17x08 - Undertone - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x08 - Undertone - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

The victim appears to have been in an advanced state of pregnancy He'd never cross you.

He's a junkie.

They'll cross anybody.

OK, she was smuggling, but that doesn't follow that her baby's dead.

That doesn't follow at all.

Nuri Kavur, you're under arrest! You've been protecting Nuri Kavur from the start and I have the bruised ribs to prove it.

He is my informant and I protect my informants.

He's doing an E-FIT on the man he saw dumping Alice Preston's body.

It's going to be fine.

I know it is.

Costestes e spiritu Silentium.

ECHOING LAUGHTER Thank you, my prince.

Where is it? I don't have it! Where's my package? I don't have it! The dr*gs.

Where the hell are my dr*gs? Don't you have them? You k*lled her, you psycho.

You tore her open like an animal.

You tell me where the dr*gs are! I saw the blood, Bekir.

You k*lled the baby, too, didn't you? I didn't touch her.

I never got the chance.

What do you mean? I mean, when I went round to your place, it was crawling with cops.

So you didn't k*ll Alice? Screw Alice.

No, no, please, please, please, don't.

No, no, no! Please, please, please, please, please, please.


You don't get me my property by tomorrow, I'll cut you open like an animal.

You OK? Sure.

How could I not be looking at this little face? And that face.

How long have we waited for this? That's not the point, Ellie.

Alice wanted us to have her baby.

Not like this, she didn't.

It's not our fault.

She ruined it because of her stupidity.

We did nothing wrong.

I know.

Well, then, look at me and say that.


'Look, we need to talk, right now.

'I need your help, you better come through for me.

' All right.

All right.

Let's take a breath, shall we? What do you want? BABY CRIES 'You've got her? You've got the baby?' No worries, mate.

I'll see you later.

'Brooke! Brooke!' There.

Is that nice, eh? DOOR LOCK BEEPS William Preston? Nikki Alexander.

You've come to identify Alice for us? I've come to take her home.

It might help It might help if we understood a little more about why Alice came to London? I thought we had it agreed.

She'd take a term out of university, have the baby, and my sister would raise it, you know? I mean you, you don't m*rder the innocent, do you? Mr Preston, there's something you need to know.

Alice decided to keep the baby.

So, where is it? The baby? It was removed from her womb very soon after she died.

Is that why they k*lled her? For the baby? Sorry, I should've said, Alice's baby is a little girl.

What about my little girl? I'm sorry, I just want to take my daughter home, you understand? Of course.

And your daughter's daughter? I can't think about that.

Not now.

Not yet.


Our eyewitness is dead.

Oh, shit.

Palpable odour of spirits.

Whiskey, maybe.

Deep wound to the head.

There's smeared blood on an outcrop of sandstone near the water line.


One empty, one half-full.

We're not seriously thinking this is an accident? I mean this has been staged, right? If it has, we need to find the evidence that proves it.

He saw Alice's k*ller.

Now he's dead.

It's enough for me.

Alice was dead when we got there.

We saved the baby.

Oh, sure you did.

Did you take her to the hospital and get her checked out? No? Why not? What do you want, Nuri? Look, when you saved the baby you found the dr*gs, didn't you? Inside her? What? Look, don't mess with me, I need those dr*gs! She must've removed them Did you find the dr*gs when you searched the flat? No.

And if I had, what was I supposed to do? Hand them over to me trusted source ASAP? You think this is funny? If I don't get those dr*gs to Bekir by tomorrow, I'm dead.

And how is that my fault? Because you got me into this! I never said use your pregnant girlfriend as a dr*gs mule.

Yeah, well not in them words.

Not in any words.

You said to me, get close to Bekir.


Yeah? Win his trust, whatever that takes.

What do you want me to do? Just find those dr*gs.

Right, yeah! Anything else? What story are you cooking up to explain the baby, uh? What? Your wife won her in a raffle? You, be very, very careful.

Why should I be careful? The only person I cared about on this planet is dead.

In 24 hours, I'm going to be dead.

Jesus Christ.

You junkie scum really did love her.

Nuri, here's the money we were going to pay Alice.

Look, Brooke, you've got CCTV.

You've got sniffer dogs.

You've got foot soldiers.

You can find those dr*gs.

Look, Alice came in on the Eurostar at 7.


I was supposed to meet her at the station and she'd left when I got there.

Here's five grand, that should get you out the country.

