01x22 - Have You Heard About The Herd?/Jess Hesperornis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x22 - Have You Heard About The Herd?/Jess Hesperornis

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me, the conductor. Today, we're going to

Meet an einiosaurus. Actually, we'll meet his herd, a big group

Of his species. So come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [train whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

Woo hoo!

Cretaceous picnic grounds, here we come!

You two sure are excited.

I know. We're having a picnic. It's not every day

We eat outdoors. Wait.

Actually, we do.

But we don't always take the train to do it.

[Both chuckling] tickets. Tickets, please.

Well, hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

It's just tiny and mom and me today. Dad and shiny and don

Went on a fishing trip.

So we'll have a yummy fish dinner when we get back tonight.

If we have room in our tummies after our picnic.

[Chuckles] you pteranodons make me smile.

Such a tight-knit family.

That's what a family is, mr. Conductor. We stick

Together, live in our nest together, and eat a lot of fish


Well, did you know that there are all different kinds of

Dinosaur families? Some are quite large, and some don't even

Live in the same place all the time.

Even our family's different.

We're pteranodons and one t-rex. That makes us special.


That's true.

[Squawks] it is true. We're not going far

Today, mr. Conductor. Just to the cretaceous picnic grounds.

Popular destination. Everyone in the next car is heading

There, too.

[Distant laughter and shouting] sounds like they're having


Let's go see what's so funny.

Ha ha!


Look at them all.

And look at those pointy horns.

Hi. I'm ernie einiosaurus.

Hi. I'm tiny, and this is buddy.

You guys don't look like einiosaurus.

Ha ha! We're not. We heard laughing, and we had to find out

What the joke was.

Looks like the joke is "how many einiosaurs does it take to

Fill a car on the dinosaur train?"

And the answer is a whole train car full.

Oh, this is only part of my family. We're meeting the rest

At the cretaceous picnic grounds.

Hey, that's where we're going.

No kidding? Then maybe we can picnic together.

Oh, there you two are. I wondered where you went off to.

Mom, this is ernie.

He invited us to picnic with his family.

Well, that's very nice, but we should check with ernie's


It's fine! Love to have you!


Ok, then. Thanks!

[Gasps] goodness, ernie. You certainly

Have a large family.

Ma'am, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Ernie! Grammar!

Sorry. I mean, you haven't seen anything yet.

[Whistle blows] what did ernie mean by we

"Haven't seen anything yet"?

Well, what ernie meant was-- actually, let me show u.

The einiosaurus have a different kind of family.

Einiosaurus travel together, and they're proud of their

Distinctive nose horns.

Who wouldn't be? Those things are awesome. But what are they


[Giggles] I think I hear a hypothesis

Coming up.


Actually, hold that hypothesis, buddy, 'cause first

There's a tunnel coming up.

Ahem. Time tunnel! Time tunnel!

[Bell rings] next stop, einiosaurus playing

Station in another part of the cretaceous time period.

Now, before you head off, buddy, I believe you had a hypothesis.

My hypothesis is that ernie belongs to one really huge


Interesting. I bet you'll be able to test that hypothesis

'Cause there it is-- the cretaceous picnic grounds.

[Gasps] whoa! It's picnic heaven.

[Snorting and rumbling] aah! Mom! Tiny! Look out!

Have a great time, pteranodons. Ernie's family

Picnics are known to be big and pretty, uh, active.

Ok. We're all off the train.

Want to go meet the rest of us?

Wait. There's more of your family?

Ha ha! Come on!

[Distant conversation] and this is where my family

Picnics. Actually, we call our group a herd.

Wow, ernie. Your herd is huge!

Super huge. You must have so many kids in your family.

Yeah. Lots and lots of brothers and sisters.

Actually, I only have a mom and a dad and two sisters.

They're around here somewhere.

We have two other kids in our family, too--shiny and don.

So your family isn't any bigger than ours.

Yeah. I have a regular-size family, but my herd is huge.

It's actually a bunch of small families that make up one big


My herd travels around together and we find food

Together and protect each other.

