19x04 - Flight - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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19x04 - Flight - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Name's Amir Aziz.

An imam, this was his mosque.

He's been stabbed.

I'm so, so sorry about your brother.

But this is a m*rder investigation.

We need all the evidence we can get.

Knife tip.

Drug squad have picked up a trafficker in a hotel near the airport.

What are you saying - that the drug mule got a call from Amir Aziz? Mama.

So who is she, then? Sarah Begovic.

Bosnian extraction.

She saw her father die just because he is a Muslim.

Left home two-and-a-half years ago.

Ended up in Raqqah in Syria, married off to another British jihadi, Zak Latif.

- Where is he now? - He died.

A few months ago.

I've seen him.

At the mosque.

Do you remember? No.

Why are you back, Sarah? I need you to take Musa for a while.

I can't get drawn into anything.

So what's the connection between her and the m*rder*d imam? He was anti-extremism, big-time.

He was a good guy.

Faith can blind people sometimes, can't it? If I like someone, then that's it.

Brothers and sisters, we implore you to strike upon the necks of the infidel.


Strike at their hearts.

Let them know that vengeance is upon them.

We followed procedure.

We called it in.

- Is she alive? - Just.

How did they find us, huh? Your mother? - No! - You told her I was still alive.

Why would I do that, Zak? Make him shut up! - Ssh-ssh-ssh! - You must have been followed somehow.

What? Tell me.

Oi, oi, oi! You know something, you tell me.

Tell me! I got money.

From bringing in dr*gs.

Maybe that's how they found me.

We've got prints.

How many casings? - Four.

- From a handgun? - Semi-a*t*matic? - Yeah.

Decent shot.

See the impression left by the firing pin? Square - means the g*n was a Glock.

Anything on the assailant? Yeah, neighbour saw a car, small VW.

She's not sure of the model.

I put a call out and there's cameras on the A13 so we're getting them checked.

So what the hell was Begovic doing here? Ryman wasn't following her, was she? I've heard she was chasing a lead on the mosque m*rder.

You two shouldn't have been here.

We didn't know what we'd find.

As soon as we did, I called it in.

Have you been debriefed? Well, get yourself home.

I'd like to go to the hospital, if that's OK? I'll drive you.

- Can you give me a couple of minutes? - Yeah.

Here we go.

Might have some DNA.

I'm done here.

Ryman's going to need surgery.

Were you thinking of taking a look beforehand? Yeah.

Stay here.

Looks like a subcapsular haematoma on the liver.

She's going into theatre in 15 minutes, so make the most of it.


OK We've got exit wounds to the right superior quadrant of the abdomen.

Can we take a look at her back for entry wounds? Sorry.

I'm taking fingernail samples from the right hand.

There's dust and dirt on the palm of the hand.

And a small piece of what looks like tarmac on the right forefinger.

Abrasions to the torso.

And to the right side of the face.

Most likely from where she fell.

Can we get anything more at this stage? - Thomas? - Oh, no.

No, no, that should do us.

I'll need you to record your visit in the notes.


Hey Hey, ssh, ssh, ssh.

They're going to take you to surgery.

You'll be fine.

Amir's a victim.

He's innocent.

It's OK.

- Is that? - We, er, we had dinner.

I stayed over.

Are you OK? Yeah.

Yeah, I'll I'll follow you out.

Oh, Doctor.

Could you give me a call - when she gets out of surgery? - Of course.

So you know, she's asked us to call her son.

Her son? In Galway.

- He can't get here till tomorrow.

- Right.

Fancy doing a jigsaw? What's this? Occupational therapy? This is the window of the safe house.

Begovic fired through it.

I want to get an idea of the pattern of sh*ts, if I can.

Shall we start with the corners? How is she? Not good.

Not good.

Nikki, it's a Glock 17, but there's nothing on the database matching this exact g*n.

So no history of it being used - in other crimes? - No.

Check this out.

We've pieced together what we can of the window, and this is at the same height as it was in the safe house.

- Mm-hm.

- How tall is Begovic again? - Oh, 1 metre 65.

- Same height as me.

Mm, perfect.

Can you take your heels off? Come on, quick sticks.

Hey, shorty.

OK, hold your hand out like you're aiming a g*n.

Right, now, to hit Ryman from the first floor, the g*n would have had to have been pointing downwards by about ten degrees, meaning It would have hit the window here.


