12x05 - On The Hook

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
Post Reply

12x05 - On The Hook

Post by bunniefuu »

Did you know Gibson was

a Golden Gloves regional contender?

Then he just walked away,
became a firefighter.

Wonder why he made the switch?

You get so caught up in these
arson cases, it's like a drug.

If you go MIA on me again...

It's not going to happen with this case.

Are you two wedding planning without me?

You won't believe some of
the connections that Tony has.

What are you planning
for the bachelorette party?

The itinerary isn't finalized yet,

but I can promise
you that this isn't going

to be your mother's bachelorette party.

Oh, there's not enough
coffee in the world

to cure my hangover.

It took two extra-cold
showers just to get me

to neutral this morning.

Best bachelorette party ever.

And you totally surprised me.
I admit it.

Well, I'm the perv who came
up with the pole dancing idea,

but the whiskey shot blackjack
was Stella's idea.

Having second thoughts about that one.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, how are you
so energized this morning?

Hydrated at home.

I had a Zoom interview
with Portland FD before shift,

and I wanted to make sure
I put my best foot forward.

Yeah. They'd be crazy not to hire you.

Well, I hope I hear back soon.

Matt and I need
a bigger house for the kids.

So it'd be nice to have a job lined up.

And honestly, I can't imagine
life without this work.



While you were
being responsible last night,

I apparently drunk-texted Kelly.

Including some pics that
might be a little NSFW.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

I mean, he texted back right away,

unlike the last A*F trip.

So the key is to send dirty pics.

Oh, I almost drunk-texted
Carver last night.

Thank God I didn't do that.

I'm trying to avoid
that whole situation.

When does Severide get back?

He is supposed to be home in two days.

So we'll see.

He'll be here, Stella.

Yeah. Totally.


That's it, Mouch, one more.

I got... [GRUNTS]

Three more in me.

Easy. Don't hurt yourself.

Oh, you hear that, Mouch?

He doesn't think you can do it.


Nice. Mm-hmm.


All right, what's next?

Quads? Delts?


Are we still on for our walk-through

at the aquarium tomorrow night?


- All set for 9:00 p.m.
- Perfect.

I don't know how I'm ever
going to repay you for this.

Oh, please.

It's my gift to you.

I'll admit it.

Tony really came through.

I'm impressed.

Not only did he give us the
hook up at the Shedd Aquarium,

but the price is a fraction of what

I thought it was going to be.


Maybe we're all just pawns
in Tony's secret life

where he wields
a massive amount of power.

It's the only thing that makes sense.




You know what your generation
doesn't get, Ritter?

I have a feeling
you're going to tell me.

The importance of local TV.


Yeah, you bet.

See, I'm watching
a Chicago morning show.

And they just had a story
about this mailman that

takes his packages all
the way to the front door

if it's raining or snowing, you know.

Just to protect the packages, right?

You're not going to get that on Netflix.

No, you are not.

And then there's another
story about a lady.

She had... she knitted 200 pairs...

What are you doing?

Sitting on the couch.





Ambulance 61, Truck 81...

person injured. 4214 Camp Horne Road.

What are we watching?

They're about to tell us the weather.



Thank God you're here.

- What happened?
- I don't really know.

Jared was fighting for the
ball, then he just dropped.

Everyone, stand back.

Let's give the medics some room to work.

Back up.

All right, we got it, Coach.

♪ ♪

- He's not breathing.
- No pulse.

Give me the monitor.
Kidd, keep doing compressions.


♪ ♪

Charging to 200.

Everybody, get back.




Let's try that again.






Violet, the machine is
charging, but it won't fire.


Okay, I'll tube him.
Kidd, continue compressions.

Does the school have a portable AED?

I think there's one in my office.

- Go get it, quick.
- I'll go with him.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Okay. I'm in.

Stop compressions.

I still don't have a pulse.

I'll take over bagging.
You prep the epi.


Come on, Jared. Hang in there.

I don't understand, man.
He's not breathing.

I don't know, bro.

I'm sure he's going to be okay.

♪ ♪


Hey, you see what happened?

Marcus and that kid on the ground

got tangled up going for a loose ball,

and the dude just dropped,
like he got shot or something.

He's going to be all right, right?

We're doing everything we can.

Coming through.

We got it.

Great. You push the epi.

I'll set the AED in manual mode.


♪ ♪

Here you go.

All right, everybody, back up.

I'm going to give him a shock.

