18x03 - Falling Angels - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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18x03 - Falling Angels - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


~ God forbid this city should grind to a halt for this.

~ Sorry.

My job.


Can you get the top half? Yeah.


Can we get the platform clear as soon as we can? Yeah, right away.

No ID on him, just this.

~ I'll check it for prints and DNA.

~ St Jude's.

~ You know it? ~ It's a night shelter.

~ Homeless? ~ Might explain why he jumped.


The driver's pretty shook up.

Said the bloke was paralytic.

We'll get this followed up.

OK, let 'em go.

Spare any change, spare some Spare any change, miss? Miss! Miss? Miss? Hey! It's your money.

Your money.

You dropped it.

Yeah, you're welcome(!) You know you can say thanks, not going to get contaminated.

Filthy clothes, clean underwear.

~ Must've known he was going to get run over.

~ Alcohol.

Whisky? Major trauma to the head and neck.

Hmm, some sort of skin disease, most likely scabies.

Yeah, and on both feet too.

God, what makes somebody end up like this? Ah, tattoo, upper left arm.

MV something or other.

M as in "merchant", V as in "vessel".

MV Stellendam.

It's a cargo ship.

He was a sailor? Until 2010, at which point he jumped ship at Tilbury.

His name's Israel Eeze? Ezze? Nigerian.

Wow, and you can tell that from up there.

Ha-ha(!) Police traced him through the night-shelter.

He'd left his bag there.

His passport was in it.


Anything from the fingerprints on his phone? Negative.

No match with the database.

He called 999 the train but didn't speak.

I've been through the CCTV with the coppers - they say misadventure.

Come in.

Why? Why are you asking me in? Just a favour for a favour.

See, that's bollocks.

Everyone wants something.

There was somebody I should have helped today and I didn't, so ~ I get their charity, do I? ~ If you like.

It's all yours.

Sit down.

Is that OK? Yeah.

You're very trusting.

Like I said, something happened.

What? I saw a man jump in front of a Tube train and he kind of reminded me of you a little.

Israel Eze's tox results.

The driver said paralytic, he was right.

Owen? Owen! Come on, you, it's time to go.


ON PHONE: You're not listening to me.

I told you.

How the hell can you criticise me, huh? How dare you? CALL ENDS SHOUTING PHONE BEEPS LOUD THUMP LOUD THUMP Mark? Mark? CLATTER ~ Evening.

~ John McLeod, DCI.

Nikki Alexander, pathology.

~ Jack Hodgson, forensics.

~ Hi.

~ All right? She was a deacon.

So, recently ordained.

~ Robbery gone wrong, is it? ~ Too early to say.

Do you think the k*ller was already in the house when she got home? All we know is that he got in through the downstairs toilet window.

Glass all over the floor.

My God.

We got home and .


all this I knew something was wrong so I said to Martha to stay down here.

And you went up and .


found your wife? When was the last time you talked to her? It was on the phone about 9-ish.

You texted her, though, didn't you? What time was that, Martha? Can you remember? I know it's hard and I'm sorry to have to ask you this right now ~ but ~ It'll be on her phone, won't it? Can you remember what you said in it? Just what I always say.

What was that? That I love her.

And your dad was with you, then, was he, when you texted her? ~ Martha was at my mum's for the evening.

~ And you? I had a dinner with clients.

We're going to need your prints and DNA, if that's OK, both of you, I'm afraid, just for elimination purposes.

Can I get her out of here, please? A family liaison officer will take Martha back to her grandmother's.

We might need to talk to you a little longer.

Dr Alexander, I presume? Mm-hm.

DI Luke Nelson.


Strangulation, I think, and the carotid's been severed.

You OK? Weak stomach.

Anything on the body - DNA or? I'll let you know.

DOORBELL RINGS I just wanted to ask you, yeah.

Now, when you passed that underground station, did you see me? I saw you.

Did you see me? No.

No, nobody sees you.

You ask for help, and everyone looks right through you.

Except for you.

Even me, to start with.

He preached kindness and mercy and was righteous in all things Oh, my God.

Do you want me to go? Major wound to the carotid.

She's got extensive contusions to the face.

Nikki? Bruises, maybe from fingers around the neck.

And here too.

She's got other wounds too.

Made by the same w*apon? It's made incisions with abrasions to both sides.