Except it didn't, it hit it here.

- So she was too short? - Mm-hm.

Unless she was standing on a chair or wearing incredibly high heels.

No, there was nothing there, it was just a space behind the window.

And heels or no heels nah.

So what about the prints? And the hair that you found? That was short and dark, right? Begovic's hair is long and brown.

Running the prints now, but anyone could have been in that flat at any time, could have been dozens of people through there.

No, Nina Ryman was tracing a male suspect.

There was somebody else in there.

Somebody else fired that g*n.

I arranged to meet a guy in Turkey.

- Cocaine? - Heroin.

How much? Where'd you leave it? It's under a bed at my mum's.

She has to have it, Zak, if we're not here, - she'll need it to bring up Musa - 15 grand to bring him up? I don't think so.

They let us bring him with us.

I know.

And I made that happen.

I'm sorry.

dr*gs are haram.

They're forbidden.

People have been whipped for for touching them.

- I've told you - What if you'd been picked up? This whole thing would be finished.


- Why would you? - I told you, for Musa.

Are we going to have to abandon this? - What if they know the target? - They can't.

- Well, they knew the safe house.

- Nobody knows the target.

- Zak - No! No, this is on you.

You did this.

Gotcha! We've got a match.

One of the prints from the house.

- Zak Latif? - That's not possible.

He's dead.

- That's the intel we had.

- Where from? From our contacts in Syria, plus it was all over social media.

What, and you're saying that was deliberate misinformation? - Possibly.

- To cover him getting back into the UK? He's already dead so no-one's looking for him.

So we have both of them in the house now, Begovic and Latif - which one of them shot Nina Ryman? Zak Latif.


Begovic's mother is in custody and her house is being watched.

What about his family? Could they have gone to them? He doesn't have a family, he grew up in care.

People he met in Feltham? - Feltham Young Offenders? - Yeah.

That was where he was radicalised - other inmates.

- So he got preyed on? - Possibly.

What does it matter? OK, so what about the baby? The caliphate have obviously let her bring the kid back from Syria for a reason, so what if she went to her mother's to try and leave him with her? But she didn't leave him with her, - did she? - No, she's still hauling him around.

Why go to all the trouble smuggling him in just to try and off-load him? Because it's family and because this is a trip she isn't intending to come back from.

So they're on a mission.

It might not be all my fault.

Tell me about the imam.

What is there to tell? A man is dead, I saw it on TV.

And? If that was you Why would that have been me? Because he called me and now he's been k*lled.

And you honestly think that I would do that? To an imam? How would I know what goes on in your head? I feel like I don't know you at all.

Yeah, but a woman? They don't use women for that kind of thing in the UK.

Do they? Not normally, no.

So there has to be a reason.

Such as what? I don't know.


Let's say you're right.

What does the caliphate get out of this? All right, so what do they feed on? Publicity.

And these two are What did you call them, the golden couple? So they send them back.

British kids and Jihadists who rise from the dead and k*ll people in their home country.

Boss, press are all over this.

We need to copy all that last tranche of information in to the Home Secretary, she needs to have all that in order.

Chief Inspector.

Any news on the policewoman? Not yet.

I just had a call.

She's out of surgery and in intensive care.


Er, actually, could I have a word? What do you want, Miss Malik? I'd like to offer my services.

In what capacity? I have contacts in my constituency, people who might be able to help.

And I'd be happy to talk to the press.

- I don't want to politicise this.

- It's a bit late for that, isn't it? - Look, you need people like me onside.

- Yeah.

You know what? I was at 7/7 and I saw the way the politicians acted.

- Not me.

- They'd crawl over the bones of the dead to get their ten minutes of screen time.

- Not me, Michael.

- So, with all due respect to your skills in community liaison, no, thank you.

We have reason to believe that a t*rror1st cell is present and active in and around Greater London.

This has resulted in the threat level being raised to substantial.

In response, there is a greater number of patrolling police officers.

We are presently searching for two individuals - Zak Latif is one, aged 25.

The other is Sarah Begovic, aged 24, and they may be travelling with a six-month-old infant.

It's time for him to go.

Just like that? Think this is easy for me, do you? To leave him? No.

But I'm going to do what we agreed.

So where, then? Where is he going to go? Ssh-ssh-ssh.

We've now learnt that Zak Latif came in at Tilbury Docks on a container ship eight days ago, on an Italian passport.

