01x21 - Dinosaur Camouflage/Family Scavenger Hunt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x21 - Dinosaur Camouflage/Family Scavenger Hunt

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me the

Conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit some lesothosaurus, a

Dinosaur that's really good at

Hiding, so come on along with

Me on the dinosaur train. All


♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time

There was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching

And said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one

Her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons

, , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny,

And don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪

Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby

Was a different size

With teeth and a tail

And big green eyes

He didn't look anything

Like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a

Pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old

Mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and

I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all

Creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on,

Buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at

Pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine

And rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows]

♪ The dinosaur train ♪


[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

, , , ! Ready or not,

Here I come!

Found you!

Ha ha ha!

Got you, don. Two down, one

To go.

♪ Shiny, where are you? ♪

Ha ha ha!

Got you! I found you all!

Ha ha! But you didn't find


♪ Dad ♪

Dad's pretty big, so he

Should be easy to find.

Nope. Not here.

Hmm. Not here either.

♪ Dad ♪

Ta-da! Here I am!

Wow! What a great hiding

Place. How did you do that?

Well, I just covered myself

With leaves and made like I was

A bush, and I didn't move at


It's like you were part of

The bushes and leaves.

I wonder if anyone could

Ever hide better than dad.

Dad is the best hider of

Everybody everywhere.

Even better than me!

[All laughing]

I love hiding.

Not me! I like to be the

Finder. I just really like

Finding and meeting dinosaurs

More than hiding.

You know, there's a special

Word for when a creature can

Use their body's colors to

Blend into the environment

Around them. It's called


Camouflage? How do they do

That? I mean, how do they

Blend in? I wonder what it must

Feel like.

You know, buddy, I just

Don't have all the answers, but

I know somebody who might.

The conductor!

Can we go on the dinosaur

Train and ask him about

Camouflage? Please!

Ok. I'll take these two

Camouflage investigators to the


While shiny, don, and I have

A great day at the beach.


Camouflage! Whoo-hoo!

Train whistle blows.

Hello, pteranodons and t.


♪ Hello, mr. Conductor ♪

Ready for a train ride?

Just a sec!

All aboard!

Hi, there, mr. Engineer.

Ok. I'm ready. Hey, guys!

Hello, tiny.

Tickets, please.

Mr. Conductor, we were

Playing hide-and-seek this

Morning. You should have seen

How good dad was at hiding.

He used camouflage. That's a

Big, new word mom taught us. I

Bet you know all about it.

Your mom is absolutely right.


And, yes, I do know about

Camouflage. All of these

Animals use their body color to

Blend into their surroundings.

It helps them survive by hiding

From predators, you know,

Creatures who want to eat them,

And that is camouflage.

Camouflage--blending in with

The stuff behind you so

Predators won't be able to find


That was amazing, tiny! Good


Look, buddy. All those

Creatures are hiding just like

Dad did back at the nest except

They're doing it even better.

We can't see them at all.

Hmm. A butterfly, a lizard,

And a bird, but none of them

Are dinosaurs. Mr. Conductor,

Are there any dinosaurs who use


Oh, but of course. They're

Just usually not big dinosaurs.

It would be pretty hard to hide

Laura giganotosaurus or ned

Brachiosaurus because, well,

They're really big, but this

Little dinosaur called

Lesothosaurus is one of the

Best ever at using camouflage.

So lesothosaurus are light

Brown with dark brown stripes.

And they can hide really


That's what I've heard.

Maybe someday, we can see a


Or try to see one--because

They can hide so well.

Well, you're in luck because

I know there's a lesothosaurus

Family who lives at the next



Hmm. A dinosaur family who

We've never met and who are

Really good at hiding.

Using camouflage!


How can I say no? I can't!

Let's go on an expedition.


It's that time. Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching!


Next stop, lesothosaurus

Landing train station in the

Jurassic time period.


Good luck finding that

Camouflaged lesothosaurus

Family. This expedition, you're

Really gonna need it.


