18x08 - Squaring the Circle - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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18x08 - Squaring the Circle - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Our sh**t is Archie Grant, the rider is Graham Bowles.

Both former members of the 12th Airborne regiment.

We'll take the line that today's incident was random and unprovoked.

And no mention of Maksim Bazhanov.

There is someone I need access to in The Elysium building.

- I'd like you to help me.

- No chance.

You're a good ally, Justine.

Which is why our business and others like it guarantee your re-election.

Think very carefully about your next move, Sarah.

There's more than just your future at stake now.

We need to drive these parasites from London.

Don't underestimate me.

Let's finish what we started.

I promised the President your heart on a plate.

And it is exactly what I am going to give him.

I have to leave London.

Come with me.

You will never be safe, Yas.

Is he really worth it? Yes.


So, what do you think? No obvious signs of v*olence, no vomit around, she's young.

Body temperature puts time of death at 6 to 12 hours ago.

How did she end up in here? No ligature marks.

I can't see any signs of bruising.

Nothing to suggest she was forced inside.

There's no cracked nails.

No paint flakes underneath.

It doesn't look like she was trying to claw her way out.

No sign of a struggle on the threshold I can't see any drag marks on the floor.

Why would she get in here willingly? Maybe she was hiding? Trying to escape from someone? So the last time you saw Mr Bazhanov was around 6pm last night? Ma'am.


What was the nature of the meeting? Business.

But I am right in thinking you two are in a relationship? Yes.

Did you spend the night with Mr Bazhanov? No, I slept in my apartment.

Your key card was found in this apartment.

Amy must have taken it.

I had to use Daniel's to get in.

You can check the system.

Can you think of any reason why Amy might have been - in Maksim's apartment? - No.

We only hired her, what, about six months ago.

She's the daughter of a good friend.

And she's smart, hard-working, keeps herself to herself.

She barely spoke to Maksim.

Still, he's an attractive man, rich, powerful It wouldn't happen.

I trust Maksim completely.

He loves me.

So why hasn't he been in touch? - Anything? - There's hair, but it's the wrong colour for Amy.

No other signs of sexual activity.

That said our boy clearly liked to party.

So, was it a one-night stand that went wrong? - Were they partying together? - If they were, he left early.

The safe's been cleared, - the drawers are all empty.

- So, what now? We should get a POLSA team in.

The building's 20 storeys high, - there are numerous places he - His car's gone.

He left the building at 3am this morning.

Well, then we put out an all ports alert.

Sorry, am I missing something? He's obviously a flight risk We don't know that a crime's been committed.

- Until we know more - A young woman is dead! And we can't rule out foul play.

Bazhanov is a crucial witness, if not a suspect! We need to bring him in! How well do you know Sarah Parks? - Er - Look, I'm not fishing.

I know it's your business and your life But? But not everyone is as diligent and honest as you, Jack.

Well, I'll take the compliment.

But I'm a big boy, Nikki.

I can take care of myself.

This is going to be a fun car trip.

It's me.

Look, whatever's going on, please call me.

I just want to talk.

Perhaps you'd be more comfortable elsewhere.

I wasn't always a good mother.

I wasn't always around.

I'd never forgive myself if I abandoned her now.

Why was she there? We're still trying to establish that.

Did she ever mention Maksim Bazhanov to you? Never.

Was she in a relationship? Did she have a boyfriend or? I don't think so, but she may not have told me.

What about dr*gs? Did she have any history? Not really, no.

She, um She had a dr*gs phase at university, but she was over that.

Why? Just routine questions.

Have you found Bazhanov yet? I was considering putting out an alert for him, going public with the search.

But I wanted to talk to you first.

Do it.

Do whatever you have to to find him.

There's no signs of v*olence or self-abuse.

No evidence of sexual as*ault.

Lividity suggests that she was in a seated position when she died.

Feet and buttocks on the floor, head resting on her knees.

Sleeping? Possibly.

But in a cupboard? The colour of the livor mortis probably rules out carbon monoxide poisoning.

Ah, froth in the pharynx.

