01x09 - Armored Like an Ankylosaurus/Campout!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x09 - Armored Like an Ankylosaurus/Campout!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

See the mighty ankylosaurus in action and learn about its

Boney armor plates, so come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train. All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] ok, kids. Team up!

I pick don.

And I pick shiny!

Our dinoball team will be the shiniest and the best ever!

So the dinoball rules are-- buddy, we all know the rules

Of our most favorite game!

Let's play dinoball!

I got it! I-- I don't have it.

I almost had it.


Hey! I'm on your team!

Whoa! Ow!

Shiny, it's me!

Yes! Score again!

♪ We win, we win ♪ yahoo!

Shiny sure is good at dinoball.

Maybe she's too good. We're all getting bumped and banged


Yeah. I wish we had something to protect our bodies

When we play dinoball.

[Whistling] ok! Timeout, team pteranodon.

Great scrimmage, but it's time for my big surprise for you!

Something to protect us?

Even better! Tickets to see the best players to ever

Punt, pass, or kick a dinoball.

We're going to a game!

Yay! Our very first dinoball game!

Including my number one favorite dinoballer hank

Ankylosaurus, the biggest, strongest, toughest player the

Sport has ever seen.


Yep. And no one can play the game like hank. So let's all

Hop aboard the dinosaur train and go see hank for ourselves.

Yeah! The dinosaur train!

A train ride and a dinoball game? Life is good.

Tickets, please. Tickets!

Well, now hold on, buddy. These aren't train tickets.

No, mr. Conductor. They're dinoball tickets.

We're going to ankylosaurus acres!

Of course. It's game day!

The roar of the crowd, the rumble of the players stomping

In the mud! Oh, you kids are lucky! Hank's playing today!

Hank is dad's dinoball hero.

You are all in for a treat.


Wow! He really is big!

I wonder why the ankylosaurus have all those

Boney things all over their bodies.

I have a hypothesis. It looks like those plates on

Hank's body protect him so well that maybe nothing can hurt him.

Interesting hypothesis, buddy.

Thanks! And we can all test it when we get to watch hank


But, buddy, if hank has so much armor, can he move at all?

Oh! Hank can move!

Yeah! Like this! I'm hank!


And very soon, you'll see hank in action. In fact, time

Tunnel! Time tunnel approaching, folks!

Ankylosaurus acres in the early cretaceous time period. Enjoy

The dinoball game, pteranodon family!

Thanks! We will!

There's that roaring crowd the conductor told us about.

Just in time! The game's about to start!


It's beautiful.

It's amazing.

[Squawk] it's nothing like playing

Dinoball back at ourest.

Here come the players now, and there he is, kids, the best

Of the best, hank ankylosaurus.

Look. He's covered with hard, boney plates, even above

His eyes.

Whoa! Check out hank's tail.

It's like a big club.

And those legs! They may be short, but they look really


I know! And even his legs have plates. I wonder what

They're made of, and I wonder how hard they are.

Really hard, buddy. We're about to see him in action

Because it's the kickoff!

[Whistle] whoa! Did you see how fast

He swung that tail?

[Squawk] look at hank go!

[Cheering] [roars]

Ha ha!

Way to go, hank!

That's the hankster!


Hey. Look at the other players.

You ok, jerry?

Yeah, fine. Never felt better.

They aren't hurt a bit.

It's all that armor plating.

I think my hypothesis about ankylosaurus is right. Their

Armor plates completely protect their bodies.

Yeah. Hank didn't even feel that big gourd when

It hit him.

But all that heavy armor means they can't move their

Bodies as fast as other species.

Except their tails! Look!

♪ Hank, hank, way to score you're our favorite dinosaur ♪


Kids, we just witnessed the greatest dinoball goal ever.

Look. The game's almost over.

[Groans] and time's up! We win!



Dad, can we talk to hank?

Can we, can we, plea?

He'll talk to you. You're his biggest fan.

Well, sure. I guess so.

[Muttering] whoa, sport! Hey. How's it


Ha ha! Uh--h-hank.

That's my name. How you doing?

Doing--doing--going--going-- hi, mr. Hank sir. I'm tiny

Pteranodon, and our dad brought us all out to see you play.

