02x24 - Mickey's Comet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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02x24 - Mickey's Comet

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody, it's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside
my clubhouse?

Well, all right.

Let's go.

Aw, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,
we get to say the magic words:

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse.



That's me.



It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Roll call.

- Donald.
- Present.

- Daisy.
- Here.

- Goofy.
- Here.

- Pluto.
- Woof! Woof!

- Minnie.
- Here.

- Mickey.
- Right here.

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside





Hi there. Welcome to the clubhouse.

Good to see you.

Wow-whee! Would you look at that?

Huh? Who said that?

VON DRAKE: Now there's something
you don't see every day.

It's Professor Von Drake.

Sounds like he's on the roof.


Hiya, professor.

Oh, Mickey.

What a start you giving me!

But I am so glad to see you anyways.

I got big news for you here.

Very soon we gonna be able to see,

way up in the sky, the one, the only,

Mickey's Comet. Hoo-hoo.

And a comet
is a bunch of ice and dust

that flies around and around and around
outer space in a gigantic circle.

- Like this.

VON DRAKE: Mickey's Comet is passing
by the clubhouse only once every ten years.

Gee, that's a long time.

I know.

And today, right before it gets dark,

is the only time
we gonna get a good look at it.

Oh, boy. A comet named after me.
Heh, heh.

And we'll be able to watch it
right here through the telescope.

Well, ha, ha, not exactly.

It's too cloudy.

But I don't see any clouds.

VON DRAKE: As you can see, they
gonna be blocking our outer-space viewing.

But not to worry.

Because I'm going
to set up my very own

portable telescope
far away from the clubhouse

and all of those inconsiderate clouds.

And we'll be able to see
Mickey's Comet from there.

You said it, Mickey Mouse.

Come on, now. I've got lots to do.


I'll wait here for our friends.

Good thinking.

Then you can all come and meet me.

We can watch the comet together.

Oh, one more thing.

Three stars will going to appear
in the sky, one at a time.

When you are seeing the third star,

that means it's time
for Mickey's Comet to pop into view.

So see you later, crocodile.
Bye-bye now.

Wow, my very own comet!

I can't wait to see it.


Hi, everybody.

- Hi, Mickey.
- Woof! Woof!

We just saw the professor
and he told us all about Mickey's Comet.

Gee, that was quick.

Well, he was in a hurry
to see that comet.

Me too. Let's go.

Say, anybody know
where the professor was going?

Well, we thought you knew.

I forgot to ask.

The professor
could be anywhere by now.

We'll have to search for him.

Will you help us find the professor
so we can all watch Mickey's Comet?

You will?

Hot dog. To the Mousekedoer.

Come on.

[SINGING] Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi,

Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set,
Here we go

You're a thinking and a solving

Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you,

Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you,


Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it

Show us the Mousketools
To help us do it

Meeska, Mooska, Mousekedoer.

Mouseketools, Mouseketools,

Here are your Mouseketools

Balloons. What a great bunch.

A wind-up toy.

Building blocks. Ha, ha.

And the Mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

MICKEY [SINGING]: Toodles has the tools
The Mousketools

So when we need them
Toodles will bring them

He's here for meedles and youdles
Ha, ha

And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"

All we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"


All right. We got our Mouseketools.

Now let's find the professor.


Good idea, Pluto.

You have a great nose
for sniffing out trails.


He can use it to sniff out the professor's
trail so we'll know where he went.

And this camera will help too.


The Pluto-Cam will send a picture

of what Pluto's looking at
back to the Mousekedoer.

That way, we'll see whatever he sees.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Step aside. I want to take a look.


Donald sure has a big head.


Okay, pal. You're all set.

Go find Professor Von Drake.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.




MINNIE: Look. Pluto's following
the professor's trail across the clubhouse.

What's that?

MICKEY: I think it's the fire hydrant
next to Pluto's dog house.

DONALD: I don't know.
It doesn't look like a fire hydrant.

Oh, that's because the Pluto-Cam
is close to the ground at Pluto's level.

You're used to seeing
the hydrant from higher up.

