01x29 - Bad Penny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x29 - Bad Penny

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Upbeat music playing ]

[ Laughter ]

Bacon-flavored ice cream!

This fair has everything!

I can totally pig out!


Huh. I wonder where she is?

Well, maybe she texted me? Uh, let me check.

Phone:You just bought new levels in Retirement Rush!


Maybe who texted you?

Your college friends?

Benji! You're going to attract bugs!

"Benji"? Wait.

[ Grunting ]

How have you managed to keep yourself

in one piece without me around?

[ Chuckles ] Still the same old careless kid

I used to babysit.


It's me -- Penny --

your favorite babysitter!


It's starting to ring a bell!

Ah, remember how great you guys used to get along!

Ah, look! Here you are having a blast at the beach!

Aw! Baby Ben!

Well, this has been... weird.

But I came to this town to see pig-themed stuff floating!

Especially this year's mystery balloon!

I can't wait to see what it is!

So, nice catching up,

but if you'll excuse me -- [ Grunts ]

Now, Ben, I know Penny may be a little overzealous

when it comes to the rules, but she's a nice girl

and just does it to keep you out of trouble.

She's saved your bacon quite a few times.

[ Chuckles ] "Bacon" -- good one, Max.

[ Clears throat ] Anyway, If you want to see

that mystery balloon, I expect you to be on your best behavior.

And that means being nice to Penny!


Mystery balloon? Sounds dangerous.

Not to mention these narrow, confining barriers.

I mean, the possibility of a stampede is really high!

Right, Benji? Benji?!

He's in trouble! Gwen, let's go! Gwen: Okay!

All right, kids, you guys have fun!

Ooh! I spy a ham-themed vest!

Ben! Ben, where are you?!

Ben! You need sun block, Benji!

[ Chuckles ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ]


[ Giggles ]


[ Screams ]

[ Grunts ]


You can't just run off like that!

Don't you know it's a record year for tornadoes?

[ Grunting ]

I would never forgive myself

if I let something happen to --

Yeah, yeah, good job -- emergency averted.

You guys can stay out here, tracking tornadoes

or whatever you want.

I'm about to go discover Mystery Balloon Paradise!

[ Laughs ] It's a pig festival!

It's basically impossible for anything bad to happen --

aside from a stomachache.

Whoa! Ben!

[ Grunts ]

What have you done with Benji, you monster?! Ow!

Stop it!

Penny, it's cool.

Ben turns into aliens all the time!

He's a total pro!

This seems like a bigger deal

than you're making it out to be.

I got this totally under control!

Ben, look out!

Whoa! [ Grunts ]

Okay, who's messing with my piggy pals here?

[ Maniacal laughter ]

Our payday is so close I can taste it!

This heliotron condenser is truly the crown jewel

of my impressive catalogue of invention!

And just as soon as it finishes working its magic,

we'll be ready to float this place sky high!

It's those bug jerks!

We gotta stop them!

Yeah! Mess with my flying pigs,

you get the squeals! Benji, wait!

Truly, our most elegant plan yet!

Four Arms: More like your most elegant fail!

[ Growls ] It's the brat with the watch!

[ Grunts ]


Ooh! You better walk away while you still can!

[ Grunts ] What is this?!

Do you have any idea how unhygienic it is

to have insects running around

a food storage facility like this?!

Good thing I remembered my hand sanitizer,

or we might have a health code violation on our hands.

[ Grunting ]

[ Gurgling ]

It's okay, Penny.

He's got a lot of experience saving the day!

But who saves Ben? He's just a little kid!

Four Arms: [ Grunts ]

Darn, I think this sanitizer is almost out!

Ah, sweet mercy!

Wrap it up already!

We gotta get on with this operation!

So... [ Grunts ]

What's the plan this time, Bug brains?


Oh! Steal all the nation's bacon

and start a pork panic?


Send all the pigs into space

and start some kind of --

[ Grunts ] Interstellar swine army?

Both: [ Gasps ] Add another species

to your gross body-swap experiment?

[ Grunts ]

Yum! Both: Ew!

For someone with such an underdeveloped brainpan,

you sure are over-thinking this one!

[ Screams ]



Just your basic bank heist, kid!

Oh! Get that one!

Yeah! [ Laughs ]

Yes! The heliotron condensation gel works!

No one's gonna see this one coming!

Uh, okay -- are you seeing this too,

or did I just hit my head that hard?

If by "this," you mean a floating car,

then, yeah, you're good!

You see it, Sydney? It's beautiful!

Bank Avenue -- all lined up, prime for the picking!