And there's nothing to suggest she drowned.

At her age, it's unlikely to be cardiac failure.

So, we're probably looking at opioid abuse.

Heroin, morphine, codeine - that sort of thing.

She didn't touch dr*gs, according to her mother.

How many parents have thought that? I'll request brain histology in addition to the standard tox screen.

That's it? - Do you have any other suggestions? - Yes.

Give me something I can work with.

- Morning.

- Hi.

Where's Jack? Road trip with Parks.

They've found Bazhanov's car.

Does he seem OK to you? A bit more annoying than usual, but that's young love for you.

Horrible to watch, unless it's your own.

There were plenty of missed calls on Amy's BlackBerry, but all from an unknown number.

And the call history is deleted.

But tech team recovered some interesting data.

Have a look at these.

And there were e-mails.

Sent on behalf of an organisation called FreeLondon.

They're radical anticapitalists Who specialise in terrorising the super rich.


So what's Amy doing working for the super rich? - Any sign of him? - According to our tech boys, Bazhanov e-mailed the captain of his yacht, The Osiris, at two o'clock this morning, ordering him to set sail immediately from Saint-Malo to St Barts in the Caribbean.

Bazhanov transferred $10 million to a bank in St Barts last night.

He'll be in the middle of the Atlantic by now.

We'll have to liaise with the coastguard.

- Did you find anything? - No, the car's pretty spotless.

There was some dust or residue by the pedals, but We've had a wasted journey, Jack.

OK? Do you ever feel like the ground's shifting under your feet? All the time.

It's why it's good to be part of a team.

Lucy's my team.

It's always just been Lucy and me.

She's a great wee girl.

You're very lucky.

Are you all right? She's really ill, Jack.

She's got a rare form of childhood cancer, which we thought the chemo had wiped out, but it's spreading.

I'm terrified I'm going to lose her.



She's not going anywhere, all right? - I'm sorry, Jack.

- Don't be daft.

I always make the girls cry in the end.

DI Parks.

Sarah, it's Nikki.

I think I might have found FreeLondon's base.

Justine Greenwood vouched for her.

She failed to mention that Amy had been arrested on a number of occasions.

Student riots, Occupy the City, that sort of thing.

How did we not know this? She's never been charged with anything, so it didn't show up on the CRB.

Yeah, and what about other background checks? What do we pay you for? I wasn't asked to look deeper.

I was told Greenwood's word was enough.

Our priority right now is Maksim, not Amy Greenwood.

Has he been in touch with anyone since last night? OK, hire private detectives in every country he has property.

He can't be living on thin air.

Work out where he's spending his money.

Do it discreetly, but quickly.

Armed police! On the floor! - Armed police! Stay where you are now! - Hands on your head! - On the floor now! - On your knees! Do you recognise this, Adam? Between the hours of 1am and 6am, someone made repeated calls from this mobile to a BlackBerry owned by Amy Greenwood.

She was holding it when we discovered her this morning.

Why were you calling her? We know about FreeLondon.

We know you wanted Bazhanov.

I'm showing Mr Lansley a video of an attack that took place in London two days ago.

It shows a group of masked men attacking Maksim Bazhanov outside The Elysium.

Looks like he was tougher than they expected.

Is that you? Lying on the floor? Amy was your route to Bazhanov, wasn't she? Except now she's dead.

- How do you feel about that, Adam? - Hitting Bazhanov was her idea.

So, what went wrong? What did Bazhanov do to her? What did you do to her? Did she get cold feet at the last minute? Did you have to silence her? Amy wasn't a k*ller I would never harm a hair on her head.

I don't know what happened to her.

Don't you think I'd tell you if I did? She was your girlfriend? She was supposed to hide and let us in when Bazhanov was asleep.

But she never showed.

So you succeeded in driving Bazhanov out.

But Amy died in the process.

That's a high cost for your principles, Adam.

Do you believe him? He sounds genuine and we can't place him in the apartment.

But he has motive, he was in the vicinity of The Elysium There's no evidence - forensic or otherwise - linking him to Amy's death.

