01x13 - Hootin' Hadrosaurs!/Surprise Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x13 - Hootin' Hadrosaurs!/Surprise Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're going

To visit our friends cory and perry. They're different

Species, but they're both hadrosaurs. So come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [giggling]

I'm so excited. I can jump all day.

And I could tweak my beak.


And I could hoot a hoot.

♪ Da da da da da da, hoot! ♪ Yep, nothing's better than a

Play date at corythosaurus canyon.

With our musical pal cory.

♪ Da da da da da da, hoot! ♪ Yes, yes, we're all very

Excited, but since I'm pretending to be your mom for

The day, I say don't get too excited. You'll be too tired to

Enjoy our play date.

Tired? We just rolled out of the nest.

[Whistle blows] huh?

[Gasps] there's the dinosaur train.

Line up single-file, oldest to youngest. That means me first.

[Squawks] excuse me, shiny. I think I

Might be the oldest by just a little.

Oh. Right. Ok, mom. The pteranodon family is present

And ready for a play date. Psst!

[Squawks] I'm playing mom today.

Oh. You're doing a wonderful job so far. Kids, let's head to

The dinosaur train.



Left, right, left, right, left. Left , right, left,

Right, left. Then look straight, mind your wings...

Shiny really likes playing mom.

Yeah. She's really good at it.

[Giggles] take your seats, everyone.

Buddy, no slouching. Tiny, sit down!

We never had to do any of this stuff on the dinosaur

Train before.

I was never mom before. Now that I am, you should listen to

Me and do what I say.


Tickets. Tickets, please.

Ooh, corythosaurus canyon. Puts a song in my heart just to say

It. Heh! You know, the hadrosaurs that live in that

Part of the cretaceous-- excuse me, mr. Conductor,

But this is my second trip to corythosaurus canyon, so I know

All about it.

Y-you do?

Sure. I learned all there is to learn about cory on our last

Trip. May i?

Well, heh!

This is a corythosaurus, and this is their crest.

Shiny's pretending to be mom today.

Only way more strict.

I see. Well, she seems to be doing my explaining job.

Ahem. Our friend cory corythosaurus makes beautiful

Music with her crest.

That's right, and cory uses her crest to communicate with

Others. Now, question, miss shiny: is cory a hadrosaur?

Um, yes, I'm pretty sure.

Ding! Yeah, cory's a hadrosaur.

Inew it!

And isn't "hadrosaur" the name for all dinosaurs that have

Those duck bills?

Ding! Heh! You know the hadro--

Buddy, don't interrupt!


As I was saying, hadrosaur is the name for all dinosaurs

With duck bills.

And they walk on two legs.

Do they all make music like cory?

I have a hypothesis. If other hadrosaurs have longer or

Shorter crests than corythosaurus, they might make

Different sounds.

Hmm. Interesting hypothesis, buddy.

I was just going to say that.

[Giggling] please, qet down! I'm

Still mom.

Are you going to be mom forever?

Actually, shiny, mom--that's me--would like to be mom again.

Ding! Ding!

Thank you for your hadrosaur lesson.

I could go on.

No, thank you.

Speaking of hadrosaurs, we're getting closer to seeing them

For real, because...

Time tunnel!

Time tunnel!

[Bell rings] next stop, corythosaurus canyon,

In another part of the cretaceous time period!

Oh, I'm glad you kids could come visit. Cory's playing by

The amphitheater.

Thank you, mrs. Corythosaurus. We'll keep

A lookout.

And aisten out.

[Giggling] [high-pitched toot]

[All gasp] cory!

Hi, guys. It's so great you came to have a play date with


So, want to play a game?

Actually, since we're visiting cory, I say we play



I've got it all worked out.

Cory, you will toot and hoot, using your crest.

[Squawks] [high-pitched toot]

And team pteranodon will pound on things to keep the


Yeah! A rapping beat that makes me dance.

♪ La la loo! ♪ Don, no dancing and no

La-la-looing. Just tap that small rock with this stick.

Keep the beat.

[Sighs] buddy, tiny, you pound these

Sticks on this rock and this hollow log.

[Sighs] I'm the leader. Ready to do

As I say and have a good time?

[Crickets chirp] ahem.


Good! A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three.

[Tooting] [beating rocks and log in

Rhythm] cory, you sound great, and

You guys are keeping a really good beat.

[Lower-pitched toot] wait. Hold up. Stop,

Everyone. Who made that weird sound?

Not me.

Let's try again. Ready?

A-one, a-two, a-one-two-- [low toot]

[Giggling] where is that coming from?

Heh heh! I guess we're playing hide 'n' hoot after all.

[Low toot] up there. Look.

