01x22 - Recipe for Disaster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x22 - Recipe for Disaster

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Slow country music plays ]

[ Beeping ]

You're good.

A little more.

And -- stop!

[ Grunts ]


Phew! Parking assistance courtesy

of the best alien hero on the planet!

You're the only alien hero on the planet.

Which makes me the best.

Being the best is an honor reserved for a very special few.


People have worked hard, persevered,

earned that title.

Like some of the chefs you'll meet today at,

Yum Yum Yum Fest!

The best chefs in the world making the best food in the--

Whoa! Whoa!

Both: Oh, it's on!


Thousand-year-old eggs?!



Blood pudding?!

[ Slurps ]



Both: Chilled balut!



I win!

Best taster equals me!

Could you both slow down and savor these new flavors?

Not everything has to be a contest, you know.

Best two out of three?

Both: Yeah!

[ Munching ]

Whoo, boy!

Did you kids tire yourselves out you --


[ Blade whooshes ]

[ Ting ]



The Tri-chefta!

I've heard of these guys!

They're unrivaled in the world

of fine cuisine -- really top-notch!

Uh, chefs, can you tell my grandkids

how you came to be the best?

We became what we are through lifetimes of experience.

Mine, with samurai-influenced cooking techniques.

Samurai cooking? What's that?

It's about where you slice the food --

how and when.

Hyah, hyah!


Molecular gastronomy?

What even is that?!

Chemical fusion brings forth

the essence of the finest ingredients.

[ Eerie music plays ]

[ Gasps ]

Oh, yum!

Oh, and what's you're specialty, Chef?

I put stuff on a stick, and I roast it!


Ahem! If you'll turn your attention

back to the real best!

Please! It is I who will give them a show

they won't soon forget!

[ Growls ]

[ Blade whooshes ]

He's skinning that raisin without even touching it!



She's making ice cream out of fire!

Wow! Wow!

[ Growls ]

He put that sausage on a stick -- and roasted it!

[ Chomps ] Wow, wow, wow!

All: Whoa!

I am a cut above you amateurs!

[ Grunts ]

Ha! You should try getting on the cutting edge!

I'm gonna skewer both y'all's cooking's,

just you wait and see!

[ Gasps] Mama mia!

Me oils!

Only you can prevent food fires, Ben.

A little Overflow perhaps?

So obvious, Grandpa.

I can handle this as...


Wildvine?! Wildvine?!

I got this snack shack attack

with both hands tied behind my back!

[ Ting ]

All: Ooh!

[ Ding ]

[ Ding ]

[ Ding ]

All: Ah!

[ Coughing ]

Whoo! Just like that, Chefy!

And a side of saved-your-bacon to go!

[ Cheering ]

This peculiar parsley is unprecedented.

A truly delicious slice of greens.

I'm gonna put that lettuce head on a stick...

and roast it!

No! My chemical techniques are the best

to saute that salad!

You? Only the most competent craft

can be used to rive that roughage!

Well, I got a stick!

[ Growling ]

Shouldn't you be going now, Wildvine?

Are you kidding? Did you just see me?

Total win!

Selfie-ops and auto-vine-o-graphs

with "the best" for everyone!


Let him savor the moment, Gwen.

And we can do the same at the Apri-Cottage Cheese stand!

You think you can eat more cheese than me, Grandpa?

Not everything has to be a contest.

But I was the Midwest Cheese-Eating Champion in '!

You're on!

Ha ha, yeah! No need to crowd!

Plenty of Wildvine to go around, guys!

Make sure you get my good side --

my outside!

[ Chuckles ] Whoa, whoa!


Get it? My outside!

My, my out-side!

Get it? I feel like no one's my outside!

[ Gasps ]

[ Screams ]



Could've softened the fall there, tree bro!

Uh, we're supposed to be buds!

Don't go anywhere, Wildvine fans,

just gonna vine right back up!

Looks kind of high.

Wildvine in the house!

[ Ghostly whispering ]

What's that again?

Chemistry: Mmm! It's dinner time for you.

Me? No, thanks.

Still kind of full from all that weird stuff

at the food fest.

P.S. -- who's talking?


[ Screams ]

[ Panting ]

Our skills are legendary!

You will not escape us!

I don't care how full of yourselves you are,

you're not chopping this salad!


Weird, where'd they go?


[ Grunting ]

[ Screams ]

My foot!

My beautiful foot!

Viney says, what?!

Wildvine can re-grow limbs?!

Cool sauce!

Whoa! Oof!

Stick: Hold still there, green bean, this won't hurt.

Mmm, well, that ain't true.

It's gonna hurt a heap!

Ha, ha!

[ Laughs ]



That leafy creature

will make an amazing ginger salad!

I'm the right one for the job!

No, you stay back!

The leaf creature is mine to prepare!

You must be joking!

I caught him, and I'm doing the cooking!

Your silly science projects are not worthy of such a meal!

Stick. Fire.

Don't see how either of you can top that.

Oh, hang on now!

Where'd our salad man run off to?!

Uh, he put me in here and took off.

That way!

I will follow the tiny flesh man's lead

and secure the prize!

No, sir!

That head of lettuce is one shish-ka-bobby!


I believe we may have been tricked.

Yeah, he done tricked us.

Wait... [ Sniffs ]

What is that stench?

That, uglies, is the smell of your butts --

about to get booted -- courtesy of Stinkfly!

And there's a lot more stink where that came from!

Had enough?

[ Sniffing ] That aroma...

so exotic!

[ Groans ]

Wait, wait! You like my smell?

[ Screams ] Not this time, foot freezer!

He is the plant creature, an ever-changing adversary.


And even more a prize!

Stick: Nope! He's mine!

[ Grunts ]

[ Yelling ]


Skewer now! Come on, skewer!

Step away from my feast!

I am the best of us!

He's mine!

You dare try to claim him?!

He should only be prepared by a true master!

[ Scoffs ] Only thing you a master of is talking too much!

Bayou cricket skewers is the only authentic preparation!


You've never even been to New Orleans!

Quiet! He's mine, and I ain't gonna let you have him!

[ Glass shatters ] All: Huh?


You guys argue as much

as those chefs back at the --

[ Gasps ] Oh!

You guys are the chefs!

Ha, I just got that!

[ Sniffing ] His odd gas contains methane.

[ Sniffs ] And methane is flammable.

Fellow chef, can we agree on a flambé?!

Now you're speaking my language!

No one cooks my goose!

Methane cooks goose.

Eat this!


[ Screaming ]

Hope you guys like seafood!

And then I was like, "I hope you guys like seafood!"

Ha ha -- 'cause they were chefs, and chefs make food,

and they were in water.

For comedy, I'm definitely the best!

Right, Gwen?

Ugh! Tummy!

Are you guys even listening?


I ate the most weird food.

I'm the best!

Ugh! I ate the most fermented squid liver.

I am the best!

Jeez, guys, not everything's a contest!

Here's the cousin challenge.

I'll do Gwen's chores for a week,

for every time she hits Wildvine with a water balloon.

But if she doesn't hit me at all, I am awesome.

Yeah! No way those water balloons get by these vinies.

I'll swat those away like --

hey, come on, move on, little guy.

I said beat it, you crazy little bird!

[ Squawking ] [ Chuckles nervously ]

[ Screams ] Get 'em off me, get 'em off!

Yeah, whoo-hoo!

No chores for two months!

Yeah! So not awesome.

Time to throw stuff!
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