01x06 - Aquarium for a Dream

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x06 - Aquarium for a Dream

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Good morning children.

Meet the newest member of our daycare,

Richard Swimmins.

All: Yayyyy!

- And, to learn about res-pon-si-bi-li-ty,

you kids will take care of him.

- Me first! Me first! Meeeeee! Me-me-me!

Good morning Richard Swimmins!

Are you hungry?

(Water gurgles)

♪ Feedin' Richard Swimmins Feedin' Richard Swimmins ♪

♪ I've got arms and he's got fins ♪

♪ Feedin' Richard Swimmins Feedin' Richard Swim-- ♪

Empty?! (Groans)

Richard's not going hungry on my watch!

(reading) Hmm, savoury steakhouse sirloin flavour?

Oh, yes please!

(Water splashes)

- Your steaks, Madame.

- Yes. Thank you.

We'll also have two steak sodas and for dessert,

some steak ice cream!

(Happy sigh)

(Water gurgles)

- Who keeps feeding the puppets jam?!

Puppets ain't real - stop trying to make 'em eat!

- Hm?

- (Grumble) what is wrong with these kids?

- Chef, something's wrong with Richard Swimmins!

Did I not feed him enough?

- Pretty sure that's not the problem.

But don't worry. Richard just needs to freshen up a bit.

There! Good as new!

All: (Cheer)

- Huh. That was an amazing recovery.

- Truth is, Richard's a picky eater.

Only shakes of food or he's gonna... (gasp)

or else there's a chance you'll... (groans)

You know what, from now on feeding Richard

is a Chef job, okay? Okay.


- Wow! Your bowl is filthy, Richard!

Don't worry, I'll fix it up.

Your home will be clean as a whistle!

(Detergent squirt)

(Water gurgles)

- Oh, come on!

How'd gum get in this book

when gum isn't even allowed in the daycare?!

(Blows, bubble pops)

- Bubbles? Oh, that can't be good.

- Doesn't Richard seem happier now

that his bowl's squeaky clean?

Look at 'em in there, floatin' on his back

and chillin' like a boss.

- Harold, Richard looks, um...

like a boss.

I'm just gonna take him for a drink of fresh water.

- I hope Richard is okay...

All: (Cheer)

- So, Richard is fine?

- Well... actually...

he was! (Chuckles)

And now his bowl's clean

so no one needs to clean it again.

Ever. Got it? Okay.

- Hm... something fishy's going here.

Wait, was that a pun?

Ugh. So mainstream.

I disappoint me.

(Rain patters heavily)

(Door shuts) - Brrrr!

It's raining outside. Now I'm soaked

and c-c-c-old.

(Gasp) Richard Swimmins must be freezing.

Not only is he soaking wet, but he's naked too!

(Knob cranks)

There. This heater oughtta warm him up.

(Cats meow)

- Does anyone else hear cats?



And why does it smell like seafood restauran--

(Water bubbles)

Oh, come on!

- Richard Swimmins was chilly, so we're warming him up.

- Something wrong with Richard, Chef?

- Hm? Oh nah.

He's all good.

I just need to... to, uh...

take him to his doctor's appointment.

Yeah. That.

- I hope Richard is okay,

I, I didn't even know fish had doctors.

- Duh! They're called sturgeons!

- Well...?

- Well what--oh-oh! Right!

Perfectly healthy!

All: (Cheer) - Richard!

- Wow! Fish doctors are fast.

- But you know when you boil a fish--

See, a cooked fish is usually-

(Groans) No more fish on the heater, okay?

- Okay, Chef is definitely up to something...

but what?

Black magic? Necromancy?

Ooh! I hope it's necromancy!

- Did you guys hear what Chef said?

A perfect bill of health!

Richard Swimmins isn't just tough...

he's invincible!

- Yeah! He shouldn't be stuck in that bowl anyway.

He should be out, having fun with us!

All: Yaaaaaaaaaa!