So we looked at sections from her brain.

And the neurons in the hippocampus appear shrunken and reddened.

Which suggests she died of prolonged hypoxia.

Amy had a high concentration of opioid in her bloodstream.

The closest match on the GC/MS breakdown is a drug called fentanyl.

It's used by people with chronic pain.

- Amy didn't have that kind of condition.

- And she wouldn't be taking it for any kind of high.

But she could have had it administered to her.

There weren't any needle marks.

It's thought that fentanyl's been used by special forces in combat zones.

They pump fentanyl gas into buildings before storming them.

It incapacitates the enemy, and if you inhale enough of it, then you drift into a deep sleep and slowly fade away.

Adam Lansley served in Iraq, but he was only in the infantry.

Yes, and there's no recorded evidence of the British Army ever having used fentanyl gas.

But the Russians are rumoured to have used it during the Moscow theatre siege.

They put 1,000 people to sleep.

Good work.

Thank you.

Has Maksim been in touch? Come on, Yas, this is me.

He sent me a text.

Saying what? '"Forgive me.

'" Forgive him for what? What did he do? I think he was leaving me.

I think he hates me.

But why? Because I told him.

Oh, Yas.

You poor girl.

Come here.

Come on.

It's all right.

Yeah? Put your trousers on, lover boy, I've got some good news for you.

Get down to the Lyell Centre, Jack.

On my way.


She keeps me on a short leash.

Rise and shine.

Five more minutes.

You're bad.

Are you going? I didn't want to wake you.

- What are you watching? - Scooby-Doo.

I want to be Daphne.

- What about you? - Fred.

Definitely Fred.

- Or Shaggy.

- Yeah, or Shaggy.

Woo-oo! See you later.

The dirt we found in Bazhanov's car is a mixture of sand, silt and clay that strongly suggests it's riverine sediment.

You got me out of bed to tell me this? Whose bed exactly, hm? Undercover work, was it, Jack? Oh, that's hilarious.

Please continue.

Bazhanov drove from the City of London to the south coast.

So how does he get river mud on his shoes? He got out of the car en route.

Have we got a timeline for his movements that night? He left The Elysium just after 3am.

If he was driving straight to Portland, he would have headed west, but actually he headed east first.

Towards the Royal Docks.

Towards the River Thames then.

The car was stationary at the docks for a full 30 minutes.

Only after that did he head west out of London.

How sure are we of the timings? The car's tracker system beeps several times a minute, so we can be accurate to within 20 seconds.

If the tracker system is accurate to within ten metres, then we can assume Bazhanov stopped somewhere near here.

Jack, tyre tracks here.

Oh, yeah.

Wide tyres, high-performance model.

Could be his Range Rover.

Flattened vegetation here.


It's recent, by the looks of things.

A man walking wouldn't have caused that much damage.

So he might have been dragging something.

Yeah, if he was disposing of something, it's a good spot.

Plus, it rained hard that night.

Washing away all potential evidence.

But making the mud soft.

Boot print.

Deep tread on it.

Substantial heel.

Is the left one deeper than the right, what do you think? Bazhanov was injured? Limping? Or he was carrying something that weighed him down on his left side.

The tracks lead to the water.

I'm sorry.

I never meant for Amy to get hurt.

Did she believe in it? Of course.

She only did it because she cared.

Home invasions? Terrorising women and children? Did she sign up for that? We were fighting a w*r.

And Amy was the collateral damage.

If I could take her place, I would.

My daughter died to further your cause.

At least be man enough to admit it.

All her life you belittled her.

And controlled her.

- Tried to make her like you.

- Don't you dare turn this on me.

And all I ever did was show her love.

You k*lled her.

And I hate myself for it.

But know this Amy loved me with all her heart.

And nothing you can say or do will ever change that! I want him charged.

We don't have the evidence.

We can't place him in the apartment.

I'm sure the pieces can be made to fit together.

He's a dangerous thug who m*rder*d Amy, and I want him charged for it.

I really can't see the problem.

A dangerous anticapitalist off the streets, - a tricky case closed.