Bye! Ha ha!

I don't see anyone, do you?

I don't, but they're

Camouflaged, so we should look

For them really carefully.

Well, I'm a great finder,

Remember? I'll find them.

Hello. Anybody there?

Nobody here either. Tiny,

Maybe you can fly up there and

Look in the branches.

Great idea, buddy.


No camouflaged dinosaurs up

Here either.

Everything around here is

Pretty brown, so if the

Lesothosaurus are brown, too,

We'll never find them.

This is the hardest game of

Hide-and-seek ever!


It's hot, too. Let's cool off

In the shade for a minute.

Maybe lesothosaurus are so

Good at using camouflage that

We've already searched where

They're hiding.

You might be right, buddy.

Yeah. I guess we might never

See them. Lesothosaurus

Probably want to hide from


I don't just hide from



Did you say that?

No. I thought you said it.

Well, then who said that?

Don't look at me.

Hello? I someone hiding

Right here right next to us?

Excuse me. Hello. I'm mrs.


Hi. I'm tiny pteranodon.

This is buddy and my mom. It's

Nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you, too,

Tiny. Hi, buddy and mrs.




I wonder have any of you

Seen my daughter leslie?

We haven't met your

Daughter, but I think we might

Have just heard her.

That sounds like my leslie.

She's pretty shy around

Strangers and likes to hide.

Here I am. Hee hee hee!

Is that you, leslie?

Hee hee hee!

Whoa! That's amazing. I can

Year, but I can't see you.

Really good camouflage, leslie.

Leslie, you're such a fast


Hey, tiny.


Ha ha! You're talking to a


Not a bush. I'm trying to

Talk to a dinosaur named

Leslie, who I'd really like to


Yeah, leslie. Come out and

Play with us. We won't hurt you.

We're really super friendly.

You sound really friendly.

It would be nice to make some

New friends.

So come on out so we can see


Well, sometimes, I think

It's easier to hide and watch

Other creatures make friends

Instead of making them myself.

But, leslie, there's nothing

More fun than making friends.

You know, leslie, I get

Nervous sometimes when I meet

New dinosaurs. I think that

Maybe they won't like me, but

You don't have to worry about

That because we already know

That we like you.

Um, hi.


Sorry. I'm tiny pteranodon.

It's great to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too, tiny.


Um, hi.

I've never seen creatures

Who look like you guys and who

Are so friendly.

Well, there's no one

Friendlier than tiny.

Tiny will talk to any

Creature, and it doesn't matter

If they're really huge or

Really tiny.

Leslie's just the opposite.

Lesothosaurus only usually hide

From predators, but leslie

Likes to hide from everyone.

Well, leslie, you're the

Most amazing hider we've ever


I just like to hide a lot!

That's who I am. Watch. My skin

Color is so much like the color

Of the rocks that you can't

Even see me because I don't

Move at all.

Cool. Let me try.

Ha ha ha! Buddy, are you

There? I can't see anything

Around this big, orange rock.

Ha ha ha!


How about this for camouflage?

Wow! Is that the bush or

Buddy I'm looking at?

I guess it's a t. Rex bush.


Good one, leslie.

Yeah. I guess I'm not very

Good at using camouflage.

Nothing like you, leslie, but

I'm good at being a t. Rex.


Aah! Run and hide!



I wish you didn't have to

Leave. I'm having so much fun,

And I'm not even hiding.

Well, now I am.

Hmm. Found you two! Come on


Hiding is fun, but it's fun

To meet new creatures, too, and

There are so many to meet.

How do you do it, tiny? How

Is it so easy for you to talk

To other creatures and not be


Hmm. I can't really say, but

I can sure sing it.