Brooke, did you hear a word I just said? This is the best I can do.



Martin Carrisford, 39.

Looks older.

Living rough will do that to you.

Do you know he read maths at Cambridge? Had a breakdown in his first year, dropped out, slid off the map.

Next of kin? He was an only child, both his parents are dead.



Very sad.

'Blunt force trauma to the skull.

'There is a fine red grit embedded in this wound.

' Is it sandstone? Tests will confirm, but I'd say no.

Suggesting that this blood 'was placed there to make it look like a fall?' Let's not get carried away, but possibly.

'Toxicology results are back.

'Interesting read.

'High levels of alcohol in his stomach contents, 'none whatsoever in his blood or urine.

' 'What does that mean?' Suggests foul play.

'What if he downed the booze quickly 'and died before it got into his system?' I'd still expect to see some alcohol in his blood.

'The fact you haven't suggests?' That the rum was tipped down his throat after he lost consciousness.

That explains why his clothes were soaked in it.

'So, we can rule out my scenario? It wasn't an accident?' Can't rule it out, no.

But my sense is that someone has tried very hard to make it look like Martin was the author of his own misfortune.

'Mmm hmm.

Not hard enough.


I know.

Please don't harm her.

I'm taking her.

No, no, no, wait.

Please, be careful.

Please! Please! No! SHE SOBS No! MOBILE PHONE RINGS Hiya.

'You should've listened to me.

' I warned you about this, right? You got any idea?! Just remember, you made me do this, Brooke.

It's the dr*gs for the baby.

Baby for the Look, straight swap.

You hearing me now? 'And call your wife.

She's in a bad way.

' KNOCK ON THE DOOR You have my stuff? No, listen.

You come here without my stuff? I have something better.

Better than my 50 grand's worth of product? Yes.


Come and see.

Come and see.

Come! So, what you got? Alice's baby.

What? You crazy, man.

Where is my property? I don't know.

You don't know? You don't know? Listen, the baby is how we get it back! You get it back.

You! Brooke wants the baby for his wife.

He'll give you anything for it.

Bring it inside.

Ellie! Ellie! The baby.

The baby.

Oh, sh.

I'll find her.

I will find her.

Come on, let's get you to the hospital.

No, no! Get the baby.

John?! OK, OK.

Nuri? 'No, not Nuri.

' I have what you want and I have a deal for you.

Good, that's good.

What do you want? 'Not on the phone.

' I don't trust cops, especially corrupt ones.

You come see me.


I'm on my way.

' Everything is going to be fine.

Just get the baby, I don't care what you have to do.


DOOR OPENS BABY GURGLES She's not very maternal.

Sooner we complete our deal, the better for everyone.


You're an interesting man.

Let's get down to it, shall we? You take a big risk for your wife.

You must love her very much? You mention my wife again, I'll rip your head off.


But Atif outside? I don't think so.

Your dr*gs for the baby.

That's the deal? OK.

But there's a time limit to my offer.

I cannot and will not change.

After that, the baby goes elsewhere.

Russia, perhaps, hmm.

How much 2CB did you find in Alice? High concentration in the blood.

We think it leaked inside her.

Would she have been aware of that? Yes.

And the dr*gs may've made her unsteady, causing a fall, possibly.

We found granite dust and moss in her hair.

I spoke to Nuri.

He said Alice did meet a courier in Vienna, and returned to London on the Eurostar.

She was meant to meet him at St Pancras.

She didn't? No.

He got there at the time they'd arranged but she'd already gone.

He said he waited over an hour, then assumed that she'd gone back to their flat.

What's your thinking here? Well, that somewhere between King's Cross and Green Lanes, Alice has stashed those dr*gs.

Mmm hmm.

And if she did, how will that help us find her baby? Leverage.

Another brick in the case against Bekir.



I'm sorry, am I the only one who thinks this is a bit weird? He knew about Alice muling the 2CB yesterday.

We had Nuri in custody yesterday.


Why the sudden urgency to find these dr*gs? Are you suggesting that Brooke wants the dr*gs for any other reason than to build a case against Bekir? I don't know what I'm suggesting.

Right, well, maybe you should give that some thought.

Last time you pointed your finger there was a valid explanation.

I know.

See, I think she panicked.

She removed the dr*gs.

So, I found Alice coming off the Eurostar.

They only missed each other by seconds.

Why didn't she wait for him? I was able to pick her up at a bus stop.

