01x17 - Dinosaurs In The Snow/Cretaceous Conifers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x17 - Dinosaurs In The Snow/Cretaceous Conifers

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Ride to the north pole and meet my distant relatives the

Northern troodons, so come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train! All aboard!

This progra ♪ dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] I can't believe we're taking

The dinosaur train all the way to the north pole!

[Squawk] I know! I'm so excited!

You should be, kids. Today, we're gonna ride to the top of

The world.

[Cheering] this will be a great

Expedition. The north pole is so amazing in mid-winter.

Yep. With any luck, you kids are gonna see your very first



Snow! Huh? What's that?

Well, uh, gee. Ok. When water gets really cold, it

Turns into ice, and then it falls from the sky as snow. Heh.



I think I'm gonna need the conductor to explain this.

[Train whistle blows] oh! And there he comes now!

Hooray! The dinosaur train!


All aboard!

I can't wait! When it snows, I'm gonna do a snow dance.

♪ Da da da da da da dee da da ♪


Oops! Sorry, mr. The conductor.

Tickets, please!

Heh heh heh!

Well, rattle my caboose!

You're going to the north pole in mid-winter.

Yeah! We're gonna see snow!

Whatever that is.

Ahem. Well, you know how rain sometimes falls from the



When the air gets cold enough, the rain freezes and

Turns into snowflakes.


Isn't that what I said?

Ooh! They're so beautiful.

[Squawk] and shiny!

The world of dinosaurs is a very hot place, but there are

Still a few places like the north pole where it gets cold

Enough to snow once in a while, and in mid-winter, it's always

Dark up there.

You mean, it's like one long night?

Yep! For most of the winter!


This time of year, the earth tilts away from the sun, so up

North, it's dark day and night.

I have a hypothesis. Since the north pole is dark in the

Winter and it's so cold that the water freezes into snow,

There must be no dinosaurs at the north pole.

Hmm. Interesting hypothesis, buddy, but what about nocturnal

Dinosaurs like us troodons? We hunt for food at night.

Yeah, but even if troodons like the dark, it still must be

Too cold.

Even for troodons!

Well, uh, you look around up there and see if there are any

Dinosaurs. Oh, and be sure and let me know when you come back.


Whoops! Ahem. Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching, folks!

Whoa! It's night here just like the conductor said.

North pole station in another part of the cretaceous

Time period!

[Squawk] I'm glad there's a full moon.

We can see pretty well out here.

Wow! It really is cold up here. I can barely feel my


Hon, look. There's a big patch!

[Squawk] here's your snow, kids!

Wow! It's so white!

Brr! And cold!

Hey, don. Aren't you gonna do your snow dance?

Not yet. This snow isn't falling out of the sky. I think

I'll save my snow dance for when that happens.

Hey. Look, you guys! You can make the snow into balls!


Hey! See if you can hit me.


[Giggling] ha ha ha! No! Missed me! Ha

Ha ha! D'oh!


The north pole is really fun!

Yeah, and I think my hypothesis was right. There

Don't seem to be any dinosaurs here at all.

Well, we should really explore and investigate around

The place to test your hypothesis, buddy.

Hmm. That's an excellent idea.


Hey. I'm travis troodon.

[Shudders] hi. I'm tiny pteranodon, and

This is my brother buddy and my mom and dad and shiny and don.



So you're a troodon? You look different from the

Troodons on the dinosaur train.

Yeah. I'm a northern troodon. We're different

Because we got a lot more feathers, eh.

So there are dinosaurs at the north pole after all.

Most definitely!


Heh heh heh! Guess your hypothesis was wrong, buddy.

Yeah, but I have a new hypothesis. Travis, I bet your

Extra feathers help you live up here where it's cold.

Well, bingo, little guy.

Like all troodons, I make lots of heat inside my body, and

That helps to keep me warm, eh, and all these extra feathers

Help me hold onto that warmth.

And your eyes are extra big.

Do they help you see better in the dark?

They do help me hunt in the dark. We're omnivores. We eat

Meat and plants and, like, pretty much whatever we can

Find up here.

There can't be anything else living up here in the dark, can


Oh, yeah! Lots of creatures!

Duck-billed hadrosaurs, reptiles, even furry, little

Mammals. Ooh! Like that guy!

[Chomp] aah!

[Gulp] um, no further questions.

Oh, come on. I'll show you around. You can meet my friends.