- Clear.


We've got a rhythm. I've got a pulse.
It's faint, but it's there.


Carver, grab the backboard.

All right, backboard's coming in.

One, two, three.



You got it?

Just a moment.

- Okay.
- Got it.

One, two, three.

Let's get him to the ambo.


♪ ♪

It's nice having the whole
house to ourselves, isn't it?

Yeah. No.

I get it. I get it.

Like you said, it's just business.

But can you give me a bit
to think about it,

and I'll get back to you first thing?

Yeah. Okay, thank you.

Who was that, Chloe?


It was my Slamigan distribution rep.

I guess our sales have
completely flatlined

the last few quarters, and
now his boss is telling him

that they've got to drop us.

Sorry, Cruz. That's a tough break.

It's going to be a huge hit
on our finances.

And the timing is terrible.

Javi's about to go to college.

Uh, in eight years.


Come on, is this really
the end of the Slamigan?

[SIGHS] Yes.

Unless I can think
of a way to boost sales.

The problem is most houses
already have one,

and they never break.

So we don't get any repeat business.

They're too well made.

That's what the rep actually
said, can you believe it?

Too well made.

You know what you got to do
is put out an updated version

like they do with iPhones.

You do a cosmetic redesign,

you come up with some mumbo jumbo

about the improvements you made,

and then you call it the
Slamigan X-Treme or something.

People love the extreme
version of things.

Capp, you're a genius.

That is the third time
that Minsky pulled

his truck right in front
of us at the fuel station.

Whoa, Doherty, hold up.


Pull over.


Check it out.

A new piece for your living room?

Cindy would k*ll me if
I brought this thing home,

but it's just what I need
at the firehouse.

Hey, you remember the last time

you brought a piece of furniture to 51?



The whole firehouse was
tented for three days.

Technically, that was not my fault.

Besides, this thing looks
brand-spanking new.

- Does it?
- Yeah.

Come on, give me a hand.

We'll load it up into the hose bed.

It looks heavy.

Many hands makes for light work.

All right, hey!

Let's go! Engine!

Come on.


O-rings on the whizzer saw
need to be replaced.

We just changed those out
last week, didn't we?

Don't make them like they used to.



That the incident from earlier?


Just curious if anybody
caught it on video.

Searched up the school's name,
and there it was.

It must have been some hit, huh?

Well, not really.

Pretty normal contact.

Sure as hell can't be
why his heart stopped.


Kid must have a heart
condition or something.

Let's see the video.
Can you play it back?

There's nothing to see.

Just two kids knocking into each other.



We got to change out
these O-rings or what?

They're in the storage room.
I can go get them.

No, I got it.


♪ ♪

Maintenance on the defib is up to date.

I ran through all the checkouts.
There weren't any problems.

User tests and battery load tests passed

just like this morning's checkout.

Just doesn't make sense
that the machine would

indicate that it fired when it
clearly didn't deliver a shock.

Maybe there was some
sort of impedance stopping

the flow of electricity?

Not that I saw.

I mean, either way, I called in
for a replacement unit.

It should be here within the hour.

I just hope Jared can pull through.


Need to speak with you in my office.

Sure, Chief.

You have no idea what
happened to the monitor?

I-I'm really not sure, Chief.

But both the onboard self-test
and the load test passed.

But on the scene,
we had to use the school's AED.

It probably delayed us
by three or four minutes.

I spoke to the doctors at Lakeshore.

The victim is still unresponsive.

They're worried that he may suffer

permanent neurological damage
because of the delay

in restarting his heart.


The new paramedic chief wants answers.

If this isn't
equipment failure, this is...

user error.

And as the PIC...

I'm on the hook.

♪ ♪

It's just so strange.

I've never had a defib do that before.

Me neither.

Boden said protocol requires that we get

a diagnostic on the machine.

A tech guy from Lakeshore
is coming by to pick it up.

Results should be ready in
a few hours at the hospital.

- We could check on Jared.
- Yeah.

He's young. He's strong.

Hopefully he will pull through this.

I just hate the idea of him being

in this condition because of
something I did or didn't do.

We will get to the bottom
of this, I promise you.

Hey, wait up.

Any update on the kid?

The basketball player?

[SIGHS] Um, he's hanging in there.

He's in pretty bad shape.

I'm sorry.

I wish we had better news.

All right, Slamigan X-Treme.

Now with drop-forged chrome vanadium.