Now, get to it!

Robbing banks by taking the whole bank!

Efficient and radical!

[ Grunts ] Can you believe these guys?

They came to a swine parade to steal banks

and they didn't make a single piggy bank joke.

Benji, I don't know what you plan to do

with those gas canisters, but I doubt it's approved

on the safety label.

Good thing I never read

the instructions! [ Laughs ]

[ Grunts ]

Plenty more where that came from!

Forget about him, Sydney!

We got what we came for!

Hey! Get back here!

[ Grunts ]

[ Growling ] Oof!

[ Screams ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughs ]

Now that Junior's out of the picture,

let's make ourselves some floating assets!

Hup! If you gotta make a crash landing,

balloon warehouse isn't a bad option!

Do you have any idea how badly you could have hurt yourself?

It's okay! He doesn't want to see

anyone get hurt, either!

That's why he's willing to do things

that might be a little bit risky --

to protect as many people as possible

from creeps like those bugs!

I mean, wouldn't you be willing to do something

a little dangerous if it could save someone else?

Cool! First order of business,

get Ben off this big bouncy tarp thing.

Whoa! [ Grunts ]

Ha ha ha ha!

Wait, Penny?

Sorry about these rising interest rates, folks!

Just one of the risks of high finance!

[ Laughs ] "High finance"!

If Ben wants to stop you before other people can get hurt,

then I'm gonna have to stop you before Ben gets hurt!

Now, if that isn't just the cutest thing.

[ Growls ]

What do you mean, "don't patronize her"?

We're stealing banks!

I don't care if it's rude!

[ Growls ]

She went after them on her own?!

Ha -- awesome!

I never knew she had it in her!

Ben, this is serious!

Penny's a babysitter, not a superhero!

We need to do something!

Okay, okay. [ Gasps ]

Do you have any idea what this is?!

The mystery balloon!

It's magnificent!

All right! Time for phase two!

Cart these banks out to the ocean

and build ourselves the ultimate offshore account!

[ Grunts ] That is not how banking works at all!

Normally, I'd tell you it's...

[ Grunts ] dangerous to use

non-regulation floatation devices in the ocean,

but I don't even care if you sink!

Confound it. Can you get a stick to shake her off or something?

I hope you guys are better at swimming than larceny!

You're right, Penny. That's why I brought these guys

a little something special for their floatopia.

I like to think it really compliments my love

of liberty and justice -- and breakfast!

I'm all about liberty -- liberty from prison,

liberty to build floating bank islands without consequence!

I think you're conveniently forgetting

about the "justice" part!

Uh, Ben? Maybe it's not the best idea to throw pointy rocks

when you're standing on a giant balloon?



[ Grunting ]

Okay, maybe Penny has a point sometimes.

So what's the plan now?

If anyone could learn a thing or two

about safety protocol, it's you bug brains!

I'll bet if you actually read a warning label once in a while,

you wouldn't have swapped your head...

[ Grunts ] with a filthy cockroach!

[ Growls ] Oh, get over it!

Whatever your parents paid that girl, wasn't enough.

Ugh -- this is so frustrating!

I just need, like, a tether or an anchor

or something I can use to ground that parade.

Like, I don't know, say, an unlimited supply

of big heavy diamonds?!

Are diamonds heavy?

I mean, they're rocks so,

I guess -- oof!

All right! Taking that as a "yes."

Thanks, cuz!

[ Grunting ]

Sydney, get that child off our bank!

I won't let you hurt Ben!

[ Screams ]

Whoa! Ben, that was amazing!

Ha ha! Uh, thanks, Penny.

Watch it!

Maurice: Excellent!

Do whatever you can to stop that insolent --

are you throwing the money?

You numbskull!

The money is the one thing

you do not throw!

[ Growls ] Time to t*nk those banks!

I'm coming, too!

You can't go without your safety buddy.

[ Growls ]

Maurice: Stop throwing money!

I am not extra bossy today!

You guys are goofs!

Sydney, stop!

Wait, Sydney! Not jail again!

I knew they couldn't win!


Rule-breakers never do!

[ Police radio chatter ]

That was really something, Benji!

Thanks, Penny!

You know, you jumped on an awful lot

of floating buildings for somebody

so obsessed with safety.

Well, seeing you in alien action has given me

a newfound respect for adventure!

And I have a new respect for meat-based clothing!

It's a ham vest!

You might say I'm a "pig" fan.

What? My jokes, too "ham-fisted" for ya?

Ha! I got a million of 'em.

Time to throw stuff!
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