01x04 - Riding the Storm Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x04 - Riding the Storm Out

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

[ Birds chirping ]

Despite our ability to repress all emotions,

I admit, I grow impatient.

Thanks, Mister! You want to play?

Ya could have just said "no!"

I am impatient as well.

That is, if I felt anything, which I do not.

I am a Weatherhead, after all.

The logical response is to begin

our mission earlier than scheduled.

Clear the area of all wildlife.

[ Click ]

[ Metal clanging ]

[ Upbeat music playing ]

Yeah, I could get used to this camping thing.

We're naturals.

Grandpa, we finished the tent!

What's next?

Uh...Oh, uh, yeah.

Gee, will ya look at that?

Um, why don't you guys, uh, go pick up some firewood.

Consider it done!

How long is it supposed to take to start a fire, anyway?

My record is four hours.

Ben: My record is four milliseconds.

Using Heatblast doesn't count as starting a fire.

It does if you want your marshmallows this year!

Aw, man! The watch keeps fritzing out.

It's been losing its charge super quick.

I'll bet Grandpa starts a fire before your watch recharges.

He has what grown-ups call...


This is the st century, Gwen.

Technology has solved the patience problem.

Besides, it probably just needs new batteries or something,

which is a perfect reason to try my new camper's buddy!

[ Beeping ]

What was that?

What was what?

Yes! New record --

hours, minutes! Ha!

[ Wind whistles ]

I'm still counting that.

[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Screaming ]

I wonder if this thing has an umbrella.

I have a feeling this isn't a regular storm.

Phase one in effect.

I would be pleased if I felt anything -- which I don't.

First, the mammals of this park will learn to fear us.

Soon after, the rest of the universe

shall tremble at the mere mention of the Weatherheads.

"The Weatherheads," huh?

Why don't you time how many seconds

it takes for me to stop these clowns?

Oh. You're serious.

Okay, go!

Three, four, five... Ben?!

is that a new alien?

Or is this what happens when you tweak your watch?

Yipes! This is awkward.

Must still be on the fritz.

Oh, well, no biggie.

I can still beat these guys, even with one forearm.

Whoa, whoa!

[ Screaming ]

Hey, Weatherduds, did any of you forecast

a big-arm beatdown today?

-No. -No.

Well, you're about to get --

[ Screams ]

, , ...

[ Grunts ]

Stop counting and start helping!


The arrival of the interloper

altered a few factors in our plan.

This is when a person with feelings would be panicking.

Instead, we will implement Phase Two -- ahead of schedule.

[ Slow beeping ]

[ Thunder rumbles ]

Kids, I've been monitoring emergency reports

from the rangers station, and --

land sakes, what is that?!

Fooling around with the watch again, Ben?


Well, yeah, I gave it a tune up.

[ Watch crackles ]

I'm no expert, but it looks

to be in some sort of reboot mode.

Better not use it again

until its finished its repair cycle,

because that looked ridiculous.

But who's gonna stop those weather weirdos?

Not Gray Arms, that's for sure.

We can still help get the other campers to safety.

I think I know a sheltered way out.

Come on.

[ Whistle blows ]

I love this thing.

Hey, campers, over here!

This tunnel will lead you off the campground!

Just follow the old guy with the flashlight!

[ Bear roars ]

Ben, look!

What the heck is that thing?

Uh, a red blinky light.

Or some crazy villain's weather-making machine.

Soon, it will heed our summons and our true mission will begin!

Ha! [ Laughs awkwardly ]

This is the laugh I would laugh if I experienced excitement,

which of course I do not.

Hey, cumulo-nitwits, go take a hike!

A woodland walk would not further our stated objectives.

And we do not have the time.

Do not worry, Weatherheads.

This cosmic cyclone will sort out these mammals.

[ Whirring ]

[ Beeping ]

Whoa, didn't see <span tts:fontStyle="italic">that </span>plot twister.

You did <span tts:fontStyle="italic">not </span>just say that.

Said it!

These dudes are getting the full alien.