So, a lot of small families make up a big herd. This is

Different, isn't it, tiny?

Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah?


[Gasps] oh! Ernie! Two of your family

Members are fighting!

[Squawks] someone's t to stop them!

Naw. That's just uncle jack and cousin ralph. Watch what

They do.


[Both grunting] so it's not a real fight?

Nope, just practicing.

Practicing? Practicing what?

Scaring animals with their horns?

Well, when you live in a herd like we do, we do protect each

Other from predators.

Oh, it certainly is impressive, ernie.

Thanks, mrs. Pteranodon, but mostly what the big grownups do

Like my uncle jack is help lead the herd.

Which one's uncle jack?

Want to meet him?


Uncle jack!

Ernie! Ha ha ha! How's it going, nephew?

Good. Meet my friends--mrs.

Pteranodon, tiny, and buddy.



Nice to meet you.

That practice fight was amazing!

Yeah, you liked it, huh?

Well, there's a lot of us einiosaurus to lead, and we are

Ju like one big, happy family.

You mean one big, happy herd.

[All laugh] yeah, that's right. Ha ha ha!

Our herd really sticks together.

And we have fun.

That's what I'm talking about. So, do you know any


Oh, that's what ralphie and I were doing.

Playing a game called king of the herd.

Like the game we play at home--king of the hill.

I even play sometimes, right, unc?

All right! Can we play?

Now, tiny, don't get carried away. You don't have horns.

Ernie doesn't have a big horn.

Not yet, I don't, but I will.

You bet youill. Someday he'll grow a nasal horn just

Like mine.

A nasal horn?

Yep, this horn on my nose.

But they're just for show, to impress the other dinosaurs,

So there's no reason ernie, or even tiny and buddy, can't play.

Yay! Woo hoo!

Ok, kids. Now you play king of the herd by circling each


Sort of like a dance.

That's right, and then this is the key: act tough.

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Like this?


Bingo! The idea is to look tough and scary, to intimidate

The other guy, then you run past each other like you mean


Like we're king of the herd.

Right. Ok. Ready, set, intimidate!

[All roaring] watch out! Here I come!


Ha ha ha! I'm ready!

[Screeches] [all laughing]

Ah, nice job. I'm so glad you're interested in our

Einiosaurus ways.

Buddy and tiny are always curious.

Say, you haven't had a shot yet, mrs. Pteranodon.

Me? Oh, I couldn't.

Hey, we're always looking to groom new leaders for the herd.

It's a real important job.

Come on, mom.

Queen of the herd!

Well, I guess I could try it once.

[Squawks] yeah! Go, mom!

Woo hoo! You can do it!


[Inhales] [screeches]

Whoa. That's one mean face.

Glad we don't see that very often.

[All laugh] [screeching louder]


That was a mean growl!

Ha ha ha! Good job!

Way to go, mrs. Pteranodon.

[Giggles] you were so intimidating,



So this is what it's like to feel like part of the herd.

Feels warm and safe. Hey, do you want to play more?

Sure, but maybe after we eat.

Playing king of the herd made me really hungry.

Yeah. Me, too, so...

Let's eat!

Mmm mmm mmm! What a meal.

That was one yummy picnic.

So, you guys got to learn about herds today, but I still

Don't know what it's like to live in a single family group

Like you.

It's great, too, in its own way.

We sleep and eat in our nest on a cliff in pteranodon


And we're almost always together.

And we all love to fish.

Yeah, and we travel a lot.

We can go anywhere at the drop of an egg.

We always ride the dinosaur train and only take up two


It does sound really fun and so different from us


But that's great. We're all different.

You're right, buddy.

We're all creatures with different features.

[Train whistle blows] aw! There's our train.

Time to go, kids.

Thanks for having us, ernie.

And for teaching us about herds.

You're welcome. Thanks for visiting.

Uncle jack, thanks for letting us play king of the

Herd. It was a blast.

And it was great to meet you all. Come visit the herd


We will!