Oh, why'd you stop? It sounded hot.

Perry, come down and meet my other friends.

Perry parasaurolophus, meet buddy, tiny, shiny, and don.

Nice to meet you all. Perry's my name, music's my game.

And I bet you use your amazing-looking crest to make

Sounds, just like other hadrosaurs.

Right, buddy. I always carry my instrument with me. That's

My crest. And I use it to call back and forth with my mom and


[Toots notes] whoa!

So, perry, I see you and cory are both hadrosaurs. You both

Have crests, but your crest is different than cory's.

It's longer.

That's why it sounds different. I can actually make

The sound go up and down.

[Plays high note, lower note] wow! Cory, can we hear your

Hoot again so we can compare it to perry's?

[Higher-pitched toot] [lower toot]

Whoa! My hypothesis was right. Longer crests make

Different sounds. They're lower.

Right, buddy. Check this out.

I know something we can all do.

Let's jam!





That means "let's play music."

Oh! We love music!

And dancing.


You can dance to our song.

A-one, two-- excuse me, perry. I happen to

Be the leader here. I already gave don a job.

A job? We have jobs?

You follow my lead like everyone else. A-one, a-two,

A-one, two, three.

[Cory hooting in rhythm] [perry tooting a lively tune]

Stop! Everybody stop!

What's the matter, shiny?

Yeah. We were sounding hot.

Perry's crest is too loud, and he wasn't playing along

With our song.

I was improvising.


Sure. It's how I play. It means there's no right or wrong

Sounds. You make it up. Play what you feel.

That sounds really silly.

Your way is fine, but maybe we could try a new way to play.

I already-- guys, music brings dinosaurs

Together. I just know we can find a way to play as a group.

Sounds good to me.

But that's not what I planned! I think maybe I'll go

See what the grownups are doing.

[Sighs] there goes our play date.

Ah! That's too bad, shiny.

You had an important part to play.


Sure. See, with improvisation, we all have to be

Here to make music.

We're doing it together.

And we can't all do it if you're not here, shiny.


I think you're a real star, waiting to shine bright.

Heh! Well, they don't call me shiny for nothing. Let's jam.

[All clamoring] [shiny scatting]


Way to shine, shiny.

Thanks, perry. I'm having so much fun! I don't want to stop.

Hey, I have an idea. Before we go home, let's put on a

Concert for our moms.

Yeah! A concert! Let's do it!

[Music begins] ♪ I used to play

Straight up and neat I used to walk

To the same old beat I didn't know

What I was missing oh, would you all listen?

Now the music I play is sweet!

I like to sing so free like the be-bopping birdies

At the top of the tree I've found a new way

To sing a song bop bop bop bop

Hear the bees in the trees and I breeze along with them

I play and sway to the loosey-goosey rhythm

I've found a new way to sing a song

Boo doo doo doo ba da I thought there was

One way to play but perry showed me

A brand-new way now I'm really swinging

The song is really ringing you can hear me sing all day

'Cause I like to sing so free like the be-bopping birdies

At the top of the tree I've found a new way

To sing a song ba da ♪

Listen up, guys! I got wise!

♪ I learned the way to improvise

I like to sing so free like the be-bopping birdies

At the top of the tree I've found a new way

To sing a song got a lot of bebop, yeah! ♪

Ha ha ha! That was wonderful!

[Train whistle blows] hey, who made that

Funny-sounding note?

You mean the train whistle?

Oops. That's the note.

[All laugh] good one, shiny.

What a day. It was great to meet perry and learn about


[Hoots] yes, it was a great day.

No more hooting now, kids. Time for sleep.

'Night, mom.

[Shiny scatting] ♪ good night

Pteranodon family ♪ [giggling]

And shh.

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist. And this is






Right. Parasaurolophus had one outstanding feature that's

Hard to miss.

Its crest.

Yeah, the head crest on parasaurolophus is amazing.

Paleontologists aren't sure, but we think that the crest may have

Been used to make the animal look bigger and to make sounds.

Much like bird calls, parasaurolophus probably made

Sounds to communicate with others of its kind. The hooting

Could have been used to defend territory.

This is my territory!

Or tell other animals of approaching predators.

There's a tyrannosaur over there!

Or simply let other parasaurolophus know where to

Find them.

Yo, I'm way over here.

Other dinosaurs besides parasaurolophus had bony crests

On their heads, like lambeosaurus. And some animals

Alive today have head crests that you definitely can't miss.

For example, the crested chameleon. It doesn't make

Sounds with its head crest, but it certainly attracts attention.

Hello, hello, hello.

Good-looking guy, huh?

Ok, remember, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Buddy has a hypothesis.