Maybe we don't. You heard what Grandpa Max said.

Yeah, he said he was no expert.

[ Tires screech ]

All the campers are clear.

Let's blow this place and regroup.

You did <span tts:fontStyle="italic">not </span>just say --

He said it. Come on!

[ Tires squeal ]

Huh?! Hold on to your guacamole, kids!

[ Both scream ]

Ben, wait! Hey!

Let the watch reboot.

Be patient, or you'll just do more damage.

[ Screams ] Kids, hang on to something!

[ Both yelling ]

Still [gasps] think I [grunts]

should be patient?

Maybe we were a little too impatient about your impatience.

All right! [ Grunts ]

It's, uh...

hero time?

What? Something in my nose?

Not that I really care.

Um, I wouldn't go a "head" with this alien.


Ugh, you did <span tts:fontStyle="italic">not</span> just say that.

Said it.

I'm leaving now.

[ Grunting ]


All right, climate clods, here's a weather report for ya!

Painy, with a chance of fists!

His [snickers]



Cannot keep...

...emotions in check.

[ Mechanical laughter ]

[ Growls ] Don't laugh!

Ha. Emotions.

Funny, but trouble.

[ Grunting ]

[ Screams ]


Huh, what?! [ Gasps ]


The storm goes up into space?

This is what they meant when they said cosmic cyclone.

As amusing as this has been, headling,

you have witnessed too much!

Which we are not angry about,

because The Weatherheads do not experience anger!

We will end you now.

End me? I haven't even started!

What's your problem with emotions, anyway?

Emotions are inefficient and weak.

We cannot tolerate uncertainty, and they are unpredictable.

They are, aren't they?

Just like the weather!

All right, climate clowns, do your worst!

Bet you didn't predict <span tts:fontStyle="italic">that </span>response.

Huh?! Huh?!Huh?!

Very well, then.


[ Groans ]

[ Yells ]

Weak! Unpredictable!

Ha! You "mist" me.

You know, "mist," like fog. It's weather humor.

[ Grunts ] -Huh?

[ Screams ]

Gust-O, focus!

You focus, Hail-O!

Sounds like you guys are getting kind of emotional after all.

Huh? Ooh!

I told the council you were too moody

to handle this assignment.

Moody, me?!

You're the one who is all, like,

initiate Phase Two earlier -- like a baby!

Huh?! Huh?!Huh?!

Gee, it would really stink if some annoyingly logical robots

tried to end me right now --

before I had a chance to touch the shiny red beacon!


We are not annoying!

You are annoying!

I can't hear anything you're saying!

But it sounded annoying!

[ All growling ]

Ha ha!

Oops! Did not see that one coming.

I am regretting every second of my existence.

I would say I love you guys, if I had emotions --

which I do not!

We will meet again one day, human!

You have not heard the last of the Weatherheads!

Yeah! What they saaaaid!

[ Screaming ]


[ Screams ]

[ Groaning ]

Huh? I guess the storm has passed.

[ Crash! ]

[ Groans ]

Ben, you okay?!

[ Beeps ]

Ha! Great move, tricking them

into using their weather powers to destroy their own machine.

And I'm super impressed at your patience.

You haven't touched the watch in, like, minutes.

Ha ha. Laugh on, Gwen.

I've got bigger things on my mind right now.

Bigger things? That's everything.

What is it, Ben?

Those weather dudes --

they were up to something big, I mean <span tts:fontStyle="italic">way </span>up.

Just got me wondering --

what if the <span tts:fontStyle="italic">real </span>storm is still coming?

Welcome to "TV Reviews with Gwen."

Don't you mean "Burp Review"?

Unh-unh. No, Ben. [ Giggles ]

As I was saying, episode of the "Unalliers"

is a significant departure from earlier story lines

due to the fact that Sebastian and Jenna

find themselves on a --

[ Belching ] Eh!

[ Belching ]

[ Crash!] [ Grunts ]

Excuse me.

[ Laughs ]

I give that burp four stars.

Time to throw stuff!
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