That's right.

And when you look at something
from a new point of view, it looks different.


DAISY: Pluto's found something.
MINNIE: What is that?


I can't tell.

Huh, me neither.
We better go see it for ourselves.



What do you got there, boy?

Oh, my. It's a giant button.

Now where could that have come from?


Duh, excuse me.

It's Willie the Giant.

Hi, everybody.
Say, could you help me?

My little bear lost a button.


I looked and I looked
and I can't find it anywhere.

The button's right under the bush.

How come he can't see it?

Hmm... I think he doesn't see it
because Willie's really tall.

That means
he looks down on everything.

From way up there,
Willie can only see the top of the bush.

He can't see what's under it.


Ooh, there's my button.
Goody, goody, goody! Thank you.


Aww... How am I gonna make
the button stay on?


This looks like a job for a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.



Funny birdy.

Hmm, let's see.

We have the balloons,
a wind-up toy and building blocks.

MINNIE: I don't think any of those can help
us stick a button on a teddy bear.

It must be time
for the Mystery Mouseketool.


Yep. Already.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool."

Mystery Mousketool.

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?

Oh, boy, I think this might
be just what we need.

A glue stick.

We got ears, say "Cheers."



I sure hope this works.


Perfect. It's all better.


Thank you, thank you.

I hope sometime maybe I can help you.

Well, you know,
you can help us right now.

When you were looking for the button,
did you see Professor Von Drake?


I did, I did.

I saw the itty bitty professor
walk down the path

next to the green circle
with the purty red polkie dots.

Got it. A path next to the green
circle with purty red polkie dots.

Thanks, Willie. You've been a big help.

Bye-bye, Willie.


There are three paths.

We're looking for the one next
to a green circle, with red polka dots?

Do you see it?

I don't.

MICKEY: Let's make sure
we aren't missing something.

What different shapes do you see?

This tree has triangles for sides,
so it's a pyramid.

This tree is shaped like a square,
so it's a cube.

And this apple tree
is shaped like a cone.

Like an ice cream cone.

We found a pyramid,
a cube and a cone shape.

But no green circles.


Now, why would Willie say
there's a big green circle

with red polka dots if there isn't one?


Hey, remember how different things
looked through the Pluto-Cam

because we were seeing it
from a different point of view?


I sure do.

Well, since Willie
is so much taller than we are,

I bet everything must look
different from way up high.

Right, Daisy.

If we could look at things
the same way Willie does,

well, maybe we'd find
the circle he told us about.

We need something that will
let us get a look from up high.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.



MICKEY: There's balloons,
a wind-up toy and building blocks.

Which can help us
see from really high up?

I know. The balloons.

We could float up high
in the sky by holding them.

We've got ears, say "Cheers."



I mean, Upsey-Mickey.

Oh, look at that.

The higher I go,
the more things look different.

I'm up as high as the giant's head.

Now do you see
a green circle with red polka dots?

You found it.

There's the green circle
with the red polka dots that Willie saw.

And it's the cone-shaped apple tree.


Way to go.

This is the path the professor took.

Oh, look.

The first of the three stars is shining.

That means it won't be long
before Mickey's Comet is here.

Come on. Let's go.




What is it, boy?


Put your eyes near the ground

Say goodbye to your frown

And come upside-down cycling with me

Just stand on your head
Till your face turns bright red

Oh, the beautiful sights you'll see

So grab your own wheels
And kick up your heels

And come upside-down
Downside up, upside-down

Downside-up, upside-down
Cycling with me

Goofy. Watch out for the tree.


I'm okay.

Anyone care for a spin?

We can't, Goof.
We're looking for Professor Von Drake.

I just saw him.
He told me all about Mickey's Comet.

Did he tell you where he was going?


No. But I can take you
to where I last saw him.

Follow me.

Uh-oh. I thought this is
where I saw the professor.

But it can't be.

The path I saw him
on had a sign with a six on it.

This sign has a nine.

That's a nine all right.

And there aren't any
other signs around here.

I must be lost.