- Guys? Maybe don't take-- (Defeated sigh)


- What a save by Richard Swimmins!

(Bowl cracks, water splashes)

- Chef!

All: (Cheer)

(Tires squeal)

(Glass shatters, crash)

- Chef!

All: (Cheer)

(Rocket whooshes)

(Richard splats)

- Chef!

All: (Cheer)

- You know what's going on, right?

Chef is bringing Richard Swimmins back from the dead!

I wonder how...

(Sinister music)

(Electricity crackles)

- (Growls)

- It's alive! It's alive!

It's alive!

(Lightning strikes)

- Or all those fish are dead,

and he just replaces them with a new Richard.

Yeah. Probably that.

- Poor little guys.

Gwen: Chef? - (Startled) Ahh!

- Why don't you tell them the truth?

- Ah! Gwen, I was just-just--

I have no idea what you're talking about.

- No? Then whatcha puttin' in the ground, Chef?

- Just some...beans.

Gar-garbonzo beans...

part of the chic pea family... (Nervous chuckle)

- Just tell them the fish are dead.

- C'mon, girl! I ain't no child psychologist!

How am I supposed to tell 'em somethin' like that?!

- Fine. I'll tell them.

- No-no-no-no. No wait!

I mean... if you were going to tell them...

how would you do it?

- (Groans) The fish are dead

because you keep k*lling them over and over and o--

Beth and Izzy: Chef! Chef!

- What can I do for you, girls?

- It's Richard. - Hurry!

- They need to know.

Are you going to tell them the truth this time?

- Yes? Maybe.

I don't know!

Owen: Huh. I guess Richard isn't very good

at double dutch. - (Emotional gulp)

I'm sorry, children, but Richard Swimmins is...

- Chef, you can do it.

- (Throat clear) What I'm trying to say is,

your fish is-


(Emotional sigh) C'mon, Chef.

You got this.

- Chef? Are you crying?

- What? No!

I was, uh, cutting onions.

- Can I have some onions?

- No. Let's just stop talking.

We don't need talk about anything.

- (Groans) I'm just gonna spell it out for everyone.

Richard is d-e--

- D-e-lightfully fine! Ha ha!

- Richard is more than fine! He's awesome!

that's why I gave him this tattoo... see?

Hey! Where'd it go?

That was permanent ink!

- (Nervous groan)

(Door slams)

- I'm getting the feeling that Chef's

hiding something from us. - Y'think?

- Let's go ask him what's going on.

- (Crying) I'm pulling for you new Richard Swimmins!


maybe you'll be the one that makes it.

Either way, those sweet, innocent kids

can never know that--

Owen: Chef...? - (Gasp)

- Does this mean... all the other Richards...


- Yes. They did.

But don't feel bad. You kids didn't do anything wrong.

You didn't mean to--

- That was really irresponsible of you!

- Wh-what?

- We thought Richard was invisible.

If you'd said something, we coulda saved the lives

of dozens of fish!

- Yeah! How were we supposed to know

fish don't like soapy water or being launched into the air

or getting boiled on a heater or--

- But I thought telling you would hurt your--

- Bad chef. Bad.

- Okay! You're right. I'm sorry!

- So, if all the other Richards bit it...

what did you do with them?

- Don't worry. I did right by those little heroes.

And you can visit them whenever you--

- Chef, you better come see this.

(Birds chirp)

(Cats meow, bones crunch)

All: (Scream in horror) Noooo!

- None of these kids are going to eat fish for a long time.


Chef: Gather around, children.

After the recent string of incidents

involving Richard Swimmins,

I decided a new pet might be in order.

Meet rocky!

- (Gasp) He's adorable.

All: (Cheer)

- And the best part is you can play with him

however you want.

He's super tough, up for anything,

and no one will get hurt.

All: Yayyyyy!

(Clunk, glass shatters) - Whoooaaaa!


(Aquarium shatters) (Fish gulps)

(Landing thud)

(Happy purring meows)

- Oooh no!

- Saw that coming all the way.

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