♪ I'm not the biggest dinosaur

In fact, I'm kind of tiny

I don't have teeth

Or scary claws

But it doesn't make me whiney

Whenever I meet someone new

I march right up

And what I do

Is say, "hello, there

Nice to meet you

My name is tiny"

I've met a lot of dinosaurs

And some of them were scary

And when I stand

Right next to them

I'm kind of ordinary

But if I'm friendly

They are, too

And when I say

"It's nice to meet you"

Then they say

"Well, hey, the same to you

It's nice to meet you, tiny" ♪


Hello, there, pteranodon

Family. Hope you had a nice

Trip. Meet any lesothosaurus?

We did!

A really nice one named

Leslie. She's--

Hey. Where'd she go?

Leslie, where are you?

Hi. I'm leslie. It's nice to

Meet you mr. Conductor.

The pleasure is all mine,

Miss lesothosaurus.

Wow, leslie! You did it! You

Walked up and introduced

Yourself to someone new.

I couldn't have done it if I

Hadn't met you and buddy. You

Really helped me. Thanks!

You're welcome!

Great to meet you!

All aboard!

Buddy, tiny, time to head

Home. Bye, lesothosaurus family.



Come visit our nest sometime.

We'll play hide-and-seek!

And I'll bet you'll be

Harder to find than our dad!


[Train whistle blows]

Ha ha ha!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is


I don't see a dinosaur.

Well, this dinosaur is using


What's camouflage?

Well, an animal is

Camouflaged when it blends in

With its surroundings to hide

From other creatures. There.

Now can you see the dinosaur.

We don't for sure if

Lesothosaurus had camouflage

Coloring, but some dinosaurs

Must have. Lots of animals

Living today use camouflage,

Either to hide from predators

Or to hide when they're

Hunting. Now can you find the

Polar bear in this picture?

It's right here.

There's the polar bear.

Right. Now can you find the

Butterfly in this picture?

I see it! There's the


That's it. Ok. Last one. Can

You find the frog in this

Picture? It blends in really


I see it. It's a frog!

Good eyes. This is an asian

Leapfrog. Pretty amazing

Camouflage, huh? Hey! Where'd

You guys go?

Oh. Now the kids are using

Camouflage. Ok. Keep watching

For more dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs had feathers!

Troodons have feathers?

Like me!

Whoa! They're amazing!

Well, thanks, buddy.

I'm a northern troodon.

We're different because we got

A lot more feathers, eh.

We're looking for a match

For this feather.

Hmm. Looks familiar.

I wish I had your amazing

Feathers. Can we compare this

One to yours?


The feather mystery is

Solved! Whoo-hoo!

♪ All aboard

All aboard

Let's take a ride

On the dinosaur train

Here she comes right on time

The dinosaur train's coming

Down the line ♪

All aboard! All aboard!

♪ Rattle and bang

Rumble and roar

She's huffing and a-puffing

Like a hurricane

Let's take a ride

On the dinosaur train ♪


Hello, folks. It's me the

Conductor. Today, we'll take a

Look at a cretaceous plant

That's a carnivore. That's

Right--a plant that eats bugs,

So come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Indistinct chatter]

Ok. Now we're playing be a

Plant, then stay still.

So be a plant or a tree.

I'm a tree!

Me, too!

I'm a big plant with wavy


Ok. Now stay still.

I'm a wavy plant, and I like

To eat animals and bugs and


Don, there's no such thing

As a plant that eats those


There is now!


Don, come back and be still!

Ha ha ha! Ok. You make up

The rhymes...

And we'll divide the kids

Into teams.

What are mom and dad

Laughing about?

I don't know. Let's find out.

Oh, what a great idea this


Mom, dad, what are you doing?


Oh, uh, we're making a plan.

That's right. For today.

Ooh! Something for all of us

To do?

Absolutely. It's something

Fun for our whole family.


But what is it?


All right, team pteranodon!

Here's the plan. First, we take

The dinosaur train to--

Ankylosaurus acres?

Stegosaurus forest?

Troodon town?

Uh-uh. We're going to the

Big pond! And there's the

Dinosaur train. Let's go, team.

The dinosaur train!

Mom, I really want to know

What the fun plan is.