Woman in her condition, that is thrifty.

We can access CCTV along that bus route, right? OK, footage from the junction of Duke Street and Church Street in Stoke Newington coming up.

She's in trouble.

The 2CB must be leaking inside her.

That's why she didn't hang around for Nuri.

No CCTV coverage.

It's hard to make out precisely where she went next.

The soil from Alice's shoe treads It contained a strain of bacteria most commonly associated with putrefaction.

You mean like rotting bodies? I mean rotting bodies.

That's the granite and moss from In Alice's hair, that's right.

So, what? She hit her head on one of the graves when she was hiding the dr*gs? 'Thank you, my prince.

' She e-mailed it to a friend last week.

I thought you should see it.

Thank you.

The boy's name.

I can't make it out.

Nuri, is it? Might've been.


She looks happy.

I agree.

That's something, I suppose? Definitely.

My sister called this morning.

She said the police had been round.

I mean, the Northern Ireland police.


They wanted to know if Alice had a history with dr*gs.

When my sister said, no, why would they ask a thing like that, they said that you'd found dr*gs in her system.

So much that y-you thought she'd had them That you thought she was working as a mule.

Is that a question, William? Yeah.

I suppose it is.

That's a possibility we're exploring.


Finders keepers? I'd better take care of that.

Plastic eggs.


It's like the ones that you get the toys in, right? Mmm hmm.

'Do you think this lad,' he put her up to it? Coerced her? I can't say any more.

I'm sorry.

In the end, Alice came round to your point of view.

She did want the baby and it was Nuri who showed her.

Look what I got.

Excuse me.

Can I have a word? Alice's father.

William? It's her blood.


Couldn't you clear it up? Come on.

Wash it off? It seems wrong.

Let's go up to the kitchen.

It's still here.

It's disrespectful.

I know, come on.

I can't get you your dr*gs.

Your wife will be disappointed.

I have something else.

Not interested.

Well, why don't you listen to what I have to say first, you piece of shit? Yeah? Yeah.

This better be good.

I'm sorry.

Don't be silly.

How'd you know I was here? I guessed.

Sometimes people think they want to know the details, see the crime scene, imagine what's happened and then they find out that really, they didn't.

Nuri? What is he? Pakistani or? Turkish.

You both loved her.

That's what matters.

And when we find her baby, you'll love her too.

I know you will.


In the back.

Where we going? Man I know who can help.

False passport.

European Union driving license.

He'll set you up.

What's in it for you? I don't have to see your ugly mug again.

You better hit the deck.

What? Get on the floor.

Come on.

I mean it.

Cameras are bloody HD quality these days.

Brooke? Yeah? Thanks, man.

Don't mention it.

The egg that leaked Is that why you paged me? God, no.

So, what's the headline? Headline is they used clingfilm to wrap the dr*gs inside the eggs and they didn't use gloves.

A partial fingerprint.

We've run it by the Turkish police.


Thank you.

It's what we do.

All right, you can get up.

Thank Christ.

Brooke? I'm really sorry, Nuri.

Where are we? I'm really sorry.

No! Please, please, please! Please, drive! I'm sorry, Nuri.

No, no, no, no, Brooke.

I'm sorry.

Please, drive.

No, no, please, please! Come here! No, no, please! No, please, please! Come here! Come on.

Please, no, no! Please.

Come on.

Let go! Come on! No, no! Let go.

No, no, no! HE SCREAMS Congratulations.

We do this deal and you help me again.

What did you say? Make it easy for me to do business.

I cut you in.

You've got the wrong idea about me.

You're a bad guy now.

Go with it.

SCREAMING Please, please, please! No, no! ECHOING: Please, please, please, no! I just want us to go away.

Go away from all of this, make a new life with our new baby.


We can go to Ireland, that wouldn't be a problem.


Then we'll do that, then.


When? Soon.

Very soon.

I promise.

Print from the clingfilm on your dr*gs belongs to a known criminal in Istanbul.

Surname also Humadi, an older cousin of Bekir's.

Brooke's right, this is serious leverage against Bekir.

MOBILE PHONE RINGS We can use it to make him give up the baby.

If he's even got it.

Well, it would help if I knew where Brooke was.

What do you mean? I haven't been able to get hold of him for three hours.


Nuri Kavur's dead.


What do you make of this? Not sure.

Jesus, it's exactly like Mark Blakefield.

Yes and no.

