01x10 - Laura the Giganotosaurus/Dinosaur Poop!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x10 - Laura the Giganotosaurus/Dinosaur Poop!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit with laura the giganotosaurus and find out

What a great observer she is, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train! All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [squawk]

[Giggling] [bird chirping]

Whoa, tiny! Look at that!

It's some kind of bird, and it's beautiful.

[Squawk] it 's beautiful. Let's follow


[Chirping] ha ha ha!

[Gasp] aah!

[Crash] ha ha ha!

[Squawk] mom, did you see that bird?

I did see it! It was so unusual.

Have you ever seen one like that before?


I wish we'd asked it what its species before it flew away.

I know someone who would know what species that was.

Laura the giganotosaurus is quite the bird watcher.

I know laura the giganotosaurus.

Yeah! She's the dinosaur who's always riding in the

Observation car of the dinosaur train, but why is she a bird


Well, laura loves to learn their names and features and

Everything she can about birds.

Hey, mom! Why don't we go down and meet her at pteranodon


Great idea! An expedition! I need to get out of the nest

Anyway. Come on! Let's stretch our wings!

And aaaarms!

Let's play I spy with my big eye!


[Train whistle blows] I spy with my big eye laura

The giganotosaurus!

Hey! It's laura!


Rawwr! Hello, everyone.

Hi, laura. So good to see you.

Hello, mrs. Giganotosaurus!

Please. Call me laura.

Ok. Hi, laura!

Hello, pteranodon family.

Let me guess. You want to ride the dinosaur train?


All aboard!

Um, why do we always see you on the dinosaur train?

Well, I like to help out the troodons on the dinosaur train

By serving as their lookout.


That is why I'm always here in the observation car. Also,

Because I don't really fit in the passenger coach.

What's a lookout do?

I love to observe. That's my favorite thing, observation.

[Squawk] observation?

That means to look carefully at things, and giganotosaurus

Have great eyesight. That makes me a good lookout.


I can really help the dinosaur train. With my sharp

Eyes, I can look out way out ahead and spot things on the


Wow! What a great job, a lookout! You know, t. Rex have

Sharp eyes, too.

Buddy, you're absolutely right. You and I have many of

The same features. We are both theropods.

What are theropods?

Let's see. Number one, theropods walk on big -toed

Legs. Two, we have a large head with lots of sharp teeth for

Eating meat. , A long tail that helps keep us balanced,

And , we have a great sense of smell. Hmm. Am I forgetting


I hope not! I'm out of fingers.

That's a lot of things to remember. Mind if I make up a


One, big legs with -toed feet.

Two, lots of teeth for eating meat. , A long tail for

Balancing well, and , theropods have a great sense of


[Laughter] well done. That was lovely,

Tiny, and I just remembered one more thing that buddy and I

Share--great eyesight. We love to observe.

We all love to observe!

You're right, tiny. There is so much to see around us--the

Trees of the forest, the flowers, the birds.

Oh, yeah! Laura, we saw a bird today.

Yeah! It was so beautiful, and we'd never, ever seen one

Like it before!

Even I've never seen one like it.

We were hoping you'd know what species it is.

Maybe. Did you observe it closely?

Hmm. Its feathers were mostly kind of silvery and red

And blue.

Its wings were about this wide.

And don't forget her tail feathers.

Yeah! They were really long!

And red and white on the ends!

Those are great observations. I think I know

What species of bird you are describing. It sounds like an



Mm-hmm. Avisaurus live along the rivers and swamps of the

Western interior sea. That's where pteranodons live, as well.

Wow! You sure know a lot of stuff.

Well, I am a bird watcher, and bird watchers love to

Observe. I also love to draw birds.

You draw birds?

Yes. Would you like to see some of my work?

Yes, please!

Excuse me. Ahh, yes. Here we are. This one is called



This is one of my favorites.

It's called confuciusornis.

Talk about beautiful tail feathers.

Wow! They're even longer than the avisaurus.

May i, laura?

Certainly. I'm so excited that you all saw an avisaurus

Today. I have never had the chance to draw one, so I'll

Keep a sharp eye out as we ride the train. You never know.

[Gasp] excuse me! Better cover your


[Roars] stop the train!

Wow! Look, mom. A tree fell on the tracks just like laura


[Squawk] that's right, buddy.