So they were travelling separately.

To lessen their chances of being picked up.

We're currently putting together a list of his old contacts here, and hers, see what we can trawl up, beyond Amir Aziz.

Just because he's in contact with Begovic doesn't necessarily mean he's involved in some sort of He messaged her online and asked for her number.

- How do you know? - It was on his computer.

So, did Aziz know something? Did he find something out, is that why he was stabbed? He was Muslim.

They attack Muslims now.

If they don't hold the same extremist views, then they're fair game.

Begovic wasn't in the country then, was she? But Latif would have been, so did he? Did Latif k*ll Aziz? Precisely.

He'll take him.

Is he coming here? We have to go to him.

Traffic cameras picked up the black Golf they used to flee the safe house.

We traced them coming into London on the A4020 and lost them here.

There's no cameras on this route, but they're here, here and here and we haven't picked them up anywhere else.

So, unless they took that road, it's highly likely they're somewhere in this area.

- Or at least the car is.

- Was.

Not any more.

Traffic have just found it.

Anybody see anything? Fire crew were first on the scene.

Driver was long gone.

It's been completely roasted.

Going to get nothing from it.

We've got some tyre tracks - leading through here.

- What, that's it? That's all there is? Not quite.

Pair of size 12s.

You can tell that just by looking, can you? What did you do, work in a shoe shop? This is interesting.

Possible trace.

Some kind of powder.

We will be reunited in Jannah.

Hey, Sarah We'll see him again.

This is a day in which the truthful will profit from their truth.

Say it.

This is a day in which the truthful will profit from their truth.

Theirs are gardens with rivers flowing beneath.

And they shall abide there forever.

Thanks for coming down.


There's no way my brother was involved in terrorism.

- Let me explain.

- I can't wait What is it you think you know? Amir was in contact with Sarah Begovic, a known jihadist.

And you have proof of that, do you? He called her mobile at 7.

18am the day before she entered the country.

She was in Istanbul on Karadeniz Street, near Aydin University, close to Atatürk Airport.

We think he helped her enter the country.

If he was helping, then why was he k*lled? I'm hoping you can tell me.

The man you said you recognised from the mosque is the known t*rror1st - Zak Latif.

Now, I need you to search your memory back to the day you say you saw Amir and Latif together.

I need to know who else he spoke to.

I need names.

I think, from the particle size we're looking at a mixture of clay and sand.

Brick dust.

Really? Where they ditched the car, there's no building work going on there.

Unless someone dumped building waste there at some point? I don't think so.

The area's just scrubland and trees, - there's nothing there.

- Here we go.

Zak Latif's record from Feltham.

Shoe size is a nine.

Begovic a six.

They have help.


And they've been somewhere to pick this stuff up.

Thanks for your time.

Kamal? Here.

If I made this any harder than it needed to be, then I'm sorry.

Come here.

You said you thought your daughter was coming home to give herself up.

- Is that right? - Yes.

Look, I get it, I have children.

If I was in your situation Would you feel that you'd failed as a parent? And you'd pray that one day they'd come through the door and tell you it was all a mistake.

I'm afraid we've discovered that her husband is still alive and that he's with her now.

We think they intend We think they have a target in mind.

- What target? - We don't know, but there has to be some reason why they sent Sarah.

It's unheard of for a woman to be sent on missions like this.

I don't want her to die.

So will you help me? Maybe there's something you saw in the past you didn't think was significant at the time, maybe places she used to go, people she used to I looked in her rucksack yesterday.

There was a suit there, a woman's suit, very business-like.

Something she'd not normally wear? She never used to.

He was supposed to be left with my mum.

We'd planned that.

Um He's normally a really good sleeper in his routine.

He had a favourite toy, but I lost it somewhere, so I've written the name of that down too, if you could get that for him.

I'm sorry.

I'm not going to take him.

Er, you said I can't be involved in this.

You said you would.

I just said on the phone that I would look after Musa to get you to come here.

Amir Aziz You knew I told him, right? That you were home and that Sarah was going to be following you.

He called me.

I went to him for advice and support.

That's why he tracked you down.

To try and persuade you not to come back.

So you went to see him, didn't you? Didn't you? Did he say he was going to call the police? Is that why you stabbed him? Zak? I wanted to see you so much.

But do you honestly believe I could be involved in covering up a m*rder of a man like that? A man I loved.