Please tell us. Pretty

Please with little fishies on


Are we going fishing or


Or hiding-and-seeking?

Well, we were gonna wait till

We got there, but here goes.

We're doing a family scavenger



A scavenger hunt is when you

Give clues to help you find


A scavenger hunt!

High-two, buddy!




Oh! There's the train. Let's




A scavenger hunt? Oh, you

Pteranodon family, forever

Having fantastic family fun!

Yeah! Maybe we'll have to

Hunt for a really big fish!

Or a conifer tree!

Or a frog!

Or a plant with wavy arms

That eats animals and bugs and


Ha ha ha!

Oh, don. This is a real

Scavenger hunt. We're not gonna

Hunt for a plant that's not

Even real.

Actually, shiny, there is a

Real plant like that.

There is?!

I knew it. Tell us about it

Mr. The conductor.

Indeed I will. This is

Drosera plant. It's actually a

Plant that's a carnivore.

A carnivore, like me?

That's right. The drosera

Eats the bugs that land on it.

They end up down its tube.


Well, all living things eat.

Carnivores eat meat, herbivores

Eat plants, and plants need

Water and sunlight, but some

Plants, like the drosera, need

More. They need bugs!



So we might find drosera

Plants at the big pond?

Yep. Maybe you'll see one on

This trip or maybe another

Time. Oh! Speaking of time,

We're here! Big pond! Next

Stop, big pond! Good luck,

Pteranodon family, and happy

Hunting! Scavenger hunting,

That is.




Ok, team pteranodon. Let's

Huddle by the puddle. Listen

Close. I know you can because

Here's the super scavenger hunt

Plan. Hon.


There are things all of you

Are going to hunt for.

Different things?

Right, but there will be

Clues that rhyme.


I love rhymes!


Oh, and one more thing. Your

Mom and I think it would be fun

To divide into teams.

Goody! I love teams!

It will make the scavenger

Hunt even more fun!

So each team will get the

Same clue and search for the

Same item.

Ok! I'll decide the teams!

Thanks, shiny, but dad and I

Have already decided the teams.

Team one is tiny, don, and me.

Team two is shiny, buddy, and



Rawwr! Good teams, mom!

All right. Ready for your

First clue? That's the rhyme

About the item you'll be

Looking for. You solve it

Together as a team. Take it

Away, hon.

Listen carefully, kids. We

Found him by digging in the

Ground. His parts were

Scattered all around. A

Skeleton from his toes to his

Head, this fellow's name is...



Good luck, buddy and shiny

And dad!

Thanks! Good luck to you


"We found him by digging."

"A skeleton."

"Toes to his head." Is it

Something in don's collection?

Hmm. "A skeleton from his

Toes to his"--oh! Mom, tiny,

It's fossil fred!


You're right, don! Hurry! Let's

Fly there!

Fossil fred!

Good clue, mom and dad.

It's amazing that this was

Once a living dinosaur.

Yeah. These fossils are

Really old bones that turn into


That's our fossil fred. Ok.

What's the next clue, mom?

Ahem. I have it. Heh. Listen

Carefully. A shell on his back

Is one of his features, and he

Borrowed it from some other

Creature. He's a friendly guy,

And he likes to gab. This

Fellow is a...


A shell on his back. A



But he borrowed his shell.

Hmm. Oh! I bet it's a shell on

The beach! Come on!


Let's get to the beach! Hurry!

Ha ha ha!

"He's a friendly guy, and he

Likes to gab. This fellow is

A"...hermit crab!

Oh, right! Henry! His home

Is a shell! Good one, shiny.


Start looking under every

Shell, buddy and dad.


Where you hiding?

Where are you?

Henry! Wait! I think I see

Some little feet sticking out

Of that one! Henry, it's me,


Ha ha! Shiny? Hey. My old

Pals shiny and buddy and mr.

Pteranodon. What's new?

We're on a scavenger hunt,

And one of the clues was about


Ha ha, hey! I like being a

Clue! Glad I could be of


Henry, I observe that you

Have the same shell you had the

Last time we saw you.