Oh, oh! Laura's here. Hmm.

Big one. Sure glad we didn't hit it. Nice lookout job, laura.

Thank you, mr. Conductor.

Now if you will all give me a little room, please.

[Grunting] you think she can move it?

I bet laura can move anything.

[Groaning] [roars]

Hip, hip...


Hip, hip...


Hip, hip...

Hooray, laura!

[Cheering] I have an observation. Laura

Is really strong.

She sure is. Giganotosaurus is just a wonderful species of


[Chirping] mom, tiny! It's the same

Bird we saw this morning!

The avisaurus?

[Squawk] oh! It is!

Well, it's an avisaurus.

Hey, avisaurus! Come down!

Oh! Ha ha!

Oops. I think we scared it.

Don't worry, kids. I have an idea.

[Chirping] hi. I'm sorry that buddy and

I scared you. Are you an avisaurus?

[Chirps] yes. Angela avisaurus. How did

You know?

Well, this is our friend laura the giganotosaurus. She's

A bird watcher, and she knows a lot of stuff.

Hello. So nice to meet you, angela. Would you like to ride

With us on the dinosaur train a while?

[Chirps] oh, I would love to! It--it's

Not too loud, is it?



[Whistle blows] aah!

Except for the whistle.

And a couple other things, but it's great! You'll love

Riding the train.

Well, ok, then! Let's go!

All aboard!

Good. That's good. Please keep your head pointing that

Way, angela.

Uh, that way.

Hold still. See, kids? When I draw, I use my eyes and try

To observe what makes avisaurus different from other birds.

Up close, I can see the color of her feathers even


And, buddy, even though angela is very different from

You and me, did you know that she, too, is a theropod?

Whoa! Really?

Really. She walks on her rear legs.

And I have -toed feet.

And a big head and teeth for eating meat!

Hee hee hee! Right! But in my case, mostly bugs.

Wow, angela! It's a really good picture.

Yeah! It looks exactly like you.

Come on, laura. Can I look at it, please?

Ok. Take a look.

[Chirps] oh, it's lovely, but I didn't

Realize my beak was that big.

Oh, angela. You have a great beak.

Heh heh. Gosh! You think so?


Troodon town station coming up, folks! Troodon town station!

Troodon town? W-what's that?

That's where they turn the train around.

And then we ride it home, back to pteranodon terrace.

Maybe someday, you can visit us at pteranodon terrace,


Right now, I should get back to my nest, but I would love to

Come and visit you sometime, though.


Oh! Heh heh! Hooray!

[Whistle blows] aah! What was that?

Just the whistle.

Oh, right. I'll have to get used to that.

[Giggling] good night, kids.

[Squawk] nighty-night.

There's a really bright star, and so's that one. You

Can kind of connect them and make pictures. You ever notice


Buddy, what are you doing?

I'm observing, tiny. See, those stars make a shape that

Looks like laura the giganotosaurus.

That's enough observing for one day, buddy. Go to sleep

Now, kids.

Buddy, I observe that everyone's really tired. Mom's

Right. You should go to sleep.


[Snoring] ha ha! Buddy!

[Giggling] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is giganotosaurus.





Now when most people think of dinosaurs, they think about

Huge tyrannosaurus rex or giganotosaurus, but while some

Dinosaurs were big, others were very small, and many of those

Big and small dinosaurs are what scientists call theropods.

What makes a dinosaur a theropod? They have toes, and

A lot of them were meat-eaters.

Now can you name some other -toed, meat-eating theropods?



That's right. Now can you name some feathered theropod

Dinosaurs that are flying around today?


Believe it or not, birds are theropods, and birds are

Dinosaurs! It's true. The dinosaurs aren't all gone. All

Those birds you see flying around in your backyard are

Really flying dinosaurs.

[Squawk] so if you ever go

Bird-watching, you're actually spotting flying theropod

Dinosaurs. Pretty amazing, huh?

So remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own

Backyard dinosaur discoveries.

What do you use feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ I'm a hungry, hungry herbivore

Plants are what I'm hungry for I don't eat insects

Don't eat critters just give me some

Of them dern fern fritters when you're a hungry herbivore

The world is full of food I always follow this simple rule

If it's green, it's good wa-hoo, we love to chew

'Cause that's our food and if it's green, it's good ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit the brachiosaurus and find out something that every

Dinosaur does, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train!