He's a really big fan of yours.

F-fan. I am.

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

So, mr. Pteranodon, these little sports are all yours,


Yeah. Yep. Shuddy, diny, tinny, and bon.

Ha ha ha!

Hank, my dad's a little nervous meeting his hero. This

Is shiny, don, and buddy, and of course me--tiny!

Hank, your armor is awesome!

And nothing hurts you!

And your tail's so fast! It slammed that tree over and

Scored! Scooore!

When we play dinoball, we never knock anything over

Except each other.

You kids play d-ball? Ha ha!

That's the way to do it, take up the game fresh out of the

Egg. Hey. How's about you show me what you can do, and I can

Give you some pointers?

You mean we get to play dinoball with you?

Absolutely. Let's do it!

Ok. Now you guys try to score against me with those practice


Oh! It's a gourd just like at home. Unh!

[Groans] oh! Heads-up, hank! I'm

Bringing the thunder! Unh!

Ohh. Unh!

Good thing you've got those armor plates all over.

Yeah. This armor is great for d-ball, but you know the

Real reason I have it? It's to help keep those big carnivores

Away who might want to hurt me.

Go ahead, kids, hit it!

Ow! Heh heh heh. Just kidding, tiny.

One real dinoball coming up! Unh!

Wow! What a tail!

Yeah. Ankylosaurus need quick tails. Our armor slows us

Down more than other species.

Wish I was as fast and limber as you kids.

Hank, can we give it one more shot?

Another shot on goal? Heh heh. Do it, buddy.

Team pteranodon, huddle up.

Ok. Now it's time we work as a team. Now here's what we do.

[Whispering] go, team pteranodon!

Ha ha ha! I can't believe this is happening.

[Squawk] whaaa?

He did it! Score!

What? My own kids scored on hank?

Yes, sir. Team pteranodon is something else. You coached

Them real good, pops.

I'm--i'm so proud I could screech.

[Train whistles blows] whoa! Did I do that? Oh, i--the

Train did it for me. Ha ha ha!

Say, hank, now that I can talk, I don't know what to say.

You're the greatest! None of us will ever forget what happened


We thank hank! We thank hank!

We thank hank! We thank hank!

Ha ha ha! Thanks, kids. Hey.

You keep playing dinoball, and, dad, great to meet you.

I--i'm ok. Heh heh heh.

Let's go, kids.


Great play!

Dinoball rules!

And we got to see hank run onto the field and score the

Greatest goal in the history of d-ball! Ho ho ho! Yeah! Oh, and

Hank said I coached the kids real good.

Oh, what an amazing day!

And we learned that ankylosaurus dinoball players

Are protected by thick, boney plates that cover their whole


And they may be pretty slow, but their tails are superfast.

And we learned that team pteranodon simply cannot be


Especially dominating don!

Don snags the ball! He runs and runs and--whoa! Shiny steals it

From him and scores, and I dance!

♪ Da da da da da ♪ ha ha ha!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist, and this is





This big and powerful dinosaur weighed almost ,

Pounds, about as much as an african elephant, but unlike

Elephants, ankylosaurus had boney plates or armor in its

Skin. Now where do you see this armor?

All over its body.

That's right. Ankylosaurus had armor over most of its

Body, even around the neck and over the eyes. Now why would a

Dinosaur need all those boney plates?

For protection!

Yep! Even though ankylosaurus was huge, it

Couldn't move very fast, so instead of running away from

Predators, it probably stayed put most of the time, using its

Covering of boney armor for protection.

[Doorbell rings] point of fact! Dinosaurs did

Not play dinoball.


Thank you.

But ankylosaurus did have an amazing tail club that it used

To whack other animals, maybe even big meat-eaters.


Can you think of an animal alive today that moves slowly

And has a body covered with armor?

An armadillo.

Exactly, the armadillo also has a covering of boney plates

That it uses to protect itself from predators. Ok. That's it

For now. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

What do you use feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ I'm a t. Rex yeah, I'm a t. Rex

A-roaring round the forest tyrannosaurus rex

T. Rex rowr

I'm a tyrannosaurus I'm the biggest carnivore

In the cretaceous forest gonna romp and stomp around

The biggest dinosaur in town a-roaring round the forest

Tyrannosaurus rex rowr ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit the big pond for a campout, where we'll meet a

Night creature called paleobatrachus. So come on

Along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Giggling] I can't believe it! We're

Going on a campout! It's gonna be great!