Body tied to a chair.

Secluded location.

High degree of v*olence.

Same knots used to bind Blakefield's hands.

Similar, so far.

But the t*rture inflicted on Mark Blakefield was methodical.


This It looks like he's been pummelled with fists.

These indentations could be from a ring.


I took these when Bekir was in custody.

That one gets my vote.

Oh, he's lost a shoe.

I know what this stuff is.

It's from a car.

Where you stick your road atlas.

Maybe Nuri was reluctant to get out of the car, and was clinging on for dear life.

Where is the baby? Gone.

Sit down a moment.

We need to talk about Nuri.

Let him go, Bekir.

He's not worth the trouble.

I told you he was useless, didn't I? You did.

One day, maybe he'll surprise me.

Grow some balls, take responsibility.


You? SHE SCREAMS SHE SOBS Looks like Bekir caught onto him.

I mean, he must've twigged that Nuri was the leak, not Mark Blakefield.

You don't know that.

Nuri was a junkie, he probably owes money to dozens of people.

You said he was clean.

Yeah, for about five minutes! Look, I understand, you pride yourself on protecting your sources and No, I do protect my sources, Detective Sergeant.

And I haven't lost one in 15 years! Right, easy.

All I'm saying is, we shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Nikki said this is a very different m*rder to that of Blakefield's.

Well, I said there are differences.

Bekir and Nuri were cousins, so there is a close bond there.

Bekir's in a relationship with Nuri's mother.

Didn't you say Bekir was the definition of unscrupulous? Maybe it's because they're cousins this one's different.


An expl*si*n of rage instead of systematic t*rture.

And personal means it's more likely Bekir got his hands dirty.

Might well find his DNA on Nuri or Nuri's blood on his rings.

Sir, isn't this what you were waiting for? Yeah.

Hard evidence against Bekir.

I know.

You're right.

It's just I feel like I let him down, you know? I know, yeah, I know.

Please, please don't be satisfied with that.

With what? His answer.

Let's just not go down that road now.

That question was too smart and on the bloody money for such a half-arsed answer.

So, what are you saying? I'm saying you're right.

This is what he's been waiting for.

He's been trying to nail Bekir for months.

Jack, not now.

Bekir, who k*lled his partner, flooded Green Lanes with dr*gs and generally ran rings around him.

But guess what? Now he's finally in striking distance, Brooke doesn't want to know.

He's trashing our evidence and giving us a dozen piss poor reasons why Bekir's not our man.

Why? Can I have a word? You're pointing a finger with nothing to back it up again.

I'd hardly say nothing.

OK, explain this to me.

You all but accused Brooke of planting an earring to frame Bekir.

Now you're saying he's protecting Bekir? Yes.

It's a contradiction that doesn't exactly strengthen your case.

I'm saying, he's suddenly got bigger fish to fry, something bigger than the death of his partner.

Do what you have to do and leave.

You know why we're here, don't you, Gulse? You watch her.

It's Nuri.

Bekir! Bekir! Bekir! The baby was here.

Bekir has the baby? I told you to stay with Gulse! With respect, sir, this is my inquiry.

If you want to watch her, be my guest.

Good for you.

What do you really think's going on with him, hmm? In your gut? He's doing everything he can to steer us away from Bekir.

And Bekir away from us.

Yes! That's what my gut's been telling me.

It's time to go public with an Abduction Alert.


I need a bulletin out to the news agencies.

A Child Abduction Alert.

We're looking for a male travelling with an infant.

I'm going to send you his picture and some details.

Right, thanks.

Er, we should probably do an appeal, too? Should be a family member.

Er, what's Nikki's number? ECHOING SCREAMS Ellie? I want to thank you for all your help.

I'm going to be out of your life very soon.

But I need one more favour.

Why don't you go upstairs, have a rest? You know you'd be dead right now if you didn't have a g*n.

That's why I have the g*n.

I've had a phone call from home, from Istanbul.

My cousin has been arrested because of the dr*gs you have.

His fingerprint is on the dr*gs, is evidence.

So, your cousin was too dumb to invest in a pair of gloves.

It's too late now.

My cousin is very important in the organisation.

Yes? A delegation is coming from home to find out what happened.

Means I am a dead man.

And you think I can save you? You can destroy the evidence.

The fingerprint.

You must get me into the police station.

The dr*gs aren't in a police station.


Where are they? Your nylon webbing does come from the inside of a car.

