01x24 - Freaky Gwen Ben

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x24 - Freaky Gwen Ben

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Theme music plays ]

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Bird chirping ]

[ Creak, glass shatters ]

Nothing gets the blood going like a great swap meet.

Ah, it reminds me of the Marrakech bazaars.

Bizarre is right. Check this out.

That's the spirit, Ben. Here.

- bucks? -Each?

Now go, reclaim your youth.

But we are youth.

Well, I know what I'm getting -- this thing!

Ben, that's $,, and you only have $.

[ Rumbling ]

Putting our money together was the best idea ever.

Yeah, I mean, separately, we could've only afforded

lame things, but together, we could buy a t*nk.

[ Gasps ] Ben! We can do that, too!

We can get something super-cool if we put our money together.

Like this!


Now all we got to do is find

the coolest thing at the swap meet.

Where are they?

Which of you insolent plebeians stole the Titan Gauntlets?

I will find you, and you will pay. Aah!

My tracking spell has revealed the gauntlets to be here.

Do not withhold them from me, you market swine!

[ Southern accent ] Well, how do you do there, partner?

I couldn't help but overhear you're looking

for some fancy kind of gloves.

This way, my friend.

The Titan Gauntlets, you have them?

And you need some boots, cowboy.

You dare insult me?

I do not want your filthy novelty boots!

I seek the gloves of the titans --

Haphaestian artistry that amplifies

the user's abilities one hundredfold!

With these weapons, I will rule this earthly plane!

Well, why didn't you say so?

I've got just the thing for earthly domination...

fuzzy chaps.

[ Roars ] Enough!

No more games!

[ Roaring ]

[ Screams ]

It ain't so tough. [ Grunts ]

Okay, they're tough! They're tough!

[ People screaming ]

[ Panting, screaming ]

-Ahh! -How about this?

No, Ben. We need to find something we both agree on.

-Nope. -Ugh, weak.

I said no spooky stuff!

Ben, come on. Stop it!

Giving you gold every time.

[ Gasps ]


Gwen: Attachable skates! [ Angelic choir vocalizing ]

What? And if you put our money together,

we can just barely afford them.

Yeah, nice for you, but I don't need skates when I got this.

-Ben! -[ Gasps ]

Oh, man! Do you see what I see, Gwen?

It's breathtaking! [ Angelic choir vocalizing ]

It's a Sumo Slammer Slushifier machine!

[ Whirring ]

Each slushie is the perfect embodiment

of the Sumo Slammer spirit.

[ Slurps ]

[ Grunts ]

Ben! Are you okay?

It even comes with original flavor packets!

Woman: You have good eyes children,

but perhaps you'd like to see something

a little more powerful?

What could be more powerful

than the Sumo Slammer Slushifier machine?

-These. -Gloves?

What's so special about them?

They're, uh, lacrosse gloves -- very powerful.

What do you think?

-Skates please! -Slushie machine!

And not a penny more.

Woman: Fine, you win!

[ Laughs ]

Gwen: I said no, Ben.

-It's a collectible! -Ugh!

I'm not giving you money to buy rancid sugar water.

Why don't you want me to be happy?!

Now, what's going on here?

Who's going to calmly try to explain this?

We were gonna take the money and put it together. She got the bright idea that we should combine our money.

But Ben will not take this seriously. But now she's -- [ Babbling ]

He finds all the most useless junk. Everything Gwen likes is healthy.

-Tell her she has to lighten up! -Tell him he has to be sensible!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Take it easy.

What you got to do is see eye to eye.

Walk a mile in each other's shoes.

Ugh. Grandpa.

[ All screaming ]

What in the world?

[ People screaming ] [ Chomping ]

Maybe we should get going.

Why haven't you found them yet?

-[ Quacks ] -[ Groans ]

Listen carefully.

These are the Titan Gauntlets.

They contain the power to raise mountains and flatten them

back to the dust they came from to reshape the world!

What's Hex doing here?

-Nothing good. -[ Gasps ]

Those are the gloves from the booth with the skates!

Oh, you mean the boots with my slushie machine?

-No. -Hero time!

Ugh. The gloves are this way.

Leave no stone unturned!

[ Grunting ]

Hey, Hex, I'm trying to buy a slushie machine here.

[ Both roar ] Whoa!

[ Quacks ]

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

-Okay. -Diamondhead?

Why didn't you pick someone more useful like Stinkfly or XLR?

Look, sometimes you just have to work with what you get.