It's gonna be so fun! Mom, have you seen my tiny doll?

Oh, phew. There you are, you cutie-pooty.

Now remember, kids, you can each bring one thing on the


Yep! I got my t. Rex teeth, my weird-shaped rocks.

Don, I said you could bring one thing on the campout.

I am! I'm bringing my one big collection.

I'm bnging my favorite chewing stick. How about you,


Oh, I don't even know about going on a campout.

Shiny, are you ok?

Well, I'm a little nervous.

I've never slept anywhere but at home in the nest. An

Overnight campout, well, it sounds kind of scary.

But we're all doing this adventure together with mom and

Dad along, so it can't be too scary, right?

I guess so.

Oh, ho. There's nothing to be nervous about. We'll make a

Nest at the big pond just like our nest at home, and you kids

Can help make it.

Better hurry if we want to catch the dinosaur train.



So has anyone been to the big pond?


At night?

Oh, never mind.

It's even better at night because of all the amazing

Night sounds that you'll hear.

Night sounds?

Yep. Insects, crocodilians, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs,

Ichthyosaurs! Ho ho! And if you're lucky, you might even

Hear this guy. He's called paleobatrachus.

Look. It's so small, and its skin is really shiny.

Right! And he's nocturnal.

That means he's active at night.t's a full moon, so it

Will be really bright out. The night creatures will be even

More active.

Will it be scary at night?

Scary? No, shiny. Things might be new and different, but

You'll be just fine.

[Gulp] [train whistle blows]

Here we are!

[Cheering] [whistles]

Ok, team pteranodon! Let's huddle by the puddle, avoid the

Slime, and make a plan to have a great time!

So what's the plan, dad?

Well, the game plan, before we all run off and play, is: ,

We gather materials for our nest; , we build the nest; ,

We go fishing; , eat dinner; and , tell some stories.

Don't forget !



♪ Da da da da da ♪ [squawk]

Let's not forget we also have to sleep.

Oh, yeah. Sleep. That's a great idea, too. Heh. So come

On, team. Let's have the best campout ever.



The best ever!

Campout! Campout! Campout!

Come on, shiny. The whole team's here together. Join in!

All right. Let's get to work building a nest.

[Groans] wha-ha!

[Squawk] oh, oh, oh!

Ha ha ha! Oh, don.

Look for the long, soft grass, kids. It's great for the

Bottom of the nest.

Ok! Come on, shiny!

[Ribbit] whoa! Dad, was that you?

Dad? Buddy?

[Ribbit] oh!

How you doing, shiny?

Did you find some good grass?

Oh, no. I heard something weird.

Really? What did it sound like?

Sort of like rrrabbbit.

Hmm. What makes that sound?

Shh. Let's all listen and see if we can hear what you

Heard, shiny.

[Squawk] hey! That's mom!

Maybe we should get back to the nest.

Heh heh heh. Ok. Let's go, kids.

[Ribbit] [squawk]

Dad, buddy, wait up!

[Squawk] nice work, kids. I think we're

All finished.

You know what that means, team! It's time to go fishing!

Hey, dad! I see some fish over there.

Oh! What a great dinner.

Nothing tastes better than a fresh-caught fish from the big


Hey, dad! Tell us a story!

Yeah! Please!

All right. I got one. This is a story about when I was a

Kid and my dad was trying to teach me to fish, but I wasn't

Too coordinated because every time I dove for a fish, I ended

Up landing head-first in the mud!

That must have looked pretty funny.

Oh, yeah! The weeds stuck to the mud and covered my head!

Ha ha ha!

My dad couldn't tell if I was a pterosaur or a plant with

A beak!


Well, my family came here and camped out when I was a

Kid, too.

Wow, mom! You did this, too?

That seems like so long ago.

Ha ha ha! Buddy, we're not that old.

Yeah. We're not from the triassic.

Hey. How about some dancing?