Goofy, were you riding
your Upside-Down Cycle

when you saw Professor Von Drake?

- Yep. I've been riding all day.
- Ah-ha!

Then you're not lost.
We're in the right place.

How can that be?
The sign I saw had a six on it, I tell you.

But you were upside-down.

I'll show you what I think happened.

Let's all look at the sign
the way Goofy did when he was...


Well, lookie there.

An upside-down nine
looks like a right-side up six.

This is the right spot.

Oops! We're still looking upside-down.


That's much better.

Glad I could help you. So long.

Put your eyes near the ground

Say goodbye to your frown

And come upside-down cycling with me

I'm still okay.

Now we know that this is
the way Professor Von Drake went.

But look.

The second star.

Mickey's Comet is on its way.

Time's running out.

We'd better get a move on.

We gotta catch up with the professor.


Hiya, Chip. Hiya, Dale.

Uh, did you see
where the professor went?

- He was right...
- Over there.

CHIP: We walked 15 steps
from the tree stump.

And along those bushes.

Then the professor found a secret door.

Good luck.

Thanks for the help, guys. See you.


If Chip and Dale walked 15 steps
from this tree stump...

Then we'll have to measure 15 steps

to find the secret door
that the professor went through.

Let me do it.

My feet were made for measuring.

Goofy, wait. Look at your footprints.

They're way bigger
than Chip and Dale's footprints.

Yep, I guess, my feet are a bit bigger.


Stinkier too.


We need a way to measure
little Chip and Dale-sized steps.

Why don't we try a Mouseketubey?

A Mouseketidbit?

You mean a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.


Let's see.

We have the wind-up toy
and the building blocks.

Let's try the wind-up toy drummer boy.

We've got ears, say "Cheers."


This toy drummer will take
the same size steps as Chip did.

Let's all count out 15 steps together.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

This must be where
the professor went through the door.

Oh, we found it.

Come on, everybody.

Uh-oh. The third star.

We're almost out of time.

Mickey's Comet
will be here any minute now.


Hot diggety. There's the professor.

Hello down there!

Whoo, you found me, didn't you?

I just remembered that I forgot
to tell you where I was going.

That's okay, professor.

But where's your telescope?

And it's right ov...
What did I do with the thing?

All right. Here it is.

The Von Drake Portable
Extendable Telescoping Telescope.


This fasuska telescope
doesn't want to stay put.

We need something to keep
this thing from rolling away.

Yeah, like a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.


All we got are building blocks.

Well, I got a theory.

If Toodles would kindly put one block
in front of each of the telescope wheels,

that should keep it from rolling away.

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "Super Cheers."


Oh, boy. What do you know, it worked.

And just in time.
Because here comes Mickey's Comet.

Quick. Put your eye up
to the telescope and take a look.

Ooh, and you take a look too.



It looks like me.

VON DRAKE: And that's why I have
named it Mickey's Comet. Ha, ha.

Oh, thank you, professor.
That was spectacular.

You said it.

GOOFY: Hooray.
DAISY: Good for us.

Oh, boy.
Mickey's Comet was terrific, wasn't it?

Let's head back to the clubhouse
and do the Hot Dog Dance.

Hot dog


Hot dog

Hot dog, hot dog,
Hot diggety dog

Now, we got ears
It's time for cheers

Hot dog, hot dog,
The problem's solved

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

Thanks for watching
Mickey's Comet today.

Oh, I sure had fun
and I hope you did too.

And thanks for doing
the Hot Dog Dance.


What a hot-dog day.

CHORUS [SINGING]: Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

It's a brand new day
Whatcha waitin' for?

Get up, stretch out, stomp on the floor

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans

So long for now from Mickey Mouse

That's me.

And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Aww, thanks for stopping by.

MINNIE: Remember when we were
looking for the path

near the green circle
with the red polka dots?

How did we find the green circle?

MICKEY: Right, we went as high
as the giant's head

and looked at things
from his point of view.

What did it turn out to be?

The cone-shaped apple tree.

You betcha.

Boy, what a hot-dog day.

See you real soon.
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