- I believe him.

He's genuinely remorseful for Amy's death.

I think something - or someone - scuppered his scheme that night.

I want him charged.

Well, that's not really your call, is it? Isn't it? Do this for me and I guarantee that by tonight you'll have reached your £100,000 target.

You can be in the US next week, Lucy can start her treatment.

Everybody wins.

Don't throw Lucy's future away on a point of principle, Sarah.


You had no right to pursue this without telling me first.

- I wasn't aware we had to.

- We have a suspect in custody.

- Whom none of us think is guilty.

- Oh, you've decided that, have you? Hang on, last night we all agreed that Adam didn't have the capability to mount such a sophisticated attack.

And now we have evidence that might suggest A couple of footprints and some flattened grass? I authorised the dive team.

Maksim Bazhanov was here disposing of something or someone.

But if you think there's nothing in it, by all means pull the divers out of the water.

Sarah They've got something! Careful.

Gently as you bring it in.

Be careful.

That's it.





He hasn't been formally identified.

So it could be a mistake.

Dr Alexander and DI Parks, they were both there.

He stayed for me.


I'm so sorry.

I don't know what to say.

- I should've gone to the police.

- That was Maksim's call.

It should have been mine.

I loved him.

I should've gone to the police, instead of listening to you.

I was trying to protect you, Yas.

And Maksim.

You were trying to protect this place.

Our reputation, our investments.

Because of that, Maksim's dead.

I should go to him.

Some bruising, cuts to the head and shoulders, but no serious injuries or signs of v*olence.

Immersion in cold water's going to play havoc with PMI, but the livor mortis suggests he didn't die in the water.

If he had, it would be random, but actually, it's specific, localised.

Yeah, it's on the back of his legs, his buttocks and his back.

So he was lying down when he died.

If he was transported to the river in his own car to make it look like he'd fled, then Then we can assume that he died in his apartment.

Froth in the throat.

And we know he didn't drown, and if he didn't suffer an unexpected cardiac event Then it's possible the same thing that k*lled Amy k*lled him.

So the apartment is climate controlled.

There are vents in the bedroom, bathrooms and living spaces.

It's controlled from over here, drawing air from the main AC unit in the plant room.

Now, this glass Is b*mb proof, soundproof and reflective.

They can't be opened or smashed.

They're the perfect seal.

So if you pumped fentanyl gas in, then You'd fill the apartment in minutes.

OK, so the air comes into the exterior unit, it's then condensed, cooled and pumped from here to the different floors.

Are you impressed? The controls look grimy, except for this valve here.

You see that? What's the bets this one pumps air to Bazhanov's apartment? And you wouldn't even need access.

You'd be hundreds of feet away.

Out of sight and definitely out of mind.

Once you've done it, you can start pumping fresh air back in, - so no-one's any the wiser.

- Anything? No, not even a partial on the valve.

This was a professional job.

So Maksim probably died in his bed, Amy in the cupboard.

Toxicology should confirm if the same opioid k*lled both.

But why disappear Maksim and leave Amy to be found? What if they didn't know she was there? - Maksim was the target, not her.

- '"They'"? Hang on.

Amy gains access, hides in the cupboard.

Bazhanov comes back, does whatever he does, drinks alcohol, eventually passes out.

But Amy must have known something was wrong - fentanyl has a sweet odour.

So maybe she was too scared to come out, couldn't be sure Bazhanov was asleep.

She eventually lost consciousness and then But how did Maksim's body get from here to the car? There were security guards on every level bar the basement.

There's no sign anything was dragged to the lift, so unless every guard in this building was in on the plan, how did they do it? Huh.

The laundry chute.

Come on in.

Have a seat.

Maksim Bazhanov's family have requested he be repatriated so he can be buried in Smolensk.

You have no right to refuse my request.

Well, the body hasn't been formally identified and a second independent postmortem has yet to be carried out.

Moreover, only a coroner has the authority to release a body.

Finally, Mr Bazhanov had dual nationality.

So, actually, I have every right to refuse your request.

I'm taking the body, Dr Chamberlain.