You lied to me.

- You said you just wanted to come home.

- No! No.

I said I was coming home.

That's all.

I wanted to know you.

And I wanted Musa to know you.

See, I thought like an idiot that you'd go to prison and serve your time.

We would all be there for you when it was over.

You believed what you wanted to believe.

Yeah, well This is over now.

No more.

You'll turn yourselves in.

Or I'll do it for you.

Let's go.

I said, let's go! Zak? Look, it's my fault, OK? Blame me.

It's not on you.



You can still come home.

What home, huh? Where is my home? You just have to do nothing.

I can't.

Say it.

Please, just say it! Ah! Ah! Go back to the shop, get everything ready.

Sarah, Sarah.

Go now.

I don't know, she may not be on a ward.

She was in intensive care.

Chamberlain, Thomas Chamberlain.

I'm Thomas.

We've got another body.

I'm sorry, I've got to go.

Broad daylight.

With witnesses.

You've got a description? Just two guys standing here, seemed like they were hugging, then people saw this.

How is Kamal Rachid connected to this? I'm hoping you're going to tell me.

Multiple s*ab wounds.

Did he make a call? - No.

- What about a mobile? Didn't he have a mobile? Look at this.

The end's been broken off.

The wounds are grouped on his anterior torso.

Repeated stabbing.

- From the front? - Yes.


Abrasions to the surrounding skin from the broken tip.

Location suggests risk to the right atrium.

No defence wounds, no attempt to fight him off at all.

It's the same knife that was used to k*ll Amir Aziz.

Definitely? - Definitely.

- Thanks.

We got CCTV of the payphone.

It's Latif.


So this guy kills Amir Aziz, for reasons unknown, he sh**t DS Ryman - and now he's m*rder*d Kamal Rachid.

- There's something else.

Nikki? Jack found brick dust where the car was burnt out, yeah? Mm-hm.

Is that the same stuff? He's shaved, cut his hair.


Western clothing, Western look.

- So they can walk around unseen.

- And maybe to access the target.

She wasn't expecting him to k*ll this time, was she? No, she wasn't.

Where's he taking the baby? Love you.

Your ab loves you.

Be proud.

This is the area we lost the car.

It burned out here.

This is where Kamal was m*rder*d.

Got to be in here.


Thomas, something's come up.

The hair Jack found in the safe house, well, it's just finished processing and we've got a DNA match with two people.

Two hits off one DNA, how does that work? One's with Zak Latif and there's also a 50% genetic match with someone else, some DNA we took for elimination purposes.


Zak Latif is Kamal Rachid's son.

Where's Musa? Safe.

Where? Doesn't matter where.

What are you doing? I can't do this with you any more.

It is bad enough that you lied to me about the imam, but your own father? I did what I had to do.

Flesh and blood.

He threatened us! This is not how it was meant to be, Zak.

I want to be with my son.

We'll all be reunited in Jannah.


I want to be with him now.

I want to be with my family.

Ah, ow! I persuaded them to let us bring him.

I did that.

Now we have a deal.

Tell me where he is.

Tell me.

Tell me! With the brothers.

Where with the brothers? Sarah, you walk out of here now and I'll not be able to guarantee Musa's safety.

Are you threatening our son? You have to do what we agreed.

What you agreed.

And you have to do it now.

For Musa.

You knew I might back out, didn't you? You knew that.

That's why they let us bring him.

He was insurance.

Did you know about Kamal's connection to Latif? He just told me.

After we left here earlier.

- The lies just got too much for him.

- And you had no idea? Why didn't he tell you before? Why wouldn't he? I don't know.

Maybe We could never have children I love our son.

And I loved my father.

But I love Allah more.

So do you.

It's just a transition.

I helped Kamal over a threshold, that's all I did.

Just like walking into another room.

And I'll help you, too.

We'll walk through that door together.

Kamal had a fling with a woman way before we got together.

He didn't know she was pregnant when he left her.

But she had the kid.

Zak Latif.

When did Kamal find out? Just before Zak went to Syria.

I told you I saw him in the mosque a few years ago.

They lost touch until he turned up back in the country, about a week ago.

Kamal helped him, did he? Got him a safe house, found him a w*apon.

You'd love that, wouldn't you? He would never help him, not ever.

- He wouldn't do that.

- He kept his mouth shut.