So long, pteranodon family!

Heh heh! Well, we definitely "herd" that.

[All laughing] mom did such a great job

Being intimidating. The herd loved it.

And ernie's uncle showed us how to play king of the herd.

He could really use that nasal horn of his.

That's a nose horn, and one day ernie will have one

Just like his uncle. And then watch out!

Hmm. I don't know if I'd like living in a herd. Talk about

Sharing the spotlight. I think I'd prefer my family, where I

Can really shine!

It was fun to be with the big herd, but I'm glad to be back

With our little family again.

Rrowr! Let's play king of the herd!

But we're not really a herd, buddy.

We're a pteranodon/t-rex herd. Dad, want to be king of

Our herd?

[Snoring] I think dad's asleep.

[Sputtering] huh?

[All laughing] oh, dad.

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is





Now what's the first thing you notice about einiosaurus?

Yeah. Einiosaurus is a horned dinosaur, oreratopsian, just

Like triceratops. Let's compare them. Triceratops had a small

Horn over the nose and huge horns over the eyes. But

Einiosaurus had a large, curved horn over thnose, plus two big

Spikes at the back of his frill.

Scientists think that einiosaurus may have lived in

Large groups called herds. Herds are a great way for herbivores

To defend themselves against predators. More animals in a

Herd means more eyes to watch out for carnivores. Can you

Think of a large, plant-eating animal alive today that lives

In herds?

A wildebeest.

That's a great one.

Wildebeest and einiosaurus have a lot in common: both are big,

Both have horns, and both tend to travel in large herds.

[Wildebeest lowing] ok. Keep watching for more

Dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs were big.

Tiny, look at all these dinosaurs.

Oh! They're huge!

Someday I'm going to be one of the biggest carnivores

On land. Rrowwrr!



I'm a tyrannosaurus rex.

Hi, mrs. Giganotosaurus.

I wonder who really is the biggest dinosaur.

Good question.

Big, he is. Huge!

Whoa, that's one big dinosaur.

[Jazzy tune playing] ♪ I like to sing so free

Like the bebop birdies at the top of the tree

I found a new way to sing a song ♪

Listen up, guys! I got wise!

♪ And there's a way to improvise I like to sing so free

Like the bebop birdies at the top of the tree

I found a new way to sing a song it's got a lot of bebop, yeah! ♪

Ello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we'rgoing

To the big pond to meet a hesperornis. Can it fly?

Can it run? Can it swim?

We'll find out, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

[Surf crashing] ok. Now we're playing a game

Called, "I'm the dinosaur and I live in..." Then you tell us

Where you live. I'll go first.

Ahem. I'm a dinosaur and I live in a tree.

I live in a hole.

[Chuckles] I live in a nest.

I'm a dinosaur and I live in...the water.

Wait. In the water? Is there any kind of dinosaur that lives

In the water?

Yeah. I thought only fish and crabs and turtles live in

The water.

And those creatures definitely are not dinosaurs.

I'm not sure if any dinosaurs live in the water.

Mom, do you know?

Well, I know that many, many creatures live in the water,

Some small, some big, and some really big. But dinosaurs in the


Hey, we could do an investigation at the big pond.

[Squawks] good idea, buddy.

Can we, mom? Please?

[Squawks] I don't see why not. Plus,

I want to find out if dinosaurs live in the water.

Hooray! We're going to the big pond!

And on the way, we can ask the conductor our big question.

To the dinosaur train!

[Squawks] [all laugh]

[Train whistle blows] tickets! Tickets, please!

Mr. Conductor, we have a big question. Is this a good time

To ask?

Oh, this is a perfect time.

I feel smarter than usual.

Ha ha! Let's hear it.

Ok. Is there any kind of dinosaur that lives in

The water?

Behold the hesperornis.

This dinosaur is quite an interesting specimen because,

Yes, it does live in the water.


I knew it. Woo hoo!

The hesperornis looks kind of like a bird. It has small


And a beak and weird feet.

And you're sure it's a dinosaur?