What do you use your feathers for?

I have a hypothesis.

I have a hypothesis.

I have a new hypothesis to test out.

Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer.

So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word hypothesis. It means an idea

You can test.

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today on the

Dinosaur train, we're going to have a special party for buddy,

But shh! It's a surprise, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

[All laughing and clamoring] hey! Kick it to me, don!



Ha ha ha!

Hey! I'll get it.

[Squawks] shiny, don, let's huddle. Ok,

So tomorrow is buddy's birthday.

It's all of our birthdays.

We all hatched the same day.

Yeah, but buddy loves surprises, so we want to come up

With the perfect birthday surprise for him, so let's

Think. What should we do for buddy?

Mmm, we can go to the big pond.

Well, that's one idea, but what place does buddy really

Like going to the very most?

[All gasp] the dinosaur train!

We'll have a big birthday party on the train for buddy!

Good idea. Let's go tell him.

Wait, don! We'll make it a surprise party for buddy.

Ooh, I'm not good at surprises. How can I keep it a


Well, try hard. We'll help ya.

A surprise party on the dinosaur train for buddy?

I love that idea.

Good thinking, team. This will be so great. Uh--

[Coughs] hello, son.

Hi, dad. What are you talking about?

About how we're going to have a big--

A big what?

A big, uh, dinner. Oh, yes, a very big dinner. Heh heh!

Let me guess. We're having fish?

Yes, fish! Heh heh! Hooray.

I love fish. Come on. Let's kick the gourd.

Can we invite friends to the party?

Yeah! Like t*nk triceratops and cory corythosaurus.

And oren and ollie ornithomimus.

Ooh, ooh, and annie tyrannosaurus.

That's a good group of friends. We'll make sure they

All know about the party tomorrow.

I'll fly over to the train station and talk to the

Conductor about buddy's surprise party. Ha ha ha!

Hey, tiny, don! You coming?

Don, remember, shh! It's a secret.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

[Giggles] [crickets chirping]

[Birds squawk] oh, I'm so excited! Today is

The day of buddy's big surprise party.

Kids, it's almost time to get down to the train station.

Where is buddy?

He and don went down to the beach.

Will you go and get them, tiny?

[Squawks] sure.

Hey, buddy, don, what you doing?

Looking at bugs. Buddy found something interesting.

I think it's a beetle, because it has legs and a

Shiny shell, and it looks like it has wings. I bet it can fly.

Hey, look! Another one.

Don, I think they're communicating with each other.

Heh heh heh!

Um, come on back to the nest, ok?

Can we come in a minute?

I just really want to watch these beetles.

[Squawks] what are you all doing?

They're looking at beetles, and I can't get them to stop.

Come on, don. It's time.

Time for what? Oh, yeah!

Today's the big su-- today's the big what?

[Squawks] kids! I've got an idea. Why

Don't we take a mystery ride on the dinosaur train?

Ooh! That sounds really fun!

Where would the mystery ride take us, mom?

Well, that's the mystery.

[Giggling] believe it or not, I'm not

Really sure I want to ride the dinosaur train today.

[Gasps] but, buddy, you always want to

Go on the dinosaur train.

Yeah! You're like mr. Dinosaur train. We could

Look at the caboose.

Yeah, or, um, hang out with ned.

But if I don't go today, it'll just make the next time


But we can't go without you.

Sure you can. Go ahead. I'll stay here with my beetles.

Buddy's right. He is busy watching his beetles. You can

Go without him.

Thanks, don.


Oh, right. Buddy, you have to go on the dinosaur train today.

You love the dinosaur train.

Did you forget?

Hey, look at them now.

It looks like they're building something. I wonder if beetles

Make nests.

Buddy, I know who would know all about beetles.

You do? Who?

The conductor.

You could take the beetles to the conductor and ask him stuff.

And get amazing answers.

Ok. Let's take the beetles and go ride the dinosaur train.

Yeah, come on. Let's not be late for the--

Late for what?

Late to catch the dinosaur train. Remember, it's on a

Tight schedule. Ha ha!

[All squawk] [giggling]

[Train whistle blows] hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Ok, line up. Buddy, you first. All aboard!

Tickets, please. Tickets.

[Gasps] oh. Anything speal going on


Funny you should ask, mr. Conductor. I found these

Guys on the beach near our nest.

I wanted to ask you if they're beetles.

Oh. Great horns and mandibles! They are beetles,


What do you know about them?

Hmm. I think I have a copy of "the big book of beetles"


"The big book of beetles"?

Yes. It should be in the caboose. What do you say we all

Go back there and see?

The caboose?

Come on, everyone.