It's a kind of X-shaped impression.

Some sort of screwdriver? OK, something to run by you.

The belt used to tie her wrists - there's prints on them.

We got a match with the database? No, prints we took tonight.

Mark Stone.

LOCK RATTLES Were they, like, good friends, your mum and dad? Did they ever argue? Sometimes.

What about? What kind of things? We don't want to do anything to hurt your dad, OK, we just We need to understand what happened last night.

Everybody argues, don't they? It's what people do.

Who told you that? You had blood on your clothes, under your nails, and your fingerprint was in her blood on the belt.

I tried to help her.

There was nothing on Martha.

I told Martha to wait downstairs.

Why? Because I didn't want her to see! Obviously! See what? You didn't know what was up there, did you? What There was stuff all over the place, like we'd been burgled.

I-I shouted for Rosemary, but there was no answer, so I just knew something was wrong, OK? I just knew.

What caused that mark on your head? Where's all this coming from? You see these here, yeah? These are finger marks.

The pathologist says they were caused by someone forcibly holding her down.

Are they your finger marks? No You like to throw your weight around a bit, don't you, Mark? Knock her about? Let her know who's boss? HE GASPS Huh? I never touched her! Forensics can prove you did.

OK We'd been drifting apart a bit.

Her work demanding all her time.

So, what are you saying? You loved her but she loved Jesus? You an atheist? I'm a Christian.

Oh, so beating your wife, that's Christian, is it? You're not listening to me! And this row that you didn't have yesterday morning - wasn't your wife listening then, either? Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, she listened.

I argue with my girlfriend sometimes.

Your dad's right, everybody does.

It's usually my fault, me getting something wrong.

Is that the same with your dad? Yeah.

She's great at listening.

It was her job, wasn't it? Always was, even before the Church.

How do you mean? Running support groups.

So always caring for other people, but never you.



Yes, we'd argued .


and, yes, there was a scuffle.

But she just came at me.

I have never, ever laid a hand on her.

KNOCK ON DOOR DI Nelson's entered the room.

Interview paused.

Interview resumed.


You want to tell us about Georgia? I can always go and speak to Martha again.

It's more than an affair, OK? Did Rosemary know? She She was making all these .


all these threats, you know? Like .


how she'd make sure I didn't see Martha.

Were you with Georgia last night? Yes.

You told me you were with work clients.

Because Martha was there.

Because Martha was there listening to me.

How could I just say I was with another woman when her mother's lying dead in the house?! ~ How could I do that!? ~ All right, calm down! For your own sake.

This woman, she'll confirm you were with her last night, will she? What time? From, er From seven till about 10:00, 10:15.

Where? Her place.

Lowman Street.

Plenty of time for you to get round there and sort out your marriage problems, hmm? Hey.

I didn't say those finger marks were caused by ~ somebody holding her down! ~ No, I did.

And I never suggested they may have been caused by Mark Stone! ~ I can't back you up on that! ~ Don't worry about it.

He might be just telling the truth.

I think we should rein this in, boss, look outside the family.

He's our man.

We're charging him.


Don't go in today.

Hmm? ~ No work, no money.

~ I know a really nice shop door front.

You're going to love it.

You'll make loads of money.

I'll take you to the Chinese later, how about that? Do you like your job? So leave.

~ That what you did, was it? ~ Mm-hm.

Doing what? Apprentice engineering.

Didn't you like it? No.

I mean it was all right.

They didn't pay me much attention.

I know how you feel.


Is that how you end What, how a nice boy like me ended up sleeping rough? No, I got shagged by my dad when I was a kid.

~ OK.


~ Oh my God.

~ I was in this poker game.

You know poker? ~ Yeah, kind of.

Yeah? So there's this massive pot, yeah, and I've got four of a kind.

Only problem is I don't have any chips, I can't play.

~ Is this another story? ~ No.

Only thing I've got in the world is my gran's house she's left me.

I mean, it's This is a big risk but I think, hey.

It goes in.

So I'm scooping up all these chips, yeah, and some guy from the shadows says, "Not so fast.

" Puts down a straight flush and I lose the whole lot.

(Am I supposed to believe that?) (Yes.

) So, who is, um Who's this? He's a guy I knew.

Boyfriend? Years ago.

