01x23 - Rustbucket RIP

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x23 - Rustbucket RIP

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

Welcome to Oldeville --

one of the most historic towns in the Midwest.

Boring, boring, bo-- ooh!


[ Pop! ]

Platinum Sumo Slammer Card!

Grandpa Max, we have to go!

Stop the car, stop the car, stop the car!

Why are we not stopping?! Why are we not stopping?

Sorry, Ben, I've planned a full day of tours for us.

We can visit your shop later -- if we have time.

Later? It's first come, first served!

The card will be gone!

[ Slap! ]

Slow down, you hooligans!

So, if I go XLR right now for like seconds,

I can grab that Sumo card and be back before you can say --

No, Ben. What if there was an emergency

and you couldn't use your power

because the watch was on cool down?

It's just a paper playing card.

You can survive until the end of the day.

Maybe this town will prove more exciting than it looks.

[ Wind howls ]

Is it possible to literally die of boredom?

Fine, here's the deal.

It can be a day of Oldeville tours, without powers,

or a day of scrubbing the tires of the Rustbucket...

without powers!

Both: Tires, please!

♪ It's like I skate ♪

♪ So this can wait ♪

♪ Fast, not late, XLR ♪

Grandpa said you couldn't go to the store until later.

And I believe he mentioned not using any powers?

Well, technically, it is later than it was...

And Grandpa didn't exactly say,

"You have to get the card without powers."

So, yeah... I think I'm in the clear.

You know what he meant.

Gwen, Platinum Sumo Slammer Card!

There's only one in the whole universe -- I think.

If you'll just stay here and cover for me,

I'll do all your chores for a week.

Two weeks. Deal!

Agh! Hooligan!

Out of my way!

What is your problem?

You are my problem.

You're obstructing my route to the cards and games shop.

Oh, really?

Then you should probably slow down a bit or...

you'll miss this turn!

And he's got the card!


Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh!

Oh! A penny!

Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my goooo--

[ Skidding ]

Nice landing.

Ahh. It was all worth it.

A card. You wasted your powers for one card?

What if something happens and you actually need an alien?

Sure, like anything could possibly happen

in boring old Oldeville.

[ Skidding ] Billy: All right, give it!

Who's that?


Billy Billions.

Hand over my card!

Your card? It was first come, first served.

You snooze, you lose.

I want that card!

And I get everything I want -- everything!

So, until you fork it over...

[ Beep ]

[ Whirring ]


[ Engine starts ]

This wreck is mine.

Gwen: Hey, that's our camper!

You snooze, you lose.

Hand over the card,

and I'll consider giving the camper back.


Ben! What?

Those were some seriously cool toys.

Rustbucket -- stolen?

Grandpa Max coming back any minute?

Oh. Right.

Good thing I've got a cool toy of my ow-- Uh-oh.

[ Brakes squeal ]

What could possibly happen in boring old Oldeville?

Both: Hi, Grandpa!

Ben, Gwen! You missed one fine tour.

Great! Tell us about it on the next one!

Yeah, quick! The bus is about to leave.

Here's a good seat, Grandpa. Sit!

Well, this is unexpected.

I thought the Rustbucket would have to be stolen

before I'd get either of you excited

about one of these Oldeville tours.

[ Both laugh nervously ]

[ Chuckling ]

On your left, you can see the Oldeville Dust Museum.

How are we supposed to find the Rustbucket now?

While Grandpa is distracted with the dust,

we'll keep an eye out for it.

There it is!

Wow. Step two?

[ Whirring ]

Uh, be right back, Grandpa.

I, uh, gotta go do something.

[ Whoosh ]

Time for the vine!


Tarzan makes this look so easy!


Uh, Gwen, am I missing anything exciting

on that side of the --

Ooh, Grandpa, what's over there?!

Ah, I think it's just a bike rack.

And to our right, Oldeville's first bike rack.


[ Intercom crackles ]

You again?

Me again.

[ Beep ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Whirring ]

How many was that? Were there four?


[ Grunts ]

You broke my ride!

Why don't you get out of here?

Because the Rustbucket

doesn't belong to you, Billions.

Give it back.

Inever give. Iget.

And nobody keeps me from getting what I want!

Nobody, nobody, nobody!

[ Whirring ]

[ Grunts ]

We need to get off this bus.

It's dangerous.

Are you kidding?

Whoo-hoo, thrilling!

Please fasten your seatbelts,

as the Oldeville roads

are uncharacteristically exciting today.


[ Grunts ]

[ Yells ]

Wow. I cleaned up this mess without using any powers?

And now Overflow can finish the job.


Or maybe not.

Uh, hmm.

Hmm. Mmm.

Well, uh, I think I might be done with tours for the day.

All I want is to get back to our own motorhome and...

We have to play hot and cold to get there!

"Hot" means closer, and "cold" means farther.

[ Laughs ]

Gwen, I-I don't really see why --

Hotter, hotter...

No time for catchy phrases, only time for Four Arms!



Give it up, Billy! You're never getting the card.

[ Beep ]


Cold! Very cold!

Ice cold!

Not another one!

That's new.

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

Hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter!

My heat bounced off it.

Could really use good old Overflow right now.

Why can't I have the exact alien I want?!

Ugh! I sound like Billy Billions.

I should be happy with what I've got!


[ Drip! ]

Aagh! I've had it!

This town is gonna pay! [ Beep ]

[ Screaming ]

Hotter, hotter -- cold, cold, cold, cold!

Really? I feel kind of hot.

That is the last straw, Baby Billions!

Seriously, the tires?

Now, where is Mr. Fire Face?

Feast your flamey eyes on the best tech that money can buy!

[ Boing! ]

[ Tires screech ]

Without that tech,

something tells me you've got no other plan!


[ Crying ] Ugh!

Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!

Grandpa: What in Sam Hill is going on here?

Very, very, very cold! Ugh, I tried.

-Well? -I, uh...

might have sacrificed the city's oldest fire hydrant

to defeat the world's youngest super villain?

You and I are going to have a long talk --

Woman: William Theodore Billions!

You've wrecked the car,

and you haven't even defeated your hero!

Bad form, son. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad form.

I...I was getting to it!

Yes, yes. Time to go, Sport.

We'll discuss your failure on the Billions-copter.


My Card!

-Hey! Give me! -Get off!

Daddy, make him give me my card now!

All this over a paper playing card?

Here, I can fix that.

There. Caring is sharing.

[ Whimpers ]


This isn't over, do you hear me?

Iwill have my revenge!

Grandpa said to tell you we're staying in Oldeville

while the Rustbucket gets fixed.

And there's no alien in the universe

that can get us out of that.

Here's the cousin challenge.

Here's the cousin challenge. I'll do Gwen's chores for a week

Here's the cousin challenge.

for every time she hits Wildvine with a water balloon.

But if she doesn't hit me at all, I am awesome.

[ Beep ] [ Beeping ]

Yeah! No way those water balloons

get past these vinies.

I'll swat those away like --

Hey, come on. Move on little guy.

I said, beat it, you crazy little bird!

[ Birds squawking ] [ Chuckles nervously ]

Aah! Get em' off! Get em' off! Get em' --


Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

No chores for two months!

Yeah! So not awesome.

Time to throw stuff!
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