Can I ask how you came to know the body was being stored here? That information's not in the public domain.

There is a time imperative here.

His mother and father have specifically asked - for his body to be flown back - Really? Maksim Bazhanov's mother andfather died ten years ago.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Yasmin My sincere condolences.

This way, Miss Doshi.

- Anything? Mm-mm.

Keep going.

- Hold on.

- What is it? Some kind of dent.

Can you go in closer? Yeah.

Take a look.

Blood, maybe.


I think we've found our exit route.

What are we thinking? Inside job? Yeah, we should go over the checks on The Elysium staff again.

Whoever did this knew this building inside out.

What? You need to hear this.

The tissue we removed from the chute is human skin.

It's a mixed sample.

Maksim's DNA, plus another profile, Lewis Milton, head of Elysium Security.

It matches the swab we took from him after Amy's death.

Milton's DNA will be all over The Elysium.

There's no way it will stand up in court.

Clarissa, what does Sarah's background check say about Milton? Not a lot.

Sorry? The team never got as far as Milton.

Hang on, I was there when Parks said they were going to do background checks on every resident and employee at The Elysium.

Once Adam Lansley was in custody, Parks told her team to stop the searches.

So, I did a bit of digging myself.

The Elysium liked to employ ex-soldiers in their security team.

Makes the oligarchs feel safe.

After Milton joins the special forces, his activities are hard to follow, but his early years were a little easier.

That's Milton on the right.

Archie Grant.

The sh**t.

And the rider Graham Bowles next to him.

They all graduated together.

They were part of 8 Para, an air-as*ault battalion that feeds the SAS.

When did Milton leave the Army? he came home, got a job heading up security for the Doshis.

Why weren't we told about this earlier? Even the most cursory check would've Sarah only spoke to the MOD to confirm Grant's ID.

We weren't looking for other military connections at that point.

She should be here.

Where the hell is she? - Not answering her phone.

- No.

I'll have a couple of you starting off in the kitchen area.

The rest head straight down to the cupboard.

Yes, ma'am.

- Boo! - Hiya, sweetie.

Can you see me? Perfectly.

How's New York? Great.

I had a giant hot dog yesterday.

- Was it nice? - Yeah, but it had What was it called? It had mustard on it, which I didn't like.

- Has your mum arrived yet? - Not yet.

She's going to be here in two hours.

When's Daddy coming? Soon.

Soon, my love.

And can you come and see me too? Course I can.

Yas? Yasmin? Yasmin? Why does everyone I love leave me? Yas, come on Do you remember what you told me when Dad died? I was confused, angry.

I didn't know what was going on, and you said it was us against the world.

We wouldn't be weak like Mum, we wouldn't be cowards like Dad, we'd never abandon each other.

Never let anything beat us.

Yas, I know things look bleak right now.

As bad as they can possibly get, but we're going to survive this.

Yeah? Us against the world.

Hm? Give me that.

Us against the world, yeah? Come here.

Adam Lansley.

You are charged with the m*rder of Maksim Bazhanov and Amy Greenwood, contrary to common law.

You will be remanded in police custody overnight and taken to the magistrates' court tomorrow morning.

I don't think I can do this any more.

London, work, this life.

I haven't wanted it for a while.

I was waiting Hoping for something better.

What, with Maksim? I just wanted what everyone else has.

I wanted a family.

I'm fed up of being alone.

Yas, you're not alone.

Daniel Yeah? We're different.

You know we always have been.

And maybe what everyone else has, it's not for us.

- I want it to be.

- No, you don't.

You know, we're not we're not like other people.

Don't try to be something you're not.

- What the hell have you done? - Keep your voice down.

We agreed Adam Lansley was innocent.

You agreed.

I was still doing my job.

My SOC team found his hair - in Maksim's bedroom.

- Your SOC team? I sent them back in this afternoon.


I went over that apartment twice and found nothing.

Well, maybe you're not quite as good as you thought you were.

The sample we found in the laundry chute contains Milton's DNA, right? He knew the assassins.

He set it all up.