All aboard!

[Squawk] [giggling]

Ready, set, go!


Oh, that was great, kids.

You'll do wonderfully at the brachiosaurus brunch games.

I can't wait! A huge picnic and a play-date with ned

Brachiosaurus, and we get to ride the dinosaur train to the

Jurassic time period!

I know. I can't believe shiny and don didn't want to go.

Well, a diving trip with your dad is pretty exciting,


Brachiosaurus brunch! It's where we get to munch and laugh

And play with our friends all day at the brachiosaurus

Brunch! Whoo-hoo!

Uh, tiny, before we go, do you need to go potty?

No. Let's get on the dinosaur train!

Really? Because I know that tiny dance, and it's a long way

To the jurassic. If you have to go potty, you need to listen to

Your body and go.


All done! Let's get on the dinosaur train!

[Squawk] let's!

[Whistle blows] tickets, tickets, please. So

Brachiosaurus gardens. You going to the brachiosaurus


Yep! We brought picnic lunches! Carrion for buddy and

Fish for me.

Ooh, good idea! You won't find those in brachiosaurus

Gardens. They eat vegetables, which means they're herbivores

And they're herbivoracious!


I was just making a troodon joke. Voracious means really,

Really hungry like brachiosaurus. Just look at

Him. You need a lot of food to keep that body going. Why, in

One day, a single brachiosaurus can eat enough greens to fill a

Train car!

Whoa! A whole train car! If they eat that much, just think

How much they have to...you know.


Heh heh! Yeah! Poop!

Ha ha ha! We said poop!

I'm glad I'm not a brachiosaurus. I wouldn't like

It if I had to poop so much.

It's true. You'd always be doing your tiny dance.

Except it would be a giant tiny dance because you'd be a

Brachiosaurus. Do big dinosaurs dance when they have to go, or

Are they too big?

Hmm. I don't know if they all dance, but all dinosaurs

Eat, so all dinosaurs poop.

And brachiosaurus eat all the time. Oh! And speaking of

Time, it's time for the time tunnel. Brachiosaurus gardens

In the jurassic time period next stop!

Hey! You're here!


Hi! Come on! I can't wait to take you to the brachiosaurus




And there's gonna be food and games and food. Oh, oh,

Here's my family. Everyone, meet buddy and tiny pteranodon

And their mom mrs. Pteranodon.

Ha ha! Oh, nice to meet you, pteranodons. I'm brenda

Brachiosaurus, ned's mom.



Nice to meet you.

We were about to eat. Will you join us?

We'd love to. Thank you.


[Gulp] [gulp]

Mm, mm.

Wow, ned! Brachiosaurus eat a lot of leaves.

Mm-hmm. I love ginkgo leaves and ferns and conifer needles.

Want some?

No, thanks. We're fine.

Are you sure? Ok.

[Gulp] mm, mm. Delicious!

Ok, kids. Lunchtime's over.

Who'd like to race?

Me, me, me, me, me!

On your marks, get so, go!


Here I come!

Almost there!

[Cheering] and it's ned by a neck!

[Squawk] good race, you guys.

Ha ha! Thanks. Oh, ok. Snack break!

Really? You're hungry again?

Yep. I'm starving.

And you're herbivoracious.


Herbivoracious. Voracious means really, really hungry.

It's a troodon joke.

Hey, you guys. The -legged race is next.

Hooray! Buddy and I have been practicing for this.

Want to be my partner, tiny?

Yeah! And buddy can be my partner!

I don't think this is gonna work.

I know. How about a two-headed race instead?


Ha ha ha! Good idea, buddy.

You guys ready?


On your mark...

Get set...


[Laughing] here I go!

Go, ned, go!

All right, ella!


It's a tie!

Oh, phew! All that running made me hungry.

Snack time?

Snack time?

Snack time again?

Mm-hmm. Starving.

We're all playing hide-and-seek next. Want to



[Groaning] wow! You really want to play


Excuse me, brenda.

Tiny, remember what I said about listening to your body?

If you need to go potty, you really should go.

Mom, I don't want to go at some strange place in the

Jurassic. I can hold it. I think.

