right, here she is now.



Have a seat.

I've received a request from the police that you be removed from the investigation.

DI Klein, presumably.

It's got too personal, her whole future's bound up with it.

Is that you or the DI you're talking about? So? I agree with Richard - what was good publicity is about to turn sour.

It's going to leak that Bennetto's being investigated again and the press'll be all over it.

So, am I being removed for political reasons or because of the DI's displeasure? Shall we say the former? And if you follow that through to its logical conclusion, assuming that Bennetto is associated with these murders, then it won't be the judge's head that will be on the block, it'll be mine.

The downside, I'm afraid, of being such aphotogenic expert witness.

Oh, for God's sake(!) For your sake, as much as the Lyell's, I think it best you sit this one out.

The k*ller's deposit, his semen, the DNA profile should be done on that shortly, shouldn't it? Yeah.

Put us all out of our misery.

I'll see him out.

Klein wants a mug shot of Byron Lee to run past Missing Persons.

Just trying to make him more presentable.

You all right? It'll work out.




' Go on, then, give me the worst.


Two semen samples, two sources.

' We've got DNA profiles from both of them.

One of them matches someone on the database - a guy called Callum Jordan.

'And the other?' Untraceable.

Definitely not Bennetto? No.

SHE SIGHS "Thanks" doesn't quite do it.

'You're welcome.

' Thank you.

Thank you.

MOBILE RINGS He's got previous for sexual as*ault.

Callum Jordan.


Bennetto still could've had sex with Byron Lee.

He could've been wearing a condom.

The timings still work.

If you don't mind me saying, I think it's time to move on.

Time to move on, MA'AM.


Say it, then.



OK, that's him.

Let's pick him up.

Hands against the wall.

Hands against the wall! Get in the car.

Head down.

Get in! What happened? Police were just fishing.

What's this? It's time you went, Davey.

We've had enough.

We feel like criminals.

I ain't going nowhere, mate.

I don't want to see your face, right, don't ever come here! Don't ring, nothing! Mark! Just go! Right, take that, get out of here! Go on! REPORTERS: What's happening, David? You been nicked again? Have you been arrested, David? Have you been questioned, David? Has your sister kicked you out? Excuse me.

Hey, get off me.

Oi, get off me! David David! Go on! Get off.

David! David David! Ring any bells? g*n? Still searching his flat and workshop.

I'm going back to check his clothes now.

Coming? 'How long you lived in London?' 'Always 'Apart from the last few years.

' Been away working.

Where? Miles away.


New Zealand? No, Cambodia(!) Dates? I don't know exactly not off the top of my head.

I left a long time ago About five years.

Got back last month.

It's a long time, huh? Some people spend longer than that in prison.

TV BLARES DOOR SLAMS What you doing watching this rubbish? Dad, don't switch it off.

You what? You arguing with me? Come here! No.

Dad! SHE WHIMPERS SHE SCREAMS Come on! Dad! Now get in there and shut up! Eh, Davey? Big man.

So, once again, you know this guy? I already said no.

'You should've worn a condom, Callum.

DNA, yours.

'On the body.

' So you've had sex with him, right? Where? In an alleyway round the back of a pub.

Peter Street.

Just business.

And after you'd had sex with him? I paid and left.

He was alive, if that's what you mean.

So why did you tell us you didn't know him? Because I have a weakness for street boys and I promised Jason that I'd stop.

Right, all right.

So So, Jason's your boyfriend and he doesn't know about this? Well, he's going to find out now, isn't he? Nothing.

Nothing at all? Callum Jordan's clothes, his van, his flat, his workshop.

There's no blood, no prints, no g*nsh*t residue, nothing.

I can't make it up, Nikki.

I can't make Bennetto be innocent.

I don't want that.

No, but you need it, don't you? Do you honestly think you should still be working on this? Why wouldn't I? Because you have to be objective, don't you? And you can't be, not if you want the suspect to walk.

What time's dinner? About half an hour.


Egg and beans - Dad's special? Little monkey! I'm going to watch telly.

Oi, revision.

Oh, do I have to? What? No revision, no dinner.

MOBILE RINGS What do you want? I'm sorry, love.

Mark got himself in a right state.

He's not protecting you and the kids.

It's cos they took the computer and his bloody car.

Greg said you went to Peter Masham's office.

He's been on my back ever since.

Listen And yours and the kids! Listen to me Please don't do anything stupid.

'That's what they want.

' HANGS UP Hello? Hang on there.


Oh, hi.

Oh, sorry.

Lost the front door key.

Found the back, though.

Sarah kicked me out again.


Is it all right if I stay here tonight? Sure.

You eaten? Uh, no, but I'm meeting up with Dylan like right now so See you, Dad.

See you.



Is everything all right? Yeah, absolutely.


Excuse me.

Can we get another bottle, please? SHE LAUGHS So now what, you fill me full of wine? And why on earth would I want to do that? I don't know.

What possible reason would you have? Only toget more information from me, probably.

I don't need you for that.

I have plenty of contacts.


Klein has another suspect and his DNA was found on the victim.

How could you possibly know that? Cos it's my job to know.

MOBILE BEEPS I understand why you're feeling self-protective, even a little paranoid, but do you really think I would want to spend the night with you just to get information? The night? You said "spend the night".


Guess who? Just make sure you're getting that.

We've just finished here.

Is it all right to go in? You're needed back at base.

What is this place, David? I think you should do your job, Greg! The police are on me back, the press are on me family! You said you'd sort it! I am sorting it, David, but I don't have time to run around after you every time you have a bloody meltdown! Find somebody else, get some proper help.

I'm going to have to deal with this.

I'm sorry.

Yes, it's fine, honestly.

Let me, er Let me call you a cab, OK? OK.

Give me two minutes.

Me own sister don't want to know me! PHONE RINGS Hi, can I get a cab> Hi.


' Byron Lee's toxicology's showed up benzodiazepines.

Large quantities.

Something like Temazepam or Lorazepam.

So he was drugged before he was k*lled? Hmm.

Have you checked medical records? Were David Bennetto or Callum Jordan prescribed that? Clarissa's onto it now.


We've got another body.


I'm waiting for a cab, I'll be there as soon as I can.

MOBILE RINGS Hi? Clarissa can't get access to medical records I've found it in Bennetto's kitbag.


Nikki, where are you? I'm with him.

He's armed too.

Nikki Just listen to me.

He's staying in a flat, somewhere near Poplar.

Greg Walker's here with me.

He has no idea.

SHE SCREAMS 'Nikki! 'Nikki?' Again! David Again! How much longer are you going to wait? We've got activity.

They're watching Shut your mouth! David Shut up! SHUT UP!
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