Hello, mrs. Giganotosaurus.

Hello, buddy. Hello, pteranodon family.

Hi, laura!

Do you know what, buddy?

There's a couple of friends of yours in the caboose.

I wonder if you'd remember them.

Really? Who?

Well, one of them has horns and a big, bony frill.

t*nk triceratops?

And I'm a herbivore!

I eat plants.


Hi, buddy.

High two!

Oh, yes. And there's another friend in the caboose. She has

A crest that hoots.

Cory corythosaurus?

[Giggles] hi, buddy.

[Hoots] I almost forgot. Two friends

Of yours--twins. And they're very, very fast dinosaurs.

Oren and ollie ornithomimus?

Hey, buddy.

Hey, buddy.

Hi, mrs. P.

And you must be mr. P.

Hi, shiny. Hi, tiny, hi, don.

Hi, laura. Hi, cory. Hi, t*nk.

Did we miss anybody? Hi, everyone.

Is there anyone else in the caboose?

One more. She's got teeth like yours, -toed feet, and

Two-fingered hands.

Annie tyrannosaurus!

Buddy! Rowrr! High two!

Don, it's your line. Go ahead.

Huh? Oh. Surprise!

Happy birthday, buddy!

Happy birthday. Whoa. Sorry I'm late. I move kinda slow.

And we move really fast.

Yeah, happy birthday.

Wow. Thanks, everybody, and happy birthday to you, too,

Tiny, shiny, and don.

We all hatched the same day.

[Squawks] happy birthday to all of you

Wonderful kids.

Buddy, I couldn't believe you said you didn't want to come

Today. You always want to ride the dinosaur train.

[Giggles] well, your surprise sure worked.

I'm so glad we surprised you.

It was really hard for me not to tell you about the party.

You kept a secret really well.

[Squawks] I am so proud of you, don.

Ok, buddy, cover your eyes.

What? More surprises?

Woo woo! Coming through.

Open your eyes, buddy!

Whoa! A cake shaped like the dinosaur train.

In your favorite flavor.


Come on, everybody. Let's eat.

[All clamoring] boy, what a perfect day.

First we looked at beetles.

Turns out they're cretaceous blue ground beetles. What do

You know!

And then I got to spend the rest of the day with my family

And all of my friends on my favorite thing in the whole


The dinosaur train!


[All clamoring] [sniffling]

That's beautiful, buddy, and so well-said. I love trains, too.

In fact, it reminds me of a song.

A song? Sing it! Please!

Oh, ho ho! Gee. Ha ha ha!

I don't know if you really want me to sing a song.

Come on! Sing it! Please?

[Music begins] ♪ every day I go

Down to the station and look on down

The shinin' tracks when I hear that old

Lonesome whistle blowin' and I'm so glad that

Old train is comin' back 'cause I love trains ♪

Whoo whoo!

♪ I just love trains and I can't explain

But I won't complain I only know

That I love trains well, I love the way

They steam and whistle ♪ whoo! Whoo!

♪ Ridin' tracks made of shinin' steel

Hear it comin' miles away I want to ride it every day

And I feel that mighty engine drive the wheels

'Cause I love trains ♪ whoo! Whoo!

♪ I just love trains ♪ ho ho! Yeah!

♪ But I can't explain and I won't complain

I only know that I love trains ♪

♪ I love the tinder I love the brakes ♪

♪ I love the sounds that the drivers make ♪

♪ I love the gauges I love the pump

Everything about it makes me want to jump

On a train did I mention

That I love trains? ♪ Ha ha ha!

♪ Well, I can't explain but I won't complain

I only know that I love trains ♪

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Whoo! Whoo!

[All cheering] hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist. Can you name this animal?

Where is it?

Well, it's right down there.

I don't see it.

In front of you.

I can see it. It's a beetle.

That's right. Beetles are some of the most amazing and

Successful creatures of all time. Millions of different

Kinds of beetles live all over the earth today, and millions

More lived alongside the dinosaurs. Some beetles are

Pretty big and some are teeny-tiny. Some live in trees

Or water, others in caves or deserts. Some beetles eat

Potatoes and others eat poop.

All beetles can crawl around, and most beetles can fly. And

Fireflies are beetles that flash a light from their body.

So the next time you see one of these amazing little creatures,

Think about all those beetles that lived alongside the

Dinosaurs millions of years ago.

Ok, get outside, get into nature, and make your own

Beetle discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appear during is time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannaurus rex and flying

Creatures like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous. And

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ Being a big dino might be cool but how about us little ones?

I think we rule.

We've got the power we got the power

We got the mighty and tiny power! Yeah! ♪

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train we're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪ [captioned by the national
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