Wow, that new?

Doesn't have to be new,
it just has to be true.

It's marketing 101.

I mean, what the hell is even retsyn?

Why don't you just paint it red,

put the new name on it,

- and call it a day?
- No. No.

The customer would never buy that, Capp.

You got to razzle dazzle them.

Like, Slamigan X-Treme,

the only tool
with non-slip grip guarantee.

You're feeling it, aren't you?

- Oh.
- How bad?

You know that thing
all the gym rats say,

"Sore today, strong tomorrow"?


Yeah. By that logic,

I'll be the Incredible Hulk
come morning.


Hey, hey, hey.

Careful with the leather.

Oh, I do not like this at all.

That's it.

Where'd you get that dump?

Don't worry about it.

Hey, guys, can you give me a hand?

We're kind of in the middle
of something important here.

Hey, Javi's future
pretty much depends on it.



Ritter, we are going to...

put the chair right there,

- facing the TV.
- No.



Okay, there.

Come this way a little bit.

To the left.



You got a funny definition of perfect.

That thing's huge.


I saved this entire firehouse
from blowing to bits.

Here we go.

I damaged my ears for life.

And I'm not even allowed
to have a chair of my own?

Okay, we're going to have to limit

how many times he can use that.

- Absolutely read my mind.
- Every day. Every day.

I mean, Herrmann, we appreciate it...

How many times is he gonna pull it up?

Hey, hey, hey.

Oh, Herrmann, you're going to have

to find someplace else for it.

I can't even think with that in my face.

You're smothering my genius.

Let's be honest, Herrmann. It is ugly.

Now you're just being mean.

Hey, Ritter! Ritter!


This is a '22.

I haven't seen a lot
of problems with these.


It's weird to hope
something's wrong with it.

Well, I should have
results in a few hours.

Oh, do you need a replacement
unit in the meantime?

No. Support logistics
sent one over already.

All right. Great.

- I'll be in touch.
- Thank you.

Sylvie Brett.

Chief Robinson.

I'm guessing you're here
because of the call this morning.


You remember my partner, Violet Mikami?

I do.

This will only take a few minutes.

I just need to double check
a few items from your report.

Let's start with the state of the victim

when you arrived at the scene.

He was unresponsive,
V-fib, not breathing.

We shocked him and pushed epi.

You removed any fabric or
liquid that might have impeded

electrical transference?

Yes. I removed the player's jersey

and wiped down the victim.

Yes, we followed standard protocol.

When you fired your defibrillator,

you said there was no
connection between the machine

and the patient.

How do you explain the discrepancy

between your account
and the onboard report?

I can't.

Well, when we get the full diagnostic,

I'm sure we'll find out
that there was something

wrong with the machine.

I doubt that will be of
any relief to the victim.

I know.

Portland FD reached out
to me earlier this week

for a recommendation.

I understand you're under consideration

- for a position there.
- That's right.

If this incident is
determined to be user error,

I'm sure you understand
I can't, in good conscience,

recommend you for the job.

And of course, an immediate
suspension will be initiated.

That is insane.

Sylvie Brett is the
best paramedic in the CFD.


Truck 81, Ambo 61... person trapped.

That's the address
for Lakeshore Hospital.

We can finish this later.


♪ ♪

Didn't have to say that.

Now we're both going to get fired.

Well, it'll just give me more
time to visit you in Portland.


- Over here.
- Hey, what's going on?

We got four patients and a nurse trapped

inside the mental health unit.

One of the patients
busted the key swipe.

No one could get in or out.

There's no talking to this guy.

All right. Let us take a look.



If I can't get out of here,
you can't get out of here!


I got a patient who needs medical help.

Okay, hang tight.


Go away!

All right.

This is reinforced steel.

We got to get in quickly with
as minimal damage as possible.

Carver, adze edge above the lock.

Gibson, you slide in below.

Mouch, set them deep.

- Copy that.
- Ready.


♪ ♪

All right, hit it.

- Elbows in.
- Elbows in.

All right. Everybody okay?

Hey. Whoa, whoa.

Get him!


Let's get him on the ground.

This won't hurt, Andre.

Just relax.


♪ ♪

Come on. Get up.

You okay, Lieutenant?

Oh, yeah. All good.

All right, 61.

You're clear to come treat the patients.

Right here.

Hey, what's your name?


All right, Janine.

All right. This cut looks superficial,

but we're going to have
you checked out by a doctor

just to make sure you're
not concussed, okay?