And, um What about this? Who's this? ~ What's his name? ~ Laurie.

Still? Had you You put him up for adoption, yeah? I was 14, I got told to by my parents.

~ They thought it was for the best.

~ Don't you see them any more? God, you must want to see him again, big time.

I mean, this kid It's OK.

They used his first name, right? Hmm? And you know his surname? Yeah, and roughly where he might be, ~ so ~ OK.

Electoral roll - I've researched it.

I just Their name's Silsbury.

I'll look it up and see what I get.

What are you doing? Run.


Come on.

~ Come on.

~ Wait.

Wait, wait, wait.

Wait ~ What are you doing? Go, go, go, go! SHE SHRIEKS So, where were you before m*rder squad? Ah, domestic v*olence.

Fast-track graduate? Criminology? Archaeology.

Me too.

At King's.

You? Er, St John's.

Oxford? Hence the turbo-charged promotion.

Jack, can you come look at something for me? Possible weapons.


Excuse me.

~ You want a coffee or ~ No.

No, thanks.

I'm Actually, there was something else.

This thing with Martha Stone, the kid caught between fighting parents, you know, it's, uh It's? It's kind of brought back some stuff that I'd buried for a while.

Personal stuff.


OK, my mother had served time for my father's m*rder.

It was years ago.

I was, like, six years old.

~ Wow.

I'm sorry.

~ It's really not your fault.

Anyway, the point is, she pleaded guilty but I've been looking back over the case files and It seems to me it was self-defence.

He was really violent and abusive.

~ How can I help? ~ Well, if I'm right, I want to get that addressed, get her conviction looked at, maybe overturned.

What does your mother think about that? Yeah.

She, um She can't talk about it.

Anyway, I've got a copy of my father's autopsy report and I was wondering if if you'd take a look at it, when you have time, just in case there's anything in there that might support my theory.


Of course.


Excuse me.

My room hasn't been cleaned for the second day running.

> INDISTINCT How are we doing? Right See how the hair falls here? And now here.

Did you take a sample for tox screening? No.

I just combed it through for fibres.


So, what are you thinking? ~ That the k*ller's taken some kind of a trophy? ~ Mmm.

And that husbands who k*ll their wives tend not to take something to remember them by.

No, this is a whole other kind of gratification.

Psychopathic gratification? DOOR CLOSES His name's Joel Beamish.

Hazlemere Road, Acton.

He's a roofer.

The same X-shaped s*ab wound as Rosemary Stone.

Only one wound this time, though.

Definitely the same w*apon.

~ Same k*ller? ~ Looks like it, yeah.

Did you charge Mark Stone? He's still in custody.

It follows, therefore, that it can't be him.

We agreed on that? Oh, you'd have done it differently, would you? Wise after the event.

No, I said it.

I told you.

I said we should widen the enquiry.


Strangulation followed by a stabbing.

The carotid's been severed, and a hair trophy's been taken.

This time some sort of ligature was used.

Something which left these teeth marks.

OK, this is the Tube station he got off at.

That's him right there.

Four passengers go the same way.

These people we need to find.

Actually, maybe just this one.

I was looking at this before.

That's Rosemary Stone right there.

And The same guy.

Another Tube journey.

We've had one other Tube-related death in the last couple of days.

~ Israel Eze.

~ Not across my desk.

Transport police have it down as accidental.


I think a section of hair MAY have been taken ~ not long before his death.

~ You think or you know? This area here - this is straight-ended, like it's been cut.

~ Can you see? ~ OK, simple question.

Did this guy have hair taken for a trophy - yes or no? I can only show you what we've got.

So it's a maybe, if the wind's blowing in the right direction.

~ It's up to you how you play it.

~ Did he fall or was he pushed? He was drunk, platform was crowded.

I think Transport for London should be told.

Tell 'em what? That somebody's riding their trains? There's no obvious connection to the underground.

Neither is there between the victims - a homeless guy, a roofer and a deacon.

I got you something.

It's nothing fancy, but you can go on the internet and stuff, and it's topped up.

My number's on - you can call me.


His parents'll be in their 20s, early 30s.

Come on.

Too old.

I'll k*ll him.

What? I'll k*ll him.

It's nothing to do with him.

Someone should pay.

Your boy, I'm going to find him.

Yeah, we just work through the list.