Milton's DNA is all over the building.

Ah! He hired his mates to k*ll Bazhanov, then k*lled them when it went wrong.

- Why? Where's the motive? - Money? Envy? Who knows? - That's why we need to get him in.

- I'm sorry, Jack.

The case is closed.

How'd they get to you? I defended you.

When people I like and respect questioned your integrity, I threw it back in their face.

- Jack - What's this all been about, then, you and me, eh? - That's got nothing to do with it.

- We're so close to the truth, Sarah.

Why would you do this? Why? What? Justine Greenwood - You'll be in her debt for ever.

- And Lucy lives.

And when you're no longer any use to her, she'll throw you to the wolves.

And what'll you tell Lucy, then? That you betrayed everything you once believed in because - Because I love her.

- Right.

If you love her don't let a k*ller walk free.

Hello? DI Parks and Jack Hodgson.

Mr Milton, police.

Open up! Can I try? Go on.

He's gone.

- Check down here.

- OK.

Hey! Sorry, pal.

He's left his passport, wallet, loads of cash He's an amputee.

Could have lost his limb in combat.


The footprints where the body was dumped.

He wasn't limping.

One leg's just lighter than the other.

Anything on Milton? Sarah's got half the force out looking for him.

Even though she's already charged Adam Lansley, which would never have happened if she'd let us get to Milton sooner.

Thomas was right.

You were right.

She's not a bad person, Nikki.

Her wee girl's seriously ill.

Someone's been anonymously bankrolling her treatment and steering the investigation.

Justine Greenwood.

Sarah's had one arm tied behind her back from the start.

One of these days I'll start listening to you.

Who's to say any one of us wouldn't do the same thing if we had children? Your head of security is now prime suspect for the m*rder of Maksim Bazhanov and Amy Greenwood.

I thought you'd already charged someone? We're reviewing that.

All right? Milton fled his home last night.

He left behind his passport, his wallet Oh, what, and you're wondering if he's been in touch with us? - Or if we're concealing him in here? - He was a trusted employee.

Well, we're not in the habit of hiding criminals.

Then this won't take up too much of your time.

How closely involved was Lewis Milton with Maksim Bazhanov? Well, pretty involved.

He spent a lot of time with him discussing his security needs, making sure he was safe and happy.

Was he involved with helping Maksim run his business at all? No.

Maksim would never let someone like Lewis Milton be privy to his business dealings.

Who did he trust in that capacity? Me, Daniel, his accountant, his lawyer.

Why? We believe Maksim's assets were transferred after he was k*lled.

By someone who had access to his computer.

Someone who would know the security codes required to effect those transactions.

My brother and I have more than enough money.

In your view, would Lewis Milton have been able to do this? No.

No, I don't believe he could.

- Have you got your UV? - Why? Check the sheets.

- '"To my brother with love.

'" - Ssh! - Are you serious? - Go on please.

Close the curtains.

Signs of sexual activity.

- How often are the sheets changed? - Every day, I think.

So not her boyfriend.


No, no, don't put me on hold.

You've got my details.

I'm going to have to call you back.

Next time DCI Parks turns up, you keep her in reception.

Do you understand that? Am I speaking English here? I don't want any more surprises from the police, OK? Go away and do your job.

That's what I pay you for.

Get out of here.

Get out of here! You'd expect to find Yasmin's DNA in her bed.

But not her brother's semen.

So we know that Daniel Doshi has had a string of high-profile engagements, right? But the weddings never happened.

And Yasmin We've never even heard a hint of romance until her relationship with Maksim.

Did she hide that from Daniel because she knows how he'll react? But he finds out and organises the hit.

So maybe he asked Milton to get rid of his rival.

Maksim would vanish, his assets get moved.

- Yes.

- Yasmin would think that she had been abandoned Driving her straight back into the arms of her brother.

What's going on? I was supposed to be meeting Daniel.

Why did you do it? You were supposed to be protecting him, for God's sake.

You're not making a lot of sense, Yasmin.

I know you k*lled Maksim.

Tell me! Good God.

