01x14 - The Theropod Club/Hatching Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x14 - The Theropod Club/Hatching Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're going

Back to the jurassic time period to visit a meat-eating

Dinosaur called allosaurus, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] buddy, step back. The

Dinosaur train will be here very soon.

I know, mom. I'm just so excited! I c't wait to get on

The train for our meeting of the theropod club.

[Squawk] I know you're excited, buddy.

Yeah! I love being with my favorite group of

Dinosaurs--theropods! We all stomp around on legs, have

Toes, and sharp teeth! Ha ha!

Buddy loves being a theropod.

[Whistle blows] there it is! Come on,

Dinosaur train!

Well, hello, pteranodon family. I know some theropods

In the observation car that are waiting for someone, maybe



All aboard!

Hi, laura. Hi, everybody.

Hello, buddy.

Hey, buddy!

Welcome to the theropod club.

Hello, everybody. Laura, I'll be in the passenger coach

If you need me. Have a good meeting. Bye, buddy!


Well, now we're all here, we can begin our theropod club


I love being with my favorite group in the world,


Hey. Let's do our theropod cheer.

Go, theropods, go! Big or small, fast or slow...

We walk on two legs...

With -toed feet...

And a theropod's favorite food is meat!

[All roar] let's go!

[Laughter] tiny!

I was, uh, looking out the window.

Come sit down with me, dear.

[Roaring and laughter] the other day I was talking

To the conductor about theropods, and we agreed

Theropods are amazingly great.

It's true!

Well, we certainly are an interesting group. We live

Throughout the mesozoic era and all over the world.

And even though we may have different features--derek has

His deinonychus claw, angela with your awesome avisaurus

Wings, and I only have two fingers--we all share some


The ones in our theropod cheer.

And that's what makes us theropods.

[Roar] so, buddy, do you have a

Hypothesis for us today?

Not yet. Wait! Here's one.

My hypothesis is I love the theropod club.

[Laughter] go, theropods, go!

Hello, tiny.

[Squawk] I mean, yes?

You can go in but only if you know the theropod special


Uh, go, theropods?

Ha! Good enough for me. In you go.

[Gulp] hi, tiny. What are you doing?

I'm, uh, looking for my junior conductor hat. It's, uh,



[Chirps] no hat in sight. Sorry.

Hmm. Too bad, but thanks.

How's the club meeting going?



Well, I better check on mom.


Bye. Hmm.

[Sighs] oh, laura, I forgot--because

I do forget--where's the club going today?

Today we're going to meet one of my favorite theropods,

An allosaurus in the jurassic time period. His name is alvin.

So alvin is a carnivore, right?

He is. Alvin always has lots of fresh meat for his visitors.

Fresh meat? Sounds great!

Yeah. We theropods can eat it with our sharp teeth. Rawwr!

Ha ha ha!

So now do you have a hypothesis?

Actually, I do. My hypothesis is that alvin will

Have the same theropod features as me, the same feet, the same

Teeth, and a long tail.

[Laughing] mom, I'm gonna check on

Buddy to make sure he's ok.

I'm sure buddy's just fine, tiny. He's just in the next

Car, but you can check on him if you'd like.

[Squawk] ooh! Beep beep!

Sorry, mr. Conductor.

Oh. I know it's hard not to be included in the theropod

Club meeting, tiny.

But I'm not a theropod. Why would I want to be in your club


Well, I bet it's not as much fun to ride the train without


He's just in the car next door.

[Sigh] I guess maybe it's not as much

Fun without buddy.

I understand. Oh, but you know what? Right now, I need

Some help.

You do?

Oh, yeah! And badly! I need you to be my junior conductor.

Ha ha ha!

It's that time, tiny. Ahem.

, , ...

[Inhales] time tunnel! Time tunnel


Oh, the time tunnel. Excuse me.

Next stop allosaurus forest!

Allosaurus forest in the jurassic time period!


[Laughing] so the theropod club is

Getting off at allosaurus forest?

Yeah! We're all gonna meet alvin the allosaurus. He's a


Hmm. Guess I'll just hang around the station and read

Brochures or something.

Tiny, we'll have our own adventure. We can explore and

Have a picnic.

Oh, miss tiny, would you like to come along with the

Theropod club?

Thanks, laura! Mom, can I go?

[Squawk] that's very nice of you, laura.

In fact, I'd like to tag along.

It's been a while since I've been in the jurassic.

Great! Let's all go! Go, theropods! Oh, and pterosaurs,


Ha ha ha!

