01x21 - Hole in 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x21 - Hole in 10

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Groans ]

Ben, look out behind you!

[ Gasps ]

[ Gulps ]

How'd things get so bad?

[ Laughter ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Bell rings ]

Ugh! Mini golf, really?

Why don't we ever go anywhere cool, like laser tag or space?

Come on, Ben.

Mini golf is really fun.

Yeah! We're pretty lucky we got in early

during their grand opening.

Soon, this place will be full!

Full of really bored people.

Yes! Hole in one!

Who wants miniature stuff when you can go big?!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

But, Ben, even the little things can make a big difference.

As if!

Nice one, Grandpa!

Mini golf is too easy.

Care to take a swing, then? Fine!

Uh, Ben, you're holding the club wrong.

Just giving myself a handicap.

[ Grunts ]


[ Chuckles ] Easy, huh?

Max: That's all right, Ben. Try again.

Eh, I just need a bigger club!

[ Beeping ]

Introducing Diamond Golf form!


Fore! [ Grunts ]

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Gah! So close!

This is a gentleman's game, Ben.

You might want to try playing it like one.

Oh. My apologies!

Pardon moi.

For totally mastering this silly sport!

[ Laughs ] Yeah!

Diamondhead's the man!

[ Loud crunch ] -Whoa!

[ All groaning ]


Good to know Diamondhead can cause earthquakes!

That wasn't me!

Uh-oh -- the water tower!

Don't let anything break your focus, Todd.

Remember what the doctor said.

[ Grunts ]

You're safe now!

Oh, no, not him!

Every time he shows up, danger follows,

then it's another three doctors appointments.

What? I don't bring danger, I stop it!

[ Whooping ] -Yee-haw!

-Huh?! -Hoo-wee!

[ Grunting ]

[ Laughing ]

You boys ready for some chaos?!


You guys should probably go.

[ Screaming ]

Okay, can't lose focus.

Just hit this last shot,

and it'll be my first perfect game.

[ Grunts ]


[ Growls ]


[ Screaming ]

Yeah, that'll teach you humans

for building a town on groundhog turf!

Town? But this is just a mini golf course.

Looks like a town to me.

So we're gonna wreck it!

If you guys want to rumble, then let's --

[ Grunts ]

Uh, take a rain check?

No rain check, pip-squeak.

You challenge the Hawgs, you get grounded.

I've been grounded before.

It's not fun, let me tell ya.

Well, today got weird.

At the very least,

I think all of the people are out of harm's way.

Those groundhogs ruined a potentially good game.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I hope Ben teaches them a lesson.

Speaking of -- look!

[ Laughing ] -[ Panting ]

[ Laughing ]

Not so tough now, are ya? [ Laughs ]

Wait a minute, AniMotors?

Let me guess, you guys used to be normal,

fun-loving groundhogs until Dr. Animo got a hold of you!

Where's he at?!

Don't get the wrong idea, boy.

We ride for ourselves!

Come on! Let's finish off this major metropolis!

[ Laughs ] -Yeah!

[ Omnitrix chimes ] -Seriously?!


[ Grunts ]

I got ya!

[ All groan ]

Can you guys believe this -- chipmunks on bikes?!

This'll be a piece of cake now that the watch is good to go!

Be careful, Ben.

Like termites, they're small,

but little things can make a big --

Difference. I heard you the first time.

I just wasn't exactly listening.

You guys should keep up with the people here.

I'll deal with the rodent problem.

[ Whooping ]

Hey, gophers!

You again?!

You're a bold one, aren't ya, pip-squeak?

We'll see who's the pip-squeak!

Get ready for some Wildvine!

[ Beeping ]


Or Upgrade.

Uh, I guess I can work with that.

Together: Get him!



[ Grunts ]


Hey, do you mind if I drive?

What in the world?! [ Screams ]

Aw, yeah!

Time to cruise in style!

Let's see if you guys can keep up with me!

[ Screams ]


I said "Get him," not let him get you!

I don't think they can hear you

with all that dirt in their ears!

[ Laughs ]


[ Grunts ]

[ Panting ]

Oh, no.

Ben, dial it back!

You're doing just as much damage as they are!

What?! [ Omnitrix beeping ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Groans ]

Gwen: Ben, look out behind you!

[ Gasps ]

You may have bested my boys,

but this is the end of the road for you!

This town is destroyed.

We're gonna ride on to the next town and the next town,

and you top-worlders won't be able to stop us!

Not on my watch, you oversized gerbil!

Maybe I can't stop you,

but I have an alien in here

that's just the right size for the job!

[ Beeping ]



Where'd he go? Huh?!

Down here, you ignoramus!

[ Laughs ]

He ain't no bigger than a chili dog!

Yeah, you're little,

but you just the right size for squashing!

Little does he know that I have a plan!

[ Panting ] [ Whimpers ]

More physical than I'm used to,

but if my calculations are correct...


He should overshoot the turn.

And this gives me just enough breathing room

to find something to -- huh?

[ Screams ] -[ Laughs ]

-Ben?! -Ben!

There he is!

[ Chuckles ]

[ Grunting ]

Let's level the playing field some!

[ Grunts ]


I can't see!

[ Gasps ]

-[ Screams ] -Sorry about that!

[ Groans ]

Ugly little runt!

My bike!


[ Grunting ]



Over here!

You have yet to reach your final destination!

Come follow me, Marmot!

[ Growls ]

[ Screams ]

[ Growling ]

Grandpa, let's slow him down!

Got it!

[ Both grunting ]

[ Grunts ]

Ow, ow!

[ Hisses ]

Come back here!

[ Chuckles ]

Much more manageable off his vehicle!

Ah, yes!

Nearly there!

[ Grunting ]

Your larger stature is a problem on this track!

[ Giggles ] Try to keep up!

Come back here!

Oof! [ Grunting ]

Ben, that's a dead end!

[ Whooping ]

You got him trapped good, Boss!

You got to come back here some time, Chili Dog!

[ Grunting ] You ain't getting away from me!

Whoa, whoa.

Perfect! [ Chuckles ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Groaning ]

Whoa! Oof!

[ Growls ]

You defeated our boss!

[ Gulps ]

You know what that means, boys?

Get him!

[ Screaming, grunting ]

According to Hawg rules,

whoever takes down the old boss becomes the new boss!

Mohawk Hawg: Yeah, Boss! Tell us what to do.


I have a job just the right size for this g*ng.

[ Cheering ]

[ Jackhammers whirring ]

Hey, Boss, we finished up! How ya like it?

Wow! Looks great! Hmm.

And for your next assignment,

let's go show Animo he can't mess with the Ground Hawgs!

-Yeah! [ Whooping ]

-Let's get him! -Whoo!

Don't you think letting them go is a bad idea?

Nah! They're Animo's problem now.

A biker g*ng of mutant groundhogs.

Huh. Sort of reminds me of my twenties.

Wait, Grandpa -- were you in a biker g*ng?!

All right, who wants corn dogs?!

On today's "Dancing With Diamondhead,"

I'm gonna show you how to dust it off.

Feelin' the beat. Aw, yeah.

And here we go.

Dust it off.

Dust it off, dust it off.

It's all in the wrist.

Yeah, I'm k*lling it!

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Giggling ]

Yeah, yeah. I du--

[ Glass shatters ] Uh-oh.

Gwen: Ben.

Grandpa will never find out.

This concludes "Dancing With Diamondhead."

Thanks for watching.

Time to throw stuff!

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