01x09 - Brief Career of Lucky Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x09 - Brief Career of Lucky Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

Suit up, sleepy heads!

We've got alien worlds to explore!

[ Groans ] Huh?

Hero time!

Chill out, Ben. It's just the cosplay corner.

Which you'd know if you bothered to read the schedule.

[ Laughs ] I knew that.

'Course I knew that. I know things.

Let's get moving!

I want to be at the front of the line

to see the stars of my favorite series --

"Star Schlep!" You guys ready?

I'm just gonna go with the flow.

And get photo ops with my awesome costume!

You didn't bring a costume.

Didn't I?

Drink it in, fanboys.

Wait. Where is everyone?

That's your costume?

Gwen. My fans, where are they?

They're probably already at the panel for the new

"Lucky Girl" movie, which starts in...minutes!

Lucky Girl? Who's that?

Only the greatest superhero of all time!

And the inspiration for my awesome costume!

Look -- Lucky Girl! See?

Luck? That's not a super power.

That's coincidence.

I guess we'll just have to agree that you're wrong.

Are you coming or what?

No, I don't think so, Gwen. My fans need me.

I just have to find them.

All right, fanboys.

Where are you?

Where is everyone?

[ Crowd murmuring ]

Aw, yeah. Some action.

You LARPing Troopers

have invaded wizard territory for the last time!

Lightning bolt!

Wh-Wha-- What is this?

It's LARP -- Live-Action Role Playing.

You want in?

Why didn't anybody tell me

that cosplay conventions are full of geeks?

Well, suit yourself. All right, you guys!

I didn't want to have to do this, but...wand attack!


Whoa! Awesome LARPing, guys.

Yeah. Awesome LARPing, guys.

Movin' on.

Awesome LARPing indeed.

Wow, the line's so short!

I really am lucky! We're at capacity.


Everybody's either fawning over Lucky Girl

or pretending to sh**t lightning bolts at each other.

I guess there's no place here

for an awesome giant red four-armed alien.


Hex: Young wizard,

I don't think you appreciate the value of that artifact.

I could offer you an exceptional trade for it.

No, thanks. I just got it.

I believe you'll reconsider once you see

my collection of valuable magical trinkets!

Definitely hero time.

Uah! Aah!

Hah! You!

My old nemesis.

Old? I'm !


I was prepared to play nice,

but I'm afraid you've forced my hand.


What do you want some dumb plastic wand for anyway?


You mean to say you have no idea what this is?

You'll not soon forget the day

you were introduced to Merlin's wand, my boy!

Merlin? He said his name was Walter.

Yah! [ Grunting ]

Not in the food court. Not the game hub.

Where else could Ben be?

Ben: Augh! Hex, you doof!

In trouble. Where else?

As I'm sure you could guess, Merlin's own personal wand

would be a true prize for any magician.

Oh, my boy, you certainly chose

the wrong day to pick this fight!

With this wand in my possession,

all the world will come to bow before me,

starting with you!

To be clear, Lucky Girl is here!

Yeah, that could probably use some work.

Never mind that! Big mistake, Hex!

The real wand of Merlin is right here!

Gwen! What are you doing?

I'm not Gwen. I'm Lucky Girl.


I have observed the power of this wand with my own eyes.

Look! It casts magic as we speak!

Your hubris has clouded your perception, Hex.


The power of the true wand of Merlin!

Tent-o destruct-o everything-o!


But that wand! It can't be!

Come on!


I refuse to be made a fool by you insolent brats!

[ Laughs ] We don't even know what "insolent" means!

This is awesome! You guys are amazing LARPers!

Over here! Mark my words, children.

I don't need Merlin's wand to dispose of the likes of you!

[ Growls ]

That's just cheesy special effects, right?

Aah! Aah!

[ Growls ]

Wow! See you at the costume contest!

Nice try, Hex!

But if you want to play with fire prepare to get...


[ Growls ]

Whoa, big guy. Heard of mints?

Ugh. Lucky Girl!

How about some more lucky magic?




Seriously, how'd you do that?

Just lucky, I guess.

I don't know how, but it is Merlin's!

Give me the wand, girl!