How long is this winter night, travis?

Oh, it's long. It will be many more weeks before we can

See the sun again.

That must be hard living in the dark for so long.

Oh, I don't know. You get used to it.

But don't you ever get bored?

Oh, no way! There are lots of fun things to do on a long

Winter night. Follow me!


Heh heh.


Oh, oh, oh! Ha ha ha!

Whoa! Oh! Ha ha ha!

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha ha!

Dad, can I hold your hand?

Sure, shiny. Here you go.

Whoa, whoa!

Ha ha ha!

Don't worry. You get used to it. I used to fall down, too.

Hold on. I'll call my friends.

Hey, you guys! This is the pteranodon family. They were

Asking what we northern troodons do for fun all winter.

We play knock the frozen gourd around!

Knock the frozen gourd around? What's that?

Well, we use a stick to slap this little gourd across the

Ice, see, and then we try to hit the gourd into that goal

Over there, and that guy tries to stop us.


What do you say, team? Let's try it!


Go, team pteranodon!

[Laughing and cheering] whoa, whoa, aah!

[Squawk] excuse me.


Coming through!

Check it out, eh?

Oh, yeah!

♪ Go, shiny go, shiny

Go, shiny go, shiny ♪

Oh, whoa!



You guys ok?

Yeah. I think we're not very good at knock the frozen gourd


Hey. No prob, bob. There's lots of other things to do in

The winter here.

Like what?

Like have you ever made a snow dinosaur?


Great! I'll show you how.

You guys go ahead. I'm gonna play one more round with these


Ok. Start by rolling up a big snowball.

Ha ha ha!

Boy, what a perfect day at the north pole.

Well, not perfect. We still need to see snow fall out of

The sky like dad said.

Travis, do you think we'll get to see snow fall out of the


[Sniffs] hmm. We northern troodons can

Usually smell when it's gonna snow.

I think I can smell snow!

Really? Snow is gonna fall out of the sky?


Snow, snow! Come on and snow!

[Train whistle blows] uh-oh. There's the dinosaur

Train, kids. We'd better get going.


Don't worry, don. We'll come back to the north pole again.

[Squawk] sure. Maybe next winter.

Next winter? But that's forever from now.

Hey. What are all those little white things falling out of

The s--ohh!


Heh heh heh! You're right, don! It's snow, kids!

It's snow!



Now I can dance!

♪ It's the season for train rides and snowing

The reason everybody's going to the great big dinosaur

Holiday in the snow ho ho ho ♪

♪ Troodons are gonna be a-swingin'

Come on, everybody's singin' at the great big dinosaur

Holiday in the snow ♪ all right. Give her, travis!

♪ And tonight the snowflakes are gently gonna fall ♪

♪ We'll dance together we're gonna shake a feather

We're gonna have a ball it will be big fun

Our eyes will be glowin' come on

It's time to be goin' to the great big dinosaur

Holiday in the snow ♪ let's go!

[Cheering] careful!

This is fun, eh?

Missed me!

Coming through!

♪ And tonight the snowflakes are gently gonna fall ♪

♪ We'll dance together we're gonna shake a feather

We're gonna have a ball it's the season

For train rides and snowing the reason everybody's going

To the great big dinosaur holiday in the snow

To the great big dinosaur holiday in the snow ♪

[Giggling] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and these are both troodons.

But they look different!

Great observation. They are different. Troodons lived way

Up north in the arctic and also way down south. We don't know

For sure, but it's possible that troodons living in the far

North had more feathers to help keep them warm.

Like wearing a coat!

Just like humans wear coats to stay warm, some birds use a

Thicker covering of feathers, and dinosaurs like troodon may

Have done the same thing.

[Doorbell rings] point of fact! Troodons did

Not play games like ice hockey.


Thank you.

Well, that's true, but troodons living way up north

Probably did see some ice and snow during the winter.


Can you think of any animals alive today with feathers or

Fur that live in cold climates?


That's true. Some bears grow extra fur on their bodies to

Help them stay warm during really cold winter months, and

During winter, there's lots of...


Back in the age of dinosaurs, though, it was a lot

Warmer than it is today, so the north pole wasn't covered in

Snow and ice all the time.

Well, that's all for now. Keep watching for more dinosaur


Dinosaurs had feathers!

Troodons have feathers?

Like me!

Whoa! They're amazing!