Blast that watch!

How far do I have to drop you to smash it off?

Let's not find out.

I'll pry those rocks off you!


What was that?

Aim for his magic book, then punch him.

Wildvine's reach would work way better here. Hey!

I'm doing awesome, considering what I've got to work with.


You timed out already,

and Hex is barely even scratched.

If I were using the watch, we'd already be done.

If you were using it, we'd have already lost!

You know, Tennyson, I think you're absolutely right.

[ Both groaning ]

Gwen. Gwen?

Are you okay?

You took a real nasty tumble back there.

Ben: Gwen? You got to get your eyes checked old man.

I'm noooooooooo -- aah!

-You're me?! -You're me?!

-But I'm you! -But I'm you!

[ Both scream ]

Now, calm down. We'll figure this out.

What do you mean figure this out?

We have to find Hex.

Well, what are we supposed to do?

I can't use the watch.

Probably succeed in record time because someone

with more than half a brain is using it.

Great. Can't wait to see this.

It can't be that hard

if you've been managing it for this long.

Hey, hey. We fight Hex, not each other.

We've got to find those gloves before Hex does.

Look. There's the shop.

Let's hurry!

All right, kids. Now, what did they look like?

They had, like, weird gear-looking things

on them -- like this. -No, they didn't.

They had metal knuckles on each finger -- like this!

You guys mean like these? $?

They better be pretty powerful for that kind of money.

Woman: Oh, they are very powerful.

It sounds like I'm dealing with a pro.

How about $?

[ Chuckles ] I'm just getting warmed up.

Ben needs powers now.

Thank you.

Now we're talking.

[ Whirring ]

Huh? The gauntlets!

They're not the watch, but let's see what they can do.

Super strength, check.

Let's check something else.


Not check.

Okay, I can deal with super strength.

You shouldn't goof around, Ben! Those are dangerous!

I use the watch all the time.

I'm used to cosmic power.

You, on the other hand... -I'll be fine.

Just watch.


Whoa! Whoa, whoa!

But -- but this isn't what I wanted.

Not so easy, huh?

Let's just go find Hex.

Whoa! -Gwen!

Give me the gloves, child.

Eat fist, Hex!


Ben, what do I do?

Just start punching!

[ Grunting ]

-Yeah! -Yeah!

Nice shot, Gwen.

Now the gloves will be mine!


[ Gasps]

I can feel it -- the power of a thousand gods

coursing through my veins!

[ Laughs maniacally ]

This is bad.

The watch -- you got to use it.

Ben, I can't. I'm terrible at it.

We can do it together.

[ Sighs ] Okay.

Let's do this.

[ Beeping ]

Upgrade? How is this supposed to help?

Just think of yourself like water.


How do I change back?

Think of yourself like a rock.

Yeah! That's it!

Now get ready to fight Hex,

'cause I think he's gonna do something really bad.

[ Roars ]

Yep. That was really bad.

Those gloves are too powerful!

Ben has got an idea.

The power -- it's so intoxicating!

[ Laughs evilly ]

He's gonna blow up the whole city!

-Now! -[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Beeping ]

What is...

Too powerful!

I can't!


I'm out.


Nice, Grandpa.

Ah, thanks.

Now, to get you two switched back.

Hmm. Um, hmm.



D'oh! You fool!

Stop butchering my sacred spells.

It's, "Seeyu pacho Torahktoh."


Wait, am I me?

Back in our own bods!

Look, sir, we don't know what you are,

but throwing a swap-meet vendor across the county with your mind

has got to break some kind of law.

I got to say, you were pretty great back there.

-Yeah, I am pretty great. -Hey!

Aw, you did a pretty good job back there, too.

You two are the champions of Swapapalooza.

As heroes and as valued customers,

I'd like to give you a token of my appreciation.

Ah, and don't forget your original flavor packets.

That's awfully generous of you.

It's the least a simple vendor like myself could do.

Farewell, children.

You know, cuz, we pull off some

pretty cool stuff when we work together.

Uh, this is burning my skin.

Original flavor packets.

This will be perfect.

Okay, so, we have to start a campfire.

Usually, Grandpa Max does it.

And it only takes him about three hours.

We're gonna try using the power of --

uh, what do you call it, Gwen?

The art of light refraction.

What she said.


Hit it, Gwen!

[ Whirring ]

-Yes! -Yes!

Ha, look at that. Impressive.

-Right? -Aah!

[ All screaming ]

Time to throw stuff.

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