Well, that's a first for me...

responding to an emergency
at a hospital.

Well, not for me.

But after all the scrapes
I've been through,

I prefer to stay away from
medical facilities these days.


So let's pack it up, head back to 51.


♪ ♪

I didn't really want to park this piece

in the common room anyway.

The feng shui is all off in there.

I didn't realize you knew
so much about interior design.

I picked up a thing or two from Cindy.

You know, people,
they forget that Cindy was

featured in "Chicago Homespread."


What's this?

Power cord?

Well, no wonder this thing
weighs 1,000 pounds.

It's a massage chair.


You see, I told you
this was a great find.

Let's plug it in.


There's not much room in here.

I'm going to make some space.

Let's make a spot.



Well, that's the nail in the coffin.

What? Squad's got their table.

We got our chair. They can coexist.

Well, I definitely
don't see that happening.

All due respect, I'm done.

You get an update on Jared?

- What?
- The basketball player.

I saw you talking
to the nurse at Lakeshore.

Figured you were asking about him.

No, that was...

uh, there's no update.

All I know is what
the medic said before...

kid's not doing good.


You get hurt when that guy
plowed into you?

I twisted my ankle in that
house fire a few shifts ago.

I think I tweaked it again.

It's not a big deal.

Well, something's definitely up.

Let me take a look at it. Go over here.


- Hey.
- She's injured.

We'll just be a few minutes.

I'm going to go grab some ice.

Okay, fine.

It feels good to take a load off.

I can imagine.

I just haven't had
a second to relax lately.

Have my mind on so many things.

Like, Kelly's coming back.

I am so excited to see him.

And then I'll get this flash of,

but what if he suddenly
goes MIA like last time?

And I know that that is crazy.


So I should just let my head
stop spinning in circles.

Here, Lieutenant.

Thanks, Mouch.

The ankle is fine.

I feel a lot better, actually.

But, man, I could sit here all day.


I'm glad you like it.

The unit's in perfect working order.

Circuitry is clean,
no flaws in the software.

I sent in the report.

No, that can't be right.
You have to check it again.

Well, we ran every diagnostic twice.

These things are pretty simple devices.

Not much that can go wrong.

- Well, something did.
- Violet, it's okay.

You know, in most cases,

operator error is the root of a misfire.

Mis-attaching a lead, failure to remove

a transdermal impedance.

Well, that's not the case here.

There has to be an explanation
for what went wrong.

- We just haven't found it yet.
- Okay.

Not sure what it could be,
but what do I know?

I've only been doing this for 23 years.

Thanks for your help.

Come on. Let's check in at the ICU.


They must have come
straight from school.

Looks like they've been here all day.


♪ ♪

Is that the kid that knocked into Jared?

Yeah. Poor guy.

Um, excuse me.

We were the medics who responded

to the cardiac arrest call this morning.

Is there any update on
the patient's condition?

He's still intubated,
but he started responding to commands.

- We're hopeful.
- That's good news.

He's got a long road ahead,
but with some luck,

he'll keep improving.

Hope so. Thank you.


Where is that notepad?

It's got all of my ideas in it.

I have a call with the distribution rep

first thing in the morning.

And now I got nothing.

You left it on the squad table.



what the hell happened here?

Someone spilled coffee on it.



What now?

When we said move the recliner out

of the common room, we did not
say mess with the squad table.

I moved it slightly.

You wrecked my whole marketing plan.

The chair has to go.

- Oh, come on.
- It's got to go.

Okay, fine.

Squad owns the whole
firehouse, apparently.

So out it goes.

Thank you.



Oh, but trust me,

that's not the last
you've seen of my recliner!




You're pushing a lot of weight there.

Let me give you a spot.

I'm good.

You know, we got all kinds
of stuff in the storage room...

kettlebell, squat rack...

in case you ever need
to decompress after a call.


We got a heavy bag too.

It's in a storage room right
now, but we can pull it out.

I know you used to box.

You know I used to box?

How do you know I used to box, Carver?

Look, nobody's trying to get
in your business, all right?

One of the guys googled you
when you first came on.

Like I said, it's not a big deal.


So what do you want
to know about me, huh?

I'm right here.


Forget I said anything.

Now it's nothing. Yeah.

You know, it sure don't
feel like nothing,

the way y'all keep crowding me,
looking over my shoulder,

popping questions all damn shift.