Listen, I said I'll find him, yeah? I'll find him.

DCI's with Dr Chamberlain.

I thought I'd hassle you some more.

Hey, I meant it.

I didn't want to distract you with it.

You're not.

I'm just putting my head somewhere else for five minutes.

All right? I've looked through the postmortem, your father's postmortem.


And? I mean looked through, scanned, not examined in any great detail, but there's nothing terribly controversial.

I think the pathology supports your mother's confession.

There's no contradictions? I'll have another look but, no, I don't think so.

This you? I mean, you must've been broken.


What about your mum? What happened to her that night? They just took her away.

Did eight years.

Never really recovered from it.

~ And you? ~ I went to my grandmother's.

Like Martha Stone? Like Martha Stone.

Cyclical, isn't it? We're kind of wired to repeat our experiences or relive them as others do.

I should probably go.



So what did Admiral Nelson want, then? ~ Nothing particular.

~ You two just hanging out.

OK, it's a cold case.

He wants me to look at a cold case.

~ Happy? ~ Just say that, then.

Of course, you've got all the time in the world for that right now, have you(?) INDISTINCT CHATTER No.

No, thank you.


What's your emergency? 'S-Someone's been att*cked.

I-I I don't think they're breathing.

'OK, sir.

What's your location? ~ 'I just saw someone running away.

~ It's OK, sir.

Where are you? ~ 'In the car park beneath the station.

~ Sir, which station? ~ Archway.

' Looks like the same MO.

Ligature, stabbing, hair's been cut.

Witness saw a guy running towards the Tube station.

Minutes ago.

Platform 2.

It's leaving now.

Go, go, go.

I'll get 'em to hold it.

What have we got? He's not in the station.

~ There.

~ All right.

Hang on.

I'll wind back.

That's him.

He's got to be still on there.

Check that carriage.

There's blood here.

~ Blood here too.

~ You need a key for that, right? He's in the tunnels.

Boss! In here.

You come with me.

Rest of you go that way.

Agh, come on.


~ Yeah, I know.

I was TV: 'A man was stabbed to death last night in west London.

'Greater London Police are investigating a possible link 'with the stabbing on Tuesday night 'of a 43-year-old woman, Rosemary Stone.

'Police have released CCTV images 'and are looking for this man in connection with the killings.

'He is Caucasian, in his 20s with medium-length brown hair 'and a beard.

'He was last seen wearing a heavy, dark overcoat, ~ 'and is said to be of scruffy, unkempt appearance.

' ~ Jesus Christ.

'He has yet to be identified.

'The male victim has been named as John Beamish, a 21-year-old roofer.

'His body was discovered in an alleyway' ~ Wait, Lana! Lana, wait! ~ No! Lana! Open the door! Open the door, Lana! Lana! Open the door! Open it.

Open the door, Lana! Open it! Agh! SHE WHIMPERS Open this door, Lana.

No No, no, no.

Please don't Listen to me Listen to what?! Listen to what?! I love you Why, because of this, huh? Because of this? ~ No! No! No, because ~ Huh?! Because no-one has ever given themselves to me like you have, OK? I'm not I don't care.

I'm not going to give you up, please.

I'm not letting you go, please.

Please, Owen, please.


Please ~ Both of us, then.

Yeah? Both.

~ No.

I want I want I want I want to live! I want to You and me, whatever.

Please, I'll make it right, I promise.

I'll make it I'll make it right.

HE GROANS So show me why you're strong Ignore everybody else We're alone now I'll wait So show me why you're strong Ignore everybody else We're alone now Suddenly I'm hit Is this darkness of the dawn? And your friends are gone And your friends won't come So show me where you fit So you show me where you fit I'll wait So show me why you're strong Ignore everybody else We're alone now I'll wait We're alone now I'll wait We're alone now We're alone now Suddenly I'm hit Is this darkness of the dawn? And your friends are gone And your friends won't come So show me where you fit So you show me where you fit These are indeed serious incidents and we are taking all the precautions we can.

Loving somebody and trusting them works both ways, yeah? CAMERA CLICKS Is it him? Guys, we've got a match.

His name is Owen Hanmore.

I'm looking to you here, Luke.

What's this about? It's personal to him, isn't it? What's at the heart of this? What, did he approach you? Miss Sutherland?
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