Only because Kamal thought he could persuade Zak to give himself up.

Got the pyrolysis results.

Sample on the knife and the sample on the boot print are from the same source.

- Same dust? - Liquid brick dust.

There was a lot of magnesia in it, matching bricks made in Surrey in the 1990s.

There's some paint in it, too.

Different colours.

- Graffiti.

- Exactly.

So we're looking for a building in this area made of this kind of brick.

Good luck But, for the substance to have transferred from a wall to his hands and feet, it must have been carried by water.

So what are we saying, a building that's having graffiti removed? Precisely.

Amir knew Latif was in the country, didn't he? How? Was he in direct contact with him? Kamal told him.

But begged him not to report it until he tried to talk them round.

And Amir said what? He was a decent man.

He contacted Begovic.

Tried to get her to do the right thing, to stay where she was, but he knew she was coming here and he knew that Zak was already here.

Which was why he lost his life.


Did Kamal say to you anything about a target? No.

Why would he? Or why they're using a woman? Something you overheard or that Latif said? He only wanted to help his son.

Can I have a word? Excuse me just one second.

It's Nikki.

Begovic and Latif are hiding out in a building that's being industrially cleaned.

It's the only one in the area that matches what we've got.

Are you sure? Completely sure? You've got time for me to take you through the detail now, really? I've decided to martyr myself to pierce the hearts of the enemy.

I give my life to bring fire upon the crusaders, their soldiers and supporters.

I offer my body, knowing I will meet my brothers and sisters in paradise.

I fight for a world where the word of Allah triumphs over the voices of the unbeliever and the apostate.

I say to you now, carry on, my brothers and sisters.

Go! Go! Go! Carry on, as you are strong.

Carry on, as you are the superior.

Carry on, as you are the victorious.

We're all clear.

We haven't got time for this.

What do you expect us to do? We can only work with what we've got.

Got something.

Dated today.

They've been sightseeing.

It could be reconnaissance.

Can we tell where they are? Can we zoom in? There! Park West? Park West what? Conference centre.

I need a building evacuating now.

Park West Conference Centre.

If you get anything else, call me.


In His greatness, I offer my body and soul to Him.

Those of you who masquerade as Muslims but who side with those who wage wars against us, you are the enemy.

And those of you who serve in these governments or who elect leaders who commit atrocities against my people, you are responsible.

What I do today is on you.

On your conscience.

Remember that and remember me.

Be proud.

And tell my son what I have done.

- What's happening? - Begovic and Latif are inside.

We're securing the perimeter now.

They let the women go.

Set up a rendezvous, get them clear, keep them safe.

I need that entrance secured, now! Let's get them moving now, keep them moving, keep them moving.

Who's got eyes inside? Can I get a report? We have one casualty in the foyer.

Multiple other hostages with one possible suspect.

- Male or female? - Male.

Suspect is armed.

- I have a clear shot.

- Take it! Target down.


Target down.

SFOs are moving in now.

Curtis, you go with, ID that body.

Clear! Latif is down.

No sign of Begovic.

Where are you? Why here? Why this target? Curtis, what do we know about this conference? It's Women In Islam.

Who's the speaker? An ex-Cabinet minister.

Sabeen Malik.

- Who? - She campaigns against jihadis.

So where is she now? Curtis, where is Malik? Unknown.

Maybe she got out with the other women.

Why would they let her go? An ex-Cabinet minister speaking out against extremism, she has to have been the target, doesn't she? This is for the media.

They want this on camera.

She's here.

She's out here.

Find Malik, find Begovic.

Get down on the floor! You do this you'll martyr me.


Don't speak! We have Musa.

He was left at a hospital.

You didn't know that.

You're lying.

On your knees.

He can still have a mother, Sarah.

We can work it out.

I can't come home.

Look around you, Sarah.

You've achieved what you set out to do.

Your face will be all over the TV.

Look at me.

It's done.

Come and see your son.

Tata? Tata? Take it.



How are you feeling? Getting there.


My son.

So, I, er get to know he exists, do I? I've never introduced him to anyone before.

Got to look after our kids.

Paul's got a future.

Paul can have the life he wants.

Sorry! I'm sorry! - He's out, Sylvie.

- I was going to call you.

His colleagues are not aware of his past.

Someone's tried to clean up.

How can we contribute unless we know who and what we're dealing with? We need to take Sylvie to the building in the woods.
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