01x17 - Villain Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x17 - Villain Time

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Reel clicking ]

This one is huge!

I caught a real monster!

Congrats there, sonny! Nice try.

Aw, yeah! Award swag.

Hey, Ben. Did you win something?

[ Angelic choir sings ]

Aw, that's a really cute minnow, Ben.

Uh, mine's nothing compared to that.

I want some bling, too.

Why doesn't anyone bling me for all the cool hero stuff I do?

Like a monument in my honor!

Monuments are only bestowed on the greatest figures

in history, Ben, like Mount Rushmore.

Mount Tennyson.

Like Mount Rushmore but with of me!

One big head for you is plenty.

But, of course, you use your powers to do good,

not for the glory...right?

[ Crashing, people screaming ]

Like right now.

[ Screaming continues ]

[ Gasps ]

Nothing a little H-Overflow can't handle.

Aw, come on!

How do you fight fire with an oversized pinball?

[ Screaming continues ]

Oh, right -- water.

I'll take care of this with some good old Ben-genuity!

Big rescue cannonball!

Thank you, giant panda bear man!

No prob. Not a panda bear.

No matter. I've impressed even myself this time.

A heroic effort. Monumental, some might say.

Tim Buktu to the rescue!

[ Grunts ]

Rescue? A little late for that one, bro-chowski.

Save your insipid slang for the judge, evildoer!

More like good-doer?

Then why was this tour boat aflame, you fiend?

I put fires out. I don't start them.

I mean, unless I'm Heatblast.

I've got no time for answers.

Taste Panamanian poison arrow frog blow darts!

Hey! I'm not the bad guy!



[ Gulping ]


I've got my eye on you, Master of Evil.

Both of them! Ciao! [ Grunts ]

Bro, you can't just try to dart someone,

then fly away like it's not a thing!

Get back here!

Consider yourself grounded.

All right, kid.

My curiosity is stoked.

You're a boy who changes into what, exactly?

Ben's the name, turning alien is my game.


Could you be an alien less in my way?

I've got meaningful hero-ing to attend to.

[ Growls ]

Boys, boys, you're both heroes, all right?

This imposter, a hero?! Oh, nice try.

Your face is a nice try!

Guys, if you're both heroes, then shake on it.


To be fair, in all of my travels,

I've never met someone with your powers before.

I'm almost impressed.

And your pouches of weird stuff are cool, I guess.

You really mean that?

Yeah, sure.

Maybe you could even be my sidekick.

The only side I'll be kicking is yours.

Dude, seriously?

Gwen, just sit back and enjoy the show.

It's a hero thing.

Think you can bark with the big dogs?

Show me what you got, Tim Buck-zero!

Behold my hypnototem!

You're paralyzed!

Yes. You can't possibly compete with my ninja smoke vial!

Ha ha! I can still see you!

And smell you.

It smells like failure.

Clever amplification of strength through leverage!

[ Screams ]

[ Both panting ]

Look, you got skills, Tim,

but I have half a summer of experience!

Oh, yeah? Well, I've clawed through jungles all my life,

collecting artifacts and vials to become a hero.

Play hero all you want,

but time will tell who out-heroes who!

Oh, what a coincidence. That time is now!

How weird is that? [ Alarm blares ]

It's hero time!

Yeah, it's hero time! Ciao!

Oh, you do not steal another dude's catchphrase.

Not cool!

[ Grunting ]

Gah! Huh?

Have fun getting out of my Tasmanian tar pit!

That's not very heroic.

Hang on, Ben!

[ All grunting ]

Oh, darn. We're stuck, too.

I got this.

'Cause there's no need to wait when I've got XLR!

Finally got the right alien!

-Byrrrrr! -We'll be fine!

No help necessary here!

[ Electricity crackling ]


You're actually doing a good job saving the day!

The webbing of the Sumatran king spider

insulates against electricity.

Shocking, isn't it? [ Laughing ]

[ Snorting ]

[ Laughing maniacally ]


Where do you even get this stuff?

Wherever the winds of adventure take me!

Wherever the screams of those in danger roar like lions!