You really don't get it, do you? Still they do say that love is blind, don't they? You need to look a little closer to home, sweetheart.

If you want to blame someone blame Daniel.

I'm going to enjoy watching you go to prison.

I wouldn't do that, if I were you.

Not unless you want the world to know how close you are to your brother.

I could give them all the intimate details.

- Hello.

- Daniel.

Meet me at Bishopsgate.


All right.

Two nasty s*ab wounds.

Looks like he bled out here.

Witness description of his attacker matches Yasmin Doshi.

Yasmin Doshi?! Well, clearly, she isn't worried about being caught.

So what does she do now - fight or flight? Open the door.

Open the door! Come on, hurry up! Yasmin.

Yasmin, what's going on? I've just seen Lewis.

What have you done, Yasmin? Did you really think I wouldn't find out? I didn't move Maksim's assets and he certainly didn't.

So that leaves you.

Aren't you going to deny it? Every time I had a boyfriend, every time anyone showed any interest in me, you chased them off.

Paid them off.

And I put up with it but I never believed you were capable of this.

- I did this for you, Yasmin.

- Stay away from me.

I did this for us.

Maksim - he didn't really love you, he would've let you down in the end.

What you and I have is wrong.

- It always was.

- No, I don't believe you.

We can get out of this, right, there are a dozen ways out of this hole.

We'll just we'll leave the country, have a new life You disgust me.

Why did I ever let you touch me? You never loved me.

You just wanted to own me.

We need to leave, Yasmin.

We need to leave, OK? I'm staying here.


If you really hate me, if you really hate me, come on.

Do it, come on! Hm? If you really hate me, come on.

Did you enjoy it, Daniel? Did you enjoy k*lling him? No, of course not.

I actually I liked Maksim, you know.

But I I just wasn't prepared to share you.

It didn't matter who it was.

Yasmin I love you.

- Yasmin - I love you too, little brother.

You're to hand in your badge at the conclusion of your interview with Anti-Corruption.

And then it's goodbye.

No payoff, no benefits, no pension.

You planted evidence, Sarah.

You soft-pedalled the investigation, impeded the work of the Lyell Centre.

I was as surprised as anyone, but the facts are plain as day.

If you'd let me do my job, your daughter would still be alive.

Her blood is on yourhands, not mine.

I've had the m*rder charges against Adam Lansley dropped.

as*ault, criminal damage, breaking and entering, commission and instigation of terrorism.

Should be plenty to keep him out of harm's way for the foreseeable future.

A pity that Lucy should suffer because of your conscience.

I've already moved the money.

And, of course, if you didn't give it to me, then you won't be asking for it back.


It's a good deal for everyone.

We're looking forward to working with our Chinese partners on this development, as another stunning addition to the capital's skyline takes shape.

This premium site derelict now for nearly a decade, will scale new heights in luxury and convenience.

A magnificent urban space that will generate headlines across the world.

So we'd like thank our new associates for their generosity, commitment and decisiveness in backing Excelsior.

So you're off to the States, then? Treatments start next week.

When are you back? Thinking we might stay there.

Make a fresh start.


Smart move.

I've lived here my whole life.

But it doesn't feel like home any more.

- I'm sorry, Jack.

- Oh, you don't need to be sorry.

I tried to keep you out of things, but I only pulled you further in.


It happens.

What if Lucy's treatment doesn't work? We have to believe it will.

Jack Jack, you're a good man.

Make sure you find yourself a good 'un.

They've put their faith in us, our people, this great city, all of which serves to underline one simple fact.

London is open for business.

Accelerant was petrol, by the smell of it.

Just give me something to work with.

There's huge pressure on the force for an arrest, they won't sleep until they've got someone.

I didn't k*ll him.

- Hey! - Move away or you'll be restrained! We'd better find something to link that call to young Fallon, otherwise I'll be releasing him in the morning.

I really wouldn't do that if I was you, Dean.

No? Who wants to know my business, mate? I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to come here and bleed all over you.

Blood's part of my job.

Just when you decide to go straight, your son puts you back inside.
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