01x10 - Animo Farm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x10 - Animo Farm

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ ♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


♪♪ [ Horns blare ]

Welcome to the Kernel County Corn Festival, kids.

Okay, g*ng, let's get ready to head out

and see what's poppin'.

The corniest place on Earth.

[ Sighs ]

What's that? It sounded like...

my video games. They need me!

[ Grunting ]

Grandpa, I think the door's broken.

Well, Ben, since you don't want to go

to the corn festival, you don't have to go.

Really? So, do you want to give me the key or --

Nope. As I was saying, you don't have to go to the festival,

but you do have to spend the day outside.

Find some new friends to play with.

Well-played, Grandfather. Well-played.

Ugh. Outside.

What am I supposed to do outside?


Boy: He caught it!

Hey, you're amazing. You want to play football?


I'm not really into the whole team-sports thing.

I'm a loner, a rebel.

I work alone.

But you're the best football player we've ever seen!

Well, when you put it that way, fine, I'll do it.

So, what's our team called?

Oh, we have a great name.

We're the --


You ready to lose?

[ All laughing ]

[ All shouting ]

Here! Here!



Ugh, these guys are terrible.

I'll just do it myself. [ Laughs ]

[ Grunts ] This game is hopeless.

Maybe it's time to even the...

[ Rumbling ] oooodds!

Napoleon said to get the animal feed.

[ Austrian accent ] Scanning.

[ Beeping ]

[ Beep, beep ] Identified.

Let's mooooove!

See, this is why playing outside is bad.


Whatever crazy petting zoo these guys come from,

it's time to send them back!

[ Beeping ]

Stay away! This is for our animals!

F-Find your own food!

Found it.

[ Whimpering ]

Aah! Put me down!

I had him right where I wanted him!

Okay, whatever you say.

Ah! Ow!

Put it all back, you mutated muscleheads.

What is that?

Got to be another accidental. Take him out.


[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Electricity crackles ] Aah!

Well, that was <span tts:fontStyle="italic">udderly </span>humiliating.

[Suspenseful music climbs] [Groans]

[ Clang, squeak ]


Who do you guys think you're messing with, huh?

I've got nine more of these where this came from!

Wait until you get a load of --

Huh? Why am I still Stinkfly?

Where am I?

You're on the Farm. If you're in here, you're a prisoner.

I'm Nugget. This is Mini-taur,

Chinzilla, and Goatadactyl.

[ Screeches ]

Huh. I'm...Ben?

Hey, look -- mutated animal lunkheads,

barbed wire, guard towers...Animo?!

That's Dr. Animo, Accidental.

The most ingenious and globally respected scientist

in the history of, well, history.

Whatever! So, who's in charge here, you two?

No, that would be me! [ Oinks ]

I enforce the rules. I keep accidentals like you in line.


Madcow must've fried your brain. [ Oinks ]

There are two types of mutants on this farm.

Alphas, [oinks] like me -- super strong, super awesome.

And then there's accidentals.

Pathetic mistakes of science.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">You.</span>

Hooray, we get to listen to this again.

Hey! You accidentals only got one job --

[slurp!] do whatever we alphas tell you!

[ Oinks ]

I'm out of here.

[ Clicks ]

Later, suckers! Whoo-hoo!



Careful, newbie.

Animo installed an electromagnetic force field.

[ Squeals ]

For your safety, of course.

Of course.

That's got to be what's keeping me stuck as Stinkfly.

Talking to yourself?

First sign of a filthy accidental.

I'll give you filthy!

[ Snorting ]


Hello?! I'm a pig!

The stinkier, the better, [snort] dumb accidental.


His name is Ben!

Far as I'm concerned, [snorts] it's Loser --

all of you.

Loser One, Loser Two, Lose--

[ Whispering ] Loser one...

[ Normal voice ] Loser Three!

Now start doing stuff!

[ Wheels squeaking ]



Get ba-a-a-ack to work.

Aww, and what are <span tts:fontStyle="italic">you</span> gonna do about it?

[ Laughs ]

[ Growls ] Yep, getting back to work!

All: Shuck, shuck, shuck, shuck, shuck, shuck.

There's got to be a way out of here.

[ Scottish accent ] You've been trying to escape all afternoon.

You can't do it.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">I </span>can't... but maybe <span tts:fontStyle="italic">we </span>can!

Ask yourself -- how are they keeping

that force field on all the time?

The big generator in the central barn.

Good to know! See? Teamwork!

All we got to do is smash that generator,

and then smash our way out!

[ Chuckles ]

You might convince these pea brains to follow you

on your fool's errand, but I'm staying right here

and shucking corn.

You know, you're right.

There's only one way I'm -- we're gonna get out of here.

That's forging ourselves into a team.

What do you say? Are you ready to forge, Mini-taur?

You're all fools.

Who's more foolish?

The fool, or the one who follows him?

That doesn't even --

Ah, let's get on with it!

[ All cheer ]

[ Squeaking ]

Okay, team, go time!

[ Footsteps thunder ]


You sure you're okay with this, Nugget?

No! I never agreed to thi--


Hey, yay! I'm alive!

Ah, a puzzle lock.

Oh. Huh.

That must be the force-field generator.

We did it, guys. We actually did it.

[ Rumbling ]

Bad move, losers!


[ Snorts ] You all just volunteered

to clean the outhouses for the rest of your lives.

Your lives.

[ All screaming ]

Well, looks like it's up to me to kick your --


Oh! Ow!

What happened? We were right there!

We'd never have never been able to get past the alphas.

I told you we cannah do it.

No. You can.

We can still bring down that force field.

But how?

[ Rumble, clank ]

We fight!

[ Zip, zip, sloop! ]

Fight? Them?

Look, the alphas are big, and deadly,

but they're also lazy and dumb, and they're selfish.

Every one of us can do something they can't --

be a team player.

Shall we play?

Time to lose, losers.

Hut! Hut!

[ All shouting ]


Ooh, you little --

[ Chomp, electricity buzzing ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Chomp! ] Huh?

Agh, agh. [Growls]

[ Grunts ]

[ Fwoosh! ]

[ Tires squeal ]

[ Pants ]


Stinkfly: Hey, bacon bits!


Time to tenderize some meat!

[ Squeals ]

[ Snorts ]

Did you forget that we love the smell of stink?

He's abandoned me. Ben left.

Stinkfly: Calm down, you chicken.

Will you do the honors?

[ Tink! ]

Sorry guys, this isn't a cage-free farm!

[ Laughter ]

Good one, Ben!

'Bout time. Wait, you're human?

Yeah, long story.

Ben really missed out!

Can you believe they had corn-cob milkshakes?!

For once, we have a crazier story than Ben.

[ All screaming ]

[Sizzle] [Giggles]


[ All cheering ]

[ Screeches ]

Ben: Uh, let's work on that team cheer.

[Beep] Ben Tennyson here, taking a break from hero time for some...

[Zap!] Prank time!

[ Wings flutter ]

Today's special:

sandwiches with extra stinky sauce!

[ Sputtering ]

[ Malevolent laugh ]


[ Wings flutter ]

[ Sniffs ]

Eww! Gross!



Wait, Grandpa!


Um. Mmm.



Time to throw stuff.

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