Yep, as sure as I have feathers and a toe claw. And you

Could possibly meet this exceptional hesperornis at the

Big pond. Next stop--big pond!

[Steam hisses] good luck, pteranodon family!

Thanks! Bye!

So if this hesperornis guy lives in the water, we have

To look for him in the water.

Shiny, don, you two fly over there and over there. And,

Buddy, you're a good lookout.

Why don't you climb up high and see if you can spot him?

And what are you going to do?

I'll look right here.

[Humming] I don't see any hesperornis.

[Bubbly rumbling] I'm hungry. Mom, can I go catch

A fish?

[Squawks] sure, don. I'll be right here.

[Gasps] mom, look at the water.


[Distant rumbling] [squawks]

What's going on?

Is it a bch of fish swimming by?

Or one huge fish coming up?

Uh, maybe we should get out of here.

[Splash] [gulps]

Sorry for scaring you there, buddy.

I'm not buddy. I'm don.

Oh. Uh, hi, don. My name's jess. Jess hesperornis. If I

Knew you were going to be here, I would have brought you a fish.

You eat fish?

Hi, jess. I'm tiny pteranodon. This is shiny

And buddy...


And my mom.

[Squawks] hello, hello, hello, and

Hello. I've seen you pteranodons flying around the pond.

Yeah, we do that a lot. Jess, I'm just double-double-checking.

You really are a dinosaur who lives in the water?

I am, tiny.

Yes! A dinosaur that lives in the water!

Actually, I'm a dinosaur and a bird. Pretty neat, huh?

[All gasp] a dinosaur and a bird?

Yep. Hesperornis live in the water, but hold your beaks and

Tails. I also come out of the water sometimes and hang out

On the beach.

I never knew there was a dinosaur like you, and now

We're actually meeting you.

And I'm meeting you.

Hey, friend.

Hey, friend. So you live in the water and walk on land

And swim. You can do it all.

Hmm, we'll see, don.


One thing I know I can do is--hello. Something underwater

Needs my attention. I'll be back before you can say this

Two times: "the happy, hyper hesperornis is forever finding

Fish." Go!

Take it, buddy. Say it twice.

The happy, hyper hesperornis is forever finding fish.

The happy, hyper hesperornis is forever finding--

Did someone say fish?

[Both gulp] that was so fast! How did you

Do it?

I bet jess can do anything.

Well, it's just one of those things that water dinosaurs can

Do. Having these feet helps.

Wow. You have really big feet.

And long toes.

Yeah, they're lobed feet.

These babies really help me go fast. Take look. They turn

Out, then I move them fast through the water, and zip--my

Whole body moves fast with them.

All my feet can do is this.

[All laugh] hesperornis feet are so cool.

I bet you can swim faster than any creature, jess.

Well, I'm not sure if I'm the fastest--

I bet you are, and I think you can swim farther down in

The water than anyone else.

Hmm. I do like diving way down.

Just like I love flying way up.

[Squawks] whoa! That is high up, tiny!

Not too high, tiny.

Ha ha! Oh, mom.

Can we see how far down you can dive, jess?

Well, I don't want to say I can go down really, really far,

But, hey, I can go down really, really far. There, I said it.

All right! You'll dive down for us?

Sure. Why not?

Come on, everybody. Let's watch jess dive and use his big,

Lobed feet.

I always do. Don't forget my flat tail. I use it to change

Direction to the left, to the right. I move it back and forth.

It's just another hesperornis thing I do. Heh heh! Ok. Ready

To watch me dive?


Good! I'll be back in a flash.

[Draws a deep breath] I can still see him.

A little. Gee, barely.

Uh, I can't see him anymore.

Wow. He's been underwater for so long.

Like a fish.

But jess is a dinosaur and a bird. Jess! Hello-o!

Come back up.

I hope jess is ok.

Don't worry, shiny. I'm sure jess is fine. He did say that

Diving is what hesperornis do.

I guess he'll come up when he needs to.

How's it going, g*ng? What did I miss? Anyone for some

Fresh fish?