Oh, look. There's alvin. I can see him from here. Alvin!


The theropod club is here!

Hey, hey! Get on over here!

Alvin, delighted to see you again.

Oh. Ho ho! You, too, laura.

Meet the theropod club. This is buddy, derek, and angela and

Our guests mrs. Pteranodon and tiny.

Friends, I have but one thing to say. Go, theropods!

Go, theropods, go! Big or small, fast or slow...

We walk on two legs...

With -toed feet...

And a theropod's favorite food is meat!

[All roar] let's go!

[Lauter] ooh. Hey. Who's up for a

Walk back to my nest? I have a special theropod surprise

Waiting there for us.

That sounds wonderful.

Please. Join us, pterosaurs.

Why, thank you, alvin.

[Chirps] see all those ferns growing

There. Good eats if you like greens.

Not us. We're theropods!

[Laughing] are those conifers?

Good eye, buddy. Those trees are all over this part of the


Alvin, I was wondering what does your name mean, allosaurus?

Well, wonder no more, little brother. Allosaurus means

Different lizard.

Ooh. Different lizard. Cool.

Take a look, buddy, and see what's different about me.

Let's see. Our heads are sort of the same.

But alvin has those two big shapes over his eyes.

Yeah. They're kind of like horns.

Pfft. I could see that.

What are they for, giving head-butts?

Ha ha ha! Naw. My horns are mostly for display for others

To see them, but they make great eye shades for the sun.

It's hot in the jurassic.


And you've got fingers like laura.

And me.

Yep! And I've just got two, but we're all still theropods.

Ha ha ha!

[Sigh] well, not all of us.

Oh. Ooh.

[Sniffing] hey. I smell the special


[Sniffing] fresh meat!

I smell it, too!

Awesome! Yeah! Let's go!

Well, let's all go chow down!

Welcome to my home. Ok, g*ng.

Time to eat.

[Cheering] um, alvin, excuse me, please.

[Crying] tiny, are you ok?

No, I'm not! All day it's theropods this, theropods that!

Eating meat, comparing horns and fingers! Ugh!

I'm sorry you're upset, tiny. I didn't mean to make you

Feel bad.

It's not your fault, buddy.

I know I'm not a theropod, but i--i just wish I was in the


Tiny, of course you can be in the club.

I can?

You don't have to be a theropod. You just have to like


Thank you, laura, thank you, thank you, thank you! And I do

Like theropods! I like all of you!

We all have our own features. That's what makes

Every one of us special, like you. Hey, everyone! Tiny's in

The theropod club!

Yay! Tiny, tiny, tiny!

You know, tiny, our theropod club needs a smart member to be

Club secretary, and you'd be perfect.

What's the club secretary do?

You would take notes and run the meetings.

That's sounds fun. Can we have a meeting on the dinosaur

Train going home?

I don't see why not.

[Train whistle blows] [squawk]

Speaking of which, it's time to head back to the train.

Bye, alvin! Great to meet you! Thanks for lunch!

Go, theropods club!

[Roars] attention, theropod club.

First, old business. The old business is that tiny thought

She wasn't allowed in the theropod club. Then laura said

Of course tiny could be in the club.

[Cheering] now the new business. I

Think we can improve our theropod club rhyme.

Hmm. Ok. How about "theropods, we're not odd"?

"We have toes and a powerful nose"?

Those are good suggestions, but how about "theropods have

-Toed feet, lots of teeth for eating meat, big, long tails to

Balance well, and theropods have a great sense of smell"?

Go, theropods, go!

[Cheering] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott,

The paleontologist, and this is allosaurus.




Allosaurus lived in north america during the jurassic

Time period. That was millions of years before tyrannosaurus

And pteranodon lived. In its day, allosaurus was one of the

Most feared dinosaurs, and allosaurus had a lot of cool


A big tail.

Big claws.

Big teeth.

Big dinosaur!

Right. Allosaurus had a big tail to help balance its huge

Body, big claws for holding onto its prey, and big teeth

For cutting through meat like a steak knife. Paleontologists

Like me know a lot about allosaurus because we've

Discovered thousands of their fossil bones. In utah, we've

Found so many allosaurus bones that this big meat-eater was

Named the state fossil.