Stop searching me.

Stop talking about me.

Don't ask me nothing.

Stay the hell out of my business.

♪ ♪

What have you got to lose?


Hi, this is Joe Cruz.

So I was thinking,
maybe the problem is that

we haven't put out an updated version.

So what if we did that?

Well, I was thinking we could
call it the Slamigan X-Treme.

You know, people love
the extreme version of things.

Mainly, it's...

we're going to paint it fire engine red.



No, it sounds...

yeah, yeah, I'll talk to you later.

He says it might work.

He's going to contact the supplier,

crunch a few numbers,
and he'll get back to me.

Slamigan lives.

- Maybe.

I emailed a professor
in the engineering department

at Chicago College who does research

in unusual electrical phenomenon.

It's a long shot, but maybe he'll have

some insight into why
our machine malfunctioned.

Yeah, maybe.

I haven't had a second
to check in with Matt today.

I hate that I have to
unload all of this on him

right before the wedding.

Ooh, Mouch, that is
a lot of menthol cream.

Yeah, sorry.

I've been going so hard with the guys,

I practically bathe in this stuff now.

Wow, there's so much,
it's making my eyes burn.

- Menthol.
- Right.

That's the stuff.

No. Maybe that's why
our defib didn't work.

Come on, I want to try something.


Glad I could help.



♪ ♪

You got every right to be pissed off.

I was pissed when it was me
they were googling,

so I should have known better.

It won't happen again.

This house is different, huh?

If you stick around,
you'll get used to it.

You might even learn to appreciate it.

But in the meantime, if you need

to vent about it, about anything,

really, you know where to find me.

Carver, wait up.

♪ ♪

I know they say we should
leave the calls

in the rear view, but...

You thinking about
that basketball player?

I did hear he's on the mend, so...

Yeah, I heard that too.


Are you thinking about doing a check-in?


Does Lieutenant have a policy
on that kind of thing, or...

It's pretty regular here at 51.

Surprise, surprise, right?


I wouldn't mind tagging
along, if that's cool.

Lakeshore's right on my way home.

I don't mind.

But I'm not going to Lakeshore.

Our training accounts for
things like menthol sports creams,

but what if Jared is like Mouch?

He might have used
such an excessive amount

that it interfered with the flow
of electricity from the defib.

I'm not sure that adds up.

I've never heard of that being an issue.

I know.
Well, we might as well give it a shot.

- Can you grab me a defib pad?
- Yeah, sure.

These are dry.



The adhesive strip is sticky,
but the gel application

on the pad... it's baked.

Like rubber.

♪ ♪

This one too. The gel's evaporated.

They're all dry.

Without the pad gel,
there's no active connection

between the defibrillator
and the patient.

This wasn't because
of any menthol creams.

The charge died in the pad.

This was an equipment issue,
not a user error.

Thank God.

All right, come on.
Let's go tell Chief Robinson.

Tech's got a good program, right?

Big feeder school for the U of I?

- I guess.
- I went to Marshall.

But I didn't play ball there, though.

Not even close.

Now the varsity squad that
was there when I was...

they could've given
the '92 Bulls a decent run.

Sorry to cut this short, gentlemen,

but my son hasn't slept in two days.



I was just...

Actually, that's why I'm here.

I heard you spent the whole night

in the hospital waiting room.

You're worried about Jared, huh?

I don't know.

We understand he's doing
better, though, right?

They think he's got a
decent shot at a full recovery.

Oh, thank God.

Feeling responsible
for another person's life,

it's a heavy load to put on yourself.

Not easy to shake either.

Believe me, I know that feeling.

It's like two giant hands

squeezing your rib cage so
tight you can barely breathe.

It ain't on you, Marcus.

What happened to that boy
is not your fault.

Nobody ends up in the ICU
after a collision like that

unless they have
other health issues going on.

Look, hearing that from me

won't do a damn thing to
loosen that grip on your chest.

Saying it's not your fault,
that's just words.

Words don't change anything.

Action changes things.

You could take what you're feeling

and turn it into something good.

Now, if you can figure out
a way to do that...

You start to feel real different.

I promise you.


♪ ♪

Sounded like you knew what
you were talking about back there.

Well, I'm sorry.

For what?

For whatever it is you went through.

♪ ♪

I'll catch you later.

I k*lled a man.


♪ ♪

We called support and
logistics on our way over.