Unfortunately, the same company furnish three different manufacturers with this webbing.


Where are you? 'That drug evidence, has it gone out yet?' Good morning to you, too.



'I've just got a niggling feeling I left out a customs form.

' It's due for collection any minute.

Want me to recall it? 'No, no, I mean It's just a form, right?' So, why are you calling? 'No worries.

' You're in luck.

Jack? Yeah.

He sounded pissed.

Anyway, anyway The same company makes this webbing for three different manufacturers, so, no joy on a make, until I remembered The grey fibres recovered from the case.

I put the fibres and the webbing in the blender and A Vauxhall? A 2006 or 2007 Vauxhall.

Can't narrow it to a model.

So, what are we saying? Are we saying that the person that dumped Alice Preston and the person that drove Nuri to the warehouse are one and the same? We're saying the car's the same.

Let's go.

Leave the key in.

Hey! Hey! Give me the package.

The package.

Just give it to him, man.

Anything else? I've failed you.

I have done everything that I could think of.

Christ, I've done things I could never think John Come back to me.

What do you want to do? I don't want you to be here when .


when they come.

I want us to go away.

We won't make it to anywhere.

If we leave the baby, they won't chase us too hard.

How did Bekir know the dr*gs were here? How did he know my route to work? He's well connected.

Yeah, like senior copper-in-his-pocket connected.

Brooke? Anyone would think he knew what kind of morning I had in store.

Nikki? Martin's E-fit.

Remind you of someone? Reminds me of DI Brooke.

Who also drives a Vauxhall.

He does.

A Vauxhall Vectra, almost k*lled me with it.

Brooke k*lled Martin.

Why would he k*ll Alice Preston and then move her body? Don't know, but don't you think it's about time we all stopped tiptoeing around DI Brooke.

OK, wait here.

John? Just leave her inside.

She'll be fine.

She'll be fine.


Oh, Jesus.


They haven't packed.

When people go on the run and don't pack BABY CRIES g*nsh*t I just spoke to my mate in Vice.

Brooke's wife, Ellie, used to be a nurse but quit due to depression.

Two su1c1de attempts, apparently, and the root of it all was an inability to conceive.



MOBILE PHONE RINGS Yeah? Do not approach him.

I'm on my way.

He's parked up outside St Thomas's Hospital.



Where are they, John? Where are they? Where's Ellie and the baby? I'm sorry.

You're sorry you got caught.

I am sorry.

For all of it.

I did it for Ellie.

Ellie? My name's Jack.

Why don't we go inside? Will she go to her grandfather? To William? Yes, she'll go to William.

Then I want to speak to him.

I want to tell him the truth about Alice.

OK, Ellie.

If you give me the baby, you can tell him.

It's OK.

It's OK.


Are you sure you're up to this? Aye.

I'll hear what she has to say.

Would you? Of course.

We had an arrangement, you see.

And it really was the best for everyone.

She wanted to give up her baby and we wanted a child .


so we discussed a fee and Alice thought she was going into labour? Yes.

Where's John? He said he was sending a nurse.

I used to be a nurse.

It's OK.

You shouldn't be walking around.

Have you taken something? What? Are you drunk? No, I am not drunk.

What kind of question's that? I'm, I'm just worried about the baby, that's all.

Well, it's not yours yet.

Drunk? How dare you? Where's Nuri? Why isn't he here?! Why don't you sit down? I've been through a lot for this baby.

In fact, I might keep it.

What? You can't.

We've had an agreement, we've paid you.

You can't go back on it.

It's my baby.

My baby.

I can do what I like.

The deal's off.

It's off! Why didn't you call an ambulance? She was dead, there was no pulse.

And you wanted her baby? Yes, desperately, but You dumped her body like rubbish, like it was nothing.

If I'd thought there was a chance of saving her, I would've called for help.

Ellie? What happened? What have you done? I felt the baby kicking.

So, I cut it free.

Please believe me.

I need you to believe me.



ECHOING LAUGHTER Thank you, my prince.

Crush asphyxiation.

In English.


You'd bet your house that this was sexual, right? I saw Katie with Ryan in his car.

It's my fault, Mum.

It's fine.

I am asking for two minutes.

You're in my personal space.

He got six months for GBH.

You were the only witness? So, presumably you had to go to court to give evidence against him.

Whatever happened with us, you've got to stay away from this.

You stay away.

Not this time.
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