Yay! Ha ha ha!

You were undeater for so long! We were worried.

You were worried, shiny.

I wasn't. I knew you were just doing what hperornis do.

You got that right, don, but thanks for worrying about me,


So, jess, how far down did you go?

Hmm, I'm not sure. Far enough to see lots of creatures--big,

Small, some with shells, some with teeth, some with tentacles.

I really wish I could dive way down like you, jess.

Hey, can I try?

Don, we don't want you to get hurt. Pteranodons don't dive

Down deep in the water.

We just go in, grab a fish, and pop back out.

Your mom and tiny are right, don. Wboth dive in the water,

But in different ways. But we both want to catch the same


Yeah, I guess so, jess.

But, you know, I can't fish the way you do--flying up and

Diving down.

What? Of course you can.

You can do it all. You swim really fast, dive down

Underwater, catch fish, fly, walk on land, you probably run

Fast, and maybe even climb up trees.

Ha ha! That's really nice of you, don. But, hey, you know,

I have to catch a lot of fish for my family. My mom, dad, and

Brothers have huge appetites.

Anyone want to help?


And I'll be your spotter.

Great! Let's fish!

Hey! There are some fish over there!

Woo hoo!

[Both laughing] [splash]

♪ Shiny the fish-catching flying pteranodon ♪

Aw, good job, everyone!

You' a fun, fantastic, fresh-fish-fetching family

Of totally terrific, tremendous pteranodons!

[All cheering] hey, jess, maybe you can try

To fish like a pteranodon.

You know, fly up and dive down together?

We all can. It'll be fun.

Uh--heh--sorry to tell you, but with these little wings,

There isn't much flying I can do.


Really. Watch.

[Grunting] huh! Oh, ok, I think it's time

For me to get back in the drink.

That means water.

[Splash] and that, folks, is how

A hesperornis flies. Oh, well, I have funny little wings and

A big old neck and great feet and a beautiful beak. Ha!

Life is good.

I like my beak, too.

Me, too!

Me, too. Ahh!

Ha ha! Nice teeth, buddy, like mine. Check out these

Choppers. Ahh!


Hey, you want to use those beaks and eat some of this fish

We caught?


Let's do it!

Race you guys to the fish!

[Humming] huh! I'm not much for racing

When I'm on land.

That's why I like to hang out in the drink. These lobed feet

Are great in the water, but they don't really help me run.

Jess, you know who can really run fast? Buddy.

Buddy, show jess.

I don't think jess really wants to see me run.

Aw, sure I do. Show us, buddy.

[All cheering] go, buddy!

Awesome, buddy, just awesome!

Hey, can we fish more?

Let's go back in the drink.

[Train whistle blows] aw, oops. I bet that's

Your ride home.

Aw! I really wanted to fish more.

We will another time, don.

Jess, it was great to meet you.

Can we be friends now forever?

Aw, absolutely don. Bye, you guys! We'll see each other

Soon! Got to dive!

Bye, jess!

Good fishing with you!

See you soon!

We're a fun, fantastic, fresh-fish-fetching family

Of totally terrific, tremendous pteranodons!

[All laugh] ok, try saying "hesperornis"

Times fast.

Hesperornis, hesperornis, hesperornis!

[All laugh] so fun!

Hi there. I'm d scott the paleontologist, and this is




Hesperornis was a bird that lived during the mesozoic era,

The time of the dinosaurs.

And since all birds are actually dinosaurs, hesperornis was both

A bird and a dinosaur. Now, check out the wings on this


They're tiny wings.

Even though hesperornis was a bird, it couldn't fly.

Instead, it lived in the water and used its big feet to swim

Very fast. Can you think of a bird living today that can't

Fly and lives in the water?


But they're great swimmers, and penguins do have pretty big

Wings that they use for swimming. And there's one thing

That penguins and hesperornis all have in common. They all

Like to eat...


Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time.

The most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous.

And that's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

...and that means fish!

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more fish! ♪


♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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