Right! I haven't grown out

Of my shell yet, but pretty

Soon, I'll have to vamoose and

Find another empty shell to

Move into.

That's what hermit crabs do!

Ok, mom and dad. What's the

Next clue for the scavenger



I wish I was bigger. Then I

Could play the game, too.

Wait! I have an idea.


Ahem. The clue--this likes

To eat all kinds of bugs. I

Repeat, to it, bugs are a

Treat. It might eat a beetle,

It might eat an ant. It grows

In the ground. It's a...


Maybe I can come along and,

You know, help with the clues.


I'll carry you, henry. Come on!

"This likes to eat all kinds

Of bugs." I like it already,

Whatever it is.

"It might be a beetle, it

Might be an ant." Hey! "Plant"

Rhymes with "ant." Mom, don! I

Bet it's the drosera plant

That the conductor told us


Yeah! Let's look where all

The flowers are.


Oh, bug-eating plant!

♪ La la loo ♪

Where are you? Hee hee hee!

If it eats bugs, does the

Plant have a tummy?

Remember the picture the

Conductor showed us? Kind of

Had a tube for a tummy.

Hey! Lots of bugs flying



The drosera plant just like

The conductor's picture!

Look. A bug just landed on

It. Whoa! The bug went down its


Well, that's where the

Drosera plant eats the bug. You

See, it has sweet nectar on its

Inside, and that makes bugs

Want to land on it. Then the

Plant slowly eats it.

Wow! This is my new favorite




Ok. Next clue, please.

Great job, team pteranodon!

You found items on the

Scavenger hunt, and now the

Fourth and final clue.

This dinosaur has teeth, a

Tail, and -toed feet. He's

Really friendly, really sweet,

A creature everyone likes to



"Lots of teeth."

"And -toed feet."

"Really sweet."

"It's a creature everyone

Likes to meet." Who do we like

To meet?

It sounds like some kind of

Theropod. I wonder if it's a


"Lots of teeth."

"A creature everyone likes

To meet."

Heh. I got a pretty good

Idea who it is.

It's buddy!


You're right! It's buddy!

My teammate is the answer!

It's my brother buddy!

Buddy, we were both clues!


That scavenger hunt was the


But who won?

Won? Well, we all won! Great

Job, team!

Thanks, mom and dad! That

Was fun!


We had so much fun, too, but I

Bet all that scavenger hunting

Made you all hungry. How about

Some lunch? Fish for everybody!


Yeah, but not hermit crabs,



A scavenger hunt, some

Rhymes and lunch with a family

That I love a bunch! We got

Clues and figured them out.

And that's what a scavenger

Hunt's about! Scavenger hunt!

Scavenger hunt!

♪ Scavenger hunt ♪


Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is the

Drosera plant, also called a

Sundew. Now most plants get all

Their energy from sunlight, but

A few, like this one, actually

Get some of their energy from

Eating insects.

Plants that eat insects?

Yep. The insects go to the

Plant hoping to find food, but

Instead, they get stuck on the

Hairs and are eaten by the

Plants. There were drosera

Plants during the time of the

Dinosaurs, and today, they're

Found on every continent except

Antarctica, and they come in

Lots of different sizes,

Shapes, and colors.

Hungry plants?

The most famous

Insect-eating plant is called

The venus flytrap.

Venus flytrap.

It's just a small plant, but

When an insect lands on one of

Its leaves, it closes, trapping

The bug.

Mmm. Tasty bugs!

Ok. Remember, get outside,

Get into nature, and make your

Own discoveries.

Did you know that the

Dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There

Was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the jurassic. It

Was a warm, damp climate full

Of both jungles and forests.

The first known birds and many

Of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the

Jurassic, and that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur


Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ And we figured it out ♪

♪ We figured it out ♪

♪ We worked together

And figured it out ♪


Wow! Great!

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train

Dinosaur train

We're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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