But even though paleontologists know many

Things about dinosaurs, we still have a lot to learn. In

Fact, we have a lot to learn about all of nature, so who

Knows? Maybe one day, you'll discover something brand-new,

But for now, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

What do you use feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ Every day, I go down to the station

And look on down the shining tracks

Then I hear that old lonesome whistle blowing

And I'm so glad that old train is coming back

Because I love trains ♪ ♪ whoo whoo ♪

♪ I just love trains well, I can't explain

But I won't complain I only know that I love trains ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit the corythosaurus family and learn all about

Dinosaur eggs, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

[Humming "rock-a-bye baby"] I know that song. That's the

Lullaby you sang to us when we were little.

You're right, tiny. I guess it's running through my head

Since we're going to visit cory corythosaurus' mom and see all

Her eggs.

Cory must be so excited.

She's gonna have new little brothers and sisters.

I can't wait to see the eggs. I wonder what they'll

Look like.

Maybe her eggs will have crests like cory.

Maybe. I wish we could see what our eggs look like.

Don's collection!

I'm gonna catch the most fish ever.


Hey, don. Do you still have your eggshell from when you


Sure. I have it in my collection.


Let's see. Buddy's teeth, weird rock shaped like a

Triceratops. Aha! Look at me.

I'm hatching!

[Giggling] oh, don.

Buddy, tiny, time to catch the dinosaur train.

Come on, buddy. We'll see more eggs at corythosaurus

Canyon. Bye, don! Have fun fishing with dad!


[Train whistle blows] well, hello, pteranodon


Hello, mr. Conductor.

Velma velociratpor and trudy triceratops tell me you're

Having an egg-hatching party.

Yep. We get to see corythosaurus eggs.

You sure will. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] tickets, tickets, please.

Mr. Conductor, have you ever seen corythosaurus eggs?

Oh, sure. Working on the dinosaur train, I've seen all

Kinds of eggs.

What's the biggest dinosaur egg you've ever seen?

Do all dinosaur species eggs look different?

Do moms watch their eggs the whole time before they hatch?

Oh! And how do moms know when their eggs are gonna hatch?

Very good questions, kids.

Stupendous questions. That means fantastic. So let's see

If I can get you some fantastic answers.

Hee hee hee!

Dinosaur eggs--eggs of all different creatures

Really--come in different sizes. Some eggs can get kind

Of big.

Like a giganotosaurus egg. I bet that's the size of a

Dinosaur train car.

Good hypothesis, buddy, but actually not the case. Even the

Biggest dinosaur eggs are about the size of a dinoball gourd.

Now you asked about the moms.

Ahem! Sorry to interrupt, but I think you'll get the best

Answers to those questions from some moms.

It's true. There's nothing moms know more about than being


Aw. Doesn't it seem like yesterday when the kids were

All eggs?

Little eggs in our family nest, pteranodons and one t.


Did my egg look the same as tiny and shiny and don's?

Not quite the same. Look.

It's a little bigger and a different color.

And I definitely knew when you and your brother and

Sisters would be hatching, even before it happened. I could

Just feel it.

I had the same feeling with my eggs, too. All the moms in

My herd knew when it was hatching time.

We had all laid eggs at the same time, and we watched over

Them together. We guarded them in all kinds of weather, and we

Kept them safe from dinosaurs who wanted to harm the eggs.

Even after the babies hatched, all the moms worked together to

Care for them, circling up to feed and protect them.

Look! It's baby t*nk!

He's adorable.

Of course, my little triceratops couldn't settle for

Just the food we moms brought to him.

[Laughing] t*nk!

My velociraptor herd helped watch and feed valerie, too,

And I was so grateful. With all the work to raise a child, I'm

Telling you, it takes a herd.

Did valerie actually have feathers when she hatched?

Did her egg have feathers?

Oh, no. No feathers on her egg. That's why I sat on her

Egg. I used my feathers to keep her warm.

You sat on her?

Weren't you afraid you'd smush her?

Oh, not a chance. I happen to be an expert in just the

Right amount of posterior pressure.

She means her bottom.

Ha ha ha!


Valerie did have feathers when she hatched, though,

Teeny, tiny feathers.


It's sometimes hard to believe we were all little

Babies once.

Even the conductor was once a little baby!


Hello, son! You never leave the dinosaur train. I figured

If I wanted to see you I'd have to ride!

Oh, mom.

And I'm glad I did. Gives me the chance to tell stories of

You as an egg. That is, if you want to hear them.


Well, you know how smart we troodons are, so when we lay

Our eggs, we always lay them in interesting patterns.

Did you lay your eggs in a circle?

Oh, no, buddy. With sonny here and his little brothers

And sisters, I laid the eggs two by two in row after row

Alongside other troodon moms, but I'll tell you, from the

Second your conductor, my sonny boy, hatched, he was smart as a

Whip, even for a troodon!