Well, thanks, buddy.

I'm a northern troodon.

We're different because we got a lot more feathers, eh.

We're looking for a match for this feather.

Hmm. Looks familiar.

I wish I had your amazing feathers. Can we compare this

One to yours?


The feather mystery is solved! Whoo-hoo!

♪ Every day, I go down to the station

And look on down the shining tracks

Then I hear that old lonesome whistle blowing

And I'm so glad that old train is coming back

Because I love trains ♪ ♪ whoo whoo ♪

♪ I just love trains well, I can't explain

But I won't complain I only know that I love trains ♪

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Ride to troodon town for a big mid-winter celebration, so come

On along with me on the dinosaur train! All aboard!

Ooh! Look at that tree! It's so tall and skinny without


That one's not tall at all, and those bushes are really

Bare. I bet some herbivores came by and ate all the leaves.

[Sighs] I've always loved this time of



Well, when I was a little pteranodon, my family always

Celebrated the shortest day of the year, the day with the

Least amount of sunlight. We called it winter solstice.

How did you celebrate it?

Did you have a party? I love parties!

Wait a minute! When you were little?

Believe it or not, don, I was once a little pteranodon

Just like you.

So does that mean you sometimes forgot to wash your

Hands before you ate or wipe your feet before you got into

Your nest?

Heh. Maybe, but that was when I was little, way before I

Was mom.

I knew it!

But what about the shortest day of the year? Did you have a


We did, and the thing that I really loved to do the most was

Helping my brothers and sisters decorate my family's nest. We

Used the branches of really tall evergreen trees. They're

Called conifers.


Hey. Can we decorate our nest with conifers?

Oh! That sounds like a wonderful idea!

[Cheering] except, where are we going

To find those evergreen trees?

Yeah. Is there anywhere around here where those really

Tall conifer trees grow?

I couldn't help but hear your questions, so I can't help

But answer them.

Hey! I remember seeing a tree like that. A herbivore was

Eating its branches.

Excellent observation, buddy. Most conifers are

Evergreens, which means they're green and tasty all year round.

How tall can conifers get?

Well, they grow taller than any tree I've ever seen.

Even taller than me?


Hi! The rest of me is in the observation car.

No tree can be taller than ned.

Especially when he really stretches his brachiosaurus

Neck up high.

You mean, like this? Hmm?

Mm! Leaves! Delicious!

Now that's a long neck, but believe it or not, some

Conifers can grow even taller than our friend ned.


And yet the mighty conifer starts from one of these, a

Seed cone.


I have a hypothesis. I think that the seed cone must have

Little seeds that the conifer trees grow from.

I don't know, buddy. How could something that small ever

Grow into something as huge as a giant conifer tree?

Well, great big trees have to come from somewhere.

Maybe soon, you'll get the chance to test buddy's


Mr. The conductor, did you know that my mom was little

Once, too, and she liked to celebrate the shortest day of

The year?

Interesting, mr. The don. I know all about the shortest day

Of the year because we troodons also celebrate the winter

Solstice. We visit the biggest conifer, and then we have a

Huge party.

You visit the biggest conifer?

And have a huge party?

Yep! If anyone wants to see some big conifers, then you

Better get off at troodon town, where you can visit the biggest

Ones ever.

[Squawk] oh! Oh! Can we stop? Can we get

Off the train and see the biggest conifers?

Sure we can, hon.

If mom wants to see a huge conifer, then so do we!

Wonderful! We'll all have a great time. Oh, speaking of

Time, time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!

Next stop troodon town! Troodon town in another part of the

Cretaceous time period.

[Squawk] oh! The troodons are getting

Off the train to celebrate!

It's just like when I was a little pteranodon! Ha ha ha!

[Humming] hey! There's some green

Trees! Are they conifers?

They aren't that big.

Yeah. They don't look big enough to be conifers.

Nope. Those are evergreens, but they're the small kind. The

Big conifers are up that hill.

Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find some big


Great idea, mrs. "P"! Let's go!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Squawk] mom, don't run.

[Squawk] oh, well.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Squawk] ooh!

Whoa! These trees are huge!

Yeah! Bigger than anything I ever imagined!

Yeah! Even taller than me!

I know I've never seen trees this big before.

[Gasp] big, big conifer!

Whoa! That's so tall!

Pteranodon family, meet the araucaria conifer. It's

Probably-- the tallest tree any of you

Will ever see!