♪ Da da da da da da da da da da ♪

♪ Da da da da da da da da da da ♪


♪ Da da da da da ♪ [laughing]

Oh! What a day. Kids, time to shut your eyes.

Both of them?

Yes, sir. Sleep time, team pteranodon.

Mom, can you tell me a story?

Oh, it's late now, sweetie.

Try to go to sleep.

Mom, how come the pond sometimes looks blue and

Sometimes looks green?

Please, shiny. I'll try to explain in the morning. Go to

Sleep. It's very late.

[Snoring] hey, don. Your wing is on my


Well, your nose is on my wing.

Ha ha ha!

Look at all those stars.

[Crunch] what was that?


I'm not scared.

Me neither. I have my tiny doll.

W-what do you think it was?

[Rustling] shiny, are you scared?


[Yawning] kids, sleep time.

[Screeching] aah!


What is it? What's wrong?

I--i heard something out there.

Well, there are critters out there, but we're safe. Don't


[Ribbit] what was that?

Let's listen and figure it out.

[Ribbit] is it a bird?

M-m-maybe it was a fish.

No way! That was definitely too close to be a fish.

I just hope it wasn't a monster.

[Ribbiting] I think it's getting closer.

Maybe it is a monster.

Or some huge, hungry predator we've never heard of.

Oh! You guys, look!

I have a...hypothesis. That is one huge dinosaur.

[Insects buzzing] [smack]

[Screeching] [squawk]

What? What is it?

[Ribbit ribbit] [ribbit ribbit]


The shadow made it look huge, but it's only a little,

Tiny creature, and it's really cute.

And look, shiny. It's shiny.

Can we go talk to it, mom?

Hi. My name is tiny pteranodon, and this is buddy and shiny and



[Ribbit] hello. I'm patricia. I'm a


Oh, hey. We've heard about you. Are you a night frog?

[Ribbit] yep. I live in the water, but

At night when its cool and I'm hungry, I come out and hunt for

Bugs with my long, sticky tongue.



That's amazing!

But why do you make such a huge sound, and how do you do


I do it so the other night frogs can tell where I am. It

Is dark at night, you know, and I make the sound by puffing out

My throat like this.

[Ribbit] boy, for such a small

Dinosaur, you make the biggest noise we've ever heard.

Actually, I'm not a dinosaur.

Wait. You're not a dinosaur?

[Ribbit] nope. I'm an amphibian.

A who whatian?

An amphibian. I have legs, and I live in the water and on


There are lots of amphibians near the big pond, kids.

Other kinds of amphibians?

Oh, sure. Frogs, salamanders, newts, caecilians,


Whoa! Slow down!

Kids, it's time to go back to bed. Patricia, it's lovely

To meet you, but my kids have to go to sleep now.

[Ribbit] I understand.

Aw. Can't patricia stay in our camp, mom?

Yeah. I like our new friend.

She's shiny!

Actually, I better get back to the pond and find some more

Insects. I'm still hungry. Heh.

Good night.

Good night!

Can we see your tongue one more time?



Wow! The mesozoic era has so many kinds of

Creatures--dinosaurs, amphibians, snakes, turtles,

Insects, crocodilians, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs,


[Train chugging] [whistle blows]

So did you meet any interesting creatures last


We sure did! We met the night frog you told us

About--paleobatrachus! She was lovely and very shiny.

Ooh! She didn't scare you, huh?

Pfft. Not at all.

[Ribbit] aah! Oh, don!

[Giggling] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott,

The paleontologist. What would you call this animal?

A frog.

Right. Now this particular frog lived a long time ago when

The dinosaurs were alive.

Paleontologists call it paleobatrachus, a big name for

Such a small animal.




Paleobatrachus looks very similar to frogs you see today.

It had a big head with large eyes and used its long back

Legs to swim in water. It probably fed on small fish,

Crabs, and other little critters. Paleobatrachus and

All frogs belong to a group of animals called amphibians,

Which live in or near the water. So the next time you see

A frog or a salamander, think about their prehistoric

Relatives like paleobatrachus that lived with the dinosaurs.

Ok. Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more... ♪

Let me guess. Fish?

Yeah! Fish! Ha ha ha!

We love playing games!

Like pteranodon fis dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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