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

He's so cute!

Well, moving on. Ahem.

Thanks for sharing all your mom stories, even you, mom.

Yeah. They were great.

And I have a new hypothesis.

I think all dinosaur babies hatch from eggs.

Mr. Conductor, can you think of a dinosaur that doesn't

Hatch from an egg?

Nope. All dinosaurs do hatch from eggs.

I bet other creatures that aren't dinosaurs come from

Eggs, too, like insects and birds.

Very good, hypotheses, tiny and buddy.

I think you're both right.

They are right. All dinosaurs do hatch from eggs,

And some other creatures do, too. Smart observations.

Ooh! Very smart. Are you sure you two aren't part

Troodon? Ha ha ha!

Hang on, everyone. Looks like it's time for the time

Tunnel. Time tunnel approaching! Next stop

Corythosaurus canyon in another part of the cretaceous time


[Giggling] have fun with those

Corythosaurus eggs.

And give corrine my congratulations on her new

Little bundles of joy just like mine!

Aw, mom!

We will! Bye!

[Corythosaurus hoots] buddy, tiny, mrs.

Pteranodon, hi!

Hi, cory!

Our nest is right over here!

Come on. I'll show you.

[Hoots] hi, everyone. Welcome to my

Nest. I'm so glad you all came to visit.

[Squawk] it's a lovely place to hatch

Eggs, corrine.

Your nest is amazing. Did you build it yourself?

Cory and I did. We dug the nest and put some plants and

Leaves over the eggs. It keeps them warm. Look.


So sweet.


I sit with my eggs to make sure they're warm and safe and

To be here when they hatch of course.

But you don't sit on your eggs because you don't want to

Smush them, right? Too much posterior pressure.

Ha ha ha! You're right, tiny. I think I may be just a

Little too big to sit on these eggs.

Oh, corri. Here's a little something in honor of the big


Oh! Thank you so much.

Ooh! Goodness! I think my eggs are hatching!

Look! They're moving!

That means the babies must be moving inside.

You're right, buddy. It's time.

Look! A crack!

They're hatching! They're hatching!


Mama! Mama!

No, babies. We're not your mama. We're your friends. I'm

Buddy, and this is my sister tiny.

That's your mama.


That's right, little ones.

I'm your mommy, and I love you with all my heart.

And I'm your sister. I'm cory.

[Hoots] [hoot]

Whoa! They just hatched, and they already can hoot!

Look. They're doing a I just hatched and hooted baby dance.

[All laughing] [hooting]


Oh! I got another idea.

Let's play follow the leader.

Come on. Follow me!

You can do it. Come on.

Mom, mrs. Corythosaurus, look.

My babies! They're walking.

Oh! That is so precious.

You kids are wonderful with babies. Thank you, buddy and

Tiny and cory.

You're welcome.

It wasn't so long ago when buddy and tiny were babies


Yeah. We hatched out of eggs just like you guys. Did you

Know that all dinosaurs hatch out of eggs?

Mom, what were buddy and I like when we were babies.

Were we just like the corythosaurus babies when we


I've already told you about the day you hatched.

Can you tell us again?


[Hooting] look, mom! The babies want

To hear the story, too.

All right. The day you were hatched was a beautiful summer

Day. I had been watching you closely because your eggs had

All been wiggling all morning.

Well, we waited and waited and waited, and then finally...

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Do you know

What this is?

It's an egg.

Yes, that's an egg.

Did you know that all dinosaurs were hatched from

Eggs? That's right, just like birds. Of course, small

Dinosaurs hatched from small eggs, but even the largest

Dinosaurs, like this one...

Were hatched from eggs no bigger than a basketball. If

Eggs get too large, the shell becomes so thick that no air

Can get inside to the growing dinosaur, so even dinosaur eggs

Couldn't get too big. Amazing, huh?

So when you see a mother bird with her eggs, you can think,

"Wow! That's how all dinosaurs were born." Ok. Remember, get

Outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries. Hey.

Pass me that egg--i mean, basketball.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the jurassic. It was a warm, damp climate full

Of both jungles and forests.

The first known birds and many of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the jurassic, and that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur train!

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ I have wings and a beak, yeah

I have wings and a beak, yeah ♪

♪ We can glide and fly, yeah

Eat bugs passing by, yeah ♪ ♪ my feet chomp

And chew, yeah check my tail out, too, yeah ♪

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train

(Whistle blow)

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train

We're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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