The box of defib pads that we got were

part of a batch sent
to the CFD over the summer.

The hottest summer on record in Chicago.

However they were stored didn't account,
for the extreme heat.

If any others like this found
their way into our rotation...

- That'd be a disaster.
- To put it mildly.

I'm glad this turned out
not to be user error.

But we have to cover all the bases,

make sure none are still out there.

- Audrey?
- Yes?

Get me Dexhart Medical on the line.

Right away.

If there is anything else...

What about Sylvie's
recommendation to Portland?

It'll reflect that she's a paramedic

in good standing with the CFD.

And that she probably
saved a lot of lives.

Thank you, Chief.
I think we should head out.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.


I appreciate your loyalty
to your partner.

But remember, I'm your chief.

And I don't like being disrespected.


♪ ♪

Well, that's good news, isn't it?

They're going to keep selling it.
Slamigan lives.

That heat-resistant paint
is going to add 30%

to our manufacturing costs,
which means I'll make,

like, 37¢ every time we sell one.

I can't afford to buy Javi
a college sweatshirt

with that kind of money.

It's better than nothing, right?

Look at this.

The Slamigan is in the toilet,
and he's raking it in.

I should get a portion of those profits.

It was my idea to move that thing.

Yeah, he does owe you.

Hold my beer.




Oh, yeah.

I like this.


You know what?

College is overrated.

Besides, Javi is so smart,

he'll probably get a full ride
because of his grades.

What am I even stressing out about?

- [BEEP]

Oh, yeah.

It's all going to work out.


I... I'm gonna make
a mint off that thing.

You know, people,
they love coming in here,

getting a drink,
and unwinding with a massage.

Oh, I know.

I've used it three times already.

Thankfully, as part owner here,
I don't have to pay.

I don't remember agreeing with that.


Turns out our defib pads
weren't the only ones

affected by the heat.

Thanks to Brett, support ended up

recalling five boxes that
were about to be sent out.

- Damn.
- Uh-huh.

That's a big save.


Um, but I may be on the ropes
with the new paramedic chief.

I didn't make the best first impression.

You and Brett have a funny
way of mixing it up with authority.

- Yeah.
- Where is Brett tonight?

She and Tony are headed to the aquarium

for their walk-through.

It's such a great venue.


Here we are.


♪ ♪

This isn't the Shedd Aquarium.

Shedd Aquarium?

You can't get in there.
It's under renovation.

This is the aquarium
you've been talking about?

Yeah. I used to come here
all the time as a kid.

It has every kind of fish
you could imagine.

It's magical.

Tony, didn't you look
at my wedding invitation?

It says Shedd Aquarium.

It had a link on it.

- I didn't click on it yet.

Hey, guys. Welcome.

- Come on in.
- Thanks, Nicky.

♪ ♪

Hope you don't mind the smell.

I'm getting married in a fish store.

Golden Gloves was
supposed to be my ticket

out of Garfield Park.


I was on my way too.

Won Cicero 2019,

Illinois State Tourney a year later.

I was gunning for nationals when I
got in the ring with Marty Johnson.

Marty "The Machine,"
what they called him.

Tough as all get-out.

Cut like a marble statue.

You ever put the gloves on, Carver?


Well, the thing about it is
you don't go into the ring

wanting to hurt the guy.

But you're not not trying
to hurt him either.

You know what I'm saying?


You're trained to punch
with everything you got.

That's what I did.

He went down in the third round...

and never got up.


I knew what was going on too.


Seeing him down on that mat,

paramedics working on him.

He was gone.

I could feel it.

I still feel it if I let
myself go there, you know?

I mean, honestly, I...

I can't even imagine.


♪ ♪

Association, they...

they figured a way to play it all down.

The lawyers, they warned me
not to talk about it.

And I didn't.

Not to anybody.

You ever fight again?


No, I couldn't get my head on straight.

You know, locking that whole thing away

really messed me up.

It got so bad, I even ended up
in a psych unit for a stretch.

At Lakeshore.

That's how you knew the nurse.


Those folks really helped me.

Seeing how they took care of people...

See, that's where I decided
to become a firefighter.

I never really looked back.

Until I saw that kid...

laid out on the hardwood yesterday.

I'll tell you one thing.

You're not the first guy
to join the CFD off the back

of some personal misfortune.

Sounds like you know
what you're talking about.

Tell you something else.

Getting up on those rigs every day...

it helps.

You're in the right place, Gibson.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

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