Psst. Tiny, I can stand guard while you go behind those

Boulders over there. You can even wait until ned closes his

Eyes so no will know.

Thanks, buddy.

Ok. I'll close my eyes and count. , , , , , , , ...

All done. Thanks!

No problem!

! Ready or not, here I come!

[Gasp] hey! You guys aren't even

Hiding. I thought you wanted to play.

We do. We just, um-- we ran out of time. We were

Gonna hide behind these boulders, but--

Ha ha ha! Boulders? Those aren't boulders, tiny. They're


Stools? Like the things you sit on? They don't look very


No! You don't want to sit on those. They're, you know,

Dinosaur feces.


What are feces?

You know, poops!

No way!

Those are poops?

But they're huge!

And there's a gazillion of them!

Well, we're big dinosaurs, and we eat so much, we poop a


But they're right out here in the middle of everything.

Don't you need to go, you know, behind something when you poop?

What could I go behind? It's kind of tough to hide a


Hmm. You have a point, ned.

Yep! When we have to go, we just go. Like that!

[Whistle] [boom]


That's a brachiosaurus poop?


It's the size of a big rock!

That is so cool!

Ha ha ha!

Hey! Your poops are all kind of green. Is that because of

All the green stuff you eat?

I guess. I never really thought about it.

It is, buddy. All poop is the waste part of what we eat,

So different species have different poops depending on

What they eat.

I have a hypothesis. What we eat and don't use turns into

Poop, but even poop can be food for this little beetle. Look.

He's rolling some of it away.

Huh. Interesting hypothesis, buddy. So nothing is wasted,

Not even our waste.

But one thing's for sure.

Since everybody eats something, everybody poops.

And the more you eat, the more you poop. Believe me. I


I guess you're right. I always got so embarrassed by

It, but now I can really see that it's no big deal.

Everybody poops. Mom, I don't think I'll have to do my tiny

Dance so much anymore. When I have to go potty, I'll just

Duck behind a bush and go.

That's great, tiny. I'm so proud of you.

[Squawk] [train whistle blows]

Oh! The dinosaur train! It's just about time to leave.

Brenda, thanks so much for having us.

Sure, mrs. Pteranodon. Come back soon.

Bye! Thanks for the games, ned!

Bye, buddy and tiny! See you next time!

Tickets, tickets, please!

Oh, hello, buddy and tiny. How was the brachiosaurus brunch?

It was great!

Yeah! We learned all about brachiosaurus poop!

Oh, ho--poop? Is that so?

Uh, ahem. W-w-what'd you learn?

I can't really say, but I can sing!

♪ Today, I found out something new

And everyone else should learn it, too

Guess what every dinosaur poops

For every critter of every species

The food we don't use turns to feces

Call it a stool or call it scat

But everyone does it and that is that

Every dinosaur poops my mama told me

That everyone knows when a dino's got to go

A dino's got to go ♪ I just went a minute ago!

♪ Carnivores, herbivores even omnivores

Every dinosaur poops ♪ [cheering]

That was a good tune! Ha ha ha!

Uh-oh. Mom, I got to go potty.

Ok, tiny. Off you go to the restroom.

[Muttering] [toilet flushes]

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Now you all

Know that animals have to eat, but did you know that all

Animals have to poop, as well?

Like whales.

Like beetles.

And all dinosaurs pooped, as well.

Dinosaur poop?

Paleontologists like me have actually found fossilized

Dinosaur poop that we call coprolites.


Are they squishy or smelly?

Nope. Dinosaur coprolites are poop that's turned into

Rock-hard fossils. We study them by using microscopes to

Check out what's inside. The coprolite of a plant-eating

Dinosaur, like a brachiosaurus, might have bits of chewed-up

Branches and leaves. The coprolite of a meat-eater, like

Tyrannosaurus, will have bits of teeth and bone inside. So

Coprolites can tell us a lot about what kinds of foods

Dinosaurs ate. Ok. Remember, get outside, get into nature,

And make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the jurassic. It was a warm, damp climate full

Of both jungles and forests.

The first known birds and many of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the jurassic, and that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur train!

♪ And we figured it out ♪ ♪ we figured it out ♪

♪ We worked together and figured it out ♪

[Laughing] wow! Great!

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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