All right, I'll admit it.

Maybe you're a real hero after all.

You just saved the dam!

Who are you, brave soul?

-I'm XLR-- -I have many names.

Guardian! Protector!

But you, citizen, can call me Tim Buktu!

I'm going to recommend we build a statue in your honor!

Are you serious right now?!

Yeah, skedaddle, kiddo. It's hero time!

[ Laughing ]

But I'm the hero.

Something's fishy, Ben!

If Tim's tar-and-feather shenanigans weren't enough,

now there's this!

When you ran off after Tim,

we launched a little investigation of our own.


Max: We noticed the vial Tim's tar b*mb left

and decided to check out the scenes of the other accidents.

There's only one other accident -- the boat fire.

It took some digging, but it was just as we expected.

They're the exact same vials, Ben!

And I'll bet you anything

there's another one up there at the expl*si*n site!

[ Gasps ] A hero that creates his own disasters?

Great way to play the hero without any risk!

Except to everyone else!

If I was a betting man, I'd wager he's not done yet.

Uh, who's this, now?

Say hello to the supervillain behind today's sabotages!

[ Crowd gasps ] Supervillain?

Supervillain?! That's the worst kind!

Excuse me? <span tts:fontStyle="italic">I'm </span>the villain?

Maybe you need to look in a mirror.

Or did you forget about these?

[ Grunts ] Hey!

Hey, now, kid, there's a very understandable explanation

for all this.

I just wanted to be a hero is all.

A few minor mishaps, some epic saves, and boom, huh?

Nothing but hero club.


I've got a club for you! It meets behind bars!

Oh, yeah? Well, I hope you like...

a taste of Bermuda serpent saliva!

-Whoa! -Whoa!

You just threw that on a dam?

Bad idea, Bucko, even for a villain.

Aha, that was an accident!

I can fix that, no problem!

The people will see a little trickle of water,

and I'll swoop right in to the --

Uh, that's a big crack!

Okay, what I think we got to do here is --


[ Whimpering ]

A real hero keeps calm under pressure!

Ha ha!

Exactly why I employ a wing suit!

[ Screaming ]

Ugh! Okay, Tim Buktu, I'm coming for ya.

[ People screaming ]

-Huh?! -Huh?!

[ Gasping ]

Where's Ben?!

[ Grunting ]

No more playing hero. It's for real this time, got it?

[ Screams ]

It's hero time, Tim!

Wh-What am I supposed to --

-Tar bombs! -Huh?

-No! Aah! -Now!

[ Grunts ]

Keep going! I have a plan!

[ Screams ] Don't drop me! Don't drop me!

[ Grunts ] I got ya.

[ Screams ]


[ Gasps, coughing ]

Feh! A childish insult!

Everyone knows I was the one who saved the day!

Yeah, sure. After you wrecked it in the first place.

When we meet again, Ben,

it's villain time.

And now you have your own catchphrase.

You're welcome!

Good job out there, Ben.

I guess. Man: Gwen Tennyson?

We've been looking for you all day!

Congratulations, two-time Bigmouth Bass Champ! Whee!

You, uh, okay, Ben?

That's an awfully big trophy Gwen just got.

[ Sighs ] Yes, Grandpa.

I've seen the ugly side of pride.

And its name is Tim Buktu.

I guess that means he doesn't want his award, Grandpa.

Award? What award?!

[ Gasps ] A Benny!

It's just what I've always deserved!

And I have just the speech prepared!

[ Clears throat ]

Friends, countrymen, today we gather

to celebrate the glory that is Ben

on this day of his much deserved award.

Gwen: And we're rolling.

Check me out. It's time for cannon bowling.

First we'll choose Cannonbolt.

And now it's time to strike.

Uh, I don't know about this, Ben.

Cannonbolt and sand?

Ha. Gwen. It'll be fine.

I just need to get an extra big spin going.

Sure. That'll probably do it.

Let's rev it up!

[ Laughs ] Gutter ball!

[ Grunting ]

I'm stuck!

-[ Quack! Quack! ] -Cut!

Time to throw stuff.
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