Give it to me or else -- Augh!

Or else you'll get blindsided by awesomeness?

Not awesome!

[ Growls ]

Lucky Girl!

You lure Hex out while I lay my beatdown on Ooka Mooka!

[ Growls ]

On it!

Hey, creep! You want your wand?

Aw, who's a big, mean ogre?

You are!



Play dead!


Mint-condition collectibles!

Uh, near mint-collection collectibles.

Oh, no. Dead end!

The wand.


Sure. If you can find me.

Uh, many-me-boo-yah!

[ Murmuring ]

A multiplying spell?

The wand is more powerful than I could imagine!

And when she threw the throwing star at the movie star --

Pure poetry!

There you are. Hmm?

I'm Lucky Girl.

Something I can do for you, dearie?

[ Laughs ]

Gwen: Hey, Hex!

Paper throw-oh-nado!

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ] Uh...

Aah! Oof!

Ugh. Not the exit I had in mind.


Give me that wand.

I will turn you into a toad, child.

Um, no, thank you.

[ Panting ]

Aah! Ugh! Wah!

Ben: Lucky, duck!

[ Gurgling ]

[ Laughs ] "Lucky duck."

See what I did there? [ Groans ]

See what <span tts:fontStyle="italic">I </span>just did there?

Want to see it again?

Face it, Hex! You're --

[ Grunts ]

Uh, as I was saying, you're out of your depth!

Get it? It was another pun!

Because -- Ugh!


Aah! Whaa!

[ Grunting ]

It appears your luck has run out!

[ Laughs ] How was that for a pun?


I'd give it an F-minus because you're evil.

I'm warning you, Hex! Stay back or I'll --

I'll -- Or I'll --

What? Beg for mercy?

[ Grunts ]

This isn't the real wand.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, this is delicious!

[ Laughs ] Good show, my girl.

Good show!

You were bluffing all along!

Of course, you understand I cannot allow

this transgression to go unpunished.

Bluffing? Uh...

Of course not!

I just wanted you outside so I could do this!

Zombie apocalyps-o!

Ah. Hmm.

Admirable as your commitment to this façade has been,

I'm afraid my patience has quite run out.

[ Zombies groaning ]


[ Gasps ]

Just kidding. [ Laughs ]

Dude, you should have seen the look on your face!

Aah! The undead.

Walking amongst us! Oh!

This not even Merlin himself could --

Hi again. [ Gasps ]

Cool your jets!

Does that count as another pun? I'm gonna call it a pun.

Whoa, Gwen! I got to ask.

How'd you conjure up all the zombies?

Not conjuring. Just timely schedule management.

And a little luck!

Excellent job capturing the Mage-lord menace, space soldier!

You have dealt a devastating blow

to the evil forces with this victory!

Might I get a shot for the con book?

Anything for my fans. Smile, Hex!

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

To the holding cell with him!

Don't forget to vote on the costume contest!

Keep fighting the good fight, soldier!

You're doing the space future proud.

[ Hex groans ]

[ Gasps ] The revenant contingent!

They have us surrounded!

Get me out of here!

This cannot be how I end!

Dude, calm down. It's just LARP.

I hope he wins the LARP MVP ribbon.

That'd be nice for him. It comes with a gift card!

One thing I don't get -- if you had a fake wand

the whole time, what happened to the real one?

Huh, I wonder if that kid Oliver knows.

[ Growls ]

[ All gasp ] Ahem.

Lightning bolt!

[ Cheering ]

Oh, yeah! Best LARP ever!

I'm sure it's fine.

There you two are!

Oh, you really missed out on the action!

Check it out! Only set me back bucks!

Kids, how lucky are we?

Way lucky.

Okay, so, today Grandpa Ben and I are out whale watching. [ Gasps ] I think we might have something here.

Let me give you guys a better angle. Hold on.

Before an animal surfaces the water,

you can usually see their air bubbles and --

Ben! You're gonna scare away all the whales!

[ Laughs ]

Who wants to watch some boring old whales

when you can watch cool new Overfl-- Aah!

Wow! Wasn't that beautiful?

Time to throw stuff!
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