Right! I was gonna say that.

Ohh! Duh! Mom?!

Hello, son! Home for the holidays, are you? Were you

Ever gonna drop by and visit me?

Well, yeah, mom. I was ju--i was just gonna come and see

You--i mean, just-- hello, mrs. Conductor!

Well, hello, kids! So nice to see you again! Are you here

For the winter solstice celebration, too?

Yeah. The conductor is showing us the biggest conifer.

Oh, yes. It's huge! And don't forget the little baby

Conifers, too!

Baby conifers?

The ones you're almost standing on. Ha ha!

Whoops! Sorry!

Hmm. Buddy, do you remember your hypothesis?

Yeah. That great big conifers must grow from little,

Tiny seeds. Wow! So these little conifers will grow and

Grow until they become those huge conifers?

Hmm. The same-shaped branches as the big conifers,

Same color.

[Sniffs] oh! And definitely the same


So these are the same kind of trees as those big ones.

Hmm. Seed cone, conifer.

Cone, conifer.

Don, you are exactly right.

Conifers come from the seeds in those cones.

Buddy, your hypothesis was right. Seed cones grow into big


Yep! It's just like our family. Your mom and I started

Out as little pteranodons, and now we're grownup sized!

And buddy started out as a little tyrannosaurus, but

Someday, you'll be huge.

Yeah! Rawwr!

Boww! Arr! Oh, yes! Even my sonny boy used to be a wee,

Little troodon once, and then he grew up straight and tall

Just like a conifer! Aw, look at him now.

Aw, gee, mom.

And he's the best darned winter solstice tree decorator

In troodon town! Right, sonny boy?

Well, ha ha ha!

I love tree decorating. What do you troodons use?

Oh, well, berries. We weave sticks into different shapes.

We find seed cones and all kinds of different cones and

Holly leaves.

[Squawk] oh! Come on, everybody! Let's

Find some right now. Ha ha ha!

[Squawk] come on, everybody!

Ha ha ha!

[Humming] wow.



The tree is almost perfect.


Mm-hmm. It's missing something. Ohh! There's nothing

At the way up tippy-top. We need to put something all the

Way up there.

Hmm. Ohh!

How about this?

[Squawk] that is perfect!

Mom, dad, isn't there some way we could fly it to the top?


[Squawk] maybe if we do it together?

Yeah. Let's do it, hon.

Buddy. You grab the pine cone.

Hon, you grab buddy, and I'll grab you.

[Cheering] ♪ go, mom, go, dad

Go, buddy go, mom, go, dad

Go, buddy ♪ [cheering]

What a great party! I love parties!

[Squawk] happy winter solstice, everyone!

♪ La la loo ♪ isn't my mom the greatest?


Y-yeah. In fact, all moms are amazing.

Aw, thank you, sonny boy.

Anything for you, mom. Now my favorite part of the winter

Solstice celebration.

We get to decorate the dinosaur train!

[Cheering] oh! It's so beautiful. Just

Like when I was a little pteranodon.

Well, I saved you some green boughs so you can decorate your



Wow! Thanks!

Oh! Time to get back to pteranodon terrace! All aboard!

Bye, mrs. Conductor!

So long! See you soon! Don't be a stranger, sonny boy!

Bye, mom!

[Whistle blows] so this was the shortest day

Of the year?


That's funny because it seemed like the longest.

Well, tomorrow, the days will start getting longer

Again, a little more sunlight every day. I can't wait.

Happy winter solstice, hon.


Yeah! Happy winter solstice!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this giant

Tree is a conifer from the cretaceous time period.

That's really tall!

I'll say. Some ancient conifers like this one grew to

At least feet. There are lots of conifers around today

Like pine, cedar, and fir trees, and some, like redwoods,

Are the tallest living things on earth, way bigger than the

Biggest dinosaurs. Some redwood trees can be over feet tall.

Whoa! That's a big tree.

The leaves or needles of many conifers stay green all

Year long. That's why we call them evergreens. All of these

Amazing trees, including the ones that lived with the

Dinosaurs, have one important thing in common. No matter how

Giant they get, trees start off as small seeds. Pretty cool,

Huh? Well, that's all for now.

Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

Being a big dino might be cool, but how about us little

Ones? I think we rule! We've got the power!

We've got the power!

We've got the mikey and tiny power!


We love playing ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train we're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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